how to become a person of culture

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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How to Become a Person of Culture

Done by: Lubna Al Mamari & Lina Hazim

Know what it means to be cultured. A cultured person can be someone who is an eclectic reader, who watches well-written classic films, and who has a refined appreciation for art.

Read more. A large part of culture comes from books, as they have existed for a longer time than most other media. The obvious thing to do would be to read classic books, but if you're a first-time-reader, this will be daunting and uninteresting.

Choose a genre that you have genuine interest in, such as fantasy or romantic fiction. After you feel you've become reasonably well-read in one genre choose another. Also, read some classic or recommended books. You might understand and enjoy some books of past cultures by reading books of the present culture.

Write. You can write poetry, short stories, books, and even plays. Being cultured means to respond to culture, and the best way to do this is to create your own

Watch films. It is very important to not only read books, but to watch films regularly. There are many films, and you may be unsure about which ones to see.

Word-of-mouth is the best way to become aware of which contemporary films to watch. You may remember your friends talking about a certain film. Go to the video store and scan the shelves to find names of movies you may recognise.Look up reviews about a film on Wikipedia before you watch it, just to make sure you're not wasting your time (if you're pressed for time). However, remember sometimes critics' opinions are not always right.

Watch television. While TV shows can be time-consuming to watch. If you watch only one episode of something each day, less of your time will be spent viewing programs. There is much to be learned from TV shows. Television is as significant a medium as any, and it often provides social commentary.

Learn a new language. The best way to do this is by immersion

Travel. Reading about other cultures as opposed to experiencing them is like colour being explained to a blind person. Travelling introduces you to the many differences and similarities between cultures, and opens up your mind. A lot of the prejudices we have about a culture (good and bad) are grossly misplaced, and the only way to find out the truth about social practices is to experience them

Visit places where you can receive an education in a fun way. Go to the zoo, visit museums, even go camping to learn more about wildlife



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