how to use an apple corer safely

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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How to Use an Apple Corer Safely

How to Use An Apple Corer Safely

by African Frames

Use an apple corer to get nice, even slices for pies and desserts.

Apple corer with a sturdy ergonomic grip.

Cutting/serrated tip of corer.

Press corer against the bottom of the apple. Depending on the size of the apple, this step can be

omitted if the apple is small.

Caution: Use a stable cutting board with a damp kitchen towel or a rubber mat under

the board so it will not slip. Starting with the underside, press corer into the apple for

about an inch.

Flip apple over onto base and press corer against the stem side of apple. Pressing against the cutting board, use downward pressure and press corer through center of apple. Do NOT core sideways!!!

The corer should pierce the apple from end to end.

Holding the apple, pull the corer out.

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