how to tell your brand's origin story

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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For your customers to decide if they like you, trust you, and if what you have to offer is worth their time, you need to start with your story. And sometimes, the best story to share is your origin story - the how you got here and why you can be trusted. Kay Fabella, Brand Storyteller and Marketing Consultant shares some easy questions to find and tell YOUR origin story.


How to Tell Your Origin Story




Google started with !two nerds in a Stanford dorm room,

pizza, and an algorithm.


Nike started with a handshake, $500, !and the name Blue Ribbon Sports.


Starbucks was one single store !tucked away in Seattle’s historic !

Pike Place Market.


Before these brands !became household names, !

they each had !an origin story !

of how they started.


We can’t help but love the underdog.


We are hard-wired for the story !of how David triumphed over Goliath.


We want to know how !you and your brand came to be.


Your audience needs to trust you !before they can take a chance on

what you have to offer.!!


And that’s where your !origin story comes in.!



By sharing who you are and where you’ve come from…!



You can build that trust.

This is especially true when!you are trying to do something !completely new and different

with your brand.!!!


!Without a familiar reference point, !

your audience will struggle with !how to place you and understand you.!


!But when you ground your idea in !what they already know to be true, !

you give your audience a sense of security, !and ensure your credibility.!


Think about it…!!

What kind of reaction !would you rather have !from your audience? !




Whoa, this idea is way too out there

for me…

OK, I’m lost… what is this person even

talking about?

There’s a million of these out there

already, why are you making another one?

OR!Do you want your audience!

to walk away saying !something like this…? !




I get why you are doing this!

OK, I can see why you are going to be

amazing at this!

I can hear why you have something to say on

this, and I believe you!

Whenever you are trying to do something new or different !anchor it in something your audience is familiar with.!



!Your origin story is your place

of true credibility.!


!When you explain !why you started, !

your audience will see !your motivation is !

honest, worthy, and true.!!!


Your origin story is !easier to write than !you think! !!Here are a few !questions to get you started…


Your  Roots  

  What  is  it  in  you,  your  family,  or    your  history  that  led  you  to  create  this  idea?  

  What  is  the  heritage  or  lineage  you  come  from?  

  What  path  do  you  come  from  and  how  did  it  lead  you  here  today?  

_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Your  Mo<va<ons  

  What  mo<vates  you  to  do  what  you  do?  

  Why  are  you  mo<vated  to  do  this    more  than  anyone  else?  

  How  can  you  prove  to  your  audience  that  your  mo<va<ons  are  genuine  and  authen<c?  

_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Your  Convic<ons  

  What  are  you  ready  and  willing  to    fight  for?  

  Why  is  what  you  are  doing  so    personal  to  you?  

  What  problem  will  this  help  solve,  so  that  your  audience  no  longer  has  to  worry  about  it?  

_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Your  Tribe  

 Which  tribe  are  you  doing    this  for?  Will  they  care?  

 Which  worldview  are  you    speaking  to?    

  How  can  you  make  them  believe  you?    

_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Your  Experience  

 What  life  experience  can  you    draw  upon  that  jus<fies  you  crea<ng  this  idea?  

 What  unique  wisdom  or    perspec<ve  can  only  be  offered  by  you?  

_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

So how do you tell !your origin story?


It all starts with !finding all of the things !that make you unique!

and learning how to tell it to your audience effectively.


And if you are struggling to find !what that origin story is…


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