i« -'. north carolina.['¦m north carolina. jmotrel 50ccessfiÄ expidÏÏ adfdrinl...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Adfdrinl Capture oí Wabtai-gtou.¦a**


Tbe OErted í- .M »""-am transport «fJe >. F''A¡.«><lv.

C'apt Tier.i from Newhern, N. C, Mar!. tt, in

ballast, arrived on Taeiduy mom.g. con»i<.-ued io

the Qm '. mae.r.Tbe l'eiibodfe" ¡»ft in < on roany with the etesni.r

Kew iiraastr.11 an Irow-Yorhi pa»«ed orar theBwasn R.iuday, 11 a. »n. Fonnd at the Inle» thesteam-r Por*. Royal, l'.otu -BW Ysrh| a'' ««e...

Left .,! the lui« t »'esmere New-Hniniwl.k andLaateb.n, having ..n l ovó miny of th" rieb Kin!weaadsd from Ota. Hurueides Division. Ih»ateantrB R.flannlitiasj UM tba Inlet tot For':'»»Monroe an ho'ir p e\io»i» M ou ¿apsitan, bat.g Mb-pktil tome fit the ink and wounded tMBOfanedfrom Ihe Lo S.taBM» A« S p. B., C»j»e Hfl.SMlight beiumg V, Wa, BSSBSd MMMMI Suwsim««-.bound Beaah, probably ilacen»! Inlet 9 p. m. BMMttdttauraer I .i »tern 19.te bo in«! lo the Iulet.Wa aimed at Hametea K-iadt Bl I - on. «'Ill-,

wbe we lound a tarje fleci of tj*t.spoil* si anchor.

|)tiring tbe duy jiaised et-venil MMnnS bOBttd tomb.a i ag the pneastagt » hy tot George PMhedy is

LteaL Col atehart it. Potter fl 'he SlatBegienMN. Y. V., wbii was eo»«-verely wone-led r.î toe bat¬

tle el N'ewi».:". Cet PettiM ~a» tehan to hisbon. Ra. I I'rftvi niery Pun».

Aiiioul' Ih» ronataeflthc killed mboard *t* tjjoee<ef< i-i., .'.iin hrasen* Oept Jahnen ead Lira»» Ali«-nef th» SIM B-ghnett N. Y. V.; Lieu:. Walker. !"n

Jiew-Jtrny; CSfft J.W. Lawton, Company 1, 37thMaieav'tn.-ajtis, I apt. TilliUkjlias', Cmttpaay II, 4thRhode Ir-land; UMt Dstttaj Company I, «*)I»t

Hew Terni i.i» nt.-Col. Manrftt, 'JW MaasBthnsitla]Adjn r.' St«3*vrn«i, Í1»' MflBttnl nicttt.Tu» PtaheSy brought home »evora', t tie Ke- Mb

bort-«*» which <'en*. J*" nuid* end Prater sent bou>ee» Eephtea.

du»-a*, welefl Hewbera, ti»*» enpadit.n nfl to

IVifeii -u, X. C, waa raaanrisf. '- esarietedci tarai .1 gunbo»'», Rial the MsAfeiicbuiet'i îlth

¦agianat, and by the .*he-"it a"d MMMtioa, i» i»

esppowd ppOTod bUvCesef iLi.'.on to Basal».tj uiwcr t_4 n. i'ark bud

not reported ba«-.k, except the .-ap'ure fl 180.MB*-»'"'c by awSBEBEBS.g bofl., u» »lele/', tim: j>la«.e on

Ilia appa a-1. «n .ur trv)ops.'.' r." .: op» and crew» oí the veasei» at Ncwl-trn,

W»)rv al in line h.'slth.The Da.id BEMM flkasa >;ib«jatti the George

jPcbody «.prc-s tb.i.- tdninttett of the masterly.kilt attiA euergy of Cftfft I'ravere in tshlng advan¬tage )f every ehftftM which vaiij-ht promote a tpei Agdi)( .'¦ I _l S lag 'J'.:. * OttlM.tt n*. hM a B Ml BMfui 'ii-'! Brge, and ai«¡«i protin,,' the < nfldeuce andhigh e« m in which he ¡s held by tue Comieanding__M_d *o lie well tttttt ti.Tbe I'ehNfedy ie *.o re.urn iiiimel «:e!y with u

heft" y «"ar.-o ol' tubaialeu M »i«>r«..

Tbe »"fllowiBk] are ihe pt.senders by the IVabody:liedjI.-Col. R. It. P t'er, I'nit'd i*t.*"es Army: I".O ffehot. OtdtedBtstraQeerteHann.rDe|Mr. Cook and Mr. li.it« helder.


DariagSBSternnyaftereoM nd araelng .. ».

number ol' the soldicrt Bttaebed to Iba B meide J.x-

pixlition. who were wounded al ihe Battlefl XeW«bej-iv Bivived in »hi» ¡ty. aboel atghty»!by Map of the Candra »nd d -I »kid, andthe nantednm board fl tbe »(earners rMhedy aadtoi « Hr nsvieb, -hr» t han Rewbare, to, c.

I Ipn the arrival -'I' 'h' .Vi ». .¦; «-.im r a; -.he footPot Baretey Mseel, Gel. HiW' of M..*ka. baeette, with

I Oapft De ITi-f of i»cu. Hn.-n»i.k b.-'ei', 1¿. 11. M -

« v, «'».n. II. II. JIB*»ter of 4'ov. JJ.»lnr<>.'. u »Siati.» v- ted Oat t'my <>f c- mk*«ü» i.-.-.-vvrii the

Msaaded »oldier» and . m eyed then v.),«.. weenttt fatig-nad iu -..r¡¡..i;i aadwagsM te to» i .r»

Barratt. Tbo najority, b iwever, «»,. ara «l (ben¬nion ahurfediintly sl.'e 'o B .ii» h a mile or mo: e, andaotw ithetanding the pidafal Bataro »»' Um wo.in,^,tbe;. pRih»red up lhaii muekets, httapaaebn, eadtrophies, fell into the nuke and Mtwbed - theTar». 1'he larire tne-»-¡o.n. in the iii.r.a -ki» lu.lie» o fir« pared for tbe re« « p'iou o'' »ii« n adoc»oltliei-«. ai. 1 a MMBSM M pMnittMlM>¦.'. m» mon ia BSteadeaee, b^-. eg « ihntee ed i

sert ice» io,- the i lief of the »ilb-rc». \\'oril» .ii

BMMsaly be fonad I .. .«¦.» .!.In a li'l'c time BBBltJ evaryaan Mtt under !h«ht.d» , lhS<SBEJB8BS, Snd many w. fland I'liveiiii.g rialur«' w«*r» BStpiduly rata.td snd operu'.ed '»p-j~, Wen «ir« »». d

imew. a lan.e OM di Btisi fl baadagsft Uni,and to iartb. uik-i. by 'he J.-;.!ie»- li' ¡o-fUttten Brrired in g.oA time i-nd wa» »-ion j. it in ose,

BeMBMaSetdterw.bhteees)]and tbe.e one or BOWaW_h tbofarlag.8 li '

Home had -lgly riaaghiag wm ndi h lb.raari-i». lek.'-. and fe«--', y»t all bote up MttttMly Bttdeitheir si¦.»>.: ¡tig» a«id no», a word of ."omj):.. ..

groan«!« »,'.-d .' ir.: ney vioi ¡ I ira»..'., bat, on Cooaaatrary, 11 »eeiü-.-l -u gaad apiiitsiSnd thanhlhlthat tki : lan had been »pired und th.. ¦¦¦

WM n praepeel ot their beiag again able tagofiiriso-i rejo a ihripeeanadn te aba wai in ».'...¦ i aloa.he'll«! tiers particularly lively, a»id paid nets M>'«¦v.-.ate the injoii« t '.'other» Ihm they did to their<wn. Tt;i rjuigeone UhetsdM_duontly, and fat _p

.f acoujleo. bonn» hsd dreseed the wojndtof ail.

M.,''..«nei were then Ire ghi m, »piea«! » ptable», «i that the tired and wound vi MM.M Bdghlte cnabl'-d to efatB. a go.^l night*» rest, pi.-; iratelyM their d--f i.rtnre this fi'iming t».' theil boa MThe Mraeotap.too h_ a» an r»

-acre ebb; to obtain, many oi toe w BBaded meii Ix.iigweary and rauch exhausted after passing ihteagh th.BMfBM'l bands, désir»)')» of retinng Lnnedfattelyi

Mt'««' 111-*'BsbbI« «teeva Oe_paaryF / -¿ Mat»a»i.ut*tt» r..-.j»» ,-,

E ¦ ifeetl« '..''it »fe - Usai.itioi ii irpprr Ceaassnl I*. MmnhaaMte inidn

lx.Hr'..Bl I »fe«! .'«. iiiliul.'fl J»*Ja.* IJuaalatt, «Compaay E -Mh Maitt»hui« tti ra.idri in

v» Mer .'¡»«J to;ehtif*i at t.ti.t iitiitt teal aftWi . NeesrseSj Obbbssss l MM Mjt.*.'iiut*tta isttlaah

l»u Bleu n, atea J pwim to ettaMBtp. expa-tt to .» .n-karaad¦tVa. I) -o»'», f : .(oxriy O, 27th .Ml'» hii'ttt. MB d». it

4 in., oot a, », tietli wiu.'id lu rlflit lid d' w ii .»'.».pi. (.culpiny J Mti Mini huietlt rtt.vîai

lu v.',.«-,,. ,o (lad. foin neit »...,1 ort ..." feaaal'.-' / -»-r.j Í u'lli M»ut ùiiiilu, laiidll

»I fe"». vr.. 4, ftotii wfcuaJ m r'<i,: aK.iu,. ¡ ,.. OenoptmjC nd MsesMliaasMs, reiiJ-tiri

) v '»-li «aaaal la rkfe!¦ |6»at Ciivn.y A, Hit Mana-hn-atUi re-

. " .. -. M!. flail) ao.nl , ;.... 'real out M i o .'».ii«.v»ii'a,idi>.>,.p., cn axaj B, Hte M»__bu.tU-,

t- >. »'. Mniii-.i. ,it|,t ira i.rcx»Ii iu. Bi.ihii..^ ti.-pui-c, 'ful M. .

thiet ¦',.., eoUt; i,».. lu loot.

t^/.u,.,.,r"dr' e-h'i",,i.;nh Mt»»»»....tu, ...i.V. I.Mm'- * -tltt.'Pi;. .1 r»««th VO'JCfJ I« LttC.

'i'lklem.* -, lift if I V mt \«F t

......i »ikiud'diueitU,:,-.'r_v.uu,:':¡»."iv la uralla Wh*, fe* .


r .i.ttK.Ukier. t,!... (¦».» i. nfeMaia*. ..,,, .,,,. i. «-la/». Co. ,, ¡f-.ni Emaiiiibii, th

'.etlrrtoo. «Co B,_. Mu. luMtti <ij;»« «irgift- - .' -' ) M .¦» «».

KIwiaB M uri!, li I MikMsMefeeaaiti i ..i.Bafea i Bub, 't. C, Ml Im inietta- Seih we |

. . K**nmMue-io .».»._ i,, -i flMMnw ift.MU MillBSr.aiiea i

I Uafwsstt, il*. A. ïl»l Mr..».,! nlie'.U. a»M., iri»lilB. If. Jam < H I -' Mi i ,-» aim. li.-'it «*iiii.''¦¦» n O.i.-iiM, .«»iiit.tl«! bt&d* it.-«» Ii I' ...tiJ«-».. 0. i»,'«-lil, _a»..»..Iiu.ciu arm

'I ijUbii ¦< »*. (J, « lil) Mi iel atti: .'

»at I«I ,V Mit M-it», tutati., wo-mded «i.h

cini.t«. »'lot in 'oo*.¦-. . Is, »« B, nibMiiiiibimlMi istlilssdM

tut k.'i .-«<; Puk*- i'-o. B,MbM-_acba«stM| sbMforssn

»¦ti ttiseJttaaitiBBaaii» 111-

R.jmo-.d Hub- ( n pt.ily I), i»tb t'ccnec'leB'.; rc.itle» Mti'.tir./iiTil, ti.ol ni the isfi i. ni.\V_. W. :.. !.. .rlj, mtpttvl Ce. B. 11th Co:-.!!--».:; r*

. Idea in H>»''ord. lot*. lor»rui,-«r of t»»c rliihl handJnhn W a-ri.i o. y 1Mb saw. *l -t msleal Is gmt wM*>

tor, ion'iii d linger ol the righi ti»»»d. u

Con-siGi».'!. Co K. IBth I .«¦» Hast] r-i.de. »t «mi'

.*.)i«.t».- Stn!,»»», gnnetbot «ounrl iiinjMcU. w.

Andre.. Hull Co I) l'»th('o».iie-'1-ul-re.iJ-.iti SouIt» I s

naso lo»t t* o finger» Ir-ud«» hard. .__,

«'nile A. Mattiton ti. I Uli I tinner MM I Baa*, BBIlllilTIK l-l INO.

J-BMmWOmB, i »Saal C-nii»»«:» I tthlliioda Iiliiiti, re

.Id«» at rawln.-ket rstslfctt I SSmMSStt fra.-Inre of jaar.R haX Baitisaa CeB-sn* X 'ih H. I .ah. I In nreAUri W Tiitingbail. Ca .'. Stn **. I . «t0»1 'I1"' »-"u*"1 '" m*I »i II. I.o oka tai, l'ii.'|..n*f t>, *t-i ii- I.itoiuidin le« by

it .I»'.!Jil « II. 1'iiic, I'ompa-.Tl». t'ii It I ami.

.ii'i-V« I». Iivwrenre, ( olor G* ptral, 4th R. I real,'. I inriail-aBcs. tl»i ' Is righi »boulder.

Nsw«Yon*.Bb-s-w-UU co H UaiaaCsaai Oaaitt, «saWkeBMa i"«

Estl -ia!" .tr-el. «light »riln w» uni.PaletKaftwbii**»*»**** U. Mat Baw .ail. r»«Ide» at No.

.»J Ai' ne A wound in lefl nrea.tJ i»..ii i>,a, imt "io ii N.w-ïoik li.i menti »ouided lu the

ti terlbe tbre»- \'\>.-York men were permitted »o go

home to tink BkBBBS in tbo city. jVswatJaBStr.

Abner H»mi*x. Co. K ¡»tri New Jera.J, «na »tot wound !n,»Abtid-m I loot, r Co. R. «Tth New Jen.y band


The following .'irgeong gave their serviles a* theI'..»: BSatt-C-B, fa wa.hiu'' and d-*t.*¡ii¡; the wound»*oí lbe m lined st>l<tirrs:

Dr. D. L. P Sheldon, No 10t rvi.ef ker at-'ctIir. J. y M lu N In W« t'llartj nui-.b «t BalDr. Oat) H Mar» i Na - tara na m .'..-. .»? l)ro«k rn.I- ». II. lad ,«,,ii, N ». X» l'',i»erri(, pine«.Dr. II»»»ry - I'l-mbla l'i,,»» .e li .li..tl.Dr. O. v.. ( BristSB, Bc.iajt .» Hrrftlli


A Illt.I » v i B ti f BaWhile a Mini«'- batt wa. being e-'ra-'e-l BBSttk-t

should»a of II. I (Mir »re of the 31th MBBBSkanttlBngbnant,ka Lae np eeMng**a*ly,aari.akhaagbl.flly wounded, «aid he hoped l<> be able to r«-n-:n

-.he 'hjbf m h c«i.ijil«* of werk»..«vin hï Bil BBW TI«TA*IST,

»Baigi W. Ii. Hill of Company A, 'iOt M .¦»»_. Btt»

BStB Kegi.nenf, who received a ti» »li vvonml aero».

'.be !' oí,' of Lia \rot\y. showed hi. Nan Iour reporter, wbi. b hu i been -.i m I* i.n by a -I i r

friend Baa N gang B lbs nar. B m« takrientodwith a bull fr..m the enemy, au 1 wai the menu. A

preventing the j nknhfa lo«a of bil ni(ht .'»rni. He

said he would treasure no memorial oí the war a hi,

greater appr... ii.ti M than his IBIS* eut.

A M.««-1' »li * » IT- W I II« r.

Il .¡m s. BBaangBn of Ctanpn-p C Bl Mm m

IcameSB Kaatanent, bai laaalrea* a bal in be bet.He »aid b< was very siixi.iua lo mi» It Haam tniaiM»,n. b« w .-¦ ,- »ig ' d ave the Lull extracted fror, bu

foot by .; paaBfoa A wood ___BBBnSBBB ntt, flBH¡which be ki. ,.,. rnfon B L> ro'i.r in falbrt-Cainlfaa,BBdWkkIkanabas* lbs rerii_'uiog workt»> he done.IllHU ML OV THF. I NI I 11» BTttTSfl IR'NM'Olt I

Bl w uki BBB i< K.

The Unka! Rintel »ram-port N'ew-IJiun«witlt,Cot.'.moiloie His-toiub arrive-] B this ]-orl list even-

iiig from Ncvvbem, N. C., which [K>rt ihe left M tb<Xtrikntt, Hertiatw« is ami'ipaied by the -ManjaI'eibody, wbi« h .a»!'i ..u the same day. She con-

tirmi the repoi* "f .:»» ii( BTBtafthe Keb« 1 ate»uier

iKaabriBe, and Sam hat »he b_a not been burne,).sV bri¡-.^. a. ¡tiinengera Major Ntevenaon of lb«Ig-S Kegiiuent Mn«sacl!u*-e)f., and tlie follow fagIaba* nari irannded raHhw of the Kormide cij»edi-(ion:

"' - .i i.t. n. »eda »mitán«» BtS'etI lé t. N 'n », ...» a»».k. i ».li»' --'arieiii». Baa «ilk B SSSS.'ci-fil C_ri«r, ur«ii, aamatsass i w«ir*-.

I ,*»«ii»»ni,i m r..u.« saaa»_a »« . ¦.

Raker, ¦ ed. latta*« « Kial SoateaTiwi ,» I, ,_a '»all Ki ah Ke.tliu^.

-r - .« ».rti.o», ned. it.illili'-« Kal«-j_Ingham .¦» a all. «4 !r..*t.

Cr»... v- ¡mt,«aawalk, Bsw-Bsttms.Brival. i. . . ¦» attatsas« His Hedfsrd.l'- i.ita !. : -, ... » *., lite ». *

M »ala trraa .-Mitviik < ne.«e_

i ,- ,*ta lea -aa »all lir-e-iI'ti I.« *»V uia ni. »lui walk H«i»n*.Bri Bli 'loy- r, »an ««Ik flevarl-»frícate ti-,,m.- *tmt _k ti*~e, y

-..tli»»t re.l« iiilatan»»» 111«.,I'n.ai» It-icr. c«m «s.k « lucoi««I'm*..ia Waabsara, «aa »»ii» Ful iptioa

i, b »'irk*.'»»»- aattaam »lane*- '»»i...l^r.'i r,. w. k- Nort)>i.tl!»;.)I.Mitl....n .it r.-i. k, Mildil I J.Mr-Mar.«), -titi H' l.tiaif

»' BUg! .." J» «»' «Ula« > )'.».'l-lliar'... f, it:. «»I Truip't. t»t'i ; .i. sall tv,-.i. ». ..

Ii mi i. rta» foal r.'r».1\ »tl.cii j, h am. \v or m '« i

Hi '-. ra* "¦ -- liDtar* " ,v ,.i.r

» .. r, n .r't. W ..i o a iffcUti u. mraaj Ba ... It» oltiieM.l'i,.,» a*M a' ove ai able fo wuk aie MBBBSBri fa

the ann». evd. ami BBanl the b*dy, bul their inj-if.»»._,. !,... aoajanVrad nrbm The mo»*, (..-leit-1-tra Btdad will be pbnd b the II..»¡.¡tal, hu.i toe

otlien ariU faara for home ki 6oou ai paaribb. S ¡r-

geon Ipuiv.-n, w^ a wii »»ipi!, ally appointed by theIDoTBian oi' HbBMHknnMB, anna en with thea aril 1 .ohlier» and "(ave the¡_ hi- earuce* atton

lin:/ the pan-age fioin NewWrn to the .ty.In ¡ii. bans baam aitiiied by knaapkal f-tewaii« "oi¡. ral Bbmbmb.

C-il. Hnwe, BMfafod by Cfafi Dayton of thsI aeboonra Highlander, wBI *et all ún ñaman« ana

laafolj on theil way to -i.eir Louie., and paanidadwith needful a.iéi-.ance to eu.»l-!e thcui I/j re.u«*h tli».irdaatiaatioM in coiruort, Iw-fore they Irsvri tln'irt.

I Tan | arma m. aaaS al them utterly dc.ti.uie,j and as |b*J al! bave bngjBBB-nsya before them, tb»ywill n»-d, and de ibtitan inralfi paenriBryni'.*...,- .-. rbayatill raBBrianaboarri

- .'».-w-l'.r iii.v.i. k, at tin foot of Canal street.


SENATE_Wa-miv.»j..-., Mi.reh*r», IS»,-.-.Mi. Bl 'lM.lt b-p., Mu... fiom'be OonMitm

-.ii Boraiga Befall me, np<Mte 1 back lb* bUlb re-

btbi to ailMfabiMlBg 'bo oath oi aangfaaaa t<»»\tiiericari dtbena in fon i_ru Muirlea,

m m »lion f Mr Kin d' l,\ ¡., Vf.i the mol it-ion »otransf'-r the « ij»eriu'.';!idei y of Ihe Cepitole-'ei-ion ¡.n,l tlonie injin tk* War D*fk_rtk_Bnt tothe l).-i»s-ttii b1 of Ike lutcri u, was tal.en B|Mr. KESSKNDE.N Bep., Me. oppOMd thetrm.-

fer.Mr. HALL (Bep., S. li.1 said Hutt when the ex-

teiiri .h mm font eoBnasnead ItWM aarin thoani*!-itit.i ttan.jp oi »he Inforioi Di pur'tnent, and nnajn*d»o until tlie advent of the Adiiiinie.traiio-i ol l'i o»and Uavis. Il.ioreihat tho plan oi the btiildi-g.niCbrbtiananddrilísedena, bal ii rnriW*ward char gul. and ihe praam trap m nie. Manyahm in the wall« Bp »«b«.', »bai a b. i a len to go Topie« "i, and thev are going io piara*, while Italianarliet« are emploie.j m e_tiavag.ni prieMwnj »1 IWBB tbc Bnm to .I«, oj.,ie a v all two or th'ee riorba befow day.] g] _

Mr. koo i »aid ikaramm an ni mtnacnarili tiari'ho work .ii.»ul.1 b« eanplatail,fa order loMreU.J'he work BBrar «hool 1 Lav»; \,-i n traiiei, .

Iba dril fo the Wra Ibpartnwnt, nnd nn wi ildbara bene bal lovati-fi be arab! on of Ifo*rb an«]the ñipa, it.v of Floyd. Be reatand t»» b rttha,-1 btianif« and coal the t-nrenuaeol tbraa '.¦ uii. Ilion, oi .loll.»!.. Hu- arl* na) m ¡mateWM twoiii.il ins, und the ill i> air» tay \\ nimm,.Tb* Banal* neb ay the bill bi Um AboJBfoa oil

si...«r\ in lha Di tri I of Columbia.Mr. W11 SI " !¦.., Mi.tc -moke ir. fuiorol ¡',

and Mr. KENNED i Cn., Md.i against it.Mr. SHERMAN fRep., Ohio) olfrèrad an n_*bd.|

ment '.nat the nan« y BJaprá] ÍBted be o.ily eij'en ledin irop.r ranjÚBa .vu.j.»e.l.Ha naosatiaa mm then il»'.*d by Y'-au,:)-!;1.K iv »', 8,

a...... . . :, . I ,,

.-Skill "ia ,! .,,,¦ '-.... i.

a-r »«ii-fcl. »I ,1,-j. M«|C. '. *!. ttr '. «¡«Nts iii

, -, ..I« -'. ¦- * "~" *" '

favor fl the bia Be reiterad M inn einten tylaLa, i,- ¦: «to the goran.hil li tru Ion, ttt-BggM it«- rka

,' 1. ' "¦ rat ti..t


l .irh.tr. i», i.ihiiuiao, inderont. aad yalgar <«'i.

ilavi tewael Mary.adandVugta. thneldhsaasn-,., awafl tie Aarati ra ti,-, ilili for the gerare«ii».!.: .i n« Capital.and f i ,wo g inri lient theOn laraaw st laragaited the wicbsd dogan tba'eater la aa etddeara fl Slavery. In tWeMWWMena led in Ifta l»i»tti- I lim' colored persona Mt BMgB,-.vit! ou* .n o--v. r, »heñid be t*4Jtt.SMsdM fe.TMnnd romr tted to jail. Such I- .,- l:i»i >ri I rotipl ' ii»own finit ot injustice, dishonor,und BttSM lo c.-torodn i n nnd anana, who wer* taken to jpil. ard many«obi into perpetual »»rt ilude beBttflOB. thSBgh fre»,Ihaj ' ild r.ot puy the jail lee». Ihn« human beni','»v eie »old into bondage in the Cn; ¡till ol' the freo»',country in ihe world» Jattl e to the wrei f.»-«l budoppteeaad <l«-niam1ed t! a' thin orrtipt and OOSiaptiagdot trine should be reptnliate'l ami SOBS.tt.Bd hy fieiJovernment of the I'niie.I S-it'ci*. TheblaekteMIbagbt »ide by »ide willi the tv!.i ¡ n.en m ile kii'l«-of .be l{e\olntion, nnd ni«n of thi. aga BBjgfal '»«'

BEStoS Is tit one for 'he great wron-» perpetratedMthe black ra.-e, ami anuM BBttthsed a premn pin»e\ ¡deuce o! tft-W.u. ]ti Is'J, ('olife,.|ei»ri ollli-i'l« 1¡u for.e the bl-i k coda oi' Mart had, naoag the re-\ Irime of which wa»- tomt say sieve waa terara awtrJta perara Maa! barra bioeaMeeeppoo, Ia I83S,the Corporation 01 Wath.kStao saaetad that evert

free MWttd p»~r»oii mu»' exbJbit to lbs Mayor »utif v tory evi«l'n ..» of bi» ti'le lo freedeB.Bftd -meboiuls tot ii» iv'oo-i behevtar, 'lia*. CatyettoXionI Im) pit»- «1 auoiher act 'hut no ni-i-iir fl«ralered bsbbms abeall U- held aftei i" o'eleehau«! uiHtle it the duty <'f tin pot! e n <li-»i»cr-eMeb mee'ini;i By an -'her o HiiBi e, I «y I b1fand trii'tii m »¡iv.» fir the » ": ..'¦ * ''.

l'lu» wa« aa fadnaaatt In.tela iheCMpitaL If a

r.l:".ve broke a »Iree» lamp he via» te be ttbl| r»"'! ':l

the »'»re ba.k. If be (ajañd iron at i, ..;«..». »..¦.

wa» to be whipped n ¡r. aadwooMttl Weroetn»iv b d<iirBB. ». inl "inHU 1 t\fe t M the ,; ItBM boottof any iia'ioi. Slavery wa the prob ¦-ti m><.. flilu-r-e tatra. Drira flterat] henthaDa* ht, ..ndleay tv«.ubi .li sp- tari y«tt, aotwi.i n.g, ibanopproteioaa tba 1res negi us had io rased ia Milistri. t iron 1 <>'.') »- ';H", a-.-I have 1 0

.li.n-.-lu-», ».nd r- hool«. ,i (.-.!».

.TOSt.Ig _¦" -.» -. i'l'l'o«-' 1-B4 'I U le helv'iii: -o

lo ipi »ru h 'l» " v,w. bil Iron. If aay rai

bave the < ¡tai ty totaok, ibej will find in ihn toe ltd:» Bjortgage dati d '

-.d until fl feltis by two United- tteeeters, lo n n . I- »

»ne of then Iroaatan le i ». e "Senatei.nd the atboi »Imj i ia his gi - il !l deal» ju» ly with the 1er. Ii'1 ' ra

»« it,.- ii . vol Of "I BS »fal» t» I»- .¦>.:..'.' ..

; v runpeat like, te »'...¦ ¦».,-.

-.v. t it Wot.«JHand ¡i lili.»I ii i;"- tan v oiBena! .r fron Ke - I

i ,.. -o.i n-i nye 'i lbs Mf1 feen ted, they will I »íumIs, ii ii::. i m "' lety. 'ita ..¦¦ ito tospralii.. be Dial . The 1 tian j:t. «¦¦'' »ry. I. ¦> hi«telba al»»« n 'he m ¦' ... v

neeeeti id ensniiaiion. .» utsk' i, .»-

.. in defense of her i bts. II» v jl ;

» »II tv.* feV v. liliasiron tba ha.nions ol Mai -j »,a:i d feytatha

le and 'i-- i .

tv n iv* "..s; rdlj »v . n to rinlInn«..'felice ni o .'y I» I ,. inati » blttaatl ern ateo ai «. l «lo.

Mr. KIN*' l>¥ I'.., hld »¦. v -bii u ni'.»*, »ob mu ¡ t.'tt ¦' th« mi

ui »ri»t tim anraara prepaeed tv iii» hUL Hafeaew thal Maryland wasn niall, Batt had toe isawhite population, lo Btteaif-l >. it resist.an«-e eg.aM any ¦: in ¦.. .'t. ,.t »ill .-

talaaetiott,aad it Blight h* thal ths wat « .', l-t

] .'e«t or ntl er BÍSB, t" "ii! cn !.. r rfajh I .«¦ an . p »I

Hilder the Cou» i;ntion UaoüBteudcd iat ila 'a.iUof tee (iov. intii« t.i «»..>. | ii edVirgfada not t-» iaterfen will reryin 'b'; I t-

trn '. Ihe .¡ti'.ni if trie DiMrirt do tv '

»ire, arid have nu.de no .pi I. st.on fir aayn ..t.' 'palfan, and , » ara rigw

tu in'rrfire «»:". itvir right! » IB a I

'hey weie r it i . t if Ml JI .ml aad N'.ririi.ii.ile aaeted at. asbleiatile tengih finn i - rorari «;

Hie i ouuiiittee of In. iltnji«e «ii Bag ".I fetlVSI I!

ISMagainM the tai tienoa wu-'i Bluvcrj b theDiatnct. j. tv;,« bia jadgatnS thal Steven na»doomed in»titnf ion in th- yi'.ie al Maryland, ead it

i dil not aaad anv Mb nln I b«-'-»!»»»!» ihe IMatmy » <¦ li iiti.-n.pl weald Masteadedbj tie n«-

<llt.-trou» MaHeaaaWe Itarylaiid lui» iii-il.v».r IS frre «ol..-1'i i» «.pit. In IH38 ii I«'.

Ilia t'.iul ...hurd lo-.'.taltea i« i-.

decMMS fat riaan te tea peate, S.178 ..»....«....Ir» e rit-gr » », s, '.. New-Vorl ajjl tina l's|lBnd.tMiii 111,MO »'j'.a 1.1 lei, h.,i i « olor. <i p« un«

teltea. and Merylaad, a cb oaly I",¡7., ¦ |sars o ¡tes,',1t cd,red popelettea i t war bad ahead

uti all tht M»'»ur-»» of Marvlaiul, aiel U » |« »a:«»* ofti i» anaaaro wooldBUeilj oiiori-snisi tin- Barra iim al<oo.lv kui, aiiae the ii.i^'i u'.i«ii ol li.. I.r», upul »!i ,|.,ami lend t<< ih* ntte. rota o'the *»..'» nat It.Is SlateBed expended upward, f |> -I»»','"') In ths li»* 1 btj>.,.'«, «.lui vt bat aood was r*°iOK '" reruli !..t:.cNut i. iroin a . h. u >. ttbteb v>" ild rat».I lath

! of a dater State I In the esa of cn., ripatit v.^

n ni bate «roil-.I Bl 'I 1 ..? «,1 bl «I til

araaga «arealdfoilBWi for tbo tara mim nanu Brataget.cr. Uo taarad, fron Ibe chart . r fl t-» l.-p,..

jin ¡n | roy ted, b mm b. r itioo ol theI m»>i» v...ni.! I. ii» mj rrad. I be j" ,


i., i bees lerel te '.'« Uniea,ano ti «¦».'. io th.y d hiItI U pt 'k.e I i.- ¦.-... I

to pnMrve thi rial b of all the Ma*», bat 1.a ieleii'l«jSM Bsetioafl policy woolddoatro)m i Irak-

Mr. Mi [.UBI Bl Dsn., Del.) nid b» bad .«

anenSante la fl.rle rihsTSisa Ptetritt of wh.-the K-uoid- iel the grrateM >' t tba »-.illa.'. el .

vv! wa., Um fra punitive. TheBBi :¦> :.' h that » . I by Ia.allwbhlnUttrtydays be rai »..-.' w tv-

fl the I «*il»r:il «.j im - i.: ¦" f H » .. Ma MKi v« Mun.j »lui , Vat.Mt, Mb «. -,i meerli

ude Ii1 ,n«l, Ss»**! .'¦ Net .doney. t\ ¦,..-

nlvaale, Ohio, Ismat ,111 ois, -. hi. lowe,wiaroaain. Muían le, Kaw . CaJfstttia, sad b. dhsrihated aneog ti,«- "«'at-- pro tai.a i,i »o p',; ilatioe.

Mr. I'«»W !jIi (».m., rit. t. »j Iriifthain» n o' the 11» « .S'a'-» li iel« Ihe i sa, the]

i«, ink* turf "f linn, hoi be ti ghi ti ..

b« a ni urn vu»' it ben ».iota .... ins!it.Mr. 8AVL8BURV« li tbe peattensa aonhl

adopt thi» am«.4_oeni. they would thoa a Bohlejiliil-u.tliioi'V by tal . - '¦> .1 »r .-

nivea, ne bad reed _ the oetnpapen thalgi !» ion who wea I« I'ot i» .y .1 trereeogiadta»ti the uc rOM tba ...«1 il.ci a-.-

. :n Ul » h»r» !, ifaftOn!ii tBLAM (Ksp., 1 nrn) MdU ».

uH'ltiou» lihou .. »; i.ii.1 *<.». || tiiiiy .»riedIn tarrant ta prejadiee BfalaM lbs raes a_«aaditranptad i '. )"-. li Um antiter, waatavesti»

W'V.I'i bring bob] ii otana oi thanpae.... Thara waa eara agenUeraaa Iron ti

Bo! I..».'ti, *va,r v.lv. »-'..eil ii t'i'.q.ilr.i whyWB dM '."' i :¦ ti the g1 a.v wen,'ii»». Jln'knew

ol n umu lately l Brantoim the I ni'.'d States, t--Ü. Ohio, h«riag MtnaladIle baOM 'here «a».« b ihndM peblh.ad b, the'.'.vvipei^m abo i* '-,..».« w ici went Soul h to take cueni thora win» ems «-..tt oil by abafa ¦ ia an aad te)to ..incite thean. Thne whowen »j»/i__g tetaba tbaBSBBSM io asjataaee, as Matad by tba Itaeetot fromDenwna, wera naad tatholteelh, I ne», aegvenlnow proponed le he bhiiated wert »cnraiii», en.hero, uu»l ins only iii irenn v.ill h«, thai »mu hero'aftn heve p*y for their terries, Ho ftetnd whiteBB tiered people !)»re t day lib¦ii.'i,' cid» ridl*.Mr. K I.N N I l>V Brti'l He le «rai a vien' pnjudii »

in tlftryliU'l BBMttg «fe hut _M s.' mut worina«tri h «ilion'' o a. irbobnd »«iciit di.i olly ia i.-'': iniiii«: 'bat 'i »lin/.Mr. HAlll-W lb..:!,,'b' the ipyvlhe wi.e not

tin bbtaiag non, end » «ild Meootrolledby»n li IP»''-, / iiho v.B'i a, Ibe ^( .lalor» from ."Jaiy*land si »I Delaa iro.Mr. KKNNEDY add on» of tbi anal rktoaa

Bali i«", fornaeyyean aran Iron the mdploya m1¦ ii.vr"»H m the thip

\i n.'iii.'N nid It appa nd to he Ihn daaannnni or iioia M*i)i.iuii .ii.ii tin piitb- would

whole < 'hr« «I pop.ilai on II». olbin'» believe the poopfc of darylaad weram

II Hill f ei'e tie ,.».-. Ile» «A e, » BIM 'bailiMe Chlppawac, «»nd Sion.v it they W"iid anudar'I".- brought .p tii'.h l.ern, tbo ghaot Liu-^Ll in

achorel *¦

Mr. Ki: Wl.DV .bl :'.<)¦ 1 ...I »live» ia Karylaa Itrbowere taught and bad eborcbee. Mshsshtj)alf m. n mittad a iiiat«* Mho taoghi riavaa,M HiJKIaáNMbsdif tha BMStM lu.dnnydl»

loi h in.

Mr. KKNNKDT raid *'. M I - »Itttrias ai:»«--, .¦¦, -, , .-.,,. .......

ve .... kv , .. mUity .»n«i.

Mr. HAI'I.AN thought that Iba p-toj.le of

«Marj lind and Dataware '"1 '"

i ..i"« u to in ir i«.. u »bad ¦¦'

,-,. y-. . i nu af aaformio liol».... | . T, at i " '¦' '.a ..""¡'I- ..'¦' ¦*¦.

,.r . apina 4 aMi*rattj aararaa*! inri mm i ii

d10 .... arina aa I tnt ever tookph e

« i] ept aa ¦¦- | »i« i ¡aa» H« tttd not tblok » t.^-ve bsp-pi and ian tented aegn n, i > *¦ a sklng bri g,were p.-ing to turn roond with their musters limplyB8MM8 tliey were pitid wag».. IMr. SAl IaSUl'Kk laid the «S-nutor, it seemed,

ina-'«- B apeech at a venture. Delaware hw I a

larger free negro population, in priportion, ».bon

any ¡Stale, and tie anew there wai no greater eurie

tin,,i the iree negro popnfatioti. He would hare batone «¡liri» in the c'-nntry, and '.ha» the prc-te.-vntionof the t n or, wi'h all the righti- of the people. I hatBBS who wake« emancipation paramount to the Cm»an' ilion and I mon i« a di.I- > ni man. Hit. we have.e-n peucetnl men drag)red from tht-ir home, andthrown faB I «athsnnie ba.tilles, while am who de-ilare« iiut he ha* been a did'itiioni-i for twenty'i .a i i« peruiitt»'.! to le.-ture beru, and come on theiV>r of the Vnate, und go at large through the coun¬

try. / !¡"iir:it.d.st-

in »r.ii: 01 KKI'KLSLMMIVIiS.The HoMB ps.»ed the Senate bul providing for

foe BettbaaeM oi me bbbmmB at the nfticen andcrews ot .' e frigate! Congress ami Cumberland, thebooks hiving Leen los», or ii» .'roved in ih»i rseentaarnl n agenenl A Hampton Bnnaa.On motion of Mi. CAMPBELL (Ban., Pa.), In.

view oi ibnasaasMTt of the lax b»U, the i on«iana.lion of 'bo »redie narirand MU wa- ptntByaaaB, andmade ti'»- -e-ial order fjr Tties-lay ne.if.

li Hows tiBB, in Committee of lb« Whole, re-

ti .¦ ti -.. I- ration of t'ie I'jx bill.Mr. WADBWOBTU ii a., Kr.)afl*iarimaaaBnV

dm in to »Me til 11-», de!i-.in,' \\ na* i« u circus 1".¡-.i a« i» indatts priaiidigitalien, riog-eau er andb'.v ii j er'"" .-tin «.

\ I »is 11 »em., 0.1 iai«l thai, lb* Hoi I If»Mad tolBtrtn at the wrong 0B)d by

.p». »ting on tra ami atrina, Baw, Barina o-r

Ironbb i* wa. pr'¡.i-.*i i> taxtka fazaiM aadl¦asfsMMo. of Iii-, iii« geaib nan n'uni Panaajleranda nari ba tori to'Le baneon! Bay* of eb_<l-

.' e tax n dreus ra n tbeUsr. It iiun,.iufed tala toa .-a H'tuiiet and i »lal K It waa taxirg'. 1 notv v-tv !., pam ob d' bl..

I' TV " 1 ai-iti .- '.li«- W11 a on ba I '. u » I . .¦» .-

ed by »Baa and Cn«. [I_injgbtsr.| In tin. he

rtbfeding. [Benewed laughter.] Whynot-. .', arf aera fas) nigh »¦' fal innBi, anda'a one* », wbi.-1. it i« lepmsri wontnaly

i H .*.v ». lad . "i

:....:,¦'.- I iii.ee« bl I 1

. LOVBJOY [Ben., ULI wa tod la know.. " ,n tr.iiu ifofo (Cos) wonlri Uti

.^ «*. ,. : h n « ininv .¦ e.

Ml. < « >\ 'I)« HI., «».j te, il d lb lie«, a«, ti'-, I *e, i-.x'ag » n fi p»-ri ian«'li** ,«'ti-'l'*i:.:.u ,. »it-

l a,.,. i, be Bom tb-it wo lid be a tai on

..,: tv ild pi h e ike '. tie m a l»a«lV a.', nuil "hi*, n up »ti.>li IVOUUI b« g 'ii'.''

¦. « ! is\\ i I H S au, aileseal wm n

Id li l'i. 'I '. .'i H -p., PS.) -l.te.eil i"l nu

,. lefog e'- .»-o' I ami ] -.y i M I*. . da

M*.» Mr. 8EDOWII K. Ban., B. '»'.', mii.Lhad | td to del as j iggk ri i»s «tat-

v -ii. wiio trnjM a jag,m KI '»:.,". . ibaiUed m am«*iid-

.i in .f ri ... aaeb loir-holler.I!, .ii altbo ii i. ¡iii i .-

i. .--.. ant, it mm importanl ti Ohio, a .

IBB) i an am illy lulled by «I« gi,-., ». e

Mr. *»rLVl.SS 1,'. ,.., l'a.I "iirg. >-*,! a ta.fl .... »Il H OB « ¦» .'¦ v-1 >-l ter.

Mr HI. »K !.: t-¡ I m1 i oi Iba te.%

! ..¦«-;. a Illari bul te fo -m t'ne dote.Mr. Bl l.Vi.s*. 'ti-, ii -. inn ¡ who Bom toa dopa

I to pay a.

Mr. K1. Viv i, »v o lid.ei«. hie » »i«.a,l ,i-

V i li <-r ni i-il. ad. |.'».>'. vtc.e ,'¦»

». »' ,-:',.. le . puv al' f BIOt-.a in!« is of news, a| ,'T tibb ..'

e *. ,-, ... i fium lbe delnilion ofMr. Bl M»l.I ION h., «'In.i ..-.

¡,.. « .di -.¦ j« ad >; tod, ." di lag ba ¦.

J >r, l.u.r Ul ( B) a I.' en" olf I'I anlbflma propossd '¦. a- and *i) m drlag

. » j i»e v ho rend i.r h BMnbei oi ' ¦¦

\ beti r » ¦ .'. y i: -... .1 it

a bib soother BMoiber praj nari a $5 KraraaB fa.¦ tm barara nakinaa eat apM b. BBbaaMnaV

mt: '* weir le. OÍf*tt Willi lb I« -d la-tgh'.er.I». -1 i.\ INs ed.! UMtt, if Bosh p ne*

were . oi.» luut-.l, lb* BbBM woild I.» onie a laugh-,i- .- «'-nMr III UK ,lt'e¡ Mo. | rop.>«a-.i .» new ,'liiii-e'o

y i. »bfi f«,: UM m if« ,»p

, i. lemnf ynara»Mr. CBIHI li li» I B.,Md.) pr «tested a»*

| aai» n ! i.,-.». It. " S i BBM "» 'b'- '. i-' i.aad in; 'I « ]--¦. b- of ryal bforpfai «1. Notbing

v,-.- bl iiatpciaie them ino.e t1 an ihni-, »/lit in»».': 1*1(1(1 tota ibaperaiioa.

\¡¡. M-U.t><.<. «-p.. lin ir-.i.l to addthat hIi ... i.h t.« Le tb i. i a '.I «I.«M be Bpplfad I*lbs ,»!. e« Ottin en.mi a, a'. I ilav» t. I biaui o-nd-

ni * i- ,i»-1 o :. of o der.Mi I"' ! IHV r-pli-d lo Mr. Cr «Id, Having he

lil ««i h .- tbe braB of foraSytobe -» pled w-t ae. || v. .a us BU)» li IM -li v of >lai fit '

I... ral a. it wa« that of lib..., -. II, ,..,,. 1tbat kind of foi ally wbi *i w -.1:1-1 i* -eta ,'». »he Iii-

teni of on ibbng*, and taraonay entra bnt fa a s

brau* t. di mi rj mm a r-iei, b h ib«l-i-r'-l-.'.. hfa lyMlM of pi .«¦ .-»i» in ire'.bun

itie- love the I'm aad wb erari ra to the» bj .¦¦ ii At with ti» b. I b rp will

v* ill fi rever pi*-. I t'. er d.iili-..,-

li. ». \li.-»KV il ni m, Kia dm n rbab r-pl«ilie t:-i- .-¦ K11 I li-tiu'i-I'm Og the g1 »ii1»

rii fihsfire__autra»tkegantinBM -l-tr»*««e,!tbr Hams, bnt 'o gira a ara n h m erny tab inat.:,, ii,i i...» a- ,,' a h -»i tv ia tim ti a

«- .. a a * li.« .>, j aab dg- i.i i» lu eoeeerral ra gentlemen L. .«

hi lion lbs ninrntti.« at.Mr. «\BNOLD Bra Hi. argnnd ti M I

not I ¦. M 1,0 |J,W " -

tiri I a arced ikk I.ill l .le m,

|»rn.'*.. Why .henld tiley no1 ,.. | . ( .-.¡.Ji.aIron i' . ir e »,f n. cv 11U . KIHI li LU i i h.-11 Mr, 1. »«raj »

' '¦' IbikL Then MMMBong tit*two rfasBM . tuallj .I» testabb, a moly: lb

¡a Ina rebellion, and ib« .-la»- m « MM ¦. I B pi .a 'neal iei,ib<-r.

Mr. ni. mu (Mo.» Itannding »_b»naakl*n,dkl_alr-e. ». ) i tala I'.-i.'.ii-i.i. u abo l-l ,¦.-' in'on araxpam

*¦ r tbia i- . wv» n -ned,latin N Id ha^r »o yny 'he bnfooftkaiii.vaa, ka and b Im ah .¦ tiara Manaranaad]m] ':» i i, ¡id not Im tu»»-ii. uMraabonidbel

Iii t.n. i.<»\ I'.MV, replying to Mr. Crlafbldand Mr.

MaBory, nrid, If I had ntn i.-«"» f.¡ thon uii.ji«, u... ira, lbsj ild ant ta pam rall ra ti tbairowa_B_*a. I n-rr .nil 1 Ii.-no j,«ace till tin pabtts i-«t«ban rBy t_M_fo**arytata)pa 'grw.»«.f attiaut*t.-» lion,Mr. Illa». . pr ,p..titi'in waa ittnei,,teal, co a. lo tax

g1 M riaraa lor lib l«-l»v.«an H and ..» yeai« oi a m,an ¡alng »»'ii that | M * ..-latiii/ io 11

term at VCRIH. BraMMM efloita Morn iniule toimu'i'l thir, hut ft li ti If the cii'li« prop Mitini wua

deieatod H »IgafoB BSAn amemluu al "«» a-lopte.1, provuliatr tnat notli«

iiig in the lull ii,all be,,,n.ii :..tl to prevent any Simsfroi paring tiuei upon any arti« .on tb- lein taiedon li .- ».* i« aired.'Ki » omuii.t«-«» lote, ami tbs Ilouso atijotinied.


MU. COX AM» Till .SLWI* WHO WAHWill II LI» TO DliAlll.

re at« ...««(<«. «r i us i ¡* -, ».

Una blip i'-a. PaSaMht'a risfaara af tkaI'.ive-wli ¡»¡cr Co., puhl shed in je.»rnhy'a Tl'tK-' .', i, e,ii,,im,s the .tateineii» yan Cut BBb_Bbnn, 1bud taken »ome pa M fo invest.p.ite lue liu'.h of thernpeti ami baal Mftfa-paaBtstaari A Ba li rib, amilrib» M hate given you tim partiriihir.« ami autharil v

"i "" " ¦. Bal ranp* sana* Tnii taS-ra-MblppeiDBB had been amend fal treas »n.uid i», it BBtM ne.'e' tari) BBttl then io ah jw hil love foi ty., ann, betook ibu p-M»r ob] h!n. JBrir, .nid, ii. c..i-.|ii»r ',,-'»lee ,ii,..,y "el-ciled Oil O-th," " ¡.unt-he,! bfoj byMbpping «ritka leather itts(i"--i!,ii in BBSanpi'BBSof '..'.grn-itu.b." Alior iho laggfaf, ].-.-.I old'J ». I ap:**t«vi aaiB -»ck. and BatwIibBaadlag Cub

bk U linly Bhysb "in ¡ui.l bad eveiv

foSBlbal could bo, Jack .]ie«l. A.ieor.linf* to this'.Sport, B -lory <yf itA.-'vr mm, "as B»J»rigntM ihecs-iuty bj ..-.¡B, isaaarad a rasant foal "Kegro'n' Bract, b'. »i.Mb I»....i li.ug.,»,, ii,, .,J ,X|H).

' 'r'."." SB« VI .1««». *.*i m»».J v.v.^.,

of it, f»ong-TV>iit¡n'ied expo-mre to »'

pcr's liiRh, wah iisiu.'.i<iic Bttdraetteam . hiUsdbla(tod »pee, j the tin «j when »tjr.h our rag« t a» "

be known no nt 'I'M Ai, 'r-if-tn mil, j. *g,.. I it. ->1.,,li II

fron nil 4*6** A)'. .',

àantesssaaBatisf TeaE i.Twaonhsttei .¦.

tkaj <.s tint.'al i«» lb. it».mamtof aor eon«¦I). K -1.," lu r.!»tl'.n to »h» ntnrdrr ot u.n «!,»»»»Jj'-k

ti »rétate» bp bit _oit"T » notorio..« trai'.tir samel Sen vi

Cas,"_elanes ha» furui-h,«J ia with tba taOawtaa lett., »

p.r'iatl ol \vhl'-h will tttl.t'y no doubt »nyi'iiiiartitlrictJer rftur tntnpsadeatfi ntnftiHr.irviiAHiiii.HooK.R'» DiVtinX.BBAa Keen's Fbp.ni. j

Mii,!i.,i), Marah 4. 1MB. IIf (Jen. Sickle«, or perhaps Col. d'abiitu, COOM i<>

«lo so, they would verily ihe gensrul truth of'be««tatemante of xn* letter of January IO. (Jen. Bit k1- 4

hu» now in Iii» poaasntM a white Mel.M whi< :>_ In»eired J pen Coi, the murderer')! poor »la« kScr- gem.Ib« Irms in of Cox in MMlietakabl», and thi», b ne,with other thing», were »ei/ed ¡,y virtue of iii« bee*»on. Coi v,ut ni iltreated by the arid.M whin he

«ame aftM Scroggin». and he would it ver bSTI BMBable to take him, ha«: not uri ollie-.'i in aitMtCM,(IrshkHu't or Col. Dwight'» RttfittMBd nt.nsd bin.My l»ttei ni'ike» no cb-.trye BgB.BI CM. Dwight,

but only against that tmtM through whone order a

i .yal neh'ro was »urrenderetl to one of the roost no-

lorieaa traitor« of tin. I'mi,!"iiio ¡I vu of »r»i,-i-u BttdSlavery. " An ollner «.f the 1st Kx.;el»ior liii-rtde''ia nj_or beaty ia his «I« tense .mi ebanpteasbta of«Jol. Dwight« He MMiSda me of that verdam thief,who, 'icing caught ml one of hi» liglit-litiK-eTed triebe, !

deu:ei hi» guilt betöre h charge wa» made BgB«i.Ihim. It has been ray fortune'o mae/-Col. Daisrhton more than ¡mc BOM.M, and I h»va found him au |offl.er eiul n gMtknB., .«.id I an ilew«! to bearm«, bumble tc»tin:ony le hi» efli isuiy in Mb»duing, in BMaeMtee with Uen. Nioklei andCOL IJrahe.m, tbe hold, active, sud intolent trea»on

n rampant in the lower countiea of Ilk.Ii-vitt». 1 ra. tarni ar with one iuitauce, a*. I

leaat, wh' ¦. I Wa 'H' hwOOfld nfatS from Newportprovailad .. ¦. .. I"!.n/kor to prefer chargea Biviii-jiitCol. I)wight; bol '-CommitUS appointed to in»vestisnto tin allaii - p the highett leatianay lethalJnilaan aad »rorree nat of Col. Dtpfajht'a adivm-}and M tia ¦'.Bo o ,1 j.-'. .na wa« M tt"»***n of Cox, that when-

aver the iteansw toeSbsd M Onaaaal I't., on FortI »btv ii .iver, the» alwnya »oaiched bi» house; andvi. i'«l. i > tv i ¡bri iiejiniMt moved dowe in tint

vkinity. aad enrenpeo on Dr. Beb, tVMinoa'alunn, Milirry I,¡uve, they «ar.I.e-,1 Bttd meadoottuag worth arsntievitogi 'hey, however, »ei/edi i» .lin» thte»ni ami rotaranI tuen». Bat Col.'

1 mo'..-I «¡«jivii ll.tic ami tttOSnped Bl Allen'»1 r« h i.r,. "or and la. t t-i.« »i wa» aia'c, and »urti

in * «ver» lo lid in a twanip, bflttttM I '¦ l'lau, v\ iib:, u Ne»'»it» ii -i".. barnd m Ihe eastft.ta¡tutify th«- asteare of the . .»¡«t«-r part flCoa . »to fe,

v¦. i-, ,«¦ i.e t ,,.i ¦..'¦ nowa le " aa oMttt,i, the i»-, i,-.' .-'i- icelttor Brigade." "Annth' ir" MOOld hive inbiri ted the «uu.e of lils MO.»ley, u.-id '.h»r*:oro of trutb, bad he eonÜBsd bin.h If to the rttdieatioa fl tba aftcerafl hi» regiment.Mot tiBiteal v ni) '¡vi', h« proooaaero ary lettai'¦ wholly loco net" m sO r« Meten rata, 'r. itlog

-, , ¦'. <¦ of the tri')'* ¡.»'Otri'liug hiA guiltyerinm which bara t*orerad thasalben ibdabelton j... lu. rebel] on erith the bli keel -".fe- .-¦ IOver two anatM bara elapsed .ara I paaaad the

I«'ter " an of'i cr iel..'.', ftt tba thttS I wrote ii.' wi. ¡J".ort Impossible to aerortali pot.ivelvin trh.bfl ibe reginMta rtfiri ed tootha i-t mt ¡ti

',- readil m *.""l- phre, Krowinv < I. Dwfarbt.. i.. ' la. It in my «> »« i«»n iwliia h onbl enable

ii.e to make the fcuiei.de booonble dwttld Ibte lekii-m*nt bs ths wrong one, 1 ¡BVO .

I« vt that liiere MMt hetS beM »'-nie o.jo 0.MTv.,»., fal asi me right, bel bnbMBotya

..'. »wa i.n tatt, I bateeertaia profl IBM «DeI. (tra»un.» Regiment va tin neena stnIhM escampadMM Port i- .- o. C"I. H i i bri Ihe ii.».thal errat ibero, aad It ¡"frontes joined the ase«o;..: one arl n a--'- eeeanped at ftllea'a Pi.h.After they warn a h »¦ narek iowo te Hill Top,I'ox and v.l. -i. tan friMlil 'ven' I. I -.ii. »ni

)h in«'! i'''.',' a '..ii«.- n the f a

wi ha ho ne, a here «« i o bj the ra of J«»: \Vb1*tan lived. \v »c iv*»'» fnead *¦«.» a man hi the

-fal ».- V-il. Who '¦.'..') ». .- I to the Ma e

l."i', laturs las) bull. Coi ra bad ia the r.ik»an»i.. i'.d Seroggins, whee the .ven with Hen ¿ho. loaibin r»Mvi!>. An oflon ade apaad nacand»Com,ead ande the ans eerroa.eribo riavan «¡on thepromise that ha weold aMbaam bim. I hero triadto lad " it the -am« al 'iie «iii'-cr, but I lind it al-i,.'i; i ü :»..«. 11. l «j . I» thera no bonombh nae Im thsi«t or ..'iii it'.-giiu.-iu, or soywben elsa«who . iiigive the asan fl the flbVn I heard MM M wa»

UM Major ui ihe .'I'.b K»giment. «;. »:. .».

M'.W.VOHK l.r.iîISLATI ¡HE.Bl "fATB....AlBAST, Mun b v., UM.

I r.» bill i |«ri'-i. k"l:e N'-w-Virk II ,^i»' pathicMe li al ^«.i- ly wits rspttr.d lu.orably sud order, u

lo a 'hird re.i lim'.Mr. I- KKKB In¦.lined beviagaaythbnyta de with

I'll" irport.The »«¡li altering Iba OeanriaB.ast^a napflProola

Ivn wa* nperted nttorabry.II.* N--. >..rk ii», "i «',«,'.. » revort w:.» pie.

»ei 'ed and ordered to be priMad.au .. * pesai o.

Beepaeting the penen ¡md d"-:»i fl Boardeflrtaiavviaore, ead ragaletlag 'M pt*eoee>.agasgainetUm tu.n - b¡ii : -nenditin the ehartar of »be Lobbna* At-

lo'n.'ioii. irai i«'»t. A nttten te n eeeshEM ti a «rotewi» ¡i»*- | .I hu i M the table.Te coiiv SBBSte bonn ti-Ie pure'.i.«. ..¦> of w ild Inml»

iv. ..v.- »ntlandetherasa.To protoet bridif.'» faei ngiagtj. thefl de.I n, r, ii itriag .lie w» n cotMiderod la i i'njtnittt»e

of Ib to i.-.le end ordered te a third reeding:I'., in,- -.- »oreta ihe .Ne»«-York Coiuiueuist Ar-cia-

i; ine »o Ihv.u moer wi»i»r in ths City ofHl.»oUv!!.

I., lii.lvjil B »he Hr.^ifelyn, Itath, mi »i CniievI Railrosd to tey rails of len weikp.t. il. n rt*-

ijnirod b« ¦.- ,: m al bill.< »i... billi in i pr> gran portadMtheo. Iiec«».

fe EElEtrj Bl iMiOE.The ConnittM "f t:.» tVhell ».»ikaWp and delated

Iba bin to reorgani,'a i!-o dteM Asylna Car LaCo .v :¦ '-. Pi i.-*« wa» roMrted.M i"l ' J i- reported »ive» lythe bUl taropé .1

li tam te ¦'. p'. .iaietan of the mj I fron íes.4 Ajtrasd Mi

iii* followlBg wen n arlad Lb ably.Te am*vent :vt'.-iii, .» at bnrgh.y aad Aber «cri « io print¦»,- no t ,.| « 'oiii'a of t.MC 1.in* moatadsf <»f the »as-ion arM ««ne",n-.e.i i- ih*

i <"' local billa, âejoaiaad.m>

»jxtWEMBI V.The flrinding Connlttee i»; »ried sstoMnr large

batch 0Í bills coll plele, Wlli fa BwtelstdOBtbl tab.,I'ntiertlie jotal roll re | nnig Bppt*Opriat>jOB Bed

anpply billa to rame op for c,|.»:.¡,.retloa t.e« > theJ-.tli of "tlarib.the Kv"«'«sl sppropria ion bill amia'»' n up.

iii. motion fl Mr. PIBIIKS, noottded bTMeean,B1 HOI. F.i ll.I.i. and I.l'A UI Dill bj fed epposodby Mr. AiaVOKI), n.e citato uniting tea pubhcB*tint fl the viii.ul Maran to the Bbttepani ansan« .ved by addiag .* and two papen in ekih-.-ut u,al Di t.rt.

Mr. li. DftVIf fl ChaartnnfMbiada un e:!,,»t to¦tribe oM ¡«II the sanriss >-i the Pahite Daparlnn.inhoveth- annum' 'r.-.iibi! f r each Depart.Miby ih« Bei.rd Sfa'u'..«. Lost.

Mi. li. N. THOMAS novedto »tribe out ths ap¬propriât.a t««r the S'afl hi.»«'»«on, end M ulndiatiIbel olbce. Curie«», bv 'I'.» to Id».The niii wu» thru oreerad te a 'hird reiulinj*.The ABanal »Sapplv lull wat i»ke,i rn.The lull wa» eooatderod lill the boor of -see»».

i.ir.Nir.i; ntaatcm.Mi. li 'iiclii'i'-. BaOtfan lo »tube BBS Cie a- end-

meiit abolishing the olBra of state tMetera,n«tap<tedia « I nittee of the \VI "le, wej h'»»-ll lo ti-'.The Auniii-il Supply bili w» 4 a.;iiin taken up in

jCoaik.ttae of tm*» lrThole, and debated till t!ieadjo.ii Lint ut.

Iioim Dur i--.-1 Bt«CtnnfBna* .t.Ai B**-'l, March '.., 1 "«"*.'.

'IHK Mil II 11 V VWTiie s«.lett CoonaltlBB,le whnhtha MB.Inhtfl

b .1 I..-..n coinii.iti«d lo BO perlr.ie.l haw reportadlue lull cmu,let«», au 'ben- h no BSflbl lh.it li la init nu, li ben i »tuto than ii i' had goan thron.,'!, thatproesn la ih.» aeas] wm fat C nnittaa fl Ms w. iv l»,whan 138 hntend al thfartesn ÜoaiM mi.. i.« I «ti

Bom e\cir:».,)d m BBggettiagsanadnesMM it. to libthe C« inini'tee of IhirtaM nave heBri in MMMsl theJedes ftd*raeaM»43eaecal aad otbn nlhtnrj ana,mBdVMSrSaSEd though m.n.y chain:»» snd BBprove1m. ntl luife e been nada, umi i.Ilerati.'i.i In .let'iii, thebUllala nil ns laediBg Instaras ile-ai-ne us I.ratI in led .lud i! ptitetl in'bat »nape will give to Ih.Ktate of MeW'Torh wael It b » never had bri »e. u-.r '-i militar», »t»«.».n. 11.» al leatt le "«¦¦ » d bvmt ut, taibeeiajh te nettta kim ...... .« ua_i «a »j

i. ave be« nilón») to view. ned -sajafo-*. ttarlred tram,- Jung e.l'i-.iv .on of peí« under republican instituationa.

| BBBBSBfl or ».»w vor,«.I TIt Lii* , ed by Me. I'i ,-.* -:«, .^.M .New-y. rk fautor, em I,.,*. nigh*. in II o ¿mtorito fin Ir'.¡lug. I he 1 .i», -_. thüi, au»l aaMr. Alford exhibited an fatentioe of Bgb ingIkM'..u ii ii »ir i 1, in aefirnnoftM live Million billit waaa-rideal that ibis one could not refí-oriablyli»Opa M pa», without a fuller Ho tsc. Mr. A LordDrat moved to recommit, but at a nmBStBBfrom UmSneaker and other f.iendeoi the measure, eiiangedbb motion to ore to lay it a-ide. if is now evidentfot I 'he.-ont i«', for supremacy fathaJ-BMBblf, whichii the reitl in ¡c «1-» [eked bj ihc-me «*'. «-ral «V fina*projfcts, i. not yet terminated.

Icom i KT * *.r «».»>«.Mr. M. M allen will Infanri MB a luljititi.ts f-tlke

bill now before the Commit»- « for '.be luppreiiion ofconcert salt,..: earn! other phnesof (onuiemsiit wboisuioralitv ii questionable. 'Ihe »ubititu'e propagesto ngnlnt* bj b jM-rira* qman of Ltamari ponesMJ i-rvicion »I! [>la»**a ot fci.iiiemeiit, tbeaten, ot

-knaass Isa nu, ,«nt oí ihn licet «o it/* i« anymonthly enm ant to BXOBsd $-)«)" per itunam; withbthe |iic.-iu<*i.i of the Me'iopol. un Police Di.'ri«*t,the .t"u of each Keen.« 1- a. Bad alt le^iiia-.i.-tiitoe. ni » ) tbdr ma-iagemen». nftbaM pla-esof amuae«

ment, are left at the «li.«*re'iou and wholly under ».ha«outrul ot t!ie I'oflcc* I BMBBbMBBMa. In other pari«<.f tba s,at.» the »power to r.guíate lb*«* »nalv.t«:r« i. vc«to«l In tim '.own and villageauthuritiei!. Ihe mo.icy garlead Lou IBS B-vJSBBBgranted, within the Metr.jpoli'un PoHra Oiitrict,.{'?es to the »S-x-iety for the Ke forma* ¡ou of JuvenileDelir.t-iuen'a, »be »ruetces of *.vhi h ar«i »o be iioiiüedaf every applicv.ion for li.ens*. lhere ure manyBkenbna of ihe Aigcmlly who are i\-^g_i_jng todoubt the propriaty «.'f «Vii leg-.lr.tious tin will.»'»»ally prohibit, theemployiueii* ol' females, «-¡"h iatbs main feature ol' ii.'» ba« 'lit passed '.be Senate,Badwkkk ia evidently nie'«"»: lual »o prevent tbsiateBBperanea »and nungaaal vi'e« that are fosteredin those plana li i. rugger*. .1 thal nany ol' fbSBBfoantita* BSaak '.his eui|»loy«!i»-nt for the .upport of'hem»trlv--ri and families, in prefersoe* to adopting» ... means to windi they «till moat likely be

.¡riven if depdred «.f this.riSABt I B14 ti IS,

Hy the jii'i». rule« of lbe I.'-t-ia'ature, wh-«*h over-

it le the rules of each House ».". era I v. ii is rsq ii .-.?_

ti at the Api .-«.p.i.tii'i.i and s inpiy billi, as they are

.-everally deiignatcd, shall be «-oniidered in Comnut-tte af In* Whole on, if not batata, the 20th of March.Tbfa ruU se-B anani anp »¡«.'¦¦til or 1er. and t«xlay thelancha lili MM tbu»i i road -lou». The only ma*«-r.hl ¡.niciid-.-eiit anea la lb Appropriation bi'l wasa lover.«1 A a vote at a se afon e-.m*» tea days .hice,ahmt, on antfoa of Mr. Aivord, the appropriation

r ¡. nibbing 'ho ottiei-tl c..-i»-a»-« wai bimtrctt "o lb*tb>*t*pnpcr. To-lay a prarfofon vue ínrer-tj, pr».riding lor '.Le publication in one paper in each "ièiia-r- rilli -li-trj.-r. The upproi.r.i.Mott for'.he Su'.c As»

.¦ j was stricken ou», and a eli lae inserted aboi-i* i:¡" the otlj.-e. After the (oui mittet) rose, Mr.»Besannt Barred ta dtaagras Midi In CnaaaBtaa, anl»reatara the bill in Ba arigfoal rifopa on this matter

panant] w-tak, the liou»« took i. nant tuitU «v«u-

l:.,;.lbe S»r.ate MM occupied vii h .Vat* Pri**»*-**,

* 'r-.tly Vin I.i8iii*aue« Comprime«, Bud Hus«j-e-taanm Dnlrnrtnty. The t»ill for the relief </thi«iiir-titution i» patsfoariaaaly B>rif*jaBtad by Senator1 r l'tiau, wti'j prupons that the State «hall NSMMi.er right b the prtnntp tothu Cnivenily, have theproperty losarBa, uni Uko an a.riignmept of the

I :' InaniMBMi nina, if iba building .I», midIjc burnexl, toe N'a.o would get her money back.I an i» M doub' that if »n : .State ever nels b«v*kan) of the i BJBBJ .ne h-ilo.'ici to «ueh institutions,

it M1 f,aarom »» i o. bbi i ra orri' cr.

PreiidenI l'«mi.l«»'li ¡.(«¦».»..iite.t the report,.)! Dr.D Mea! "i-i »ih'er, o! the a uoant of re.-eipis, es-

uandiraws. and pmqabfonsd -faeriba fas UM yeaiIS I, a. it.lliwi:

as> mer».r-':».» IbisllB cc.tclt.*31,1*1 «ejBreak*, asa a i «sbmM. l.iill» io

ï.'.a!.aSMBBSli-BN »' ' KI».

Ho,*J et Der .ty L'ct.-.h (JTr* -r». «2«ajo t>r-S''irj o-' -,->-.i I. i.tttlOti

r at. .. UM OiKaaeuacaof li.ing. l.*>39 fllegal .f.», ». IBMRepair«-if bos!* . » "3

Um. ")3"Priottng aci-c* io pi,ota. 'J'! TiIi tsinn -i". fBlMSIBI. BBFcpiir Bff bl it b< BM. ti It1- ..¦ of a i.iltca of to.QBtecrt. lo* »C

tag. «*0 *.¦tipaallturtasiactdc-it1 la the oSke ...... * *.tH ii

1 . .'.«J 18,11« 6SThe Etoalfol»-foraraynt_B ibeiearenoperiniait**

i»,..I*, annaanal riaaatfoM af -»rar., Bran,fon*ban rand Bastaba i ''and ou« «»nail . outribuuooIront ageo».len_ineiigar-e lu tbs Ugh riiigb'ie.iue-s,"win wa» .ippropi-iaiied to the expMMM :n-*idsr.i*_lio the eritan.

mr «nu |S»r»*)BTIOBB_-T.'I he two | Ians of appor'ionuieni ot our 31 rne_i-

benef Caagnaa, wbkb were rejioi-ted in the Senatel-.o-i. week, are d.tily growing nore inpopntal In fact,Mbodp a^j-tiirs to bj lb*M igbly .»li.hed wittaeil!:, i -, and if uo Itetter »cbeme ia dev i*«tt, »here willbe iBaSwby in BSSnibaj tb .- .tdopU.in ari anv ona

plan yet ¡.ropoied. Ibeee lmpfaint« ooms'mors«.r les from ull par»! of _M Sate, but the mortloi-y it. o from thq City of Vev-York and «rietafoy.11. ¦...ret of most-f tlie lu«* lie» in the fa«t thatlhere are a gret many gBBBfanMB who are like tbsI'. .la.ylvuiiia A.-i»e.i.l)Ivlunn, wl.o, in the day« ofunUnuted rdbanricbarten, refoee»! fo vote for thenewC aatitntba until Banaded ra ra form by bia.«vu 1,-iui. Ktuh want, ti repre-Mii», New-York

i :' » i i Cmi:».*.», and look. I I » « '. :,g.-,-t-»...(uil »liatriB ibai wi'i trry out bb t-.-m.d- al »«piratioui.

I rom I alit'onilu.StMi- an, -, -.lanrJiT. M*i_a »., UM

S [p Biugfoader eaileu I- day for l_p_u, vitbUnited **<i li * Miusei I'm vu ..-ni 11 e.

'liic «"au.,n I'H..ian baa arris««»., fnn MasBbnIgfo, I h fal -¦«'. n> w» re,«:\f.I there f-otu Arnon«

nptnaanta uns tba enmrj ia ulm .«t áapapalated,ni ' 'i gtMearion aoMfanM and tba hatiR»

tin Indiana» li,. Bebri l»..vi.i) ..vop«,n imb.-ritig tit), were aw iting it-er.foreamert« at

--.i h tita avowel pipan af t_kii»if Fort\ una. in Catii unis, but H <.' ttf the lira regit eui*

.-f Cab ". ata v.»; atoanwen fo tim partisa nf tkaBUfo, Bad vt.-ild ka gforil .- tam ling enemy.At».-' m Baa F-i i*-> ".' »kir 0«*_MBintn>n*

I'.i.oii.i. ami Mia. .*.«.i 1 . I- ar *. l*t I» <b«ui I ISB>t-rer. Hail Wl ,...'-. i.i a r, Hiu J_.t .-. |_M ai.»

». ». ,

I'll**«* In Os»»»-!;»,,Oseas«, l'iciity, Mta-c'i-«\ BSB

A gre ti afternoe i gutted l-kkett'i pafal ib.»p¡lasan i for t'*1- .'. I»nndoa and UibbmL Tiebuilding wai dam .g«.-»! B*J,000j me ired in 'he North-\\ - a''.' 11,000." Tb« I «.-Hi bio. k adjoining*asdal lg*d|l,00t)¡ insur lia London au.l l.iver-rjtjoL k11 ,.ip, di arbtj La »gnrai Baan,barbar,law «, but !.'-t ibo| .^ », worn al*' burned.»I »». | i.iHaJ or f -t.U'aJ; gein-iill'. lu« ir- -la

*>ihe *-«OTit.*4oiiiii*'M «vtMlln.

irai i tar. Baw i-5- '¦**.

Tb* anita par tbe nteaanv Born-BratiM ^*-T?frl«red ben, and trill ba biMBlriad B New-York bythe »neill tr uti. wlii.h i« das in N. vv \ork oi au

n « aw (WilBMriayl ¦"'¦¦_¦ . _.

i be newM «per bag bl ' " An. > bjsd Prnsj left

la-re fa ihe : a ebek info fra «ew-Tark. 11 s faBBis due about II "'d'" li IS Blg-t.

Mi|.-(ien. Havid Hunt-r ki BM I Bj -BBS BaaBSJat 6 o -U> I«, i i JS_!-itu. re», willie ha will faga ths

boat for Fortr.'caMouro.', and Here nfosST- BJ board

the fritadBtnfoa arsasnsii IdBstta, BSlfafmlVi'»lay m'nim*. fro».. BaBpfoB B tiit, f-»rl'"it lioya!,-bs hei.l-uir'cri of the new B-BBjriBBBl "f 'b«

South. Ile will be Bt*raeiranfad by ara b-bnhgamBSStafktaalati Brig.^ifon.B. w. BannaB,wlo will tako the eoUH-nil «'om whkb hhereian

las bara laBaiad Ona. s. bbsbj BBriasnd Baan.If-ribek ('¦« J* W. .shaiur, »Istsssa Atnmt R»

Balma, IN« L.lwi.r.i W-».". Rah B. BL Bass*C*4 Jfo*,W. Turner, (¡.p. K-!war,l Vf. »mith.

Liant. SanadW BBièBS «*i^t- A-.hurM. Bra

:»i,*, and M.,j. Chai. O- H «'i'*'*' . Sn-lnBl -A lj«tSaVt.S(ietieral.

.iMBBWABS A"'" '"." ****** 'oilowmg sr- tb«

ia.ee« ol' Amen.ani laglMarBI B Dm ¦ to.s

Amen,*.,..."-Bli BB X "BÍ BlsBl.g Bim R+

HI s uni, I -Bée*, W. C, F-:.., week ceding

.Bal k9, lanti _, .

!.., ,i IrWn -'* f". .' i I «tit Cha* Cn -^¿L*.V 'I »».

_e» ... _. Ile- » I- >-*>.l-' 1*1 . *«*"''

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