how drivers of motivation link to gamification?

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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Does Gamification drive employee motivation?

Though many question the authenticity that gamification claims to offer, gamification elements do drive employee motivation and employee engagement.

Behavioral Perspective-

Positive Reinforcement and Action - Feedback

Positive reinforcement can be in the form of accumulating points or badges, whereas negative reinforcement can be in the form of deducting points and losing hard earned badges.

Need for Power / Success/ Achievement

Trait Perspective- elements that contribute to power and achievement motive are highly appreciated. This is because they emphasize the feeling of status and control.

Need for Competition

Trait Perspective-The need for power and achievement fuels the competitive spirit in individuals and increases their motivation.

Competency Building

Self-determination Perspective-By being rewarded, individuals feel competent and effective enough to deal with their environment. This increases their motivation.

Need for Autonomy

Self-determination Theory-

Providing individuals with the feeling of autonomy increases their intrinsic motivation.

Goal Setting

Cognitive Perspective- Goal Setting Theory-Goals that are specific and challenging in nature are more likely to motivate an individual than goals that are too easy or not specified.

Need for Improvement

Cognitive Perspective- Individuals are highly motivated when they understand the consequences of their action in a given situation and can improve upon it.

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