how to create chemistry with a girl – one simple conversation "trick" that triples your...

Post on 18-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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How to Create Chemistry With a Girl – One Simple

Conversation "Trick” That Triples Your Chemistry

With Women

Ask a group of 100 women if they know what the word “chemistry” means, and they all nod their heads and say “of course”…

But ask 100 guys, and 98% will give you a dumb look and say “huh?”

Most Guys Don’t Really Understand “Chemistry”

Attractive women know EXACTLY how to create chemistry... but most men are CLUELESS

Therefore, learning how to create chemistry can give you a big ADVANTAGE over the competition.

Learning How to Create Chemistry = Big Advantage Over Competition

When there's chemistry with a woman, things just "click" ...and it becomes MUCH easier to get the result you want with a girl.

When there's no chemistry, you are unable to create the moments that make a women feel excitement and attraction towards you.

Instead, you end up with stale, boring, “friend zone” type of conversations that only leave you alone and FRUSTRATED

When You Create Chemistry, it Gets So Much EASIER

Now, when someone talks about chemistry, they usually say something along the lines of...

“You either have it or you don't”


“it's either there or it isn't...”

Well that’s a bunch of BALONEY.

And here’s why…

The fact is… you can actually CREATE chemistry, regardless of whether you failed in the past.

And in this presentation, I'll tell you precisely what chemistry is and how YOU can create it in your next interaction with a woman.

Let’s start with, WHAT “chemistry” actually is

What is Chemistry?

Chemistry is the POLARITY between your masculinity… and her femininity.

When you are interacting with a girl… and you show her you are appreciating her femininity… it lights up her femininity and she will enjoy it. You are making her FEEL CHEMISTRY.

At the same time, the girl is appreciating YOUR masculinity… so you feel like keeping up this masculinity… and you keep emanating it… and as you enjoy it, you feel the chemistry too.

There are ways to make a girl feel more “feminine” and create this chemistry, which I’ll show you in just a second…

Chemistry is MUTUAL

Therefore, chemistry is a two-way street – it takes the BOTH of you to create it.

You feel a spark because her femininity makes you FEEL more masculine.

She feels a spark because your masculinity makes her feel more feminine.

Chemicals inside your body and her body are "lighting up” and triggering feelings of attraction that scream out that you want each other.

Chemistry is a Two-Way Street

A Simple Example on How to Create Chemistry

We just went over how "chemistry" has to do with the interaction of your masculinity, and her femininity

This means that… when you’re talking to a girl… your FOCUS of attention... should be on THIS masculine/feminine interaction between the two of you.

Here’s an example…

Example: You're in the middle of a conversation about food

WRONG WAY (the focus is on the food) ----------Her: Yea, I've been a vegetarian for 5 years You: Nice. What foods do you miss the most?----------How do you change the focus?

Make the focus on the interaction between the two of you… which wraps around the topics of conversation.

RIGHT WAY (the focus is on the two of you)-------------

Her: Yea, I've been a vegetarian for 5 years You: Committed. I like that. Although i would totally NOT be surprised to find you hiding in a closet later wolfing down a big mac. Her: haha Why do you say that? You: Not sure. As you were talking just hadthat vision float into my head. C'mon you never go on like a two day chicken nugget binge?------------

See how this time you keep the focus of the conversation on the two of you? That's where the magic happens.

The Chemistry “Friend Zone” Test

Since you're reading this, you probably have a girl in mind… and you want to start creating chemistry with her… So here's what you need to do:

Take this chemistry test

It's called... the "friend zone test“

==> (Click Here to Discover the Friend Zone Test)

Next time you see her, do this “under the radar” move, and you will INSTANTLY be able to tell if she feels chemistry with you... or if you're just in the friend zone…

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