how to create shareable content

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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How to Create Shareable Content

To create content that people want to share, you have to deliver something unique. Content that grabs attention gets spread around social media and mentioned on blogs, generating the quality backlinks that are essential for SEO. A high number of links improves page rankings by showing Google that your content is important. Follow these six examples to create more shareable content and boost visibility for your business.

1. Stay On Top of the NewsReading relevant blogs, subscribing to news feeds and watching current videos keeps you abreast of industry developments and can help you identify significant trends that you can address in your content. Pay attention to new and noteworthy developments as well as any information that addresses common questions that pertain to your target audience.

2. Source from SocialWhat people talk about on social media can be a rich source of ideas for content. Conversations on Facebook and Twitter, comments on your blog and questions on sites such as Quora are all good places to get a feel for what kinds of information your customers are looking for. It allows you to see what your target audience is thinking and structure your content in such a way that it not only appeals to their emotions but also encourages them to share the content with others.

3. Brainstorm Viral TitlesSince you can’t have shares without people actually reading your content, coming up with enticing titles is essential to your SEO strategy. While a title like “How to Be Awesome” might get some attention, “10 Habits that Guarantee Awesomeness” is likely to get more clicks. Use titles that connect with your audience on a personal level. Show them what they’ll get by reading the content or how it will help them solve a problem.

4. Use Tried-and-True FormulasPeople are drawn to certain content formulas such as top ten and ranked lists, “how to” articles, end-of-the-year roundups and discussions of trends. These types of content are useful, relevant and easy to read. The trick is to present unique content through one of these formats rather than reiterating information that can be found anywhere. You want to strike a chord with readers and generate a reaction that makes them want to share.

5. Invest Time and EffortShareable content should be credible content, which means taking the time to do thorough research before writing. Sit down with your marketing team and figure out the exact focus of your content, then learn as much as you can about the subject. Don’t be afraid to write a long blog post or article. According to, posts of 3,000 to 10,000 words average the most shares. That gives you a lot of room to deliver the in-depth information that your audience is looking for.

6. Promote ActivelyIf you want people to read your content once you’ve posted it, you have to take the initiative with promotion. Share links on your company’s Facebook page, Twitter feed and LinkedIn account. Try asking a question or sharing a relevant image to garner more attention. Network with industry influencers and see if they’ll mention your content on their blogs or link to it on their social profiles. Make sure that sharing buttons are easily visible with the content itself to make it easy for readers to pass it on to their friends.

When you make it your goal to create high-quality content that benefits your target audience, you wind up with pieces that people want to share. The result is a stronger SEO strategy and better visibility for your company thanks to improved page rankings.

Search Optics Inc is a leader in digital marketing solutions for the automotive industry. Search Optics’ car dealer SEO services include custom websites, search engine optimization, paid search and mobile solutions that generate leads which result in sales opportunities. Search Optics specializes in car dealer marketing and automotive SEO services.

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