how to plan the perfect move

Post on 25-Jun-2015



Self Improvement



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Moving house or office often looks like a daunting task, but with these tips you'll manage to do it in no time! It's all about managing resources and time. Find out more in our article!


Take the Stress Out of Packing: How to Plan the Perfect Move

If even the thought of cleaning, organising and packing makes you nervous, relax;

we’re here to help. Moving is a big task, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. The key

to a smooth and relaxed move is to plan ahead and these tips can help you do just that.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

First, try to give yourself plenty of time to pack and move. Don’t wait until just a few days before you need to leave your current

residence to start the moving process. If you do, chances are you will be very

stressed and it will be much harder to get the job done right.

One way to plan ahead is to designate a few days or a week to each task so that as

you get closer to moving day, you are already getting things done and will be well prepared.

Image Courtesy of Ambro /

Make Sure Messy Tasks are Done Beforehand

Make sure messy tasks are done well before you move. Things like cleaning

floors, making small repairs, cleaning the bathroom and scrubbing the kitchen should all be done before you begin packing so you don’t have to worry about

them during the move. You will need a good vacuum cleaner, but also a carpet and an upholstery cleaner in order to deep clean your new house before settling in. You can browse HSS Sales' website for carpet cleaners or / and upholstery

cleaners -

Stock up on Moving Supplies

The first thing to do is stock up on moving supplies like cardboard boxes,

packing tape, styrofoam, bubble wrap, labels and markers. When you have all of these things ready, packing won’t be nearly as difficult. You’ll be able to focus on

the job and won’t have to waste time searching for the things you need.

Hire a Skip

Hire a skip well in advance so you will have it ready when it comes time to clean out and organise your belongings. When you have a skip ready at your home,

you will be able to discard of any unwanted items very easily and the moving process won’t be slowed down as you try to find ways to purge your home of

junk you don’t want to move. You can visit HSS Hire's website and browse their wide collection of skips for hire -


Spend Some Time Cleaning Out

Before you move it is a great idea to spend some time cleaning out your closets, rooms, garage and garden. When you move you don’t want to take anything you

don’t need with you, and now is a great time to remove any clutter from your home. Throw away or donate things you don’t need or want so your move will be lighter and to make it easier to settle into your new place.

Take it Room by Room

The thought of packing up your entire home can be overwhelming. Instead of approaching it that way, start well in advance and pack one room at a time. Begin with rooms and things you don’t use on a daily basis and organise the

items into boxes with other similar items, or things that belong in the same room.

This approach not only makes packing and moving less stressful, it makes unpacking easier. When you know what belongs in each room and where your

belongings are, you can unpack much faster and more efficiently.

Label Everything

As you pack, label every box. First, write the name of the room it belongs to and then underline it. Underneath that label, make a brief list of the items inside the

box. For example, one box might read “Kitchen: Dishes and Glasses.” Then, when you arrive at your new home you will be able to find things very quickly as

you need them.

Pack a Move-in Box

Take one or two boxes and label them “Move In” and set them aside. Fill them with a few changes of clothes, some cooking utensils, medications, hygiene items and anything else you will need immediately after moving into your new

home. Be sure to pack this box last so it isn’t lost behind all of your other belongings at the back of the moving truck.

This way you will have easy access to essential items and you won’t have to dig

through rooms full of boxes and search for hours just to find your toothbrush.

There is no question that moving is a big job and can be hard. But, with these tips it doesn’t have to be stressful. Start by planning ahead and packing things

one room at a time, and you will be well on your way to a smooth and easy move!

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