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User Guide Buyer Report v1.1User Support & Knowledge Solutions

User Guide - Buyer Report

Table of Contents1. OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 3


2. BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................... 43. BUYER REPORT........................................................................................................................5


4. GLOSSARY............................................................................................................................... 125. APPENDIX................................................................................................................................. 13


6. DOCUMENT CONTROL............................................................................................................146.1. DOCUMENT LOCATION 146.2. CHANGE HISTORY 146.3. REVIEWERS 146.4. BUSINESS SIGN-OFF 146.5. COPIES TO 146.6. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 14

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User Guide - Buyer Report

1.Overview1.1. Document PurposeThe purpose of this document is to explain the buyer report.1.2. Document HistoryThe document version will be set to 1.0 on completion. The document version will increase by 0.1 if the User Guide is updated.For details of the document change history please refer to the Change History section at the end of this document.1.3. Requirement Reference

IT Requirement ID N/A

Requirement Name Buyer Report

Brief Description A set of reports to assist buyers to manage their outstanding purchase orders.

Priority Low

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User Guide - Buyer Report

2.BackgroundA set of reports have been developed to assist buyers to manage their outstanding purchase orders.

This guide will explain each report in more detail:• Purpose of report• Possible reasons that PO is outstanding• Actions to be taken to resolve the issues

Further Purchasing guidance is available for Buyers on the NS Financials Knowledge Base under the Purchasing section –


Buyers may also wish to refer to the Buyer Reports PowerPoint presentation available under the Training section of the Finance website –


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User Guide - Buyer Report

3.Buyer ReportThere are four reports in each report pack. They are:Invoice Entered but no ReceiptInvoice Entered with Match ExceptionPO has been receipted but not invoicedPO has not been receipted or invoiced

3.1. Invoice Entered but no Receipt

This report lists purchase orders which invoices have been entered but have no receipts have been entered in NS Financials.Below is an example of the report (for a larger version see Appendix 5.1)

To verify the receiving status of your purchase order, follow the navigation below:Main Menu > Purchasing

Purchase Orders Review PO Information Activity Summary

Once you have confirmed that your purchase order has not been received in NS Financials and you have received your good or services, you may receipt the PO either via portal or following the navigation below:

Main Menu > Purchasing ReceiptsAdd/Update Receipt

The online UPK tool can be used if you are not familiar how to receipt a purchase order:http://training.nss.unsw.edu.au/ODS/toc0.html

Other issues to check for: Duplicate PO – possibly Receipted but not Invoiced (see section 3.3)

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User Guide - Buyer Report

3.2. Invoice Entered with Match Exception

This report lists purchase orders which invoices have been entered but failed the matching process. Below is an example of report (for a larger version see Appendix 5.2)

Each evening the matching process runs which compares the Purchase Order to the Receipt and the Supplier Invoice. If these three items match the supplier invoice is placed in the pay run for payment.

If there are any discrepancies between these three items a match exception is created and payment will not be made to the Supplier until the match exception has been resolved.

The action required to resolve Match Exceptions will vary depending on the cause. For each Match Exception the Buyer will need to investigate the cause by checking the PO, receipt and/or invoice details. They will also need to liaise with AP, the Supplier or both.

The NS Financials Knowledge Base includes further information about Match Exceptions under the Purchasing section –


Common Match Exceptions

RULE_E100: The voucher extended price exceeds the purchase order extended price plus or minus the extended price tolerance, and the tolerance does not equal 0.

RULE_E200: The voucher extended price exceeds the purchase order extended price plus or minus the extended price percentage tolerance, and the tolerance does not equal 0.

RULE_V400: The extended price percentage tolerance is not 0, and the total amount vouchered (including amounts on previously matched vouchers) exceeds the purchase order amount (calculated using extended price percentage tolerance).

These rules are about price difference between purchase order and invoice. You can confirm this difference by looking at Activity Summary of the purchase order.

Main Menu > Purchasing Purchase Orders Review PO Information Activity Summary

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User Guide - Buyer Report

As shown in the example above, the invoice amount and the PO amount is different.

You may instruct the AP officer to accept this difference or you have to contact the supplier to correct the invoice. The AP officer’s name is in the report under the heading “Entered By”.

RULE_H200: The vendor on the purchase order does not equal the vendor on the voucher.

One possible reason for this matching exception could be wrong PO number or Receipt number referenced on the invoice. Contact AP officer to correct the voucher.

RULE_P400: The price percentage tolerance does not equal 0, and the voucher price (converted to the purchase order UOM) does not fall within the purchase order price range (calculated using price percentage tolerance).

RULE_P500: The unit price tolerance does not equal 0, and the voucher price does not fall within the purchase order price range (calculated using unit price tolerance).

These two rules are about unit price difference between invoice and PO.

Example 1: Invoice associated with wrong PO number

Following the navigation below to view invoices that are associated with the PO

Main Menu > Purchasing Purchase Orders Review PO Information Document Status

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User Guide - Buyer Report

This PO was raised for three invoices. To avoid matching exception, each invoice should associate to the relevant PO line/lines. Invoices sent on to Accounts Payable should reference the specific Purchase Order AND PO Line.

Buyers should raise a Purchase Order prior to receiving an order / invoice from the supplier. In some circumstances Buyers may need to enter the PO after receiving items / invoices.

In these circumstances, to avoid matching exception it is recommended for buyers to create one Purchase Order per Invoice.

Example 2: Unit price difference between PO and Invoice

For the example below, there is a unit price difference between PO and invoice. You may instruct the AP officer to accept this difference or you have to contact the supplier to correct the invoice. The AP officer’s name is in the report under the heading “Entered By”.

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User Guide - Buyer Report

RULE_R600: The Matching process found receipts for this purchase order that were available for matching (for example not matched, not on hold, and not cancelled) but could not make an association to the voucher line using any of the receipt aware criteria.

This rule is when matching process could not associated invoice with the receipt, for example, partial invoice as shown in the example below:

Contact AP to resolve this matching exception.

RULE_R650: Voucher line amt > Sum of associated receiver line amt (Amount Only Matching)

This rule is when matching process could not associated invoice with the receipt, for example, a bulk order with multiple receipts and one invoice is paying multiple receipts. Contact AP to resolve this matching exception.

RULE_R900: The total quantity received (including across all voucher lines and previously matched receivers) exceeds the accepted quantity on the receiver.

RULE_R950: The quantity on the voucher line does not equal sum of remaining unmatched quantity on the associated receipt(s).

Both rules are about invoice quantities that exceed the quantities received, refer to the example below:

If you received the goods or services then enter the receipt in the system otherwise you have to contact the supplier to correct the invoice.

RULE_V200: The receiving percentage tolerance does not equal 0, and the total quantity vouchered (including previously matched vouchers) exceeds the quantity on the purchase order plus the allowed over-receiving quantity

RULE_V400: The receiving percentage tolerance does not equal 0, and the total quantity vouchered (including previously matched vouchers) exceeds the quantity on the purchase order plus the allowed over-receiving quantity.

An example of this is invoiced quantity is more than receipt quantity. Refer to below:

If you have not received the additional goods, please check with your supplier otherwise contact AP officer to resolve the match exception.

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User Guide - Buyer Report

3.3. PO has been receipted but not invoiced

This report list purchase orders have been receipted but the invoice has not been entered into NS Financials.Below is an example of the report (for a larger version see Appendix 5.3)

The reason for this could be you have entered a duplicate receipt, a duplicate PO or the invoice may have been lost or it has been paid by credit card.

For example, the purchase order below has been received but has not been invoiced.

To confirm invoice 202992 has been paid under another PO check the payment details for a specific invoice or vendor by viewing Voucher Document Status. You can do this by following the navigation steps below:

Main Menu > Accounts Payable Review Accounts Payable InfoVouchersDocument Status

Important Note:You will need to search using the Accounts Payable Department Business Unit SMFSD

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User Guide - Buyer Report

The Voucher Document Status for invoice 202992 shows that it has already been paid under another PO - 0000093021.

In this case, you should cancel the receipt and then cancel the PO.

Other issues to check for: Confirm with Supplier payment outstanding Ensure invoices has been forwarded to AP Cross reference with the report PO has been invoiced but not receipted report (see

section 3.1)

3.4. PO has not been receipted or invoiced

This report lists purchases orders are older than 30 days and they have not been both receipted or invoiced.Below is an example of the report (for a larger version see Appendix 5.4)

If there is a valid reason why they are still not receipted or invoiced then please ignore.

Otherwise investigation is required, for example checks to see if the PO has been entered twice or paid by credit card.

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User Guide - Buyer Report

4.GlossaryTerm Description

NS Financials or NSF New South Financials application. UNSW’s name for its Finance system.

AP Accounts Payable

Exchange Rate Current exchange rate for purchases in Foreign Currency

Deal Rate A set rate negotiated with Treasury to be used for a specific Project or Purchase

Match Exception An NS Financials Process run overnight

Query NS Financials Reporting tool

Treasury Finance Operations

UNSW University of New South Wales organisation

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User Guide - Buyer Report

5.Appendix5.1. Invoice Entered but no Receipt

5.2. Invoice Entered with Match Exception

5.3. PO has been receipted but not invoiced

5.4. PO has not been receipted not invoiced

User Guide - Buyer Report

6.Document Control6.1. Document Location/tt/file_convert/5e455515d2908a4a874b4d49/document.docx6.2. Change HistoryVersion Date Description Author

1.0 21/11/2012 Draft Melissa Yau

1.1 07/03/2013 Revision 1 Rohin Whitford

6.3. ReviewersName Title Review DateJanz Reinecke

6.4. Business Sign-offName Title Signature DateJohn Hilton Manager, Shared Services

6.5. Copies ToName Title Date EmailedJohn Hilton Manager, Shared Services

Mark Van Poppel UNSW@ADFA Finance Manager

6.6. Reference DocumentsDocument Name Location Version

Buyer Reports Workshop Presentation http://www.fin.unsw.edu.au/files/Training/Introduction_to_the_Buyer_Reports.pptx

End of Document

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