how to use study time effectively

Post on 13-May-2015






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How to use study time effectively ?


How to use study time effectively ?

How do you use your time?How you use your time to find out what kind of study

routine might work best for you?

Think about each of these statements relating to your own use of time and select the tick or the cross before reading the


• To make a selection, just assume within you if the statement is true for you or do not assume if it is not true. You can think again if you wish to change your answer.

===============================================================• I work best in the morning.• I make lists of things I have to do and organise the order in which I will do

them.• I work best when a task is urgent and I'm under pressure to get on with it.• I am easily distracted from a task by other things that I need to do.• I can manage lots of things at the same time.• I hate rushing and always start a task early, giving myself plenty of time to

finish.• I work best in the afternoon or at night.• I like finishing one task before I start another.

Check : When do you work best? If you work best in the morning this means that you should try to use the first part of the day for any study tasks that need mental

alertness or concentration. Your peak of efficiency is likely to be early in the day and you probably leap out of bed full of energy in the morning. However, you may feel too tired to concentrate well late into the evening.

If you work best in the afternoon or at night this means that you should use that time to do your most demanding study tasks. Your peak of efficiency is likely to be later on in the day. It may take you some time to get started in the morning.Are you a methodical person, who takes tasks one by one, or someone who likes multi-tasking?

As a student, if you make lists of things you have to do and organise the order in which you do them you probably like to have a system and enjoy spending time organising your study files and notes. This helps you identify what you have to do and find what you need quickly. You probably find it difficult to work on too many things at the same time and prefer to order them so that you can manage your study tasks more effectively.

If you can manage lots of things at the same time you probably thrive on having lots of things to do and while working on one study task you may get ideas and inspiration for something else. Your active mind may be busy finding useful parallels between different aspects of your studies and this helps you progress. Are you self-disciplined or do you need outside help to make you focus?

If you work best when a task is urgent and you are under pressure you prefer to rely on external demands such as an approaching deadline for an assignment to help you focus on getting your work done. The sense of urgency probably drives you to work harder and it may be that you are able to produce better work in this way.

If you hate rushing and always start a task early, giving plenty of time to finish you are probably the kind of student who likes to think things through carefully in order to produce your very best work. For this reason, you plan and organise your study time and are able to organise yourself effectively.Is your mind on ten things at once or can you concentrate exclusively on one thing?

If you are easily distracted from a task by other things this means that your mind is always searching for new stimulation. Because of this, it may be difficult to get your work done sometimes. You may need to train yourself to focus on one thing at a time so that you can complete any important study tasks that need to be done.

If you like finishing one task before you start another you have no trouble concentrating on one thing and probably dislike having too many study tasks waiting for your attention. If your study tasks all arrive at once, you may need to think ahead sometimes and make preparations to begin another task before the current one is finished.



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