hoge memorial presbyterian church october 2019.pdf · --jeanne grothaus, mary grothaus...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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HOGE HERALD Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church




October greetings from your Pastor! I am excited to report that your Session formalized my agreement to be your Pastor, and I have started my official duties as of September 1st. I’ve also set my weekly office day at Hoge for Tuesdays from 10:00 to 3:00, and would welcome anyone to visit me during these hours – If you’d like to set an appointment with me for a visit, give me a call or text message at 614-531-5323.

I have been busy getting to know a few of our neighbors in the area, and The Westgate Neigh-borhood Association has several upcoming events that will be a great opportunity for me to get introduced to members of the association and our neighbors, so we can increase our visibility in our neighborhood. On two Saturdays, October 5th and 19th, the Westgate Neighborhood As-sociation sponsors a farmer’s market at The Westgate Lodge across the street from Hoge from 9:00 to 1:00, and the produce should be really beautiful this time of year…..And on Sunday, October 20th from 2:00 to 4:00, Westgate Neighbors have their annual “Mums and Mummies” Halloween celebration at Westgate Park – Sure sounds like a blast!

I’ve also had the pleasure recently of being introduced to “Jordan’s Crossing Resource Center” at 342 N. Hague Avenue – Jordan’s Crossing reaches out to the homeless and addicted on the west side of Columbus, and their ministry operates Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 5:00: They provide for the immediate needs of those people who need food, clothing, and shelter, and they are serving many of the families who come to our HM3 Saturday evening service at Hoge. Jordan’s Crossing has a weekly community meal on Friday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00, and I’m looking forward to working with Jordan’s Crossing so we can expand our outreach in our neighborhood!

As you can see, there are many opportunities for you to get involved in our ministry here at Hoge, and I’m ready to provide more information on these opportunities, just give me a call. I’m scheduled to preach in October on the 6th and the 20th, so hope to see you in worship, and in the meantime, I’ll be busy spreading Christ’s gospel on the Hilltop on behalf of Hoge! I’m thrilled to be your Pastor, and extremely blessed to be a part of this wonderful ministry. May the peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you this day!

Pastor Tom

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Special Announcements KEEP IN DAILY PRAYER

-Link family after the passing of Ronda -Patt Martin, Veronica’s mother, battling cancer -John Martin, recent health challenges -Sally Wilson asked for prayers for Judy Knight and Jeff and Joe Miller

--Jeanne Grothaus, Mary Grothaus (Jeanne's daughter-in-law), Jeanne’s brother, Ross, on going health challenges -Avis Dorn's daughter, Jody - health challenges -Juanita Deweese, Sallie Wilson, Barbara Mapes, Marianne Black -Hoge Church: continued support for community-based ministries. -Our city, nation, and world leaders. Our schools, teachers and children. Please help keep this list current. Provide the church office with prayer requests for inclusion of “Keep in Daily Prayer” sections of the weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters either by phone or email

Families Served at HM3 for the month of August: Adults 145, Kids 22, (Volunteers 18, Hoge Members 10), Total 195

The Organist-The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to, at the end of the worship ser-vice, ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church build-ing. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was out and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play. "Here's a copy of the service," he said impatiently. "But you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances." During the service, the minister paused and said, "Brothers and sisters, we are in great difficulty. The roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected, and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up." At that moment, the substitute organist played "The Star-Spangled Banner." And that is how the substitute became the regular.

Food Pantry August Totals, 75 Families, 290 People served, Adults (60+) 32, Adults (59-18) 144, Children 114

October Birthdays Mike Minch, 2nd; Beth Ormsby, 3rd; Tom Billman, 13th, Avis Dorn, 18th;

Kyle Barrett, 21st; Amy Colborn, 26th; Marianne Black, 29th

Personal Care Pantry Needs-As part of Hoge’s ministry and outreach, a Personal Pantry is part of our HM3 program. The pantry is open to the public on the second Saturday of each month. Donations of personal care items are always ac-cepted for the pantry but the following items are currently in high need: Toilet Paper, Band Aids, Shaving Cream. Ibu-profen (24 to 30 count bottles). Wash Cloths, Candles, Powdered laundry soap. Please see Bev and Jack Neil or Kathy and Barry Schieferstein for additional information. Thank you for your support of this ministry.

Peace and Global Witness Offering—Hoge Memorial church will be participating in the Peace and Global

Witness Offering this year. This offering encourages the church of our time to cast off anxiety and fear, discord

and division and embrace our reconciling God’s mission to those around the corner and around the world. It is

the boundless peace God offers. Some of the ways this offering helps families in need are A) supplies for dis-

pleased students, B) refugee food baskets, C) teacher training, D) bunk beds for children. Twenty-five percent of

this offering stays with our congregation to support peacemaking in our area. This offering will be collected on

Sunday October 6th, World Communion Sunday. Peace is Active not Passive. Peace is doing, not waiting. Please

give generously. Worship Committee.

Six clean-up buckets were assembled and taken to the Festival of Sharing pick up point at Otterbein University. The Festival of Sharing supports Church World Service which is "a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster." Thank you to everyone who supported this project.

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Lay readers: January-Debbie Peters, February-Patti Gorman, March-Debbie Peters, April-Mike Minch, May-Carolyn Colborn, June-Bill Aiken, July-Diana Purcell, August-Gail Garman, September-Carol Ross, October-Mike Minch, November-Debbie Peters, December-Donna Swaneck. If you cannot be the lay reader for the month, contact Worship Committee Communion Servers - If you are unable to serve, please try to find a replace-

ment and notify the worship committee.

January 27-Natalie Alter, Donna Swaneck, Debbie Peters, Diana Purcell, Judy Moody, Joy Rector February24-Susan Barrett, Jack Neil, Patti Gorman, Gail Garman, Gary Link, Bev Neil March 24-Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith, Mike Minch, Carol Ross, Janet Fetherolf. Diana Purcell April 28 -Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Donna Swaneck, Gail Garman, Judy Moody, Patti Gorman May 26-Natalie Alter, Debbie Peters, Joy Rector, Jack Neil, Bev Neil, Gary Link June 23-Susan Barrett, Gail Garman, Charlotte and Wilbur Smith, Janet Fetherolf, Carol Ross July 28 - Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Mike Minch, Judy Moody, Donna Swaneck, Gail Garman August 25-Patti Gorman, Joy Rector, Diana Purcell, Natalie Alter, Bev Neil September 22-Gary Link, Jack Neil, Gail Garman, Susan Barrett, Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith October 27-Carol Ross, Janet Fetherolf, Debbie Peters, Mike Minch, Judy Moody, Diana Purcell November 24- Natalie Alter, Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Joy Rector, Patti Gorman December 22-Gail Garman, Mike Minch. Susan Barrett, Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith, Gary Link December 24-Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Donna Swaneck, Diana Purcell, Debbie Peters, Janet Fetheolf Schedule of Ushers: If you would like to usher, please contact Gail Garman or Carolyn Colborn. Usher Team #1 (Jan, April, July, Oct.) Gary Link, Jack Neil, Bev Neil Usher Team #2 (February, May, August and November): Judy Moody, Mike Minch, Bill & Dorothy Aiken Usher Team #3 (March, June, Sept, Dec): Mike Purcell, Diana Purcell, Jim Cheadle Worship Committee This is the schedule for the fellowship hour on the second Sundays: January-Finance and Facilities; February-Session; March-Outreach/Worship/Christian Ed; April-Choir; May-Martha Circle; June - Session; July - Finance and Facilities; August– Ushers; September- Outreach/Worship/Christian Ed; October- Martha Circle; November- Deacons; December- Ushers No Potlucks on fourth Sunday in July, August, November and December

Regular Session Meeting-August 19th, 2019-The Session of Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church met for their

regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. August 19th, 2019 Meeting was opened with prayer by: Tom Billman. Elders Present: Janet Fetherolf, Joy Rector, Natalie Alter, Patti Gorman-Conrardy, Mike Minch, Elders Excused: Jack Neil. Clerks’ Report – Diana Purcell, Stuff the Bus sponsored by Kiwanis was held in the parking lot on August 10th, 2019 9am-2pm. No Communion was served in August, Session and the Hoge Congregation has entered into an Agreement with Tom Billman being our Part-Time Pastor for 1 year starting September 1st, 2019 and will be re-evaluated at the end of the agreement. Moderators/Pastoral Care Report: Tom visited Gary Link, Sallie Wilson was visited and was given communion. Still discussing ways to get Sallie to church by Cota. Has tried to visit Marianne Black. He is going to contact Avis Dorn. Treasurer’s Report – Patti Gorman, Revenue Operating expenses are down from this time last year. Interest and Dividends are up from this time last year. Other Income is up from this time last year. Operating Expenses are up from this time last year. Building expense is down from last year this time (see page 5). Committee Reports: Worship/ Outreach/Christian Ed: Gail Garman, Ministers to Preach in August: August 4th- Jack Peterson, August 11th- Keith Jones, August 18th- Tom Billman, August 25th- Susan Kroker. We are covered with ministers for worship through September. Tom is getting ready to send out the doodle app to schedule through January 2020. HM3: Four of the five HM3 meals in August now have a Hoge Person. Due to Susan having surgery she will be una-ble to be the Hoge person on August 24th when Debbie Peters is providing meal. Only one of the September HM3 meals is staffed with a Hoge person. Jim Parsons will no longer be picking up Panera or helping at HM3. We need someone to pick up bread on the fourth HM3 every month. We also have a need for someone to pick up bread on the following Fridays: September 6, 13, and 27. Panera is at 850 W. 3rd Ave. in Grandview. They close at 9:00 pm and throw out the bread if no one is there to pick it up, so you should arrive no later than 8:45 pm Please call me if you are able to help. Ushers are to provide Donut fellowship hour on August 11th, 2019. Out of the Box Community Thea-tre: The Next performance is Angel Street in October. Finance, Facilities, and Stewardship – Janet Fetherolf had someone come out to look at the kitchen faucet. Patti is looking into someone at the Lodge to repair it. The committee will meet at Janet’s house on Tuesday August 27th, 2019. Nominating: - Natalie Alter- Nothing to Report; Personnel: - Carolyn Colborn- Nothing to Report. Deacons: July Food Pantry Served: 78 Families, Total New Families: 21 (see page 3); Presbytery of Scioto Valley/Urban Ministry: Westside Urban Ministry will meet on August 26th,

2019 at 7:00 pm. Next Presbytery meeting will be held September17th. 2019. Old Business: Nothing to report; New Business: Nothing to report; Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm with the Lord’s Prayer. Next Session Meeting: Sept 16th, 2019 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully: Diana L Purcell, Clerk of Session

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History Memories of Hoge Memorial - More of Nancy’s world. (cont. from the September 2019 issue)

My dad was a real OSU football fan–(it never rubbed off on me.) The stadium opened in 1926(?) And my folks went (to the games) a lot and left me with an aunt or grandma. One Saturday when I was 4, Robtclaar, a neighbor, grandma and I were swinging on the porch. He stood up at the back of the swing and we both fell to concert. He had a slight concussion. I knocked every tooth (in my mouth) loose. Aunt Laura pushed them back except the front one, it was lost. It didn’t come in for 3 or 4 years. Uncle Dell use to say he’d make me a wooden one and paint it white.

Grandma got me the big tricycle. It was the biggest in the neighborhood. It was blue. Later when I out-grew it we gave it to Donald.

I can’t remember too much (from this time) - except whenever I got sick I had to take castor oil - a cure all. I had measles and was real sick. I can remember the heat and the dim light.

We visited frequently in evenings. No TV and radio (they were) not real commercial yet. I went next door to (one of) grandma’s neighbors to hear the radio for the first time - a wireless set with a Schmeling fight (on at that time). (Other activities:) The various Aunts came several evenings a week and we visited them too.

You know I can remember so many incidents - not important - it’s hard to know what to leave out.

My grandma use to kill and dress her own chickens. Everyone bought whole chickens. Sometimes they had little yellow eggs in them. Milk was not homogenized (there was cream at the top of the container). No fast food restaurants. No frozen foods. Everyone made all food form scratch. No mixes. Grandma always had cookies. I liked the dough. For birthdays she’d make a 3 layer cake and each layer a different color. Everyone had ice boxes. You had to empty water that drained every night or it would overflow. My dad sold GE prod-ucts. We were (among) the first ones around to have a refrigerator with coils on the top. Dad also had the first car on the block.

I was a finicky eater. My diet consisted of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, potato - riced or boiled and stuffed, and jello. I loved meat loaf sandwiches and mustard on bread. There was not (much of) a variety of foods. We never ate sea food, fruit out of season or lots of the green veggies of today. We ate beans and corn, soup beans and corn bread. When I was in grade school and higher we had popcorn most every night. Dad had a little tin can and he’d go to the neighborhood bar for craft beer. He’d get mom and me coke and pretzels, etc.

When I was real young - mom and dad would go to bars to hear jazz. I’d go too. Once we heard the original Mills Brothers (after prohibition). Alcohol was illegal until ‘32 or ‘33.

Betty and I played together a lot until they moved back to Meigs County. We use to put our faces in sofa pillows and say “dirty words” (poop and pee pee). Then whichever mom was watching us would wash our mouths out with soap. Today we’d run out of soap ( for the kinds of words youth use).

Oh, newspapers cost 1 or 2 ¢. If there was something newsworthy they’d put out an extra and newsboys would go down the street yelling “extra, extra rad all about it.”

It was a simpler time. Families and neighbors were more important (in the scheme of life). We didn’t know so much about the world (further from our daily lives).

When someone died they were “laid out” at home. There would be a wreath on the door. So everyone would know that home was in mourning. It took me a while to get use to the wreaths as decoration.

(At this point in Nancy’s writings there is a photo of a child (probably Nancy) in a cart pulled by a goat...) I’m glad the cart is dated (1927). People came down the street with carts like this to take kid’s pictures. Sometimes they would come with ice and they’d shave it, add flavorings - oh boy! The cost...2¢.

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A Halloween Treat An unlikely encounter on All Hallow's Eve answered a worried woman's prayers.by Barbara Marrine From Guideposts

"Hurry, Mommy, let's go trick-or-treating!" My daughter waited by the door in her pink prin-cess costume while I paced the living room. Usually I liked taking her out on Halloween, but this year, I was a wreck. I was worried sick about my mother, who was in China on a vacation.

Some vacation! I got a call that afternoon that she had slipped and fallen on the marble floor of her hotel and broken her hip. She was taken to a Beijing hospital. Mom was nervous because she couldn't understand any of the doctors. If only I could do something to help her!

"Mom-my..." I knew I couldn't let my worries ruin my daughter's fun. There's nothing I can do for Mom except pace and pray, I thought. We left the house and headed down the block.

I was so distracted, I barely took note of all the costumed kids around me. The sooner my daughter filled her bag with goodies, the sooner I could get back to my pacing.

A blinking red light approached through the darkness. It was a pumpkin-shaped pin attached to the coat of a man whose son I'd once given piano lessons to. "Hello there," I said, greeting him and the little cowboy at his side.

"Hello," the father answered. "Having fun?"

"I'm trying," I said.

"Why, what's wrong?" he asked.

I told him the whole story. My mother, in China, breaking her hip. Not understanding any of the doctors. "And I'm too far away to do anything!" I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "Beijing, you said?" he asked. I nodded.

He pursed his lips then smiled. "Believe it or not, my sister is a doctor at an English-speaking hospital there. If you want, I'll make a call right away and we'll try and get your mom trans-ferred."

A few days later I sat on the living room floor with my daughter as she finished the last of the candy. "Mommy, how far away is China?" she asked.

"Not as far as I thought," I said


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1 8:00pm NA

6 10:30am - Worship/ Pastor Tom Billman 7:00pm AA Meeting

7 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AA 7:30pm NA

8 8:00pm NA 7:00pm Martha Circle

13 10:30am Worship TBA 11:30am Donut Fellowship Angel Street Play 7:00pm AA Meeting Happy Birthday Tom Billman

14 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AA 7:00pm Session 7:30pm NA

15 12:00pm Food Pantry 8:00pm NA

20 10:30am Worship w/Pastor Tom Billman Angel Street Play 7:00pm AA Meeting

Newsletter Deadline

21 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AA 7:30pm NA Happy Birthday Kyle Barrett

22 12:00pm Food Pantry 8:00pm NA

27 10:30am Worship w/Rev. Wayne Morrison 11:30 am Pot Luck Fellowship 7:00pm AA Meeting

28 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm AA 7:30pm NA

29 12:00pm Food Pantry Happy Birthday Marianne Black

Rhubarb Pudding Cake Recipe from Donna Winburn, My Mother used to make it, but not while I was living at home. She gave it to me and after I was married. I made it constantly and continue to do so. All my family enjoys it and I make no other cake-like recipes for rhubarb. 2 cups sugar, 2 cups flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, 4 T. shortening, 1 ½ cups milk, Dash of salt, 2 tsp. vanilla, Cut shortening into flour and sugar. Add other ingredients and blend well. Put into a 9 x 13 deep, pan, Sprinkle 6-7 cups rhubarb on top. Pour 2 cups hot water and 1 ½ to 2 cups sugar blended over top. Bake 35-40 minutes at 400 degrees until nicely browned and center looks done. This is a double batch. 1st Presbyterian Church, Grinnell, Iowa.


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2 7:30pm NA Meeting 7:30pm Choir Happy Birthday Mike Minch

3 6:00pm Brownies 7:00pm Outreach/Worship/ Christian Ed Happy Birthday Beth Ormsby

4 6:00pm AA Meeting 5 5:00pm HM³- Robin Wilson

9 7:30pm NA Meeting

10 6:00pm Brownies

11 6:00pm AA Meeting Angel Street Play

12 5:00pm HM³- Bruce & Trudy Angel Street Play

16 7:30pm NA Meeting 7:30pm Choir

17 6:00pm Brownies

18 6:00pm AA Meeting Angel Street Play Happy Birthday Avis Dorn

19 5:00pm HM³- Covenant Angel Street Play

23 12:00pm Food Pantry 7:30pm NA Meeting

7:30pm Choir

24 6:00pm Brownies

25 9:00am Newsletter prep 6:00pm AA Meeting

26 5:00pm HM³--Schieferstein Happy Birthday Amy Colborn

30 12:00pm Food Pantry 31 6:00pm Brownies

Bulletin information should be in by Wed. at noon—Please no exception Newsletter information by the 3rd Sunday October 20 —Please no exception

Freezer tips: Stretch shoes: Fill two Ziplock bags with water, leaving an inch of empty space below the seal. Fit the first bag into toe of shoe, remaining space around insole with the second bag. Freeze 2-3 days. Restore water soaked photos and documents-Wrap documents or books in wax paper/freezer paper, put in a bag set in freezer 1-8 weeks (Continued in box below)

Store left over wine for cooking-Fill an ice-cube tray with leftover wine and allow several hours to freeze. Prevent rust dull steel wool-Store steel wool in a container or bag in the freezer. Mason jar secrets-when using Mason jars to freeze only shoulder-less canning jars with a big mouth can stand up to the sub-zero temperatures. Leave 1-2 inches of air in the jar to accommodate expansion and always let the jars thaw in the fridge and not on the counter top. Preserve batteries and candles-store household alkaline batteries and candles in the freezer. Just be sure to keep them tightly sealed and return to room temperature before Remove gum from shoes- Press a piece of paper into the gum and then place the shoe into the freezer for 1-2 hours. When you remove the shoe, both the gum and the paper should peel off easily




WEBSITE: WWW.HOGEMEMPRESBY.ORG https://www.facebook.com/hogemempresbchurch/

https://www.facebook.com/HM3-297321510385768/ https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r

Feeding the Community Physically & Spiritually

Page 8

Inside this issue

1 Food For Thought

2 Special Announcements

3 Mark Your Calendar/Session


4 History

5 Financial Information

6 & 7 Calendar of Events

8 Staff/Contact Information

Hoge Memorial Church Staff Head of Staff: Jesus Christ

Pastor Tomas Billman Sexton, Tony Barnett Organist, Phil Leston

Various Committee Heads Various Volunteer Office Staff Heads of Various Programs and community service groups Food

Pantry, HM3, AA and NA groups, Girl Scouts, Urban Minis-tries, Members of Out of the Box

Community Theatre

top related