hubspot webinar r6 analysis

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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I completed this analysis of Twitter conversation traffic during a webinar hosted by HubSpot with during my MBA summer internship at salesforce. We used Radian6 to analyze the conversation and questions on Twitter.


Webinar Conversation Analysis on: “The Social Revolution: Connecting with Today’s Customer” Presented by Hubspot with Powered by Radian6 Radian6 Report 2

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Demographics 3

By Role 3

By Company Size 4

Conversation Cloud 5

Polling On Twitter 5

Poll Question 1: Impact of Becoming a Social Enterprise 6

Poll Question 2: Frequency of Publication 7

Poll Question 3: Connecting With a Prospect 8

Q & A Results 8

The Social Enterprise 9

Customer Social Networks 10

Content Creation 11

Miscellaneous 12 Radian6 Report 3

Introduction On August 8, 2011, joined HubSpot for the webinar: “The Social Revolution: Connecting with Today’s Customer.” During the event George Hu, EVP of, and Brian Halligan, CEO of HubSpot, looked at the impact today’s new social customer is having on the buying process and explained how a social transformation of sales and marketing can be a competitive advantage. A total of 2,700 people attended the webinar and 26 percent participated in the event on Twitter.

Demographics About 40 percent of the 2,700 attendees identified themselves as marketers; 29 percent as business owners or partners; 11 percent as sales; 8 percent as CEO / executive management, and 2 percent as IT.

Attendees by Role Radian6 Report 4

Attendees by Company Size More than half of attendees came from companies with 25 employees or less. Thirty-six percent came from companies with between 1 and 5 employees. Eleven percent came from companies with between 6 and 10 employees, and 12 percent came from companies with between 11 and 25 employees. In total, 67 percent of the attendees work for enterprises with 50 employees or less, setting the tone for a conversation that was heavily focused on what the social revolution means for small and medium-sized businesses.

Number of Tweets In the 3 hours leading up to and after webinar the use of the hashtag #SocialRevolution was mentioned 2,951 times. Radian6 Report 5

Polling on Twitter During the webinar the audience responded to a three-question poll, providing interesting insights into how they use social media in their companies. The value of social media is clear to businesses of all sizes, with around 90 percent of all poll respondents publishing content at least once a week. While much of the audience appeared to be at early stages of transforming their companies into social enterprises, 96 percent of all the webinar attendees said they had found and connected with a prospect using social media.

Webinar Conversation Cloud Below are the words most frequently mentioned together with #SocialRevolution on Twitter. The larger the word, the more often it was included in a tweet. Radian6 Report 6

Poll Question #1 184 people responded to the question:

“If your company became a “social enterprise”, how impactful would it be to your business?”

Radian6 Tip:

It’s easy to follow and analyze all the posts and comments made on Twitter and other social networking sites. Radian6 Report 7

Poll Question #2 188 people responded to the question: “How frequently do you publish sharable content via social media?” In addition to the options below, many of the respondents publish daily and some even hourly.

Radian6 Tip: You can filter posts by #hashtag and words like “day”, “week”, or “month”. Radian6 Report 8

Q&A Results: During the webinar, there were a total of 56 questions asked, falling into eight categories. The largest number of questions centered on becoming a social enterprise. This was followed by how to create a customer social network, how to create compelling content, and how to develop an employee social network.

Poll Question #3 85 people responded to the question:

“Have you ever found and connected with a prospect using social media?”

An overwhelming 96 percent of those respondents affirmed they were engaging in social prospecting.

Questions Categorized by Type Radian6 Report 9


B2C companies were among the first to embrace social media and embark on social enterprise transformations because of the high value they placed on understanding and influencing public sentiment about their products. B2B companies and their customers are more likely to engage in meaningful business-related social activity on specialized forums, Twitter, or in LinkedIn Groups. A number of B2B sales reps have obtained a significant competitive advantage by being the first to build up their social reputations / online brands and engage with customers and prospects in these networks.

Q&A Topic #1: The Social Enterprise The most common questions centered on becoming a social enterprise. Here are two examples that captured the essence of the questions.


Virtually any company or organization can benefit from becoming a social enterprise. Every company has relationships with customers, constituents, or other stakeholders and a social enterprise strengthens those relationships by removing friction from internal and external interactions. It makes it easier to find and share information, so everyone is more productive. Radian6 Report 10

Q&A Topic #2: Customer Social Networks Several of the participants had questions about how to engage with prospects on specific social networks, which tools are recommended for listening to customer conversations, and how these might vary for different companies.


Salesforce recently acquired Radian6, the leading social media monitoring platform. We recommend it, but you should research competitive products before making a decision. Small companies can start with free products like HootSuite, Seesmic, or Tweetdeck. Another option is to set up Google Alerts. Take time to brainstorm all the keywords someone might use to search for information about your products and industry.


Sales reps have enjoyed significant success using LinkedIn groups. For more information and case studies, please see our social sales ebook, “The Social Sales Revolution: 7 Steps to Get Ahead.” To answer briefly—fill out your complete profile and get recommended by peers. Publish your company’s marketing documents on SlideShare and post them on your LinkedIn page. Your objective is to help your customers and prospects find the information they’re looking for.


The frequency of posting depends on the channel. Twitter is best for higher frequency. A post every hour or two is perfectly acceptable on Twitter, whereas you might want to limit your Facebook posts to every other day. On Facebook, people who “like” your page are inviting you into their living room. Twitter is more of a broadcast medium. On Twitter, it’s perfectly OK to re-post content that you want to get noticed every few days. Radian6 Report 11


Social content is less about promotion and more about personal appeal and shareability. You still need product data-sheets for customers focused on features, but these aren’t going to win you any social sharing awards. Create rich, interesting, data-oriented content that can be useful to lots of people—even if they’re not in a buying cycle. Ebooks, infographics, & webinars are a great start!

Q&A Topic #3: Content Creation Many participants had a lot to share about content creation. There were 251 posts with the hashtag #SocialRevolution and the word “content”. Here are a couple questions that captured the most common concerns.


Think about the keywords that are associated with the content you are publishing. Are they in your title? @HubSpot’s favorite example is their recent ebook “100 #Awesome Marketing Stats Charts and Graphs.” They could have just called it “100 Market Stats,” but that would not have taken advantage of the many ways it could have been described. The chosen title has the greatest impact on search engine relevancy. Radian6 Report 12

Question Group #4: Miscellaneous Some other interesting questions we decided to take a crack at.


You can always use cookies to tailor your visitors’ web experience. But for a more social approach, consider using Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect to minimize the friction required to “log in” to a customizable web app.


The traditional tools of sales and marketing are greatly enhanced by social media. The biggest changes are increased transparency and greater access to business intelligence. You can readily learn what others have experienced when they interact with companies and more easily determine whether a prospect is ready to make a purchase.


The most interesting trend we have seen is social products and objects, for example, Toyota Friend. Ask yourself: What other information would provide a benefit if it was piped into my social stream? In what ways would my customers benefit from receiving social product alerts?



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