i« -'. north carolina.['¦m north carolina. jmotrel 50ccessfiÄ expidÏÏ adfdrinl...

['¦ m NORTH CAROLINA. jMOTREl 50CCESSFIÄ EXPIDÏÏ <*.- Adfdrinl Capture Wabtai-gtou. ¦a** AtMIyAiOF WOUNDED SOLDIERS FMN -iEWBÍHN, .? Tbe OErted í- .M »""-am transport «fJe >. F''A¡.«><lv. C'apt Tier.i from Newhern, N. C, Mar!. tt, in ballast, arrived on Taeiduy mom.g. con»i<.-ued io the Qm '. mae.r. Tbe l'eiibodfe" ¡»ft in < on roany with the etesni.r Kew iiraastr.11 an Irow-Yorhi pa»«ed orar the Bwasn R.iuday, 11 a. »n. Fonnd at the Inle» the steam-r Por*. Royal, l'.otu -BW Ysrh| a'' ««e... Left .,! the lui« t »'esmere New-Hniniwl.k and Laateb.n, having ..n l ovó miny of th" rieb Kin! weaadsd from Ota. Hurueides Division. Ih» ateantrB R.flannlitiasj UM tba Inlet tot For':'»» Monroe an ho'ir p e\io»i» M ou ¿apsitan, bat.g M b-pktil tome fit the ink and wounded tMBOfaned from Ihe Lo S.taBM» S p. B., C»j»e Hfl.SM light beiumg V, Wa, BSSBSd MMMMI Suwsim««-. bound Beaah, probably i lacen»! Inlet 9 p. m. BMMttd ttauraer I .i »tern 19.te bo in«! lo the Iulet. Wa aimed at Hametea K-iadt Bl I - on. «'Ill-, wbe we lound a tarje fleci of tj*t.spoil* si anchor. |)tiring tbe duy jiaised et-venil MMnnS bOBttd tomb. a i ag the pneastagt » hy tot George PMhedy is LteaL Col atehart it. Potter fl 'he Slat BegienM N. Y. V., wbii was eo»«-verely wone-led r.î toe bat¬ tle el N'ewi».:". Cet PettiM ~a» tehan to his bon. Ra. I I'rftvi niery Pun». Aiiioul' Ih» ronataeflthc killed m board *t* tjjoee <ef< i-i., .'.iin hrasen* Oept Jahnen ead Lira»» Ali«-n ef th» SIM B-ghnett N. Y. V.; Lieu:. Walker. !"n Jiew-Jtrny; CSfft J.W. Lawton, Company 1, 37th Maieav'tn.-ajtis, I apt. TilliUkjlias', Cmttpaay II, 4th Rhode Ir-land; UMt Dstttaj Company I, «*)I»t Hew Terni i.i» nt.-Col. Manrftt, 'JW MaasBthnsitla] Adjn r.' St«3*vrn«i, Í1»' MflBttnl nicttt. Tu» PtaheSy brought home »evora', t tie Ke- Mb bort-«*» which <'en*. J*" nuid* end Prater sent bou>e Eephtea. du»-a*, welefl Hewbera, ti»*» enpadit.n nfl to IVifeii -u, X. C, waa raaanrisf. '- esarieted ci tarai .1 gunbo»'», Rial the MsAfeiicbuiet'i îlth ¦agianat, and by the .*he-"it a"d MMMtioa, esppowd ppOTod bUvCesef iL i.'.on to Basal».tj uiwcr t_4 n. i'ark bud not reported ba«-.k, except the .-ap'ure fl 180.MB* -»'"'c by awSBEBEBS.g bofl., »lele/', tim: j>la«.e on Ilia appa a-1. «n .ur trv)ops. '.' r." .: op» and crew» the veasei» at Ncwl-trn, W»)rv al in line h.'slth. The Da.id BEMM flkasa >;ib«jatti the George jPcbody «.prc-s tb.i.- tdninttett of the masterly .kilt attiA euergy of Cftfft I'ravere in tshlng advan¬ tage )f every ehftftM which vaiij-ht promote a tpei Ag di)( .'¦ I _l S lag 'J'.:. * OttlM.tt n*. hM a B Ml BM fui 'ii-'! Brge, and ai«¡«i protin,,' the < nfldeuce and high m in which he ¡s held by tue Comieanding __M_d *o lie well tttttt ti. Tbe I'ehNfedy ie *.o re.urn iiiimel «:e!y with u heft" y «"ar.-o ol' tubaialeu M »i«>r«.. Tbe »"fllowiBk] are ihe pt.senders by the IVabody: liedjI.-Col. R. It. P t'er, I'nit'd i*t.*"es Army: I". O ffehot. OtdtedBtstraQeerteHann.rDe| Mr. Cook and Mr. li.it« helder. AK-UVAli OF WOUNDED NOLI'l Uo PROh H1WBBBN, V. C. DariagSBSternnyaftereoM nd araelng .. ». number ol' the soldicrt Bttaebed to Iba B meide J.x- pixlition. who were wounded al ihe Battle fl XeW« bej-iv Bivived in »hi» ¡ty. aboel atghty»! by Map of the Candra »nd d -I »kid, and the nantedn m board fl tbe »(earners rMhedy aad toi « Hr nsvieb, -hr» t han Rewbare, to, c. I Ipn the arrival -'I' 'h' .Vi ». .¦; «-.im r a; -.he foot Pot Baretey Mseel, Gel. HiW' of M..*ka. baeette, with I Oapft De ITi-f of i»cu. Hn.-n»i.k b.-'ei', 1¿. 11. M - « v, «'».n. II. II. JIB*»ter of 4'ov. JJ.»lnr<>.'. u »Siati. » v- ted Oat t'my <>f c- mk*«ü» i.-.-.-vvrii the Msaaded »oldier» and . m eyed then v.),«.. wee nttt fatig-nad iu -..r¡¡..i;i aadwagsM te to» i .r» Barratt. Tbo najority, b iwever, «»,. ara «l (ben¬ nion ahurfediintly sl.'e 'o B .ii» h a mile or mo: e, and aotw ithetanding the pidafal Bataro »»' Um wo.in,^, tbe;. pRih»red up lhaii muekets, httapaaebn, ead trophies, fell into the nuke and Mtwbed - the Tar». 1'he larire tne-»-¡o.n. in the iii.r.a -ki» lu. lie» o fir« pared for tbe re« « p'iou o'' »ii« n adoc »oltliei-«. ai. 1 a MMBSM M pMnittMlM> ¦.'. mon ia BSteadeaee, b^-. eg « ihntee ed i sert ice» io,- the i lief of the »ilb-rc». \\'oril» .ii BMMsaly be fonad I .. .«¦.» .!. In a li'l'c time BBBltJ evaryaan Mtt under !h« ht.d» , lhS<SBEJB8BS, Snd many w. fl and I'liveiiii. g rialur«' w«*r» BStpi duly rata.td snd operu'.ed '»p-j~, Wen «ir« »». d imew. a lan.e OM di Btisi fl baadagsft Uni, and to iartb. uik-i. by 'he J.-;.!ie»- li' ¡o-f Uttten Brrired in g.oA time i-nd wa» »-ion j. it in ose, BeMBMaSetdterw.bhteees)] and tbe.e one or BOWaW_h tbofarlag.8 li ' Home had -lgly riaaghiag wm ndi h lb.ra ari-i». lek.'-. and fe«--', y»t all bote up MttttMly Bttdei their si¦.»>.: ¡tig» a«id no», a word of ."omj):.. .. groan«!« »,'.-d .' ir.: ney vioi ¡ I ira»..'., bat, on Coo aaatrary, 11 »eeiü-.-l -u gaad apiiitsiSnd thanhlhl that tki : lan had been »pired und th.. ¦¦¦ WM n praepeel ot their beiag again able tagofiiri so-i rejo a ihripeeanadn te aba wai in ».'...¦ i aloa. he'll«! tiers particularly lively, a»id paid nets M> '«¦v.-.ate the injoii« t '.'other» Ihm they did to their <wn. Tt;i rjuigeone UhetsdM_duontly, and fat _p .f acoujleo. bonn» hsd dreseed the wojndt of ail. M.,''..«nei were then Ire ghi m, »piea«! » p table», «i that the tired and wound vi MM.M Bdghl te cnabl'-d to efatB. a go.^l night*» rest, pi.-; irately M their d--f i.rtnre this fi'iming t».' theil boa M The Mraeotap.too h_ an -acre ebb; to obtain, many oi toe w BBaded meii Ix.iig weary and rauch exhausted after passing ihteagh th. BMfBM'l bands, désir»)')» of retinng Lnnedfattelyi Mt'««' 111-*' BsbbI« «teeva Oe_paaryF / -¿ Mat»a»i.ut*tt» r..-.j»» ,-, E ¦ ifeetl« '..''it »fe - Usai. itioi ii irpprr Ceaassnl I*. MmnhaaMte inidn lx.Hr'..Bl I »fe«! .'«. iiiliul.'fl J»* Ja.* IJuaalatt, «Compaay E -Mh Maitt»hui« tti ra.idri in Mer .'¡»«J to;ehtif*i at t.ti.t iitiitt teal aft Wi . NeesrseSj Obbbssss l MM Mjt.*.'iiut*tta isttlaah l»u Bleu n, atea J pwim to ettaMBtp. expa-tt to .n- karaad ¦tVa. I) -o»'», f : .(oxriy O, 27th .Ml'» hii'ttt. MB d». it 4 in., oot a, », tietli wiu.'id lu rlflit lid d ' w ii .»'.».pi. (.culpin y J Mti Mini huietlt rtt.vîai lu v.',.«-,,. ,o (lad. foin neit »...,1 ort ..." feaaal '.-' / -»-r.j Í u'lli M »ut ùiiiilu, laiidll »I fe"». vr.. 4, ftotii wfcuaJ m r'<i,: a K.iu,. ¡ ,.. OenoptmjC nd MsesMliaasMs, reiiJ-tiri ) v '»-li «aaaal la rkfe! ¦ |6»at Ciivn.y A, Hit Mana-hn-atUi re- . " .. -. M!. flail) ao.nl , ;.... 'real out M i o .'». ii«.v»ii'a,idi>.>,.p., cn axaj B, Hte M»__bu.tU-, t- >. »'. Mniii-.i. ,it|,t ira i.rcx» Ii iu. Bi.ihii..^ ti.-pui-c, 'ful M. . thiet ¦',.., eoUt; i,».. lu loot. t^/.u,.,.,r"dr' e-h'i",,i.;nh Mt»»»»....tu, ...i.V. I. Mm'- * -tltt.'Pi;. .1 r»««th VO'JCfJ LttC. 'i'lklem.* -, lift if I V mt \«F t ......i »ikiud'diueitU,:,-.'r_v.uu,:':¡ »."iv la uralla Wh*, fe* . *.ouo.»u r .i.ttK.Ukier. t,!... (¦».» i. nfeMaia*. ..,,, .,,, . i. «-la/». Co. ,, ¡f-.ni Emaiiiibii, th '.etlrrtoo. «Co B,_. Mu. luMtti <ij;»« «irgift - - .' -' ) M .¦» «». KIwiaB M uri!, li I MikMsMefeeaaiti i ..i. Bafea i Bub, 't. C, Ml Im inietta- Seih we | . . K**nm Mue-io .».»._ i,, -i flMMnw ift.MU MillBSr.aiiea i I Uafwsstt, il*. A. ïl»l Mr..».,! nlie'.U. a»M., iri»lil B. If. Jam < H I -' Mi i ,-» aim . li.-'it «*iiii.''¦¦» n O.i.-iiM, .«»iiit.tl«! bt&d * it.-«» Ii I' ...tiJ«-».. 0. i»,'«-lil, _a»..»..Iiu.ciu arm 'I ijUbii ¦< »*. (J, « lil) Mi iel atti: .' »at I ,V Mit M-it», tutati., wo-mded «i.h cini.t«. »'lot in 'oo*. ¦-. . Is, »« B, nibMiiiiibimlMi istlilssdM tut k. 'i .-«<; Puk*- i'-o. B,MbM-_acba«stM| sbMforssn »¦ti ttiseJttaa itiBBaaii» 111- R.jmo-.d Hub- ( n pt.ily I), i»tb t'ccnec'leB'.; rc.itle» M ti'.tir./iiTil, ti.ol ni the isfi i. ni. \V_. W. :.. !.. .rlj, mtpttvl Ce. B. 11th Co:-.!!--».:; r* . Idea in H>»''ord. lot*. lor»rui,-«r of t»»c rliihl hand Jnhn W a-ri.i o. y 1Mb saw. *l -t msleal Is gmt wM*> tor, ion'iii d linger ol the righi ti»»»d. u Con-siGi».'!. Co K. IBth I .«¦» Hast] r-i.de. »t «mi' .*.)i«.t».- Stn!,»»», gnnetbot «ounrl iiinjMcU. w. Andre.. Hull Co I) l'»th('o».iie-'1-ul-re.iJ-.iti SouIt» I s naso lo»t t* o finger» Ir-ud«» hard. .__, «'nile A. Mattiton ti. I Uli I tinner MM I Baa*, BB IlllilTIK l-l INO. J-BMmWOmB, i »Saal C-nii»»«:» I tthlliioda Iiliiiti, re .Id«» at rawln.-ket rstslfctt I SSmMSStt fra.-Inre of jaar. R haX Baitisaa CeB-sn* X 'ih H. I .ah. I In nreA Uri W Tiitingbail. Ca .'. Stn **. I . «t0»1 'I1"' »-"u*"1 '" m* I »i II. I.o oka tai, l'ii.'|..n*f t>, *t-i ii- I.itoiuidin le« by it .I»'.! Jil « II. 1'iiic, I'ompa-.Tl». t'ii It I ami. .ii'i-V« I». Iivwrenre, ( olor G* ptral, 4th R. I real,'. I in riail-aBcs. tl»i ' Is righi »boulder. Nsw«Yon*. Bb-s-w-UU co H UaiaaCsaai Oaaitt, «saWkeBMa i"« Estl -ia!" .tr-el. «light »riln uni. PaletKaftwbii**»*»**** U. Mat Baw .ail. r»«Ide» at No. .»J Ai' ne A wound in lefl nrea.t J i»..ii i>,a, imt "io ii N.w-ïoik li.i menti »ouided lu the ti ter lbe tbre»- \'\>.-York men were permitted »o go home to tink BkBBBS in tbo city. j VswatJaBStr. Abner H»mi*x. Co. K ¡»tri New Jera.J, «na »tot wound !n Abtid-m I loot, r Co. R. «Tth New Jen.y band ¦OBSSjSBI IN A (TUNDAN» I AT THE l'AHK BttBsacsa. i The following .'irgeong gave their serviles a* the I'..»: BSatt-C-B, fa wa.hiu'' and d-*t.*¡ii¡; the wound»* lbe m lined st>l<tirrs: Dr. D. L. P Sheldon, No 10t rvi.ef ker at-'ct Iir. J. y M lu N In t'llartj nui-.b «t Bal Dr. Oat) H Mar» i Na - tara na m .'..-. .»? l)ro«k rn. I- ». II. lad ,«,,ii, N ». l'',i»erri(, pine«. Dr. II»»»ry - I'l-mbla l'i,,»» .e li .li..tl. Dr. O. v.. ( BristSB, Bc.iajt Hrrftlli IN. IIH.N I* A Illt.I » v i B ti f Ba While a Mini«'- batt wa. being e-'ra-'e-l BBSttk-t should»a of II. I (Mir »re of the 31th MBBBSkanttl Bngbnant,ka Lae np eeMng**a*ly,aari.akhaagb l.flly wounded, «aid he hoped l<> be able to r«-n-:n -.he 'hjbf m h c«i.ijil«* of werk». .«vin Bil BBW TI«TA*IST, »Baigi W. Ii. Hill of Company A, 'iOt M .¦»»_. Btt» BStB Kegi.nenf, who received a ti» »li vvonml aero». '.be !' oí,' of Lia \rot\y. showed hi. Nan I our reporter, wbi. b hu i been -.i m I* i.n by a -I i r friend Baa N gang B lbs nar. B takrientod with a bull fr..m the enemy, au 1 wai the menu. A preventing the j nknhfa lo«a of bil ni(ht .'»rni. He said he would treasure no memorial the war a hi, greater appr... ii.ti M than his IBIS* eut. A M.««-1' »li * » IT- W I II« r. Il .¡m s. BBaangBn of Ctanpn-p C Bl Mm m IcameSB Kaatanent, bai laaalrea* a bal in be bet. He »aid b< was very siixi.iua lo mi» It Haam tniaiM», n. w .-¦ ,- »ig ' d ave the Lull extracted fror, bu foot by .; paaBfoa A wood ___BBBnSBBB ntt, flBH ¡which be ki. ,.,. rnfon B L> ro'i.r in falbrt- Cainlfaa,BBdWkkIkanabas* lbs rerii_'uiog work t»> he done. Ill HU ML OV THF. I NI I 11» BTttTSfl IR'NM'Olt I Bl w uki BBB i< K. The Unka! Rintel »ram-port N'ew-IJiun«witlt, Cot.'.moiloie His-toiub arrive-] B this ]-orl list even- iiig from Ncvvbem, N. C., which [K>rt ihe left M tb< Xtrikntt, Hertiatw« is ami'ipaied by the -Manja I'eibody, wbi« h .a»!'i ..u the same day. She con- tirmi the repoi* "f .:»» ii( BTBtafthe Keb« 1 ate»uier iKaabriBe, and Sam hat »he b_a not been burne,). sV bri¡-.^. a. ¡tiinengera Major Ntevenaon of lb« Ig-S Kegiiuent Mn«sacl!u*-e)f., and tlie follow fag I aba* nari irannded raHhw of the Kormide cij»edi- (ion: "' - .i i.t. n. »eda »mitán«» BtS'et I t. N 'n », ...» a»».k. i ». li»' --'arieiii». Baa «ilk B SSSS .'ci-fil C_ri«r, ur«ii, aamatsass i w«ir*-. I ,*»«ii»»ni,i m r..u.« saaa»_a »« . ¦. Raker, ¦ ed. latta*« « Kial Soatea Tiwi I, ,_a '»all Ki ah Ke.tliu^. -r - ».rti.o», ned. it.illili'-« Kal«-j_ Ingham .¦» a all. «4 !r..*t. Cr»... v- ¡mt,«aawalk, Bsw-Bsttms. Brival. i. . . ¦» attatsas« His Hedfsrd. l'- i.ita !. : -, ... » *., lite ». * M »ala trraa .-Mitviik < ne.«e_ i ,- ,*ta lea -aa »all lir-e-i I'ti I.« *»V uia ni. »lui walk H«i»n*. Bri Bli 'loy- r, »an ««Ik flevarl- »frícate ti-,,m.- *tmt _k ti*~e, y -..tli»»t re.l« iiilatan»»» 111«., I'n.ai» It-icr. c«m «s.k « lucoi«« I'm*..ia Waabsara, «aa »»ii» Ful iptioa i, b »'irk*.'»»»- aattaam »lane*- '»»i... l^r.'i r,. w. k- Nort)>i.tl!»;.)I. Mitl....n .it r.-i. k, Mildil I J. Mr-Mar.«), -titi H' l.tiaif »' BUg! .." «»' «Ula« > )'.».'l-l liar'... f, it:. «»I Truip't. t»t 'i ; .i. sall tv,-.i. ». .. Ii mi i. rta» foal r.'r». 1\ »tl.cii j, h am. \v or m i Hi '-. ra* -- li Dtar* " ,v ,.i.r » .. r, n .r't. W ..i o a iffc Uti u. mraaj Ba ... It» oltiieM. l'i,.,» a*M a' ove ai able fo wuk aie MBBBSBri fa the ann». evd. ami BBanl the b*dy, bul their inj-if.»». _,. !,... aoajanVrad nrbm The mo»*, (..-leit-1- tra Btdad will be pbnd b the II..»¡.¡tal, hu.i toe otlien ariU faara for home ki 6oou ai paaribb. S ¡r- geon Ipuiv.-n, w^ a wii »»ipi!, ally appointed by the IDoTBian oi' HbBMHknnMB, anna en with the a aril 1 .ohlier» and "(ave the¡_ hi- earuce* atton lin:/ the pan-age fioin NewWrn to the .ty. In ¡ii. bans ba am aitiiied by knaapkal f-tewaii « "oi¡. ral Bbmbmb. C-il. Hnwe, BMfafod by Cfafi Dayton of ths I aeboonra Highlander, wBI *et all ún ñaman« ana laafolj on theil way to -i.eir Louie., and paanidad with needful a.iéi-.ance to eu.»l-!e thcui I/j re.u«*h tli».ir daatiaatioM in coiruort, Iw-fore they Irsvri tln'irt. I Tan | arma m. aaaS al them utterly dc.ti.uie, j and as |b*J al! bave bngjBBB-nsya before them, tb»y will n»-d, and de ibtitan inralfi paenriBryn i'.*...,- .-. rbayatill raBBrianaboarri - .'».-w-l'.r iii.v.i. k, at tin foot of Canal street. XXXVIIth ^CONGEESSk MUM" 8E8.SIOH. SENATE_Wa-miv.»j..-., Mi.reh*r», IS»,-.-. Mi. Bl 'lM.lt b-p., Mu... fiom'be OonMitm -.ii Boraiga Befall me, np<Mte 1 back lb* bUlb re- btbi to ailMfabiMlBg 'bo oath oi aangfaaaa t<» »\tiiericari dtbena in fon i_ru Muirlea, m m »lion f Mr Kin d' l,\ ¡., Vf.i the mol it- ion »otransf'-r the « ij»eriu'.';!idei y of Ihe Cepitol e-'ei-ion ¡.n,l tlonie injin tk* War D*fk_rtk_Bnt to the l).-i»s-ttii b1 of Ike lutcri u, was tal.en B| Mr. KESSKNDE.N Bep., Me. oppOMd thetrm.- fer. Mr. HALL (Bep., S. li.1 said Hutt when the ex- teiiri .h mm font eoBnasnead It WM aarin thoani*!- itit.i ttan.jp oi »he Inforioi Di pur'tnent, and nnajn*d »o until tlie advent of the Adiiiinie.traiio-i ol l'i and Uavis. Il.ioreihat tho plan oi the btiildi-g .niCbrbtiananddrilísedena, bal ii rnriW* ward char gul. and ihe praam trap m nie. Many ahm in the wall« Bp »«b«.', »bai a b. i a len to go To pie« "i, and thev are going io piara*, while Italian arliet« are emploie.j m e_tiavag.ni prieMwnj »1 IWB B tbc Bnm to .I«, oj.,ie av all two or th'ee rio rba befow day.] g] _ Mr. koo i »aid ikara mm an ni mtnacnarili tiari 'ho work .ii.»ul.1 eanplatail,fa order loMreU. J'he work BBrar «hool 1 Lav»; \,-i n traiiei, . Iba dril fo the Wra Ibpartnwnt, nnd nn wi ild bara bene bal lovati-fi be arab! on of Ifo*rb an«] the ñipa, it.v of Floyd. Be reatand t»» b rttha ,-1 btianif« and coal the t-nrenuaeol tbraa '.¦ u ii. Ilion, oi .loll.»!.. Hu- arl* na) m ¡mate WM two iii.il ins, und the ill i> air» tay \\ nimm,. Tb* Banal* neb ay the bill bi Um AboJBfoa oil si...«r\ in lha Di tri I of Columbia. Mr. W11 SI " !¦.., Mi.tc -moke ir. fuiorol ¡', and Mr. KENNED i Cn., Md.i against it. Mr. SHERMAN fRep., Ohio) olfrèrad an n_*bd.| ment '.nat the nan« y BJaprá] ÍBted be o.ily eij'en led in irop.r ranjÚBa .vu.j.»e.l. Ha naosatiaa mm then il»'.*d by Y'-au,:)-!;1 .K iv »', 8, a...... . . :, . I ,, .-Skill "ia ,! .,,,¦ '-.... i. a-r »«ii-fcl. »I ,1,-j. M«|C. '. *!. ttr '. «¡«Nts iii , -, ..I« -'. ¦- * "~" *" ' favor fl the bia Be reiterad M inn einten tyla La, i,- ¦: «to the goran .hil li tru Ion, ttt-BggM it«- rka ,' 1. ' " ¦ rat ti..t ¦¦ l .irh.tr. i», i.ihiiuiao, inderont. aad yalgar <«'i. ilavi tewael Mary.adandVugta. thneldhsaasn -,., awafl tie Aarati ra ti,-, ilili for the gerare« ii».!.: .i Capital.and f i ,wo g inri lient the On laraaw st laragaited the wicbsd dogan tba' eater la aa etddeara fl Slavery. In tWeMWWM ena led in Ifta l»i»tti- I lim' colored persona Mt BMgB, -.vit! ou* .n o--v. r, »heñid be t*4Jtt.SMsdM fe.TM nnd romr tted to jail. Such I- .,- l:i»i >ri I rotipl ' ii» own finit ot injustice, dishonor,und BttSM lo c.-torod n i n nnd anana, who wer* taken to jpil. ard many «obi into perpetual »»rt ilude beBttflOB. thSBgh fre», Ihaj ' ild r.ot puy the jail lee». Ihn« human beni','» v eie »old into bondage in the Cn; ¡till ol' the freo»', country in ihe world» Jattl e to the wrei f.»-«l bud oppteeaad <l«-niam1ed t! a' thin orrtipt and OOSiaptiag dot trine should be reptnliate'l ami SOBS.tt.Bd hy fie iJovernment of the I'niie.I S-it'ci*. TheblaekteM Ibagbt »ide by »ide willi the tv!.i ¡ n.en m ile kii'l«- of .be l{e\olntion, nnd ni«n of thi. aga BBjgfal '»«' BEStoS Is tit one for 'he great wron-» perpetrated M the black ra.-e, ami anuM BBttthsed a premn pin» e\ ¡deuce o! tft-W.u. ]ti Is'J, ('olife,.|ei»ri ollli-i'l« 1 ¡u for.e the bl-i k coda oi' Mart had, naoag the re- \ Irime of which wa»- tomt say sieve waa terara a wtrJta perara Maa! barra bioeaMeeeppoo, Ia I83S, the Corporation 01 Wath.kStao saaetad that evert free MWttd p»~r»oii mu»' exbJbit to lbs Mayor »uti f v tory evi«l'n ..» of bi» ti'le lo freedeB.Bftd -me boiuls tot ii» iv'oo-i behevtar, 'lia*. CatyettoXion I Im) pit»- «1 auoiher act 'hut no ni-i-iir fl «ralered bsbbms abeall U- held aftei i" o'eleeh au«! uiHtle it the duty <'f tin pot! e n <li-»i»cr-e Meb mee'ini;i By an -'her o HiiBi e, I «y I b1 fand trii'tii m »¡iv.» fir the » ": ..'¦ * ''. l'lu» wa« aa fadnaaatt In.tela iheCMpitaL If a r.l:".ve broke a »Iree» lamp he via» te be ttbl| r»"'! ':l the »'»re ba.k. If be (ajañd iron at i, ..;«..». »..¦. wa» to be whipped n ¡r. aadwooMttl Weroetn »iv b d<iir BB. ». inl "in HU 1 t\fe t M the ,; ItBM boott of any iia'ioi. Slavery wa the prob ¦-ti m><.. fl ilu-r-e tatra. Drira flterat] henthaDa* ht, ..nd leay tv«.ubi .li sp- tari y«tt, aotwi.i n.g, iban opproteioaa tba 1res negi us had io rased ia Milis tri. t iron 1 <>'.') »- ';H", a-.-I have 1 0 .li.n-.-lu-», ».nd r- hool«. ,i (.-.!». .TOSt.Ig _¦" -.» -. i'l'l'o«-' 1-B4 'I U le helv'iii: -o lo ipi »ru h 'l» " v,w. bil Iron. If aay rai bave the < ¡tai ty totaok, ibej will find in ihn toe ltd Bjortgage dati d ' -.d until fl feltis by two United - tteeeters, lo n n . I- » »ne of then Iroaatan le i ». e "Senate i.nd the atboi »Imj i ia his gi - i l !l deal» ju» ly with the 1er. Ii'1 ' ra »« it,.- ii . vol Of "I BS »fal» I»- .¦>.:..'.' .. ; v runpeat like, te »'...¦ ¦».,-. -.v. t it Wot.«J Hand ¡i lili.»I ii i;"- tan v oi Bena! .r fron Ke - I i ,.. -o.i n-i nye 'i lbs Mf 1 feen ted, they will I »íumIs, ii ii ::. i m "' lety. 'ita ..¦¦ ito tospral ii.. be Dial . The 1 ti an j:t. «¦¦'' »ry. I. ¦> hi« telba al»»« n 'he m ¦' ... v neeeeti id ensniiaiion. utsk' i, .»- . . in defense of her i bts. II» v jl ; » »II tv.* feV v. lilias iron tba ha.nions ol Mai -j »,a:i d feytatha le and 'i-- i . tv n iv* "..s; rdlj »v . n to rinl Inn«..'felice ni o .'y I ,. inati » bl ttaatl ern ateo ai «. l «lo. Mr. KIN*' l>¥ I'.., hld »¦. v -bi i u ni'.»*, »ob mu ¡ t.'tt ¦' th« mi ui »ri»t tim anraara prepaeed tv iii» hUL Ha feaew thal Maryland was n niall, Batt had toe isa white population, lo Btteaif-l >. it resist. an«-e eg.aM any ¦: in ¦.. .'t. ,.t »ill .- talaaetiott,aad it Blight h* thal ths wat « .', l-t ] .'e«t or ntl er BÍSB, t" "ii! cn !.. r rfajh I .«¦ an . p »I Hilder the Cou» i;ntion UaoüBteudcd iat ila 'a.iU of tee (iov. intii« t.i «»..>. | ii ed Virgfada not t-» iaterfen will reryin 'b'; I t- trn '. Ihe .¡ti'.ni if trie DiMrirt do tv ' »ire, arid have nu. de no .pi I. st.on fir aay n ..t.' 'palfan, and , » ara rigw tu in'rrfire «»:". itvir right! » IB a I 'hey weie r it i . t if Ml JI .ml aad N'.ririi.ii. ile aaeted at. asbleiatile tengih finn i - rorari «; Hie i ouuiiittee of In. iltnji«e «ii Bag ".I fetlVSI I! ISMagainM the tai tienoa wu-'i Bluvcrj b the Diatnct. j. tv;,« bia jadgatnS thal Steven na» doomed in»titnf ion in th- yi'.ie al Maryland, ead it i dil not aaad anv Mb nln I b«-'-»!»»»!» ihe I Mat my » li iiti.-n.pl weald Masteadedbj tie n«- <llt.-trou» MaHeaaaWe Itarylaiid lui» iii-il.v ».r IS frre «ol..-1'i «.pit. In IH38 ii I«'. Ilia t'.iul ...hurd lo-.'.taltea i-. decMMS fat riaan te tea peate, S.178 ..»....«.... Ir» e rit-gr » », s, '.. New-Vorl ajjl tina l's|lBnd. tMiii 111,MO »'j'.a 1.1 lei, h.,i i « olor. <i un« teltea. and Merylaad, a cb oaly I",¡7., ¦ |sars o ¡tes, ',1t cd,red popelettea i t war bad ahead uti all tht M»'»ur-»» of Marvlaiul, aiel U » »a:«»* of ti i» anaaaro wooldBUeilj oiiori-snisi tin- Barra ii m al <oo.lv kui, aiiae the ii.i^'i u'.i«ii ol li.. I.r», upul »!i ,|., ami lend t<< ih* ntte. rota o'the *»..'» nat It.Is Slate Bed expended upward, f |> -I»»','"') In ths li»* 1 btj >.,.'«, «.lui vt bat aood was r*°iOK '" reruli !..t:.c Nut i. iroin a . h. u >. ttbteb v>" ild rat».I lath ! of a dater State I In the esa of cn., ripatit v.^ n ni bate «roil-.I Bl 'I 1 ..? «,1 bl «I til araaga «arealdfoilBWi for tbo tara mim nanu Bra taget.cr. Uo taarad, fron Ibe chart . r fl t-» l.-p,.. jin ¡n | roy ted, b mm b. r itioo ol the I m»>i» v...ni.! I. ii» mj rrad. I be j" , ¦ i., i bees lerel te '.'« Uniea,ano ti «¦».'. io th. y d hiItI U pt 'k.e I i.- ¦.-... I to pnMrve thi rial b of all the Ma*», bat 1. a ieleii'l«jSM Bsetioafl policy woolddoatro) m i Irak- Mr. Mi [.UBI Bl Dsn., Del.) nid bad anenSante la fl.rle rihsTSisa Ptetritt of wh.-t he K-uoid- iel the grrateM >' t tba »-.illa.'. el . vv! wa., Um fra punitive. The BBi :¦> :.' h that » . I by I a.allwbhlnUttrtydays be rai »..-.' w tv- fl the I «*il»r:il «.j im - i.: ¦" f H » .. Ma M Ki Mun.j »lui , Vat.Mt, Mb «. -,i meerli ude Ii1 ,n«l, Ss»**! .'¦ Net .doney. t\ ¦,..- nlvaale, Ohio, Ismat ,111 ois, -. hi. lowe, wiaroaain. Muían le, Kaw . CaJ fstttia, sad b. dhsrihated aneog ti,«- "«'at-- pro tai. a i,i »o p',; ilatioe. Mr. I'«»W !jIi (».m., rit. t. »j Iriiftha in» n o' the 11» « .S'a'-» li iel« Ihe i sa, the] i«, ink* turf "f linn, hoi be ti ghi ti .. a ni urn vu»' it ben ».iota .... ins! it. Mr. 8AVL8BURV« li tbe peat tensa aonhl adopt thi» am«.4_oeni. they would thoa a Bohle jiliil-u.tliioi'V by tal . - '¦> .1 »r .- nivea, ne bad reed _ the oetnpapen thal gi ion who wea I'ot .y .1 trereeogiadta »ti the uc rOM tba ...«1 il.ci a-.- . :n Ul » h»r» !, ifaftOn! ii tBLAM (Ksp., 1 nrn) MdU ». uH'ltiou» lihou .. »; i.ii.1 *<.». || tiiiiy .»ried In tarrant ta prejadiee BfalaM lbs raes a_«aadi tranptad i '. )"-. li Um antiter, waatavesti» W'V.I'i bring bob] ii otana oi thanpae. ... Thara waa eara agenUeraaa Iron ti Bo! I..».'ti, *va,r v.lv. »-'..eil ii t'i'.q.ilr.i why WB dM '."' i ti the g1 a.v wen,'ii»». Jln'knew ol n umu lately l Brant oi m the I ni'.'d States, t--Ü. Ohio, h«riag Mtnalad Ile baOM 'here «a».« b ihndM peblh.ad b, the '.'.vvipei^m abo i* '-,..».« w ici went Soul h to take cue ni thora win» ems «-..tt oil by abafa ¦ ia an aad te) to ..incite thean. Thne whowen »j»/i__g tetaba tba BSBBSM io asjataaee, as Matad by tba Itaeetot from Denwna, wera naad tatholteelh, I ne», aegvenl now proponed le he bhiiated wert »cnraiii», en. hero, uu»l ins only iii irenn v.ill h«, thai »mu hero' aftn heve p*y for their terries, Ho ftetnd white BB tiered people !)»re t day lib¦ii.'i,' cid» ridl*. Mr. K I.N N I l>V Brti'l He le «rai a vien' pnjudii » in tlftryliU'l BBMttg «fe hut _M s.' mut worina« tri h «ilion'' o a. irbobnd »«iciit di.i olly ia i.-' ': iniiii«: 'bat 'i »lin/. Mr. HAlll-W lb..:!,,'b' the ipyvlhe wi.e not tin bbtaiag non, end » «ild Meootrolledby »n li IP»''-, / iiho v.B'i a, Ibe ^( .lalor» from ."Jaiy* land si »I Delaa iro. Mr. KKNNEDY add on» of tbi anal rktoaa Bali i«", fornaeyyean aran Iron the mdploya m1 ¦ ii.vr"»H m the thip \i n.'iii.'N nid It appa nd to he Ihn daaannn ni or iioia M*i)i.iuii .ii.ii tin piitb- would whole < 'hr« «I pop.ilai on II» . olbin'» believe the poopfc of darylaad wera m II Hill f ei'e tie ,.».-. Ile» «A e, » BIM 'baili Me Chlppawac, «»nd Sion.v it they W"iid anudar 'I".- brought .p tii'.h l.ern, tbo ghaot Liu-^Ll in achorel Mr. Ki: Wl.DV .bl :'.<)¦ 1 ...I »live» ia Karylaa I trbowere taught and bad eborcbee. Mshsshtj) alf m. n mittad a iiiat«* Mho taoghi riavaa, M HiJKIaáNMbsdif tha BMStM lu.dnnydl» loi h in. Mr. KKNNKDT raid *'. M I - »Itttrias ai:»«- -, .¦¦, -, , .-.,,. ....... ve .... kv , .. mUity .»n«i. Mr. HAI'I.AN thought that Iba p-toj.le of «Marj lind and Dataware '"1 '" i ..i"« u to in ir i«.. u »bad ¦¦ ' ,-,. y-. . i nu af aaformio liol ».... | . T, at i " '¦' '. a ..""¡'I- ..'¦' ¦*¦. ,.r . apina 4 aMi*rattj aararaa*! inri mm i ii d10 .... arina aa I tnt ever tookph e « i] ept aa ¦¦- | »i« i ¡aa» tttd not tblok » t.^-ve bsp- pi and ian tented aegn n, i > a sklng bri g, were p.-ing to turn roond with their musters limply B8MM8 tliey were pitid wag».. I Mr. SAl IaSUl'Kk laid the «S-nutor, it seemed, ina-'«- B apeech at a venture. Delaware hw I a larger free negro population, in priportion, ».bon any ¡Stale, and tie anew there wai no greater eurie tin,,i the iree negro popnfatioti. He would hare bat one «¡liri» in the c'-nntry, and '.ha» the prc-te.-vntion of the t n or, wi'h all the righti- of the people. I hat BBS who wake« emancipation paramount to the Cm» an' ilion and I mon a di.I- > ni man. Hit. we have .e-n peucetnl men drag)red from tht-ir home, and thrown faB I «athsnnie ba.tilles, while a m who de- ilare« iiut he ha* been a did'itiioni-i for twenty' i .a i peruiitt»'.! to le.-ture beru, and come on the iV>r of the Vnate, und go at large through the coun¬ try. / !¡"iir:it.d. st- in »r.ii: 01 KKI'KLSLMMIVIiS. The HoMB ps.»ed the Senate bul providing for foe BettbaaeM oi me bbbmmB at the nfticen and crews ot .' e frigate! Congress ami Cumberland, the books hiving Leen los», or ii» .'roved in ih»i rseent aarnl n agenenl A Hampton Bnnaa. On motion of Mi. CAMPBELL (Ban., Pa.), In. view oi ibnasaasMTt of the lax b»U, the i on«iana. lion of 'bo »redie nari rand MU wa- ptntByaaaB, and made ti'»- -e-ial order fjr Tties-lay ne.if. li Hows tiBB, in Committee of lb« Whole, re- ti ti -.. I- ration of t'ie I'jx bill. Mr. WADBWOBTU ii a., Kr.)afl*iarimaaaBnV dm in to »Me til 11-», de!i-.in,' \\ na* u circus 1".¡ -.i indatts priai id ig it alien, riog-eau er and b'.v ii j er'"" .-tin «. \ I »is 11 »em., 0.1 iai«l thai, lb* Hoi I If» Mad tolBtrtn at the wrong 0B)d by .p». »ting on tra ami atrina, Baw, Barina o-r Ironbb i* wa. pr'¡.i-.*i i> taxtka fazaiM aadl ¦asfsMMo. of Iii-, iii« geaib nan n'uni Panaajle randa nari ba tori to'Le baneon! Bay* of eb_<l- .' e tax n dreus ra n tbeUsr. It iiun,.iufed tal a toa .-a H'tuiiet and i »lal K It waa taxirg '. 1 notv v-tv !., pam ob d' bl.. I' TV " 1 ai-iti .- '.li«- W11 a on ba I '. u » I . .¦» .- ed by »Baa and Cn«. [I_injgbtsr.| In tin. he rtbfeding. [Benewed laughter.] Whynot -. .', arf aera fas) nigh »¦' fal innBi, and a'a one* », wbi.-1. it lepmsri wontnaly i H .*.v ». lad . "i :....:,¦'.- I iii.ee « bl I 1 . LOVBJOY [Ben., ULI wa tod la know .. " ,n tr.iiu ifofo (Cos) wonlri Uti .^ «*. ,. : h n « ininv e. Ml. < « >\ 'I)« HI., «».j te, il d lb lie«, a«, ti' -, I *e, i-.x'ag » n fi p»-ri ian«'li** ,«'ti-'l'*i:.:.u ,. »it- l a,.,. i, be Bom tb-it wo lid be a tai on ..,: tv ild pi h e ike '. tie m a l»a«l V a.', nuil "hi*, n up »ti.>li IVOUUI g 'ii'.'' ¦. « ! is\\ i I H S au, aileseal wm n Id li l'i. 'I '. .'i H -p., PS.) -l.te.eil i"l nu ,. lefog e'- .»-o' I ami ] -.y i M I *. . da M*.» Mr. 8EDOWII K. Ban., B. '»'.', mii.L had | td to del as j iggk ri i»s «tat- v -ii. wiio trnjM a jag, m KI '»:.,". . ibaiUed m am«*iid- .i in .f ri ... aaeb loir-holler. I!, .ii altbo ii i. ¡iii i .- i. .--.. ant, it mm importanl ti Ohio, a . IBB) i an am illy lulled by «I« gi, -., ». e Mr. *»rLVl.SS 1,'. ,.., l'a.I "iirg. >-*,! a ta .fl .... »Il H OB « ¦» .'¦ v-1 >-l ter. Mr HI. »K !.: t-¡ I m1 i oi Iba te.% ! ..¦«-;. a Illari bul te fo -m t'ne dote. Mr. Bl l.Vi.s*. 'ti-, ii -. inn ¡ who Bom toa dopa I to pay a. Mr. K1. Viv i, »v o lid.ei«. hie » »i«.a,l ,i- V i li <-r ni i-il. ad. |.'».>'. vtc.e ,'¦» ». »' ,-:',.. le . puv al' f BIO t-.a in!« is of news, a| ,'T tibb ..' e *. ,-, ... i fi um lbe del nil ion of Mr. Bl M»l.I ION h., «'In.i ..-. ¡,.. « .di -.¦ ad >; tod, ." di lag ba ¦. J >r, l.u.r Ul ( B) a I.' en" olf I' I anlbflma propossd '¦. a- and *i) m drlag . » j i»e v ho rend i.r h BMnbei oi ' ¦¦ \ beti r » ¦ .'. y i: -... .1 it a bib soother BMoiber praj nari a $5 Kraraa B fa tm barara nakina a eat apM b. BBbaaMnaV mt: '* weir le. OÍf*tt Willi lb -d la-tgh'.er. I». -1 i.\ INs ed.! UMtt, if Bosh p ne* were . oi.» luut-.l, lb* BbBM woild I.» onie a laugh-, i- .- «'-n Mr III UK ,lt'e¡ Mo. | rop.>«a-.i new ,'liiii-e'o y i. »bfi f«,: UM m if« ,»p , i. lemnf ynara» Mr. CBIHI li li» I B.,Md.) pr «tested a»* | aai» n ! i.,-.». It. " S i BBM 'b'- '. i-' i.aad in ; 'I « ]--¦. b- of ryal bforpfai «1. Notbing v,-.- bl iiatpciaie them ino.e t1 an ihn i-, »/lit in»».': 1*1(1(1 tota ibaperaiioa. \¡¡. M-U.t><.<. «-p.. lin ir-.i.l to add that hIi ... i.h t.« Le tb i. i a '.I «I.«M be Bpplfad I* lbs ,»!. Ot tin en.mi a, a'. I ilav» t. I biaui o-nd- ni * i- ,i»-1 o :. of o der. Mi I"' ! IHV r-pli-d lo Mr. Cr «Id, Having he lil ««i h .- tbe braB of foraSytobe pled w-t a e. || v. .a us BU)» li IM -li v of >lai fit ' I... ral a. it wa« that of lib..., -. II, ,..,,. 1 tbat kind of foi ally wbi *i w -.1:1-1 i* -eta ,'». »he Iii- teni of on ibbng*, and tara onay entra bnt fa a s brau* t. di mi rj mm a r-iei, b h ib« l-i-r'-l-.'.. hfa lyMlM of pi .«¦ .-»i» in ire'.bun itie- love the I'm aad wb erari ra to the » bj .¦¦ ii At with ti» b. I b rp will v* ill fi rever pi*-. I t'. er d.iili-.., - li. ». \li.-»KV il ni m, Kia dm n rbab r-pl« ilie t:-i- .-¦ K11 I li-tiu'i-I'm Og the g1 »ii1» rii fihsfire__autra»tkegantinBM -l-tr»*««e,! tbr Hams, bnt 'o gira a ara n h m erny tab ina t.:,, ii,i i...» a- ,,' a h -»i tv ia tim ti a «- .. a a * li.« .>, j aab d g- i.i lu eoeeerral ra gentlemen L. hi lion lbs ninrntti.« at. Mr. «\BNOLD Bra Hi. argnnd ti M I not I ¦. M 1,0 |J,W " - tiri I a arced ikk I.ill l .le m, |»rn.'*.. Why .henld tiley no1 ,.. | . ( .-.¡.Ji.a Iron i' . ir e »,f n. cv 11 U . KIHI li LU i i h.-11 Mr, 1. »«raj » ' '¦' IbikL Then MMMBong tit* two rfasBM . tuallj .I» testabb, a moly: lb ¡a Ina rebellion, and ib« .-la»- m « M M ¦. I B pi .a 'neal iei,ib<-r. Mr. ni. mu (Mo.» Itannding »_b»naakl*n,dkl_al r-e. ». ) i tala I'.-i.'.ii-i.i. u abo l-l ,¦.-' in'on araxpam r tbia i- . wv» n -ned, latin N Id ha^r »o yny 'he bnfooftka iii.vaa, ka and b Im ah tiara Manaranaad] m] ':» i i, ¡id not Im tu»»-ii. uMraabonidbel Iii t. n. i.<»\ I'.MV, replying to Mr. Crlafbldand Mr. MaBory, nrid, If I had ntn i.-«"» f.¡ thon uii.j i«, u... ira, lbs j ild ant ta pam rall ra ti tbairowa _B_*a. I n-rr .nil 1 Ii.-no j,«ace till tin pabtts i-«t« ban rBy t_M_fo**arytata)pa 'grw.»«.f attiaut* t.-» lion, Mr. Illa». . pr ,p..titi'in waa ittnei,,teal, co a. lo tax g1 M riaraa lor lib l«-l»v.«an H and ..» yeai« oi a m, an ¡alng »»'ii that | M * ..-latiii/ io 11 term at VCRIH. BraMMM efloita Morn iniule to imu'i'l thir, hut ft li ti If the cii'li« prop Miti ni wua deieatod H »IgafoB BS An amemluu al "«» a-lopte.1, provuliatr tnat notli« iiig in the lull ii,all be,,,n.ii :..tl to prevent any Sims froi paring tiuei upon any arti« .on tb- lein taied on li .- ».* aired. 'Ki » omuii.t«-«» lote, ami tbs Ilouso atijotinied. »a» MU. COX AM» Till .SLWI* WHO WAH Will II LI» TO DliAlll. re at« ...««(<«. «r i us i ¡* -, ». Una blip i'-a. PaSaMht'a risfaara af tka I'.ive-wli ¡»¡cr Co., puhl shed in je.»rnhy'a Tl'tK- ' .', i, e,ii,,im,s the .tateineii» yan Cut BBb_Bbnn, 1 bud taken »ome pa M fo invest.p.ite lue liu'.h of the rnpeti ami baal Mftfa-paaBtstaari A Ba li rib, amil rib» M hate given you tim partiriihir.« ami autharil v "i "" " ¦. Bal ranp* sana* Tnii taS-ra-Mblppei DBB had been amend fal treas »n.uid i», it BBtM ne. 'e' tari) BBttl then io ah jw hil love foi ty., ann, be took ibu p-M»r ob] h!n. JBrir, .nid, ii. c..i-.|ii»r ',,-'» lee ,ii,..,y "el-ciled Oil O-th," " ¡.unt-he,! bfoj by Mbpping «ritka leather itts(i"--i!,ii in BBSanpi'BBS of '..'.grn-itu.b." Alior iho laggfaf, ].-.-.I old' J ». I ap:**t«vi aaiB -»ck. and BatwIibBaadlag Cub bk U linly Bhysb "in ¡ui.l bad eveiv foSBlbal could bo, Jack .]ie«l. A.ieor.linf* to this' .Sport, B -lory <yf itA.-'vr mm, "as B»J»rigntM ihe cs-iuty bj ..-.¡B, isaaarad a rasant foal "Kegro 'n' Bract, b'. »i.Mb ....i li.ug.,»,, ii,, .,J ,X|H). ' 'r'."." SB« VI .1««». *.*i m»».J v.v.^., of it, f»ong-TV>iit¡n'ied expo-mre to »' pcr's liiRh, wah iisiu.'.i<iic Bttdraetteam . hiUsdbla (tod »pee, j the tin «j when »tjr.h our rag« t " be known no nt 'I'M Ai, 'r-if-tn mil, j. *g, .. I it. ->1.,,li II fron nil 4*6** A)'. .', àantesssaaBatisf TeaE i.Twaonhsttei .¦. tkaj <.s tint.'al i«» lb. it».mamtof aor eon« ¦I). K -1.," lu r.!»tl'.n to »h» ntnrdrr ot u.n «!,»»»»Jj'-k ti »rétate» bp bit _oit"T » notorio..« trai'.tir samel Sen vi Cas,"_elanes ha» furui-h,«J ia with tba taOawtaa lett., » p.r'iatl ol \vhl'-h will tttl.t'y no doubt »nyi'iiiiartitlrictJer rf tur tntnpsadeatfi ntnfti Hr.irviiAHiiii.HooK.R'» DiVtinX.BBAa Keen's Fbp.ni. j Mii,!i.,i), Marah 4. 1MB. I If (Jen. Sickle«, or perhaps Col. d'abiitu, COOM i<> «lo so, they would verily ihe gensrul truth of'be ««tatemante of xn* letter of January IO. (Jen. Bit k1- 4 hu» now in Iii» poaasntM a white Mel.M whi< :>_ In »eired J pen Coi, the murderer')! poor »la« kScr- gem. Ib« Irms in of Cox in MMlietakabl», and thi», b ne, with other thing», were »ei/ed ¡,y virtue of iii« bee* »on. Coi v,ut ni iltreated by the arid.M whin he «ame aftM Scroggin». and he would it ver bSTI BMB able to take him, ha«: not uri ollie-.'i in aitMt CM, (IrshkHu't or Col. Dwight'» RttfittMBd nt.nsd bin. My l»ttei ni'ike» no cb-.trye BgB.BI CM. Dwight, but only against that tmtM through whone order a i .yal neh'ro was »urrenderetl to one of the roost no- lorieaa traitor« of tin. I'mi,!"iiio ¡I vu of »r»i,-i-u Bttd Slavery. " An ollner «.f the 1st Kx.;el»ior liii-rtde'' ia nj_or beaty ia his «I« tense .mi ebanpteasbta of «Jol. Dwight« He MMiSda me of that verdam thief, who, 'icing caught ml one of hi» liglit-litiK-eTed triebe, ! deu:ei hi» guilt betöre h charge wa» made BgB«i.I him. It has been ray fortune'o mae/-Col. Daisrht on more than ¡mc BOM.M, and I h»va found him au | offl.er eiul n gMtknB., .«.id I an ilew«! to bear m«, bumble tc»tin:ony le hi» efli isuiy in Mb» duing, in BMaeMtee with Uen. Nioklei and COL IJrahe.m, tbe hold, active, sud intolent trea»on n rampant in the lower countiea of Ilk.I i-vitt». 1 ra. tarni ar with one iuitauce, a*. I leaat, wh' ¦. I Wa 'H' hwOOfld nfatS from Newport provailad .. ¦. .. I"!.n/kor to prefer chargea Biviii-jiit Col. I)wight; bol '-CommitUS appointed to in» vestisnto tin allaii - p the highett leatianay lethal Jnilaan aad »rorree nat of Col. Dtpfajht'a adivm-} and M tia ¦'. Bo o ,1 j.-'. .na wa« M tt"»***n of Cox, that when- aver the iteansw toeSbsd M Onaaaal I't., on Fort I »btv ii .iver, the» alwnya »oaiched bi» house; and vi. i'«l. i > tv i ¡bri iiejiniMt moved dowe in tint vkinity. aad enrenpeo on Dr. Beb, tVMinoa'a lunn, Milirry I,¡uve, they «ar.I.e-,1 Bttd mead oottuag worth arsntievitogi 'hey, however, »ei/ed i .lin» thte»ni ami rotaranI tuen». Bat Col.' 1 mo'..-I «¡«jivii ll.tic ami tttOSnped Bl Allen'» 1 h i.r,. "or and la. t t-i.« »i wa» aia'c, and »urti in * «ver» lo lid in a twanip, bflttttM I l'l au, v\ iib:, u Ne»'»it» ii -i".. barnd m Ihe eastft.ta ¡tutify th«- asteare of the . .»¡«t«-r part flCoa . »to fe, v¦. i-, ,«¦ i.e t ,,.i ¦..'¦ nowa le " aa oMttt ,i, the i»-, i,-.' .-'i- icelttor Brigade." "An nth' ir" MOOld hive inbiri ted the «uu.e of lils MO.» ley, u.-id '.h»r*:oro of trutb, bad he eonÜBsd bin. h If to the rttdieatioa fl tba aftcerafl hi» regiment. Mot tiBiteal v ni) '¡vi', proooaaero ary lettai wholly loco net" m sO Meten rata, 'r. itlog -, , ¦'. of the tri')'* ¡.»'Otri'liug hiA guilty erinm which bara t*orerad thasalben ibdabelton j ... lu. rebel] on erith the bli keel -".fe- .-¦ I Over two anatM bara elapsed .ara I paaaad the I«'ter " an of'i cr iel..'.', ftt tba thttS I wrote ii .' wi. ¡J".ort Impossible to aerortali pot.ivelv in trh.bfl ibe reginMta rtfiri ed tootha i-t mt ¡ti ',- readil m *.""l- phre, Krowinv < I. Dwfarbt .. i.. ' la. It in my «> »« i«»n iwliia h onbl enable ii.e to make the fcuiei.de booonble dwttld Ibte lekii- m*nt bs ths wrong one, 1 ¡BVO . vt that liiere MMt hetS beM »'-nie o.jo 0.MT v.,»., fal asi me right, bel bnbMBotya ..'. »wa i.n tatt, I bateeertaia profl IBM «DeI. (tra» un.» Regiment va tin neena stn IhM escampad MM Port i- .- o. C"I. H i i bri Ihe ii.». thal errat ibero, aad It ¡"frontes joined the ase« o;..: one arl n a--'- eeeanped at ftllea'a Pi.h. After they warn a h »¦ narek iowo te Hill Top, I'ox and v.l. -i. tan friMlil 'ven' I. I -.ii. »ni )h in«'! i'''.',' a '..ii«.- n the f a wi ha ho ne, a here «« i o bj the ra of J«»: \Vb1* tan lived. \v »c iv*»'» fnead *¦«.» a man hi the -fal ».- V-il. Who '¦.'..') ». .- I to the Ma e l."i', laturs las) bull. Coi ra bad ia the r.ik»an»i .. i'.d Seroggins, whee the .ven with Hen ¿ho. loai bin r»Mvi!>. An oflon ade apaad nacand»Com, ead ande the ans eerroa.eribo riavan «¡on the promise that ha weold aMbaam bim. I hero triad to lad " it the -am« al 'iie «iii'-cr, but I lind it al- i,.'i; i ü :»..«. 11. l «j . thera no bonombh nae Im ths i«t or ..'iii it'.-giiu.-iu, or soywben elsa«who . iii give the asan fl the flbVn I heard MM M wa» UM Major ui ihe .'I'.b K»giment. «;. »:. .». M'.W.VOHK l.r.iîISLATI ¡HE. Bl "fATB....AlBAST, Mun b v., UM. I r.» bill i |«ri'-i. k"l:e N'-w-Virk II ,^i»' pathic Me li al ^«.i- ly wits rspttr.d lu.orably sud order, u lo a 'hird re.i lim'. Mr. I- KKKB In¦.lined beviagaaythbnyta de with I'll" irport. The »«¡li altering Iba OeanriaB.ast^a napflProola Ivn wa* nperted nttorabry. II.* N--. >..rk ii», "i «',«,'.. » revort w:.» pie. »ei 'ed and ordered to be priMad. au .. * pesai o. Beepaeting the penen ¡md d"-:»i fl Boardefl rtaiavviaore, ead ragaletlag 'M pt*eoee>.agasgainet Um tu. n - b¡ii : -nenditin the ehartar of »be Lobbna* At- lo'n.'ioii. irai i«'»t. A nttten te n eeeshEM ti a «rote wi» ¡i»*- | .I hu i M the table. Te coiiv SBBSte bonn ti-Ie pure'.i.«. ..¦> of w ild Inml» iv. ..v.- »ntlandetherasa. To protoet bridif.'» faei ngiagtj. thefl de. I n, r, ii itriag .lie n cotMiderod la i i'njtnittt»e of Ib to i.-.le end ordered te a third reeding: I'., in,- -.- »oreta ihe .Ne»«-York Coiuiueuist Ar-cia- i; ine »o Ihv.u moer wi»i»r in ths City of Hl.»oUv!!. I., lii.lvjil B »he Hr.^ifelyn, Itath, mi »i Cniiev I Railrosd to tey rails of len weikp.t. il. n rt*- ijnirod ¦.- ,: m al bill. < »i... billi in i pr> gran portadMtheo. Iiec«». fe EElEtrj Bl iMiOE. The ConnittM "f t:.» tVhell ».»ikaWp and delated Iba bin to reorgani,'a i!-o dteM Asylna Car La Co .v '-. Pi i.-*« wa» roMrted. M i"l ' J i- reported »ive» lythe bUl taropé .1 li tam te ¦'. p'. .iaietan of the mj I fron íes. 4 Ajtrasd Mi iii* followlBg wen n arlad Lb ably.Te am* vent :vt'.-iii, at bnrgh.y aad Aber «cri « io print ¦»,- no t ,.| « 'oiii'a of t.MC 1. in* moatadsf <»f the »as-ion arM ««ne",n-.e.i i- ih* i <"' local billa, âejoaiaad. m> »jxtWEMBI V. The fl rinding Connlttee i»; »ried sstoMnr large batch bills coll plele, Wlli fa BwtelstdOBtbl tab., I'ntiertlie jotal roll re | nnig Bppt*Opriat>jOB Bed anpply billa to rame op for c,|.»:.¡,.retloa t.e« > the J-.tli of "tlarib.the Kv"«'«sl sppropria ion bill am ia'»' n up. iii. motion fl Mr. PIBIIKS, noottded bTMeean, B1 HOI. F.i ll.I.i. and I.l'A UI Dill bj fed epposod by Mr. AiaVOKI), n.e citato uniting tea pubhcB* tint fl the viii.ul Maran to the Bbttepani ans an« .ved by addiag .* and two papen in ekih-.-u t u,al Di t.rt. Mr. li. DftVIf fl ChaartnnfMbiada un e:!,,»t to ¦tribe oM ¡«II the sanriss >-i the Pahite Daparlnn.i nhoveth- annum' 'r.-.iibi! f r each Depart.Mi by ih« Bei.rd Sfa'u'..«. Lost. Mi. li. N. THOMAS novedto »tribe out ths ap¬ propriât.a t««r the S'afl hi.»«'»«on, end M ulndiati Ibel olbce. Curie«», bv 'I'.» to Id». The niii wu» thru oreerad te a 'hird reiulinj*. The ABanal »Sapplv lull wat i»ke,i rn. The lull wa» eooatderod lill the boor of -see»». i.ir.Nir.i; ntaatcm. Mi. li 'iiclii'i'-. BaOtfan lo »tube BBS Cie a- end- meiit abolishing the olBra of state tMetera,n«tap<ted ia « I nittee of the \VI "le, wej h'»»-ll lo ti-'. The Auniii-il Supply bili 4 a.;iiin taken up in jCoaik.ttae of tm*» lrThole, and debated till t!ie adjo.ii Lint ut. Iioim Dur i--.-1 Bt«CtnnfBna* .t. Ai B**-'l, March '.., 1 "«"*.'. 'IHK Mil II 11 V VW Tiie s«.lett CoonaltlBB,le whnhtha MB.Inhtfl b .1 I..-..n coinii.iti«d lo BO perlr.ie.l haw reportad lue lull cmu,let«», au 'ben- h no BSflbl lh.it li la in it nu, li ben i »tuto than ii i' had goan thron.,'!, that proesn la ih.» aeas] wm fat C nnittaa fl Ms w. iv l», whan 138 hntend al thfartesn ÜoaiM mi.. i.« I «ti Bom e\cir:».,)d m BBggettiagsanadnesMM it. to lib the inini'tee of IhirtaM nave heBri in MMMsl the Jedes ftd*raeaM»43eaecal aad otbn nlhtnrj ana, m BdVMSrSaSEd though m.n.y chain:»» snd BBprove1 m. ntl luife e been nada, umi i.Ilerati.'i.i In .let'iii, the bUllala nil ns laediBg Instaras ile-ai-ne us I.rat I in led .lud i! ptitetl in'bat »nape will give to Ih. Ktate of MeW'Torh wael It b » never had bri »e. u -.r '-i militar», »t»«.».n. 11.» al leatt le "«¦¦ » d bv mt ut, taibeeiajh te nettta kim ...... ua_i «a »j i. ave be« nilón») to vie w. ned -sajafo-*. ttarlred tram ,- Jung e.l'i-.iv .on of peí« under republican institua tiona. | BBBBSBfl or ».»w vor,«. I TIt Lii* , ed by Me. I'i ,-.* -:«, .^ .M .New-y. rk fautor, em I,.,*. nigh*. in II o ¿m torito fin Ir'.¡lug. I he 1 .i», -_. thüi, au»l aa Mr. Alford exhibited an fatentioe of Bgb ing IkM '..u ii ii »ir i 1, in aefirnnoftM live Million bill it waaa-rideal that ibis one could not refí-oriably li»Opa M pa», without a fuller Ho tsc. Mr. A Lord Drat moved to recommit, but at a nmBStBBfrom Um Sneaker and other f.iendeoi the measure, eiianged bb motion to ore to lay it a-ide. if is now evident fot I 'he.-ont i«', for supremacy fathaJ-BMBblf, which ii the reitl in ¡c «1-» [eked bj ihc-me «*'. «-ral «V fina* projfcts, i. not yet terminated. I com i KT * *.r «».»>«. Mr. M. M allen will Infanri MB a luljititi.ts f-tlke bill now before the Commit»- « for '.be luppreiiion of concert salt,..: earn! other phnesof (onuiemsiit wbois uioralitv ii questionable. 'Ihe »ubititu'e propages to ngnlnt* bj b jM-rira* qman of Ltamari pones MJ i-rvicion »I! [>la»**a ot fci.iiiemeiit, tbeaten, ot -knaass Isa nu, ,«nt ihn licet «o it/* any monthly enm ant to BXOBsd $-)«)" per itunam; withb the |iic.-iu<*i.i of the Me'iopol. un Police Di.'ri«*t, the .t"u of each Keen.« 1- a. Bad alt le^iiia-.i.-tii toe. ni » ) tbdr ma-iagemen». nftbaM pla-esof amuae« ment, are left at the «li.«*re'iou and wholly under ».ha «outrul ot t!ie I'oflcc* I BMBBbMBBMa. In other pari« <.f tba s,at.» the »power to r.guíate lb*«* »nalv. t«:r« i. vc«to«l In tim '.own and village authuritiei!. Ihe mo.icy garlead Lou IBS B-vJSBBB granted, within the Metr.jpoli'un PoHra Oiitrict, .{'?es to the »S-x-iety for the Ke forma* ¡ou of Juvenile Delir.t-iuen'a, »be »ruetces of *.vhi h ar«i »o be iioiiüed af every applicv.ion for li.ens*. lhere ure many Bkenbna of ihe Aigcmlly who are i\-^g_i_jng to doubt the propriaty «.'f «Vii leg-.lr.tious tin will .»'»»ally prohibit, theemployiueii* ol' females, «-¡"h ia tbs main feature ol' ii.'» ba« 'lit passed '.be Senate, Badwkkk ia evidently nie'«"»: lual »o prevent tbs iateBBperanea »and nungaaal vi'e« that are fostered in those plana li i. rugger*. .1 thal nany ol' fbSBB foantita* BSaak '.his eui|»loy«!i»-nt for the .upport of 'hem»trlv--ri and families, in prefersoe* to adopting » ... means to windi they «till moat likely be .¡riven if depdred «.f this. riSABt I B14 ti IS, Hy the jii'i». rule« of lbe I.'-t-ia'ature, wh-«*h over- it le the rules of each House ».". era I v. ii is rsq ii .-.?_ ti at the Api .-«.p.i.tii'i.i and s inpiy billi, as they are .-everally deiignatcd, shall be «-oniidered in Comnut- tte af In* Whole on, if not batata, the 20th of March. Tbfa ruU se-B anani anp »¡«.'¦¦til or 1er. and t«xlay the lancha lili MM tbu»i i road -lou». The only ma*«- r.hl ¡.niciid-.-eiit anea la lb Appropriation bi'l was a lover.«1 A a vote at a se afon e-.m*» tea days .hice, ahmt, on antfoa of Mr. Aivord, the appropriation r ¡. nibbing 'ho ottiei-tl c..-i»-a»-« wai bimtrctt "o lb* tb>*t*pnpcr. To-lay a prarfofon vue ínrer-tj, pr». riding lor '.Le publication in one paper in each "ièiia- r- rilli -li-trj.-r. The upproi.r.i.Mott for'.he Su'.c As» j was stricken ou», and a eli lae inserted aboi- i* i:¡" the otlj.-e. After the (oui mittet) rose, Mr. »Besannt Barred ta dtaagras Midi In CnaaaBtaa, anl »reatara the bill in Ba arigfoal rifopa on this matter panant] w-tak, the liou»« took i. nant tuitU «v«u- l:.,;. lbe S»r.ate MM occupied vii h .Vat* Pri**»*-**, * 'r-.tly Vin I.i8iii*aue« Comprime«, Bud Hus«j-e- taanm Dnlrnrtnty. The t»ill for the relief </thi« iiir-titution patsfoariaaaly B>rif*jaBtad by Senator 1 r l'tiau, wti'j prupons that the State «hall NSMM i.er right b the prtnntp tothu Cnivenily, have the property losarBa, uni Uko an a.riignmept of the I :' InaniMBMi nina, if iba building .I», mid Ijc burnexl, toe N'a.o would get her money back. I an M doub' that if »n : .State ever nels b«v*k an) of the i BJBBJ .ne h-ilo.'ici to «ueh institutions, it M1 f, aarom »» i o. bbi i ra orri' cr. PreiidenI l'«mi.l«»'li ¡.(«¦».»..iite.t the report,.)! Dr. D Mea! "i-i »ih'er, o! the a uoant of re.-eipis, es- uandiraws. and pmqabfonsd -faeriba fas UM yeai IS I, a. it.lliwi: as> mer». r-':».» IbisllB cc.tclt.*31,1*1 «ej Break*, asa a i «sbmM. l.iill» io ï.'.a!.aSMBB Sli-BN »' ' KI». Ho,*J et Der .ty L'ct.-.h (JTr* -r». «2«ajo t>r- S''irj o-' -,->-.i I. i.tttlOti r at. . . UM Oi Kaaeuacaof li.ing. l.*>39 fl legal .f.», ». IBM Repair«-if bos!* . » "3 Um. ")3" Priottng aci-c* io pi,ota. 'J'! Ti Ii tsinn -i". fBlMSIBI. BB Fcpiir Bff bl it b< BM. ti It 1- ..¦ of a i.iltca of to.QBtecrt. lo* »C tag. «*0 *. ¦tipaallturtasiactdc-it1 la the oSke ...... * *.tH ii 1 . .'.«J 18,11« 6S The Etoalfol»-foraraynt_B ibeiearenoperiniait** i»,..I*, annaanal riaaatfoM af -»rar., Bran,fon* ban rand Bastaba i ''and ou« «»nail . outribuuoo Iront ageo».len_ineiigar-e lu tbs Ugh riiigb'ie.iue-s," win wa» .ippropi-iaiied to the expMMM :n-*idsr.i*_l io the eritan. mr «nu |S»r»*)BTIOBB_-T. 'I he two | Ians of appor'ionuieni ot our 31 rne_i- benef Caagnaa, wbkb were rejioi-ted in the Senate l-.o-i. week, are d.tily growing nore inpopntal In fact, Mbodp a^j-tiirs to bj lb*M igbly .»li.hed witta eil!:, i-, and if uo Itetter »cbeme ia dev i*«tt, »here will be iBaSwby in BSSnibaj tb .- .tdopU.in ari anv ona plan yet ¡.ropoied. Ibeee lmpfaint« ooms'mors «.r les from ull par»! of _M Sate, but the mort loi-y it. o from thq City of Vev-York and «rietafoy. 11. ¦...ret of most-f tlie lu«* lie» in the fa«t that lhere are a gret many gBBBfanMB who are like tbs I'. .la.ylvuiiia A.-i»e.i.l)Ivlunn, wl.o, in the day« of unUnuted rdbanricbarten, refoee»! fo vote for the newC aatitntba until Banaded ra ra form by bia .«vu 1,-iui. Ktuh want, ti repre-Mii», New-York i :' » i i Cmi:».*.», and look. I I » « '. :,g.-,-t-»...(uil »lia triB ibai wi'i trry out bb t-.-m.d- al »«piratioui. I rom I alit'onilu. StMi- an, -, -.lanrJiT. M*i_a »., UM S [p Biugfoader eaileu I- day for l_p_u, vitb United **<i li * Miusei I'm vu ..-ni 11 e. 'liic «"au., n I'H.. ian baa arris««»., fnn MasBbn Igfo, I h fal -¦«'. n> re,«:\f.I there f-otu Arnon« nptnaanta uns tba enmrj ia ulm .«t áapapalated, ni ' 'i gtMearion aoMfanM and tba hatiR» tin Indiana» li,. Bebri l»..vi.i) ..vop«, n imb.-ritig tit), were aw iting it-er.foreamert« at --.i h tita avowel pipan af t_kii»if Fort \ una. in Catii unis, but H <.' ttf the lira regit eui* .-f Cab ". ata v.»; atoan wen fo tim partisa nf tka BUfo, Bad vt.-ild ka gforil .- tam ling enemy. At».-' m Baa F-i i*-> ".' »kir 0«*_MBintn>n* I'.i.oii.i. ami Mia. .*.«.i 1 . I- ar *. l*t <b«ui I ISB> t-rer. Hail Wl ,...'-. i.i a r, Hiu J_.t .-. |_M ai.» ». ». , I'll**«* In Os»»»-!;»,, Oseas«, l'iciity, Mta-c'i-«\ BSB A gre ti afternoe i gutted l-kkett'i pafal ib.»p¡ lasan i for t'*1- .'. I»nndoa and UibbmL Tie building wai dam .g«.-»! B*J,000j me ired in 'he North- \\ - a''.' 11,000." Tb« I «.-Hi bio. k adjoining *asdal lg*d|l,00t)¡ insur lia London au.l l.iver- rjtjoL k11 ,.ip, di arbtj La »gnrai Baan,barbar, law «, but !.'-t ibo| .^ », worn al*' burned.» I »». | i.iHaJ or f -t.U'aJ; gein-iill'. lu« ir- -la *> ihe *-«OTit.*4oiiiii*'M «vtMlln. irai i tar. Baw i-5- '¦**. Tb* anita par tbe nteaanv Born-BratiM ^*-T?f rl«red ben, and trill ba biMBlriad B New-York by the »neill tr uti. wlii.h das in N. vv \ork oi au n « aw (WilBMriayl ¦"'¦¦_¦ . _. i be newM «per bag bl ' " An. > bjsd Prnsj left la-re fa ihe : a ebek info fra «ew-Tark. 11 s faBB is due about II "'d'" li IS Blg-t. Mi|.-(ien. Havid Hunt-r ki BM I Bj -BBS BaaBSJ at 6 o -U> I«, i i JS_!-itu. re», willie ha will faga ths boat for Fortr.'caMouro.', and Here nfosST- BJ board the fritadBtnfoa arsasnsii IdBstta, BSlfafmlVi' »lay m'nim*. fro».. BaBpfoB B tiit, f-»rl'"it lioya!, -bs hei.l-uir'cri of the new B-BBjriBBBl "f 'b« South. Ile will be Bt*raeiranfad by ara b-bnhg amBSStafktaalati Brig.^ifon.B. w. BannaB, wlo will tako the eoUH-nil «'om whkb hhereian las bara laBaiad Ona. s. bbsbj BBriasnd Baan. If-ribek ('¦« J* W. .shaiur, »Istsssa Atnmt Balma, IN« L.lwi.r.i W-».". Rah B. BL Bass* C*4 Jfo*,W. Turner, (¡.p. K-!war,l Vf. »mith. Liant. Sanad W BBièBS «*i^t- A-.hurM. Bra :»i,*, and M.,j. Chai. O- H «'i'*'*' . Sn-lnBl -A lj«tSaVt.S (ietieral. .iMBBWABS A"'" '"." ****** 'oilowmg sr- tb« ia.ee« ol' Amen.ani laglMarBI B Dm ¦ to.s Amen,*.,..."- Bli BB X "BÍ BlsBl.g Bim R+ HI s uni, I -Bée*, W. C, F-:.., week ceding .Bal k9, lanti _, . !.., ,i IrWn -'* f". .' i I «tit Cha* Cn -^¿L*. V 'I »». _e» ... _. Ile- » I- >-*>.l-' 1*1 . *«*"''

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Page 1: I« -'. NORTH CAROLINA.['¦m NORTH CAROLINA. jMOTREl 50CCESSFIÄ EXPIDÏÏ Adfdrinl Capture oí Wabtai-gtou. ¦a** AtMIyAiOF WOUNDEDSOLDIERS FMN-iEWBÍHN, TbeOErted í-.M»""-am



Adfdrinl Capture oí Wabtai-gtou.¦a**


Tbe OErted í- .M »""-am transport «fJe >. F''A¡.«><lv.

C'apt Tier.i from Newhern, N. C, Mar!. tt, in

ballast, arrived on Taeiduy mom.g. con»i<.-ued io

the Qm '. mae.r.Tbe l'eiibodfe" ¡»ft in < on roany with the etesni.r

Kew iiraastr.11 an Irow-Yorhi pa»«ed orar theBwasn R.iuday, 11 a. »n. Fonnd at the Inle» thesteam-r Por*. Royal, l'.otu -BW Ysrh| a'' ««e...

Left .,! the lui« t »'esmere New-Hniniwl.k andLaateb.n, having ..n l ovó miny of th" rieb Kin!weaadsd from Ota. Hurueides Division. Ih»ateantrB R.flannlitiasj UM tba Inlet tot For':'»»Monroe an ho'ir p e\io»i» M ou ¿apsitan, bat.g Mb-pktil tome fit the ink and wounded tMBOfanedfrom Ihe Lo S.taBM» A« S p. B., C»j»e Hfl.SMlight beiumg V, Wa, BSSBSd MMMMI Suwsim««-.bound Beaah, probably ilacen»! Inlet 9 p. m. BMMttdttauraer I .i »tern 19.te bo in«! lo the Iulet.Wa aimed at Hametea K-iadt Bl I - on. «'Ill-,

wbe we lound a tarje fleci of tj*t.spoil* si anchor.

|)tiring tbe duy jiaised et-venil MMnnS bOBttd tomb.a i ag the pneastagt » hy tot George PMhedy is

LteaL Col atehart it. Potter fl 'he SlatBegienMN. Y. V., wbii was eo»«-verely wone-led r.î toe bat¬

tle el N'ewi».:". Cet PettiM ~a» tehan to hisbon. Ra. I I'rftvi niery Pun».

Aiiioul' Ih» ronataeflthc killed mboard *t* tjjoee<ef< i-i., .'.iin hrasen* Oept Jahnen ead Lira»» Ali«-nef th» SIM B-ghnett N. Y. V.; Lieu:. Walker. !"n

Jiew-Jtrny; CSfft J.W. Lawton, Company 1, 37thMaieav'tn.-ajtis, I apt. TilliUkjlias', Cmttpaay II, 4thRhode Ir-land; UMt Dstttaj Company I, «*)I»t

Hew Terni i.i» nt.-Col. Manrftt, 'JW MaasBthnsitla]Adjn r.' St«3*vrn«i, Í1»' MflBttnl nicttt.Tu» PtaheSy brought home »evora', t tie Ke- Mb

bort-«*» which <'en*. J*" nuid* end Prater sent bou>ee» Eephtea.

du»-a*, welefl Hewbera, ti»*» enpadit.n nfl to

IVifeii -u, X. C, waa raaanrisf. '- esarietedci tarai .1 gunbo»'», Rial the MsAfeiicbuiet'i îlth

¦agianat, and by the .*he-"it a"d MMMtioa, i» i»

esppowd ppOTod bUvCesef iLi.'.on to Basal».tj uiwcr t_4 n. i'ark bud

not reported ba«-.k, except the .-ap'ure fl 180.MB*-»'"'c by awSBEBEBS.g bofl., u» »lele/', tim: j>la«.e on

Ilia appa a-1. «n .ur trv)ops.'.' r." .: op» and crew» oí the veasei» at Ncwl-trn,

W»)rv al in line h.'slth.The Da.id BEMM flkasa >;ib«jatti the George

jPcbody «.prc-s tb.i.- tdninttett of the masterly.kilt attiA euergy of Cftfft I'ravere in tshlng advan¬tage )f every ehftftM which vaiij-ht promote a tpei Agdi)( .'¦ I _l S lag 'J'.:. * OttlM.tt n*. hM a B Ml BMfui 'ii-'! Brge, and ai«¡«i protin,,' the < nfldeuce andhigh e« m in which he ¡s held by tue Comieanding__M_d *o lie well tttttt ti.Tbe I'ehNfedy ie *.o re.urn iiiimel «:e!y with u

heft" y «"ar.-o ol' tubaialeu M »i«>r«..

Tbe »"fllowiBk] are ihe pt.senders by the IVabody:liedjI.-Col. R. It. P t'er, I'nit'd i*t.*"es Army: I".O ffehot. OtdtedBtstraQeerteHann.rDe|Mr. Cook and Mr. li.it« helder.


DariagSBSternnyaftereoM nd araelng .. ».

number ol' the soldicrt Bttaebed to Iba B meide J.x-

pixlition. who were wounded al ihe Battlefl XeW«bej-iv Bivived in »hi» ¡ty. aboel atghty»!by Map of the Candra »nd d -I »kid, andthe nantednm board fl tbe »(earners rMhedy aadtoi « Hr nsvieb, -hr» t han Rewbare, to, c.

I Ipn the arrival -'I' 'h' .Vi ». .¦; «-.im r a; -.he footPot Baretey Mseel, Gel. HiW' of M..*ka. baeette, with

I Oapft De ITi-f of i»cu. Hn.-n»i.k b.-'ei', 1¿. 11. M -

« v, «'».n. II. II. JIB*»ter of 4'ov. JJ.»lnr<>.'. u »Siati.» v- ted Oat t'my <>f c- mk*«ü» i.-.-.-vvrii the

Msaaded »oldier» and . m eyed then v.),«.. weenttt fatig-nad iu -..r¡¡..i;i aadwagsM te to» i .r»

Barratt. Tbo najority, b iwever, «»,. ara «l (ben¬nion ahurfediintly sl.'e 'o B .ii» h a mile or mo: e, andaotw ithetanding the pidafal Bataro »»' Um wo.in,^,tbe;. pRih»red up lhaii muekets, httapaaebn, eadtrophies, fell into the nuke and Mtwbed - theTar». 1'he larire tne-»-¡o.n. in the iii.r.a -ki» lu.lie» o fir« pared for tbe re« « p'iou o'' »ii« n adoc»oltliei-«. ai. 1 a MMBSM M pMnittMlM>¦.'. m» mon ia BSteadeaee, b^-. eg « ihntee ed i

sert ice» io,- the i lief of the »ilb-rc». \\'oril» .ii

BMMsaly be fonad I .. .«¦.» .!.In a li'l'c time BBBltJ evaryaan Mtt under !h«ht.d» , lhS<SBEJB8BS, Snd many w. fland I'liveiiii.g rialur«' w«*r» BStpiduly rata.td snd operu'.ed '»p-j~, Wen «ir« »». d

imew. a lan.e OM di Btisi fl baadagsft Uni,and to iartb. uik-i. by 'he J.-;.!ie»- li' ¡o-fUttten Brrired in g.oA time i-nd wa» »-ion j. it in ose,

BeMBMaSetdterw.bhteees)]and tbe.e one or BOWaW_h tbofarlag.8 li '

Home had -lgly riaaghiag wm ndi h lb.raari-i». lek.'-. and fe«--', y»t all bote up MttttMly Bttdeitheir si¦.»>.: ¡tig» a«id no», a word of ."omj):.. ..

groan«!« »,'.-d .' ir.: ney vioi ¡ I ira»..'., bat, on Cooaaatrary, 11 »eeiü-.-l -u gaad apiiitsiSnd thanhlhlthat tki : lan had been »pired und th.. ¦¦¦

WM n praepeel ot their beiag again able tagofiiriso-i rejo a ihripeeanadn te aba wai in ».'...¦ i aloa.he'll«! tiers particularly lively, a»id paid nets M>'«¦v.-.ate the injoii« t '.'other» Ihm they did to their<wn. Tt;i rjuigeone UhetsdM_duontly, and fat _p

.f acoujleo. bonn» hsd dreseed the wojndtof ail.

M.,''..«nei were then Ire ghi m, »piea«! » ptable», «i that the tired and wound vi MM.M Bdghlte cnabl'-d to efatB. a go.^l night*» rest, pi.-; iratelyM their d--f i.rtnre this fi'iming t».' theil boa MThe Mraeotap.too h_ a» an r»

-acre ebb; to obtain, many oi toe w BBaded meii Ix.iigweary and rauch exhausted after passing ihteagh th.BMfBM'l bands, désir»)')» of retinng Lnnedfattelyi

Mt'««' 111-*'BsbbI« «teeva Oe_paaryF / -¿ Mat»a»i.ut*tt» r..-.j»» ,-,

E ¦ ifeetl« '..''it »fe - Usai.itioi ii irpprr Ceaassnl I*. MmnhaaMte inidn

lx.Hr'..Bl I »fe«! .'«. iiiliul.'fl J»*Ja.* IJuaalatt, «Compaay E -Mh Maitt»hui« tti ra.idri in

v» Mer .'¡»«J to;ehtif*i at t.ti.t iitiitt teal aftWi . NeesrseSj Obbbssss l MM Mjt.*.'iiut*tta isttlaah

l»u Bleu n, atea J pwim to ettaMBtp. expa-tt to .» .n-karaad¦tVa. I) -o»'», f : .(oxriy O, 27th .Ml'» hii'ttt. MB d». it

4 in., oot a, », tietli wiu.'id lu rlflit lid d' w ii .»'.».pi. (.culpiny J Mti Mini huietlt rtt.vîai

lu v.',.«-,,. ,o (lad. foin neit »...,1 ort ..." feaaal'.-' / -»-r.j Í u'lli M»ut ùiiiilu, laiidll

»I fe"». vr.. 4, ftotii wfcuaJ m r'<i,: aK.iu,. ¡ ,.. OenoptmjC nd MsesMliaasMs, reiiJ-tiri

) v '»-li «aaaal la rkfe!¦ |6»at Ciivn.y A, Hit Mana-hn-atUi re-

. " .. -. M!. flail) ao.nl , ;.... 'real out M i o .'».ii«.v»ii'a,idi>.>,.p., cn axaj B, Hte M»__bu.tU-,

t- >. »'. Mniii-.i. ,it|,t ira i.rcx»Ii iu. Bi.ihii..^ ti.-pui-c, 'ful M. .

thiet ¦',.., eoUt; i,».. lu loot.

t^/.u,.,.,r"dr' e-h'i",,i.;nh Mt»»»»....tu, ...i.V. I.Mm'- * -tltt.'Pi;. .1 r»««th VO'JCfJ I« LttC.

'i'lklem.* -, lift if I V mt \«F t

......i »ikiud'diueitU,:,-.'r_v.uu,:':¡»."iv la uralla Wh*, fe* .


r .i.ttK.Ukier. t,!... (¦».» i. nfeMaia*. ..,,, .,,,. i. «-la/». Co. ,, ¡f-.ni Emaiiiibii, th

'.etlrrtoo. «Co B,_. Mu. luMtti <ij;»« «irgift- - .' -' ) M .¦» «».

KIwiaB M uri!, li I MikMsMefeeaaiti i ..i.Bafea i Bub, 't. C, Ml Im inietta- Seih we |

. . K**nmMue-io .».»._ i,, -i flMMnw ift.MU MillBSr.aiiea i

I Uafwsstt, il*. A. ïl»l Mr..».,! nlie'.U. a»M., iri»lilB. If. Jam < H I -' Mi i ,-» aim. li.-'it «*iiii.''¦¦» n O.i.-iiM, .«»iiit.tl«! bt&d* it.-«» Ii I' ...tiJ«-».. 0. i»,'«-lil, _a»..»..Iiu.ciu arm

'I ijUbii ¦< »*. (J, « lil) Mi iel atti: .'

»at I«I ,V Mit M-it», tutati., wo-mded «i.h

cini.t«. »'lot in 'oo*.¦-. . Is, »« B, nibMiiiiibimlMi istlilssdM

tut k.'i .-«<; Puk*- i'-o. B,MbM-_acba«stM| sbMforssn

»¦ti ttiseJttaaitiBBaaii» 111-

R.jmo-.d Hub- ( n pt.ily I), i»tb t'ccnec'leB'.; rc.itle» Mti'.tir./iiTil, ti.ol ni the isfi i. ni.\V_. W. :.. !.. .rlj, mtpttvl Ce. B. 11th Co:-.!!--».:; r*

. Idea in H>»''ord. lot*. lor»rui,-«r of t»»c rliihl handJnhn W a-ri.i o. y 1Mb saw. *l -t msleal Is gmt wM*>

tor, ion'iii d linger ol the righi ti»»»d. u

Con-siGi».'!. Co K. IBth I .«¦» Hast] r-i.de. »t «mi'

.*.)i«.t».- Stn!,»»», gnnetbot «ounrl iiinjMcU. w.

Andre.. Hull Co I) l'»th('o».iie-'1-ul-re.iJ-.iti SouIt» I s

naso lo»t t* o finger» Ir-ud«» hard. .__,

«'nile A. Mattiton ti. I Uli I tinner MM I Baa*, BBIlllilTIK l-l INO.

J-BMmWOmB, i »Saal C-nii»»«:» I tthlliioda Iiliiiti, re

.Id«» at rawln.-ket rstslfctt I SSmMSStt fra.-Inre of jaar.R haX Baitisaa CeB-sn* X 'ih H. I .ah. I In nreAUri W Tiitingbail. Ca .'. Stn **. I . «t0»1 'I1"' »-"u*"1 '" m*I »i II. I.o oka tai, l'ii.'|..n*f t>, *t-i ii- I.itoiuidin le« by

it .I»'.!Jil « II. 1'iiic, I'ompa-.Tl». t'ii It I ami.

.ii'i-V« I». Iivwrenre, ( olor G* ptral, 4th R. I real,'. I inriail-aBcs. tl»i ' Is righi »boulder.

Nsw«Yon*.Bb-s-w-UU co H UaiaaCsaai Oaaitt, «saWkeBMa i"«

Estl -ia!" .tr-el. «light »riln w» uni.PaletKaftwbii**»*»**** U. Mat Baw .ail. r»«Ide» at No.

.»J Ai' ne A wound in lefl nrea.tJ i»..ii i>,a, imt "io ii N.w-ïoik li.i menti »ouided lu the

ti terlbe tbre»- \'\>.-York men were permitted »o go

home to tink BkBBBS in tbo city. jVswatJaBStr.

Abner H»mi*x. Co. K ¡»tri New Jera.J, «na »tot wound !n,»Abtid-m I loot, r Co. R. «Tth New Jen.y band


The following .'irgeong gave their serviles a* theI'..»: BSatt-C-B, fa wa.hiu'' and d-*t.*¡ii¡; the wound»*oí lbe m lined st>l<tirrs:

Dr. D. L. P Sheldon, No 10t rvi.ef ker at-'ctIir. J. y M lu N In W« t'llartj nui-.b «t BalDr. Oat) H Mar» i Na - tara na m .'..-. .»? l)ro«k rn.I- ». II. lad ,«,,ii, N ». X» l'',i»erri(, pine«.Dr. II»»»ry - I'l-mbla l'i,,»» .e li .li..tl.Dr. O. v.. ( BristSB, Bc.iajt .» Hrrftlli


A Illt.I » v i B ti f BaWhile a Mini«'- batt wa. being e-'ra-'e-l BBSttk-t

should»a of II. I (Mir »re of the 31th MBBBSkanttlBngbnant,ka Lae np eeMng**a*ly,aari.akhaagbl.flly wounded, «aid he hoped l<> be able to r«-n-:n

-.he 'hjbf m h c«i.ijil«* of werk»..«vin hï Bil BBW TI«TA*IST,

»Baigi W. Ii. Hill of Company A, 'iOt M .¦»»_. Btt»

BStB Kegi.nenf, who received a ti» »li vvonml aero».

'.be !' oí,' of Lia \rot\y. showed hi. Nan Iour reporter, wbi. b hu i been -.i m I* i.n by a -I i r

friend Baa N gang B lbs nar. B m« takrientodwith a bull fr..m the enemy, au 1 wai the menu. A

preventing the j nknhfa lo«a of bil ni(ht .'»rni. He

said he would treasure no memorial oí the war a hi,

greater appr... ii.ti M than his IBIS* eut.

A M.««-1' »li * » IT- W I II« r.

Il .¡m s. BBaangBn of Ctanpn-p C Bl Mm m

IcameSB Kaatanent, bai laaalrea* a bal in be bet.He »aid b< was very siixi.iua lo mi» It Haam tniaiM»,n. b« w .-¦ ,- »ig ' d ave the Lull extracted fror, bu

foot by .; paaBfoa A wood ___BBBnSBBB ntt, flBH¡which be ki. ,.,. rnfon B L> ro'i.r in falbrt-Cainlfaa,BBdWkkIkanabas* lbs rerii_'uiog workt»> he done.IllHU ML OV THF. I NI I 11» BTttTSfl IR'NM'Olt I

Bl w uki BBB i< K.

The Unka! Rintel »ram-port N'ew-IJiun«witlt,Cot.'.moiloie His-toiub arrive-] B this ]-orl list even-

iiig from Ncvvbem, N. C., which [K>rt ihe left M tb<Xtrikntt, Hertiatw« is ami'ipaied by the -ManjaI'eibody, wbi« h .a»!'i ..u the same day. She con-

tirmi the repoi* "f .:»» ii( BTBtafthe Keb« 1 ate»uier

iKaabriBe, and Sam hat »he b_a not been burne,).sV bri¡-.^. a. ¡tiinengera Major Ntevenaon of lb«Ig-S Kegiiuent Mn«sacl!u*-e)f., and tlie follow fagIaba* nari irannded raHhw of the Kormide cij»edi-(ion:

"' - .i i.t. n. »eda »mitán«» BtS'etI lé t. N 'n », ...» a»».k. i ».li»' --'arieiii». Baa «ilk B SSSS.'ci-fil C_ri«r, ur«ii, aamatsass i w«ir*-.

I ,*»«ii»»ni,i m r..u.« saaa»_a »« . ¦.

Raker, ¦ ed. latta*« « Kial SoateaTiwi ,» I, ,_a '»all Ki ah Ke.tliu^.

-r - .« ».rti.o», ned. it.illili'-« Kal«-j_Ingham .¦» a all. «4 !r..*t.

Cr»... v- ¡mt,«aawalk, Bsw-Bsttms.Brival. i. . . ¦» attatsas« His Hedfsrd.l'- i.ita !. : -, ... » *., lite ». *

M »ala trraa .-Mitviik < ne.«e_

i ,- ,*ta lea -aa »all lir-e-iI'ti I.« *»V uia ni. »lui walk H«i»n*.Bri Bli 'loy- r, »an ««Ik flevarl-»frícate ti-,,m.- *tmt _k ti*~e, y

-..tli»»t re.l« iiilatan»»» 111«.,I'n.ai» It-icr. c«m «s.k « lucoi««I'm*..ia Waabsara, «aa »»ii» Ful iptioa

i, b »'irk*.'»»»- aattaam »lane*- '»»i...l^r.'i r,. w. k- Nort)>i.tl!»;.)I.Mitl....n .it r.-i. k, Mildil I J.Mr-Mar.«), -titi H' l.tiaif

»' BUg! .." J» «»' «Ula« > )'.».'l-lliar'... f, it:. «»I Truip't. t»t'i ; .i. sall tv,-.i. ». ..

Ii mi i. rta» foal r.'r».1\ »tl.cii j, h am. \v or m '« i

Hi '-. ra* "¦ -- liDtar* " ,v ,.i.r

» .. r, n .r't. W ..i o a iffcUti u. mraaj Ba ... It» oltiieM.l'i,.,» a*M a' ove ai able fo wuk aie MBBBSBri fa

the ann». evd. ami BBanl the b*dy, bul their inj-if.»»._,. !,... aoajanVrad nrbm The mo»*, (..-leit-1-tra Btdad will be pbnd b the II..»¡.¡tal, hu.i toe

otlien ariU faara for home ki 6oou ai paaribb. S ¡r-

geon Ipuiv.-n, w^ a wii »»ipi!, ally appointed by theIDoTBian oi' HbBMHknnMB, anna en with thea aril 1 .ohlier» and "(ave the¡_ hi- earuce* atton

lin:/ the pan-age fioin NewWrn to the .ty.In ¡ii. bans baam aitiiied by knaapkal f-tewaii« "oi¡. ral Bbmbmb.

C-il. Hnwe, BMfafod by Cfafi Dayton of thsI aeboonra Highlander, wBI *et all ún ñaman« ana

laafolj on theil way to -i.eir Louie., and paanidadwith needful a.iéi-.ance to eu.»l-!e thcui I/j re.u«*h tli».irdaatiaatioM in coiruort, Iw-fore they Irsvri tln'irt.

I Tan | arma m. aaaS al them utterly dc.ti.uie,j and as |b*J al! bave bngjBBB-nsya before them, tb»ywill n»-d, and de ibtitan inralfi paenriBryni'.*...,- .-. rbayatill raBBrianaboarri

- .'».-w-l'.r iii.v.i. k, at tin foot of Canal street.


SENATE_Wa-miv.»j..-., Mi.reh*r», IS»,-.-.Mi. Bl 'lM.lt b-p., Mu... fiom'be OonMitm

-.ii Boraiga Befall me, np<Mte 1 back lb* bUlb re-

btbi to ailMfabiMlBg 'bo oath oi aangfaaaa t<»»\tiiericari dtbena in fon i_ru Muirlea,

m m »lion f Mr Kin d' l,\ ¡., Vf.i the mol it-ion »otransf'-r the « ij»eriu'.';!idei y of Ihe Cepitole-'ei-ion ¡.n,l tlonie injin tk* War D*fk_rtk_Bnt tothe l).-i»s-ttii b1 of Ike lutcri u, was tal.en B|Mr. KESSKNDE.N Bep., Me. oppOMd thetrm.-

fer.Mr. HALL (Bep., S. li.1 said Hutt when the ex-

teiiri .h mm font eoBnasnead ItWM aarin thoani*!-itit.i ttan.jp oi »he Inforioi Di pur'tnent, and nnajn*d»o until tlie advent of the Adiiiinie.traiio-i ol l'i o»and Uavis. Il.ioreihat tho plan oi the btiildi-g.niCbrbtiananddrilísedena, bal ii rnriW*ward char gul. and ihe praam trap m nie. Manyahm in the wall« Bp »«b«.', »bai a b. i a len to go Topie« "i, and thev are going io piara*, while Italianarliet« are emploie.j m e_tiavag.ni prieMwnj »1 IWBB tbc Bnm to .I«, oj.,ie a v all two or th'ee riorba befow day.] g] _

Mr. koo i »aid ikaramm an ni mtnacnarili tiari'ho work .ii.»ul.1 b« eanplatail,fa order loMreU.J'he work BBrar «hool 1 Lav»; \,-i n traiiei, .

Iba dril fo the Wra Ibpartnwnt, nnd nn wi ildbara bene bal lovati-fi be arab! on of Ifo*rb an«]the ñipa, it.v of Floyd. Be reatand t»» b rttha,-1 btianif« and coal the t-nrenuaeol tbraa '.¦ uii. Ilion, oi .loll.»!.. Hu- arl* na) m ¡mateWM twoiii.il ins, und the ill i> air» tay \\ nimm,.Tb* Banal* neb ay the bill bi Um AboJBfoa oil

si...«r\ in lha Di tri I of Columbia.Mr. W11 SI " !¦.., Mi.tc -moke ir. fuiorol ¡',

and Mr. KENNED i Cn., Md.i against it.Mr. SHERMAN fRep., Ohio) olfrèrad an n_*bd.|

ment '.nat the nan« y BJaprá] ÍBted be o.ily eij'en ledin irop.r ranjÚBa .vu.j.»e.l.Ha naosatiaa mm then il»'.*d by Y'-au,:)-!;1.K iv »', 8,

a...... . . :, . I ,,

.-Skill "ia ,! .,,,¦ '-.... i.

a-r »«ii-fcl. »I ,1,-j. M«|C. '. *!. ttr '. «¡«Nts iii

, -, ..I« -'. ¦- * "~" *" '

favor fl the bia Be reiterad M inn einten tylaLa, i,- ¦: «to the goran.hil li tru Ion, ttt-BggM it«- rka

,' 1. ' "¦ rat ti..t


l .irh.tr. i», i.ihiiuiao, inderont. aad yalgar <«'i.

ilavi tewael Mary.adandVugta. thneldhsaasn-,., awafl tie Aarati ra ti,-, ilili for the gerare«ii».!.: .i n« Capital.and f i ,wo g inri lient theOn laraaw st laragaited the wicbsd dogan tba'eater la aa etddeara fl Slavery. In tWeMWWMena led in Ifta l»i»tti- I lim' colored persona Mt BMgB,-.vit! ou* .n o--v. r, »heñid be t*4Jtt.SMsdM fe.TMnnd romr tted to jail. Such I- .,- l:i»i >ri I rotipl ' ii»own finit ot injustice, dishonor,und BttSM lo c.-torodn i n nnd anana, who wer* taken to jpil. ard many«obi into perpetual »»rt ilude beBttflOB. thSBgh fre»,Ihaj ' ild r.ot puy the jail lee». Ihn« human beni','»v eie »old into bondage in the Cn; ¡till ol' the freo»',country in ihe world» Jattl e to the wrei f.»-«l budoppteeaad <l«-niam1ed t! a' thin orrtipt and OOSiaptiagdot trine should be reptnliate'l ami SOBS.tt.Bd hy fieiJovernment of the I'niie.I S-it'ci*. TheblaekteMIbagbt »ide by »ide willi the tv!.i ¡ n.en m ile kii'l«-of .be l{e\olntion, nnd ni«n of thi. aga BBjgfal '»«'

BEStoS Is tit one for 'he great wron-» perpetratedMthe black ra.-e, ami anuM BBttthsed a premn pin»e\ ¡deuce o! tft-W.u. ]ti Is'J, ('olife,.|ei»ri ollli-i'l« 1¡u for.e the bl-i k coda oi' Mart had, naoag the re-\ Irime of which wa»- tomt say sieve waa terara awtrJta perara Maa! barra bioeaMeeeppoo, Ia I83S,the Corporation 01 Wath.kStao saaetad that evert

free MWttd p»~r»oii mu»' exbJbit to lbs Mayor »utif v tory evi«l'n ..» of bi» ti'le lo freedeB.Bftd -meboiuls tot ii» iv'oo-i behevtar, 'lia*. CatyettoXionI Im) pit»- «1 auoiher act 'hut no ni-i-iir fl«ralered bsbbms abeall U- held aftei i" o'eleehau«! uiHtle it the duty <'f tin pot! e n <li-»i»cr-eMeb mee'ini;i By an -'her o HiiBi e, I «y I b1fand trii'tii m »¡iv.» fir the » ": ..'¦ * ''.

l'lu» wa« aa fadnaaatt In.tela iheCMpitaL If a

r.l:".ve broke a »Iree» lamp he via» te be ttbl| r»"'! ':l

the »'»re ba.k. If be (ajañd iron at i, ..;«..». »..¦.

wa» to be whipped n ¡r. aadwooMttl Weroetn»iv b d<iirBB. ». inl "inHU 1 t\fe t M the ,; ItBM boottof any iia'ioi. Slavery wa the prob ¦-ti m><.. flilu-r-e tatra. Drira flterat] henthaDa* ht, ..ndleay tv«.ubi .li sp- tari y«tt, aotwi.i n.g, ibanopproteioaa tba 1res negi us had io rased ia Milistri. t iron 1 <>'.') »- ';H", a-.-I have 1 0

.li.n-.-lu-», ».nd r- hool«. ,i (.-.!».

.TOSt.Ig _¦" -.» -. i'l'l'o«-' 1-B4 'I U le helv'iii: -o

lo ipi »ru h 'l» " v,w. bil Iron. If aay rai

bave the < ¡tai ty totaok, ibej will find in ihn toe ltd:» Bjortgage dati d '

-.d until fl feltis by two United- tteeeters, lo n n . I- »

»ne of then Iroaatan le i ». e "Senatei.nd the atboi »Imj i ia his gi - il !l deal» ju» ly with the 1er. Ii'1 ' ra

»« it,.- ii . vol Of "I BS »fal» t» I»- .¦>.:..'.' ..

; v runpeat like, te »'...¦ ¦».,-.

-.v. t it Wot.«JHand ¡i lili.»I ii i;"- tan v oiBena! .r fron Ke - I

i ,.. -o.i n-i nye 'i lbs Mf1 feen ted, they will I »íumIs, ii ii::. i m "' lety. 'ita ..¦¦ ito tospralii.. be Dial . The 1 tian j:t. «¦¦'' »ry. I. ¦> hi«telba al»»« n 'he m ¦' ... v

neeeeti id ensniiaiion. .» utsk' i, .»-

.. in defense of her i bts. II» v jl ;

» »II tv.* feV v. liliasiron tba ha.nions ol Mai -j »,a:i d feytatha

le and 'i-- i .

tv n iv* "..s; rdlj »v . n to rinlInn«..'felice ni o .'y I» I ,. inati » blttaatl ern ateo ai «. l «lo.

Mr. KIN*' l>¥ I'.., hld »¦. v -bii u ni'.»*, »ob mu ¡ t.'tt ¦' th« mi

ui »ri»t tim anraara prepaeed tv iii» hUL Hafeaew thal Maryland wasn niall, Batt had toe isawhite population, lo Btteaif-l >. it resist.an«-e eg.aM any ¦: in ¦.. .'t. ,.t »ill .-

talaaetiott,aad it Blight h* thal ths wat « .', l-t

] .'e«t or ntl er BÍSB, t" "ii! cn !.. r rfajh I .«¦ an . p »I

Hilder the Cou» i;ntion UaoüBteudcd iat ila 'a.iUof tee (iov. intii« t.i «»..>. | ii edVirgfada not t-» iaterfen will reryin 'b'; I t-

trn '. Ihe .¡ti'.ni if trie DiMrirt do tv '

»ire, arid have nu.de no .pi I. st.on fir aayn ..t.' 'palfan, and , » ara rigw

tu in'rrfire «»:". itvir right! » IB a I

'hey weie r it i . t if Ml JI .ml aad N'.ririi.ii.ile aaeted at. asbleiatile tengih finn i - rorari «;

Hie i ouuiiittee of In. iltnji«e «ii Bag ".I fetlVSI I!

ISMagainM the tai tienoa wu-'i Bluvcrj b theDiatnct. j. tv;,« bia jadgatnS thal Steven na»doomed in»titnf ion in th- yi'.ie al Maryland, ead it

i dil not aaad anv Mb nln I b«-'-»!»»»!» ihe IMatmy » <¦ li iiti.-n.pl weald Masteadedbj tie n«-

<llt.-trou» MaHeaaaWe Itarylaiid lui» iii-il.v».r IS frre «ol..-1'i i» «.pit. In IH38 ii I«'.

Ilia t'.iul ...hurd lo-.'.taltea i« i-.

decMMS fat riaan te tea peate, S.178 ..»....«....Ir» e rit-gr » », s, '.. New-Vorl ajjl tina l's|lBnd.tMiii 111,MO »'j'.a 1.1 lei, h.,i i « olor. <i p« un«

teltea. and Merylaad, a cb oaly I",¡7., ¦ |sars o ¡tes,',1t cd,red popelettea i t war bad ahead

uti all tht M»'»ur-»» of Marvlaiul, aiel U » |« »a:«»* ofti i» anaaaro wooldBUeilj oiiori-snisi tin- Barra iim al<oo.lv kui, aiiae the ii.i^'i u'.i«ii ol li.. I.r», upul »!i ,|.,ami lend t<< ih* ntte. rota o'the *»..'» nat It.Is SlateBed expended upward, f |> -I»»','"') In ths li»* 1 btj>.,.'«, «.lui vt bat aood was r*°iOK '" reruli !..t:.cNut i. iroin a . h. u >. ttbteb v>" ild rat».I lath

! of a dater State I In the esa of cn., ripatit v.^

n ni bate «roil-.I Bl 'I 1 ..? «,1 bl «I til

araaga «arealdfoilBWi for tbo tara mim nanu Brataget.cr. Uo taarad, fron Ibe chart . r fl t-» l.-p,..

jin ¡n | roy ted, b mm b. r itioo ol theI m»>i» v...ni.! I. ii» mj rrad. I be j" ,


i., i bees lerel te '.'« Uniea,ano ti «¦».'. io th.y d hiItI U pt 'k.e I i.- ¦.-... I

to pnMrve thi rial b of all the Ma*», bat 1.a ieleii'l«jSM Bsetioafl policy woolddoatro)m i Irak-

Mr. Mi [.UBI Bl Dsn., Del.) nid b» bad .«

anenSante la fl.rle rihsTSisa Ptetritt of wh.-the K-uoid- iel the grrateM >' t tba »-.illa.'. el .

vv! wa., Um fra punitive. TheBBi :¦> :.' h that » . I by Ia.allwbhlnUttrtydays be rai »..-.' w tv-

fl the I «*il»r:il «.j im - i.: ¦" f H » .. Ma MKi v« Mun.j »lui , Vat.Mt, Mb «. -,i meerli

ude Ii1 ,n«l, Ss»**! .'¦ Net .doney. t\ ¦,..-

nlvaale, Ohio, Ismat ,111 ois, -. hi. lowe,wiaroaain. Muían le, Kaw . CaJfstttia, sad b. dhsrihated aneog ti,«- "«'at-- pro tai.a i,i »o p',; ilatioe.

Mr. I'«»W !jIi (».m., rit. t. »j Iriifthain» n o' the 11» « .S'a'-» li iel« Ihe i sa, the]

i«, ink* turf "f linn, hoi be ti ghi ti ..

b« a ni urn vu»' it ben ».iota .... ins!it.Mr. 8AVL8BURV« li tbe peattensa aonhl

adopt thi» am«.4_oeni. they would thoa a Bohlejiliil-u.tliioi'V by tal . - '¦> .1 »r .-

nivea, ne bad reed _ the oetnpapen thalgi !» ion who wea I« I'ot i» .y .1 trereeogiadta»ti the uc rOM tba ...«1 il.ci a-.-

. :n Ul » h»r» !, ifaftOn!ii tBLAM (Ksp., 1 nrn) MdU ».

uH'ltiou» lihou .. »; i.ii.1 *<.». || tiiiiy .»riedIn tarrant ta prejadiee BfalaM lbs raes a_«aaditranptad i '. )"-. li Um antiter, waatavesti»

W'V.I'i bring bob] ii otana oi thanpae.... Thara waa eara agenUeraaa Iron ti

Bo! I..».'ti, *va,r v.lv. »-'..eil ii t'i'.q.ilr.i whyWB dM '."' i :¦ ti the g1 a.v wen,'ii»». Jln'knew

ol n umu lately l Brantoim the I ni'.'d States, t--Ü. Ohio, h«riag MtnaladIle baOM 'here «a».« b ihndM peblh.ad b, the'.'.vvipei^m abo i* '-,..».« w ici went Soul h to take cueni thora win» ems «-..tt oil by abafa ¦ ia an aad te)to ..incite thean. Thne whowen »j»/i__g tetaba tbaBSBBSM io asjataaee, as Matad by tba Itaeetot fromDenwna, wera naad tatholteelh, I ne», aegvenlnow proponed le he bhiiated wert »cnraiii», en.hero, uu»l ins only iii irenn v.ill h«, thai »mu hero'aftn heve p*y for their terries, Ho ftetnd whiteBB tiered people !)»re t day lib¦ii.'i,' cid» ridl*.Mr. K I.N N I l>V Brti'l He le «rai a vien' pnjudii »

in tlftryliU'l BBMttg «fe hut _M s.' mut worina«tri h «ilion'' o a. irbobnd »«iciit di.i olly ia i.-'': iniiii«: 'bat 'i »lin/.Mr. HAlll-W lb..:!,,'b' the ipyvlhe wi.e not

tin bbtaiag non, end » «ild Meootrolledby»n li IP»''-, / iiho v.B'i a, Ibe ^( .lalor» from ."Jaiy*land si »I Delaa iro.Mr. KKNNEDY add on» of tbi anal rktoaa

Bali i«", fornaeyyean aran Iron the mdploya m1¦ ii.vr"»H m the thip

\i n.'iii.'N nid It appa nd to he Ihn daaannnni or iioia M*i)i.iuii .ii.ii tin piitb- would

whole < 'hr« «I pop.ilai on II». olbin'» believe the poopfc of darylaad weram

II Hill f ei'e tie ,.».-. Ile» «A e, » BIM 'bailiMe Chlppawac, «»nd Sion.v it they W"iid anudar'I".- brought .p tii'.h l.ern, tbo ghaot Liu-^Ll in

achorel *¦

Mr. Ki: Wl.DV .bl :'.<)¦ 1 ...I »live» ia Karylaa Itrbowere taught and bad eborcbee. Mshsshtj)alf m. n mittad a iiiat«* Mho taoghi riavaa,M HiJKIaáNMbsdif tha BMStM lu.dnnydl»

loi h in.

Mr. KKNNKDT raid *'. M I - »Itttrias ai:»«--, .¦¦, -, , .-.,,. .......

ve .... kv , .. mUity .»n«i.

Mr. HAI'I.AN thought that Iba p-toj.le of

«Marj lind and Dataware '"1 '"

i ..i"« u to in ir i«.. u »bad ¦¦'

,-,. y-. . i nu af aaformio liol».... | . T, at i " '¦' '.a ..""¡'I- ..'¦' ¦*¦.

,.r . apina 4 aMi*rattj aararaa*! inri mm i ii

d10 .... arina aa I tnt ever tookph e

« i] ept aa ¦¦- | »i« i ¡aa» H« tttd not tblok » t.^-ve bsp-pi and ian tented aegn n, i > *¦ a sklng bri g,were p.-ing to turn roond with their musters limplyB8MM8 tliey were pitid wag».. IMr. SAl IaSUl'Kk laid the «S-nutor, it seemed,

ina-'«- B apeech at a venture. Delaware hw I a

larger free negro population, in priportion, ».bon

any ¡Stale, and tie anew there wai no greater eurie

tin,,i the iree negro popnfatioti. He would hare batone «¡liri» in the c'-nntry, and '.ha» the prc-te.-vntionof the t n or, wi'h all the righti- of the people. I hatBBS who wake« emancipation paramount to the Cm»an' ilion and I mon i« a di.I- > ni man. Hit. we have.e-n peucetnl men drag)red from tht-ir home, andthrown faB I «athsnnie ba.tilles, while am who de-ilare« iiut he ha* been a did'itiioni-i for twenty'i .a i i« peruiitt»'.! to le.-ture beru, and come on theiV>r of the Vnate, und go at large through the coun¬

try. / !¡"iir:it.d.st-

in »r.ii: 01 KKI'KLSLMMIVIiS.The HoMB ps.»ed the Senate bul providing for

foe BettbaaeM oi me bbbmmB at the nfticen andcrews ot .' e frigate! Congress ami Cumberland, thebooks hiving Leen los», or ii» .'roved in ih»i rseentaarnl n agenenl A Hampton Bnnaa.On motion of Mi. CAMPBELL (Ban., Pa.), In.

view oi ibnasaasMTt of the lax b»U, the i on«iana.lion of 'bo »redie narirand MU wa- ptntByaaaB, andmade ti'»- -e-ial order fjr Tties-lay ne.if.

li Hows tiBB, in Committee of lb« Whole, re-

ti .¦ ti -.. I- ration of t'ie I'jx bill.Mr. WADBWOBTU ii a., Kr.)afl*iarimaaaBnV

dm in to »Me til 11-», de!i-.in,' \\ na* i« u circus 1".¡-.i a« i» indatts priaiidigitalien, riog-eau er andb'.v ii j er'"" .-tin «.

\ I »is 11 »em., 0.1 iai«l thai, lb* Hoi I If»Mad tolBtrtn at the wrong 0B)d by

.p». »ting on tra ami atrina, Baw, Barina o-r

Ironbb i* wa. pr'¡.i-.*i i> taxtka fazaiM aadl¦asfsMMo. of Iii-, iii« geaib nan n'uni Panaajleranda nari ba tori to'Le baneon! Bay* of eb_<l-

.' e tax n dreus ra n tbeUsr. It iiun,.iufed tala toa .-a H'tuiiet and i »lal K It waa taxirg'. 1 notv v-tv !., pam ob d' bl..

I' TV " 1 ai-iti .- '.li«- W11 a on ba I '. u » I . .¦» .-

ed by »Baa and Cn«. [I_injgbtsr.| In tin. he

rtbfeding. [Benewed laughter.] Whynot-. .', arf aera fas) nigh »¦' fal innBi, anda'a one* », wbi.-1. it i« lepmsri wontnaly

i H .*.v ». lad . "i

:....:,¦'.- I iii.ee« bl I 1

. LOVBJOY [Ben., ULI wa tod la know.. " ,n tr.iiu ifofo (Cos) wonlri Uti

.^ «*. ,. : h n « ininv .¦ e.

Ml. < « >\ 'I)« HI., «».j te, il d lb lie«, a«, ti'-, I *e, i-.x'ag » n fi p»-ri ian«'li** ,«'ti-'l'*i:.:.u ,. »it-

l a,.,. i, be Bom tb-it wo lid be a tai on

..,: tv ild pi h e ike '. tie m a l»a«lV a.', nuil "hi*, n up »ti.>li IVOUUI b« g 'ii'.''

¦. « ! is\\ i I H S au, aileseal wm n

Id li l'i. 'I '. .'i H -p., PS.) -l.te.eil i"l nu

,. lefog e'- .»-o' I ami ] -.y i M I*. . da

M*.» Mr. 8EDOWII K. Ban., B. '»'.', mii.Lhad | td to del as j iggk ri i»s «tat-

v -ii. wiio trnjM a jag,m KI '»:.,". . ibaiUed m am«*iid-

.i in .f ri ... aaeb loir-holler.I!, .ii altbo ii i. ¡iii i .-

i. .--.. ant, it mm importanl ti Ohio, a .

IBB) i an am illy lulled by «I« gi,-., ». e

Mr. *»rLVl.SS 1,'. ,.., l'a.I "iirg. >-*,! a ta.fl .... »Il H OB « ¦» .'¦ v-1 >-l ter.

Mr HI. »K !.: t-¡ I m1 i oi Iba te.%

! ..¦«-;. a Illari bul te fo -m t'ne dote.Mr. Bl l.Vi.s*. 'ti-, ii -. inn ¡ who Bom toa dopa

I to pay a.

Mr. K1. Viv i, »v o lid.ei«. hie » »i«.a,l ,i-

V i li <-r ni i-il. ad. |.'».>'. vtc.e ,'¦»

». »' ,-:',.. le . puv al' f BIOt-.a in!« is of news, a| ,'T tibb ..'

e *. ,-, ... i fium lbe delnilion ofMr. Bl M»l.I ION h., «'In.i ..-.

¡,.. « .di -.¦ j« ad >; tod, ." di lag ba ¦.

J >r, l.u.r Ul ( B) a I.' en" olf I'I anlbflma propossd '¦. a- and *i) m drlag

. » j i»e v ho rend i.r h BMnbei oi ' ¦¦

\ beti r » ¦ .'. y i: -... .1 it

a bib soother BMoiber praj nari a $5 KraraaB fa.¦ tm barara nakinaa eat apM b. BBbaaMnaV

mt: '* weir le. OÍf*tt Willi lb I« -d la-tgh'.er.I». -1 i.\ INs ed.! UMtt, if Bosh p ne*

were . oi.» luut-.l, lb* BbBM woild I.» onie a laugh-,i- .- «'-nMr III UK ,lt'e¡ Mo. | rop.>«a-.i .» new ,'liiii-e'o

y i. »bfi f«,: UM m if« ,»p

, i. lemnf ynara»Mr. CBIHI li li» I B.,Md.) pr «tested a»*

| aai» n ! i.,-.». It. " S i BBM "» 'b'- '. i-' i.aad in; 'I « ]--¦. b- of ryal bforpfai «1. Notbing

v,-.- bl iiatpciaie them ino.e t1 an ihni-, »/lit in»».': 1*1(1(1 tota ibaperaiioa.

\¡¡. M-U.t><.<. «-p.. lin ir-.i.l to addthat hIi ... i.h t.« Le tb i. i a '.I «I.«M be Bpplfad I*lbs ,»!. e« Ottin en.mi a, a'. I ilav» t. I biaui o-nd-

ni * i- ,i»-1 o :. of o der.Mi I"' ! IHV r-pli-d lo Mr. Cr «Id, Having he

lil ««i h .- tbe braB of foraSytobe -» pled w-t ae. || v. .a us BU)» li IM -li v of >lai fit '

I... ral a. it wa« that of lib..., -. II, ,..,,. 1tbat kind of foi ally wbi *i w -.1:1-1 i* -eta ,'». »he Iii-

teni of on ibbng*, and taraonay entra bnt fa a s

brau* t. di mi rj mm a r-iei, b h ib«l-i-r'-l-.'.. hfa lyMlM of pi .«¦ .-»i» in ire'.bun

itie- love the I'm aad wb erari ra to the» bj .¦¦ ii At with ti» b. I b rp will

v* ill fi rever pi*-. I t'. er d.iili-..,-

li. ». \li.-»KV il ni m, Kia dm n rbab r-pl«ilie t:-i- .-¦ K11 I li-tiu'i-I'm Og the g1 »ii1»

rii fihsfire__autra»tkegantinBM -l-tr»*««e,!tbr Hams, bnt 'o gira a ara n h m erny tab inat.:,, ii,i i...» a- ,,' a h -»i tv ia tim ti a

«- .. a a * li.« .>, j aab dg- i.i i» lu eoeeerral ra gentlemen L. .«

hi lion lbs ninrntti.« at.Mr. «\BNOLD Bra Hi. argnnd ti M I

not I ¦. M 1,0 |J,W " -

tiri I a arced ikk I.ill l .le m,

|»rn.'*.. Why .henld tiley no1 ,.. | . ( .-.¡.Ji.aIron i' . ir e »,f n. cv 11U . KIHI li LU i i h.-11 Mr, 1. »«raj »

' '¦' IbikL Then MMMBong tit*two rfasBM . tuallj .I» testabb, a moly: lb

¡a Ina rebellion, and ib« .-la»- m « MM ¦. I B pi .a 'neal iei,ib<-r.

Mr. ni. mu (Mo.» Itannding »_b»naakl*n,dkl_alr-e. ». ) i tala I'.-i.'.ii-i.i. u abo l-l ,¦.-' in'on araxpam

*¦ r tbia i- . wv» n -ned,latin N Id ha^r »o yny 'he bnfooftkaiii.vaa, ka and b Im ah .¦ tiara Manaranaad]m] ':» i i, ¡id not Im tu»»-ii. uMraabonidbel

Iii t.n. i.<»\ I'.MV, replying to Mr. Crlafbldand Mr.

MaBory, nrid, If I had ntn i.-«"» f.¡ thon uii.ji«, u... ira, lbsj ild ant ta pam rall ra ti tbairowa_B_*a. I n-rr .nil 1 Ii.-no j,«ace till tin pabtts i-«t«ban rBy t_M_fo**arytata)pa 'grw.»«.f attiaut*t.-» lion,Mr. Illa». . pr ,p..titi'in waa ittnei,,teal, co a. lo tax

g1 M riaraa lor lib l«-l»v.«an H and ..» yeai« oi a m,an ¡alng »»'ii that | M * ..-latiii/ io 11

term at VCRIH. BraMMM efloita Morn iniule toimu'i'l thir, hut ft li ti If the cii'li« prop Mitini wua

deieatod H »IgafoB BSAn amemluu al "«» a-lopte.1, provuliatr tnat notli«

iiig in the lull ii,all be,,,n.ii :..tl to prevent any Simsfroi paring tiuei upon any arti« .on tb- lein taiedon li .- ».* i« aired.'Ki » omuii.t«-«» lote, ami tbs Ilouso atijotinied.


MU. COX AM» Till .SLWI* WHO WAHWill II LI» TO DliAlll.

re at« ...««(<«. «r i us i ¡* -, ».

Una blip i'-a. PaSaMht'a risfaara af tkaI'.ive-wli ¡»¡cr Co., puhl shed in je.»rnhy'a Tl'tK-' .', i, e,ii,,im,s the .tateineii» yan Cut BBb_Bbnn, 1bud taken »ome pa M fo invest.p.ite lue liu'.h of thernpeti ami baal Mftfa-paaBtstaari A Ba li rib, amilrib» M hate given you tim partiriihir.« ami autharil v

"i "" " ¦. Bal ranp* sana* Tnii taS-ra-MblppeiDBB had been amend fal treas »n.uid i», it BBtM ne.'e' tari) BBttl then io ah jw hil love foi ty., ann, betook ibu p-M»r ob] h!n. JBrir, .nid, ii. c..i-.|ii»r ',,-'»lee ,ii,..,y "el-ciled Oil O-th," " ¡.unt-he,! bfoj byMbpping «ritka leather itts(i"--i!,ii in BBSanpi'BBSof '..'.grn-itu.b." Alior iho laggfaf, ].-.-.I old'J ». I ap:**t«vi aaiB -»ck. and BatwIibBaadlag Cub

bk U linly Bhysb "in ¡ui.l bad eveiv

foSBlbal could bo, Jack .]ie«l. A.ieor.linf* to this'.Sport, B -lory <yf itA.-'vr mm, "as B»J»rigntM ihecs-iuty bj ..-.¡B, isaaarad a rasant foal "Kegro'n' Bract, b'. »i.Mb I»....i li.ug.,»,, ii,, .,J ,X|H).

' 'r'."." SB« VI .1««». *.*i m»».J v.v.^.,

of it, f»ong-TV>iit¡n'ied expo-mre to »'

pcr's liiRh, wah iisiu.'.i<iic Bttdraetteam . hiUsdbla(tod »pee, j the tin «j when »tjr.h our rag« t a» "

be known no nt 'I'M Ai, 'r-if-tn mil, j. *g,.. I it. ->1.,,li II

fron nil 4*6** A)'. .',

àantesssaaBatisf TeaE i.Twaonhsttei .¦.

tkaj <.s tint.'al i«» lb. it».mamtof aor eon«¦I). K -1.," lu r.!»tl'.n to »h» ntnrdrr ot u.n «!,»»»»Jj'-k

ti »rétate» bp bit _oit"T » notorio..« trai'.tir samel Sen vi

Cas,"_elanes ha» furui-h,«J ia with tba taOawtaa lett., »

p.r'iatl ol \vhl'-h will tttl.t'y no doubt »nyi'iiiiartitlrictJer rftur tntnpsadeatfi ntnftiHr.irviiAHiiii.HooK.R'» DiVtinX.BBAa Keen's Fbp.ni. j

Mii,!i.,i), Marah 4. 1MB. IIf (Jen. Sickle«, or perhaps Col. d'abiitu, COOM i<>

«lo so, they would verily ihe gensrul truth of'be««tatemante of xn* letter of January IO. (Jen. Bit k1- 4

hu» now in Iii» poaasntM a white Mel.M whi< :>_ In»eired J pen Coi, the murderer')! poor »la« kScr- gem.Ib« Irms in of Cox in MMlietakabl», and thi», b ne,with other thing», were »ei/ed ¡,y virtue of iii« bee*»on. Coi v,ut ni iltreated by the arid.M whin he

«ame aftM Scroggin». and he would it ver bSTI BMBable to take him, ha«: not uri ollie-.'i in aitMtCM,(IrshkHu't or Col. Dwight'» RttfittMBd nt.nsd bin.My l»ttei ni'ike» no cb-.trye BgB.BI CM. Dwight,

but only against that tmtM through whone order a

i .yal neh'ro was »urrenderetl to one of the roost no-

lorieaa traitor« of tin. I'mi,!"iiio ¡I vu of »r»i,-i-u BttdSlavery. " An ollner «.f the 1st Kx.;el»ior liii-rtde''ia nj_or beaty ia his «I« tense .mi ebanpteasbta of«Jol. Dwight« He MMiSda me of that verdam thief,who, 'icing caught ml one of hi» liglit-litiK-eTed triebe, !

deu:ei hi» guilt betöre h charge wa» made BgB«i.Ihim. It has been ray fortune'o mae/-Col. Daisrhton more than ¡mc BOM.M, and I h»va found him au |offl.er eiul n gMtknB., .«.id I an ilew«! to bearm«, bumble tc»tin:ony le hi» efli isuiy in Mb»duing, in BMaeMtee with Uen. Nioklei andCOL IJrahe.m, tbe hold, active, sud intolent trea»on

n rampant in the lower countiea of Ilk.Ii-vitt». 1 ra. tarni ar with one iuitauce, a*. I

leaat, wh' ¦. I Wa 'H' hwOOfld nfatS from Newportprovailad .. ¦. .. I"!.n/kor to prefer chargea Biviii-jiitCol. I)wight; bol '-CommitUS appointed to in»vestisnto tin allaii - p the highett leatianay lethalJnilaan aad »rorree nat of Col. Dtpfajht'a adivm-}and M tia ¦'.Bo o ,1 j.-'. .na wa« M tt"»***n of Cox, that when-

aver the iteansw toeSbsd M Onaaaal I't., on FortI »btv ii .iver, the» alwnya »oaiched bi» house; andvi. i'«l. i > tv i ¡bri iiejiniMt moved dowe in tint

vkinity. aad enrenpeo on Dr. Beb, tVMinoa'alunn, Milirry I,¡uve, they «ar.I.e-,1 Bttd meadoottuag worth arsntievitogi 'hey, however, »ei/edi i» .lin» thte»ni ami rotaranI tuen». Bat Col.'

1 mo'..-I «¡«jivii ll.tic ami tttOSnped Bl Allen'»1 r« h i.r,. "or and la. t t-i.« »i wa» aia'c, and »urti

in * «ver» lo lid in a twanip, bflttttM I '¦ l'lau, v\ iib:, u Ne»'»it» ii -i".. barnd m Ihe eastft.ta¡tutify th«- asteare of the . .»¡«t«-r part flCoa . »to fe,

v¦. i-, ,«¦ i.e t ,,.i ¦..'¦ nowa le " aa oMttt,i, the i»-, i,-.' .-'i- icelttor Brigade." "Annth' ir" MOOld hive inbiri ted the «uu.e of lils MO.»ley, u.-id '.h»r*:oro of trutb, bad he eonÜBsd bin.h If to the rttdieatioa fl tba aftcerafl hi» regiment.Mot tiBiteal v ni) '¡vi', h« proooaaero ary lettai'¦ wholly loco net" m sO r« Meten rata, 'r. itlog

-, , ¦'. <¦ of the tri')'* ¡.»'Otri'liug hiA guiltyerinm which bara t*orerad thasalben ibdabelton j... lu. rebel] on erith the bli keel -".fe- .-¦ IOver two anatM bara elapsed .ara I paaaad the

I«'ter " an of'i cr iel..'.', ftt tba thttS I wrote ii.' wi. ¡J".ort Impossible to aerortali pot.ivelvin trh.bfl ibe reginMta rtfiri ed tootha i-t mt ¡ti

',- readil m *.""l- phre, Krowinv < I. Dwfarbt.. i.. ' la. It in my «> »« i«»n iwliia h onbl enable

ii.e to make the fcuiei.de booonble dwttld Ibte lekii-m*nt bs ths wrong one, 1 ¡BVO .

I« vt that liiere MMt hetS beM »'-nie o.jo 0.MTv.,»., fal asi me right, bel bnbMBotya

..'. »wa i.n tatt, I bateeertaia profl IBM «DeI. (tra»un.» Regiment va tin neena stnIhM escampadMM Port i- .- o. C"I. H i i bri Ihe ii.».thal errat ibero, aad It ¡"frontes joined the ase«o;..: one arl n a--'- eeeanped at ftllea'a Pi.h.After they warn a h »¦ narek iowo te Hill Top,I'ox and v.l. -i. tan friMlil 'ven' I. I -.ii. »ni

)h in«'! i'''.',' a '..ii«.- n the f a

wi ha ho ne, a here «« i o bj the ra of J«»: \Vb1*tan lived. \v »c iv*»'» fnead *¦«.» a man hi the

-fal ».- V-il. Who '¦.'..') ». .- I to the Ma e

l."i', laturs las) bull. Coi ra bad ia the r.ik»an»i.. i'.d Seroggins, whee the .ven with Hen ¿ho. loaibin r»Mvi!>. An oflon ade apaad nacand»Com,ead ande the ans eerroa.eribo riavan «¡on thepromise that ha weold aMbaam bim. I hero triadto lad " it the -am« al 'iie «iii'-cr, but I lind it al-i,.'i; i ü :»..«. 11. l «j . I» thera no bonombh nae Im thsi«t or ..'iii it'.-giiu.-iu, or soywben elsa«who . iiigive the asan fl the flbVn I heard MM M wa»

UM Major ui ihe .'I'.b K»giment. «;. »:. .».

M'.W.VOHK l.r.iîISLATI ¡HE.Bl "fATB....AlBAST, Mun b v., UM.

I r.» bill i |«ri'-i. k"l:e N'-w-Virk II ,^i»' pathicMe li al ^«.i- ly wits rspttr.d lu.orably sud order, u

lo a 'hird re.i lim'.Mr. I- KKKB In¦.lined beviagaaythbnyta de with

I'll" irport.The »«¡li altering Iba OeanriaB.ast^a napflProola

Ivn wa* nperted nttorabry.II.* N--. >..rk ii», "i «',«,'.. » revort w:.» pie.

»ei 'ed and ordered to be priMad.au .. * pesai o.

Beepaeting the penen ¡md d"-:»i fl Boardeflrtaiavviaore, ead ragaletlag 'M pt*eoee>.agasgainetUm tu.n - b¡ii : -nenditin the ehartar of »be Lobbna* At-

lo'n.'ioii. irai i«'»t. A nttten te n eeeshEM ti a «rotewi» ¡i»*- | .I hu i M the table.Te coiiv SBBSte bonn ti-Ie pure'.i.«. ..¦> of w ild Inml»

iv. ..v.- »ntlandetherasa.To protoet bridif.'» faei ngiagtj. thefl de.I n, r, ii itriag .lie w» n cotMiderod la i i'njtnittt»e

of Ib to i.-.le end ordered te a third reeding:I'., in,- -.- »oreta ihe .Ne»«-York Coiuiueuist Ar-cia-

i; ine »o Ihv.u moer wi»i»r in ths City ofHl.»oUv!!.

I., lii.lvjil B »he Hr.^ifelyn, Itath, mi »i CniievI Railrosd to tey rails of len weikp.t. il. n rt*-

ijnirod b« ¦.- ,: m al bill.< »i... billi in i pr> gran portadMtheo. Iiec«».

fe EElEtrj Bl iMiOE.The ConnittM "f t:.» tVhell ».»ikaWp and delated

Iba bin to reorgani,'a i!-o dteM Asylna Car LaCo .v :¦ '-. Pi i.-*« wa» roMrted.M i"l ' J i- reported »ive» lythe bUl taropé .1

li tam te ¦'. p'. .iaietan of the mj I fron íes.4 Ajtrasd Mi

iii* followlBg wen n arlad Lb ably.Te am*vent :vt'.-iii, .» at bnrgh.y aad Aber «cri « io print¦»,- no t ,.| « 'oiii'a of t.MC 1.in* moatadsf <»f the »as-ion arM ««ne",n-.e.i i- ih*

i <"' local billa, âejoaiaad.m>

»jxtWEMBI V.The flrinding Connlttee i»; »ried sstoMnr large

batch 0Í bills coll plele, Wlli fa BwtelstdOBtbl tab.,I'ntiertlie jotal roll re | nnig Bppt*Opriat>jOB Bed

anpply billa to rame op for c,|.»:.¡,.retloa t.e« > theJ-.tli of "tlarib.the Kv"«'«sl sppropria ion bill amia'»' n up.

iii. motion fl Mr. PIBIIKS, noottded bTMeean,B1 HOI. F.i ll.I.i. and I.l'A UI Dill bj fed epposodby Mr. AiaVOKI), n.e citato uniting tea pubhcB*tint fl the viii.ul Maran to the Bbttepani ansan« .ved by addiag .* and two papen in ekih-.-ut u,al Di t.rt.

Mr. li. DftVIf fl ChaartnnfMbiada un e:!,,»t to¦tribe oM ¡«II the sanriss >-i the Pahite Daparlnn.inhoveth- annum' 'r.-.iibi! f r each Depart.Miby ih« Bei.rd Sfa'u'..«. Lost.

Mi. li. N. THOMAS novedto »tribe out ths ap¬propriât.a t««r the S'afl hi.»«'»«on, end M ulndiatiIbel olbce. Curie«», bv 'I'.» to Id».The niii wu» thru oreerad te a 'hird reiulinj*.The ABanal »Sapplv lull wat i»ke,i rn.The lull wa» eooatderod lill the boor of -see»».

i.ir.Nir.i; ntaatcm.Mi. li 'iiclii'i'-. BaOtfan lo »tube BBS Cie a- end-

meiit abolishing the olBra of state tMetera,n«tap<tedia « I nittee of the \VI "le, wej h'»»-ll lo ti-'.The Auniii-il Supply bili w» 4 a.;iiin taken up in

jCoaik.ttae of tm*» lrThole, and debated till t!ieadjo.ii Lint ut.

Iioim Dur i--.-1 Bt«CtnnfBna* .t.Ai B**-'l, March '.., 1 "«"*.'.

'IHK Mil II 11 V VWTiie s«.lett CoonaltlBB,le whnhtha MB.Inhtfl

b .1 I..-..n coinii.iti«d lo BO perlr.ie.l haw reportadlue lull cmu,let«», au 'ben- h no BSflbl lh.it li la init nu, li ben i »tuto than ii i' had goan thron.,'!, thatproesn la ih.» aeas] wm fat C nnittaa fl Ms w. iv l»,whan 138 hntend al thfartesn ÜoaiM mi.. i.« I «ti

Bom e\cir:».,)d m BBggettiagsanadnesMM it. to libthe C« inini'tee of IhirtaM nave heBri in MMMsl theJedes ftd*raeaM»43eaecal aad otbn nlhtnrj ana,mBdVMSrSaSEd though m.n.y chain:»» snd BBprove1m. ntl luife e been nada, umi i.Ilerati.'i.i In .let'iii, thebUllala nil ns laediBg Instaras ile-ai-ne us I.ratI in led .lud i! ptitetl in'bat »nape will give to Ih.Ktate of MeW'Torh wael It b » never had bri »e. u-.r '-i militar», »t»«.».n. 11.» al leatt le "«¦¦ » d bvmt ut, taibeeiajh te nettta kim ...... .« ua_i «a »j

i. ave be« nilón») to view. ned -sajafo-*. ttarlred tram,- Jung e.l'i-.iv .on of peí« under republican instituationa.

| BBBBSBfl or ».»w vor,«.I TIt Lii* , ed by Me. I'i ,-.* -:«, .^.M .New-y. rk fautor, em I,.,*. nigh*. in II o ¿mtorito fin Ir'.¡lug. I he 1 .i», -_. thüi, au»l aaMr. Alford exhibited an fatentioe of Bgb ingIkM'..u ii ii »ir i 1, in aefirnnoftM live Million billit waaa-rideal that ibis one could not refí-oriablyli»Opa M pa», without a fuller Ho tsc. Mr. A LordDrat moved to recommit, but at a nmBStBBfrom UmSneaker and other f.iendeoi the measure, eiiangedbb motion to ore to lay it a-ide. if is now evidentfot I 'he.-ont i«', for supremacy fathaJ-BMBblf, whichii the reitl in ¡c «1-» [eked bj ihc-me «*'. «-ral «V fina*projfcts, i. not yet terminated.

Icom i KT * *.r «».»>«.Mr. M. M allen will Infanri MB a luljititi.ts f-tlke

bill now before the Commit»- « for '.be luppreiiion ofconcert salt,..: earn! other phnesof (onuiemsiit wboisuioralitv ii questionable. 'Ihe »ubititu'e propagesto ngnlnt* bj b jM-rira* qman of Ltamari ponesMJ i-rvicion »I! [>la»**a ot fci.iiiemeiit, tbeaten, ot

-knaass Isa nu, ,«nt oí ihn licet «o it/* i« anymonthly enm ant to BXOBsd $-)«)" per itunam; withbthe |iic.-iu<*i.i of the Me'iopol. un Police Di.'ri«*t,the .t"u of each Keen.« 1- a. Bad alt le^iiia-.i.-tiitoe. ni » ) tbdr ma-iagemen». nftbaM pla-esof amuae«

ment, are left at the «li.«*re'iou and wholly under ».ha«outrul ot t!ie I'oflcc* I BMBBbMBBMa. In other pari«<.f tba s,at.» the »power to r.guíate lb*«* »nalv.t«:r« i. vc«to«l In tim '.own and villageauthuritiei!. Ihe mo.icy garlead Lou IBS B-vJSBBBgranted, within the Metr.jpoli'un PoHra Oiitrict,.{'?es to the »S-x-iety for the Ke forma* ¡ou of JuvenileDelir.t-iuen'a, »be »ruetces of *.vhi h ar«i »o be iioiiüedaf every applicv.ion for li.ens*. lhere ure manyBkenbna of ihe Aigcmlly who are i\-^g_i_jng todoubt the propriaty «.'f «Vii leg-.lr.tious tin will.»'»»ally prohibit, theemployiueii* ol' females, «-¡"h iatbs main feature ol' ii.'» ba« 'lit passed '.be Senate,Badwkkk ia evidently nie'«"»: lual »o prevent tbsiateBBperanea »and nungaaal vi'e« that are fosteredin those plana li i. rugger*. .1 thal nany ol' fbSBBfoantita* BSaak '.his eui|»loy«!i»-nt for the .upport of'hem»trlv--ri and families, in prefersoe* to adopting» ... means to windi they «till moat likely be

.¡riven if depdred «.f this.riSABt I B14 ti IS,

Hy the jii'i». rule« of lbe I.'-t-ia'ature, wh-«*h over-

it le the rules of each House ».". era I v. ii is rsq ii .-.?_

ti at the Api .-«.p.i.tii'i.i and s inpiy billi, as they are

.-everally deiignatcd, shall be «-oniidered in Comnut-tte af In* Whole on, if not batata, the 20th of March.Tbfa ruU se-B anani anp »¡«.'¦¦til or 1er. and t«xlay thelancha lili MM tbu»i i road -lou». The only ma*«-r.hl ¡.niciid-.-eiit anea la lb Appropriation bi'l wasa lover.«1 A a vote at a se afon e-.m*» tea days .hice,ahmt, on antfoa of Mr. Aivord, the appropriation

r ¡. nibbing 'ho ottiei-tl c..-i»-a»-« wai bimtrctt "o lb*tb>*t*pnpcr. To-lay a prarfofon vue ínrer-tj, pr».riding lor '.Le publication in one paper in each "ièiia-r- rilli -li-trj.-r. The upproi.r.i.Mott for'.he Su'.c As»

.¦ j was stricken ou», and a eli lae inserted aboi-i* i:¡" the otlj.-e. After the (oui mittet) rose, Mr.»Besannt Barred ta dtaagras Midi In CnaaaBtaa, anl»reatara the bill in Ba arigfoal rifopa on this matter

panant] w-tak, the liou»« took i. nant tuitU «v«u-

l:.,;.lbe S»r.ate MM occupied vii h .Vat* Pri**»*-**,

* 'r-.tly Vin I.i8iii*aue« Comprime«, Bud Hus«j-e-taanm Dnlrnrtnty. The t»ill for the relief </thi«iiir-titution i» patsfoariaaaly B>rif*jaBtad by Senator1 r l'tiau, wti'j prupons that the State «hall NSMMi.er right b the prtnntp tothu Cnivenily, have theproperty losarBa, uni Uko an a.riignmept of the

I :' InaniMBMi nina, if iba building .I», midIjc burnexl, toe N'a.o would get her money back.I an i» M doub' that if »n : .State ever nels b«v*kan) of the i BJBBJ .ne h-ilo.'ici to «ueh institutions,

it M1 f,aarom »» i o. bbi i ra orri' cr.

PreiidenI l'«mi.l«»'li ¡.(«¦».»..iite.t the report,.)! Dr.D Mea! "i-i »ih'er, o! the a uoant of re.-eipis, es-

uandiraws. and pmqabfonsd -faeriba fas UM yeaiIS I, a. it.lliwi:

as> mer».r-':».» IbisllB cc.tclt.*31,1*1 «ejBreak*, asa a i «sbmM. l.iill» io

ï.'.a!.aSMBBSli-BN »' ' KI».

Ho,*J et Der .ty L'ct.-.h (JTr* -r». «2«ajo t>r-S''irj o-' -,->-.i I. i.tttlOti

r at. .. UM OiKaaeuacaof li.ing. l.*>39 fllegal .f.», ». IBMRepair«-if bos!* . » "3

Um. ")3"Priottng aci-c* io pi,ota. 'J'! TiIi tsinn -i". fBlMSIBI. BBFcpiir Bff bl it b< BM. ti It1- ..¦ of a i.iltca of to.QBtecrt. lo* »C

tag. «*0 *.¦tipaallturtasiactdc-it1 la the oSke ...... * *.tH ii

1 . .'.«J 18,11« 6SThe Etoalfol»-foraraynt_B ibeiearenoperiniait**

i»,..I*, annaanal riaaatfoM af -»rar., Bran,fon*ban rand Bastaba i ''and ou« «»nail . outribuuooIront ageo».len_ineiigar-e lu tbs Ugh riiigb'ie.iue-s,"win wa» .ippropi-iaiied to the expMMM :n-*idsr.i*_lio the eritan.

mr «nu |S»r»*)BTIOBB_-T.'I he two | Ians of appor'ionuieni ot our 31 rne_i-

benef Caagnaa, wbkb were rejioi-ted in the Senatel-.o-i. week, are d.tily growing nore inpopntal In fact,Mbodp a^j-tiirs to bj lb*M igbly .»li.hed wittaeil!:, i -, and if uo Itetter »cbeme ia dev i*«tt, »here willbe iBaSwby in BSSnibaj tb .- .tdopU.in ari anv ona

plan yet ¡.ropoied. Ibeee lmpfaint« ooms'mors«.r les from ull par»! of _M Sate, but the mortloi-y it. o from thq City of Vev-York and «rietafoy.11. ¦...ret of most-f tlie lu«* lie» in the fa«t thatlhere are a gret many gBBBfanMB who are like tbsI'. .la.ylvuiiia A.-i»e.i.l)Ivlunn, wl.o, in the day« ofunUnuted rdbanricbarten, refoee»! fo vote for thenewC aatitntba until Banaded ra ra form by bia.«vu 1,-iui. Ktuh want, ti repre-Mii», New-York

i :' » i i Cmi:».*.», and look. I I » « '. :,g.-,-t-»...(uil »liatriB ibai wi'i trry out bb t-.-m.d- al »«piratioui.

I rom I alit'onilu.StMi- an, -, -.lanrJiT. M*i_a »., UM

S [p Biugfoader eaileu I- day for l_p_u, vitbUnited **<i li * Miusei I'm vu ..-ni 11 e.

'liic «"au.,n I'H..ian baa arris««»., fnn MasBbnIgfo, I h fal -¦«'. n> w» re,«:\f.I there f-otu Arnon«

nptnaanta uns tba enmrj ia ulm .«t áapapalated,ni ' 'i gtMearion aoMfanM and tba hatiR»

tin Indiana» li,. Bebri l»..vi.i) ..vop«,n imb.-ritig tit), were aw iting it-er.foreamert« at

--.i h tita avowel pipan af t_kii»if Fort\ una. in Catii unis, but H <.' ttf the lira regit eui*

.-f Cab ". ata v.»; atoanwen fo tim partisa nf tkaBUfo, Bad vt.-ild ka gforil .- tam ling enemy.At».-' m Baa F-i i*-> ".' »kir 0«*_MBintn>n*

I'.i.oii.i. ami Mia. .*.«.i 1 . I- ar *. l*t I» <b«ui I ISB>t-rer. Hail Wl ,...'-. i.i a r, Hiu J_.t .-. |_M ai.»

». ». ,

I'll**«* In Os»»»-!;»,,Oseas«, l'iciity, Mta-c'i-«\ BSB

A gre ti afternoe i gutted l-kkett'i pafal ib.»p¡lasan i for t'*1- .'. I»nndoa and UibbmL Tiebuilding wai dam .g«.-»! B*J,000j me ired in 'he North-\\ - a''.' 11,000." Tb« I «.-Hi bio. k adjoining*asdal lg*d|l,00t)¡ insur lia London au.l l.iver-rjtjoL k11 ,.ip, di arbtj La »gnrai Baan,barbar,law «, but !.'-t ibo| .^ », worn al*' burned.»I »». | i.iHaJ or f -t.U'aJ; gein-iill'. lu« ir- -la

*>ihe *-«OTit.*4oiiiii*'M «vtMlln.

irai i tar. Baw i-5- '¦**.

Tb* anita par tbe nteaanv Born-BratiM ^*-T?frl«red ben, and trill ba biMBlriad B New-York bythe »neill tr uti. wlii.h i« das in N. vv \ork oi au

n « aw (WilBMriayl ¦"'¦¦_¦ . _.

i be newM «per bag bl ' " An. > bjsd Prnsj left

la-re fa ihe : a ebek info fra «ew-Tark. 11 s faBBis due about II "'d'" li IS Blg-t.

Mi|.-(ien. Havid Hunt-r ki BM I Bj -BBS BaaBSJat 6 o -U> I«, i i JS_!-itu. re», willie ha will faga ths

boat for Fortr.'caMouro.', and Here nfosST- BJ board

the fritadBtnfoa arsasnsii IdBstta, BSlfafmlVi'»lay m'nim*. fro».. BaBpfoB B tiit, f-»rl'"it lioya!,-bs hei.l-uir'cri of the new B-BBjriBBBl "f 'b«

South. Ile will be Bt*raeiranfad by ara b-bnhgamBSStafktaalati Brig.^ifon.B. w. BannaB,wlo will tako the eoUH-nil «'om whkb hhereian

las bara laBaiad Ona. s. bbsbj BBriasnd Baan.If-ribek ('¦« J* W. .shaiur, »Istsssa Atnmt R»

Balma, IN« L.lwi.r.i W-».". Rah B. BL Bass*C*4 Jfo*,W. Turner, (¡.p. K-!war,l Vf. »mith.

Liant. SanadW BBièBS «*i^t- A-.hurM. Bra

:»i,*, and M.,j. Chai. O- H «'i'*'*' . Sn-lnBl -A lj«tSaVt.S(ietieral.

.iMBBWABS A"'" '"." ****** 'oilowmg sr- tb«

ia.ee« ol' Amen.ani laglMarBI B Dm ¦ to.s

Amen,*.,..."-Bli BB X "BÍ BlsBl.g Bim R+

HI s uni, I -Bée*, W. C, F-:.., week ceding

.Bal k9, lanti _, .

!.., ,i IrWn -'* f". .' i I «tit Cha* Cn -^¿L*.V 'I »».

_e» ... _. Ile- » I- >-*>.l-' 1*1 . *«*"''