hopetoun p 12 ollege

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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‘Meeting the individual needs of all students’


T H U R S D A Y 1 S T M A R C H 2 0 1 8

I S S U E 5

SRC Executives 2018

Tuesday 7th March

Little Desert Swimming

Dimboola (Secondary)

Tues- day

7th March

Little Desert


ming Dim-

boola () Tues- day

7th March

Tues- day

7th March

Little Desert





Winners Secondary)



Term 1


Friday 9th March

Twilight Working Bee

@ Dodgshun Street

Monday 12th March

Labour day Holiday

Wednesday 14th March

School Council Meeting

Thursday 15th March

Parent Teacher Interviews

Saturday 17th March

Presentation Ball

Thursday 29th March

House Aths Sports

Last day of Term 1

Term 2 Monday 16th April

Start of Term 2

Wednesday 25th April

Anzac Day

Hopetoun P-12 College

Phone 5083 3203 Fax 5083 3016 Email: hopetoun.p12@edumail.vic.gov.au

Hopetoun P-12 College is a Child Safe School


Samantha Sharp (Treasurer), Maddy Alexander (Publicity & Promotions), Shiarne Petschel (Vice President), Chloe McGee (President), Jacob Holm (Secretary).

Isi Grace, Connor McLean, Sophie Smith

(House Captains)

PrinciPal’s rePort

SRC Executive Congratulations to the new SRC office-bearers. Following a nomination process for election to become members of the 2018 Student Representative Council, the 18 members voted for their leadership team earlier this week. The successful candidates were Chloe McGee (President), Jacob Holm (Vice-President), Shiarne Petschel (Secretary), Samantha Sharp (Treasurer) and Mad-dy Cashill (Publicity). This impressive group of young leaders will be heading off to Melbourne shortly for a SRC leaders conference. The SRC has also commenced identifying a range of projects and ideas they would like to address in 2018. These ideas will be developed and aligned with the School Council, Parents Club and staff priorities for the year.

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews We have had a number of activities for parents to visit the school on a social as well as a formal, educational basis so far this year. The next opportunity is when we hold parent-student-teacher interviews. These are scheduled for Thursday 15th March. The timing and location will be similar to last year but the booking process will be different – it will be online through Compass. Please check the information later in this newsletter to find out about the booking process. We hope that you can all take the time to come along on Thursday 15th to share your child’s learning jour-ney.

School Census The annual school census was held yesterday. The census is designed to confirm enrolments, check on attendance and identify where students have exited to since the end of the 2017 school year. Our enrolment for 2018 is 22 primary students and 56 secondary students making a total enrolment of 78.

Swimming Sports Congratulations to Yarrara on winning the swimming sports last week. Although the weather was a little threatening at times, we managed to get through the day with many close and ex-citing events. The young students enjoyed their special activities and the competitive spirit was evident amongst the students. The positive attitude, excellent behaviour and strong support for friends and team members was a feature throughout the day. Well done to all students on a highly successful day. Thanks go to the VCAL team who cooked and served the barbecue lunch and thanks to the student volunteers who helped with different aspects of running the swim-ming sports. I can’t finish this report without at least a mild ‘dig’ about the staff versus parents versus stu-dents relay race. Perhaps a more rigorous training program by challengers might change the re-sult next year however, if staff can keep their team together they will become the invincibles. Enough said! Working Bee There will be three work-groups established for our working bee which is coming up on Friday 9th March. There are quite a few jobs to be done to improve and beautify our school grounds. I hope you can spare a few hours to help out on Friday evening. Presentation Ball Excitement is rising as the Presentation ball comes closer. There is certainly a lot of ‘chatter’ amongst the students as they arrange dresses, suits, flowers and all sorts of arrangements in preparation for the ball. It should be a wonderful event on Saturday 17t March.

Do Your Best School captain, Jacob Holm, spoke to all students at assembly earlier this week encouraging all to do their best. Next week is a time when students from Years 3 to 10 will be involved in reading and maths testing. Jacob made the point that all students need to try hard and do their very best in these tests as the information provided to the teachers assist in developing learning plans. I am sure the words of encouragement provided by Jacob will assist students in working hard to achieve their best. Coming Up: We have a number of important events coming up for the College. A few of these include:

A twilight working bee at Dodgshun Street on Friday 9th March. Presentation Ball Saturday 17th March. Athletic Sports for Years 7-12, Friday 29th March.

Mr Graeme Holmes



Weekly Student Award

Well done to the following students for


Students of the Week

Check out Hopetoun P-12 College Facebook page

Flynn Grace

For assisting staff and students at the House Swimming Sports and

displaying teamwork and excellent sportsmanship

while competing.

Well done Flynn.

Bailey Frankel

For displaying a high level of responsibility when organizing and coordinating the BBQ

at the House Swimming

Sports. Great work Bailey


House Swimming Sports The College swimming sports last Thursday saw another great day of achievement, enjoyment and sportsmanship. Abby White, Flynn Grace, Dylan Marshman and Kiana Marshman broke rec-ords, with Abby's being from 1982. Well done to all students for their behaviour and efforts. Big thanks to the VCAL students for organizing, catering and preparing the BBQ.

Age champions:

U18 Boys - Dylan Marshman

U18 Girls - Isabella Grace

U16 Boys - Flynn Grace

U16 Girls - Denita Reid

U14 Boys - Declan Brown

U14 Girls - Abby White

U12 Mixed - Heidi Gilmore

U10 Mixed - Esther Kelly

Runners Up:

U18 Boys - Jack Bellinger

U18 Girls - Tamika Brown & Kiana Marshman

U16 Boys - Jonty Bellinger

U16 Girls - Tegan Frankel

U14 Boys - Jaiden Cook

U14 Girls - Mackenzie Bellinger

U12 Mixed - Jason Box

U10 Mixed - Alynah Glare

Best Dressed:

Ollie Hallam - Banksia

House Results:

Yarrara 506 def Banksia 417

Homework Club

Will begin on the 1st March, 2018

3-20pm until 4-00pm

Prep-Year 6

Year 7 –12





House Swimming Sports: Yarrara wins again!

What a fabulous day we had last Thursday at the House Swimming Sports.

The students certainly put on a show for their family and friends with some amazing results achieved. Congratulations to all stu-dents who displayed great sportsmanship and teamwork through-out the day. Their willingness to have a go and encourage their peers was a pleasure to watch.

Special mention to Kiana Marshman, Flynn Grace, Dylan Marsh-man and Abby White who all broke records, with Abby’s record standing since 1985. Also to the VCAL students who once again ca-tered for the day with a delicious BBQ. Your hard work didn’t go unnoticed.

The highlight of the day was the staff vs students vs parents race. The commentating by Jacob Holm and Connor McLean, in Bruce McAvaney’s absence, raised plenty of laughs and set the sce-ne for a great showdown. No surprises in the winner, with the staff coming home easy victors followed by the parents.

Final results were Yarrara winning 506 to Banksia 417 Congratulations to the Yarrara team, if there were more relays Banksia may have turned the tables this year.

Finally a huge thank you to all parents and friends who came along to offer their support. Your presence is appreciated not only by your children but by the school as well.

Individual Champions

14 Yr Boys Champion

1st Declan Brown

2nd Jaiden Cook

18 Yr Girls Champion

1st Isi Grace

2nd Tamika Brown and Kiana Marshman

14 Yr Girls Champion

1st Abby White

2nd MacKenzie Bellinger

12 Yr Mixed Champion

1st Heidi Gilmour

2nd Jason Box

18 Yr Boys Champion

1st Dylan Marshman

2nd Jack Bellinger

16 Yr Girls Champion

1st Denita Reid

2nd Tegan Frankel

16 Yr Boys Champion

1st Flynn Grace

2nd Jonty Bellinger

10 Yr Girls Champion

1st Esther Kelly

2nd Alynah Glare

To Hopetoun P-12 College Parents, The Hopetoun Presentation Ball is to be held on Saturday 17th March, 2018 at the Hopetoun Memorial Hall.

The Hopetoun P-12 College Parents Club caters for this function and it is one of our major events for the year. We need your help and it would be greatly appreci-ated if you could donate the following:

1 Cake or Slice (enough for 12 pieces)

Food can be left at the hall between 7 - 8pm on the night of the Presentation Ball. Alternatively the food may be left at the College office during the day on the Friday.

Thank you in anticipation of your help.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Joanne Petschel

0427 838234

Hopetoun P-12 College Parents,

To Presentee Parents,

To help with the catering for the 2018 Presentation Ball we are asking each family to supply

2 dozen savouries.

Alternatively you can pre-order and pay for savouries at the Hopetoun Bakery before Monday the 13

th March.

Families are able to leave their food at the Hopetoun P-12 College office on Fri-day 16

th March, or it can be dropped off

at the hall between 7.30 – 8.00pm Sat-urday 17

th March.

If anyone has any queries regarding this can you please contact,

Jo Petschel


Thank You

Southern Mallee Giants Junior Netball training will commence Thursday, 1st March at 4:45pm in Hopetoun at the net-ball courts.

Coaches Jo Credlin, Deb Riggall and I would love to see as many girls there as possible. Past, current and new players are all more than welcome, so if you have a friend that is keen, spread the word and bring them along.

If you are interested and can’t make it could you please let me know.

Note - It is proposed that NSG will com-mence on 19th April at this stage (the week after school holidays) TBC.

Look forward to seeing old and new fac-es there and a great season ahead!

Anna Lake


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