how to attract high-quality active job seekers with linkedin and employment branding

Post on 18-Oct-2014



Recruiting & HR



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This presentation shows how your company can attract the best applicants to your open positions. It is through the eyes of a job seeker working hard to find the right match for her skills and preferences. It contains examples of both good and bad Employment Branding, so you can implement the same successful strategies more easily. Many of the images in the slideshow are linked to their real versions. On the other side, it also shows job seekers the types of things they should look into when evaluating potential employers. ********** If you'd like to learn more, check out our webinar, Drab to Fab: How to Create a Smokin' Hot Employment Brand at the link below.


DRAB TO FAB:How High-Quality Job Seekers

View Your Company Using LinkedIn

Job seekers use LinkedIn more now than ever before. This story shows how a company with an optimized LinkedIn

approach can win the interest of the best professionals looking for a new job.

This is Mary.

She’s looking for a new job in the tech industry. She knows that LinkedIn should be a big part of her networking & application strategy.

3M Companies have pages on LinkedIn (and counting!).

She starts her search by looking at Company A. She’s immediately bored by what she sees. There’s no Careers Page for this company, and all that’s on the main page is one block of unimpressive, corporate jargon-filled text.

She decides that she’ll give this company one last shot, checking out its employees’ profiles in case the LinkedIn Company Page doesn’t give a fair representation of the company. (She’s a lot more forgiving than most job seekers.)

Mary skims through a few profiles from Company A, but doesn’t learn much of anything from the employees’ job descriptions, titles or summaries. She has no idea what the company is like, or whether anyone there truly loves his/her job. She thinks Company A probably doesn’t care about its

online image. These days, that’s a pretty big mistake...

It’s time to find another company for Mary to look into. She stumbles across Fusion Worldwide’s Company Page, and notices a huge difference….

...first of all, it looks much better, with photos, small paragraphs and white space. It even has a Careers Page!

On the Careers Page, there are multiple videos, status updates with relevant articles, and text that’s not a bunch of stuffy corporate-speak.

Mary has a much better feel of what Fusion is like, but she’s only getting started interacting with the company...

She follows Fusion because of what she saw.

She decides to learn more about what the employees have to say about working there.

Not every profile she sees is perfect, but there’s plenty of material to work with.

The majority of the profiles have lots of information filled in, so Mary can see common themes in employees’ experiences with the company.

She’s impressed by the clear job descriptions and the many well-rounded profiles she’s come across.

In addition to the responsibilities the various employees list, they talk about their goals and accomplishments.

Job seekers like Mary make judgments about both what is and is not present in company & employee profiles.

Her potential co-workers seem to have diverse skill sets, so they could leave Fusion if they didn’t like it there.

Some time later, Mary sees an update from Fusion (because she followed the company).

She clicks on the link, and is taken to an article on CAREEREALISM that piques her interest again.

Since the post is on a reputable career advice site, it gives a lot more credibility to the information.

By not being overly promotional, the post shows Mary that Fusion is dedicated to making its industry better every day.

She notices that the article & the Careers page BOTH have links back to Fusion’s job openings. She clicks to learn more about them. (Click the jobs below!)

Mary sees how good a fit this job description (and company) are for her.

She gets her materials together and applies.

Compared to this poor showing from Company A (which has almost nothing at all)...

...Fusion has plenty of content, plus frequent status updates with new information about the company’s philosophy.

There are also general tips for similar positions and a big-picture look at the industry.

What didn’t they cover?

Mary is one of many job seekers that will interact with your brand,

specifically with your LinkedIn Company & Careers Pages.

Some will have a similar path to hers, and others will encounter

your Employment Brand in a different way.

Next up: we show how Paul (a passive job seeker) experiences

good Employment Branding…

Want to get people like Mary interested in working for your company? Employment Branding can reduce your hiring costs (especially if you’re currently

using a recruiter), AND it doubles as great PR!

Check out the Services CAREEREALISM has to offer or sign up for our free webinar & email tips, which come with a special offer....

Thanks for hearing Mary’s story! Got questions about Employment Branding? Email us at

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