how to handle knots

Post on 22-Jul-2015



Leadership & Management



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How to Handle KnotsNetwork Mapping as a Tool for Bringing Light Into Darkness

What Kind of Network Do You Want?

Lies, Confusion, Obfuscation, Knots? Truth, Clarity, Transparency, Nodes?

Network Components

Lies• Satan is the Father of Lies

• Lies tie networks in knots

• Resources get stuck in knots

• Communication becomes confusion

• Lies build strongholds for Satan

Truth• Jesus Christ is the Truth

• Truth sets networks free

• Resources flow freely

• Communication becomes communion

• Truth generates vessels for Christ


• Confusion supports lies

• Confusion links together two things, reducing them both

• Confusion results in darkness

• Confusion isolates individuals

• Confusion limits communication


• Clarity supports truth

• Clarity links together two things, magnifying them both

• Clarity results in light

• Clarity builds community

• Clarity facilitates communication


• Obfuscation hides

• Hiddenness supports sin

• Sin ties more knots

• Knots propagate disorder

• Disorder prevents the flow of information & resources


• Transparency reveals

• Revelation supports virtue

• Virtue builds more links

• Linked nodes generate order

• Order facilitates the flow of information & resources


• Interfere with life, light, truth

• A maze that leads nowhere

• Made weak by strong ties

• Individuals imprisoned, lost

• Impossible to envision growth that won’t lead to worse tangle

• No room for new members


• Radiate with life, light, truth

• A path that leads to solutions

• Made strong by weak links

• Individuals served, shining

• Easy to see growth strategy that will lead to greater results

• Strong and weak nodes needed

Untangling Knots – 1

• Identify the Persons Involved

Untangling Knots – 2

• Trace the paths between them to see who is tied together

Untangling Knots – 3

• Determine which paths are lies and expose them

Untangling Knots – 4

• Cut the ties to lies, sin, darkness

Untangling Knots – 5

• Make straight paths, clarify shared values, expose all connections

Untangling Knots – 6

• Hubs will begin to emerge

Untangling Knots – 7

• Individual contributions become clear

Untangling Knots – 8

• People who bridge between groups are identified

Exposing a Knotted System – 1

It’s not working, resources are stuck, individuals are dissatisfied, needs are not being met.

What’s wrong?

You don’t see the connections.

Exposing a Knotted System – 2

Without a map, you don’t even see all the persons involved.

Exposing a Knotted System – 3

Start with what you can see.

Map the flow of money, the lines of authority and responsibility, the ties of influence and shared affiliation, and the public record of votes, opinions, recommendations, etc… to see where there are networks affecting performance.

Exposing a Knotted System – 3Who pays whom? Who is in control of this organization? Who voted for whom?

Look for connections that undermine the system to find out why the system doesn’t work: influence that works against stated goals, controllers without authority, people with a vested interest in hiding their actions and affiliations.

Exposing a Knotted System – 4

It becomes clear why things aren’t running smoothly.

A Way That Leads to DeathConnect with those who undermine your values

Link your reputation to those who are infamous

Hide your affiliations from plain view

Support people, organizations and ideas that conflict with one another

Resist efforts to map your networks

Lie, deceive, cover for heresy, approve sin

Disregard your own vows, promises, constitutions, founding principles, bylaws

Develop in discontinuity with history

A Way That Leads to LifeConnect with those who share your values

Link your reputation to those who are virtuous

Acknowledge your affiliations in plain view

Support people, organizations and ideas that resonate with one another

Support efforts to map your networks

Tell the truth, give no support to sin or heresy

Keep your vows, promises, constitutions, founding principles, bylaws

Develop in continuity with history

What Kind of Network Do You Want?One that Leads to Death?

• Connect with those who undermine your values

• Link your reputation to those who are infamous

• Hide your affiliations from plain view

• Support people, organizations and ideas that conflict with one another

• Resist efforts to map your networks

• Lie, deceive, cover for heresy, approve sin

• Disregard your own vows, promises, constitutions, founding principles, bylaws

• Develop in discontinuity with history

One that Leads to Life?

• Connect with those who share your values

• Link your reputation to those who are virtuous

• Acknowledge your affiliations in plain view

• Support people, organizations and ideas that resonate with one another

• Support efforts to map your networks

• Tell the truth, give no support to sin or heresy

• Keep your vows, promises, constitutions, founding principles, bylaws

• Develop in continuity with history

Created by Charlotte OstermannIn the interest of truth.


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