how to use reddit's self-serve advertising platform

Post on 09-May-2015






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Not sure how to use the reddit self-serve system and want to get your ad up and running on reddit. This slideshare


reddit self-serve platform — an advertising how-to Sept 2013!

self-serve sponsored headlines — reddit media explained

step 1 — collecting creative assets and media

•  70x70 thumbnail image (we accept .jpeg, .gif, .png – optional)

•  Headline Copy (suggested: 100 characters of text) •  Click-thru URL •  A list of what subreddits you want to target your ad to (ex. /r/funny)

•  Campaign flight (dates you want your ad to run)

Comments Gain valuable feedback and insight from the reddit community through the commenting functionality within the sponsored headline (function can be turned off upon request).

step 1 — anatomy of an ad

Headline Copy Through engaging and targeted writing, advertisers can drive traffic and engagement.

Thumbnail Image 70px x 70px    

URL Structured like standard popular content on reddit, the sponsored headline position drives traffic and trailer views.

step 2 — create a reddit account & verify email

•  Go to and click “register” to create an account

step 2 — create a reddit account & verify email •  Choose what username you want

associated to the ad

•  Create password

•  Fill in the CAPTCHA so we know you’re not a robot

•  Click “create account”

•  Once you’re logged-in, click on the “advertise” link on (see bottom of page)

step 3 — sync username to the self-serve platform

•  Then, click on the “Create an ad” link

•  Verify email account

step 3 — sync username to the self-serve platform

•  Check inbox for reddit confirmation email, then click on the reddit link to complete verification

Type in current password associated with this account

Type in email you want associated with this account

You will be re-directed to a reddit page asking to confirm reddit account information

step 3 — sync username to the self-serve platform

•  Type in current password associated with this account

•  Click save!

•  Now that you’ve synced an email to your reddit account, return to the “advertise” link on reddit homepage to create an ad!

(see bottom of page)

step 4 — create an ad

•  Click on the “Create an ad” link

•  Type in what you want your ad to say (we suggest using no more than 100 characters) •  Insert the URL you want your ad to re-direct users to

•  Click “next”

step 4 — create an ad

step 4 — create an ad

•  Timeline 48 hour grace period before ads can launch – plan accordingly! (we review each new promotion before it goes live)

•  Budget

•  Choose frontpage, or target a subreddit

choose a subreddit relevant to the audience interested in your product for maximum optimization

Price per 1,000 impressions is always $0.75

•  Finally, click “create”!

•  Confirm the headline copy •  Confirm the URL you want

your ad to re-direct users to •  Upload 70x70 thumbnail

image (image will resize automatically if not 70x70)

•  Ability to disable comments

(not recommended)

step 4 — create an ad

Click “save options”

•  Once you’ve saved your ad, press the “pay” button next to your budget

•  You will be re-directed to a site that will ask you to plug in payment information

•  Once everything is complete, click “authorize payment”

•  Your ad will then be queued-up for approval, and once it’s been approved your credit card will be charged ~12-24 hours prior to launch

step 5 — payment

step 6 — ad launch: sponsored headline anatomy

Yellow  Highlight  Ads  are  highlighted  yellow  upon  crea4on.      

Green  Highlight  Background  turns  green  a8er  paid  for  or  freebied,  and  accepted.      

Blue  Highlight  Background  turns  blue  when  it’s  live.  It  will  remain  blue  throughout  the  flight.  

Grey  Highlight  Background  turns  grey  at  the  end  of  the  flight  and  no  longer  live.  

step 6 — ad launch

let the conversation begin!!

sponsored headlines — best practices

creative suggestions — how to choose the best creatives

•  For a personalized headline: mention redditors or subreddit you’re in (ex. “hi /r/funny” or “greetings runnit”)

•  Select a relevant, easy to see thumbnail •  Offer promo codes (hard to pass up a deal)

•  Create a specialized landing page greeting redditors

•  Be available to engage with the community via the comment threads

•  Create new headline copy for campaigns running more than a month

•  Search for your brand on reddit to get a feel for the communities reactions. Great way to anticipate concerns and see what resonates.

•  Have fun! If you’re not enjoying it, chances are redditors won’t either.

get involved — engagement in conversation

•  Participate in conversation around your brand within the “comments” section – it’s appreciated and helps build brands!

Kristine Smith

Adriana Gadala-Maria


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