how to sell more affiliate merchandise with product launches

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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DESCRIPTION presents a look at product launches and how they generate more sales





HTTP://WWW.REALSIXFIGUREMENTORS.COM If you have been on Clickbank much you will see that certain products come out of the blue to be the top sellers then fall back after a week or so.Why is that? The reason is the product owner has just done a big launch and affiliates are marketing it like crazy.So how does it all work? Clearly there must be a product which the product owner will have beta tested by offering it to his own list perhaps for free or at low cost to get consumer feedback. This feedback assuming it is positive goes on as testimonials on the sales page once the product is launched. Once the product owner is happy with the product he will want to create bonus products that will increase sales.At the backend of his marketing funnel will be upsells and downsells. Upsells are products also by the same product owner that something more expensive than the product the customer has just bought.It is often just a better version of the same product. A downsell will be something cheaper than the just purchased product.It is a great strategy to have products at different price points in your sales funnel as you just don't know how much money a customer has to spend at any moment in time. Behind this will come the autoresponder sequence with pre written follow up messages that offer a mixture of content and more product offers.It is important not to oversell as you will experience many unsubscribes as a result. Once the front and back end are in place then the product owner can go to

pre launch where he invites people to market his product to their list.This can work both ways.The product owner will promote any product put out by his JV partners. He will also put out request for JVs on JV brokerage sites such as JV to generate further interest. There is the build up to the big day.Quite often the product owner will offer big prizes to the top affiliates with a league table posted on the JV blog so everyone can see who is in the lead. The pre launch is NOT about the product but about getting people excited as launch day approaches. As well as giving affiliates the chance of winning prizes the affiliates themselves will offer prizes to those who buy through them. Often with big launches potential buyers will shop around to see which affiliate has the best offer. They know the product is the same so the bonus from the affiliate have a big impact on which affiliate the buyer goes with.

Please move forward with part 2 of this article.  

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