how to resolve barcode reading errors with barcode verifiers

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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How to resolve barcode reading

errors with a barcode verifier

There are two main reasons why a barcode would have a reading error and

that is due to poor image quality or because of flawed data quality.

Barcode Reading Errors

Poor image quality is a barcode failure that is easier to detect, since many of

these problems can be identified visually or with low magnification. Barcode

failure due to flawed data usually cannot be detected visually, but barcode

verifiers are able to test for data structures, and when properly configured,

can signal data problems quickly and easily.

Verification examines optical characteristics of the barcode compared to

industry and international standards. The barcode is then given a pass or fail

grade based on these parameters. Diagnostic information lets the operator

know what defects may exist in the barcode, which can help to correct the

printing process. Barcode verification is required for many industries and will

ensure 100% scanability.

Barcode verification standards are set by international organisations (such as

ISO) and industry groups (such as GS1 or HIBCC).

Limitations of Barcode Scanners

A common misconception is that a barcode scanner can

be used to verify, but unfortunately this is not the case.

A scanner is designed just to read the barcode, and just

because the barcode can be read by your scanner, does

not mean it can be read by all scanners. It only means

that one area of the barcode can be read by that

particular device.

Verifiers on the other hand can determine the quality of

a barcode using various parameters such as; decoding,

measuring and checking the format of the code. And as

a barcode is measured through industry standards and

not just from one scanner, they can analyze how well

the barcode will perform in different environments. It

will indicate where the barcode is defective so

corrective action can take place.

Barcode Verifier Solution

Implementing a barcode verifier can go a long way to streamlining the

quality control and manufacturing process. A barcode not scanning correctly

can have serious effects ranging from manufacturing errors to production

downtime. Verification gives you feedback about your barcode productions

process that can be used to control the process itself. A successful

verification result ensures that a labels or direct part marker is working

properly and will be readable further in the supply chain.

Many retailers and also government agencies require barcodes to conform

to industry standards. The only way to demonstrate barcode quality is

through verification.

Verification guarantees a first time scan rate. Correctly scanning barcodes

will prevent fines from major retailers and production downtime. When

barcodes do not scan correctly, the data has to be manually entered,

opening it up to human error. Using a verifier would guarantee that this

wouldn’t happen and that in turn would remove customer satisfaction.

The Cost Benefits

Barcode verification can save your company money by

preventing chargeback’s. Major retailers, such as Tesco,

are known for issuing costly chargeback’s when items

delivered do not meet expectations. They can fine up to

£40,000 per incident and return the merchandise back

at the manufacturers’ expense. Barcode verification will

insure that merchandise will not be sent back because

of unreadable barcode symbols.

If you are responsible for delivering readable, in-spec

barcodes, then the only way to ensure that the

barcodes function properly is with barcode verification.

See our range of barcode verifiers or contact us for

advice if you are concerned about your barcode quality.

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