hitched marketing pitch deck

Post on 18-Jan-2017



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What We Can Do For You!David Johnson0422 953 063djohnson@hitchedmarketing.com.auwww.hitchedmarketing.com.au

A – Z The Marketing You need!

We partner with a select few wedding businesses to create an unstoppable lead generation and marketing machine

Like having your very own full-service marketing manager at a fraction of the price!

Only one “type” of business will be selected per geographic area, we don’t have our customers fighting each other. No overlap here!

The goal is to make your brand the AUTHORITY within your space. The trusted source of information for your current and future customers.

We will build, manage and improve your digital marketing strategies in order to generate the leads your business needs to hit massive growth!

Spec SheetYou may be thinking to yourself… Okay, awesome! But what do you actually DO?Paid Advertising (Facebook Advertising & Google AdWords) Account, campaigns and advertisements organisation and structure setup Landing page setup, design and hosting Lead magnet design and testing (unless otherwise provided) Re-marketing setup and campaigns Continuous tracking, management, enhancement and optimisationSearch Engine Optimisation (SEO) Audit of current site and reporting Adjustment and optimisation of your onpage SEO for a fee, or have your own developer do this

(we will be happy to guide them) Internal and external link building and enhancement Social media connection Keyword research and generation Google Optimization (local maps, directories, etc.) Continuous outreach and link building efforts, e.g. publishing in The Reporter newspaper.Continued…

Spec SheetContent Marketing Expert copywriting services & blogging Ideation and design of new media, pictures, videos, infographics, slideshows, etc. all

of which are professional designed and representative of your brand Distribution and outreach for optimal sharing of your new content including posting

within all relevant social media and online (and offline) channelsSocial Media Marketing Setup and daily monitoring Reporting and analysis of results Daily content creation, sharing, and engagement Interaction with community & rapid response messenger service Strategic boosting of social posts for fan acquisition and other objectivesEmail Marketing Setup, management, optimisation and reporting of key strategic email sequences Creation of templated emails as and when required as well as professional email

signature creation (for your use!)

Who We Are

Hitched Marketing Is a Full-Service Inbound Marketing Agency For Wedding Businesses, Professionals & Service Providers.

Our focus is Return on Investment (ROI). The beauty of marketing is that you can turn $1 into $3 (and sometimes MUCH more!) None of this namby-bamby um-and-ah’ing so typical to the advertising industry. Only real results here!So, if you operate in the Wedding Industry and are serious about growing your business, get in contact with Hitched Marketing today!

What Is Inbound Marketing?

According to Hubspot, Inbound Marketing is The Proven Methodology For The Digital Age.Your customer has evolved, your marketing needs to keep up!

To Quote“Inbound marketing is about using marketing to bring potential customers to you, rather than having your marketing efforts fight for their attention. Sharing is caring and inbound marketing is about creating and sharing content with the world. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your dream customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects to your business and keeps them coming back for more.”(Hubspot)

The Four Inbound Marketing Actions1) AttractThis one’s our job! The key here is to bring in traffic from a variety of sources. But, not just any old traffic, we need qualified buyers to convert into leads for you. See, there are seven billion people on the planet, and we could probably get a fair amount to your website… But most of those would not be potential customers. So, we need to get QUALIFIED traffic for your business!There’s a variety of ways to achieve this, and SEO (search-engine-optimization) is the main method. Real visitors visiting your website through a Google (or other) search. But, this is not an easy process, it takes time, effort and expense. And there’s no guarantee. But once you hit that top 3, or even first spot, expect great things to happen to your business! Truth is, this is the real goal of most other methods used here. They all feed into SEO, slowly building up over time and enhancing your position on the Google Search Page.

In truth, there are a thousand different ways to go about attracting qualified clients. The difficulty is in finding the right combination for your business. Try building out a customer persona and learning where your clients are most likely to hang out. But once you figure out what works, this becomes a rolling snowball that over time becomes a very valuable history of content, branding and advertorial material. So get that snowball started!

The Four Inbound Marketing Actions2) ConvertOkay, so you’ve got a bit of traffic coming in (hopefully qualified) … Now, what?

You need to convert that traffic into LEADS. Potential buyers who are requesting you speak with them or nurture them until they are ready to buy from you. This happens in many ways, but the most common method is via a form. Realistically, this can be done a hundred different ways. And it is often the hardest step. Most businesses are very good at closing customers, it’s not unusual for a top-notch service provider like yourself to close 20%, 30%, 50% of the clients you get into a face-to-face meeting with. The hard part is getting to that stage.

That’s where we come in. Our job is to generate qualified traffic and get you the leads you need to grow your business.

The Four Inbound Marketing Actions3) CloseThis isn’t something I need to discuss too much; this is your speciality! But there are a couple aspects of part 3 that are unique to the inbound marketing cycle. Specifically, the idea of “nurturing” a client. Sometimes, people are not yet ready to buy, they may just be price shopping or learning about the topic, comparing providers. So, what we do is we keep in contact on your behalf.

We help educate them about your business, teach them about the subject, the dos and don’ts, and what they need to know to make a well-informed decision.

Unlike old-school marketing, we are all about educated and informative customers. The more they know about your business, the easier your job to close them is going to be!

The Four Inbound Marketing Actions3) Delight!As much as we’d love to, this one’s on you!

We wouldn’t work with you if it wasn’t true, all you must do is provide a great service or product, exceed your customer's expectations and just generally… blow their mind!

The nature of the wedding industry is that it is generally a one-and-done affair (hopefully). But, the other hand is that you get such great referrals out of it.

So keep doing what you’re doing and find ways to exceed expectations. We’ll have plenty of suggestions if you aren’t already on the right path, but just like phase 1, the snowball starts rolling when you first kick it down the hill!

The Plan…

Each element of a smart digital marketing plan ties together to build each other up. But the ultimate goal always remains – Lead Generation.

Which of course = revenue creation!

It is the unique combination of elements which we will discover, plan and manage for you that will guarantee success for your wedding business!

What Can We Handle?Lead Generation This is what we’re here for. Everything ties back to Lead Generation.

You can close customers and clients if we can get you to a face-to-face meeting. Sometimes even without. The hard part is generating the leads.

Anyone can generate a lot of traffic, whether free or paid, the methods are plentiful.

The hard part is turning that traffic into qualified buyers, customers ready to speak with you now or in the near future.

That’s our speciality and the true goal. This is what we live for!

What Can We Handle?SEO Search Engine Optimisation is the process of ranking your website in

the organic search results (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Etc.). It is a difficult and sometimes “mystical” process. Frankly, not every website can hit the top rankings, but with careful selection and a steady build-up of valuable content, you can get there! And when you do, the results are HUGE.

SEO is the number one way to grow your business quickly. But it should not be your long-term strategy. Google can change their algorithm on any day. Build other channels and make hay while the sun shines!

What Can We Handle?Google AdWords Much like Facebook Advertising, this can be a gold mine. Though you

do generally have to work with text-only advertising methods. This can sometimes be difficult.

The trade-off is the traffic that sees your ads are looking for EXACTLY your service. Which is why this is typically the most consistent and predictable form of PPC advertising.

We believe 90% of businesses should be on AdWords. And if done well, can be used in isolation without needing other advertising methods.

What Can We Handle?Facebook Advertising (Organic & PPC) Facebook Advertising might well be the best-suited advertising

avenue for Wedding Businesses. Due to the highly aesthetic nature of your work and products, you can very easily create stunning content, images and videos. Combine this with a well-managed PPC campaign and you have a revenue GOLD MINE on your hands!

In our experience, Facebook Advertising is not the only process you should be using. It should be a part of most marketing strategies.

What Can We Handle?Social Media A fickle beast for sure, plenty of people go in with the best of

intentions, and end up going nowhere. Truth be told, if the 80/20 rule was true (it is) it is MOST evident on social media!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Periscope, Snapchat, and who knows what by the time I’m finish typing this sentence!

Find where your customers are hanging out and start building content and an audience there. Become a trusted authority and give, give, give. With persistence you will gather a following of loyal fans and potential customers. Plus, it’s social proof! (Psychological)

What Can We Handle?Content Creation Content is the primary method of attraction. Think of it like fuel for most of the other

aspects of your digital marketing strategy.

We typically focus on educating customers about your business, the industry and the product. What they need to know to make a well-informed decision. The tricks and scams to watch out for. It’s our goal to make YOU the trusted authority for your industry in the local area and beyond!

Valuable topics are our focus, content that people would be delighted to read, that is a real help to them.

This is how your business can become an AUTHORITY in the industry. A source of trusted and educational information for prospective buyers. This comes in the form of infographics, cheat sheets, how to’s, blog posts, pictures and videos, it can be anything!

What Can We Handle?Blogging Blogging has evolved, while this is considered a subset of Content

Marketing today, it is large enough to be a topic in it’s own right.

The world changed when the Gutenberg Press was invented. It changed again when the Blog was invented.

And we are now in the process of a third change. We aim to stay ahead of the curve and be there to understand how this ever-evolving content creation machine fits into your digital strategy.

What Can We Handle?Email Marketing On average, 3% of people will be ready to buy from you or hire you

right now. This is who most businesses advertise to. Sure, we will aim to capture as much as we can. But the other 97%?

We aim to nurture as many of them as possible up until the point they are ready to contact you without being “spammy.”

Your potential customer will get to know your business, your product and your brand. They will learn and become more informed about their decision right up until they are ready to buy.

And when that time comes, your brand will be front and centre. First choice!

The (Usual) Process1. Understand your business, your branding, what you offer customers, etc.2. Build out a customer persona3. Formulate the marketing plan and your goals (this is the snowball we start

rolling!)4. If you require quick results, we can implement a paid advertising approach to

generate leads FAST!5. Create the necessary elements to begin, always an ongoing process!6. Implement each element of the marketing strategy7. Manage & analyse the results8. Continue to optimise, once we have found a strategy that works, we work daily

to increase and enhance the efficiency9. Scale! As and when you need, you might well find you have too much business

to handle! At which point we can certainly slow things down if you want ;)

Hypothetical BusinessLet’s run through a practice scenario…Say you are a wedding photographer and you have been successful so far, likely hitting $100,000 per year (congrats!). But you have decided to expand your business. Let’s aim for a $250,000!So… you hire Hitched Marketing to kick-start your Marketing Machine!Initial SetupFirst, we’d work with you to understand your goals, your branding and offering. The kind of customers you want to work with, etc. and finally build out a customer persona. Your “perfect customer.”Then we setup your accounts, our access and any materials, branding, style guides, etc. needed to get started. As well as any forms and any setup fees.That is the onboarding process completed!

Hypothetical Continued

SEOTypically, we would focus on SEO first as this has the highest possible ROI1. First, plan the keywords to try and rank for first,2. Then, we analyse your competitors, the difficulty, etc. and hit for low

hanging fruit to get you some easy wins ;)3. Next is to ensure your website is structured right, and optimised for SEO

(we can do in-house for a fee or you can use your own developer and we will help.

4. If you do not have a website, we can certainly do that too,5. Begin SEO efforts! Including link building, outreach, submissions, etc. A daily ongoing effort that will pay dividends in time, the ultimate snowball!

Quick Wins – PPC & Lead Generation

If you are in need of some quick wins and have the advertising budget for it, we recommend beginning Google AdWords immediately and using Facebook Advertising for Re-Targeting.1. We would begin by designing a “Landing Page” and a “Lead Magnet”

to attract people to click on your ad and to sign up.2. Each person who signs up is a lead! We can either hand this to you

immediately to contact (especially if phone number is provided) or,3. Deliver a series of emails designed to “nurture” the client and help

them become more comfortable with your business

The Snowball Continues

1. Now that the paid advertising section of the plan is begun,2. We setup your social media accounts and connect them to your

website. 3. This is important from an SEO perspective mainly as well as brand

building,4. But we only focus on the few social media networks that are most

likely to generate leads for you. For a photographer, this is likely to be Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

5. We can handle the social media side from a-z including interaction, page management, acting as your representative in chat messages and comments, etc.

6. Interaction and engagement with the community is key here!

Next Up, The Fuel For TheLead Gen Machine!1. Content Marketing (and by proxy, blogging) is how we build your brand, your

audience, your authority and trust.2. It is how we advertise you in an “organic” way. Where paid advertising (PPC)

is quick, content marketing takes time.3. For a photographer client, the focus would be on educating people about

wedding photography, about the industry, what to look for, what to avoid, etc.

4. Honestly, we can sit here all day and think of new ideas for content. But the more important part is DISTRIBUTION.

5. If you create an amazing piece of content but no one reads it, does it make a sound? (The answer is NO).

6. This is what separates us from other agencies. Our methods for distribution of content, management, analysis and understanding is what works.

7. And it is also what DRIVES the SEO Enhancing power of content!

Well… Now What?

Now what? Keep getting better! Every day should include: More testing, More analysis, More research, More content creation, Without continuous work the machine will run at this point, but it

won’t improve!

Why Work With Us? Peace of mind, let us handle your marketing from A to Z. As if you had hired

a full-time marketing manager (at a much lower fee!) Understanding and experience with the full field of digital marketing means

we can see the connections others might miss. Analytics and results based work, we always know the numbers! And armed with that knowledge, we can work very quickly to either scale or

pivot until we hit your golden formula. And when we do? We go ahead and do it again! If you can handle it ;)

Contact Us Today To Book A Free 30 Minute Strategy Session & Custom Campaign Outline!David Johnsondjohnson@hitchedmarketing.com0422 953 063www.hitchedmarketing.com.au

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