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Post on 10-Aug-2015






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How to Get Through Post-Holiday Sugar Withdrawal

According to the American Heart Association, women should have no more than 100 calories worth of added sugar each day. Added sugar includes sugar that you add to your own food, or that the manufacturer adds; not natural-occurring sugar like that found in fruit. However, it can be easy to consume more than the recommended amount over the holidays. Read on to learn more about sugar and tips to get you back on track in your weight loss.

What is Sugar?

Before you understand how to get through your post-holiday sugar withdrawal, it is important to learn a bit more about sugar. According to a study conducted by Princeton University and John Hopkins University, sugar’s effects on the body are similar to drugs’, which is why “sugar addiction” can occur. While you may not be addicted to sugar, cutting down on the amount you consume after the holidays can cause withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, intense cravings, and headaches. Gradually reducing sugar intake can help reduce these symptoms. However, it is important to realize that sugar doesn’t exist only in the form of white table sugar. Read the labels of your food and look for ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, and any name ending in –ose (i.e. glucose, fructose, and sucrose are all forms of sugar.  Alcohol is also converted into sugar in the body.

Train Your Taste Buds

After noshing on eggnog and holiday cookies, your body may find that anything else is simply not sweet enough. This is not a good time to add more sugar; rather, it’s time to introduce sweet-tasting alternatives and wean yourself off  from sweets. While you may not feel satisfied at first, eventually your body will learn to adjust and crave the healthier options. When adding sugar in your tea or coffee, for instance, try to gradually reduce the amount that you add. Eventually, you should feel satisfied with a smaller spoonful of sugar (or none at all). Try to introduce natural sugars to your diet instead of the processed, artificial sweeteners. Although natural sugars such as honey and agave nectar won’t directly help with weight loss, these products raise your blood sugar more slowly and prevent any post-sugar crash.

Get Back on Track to Weight Loss

After indulging during the holidays, you may feel like your diet is ruined. However, getting back to healthy eating as soon as possible will help achieve your weight loss goals. You may feel bloated and uncomfortable post-holiday. Try and combat this feeling by ensuring that you are drinking plenty of water. Your body is also in serious need of nutrients. To stop cravings for sugar, give yourself something healthy and satisfying. Lean protein and fiber are great because options that will help you feel full. An apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or a yogurt smoothie are good options. Protein and fiber will also help stabilize your blood sugar, thus reducing cravings for sugar. Now is also a good time to get your exercise routine back on track, since physical activity will help get your body craving nutritious food and help get you started on burning off any pounds gained over the holidays.

By reducing your sugar intake, replacing sugar with healthy, sweet alternatives, and eating more nutrient-dense food, you can ultimately kick the sugar withdrawal and get back on track with your weight loss routine.

Keywords : post holiday detox, drinking water and losing weight, drinking water and weight loss, drinking water leads to weight loss, drinking water for weight loss

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