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User Guide for eRecruitment

UNE Human Resources Services (HRS)

Phone: 6773 3972

For enquiries email:

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UNE eRecruitment Procedures

Revision History

Version Date Author Comment

1.0 02/05/2011 Carolyn Newson Draft document completed

1.1 11/05/2011 Carolyn Newson Selection Committee section 5.1 updated

1.2 3/6/2011 Carolyn Newson Final version released

1.3 26/4/2012 Carolyn Newson Removed instructions for Creating a Vacancy.

1.4 19/6/2012 Carolyn Newson Added Adobe download to troubleshooting section.

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1. What is eRecruitment? ..................................................................................................................................4

2. How to Use This Document ............................................................................................................................4

3. Glossary of Terms ...........................................................................................................................................5

4. Getting Started ...............................................................................................................................................5

4.1. Recruiting For a New Position ................................................................................................................5

5. Selection Committee ......................................................................................................................................6

5.1. Viewing Submitted Applications ............................................................................................................6

5.2. Problems Opening Documents with a .docx Extension .........................................................................9

5.3. Late Applications ................................................................................................................................. 11

5.4. Viewing Vacancy Documents .............................................................................................................. 12

Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Session timeout message ............................................................................................................................ 13

Online system is unavailable ....................................................................................................................... 13

Internal Staff get an error message on external job page .......................................................................... 13

Appendix A - Human Resources Vacancy Documents ........................................................................................ 14

Appendix B - How to enable scripting in your browser ...................................................................................... 18

Appendix C - Security zones: adding or removing websites ............................................................................... 19

Appendix D – Downloading Microsoft .docx documents ................................................................................... 20

Appendix E – Downloading Adobe PDF Files ...................................................................................................... 21

Appendix F – Resetting Browser Security Settings in Internet Explorer ............................................................. 22

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1. What is eRecruitment?

eRecruitment is the new online recruitment module which forms part of Web Kiosk. It provides for a much

easier online experience for applicants and enables the selection panel to monitor the vacancy and view

applications as they arrive instead of waiting for the job to close before receiving any paperwork.

eRecruitment has undergone a 2 month trial for selected vacancies at UNE since February 2011. During that

time HR has worked closely with selected areas to formulate these procedures. Although most of the process

has been worked out this is still a work in progress and feedback is welcome from areas in UNE that use

eRecruitment. We want to know how staff (external to HR) find the entire process; from initiating a request

to advertise the vacancy to making an offer to the successful applicant/s.

2. How to Use This Document

Note: This document is best viewed on your computer (rather than printed) as it contains features that will be

lost in the printed version, such as tool tips and hyperlinks within the table of contents.

This user guide is aimed at the vacancy creator who will be working in the cost centre that wants to advertise

a position. The first step is to read through the document and familiarise yourself with the steps involved. You

should find this a very easy process and should only need to refer to the main points once you’ve used

eRecruitment a couple of times.

While every effort has been made to be consistent with the screenshots, some have been taken from the

development area instead of production to protect confidentiality. In some instances, a fictitious person has

been created to demonstrate some screens.

If you have any questions concerning the recruitment process or eRecruitment itself please speak with your

HR point of contact or email Technical enquiries can be emailed to hr-

Handy Hints: Throughout the document icons have been used to help draw attention to pertinent facts.

This tells you that there is extra information. It’s a good idea to read this if you are new to the

eRecruitment process.

This depicts important information that you need to be aware of.

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3. Glossary of Terms

Approver: authorised HR employee who will check vacancy documentation and approve vacancy for


eRecruitment: online recruitment module for internal/external advertised positions.

Vacancy Creator: typically the admin staff person from the cost centre wanting to advertise a


Vacancy Owner: an authorised staff member (from the cost centre) who will also monitor the


4. Getting Started

The Vacancy Creator completes and emails the original vacancy documents to HR

(refer Table 1)

Vacancy Document Name Form Number Required

Request to Establish a Position 7.02a New positions only

Request to Advertise 9.02a All advertised vacancies

Draft Advertisement 9.02b/c All advertised vacancies

Selection Committee Membership 9.06a All advertised vacancies

Position Statement General staff vacancies up to HEO7

Further Information Academic and HEO7+ vacancies Table 1: Vacancy Documents

HR checks paperwork and approves – allow up to 2 weeks for this process to be completed.

HR will contact the Vacancy Creator and confirm approval or request corrections be made.

Approved vacancy will be entered in the system by HR and will appear on the External job page. HR

Advertising will publish the advertisement as requested.

The Selection Committee Membership will be included in the new 9.02a form so 9.06a will

eventually become redundant.

4.1. Recruiting For a New Position An important consideration of eRecruitment is that the position number has to exist in the system before a

vacancy can be created. The necessary paperwork, Request to Establish a Position form 7.02a, will still have

to go through the existing approval process before a new position can be established.

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5. Selection Committee

As soon as the vacancy request has been approved HR will enter the details of the Selection

Panel directly into Web Kiosk. The Selection Panel will then have access to monitor vacancies

(but only the one/s they are linked to) and can access the vacancy documents and

applications for that vacancy.

Any changes to members of the Selection Panel must be conveyed to HR immediately as this can

constitute a breach of confidentiality.

5.1. Viewing Submitted Applications

The list of applicants can be monitored and their applications viewed online on the Monitor Vacancies page in

Web Kiosk. The Number of Applicants will be displayed in the far right column. Click on the Position Title to

open the vacancy details and see a list of the applicants.

Figure 1: Tracking the number of applicants

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The applicant’s details and application can be viewed by click on the Applicant# eg. in Figure 20 you would

click on the number 1 to view Mary Butterick’s application.

Figure 2: Monitoring applications

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This will display Mary’s cover letter with a link to attached documents at the top of the page.

Figure 3: Example application for Mary Butterick

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Unsuccessful applicants will be hidden from view as HR updates their status in Applicant Tracking. To display

all of the applicants including the unsuccessful ones, click on the Click Here link.

5.2. Problems Opening Documents with a .docx Extension An infrequent problem with Internet Explorer 7 can cause issues when viewing Office 2007 Microsoft Word

documents with a .docx extension. In the example below the Cover Letter with a docx extension may cause

problems but the Resume should open ok because it has a .doc extension.

To open and view the document online, click on the File Name. You should get the File Download dialog giving

options to Open Save or Cancel. What some people find is the Open option is missing and they are then

forced to save the document to their computer before being able to open it.

The problem has been overcome by choosing Compatibility View on the toolbar of Internet Explorer (refer to

Appendix E for instructions). Using Safari, Opera or Firefox is also an option as others have successfully

opened .docx documents in these browsers.

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5.3. Late Applications If an applicant initiates their application moments before the closing time of midnight on the day it closes, the

system will still allow them to submit the application (their web session will timeout after an hour). This

means their application will appear to be late because it was received the day after the closing date. Strictly

speaking these applications are not late. Due to technical difficulties or other reasons, an applicant may

contact UNE requesting that their application be submitted by email instead of online. It is up to the

discretion of the Chair of the Selection Committee whether these particular applications are accepted or not.

In this case some of these may actually be late applications.

It is up to the committee to check for any applications after the closing date to make sure all applications

have been viewed. If in doubt about late applications, the Selection Panel can verify the time submitted by

contacting HR and discussing the best way to proceed.

Once an applicant has submitted their application they cannot make any changes to it. Also due to

technical issues with the job site, there are occasions where an applicant may request their

application be changed before the closing date. If any applications are altered then the Selection Committee

will need to review the new document/s. HR will email the Chair who will then alert the Selection Committee

that there have been changes to an application which need to be reviewed.

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5.4. Viewing Vacancy Documents Job advertisements and position descriptions can be viewed through the Vacancy Status page in Web Kiosk or

on the UNE recruitment site. In both places, the Position Title is the link to view the vacant position


Be aware that until the web publish date has been entered, an error will be displayed when clicking on the

vacancy document link. As soon as the publish date is entered the documents will open ok.

Figure 4: Viewing documents for an approved vacancy

Previously HR staff have manually updated a web page to display the vacancy status. In eRecruitment the

system will now automatically update the web page but this relies heavily on the selection panel passing on

that information to HR. As the application process progresses, it is of vital importance that HR is kept up to

date with applicant details such as the Shortlisted Date, Interview Date, Offer Made Date etc. so that the

status of the vacancy and applicants can be entered into Alesco.

The vacancy status is what the applicants will see on the UNE job site. If it is not kept up to date then the

information will be of little use to interested parties. Automated emails will be sent from Alesco to the

applicants as their status changes to Unsuccessful, Shortlisted and Interviewed etc. The quicker this

information is conveyed to HR the better so that the appropriate email can be sent.

Auto emails from the Alesco system are sent to the Chair of the Selection Panel and designated Admin

Assistants 2 days after the closing date and then 3 weeks later to remind them of the need to keep HR

updated with the Selection Report.

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Session timeout message

This can occur if you have been reading the job advertisement for over 10 minutes and then click on the

position description link. To rectify this problem you can select the vacancy again from the current vacancy

table by clicking on the position title and download the documentation.

Online system is unavailable

If you get a page unavailable or web page cannot be found etc. the site may be experiencing network issues.

Please try again if the closing date is at least a day away otherwise email your application to with an explanation of the problem you encountered.

Internal Staff get an error message on external job page

UNE staff will get this message if they are logged into Web Kiosk at the same time as opening the external job

vacancy due to session cookies. All internal applicants should apply using the Current Vacancies facility in

Web Kiosk. This will be more advantageous as the application form will pre-populate with staff details.

To rectify this problem, log out of Web Kiosk and restart your browser.

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Appendix A - Human Resources Vacancy Documents

Figure 56: Request to Establish a New Position form 7.02a

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Figure 57: Request to Advertise form 9.02a

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Figure 58: Draft Advertisement Template

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Figure 59: Selection Committee Membership

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Appendix B - How to enable scripting in your browser

Windows Internet Explorer (all versions except Pocket Internet Explorer)

Note To allow scripting on this Web site only, and to leave scripting disabled in the Internet zone, add this

Web site to the Trusted sites zone.

1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Security tab.2. Click the Internet zone.3. Click Custom Level.

In the Settings dialog box, scroll down to the Scripting section (near the bottom) and click Enable forAllow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows.

4. Restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

Mozilla Corporation’s Firefox version 2

1. On the Tools menu, click Options.2. On the Content tab, click to select the Enable JavaScript check box.3. Click the Go back one page button to return to the previous page, and then click the Reload current

page button to run scripts.

Opera Software’s Opera version 9

1. On the Tools menu, click Preferences.2. On the Advanced tab, click Content.3. Click to select the Enable JavaScript check box, and then click OK.4. Click the Back button to return to the previous page, and then click the Reload button to run scripts.

Netscape browsers

1. Select Edit, Preferences,Advanced2. Click to select Enable JavaScript option.

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Appendix C - Security zones: adding or removing websites

This information applies to Windows Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8.

Internet Explorer assigns all websites to one of four security zones:


Local intranet

Trusted sites

Restricted sites

The zone to which a website is assigned specifies the security settings that are used for that site. You can choose which websites to assign to the Intranet, Trusted, or Restricted zones. By adding a website to a specific zone, you can control the level of security used on that site. For example, if you have a list of websites that you visit and you completely trust those sites, add those sites to the Trusted zone.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Internet Explorer.

2. Navigate to the website that you want to add to a specific security zone.

3. Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.

4. Click the Security tab, and then click Trusted sites.

5. Click Sites.

6. The website should be shown in the Add this website to the zone field. Click Add.

If the site is not a secure site (HTTPS), clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in thiszone check box.

7. Click Close, and then click OK (or click OK twice if you clicked Local intranet in step 4).

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Appendix D – Downloading Microsoft .docx documents

Some people have found Microsoft .docx files from eRecruitment need to be saved to the desktop before they can be opened. The same issue has not occurred with doc files. The culprit appears to be with Microsoft’s ‘compatibility view’ in the Internet Explorer browser.

The first image below shows a browser that does not have ‘compatibility view’ turned on. You can see the

gap in the Login image which is a dead giveaway.

You can remedy this by clicking the icon in the browser as highlighted by the red box in the image below.

The second image below shows a browser with ‘compatibility view’ turned on and this will mean a docx file

will open as normal without the need to save first.

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Appendix E – Downloading Adobe PDF Files

There have been some applicant’s documents which cannot open in Internet Explorer and display a “Page

Cannot Be Displayed” error page. Some people have been able to save the document to their desktop but still

could not open it online. Quite often this can be because of a corrupt file or bad filename however in some

cases upgrading to the latest Adobe Reader X has fixed the problem.

Adobe Reader X works in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9; Firefox 10.0(ESR), 11 and Chrome and appears

able to open all version of pdfs even ones that may be scanned as images etc.

You can download Reader X from this link (untick the Yes, install Google

Toolbar option is you don’t want it).

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Appendix F – Resetting Browser Security Settings in Internet Explorer

If all else fails and you still experience issues the last resort is to reset the browser settings - note that the screen shots may look slightly different depending on your version of IE.

1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Internet Explorer.

2. Click on Tools/Internet Options.

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3. Navigate to the Advanced tab and click on the Reset button at the bottom of the screen.

4. If you have any other internet explorer sessions open this popup will warn you to close them alongwith any other programs. Close all other windows as requested and click on the Reset button again.

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5. This time you should get a dialog box similar to the one below. You can try resetting the browser firstby clicking on Reset and leaving the Delete personal settings option unticked. If after all this you stillhave the problem with opening .docx files online, then you should try this step again but tick theDelete personal settings box before clicking on Reset.

6. Restart Internet Explorer and check that you can now open the .docx documents and view them inWeb Kiosk without having to save them first.

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