how to be mindful a beginner’s guide

Post on 06-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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How to Be Mindful:

A Beginner’s Guide

Did you know …

… you can use the power of your mind to

lose weight,

improve your health,

live longer,

and sleep better?

The secret technique is called:


Mindfulness is the opposite of


Mindlessness is a condition of semi-awareness that relies on habit and not paying attention.

Mindfulness Defined in Plain English

Mindfulness is . . .

Being Attentive

Mindfulness is . . .

Being Attentive


Mindfulness is . . .

Being Attentive


Heightened Awareness

Mindfulness is . . .

Being Attentive- become attentively aware of your moment-by-moment experience as it unfolds.

Non-Judging- you stop evaluating and judging everything as you normally do.

Heightened Awareness- you realize that thoughts and emotions are temporary and will soon pass and you become less vulnerable to emotional distress.

The Many Scientifically Proven Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness and Physical Health

Weight Loss

Eating slower and more thoughtfully could help in dealing with weight problems.

Better Sleep

By being mindful and letting go of stress, you’ll find it easier to get some sleep.

Mindfulness Helps Against Cold and Flu

Mindfulness meditation and moderate exercise seem to have protective effects against cold and flu.

Addiction Recovery

Mindfulness is about deliberately focusing on emotions that are difficult to deal with.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Studies showed that those who were educated in mindfulness decreased their blood pressure.

Helps with Dealing with Pain

Being mindful teaches us to consider what we can learn about the pain.

Mindfulness and Mental Health

Mindfulness is like a gym for the mind.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Studies found that practicing mindfulness seems to be useful in fighting anxiety and depression.

Mindfulness Helps Improve Memory, Reasoning and Concentration

Anger Management

Being mindful of your anger can make the anger last shorter, occur less frequently, and at a lower intensity.

Dealing with Grief

Grief can exact a great emotional toll and those suffering from grief are often physically and mentally stressed.

Mindfulness Makes Music Sound Better

A study showed that a few minutes of mindfulness meditation improves focused engagement in music.

More Satisfying Relationships

Mindfulness can help couples become happier in their relationship.

Helps You Become Better at Your Job

A study proves that you’ll perform better at your job when you practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness Techniques for Beginners

Zen Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh teaches five steps to mindfulness.

1. Mindful Breathing

Focus on your breath.

Just observe yourself inhaling and then exhaling.

2. Concentration

Observe your in-breathes entirely from the beginning to the end.

By doing this you develop mindfulness and concentration.

3. Awareness of your body

While you breathe in and breathe out, be aware of your body.

Being aware of your body lets you live in the present.

4. Releasing Tension

While breathing in, be aware of your body. Breathing out, release tension.

5. Walking Meditation

Just like mindful breathing, mindful walking is done without effort but with enjoyment.


We can all benefit from practicing mindfulness.


We can all benefit from practicing mindfulness.

And all it takes is cultivating awareness.


We can all benefit from practicing mindfulness.

And all it takes is cultivating awareness.

It’s not hard.


We can all benefit from practicing mindfulness.

And all it takes is cultivating awareness.

It’s not hard.

Actually, it’s almost effortless.

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