history of the modern world world at war: 1939-1942 allies on the defensive mrs. mcarthur walsingham...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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History of the Modern WorldHistory of the Modern WorldWorld at War: 1939-1942

Allies on the Defensive

Mrs. McArthur

Walsingham Academy

Room 111

Mrs. McArthur

Walsingham Academy

Room 111

The Axis Advances

Nazi Germany invaded Poland from one side, while the Soviets came from the other. France and

Britain had no time to help. Then Germany attacked France from the north, and Italy invaded

from the south. When France fell, only Britain stood against the Axis powers. A Nazi bombing

campaign against London and other cities only strengthened British resolve. Meanwhile, Axis

armies also pushed into North Africa and the Balkans.

World War II and Its AftermathSection 2: The Axis Advances, pp. 930-938

Witness History Audio: Janina’s War Story

1. How does Janina describe the German attack on Poland?

2. How do you predict airplanes might be used in WWII?

Note Taking Transparency 172A

Witness History Audio: Winston Churchill

Witness History Audio: Surviving the Blitz

SCA: due 3/12SCA: due 3/12

The Fall of FranceSCA: The Appeal of the 18 June (text is in Notes View)

Research Charles DeGaulle’s radio address and write an essay

answering the following questions:

1.Who was this man? Why might his fellow countrymen have been

startled to hear from him in this way?

2.What was its stated purpose? Describe the circumstances.

3.How did DeGaulle seek to convince his fellow countrymen to follow

him? What persuasive techniques did he use here? Examine his use

of language.

4.Even if few heard this address, why was it important?

Germany Invades the Soviet Union

Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 in the hopes of gaining its natural resources and

putting down communism. Hitler’s advance was stalled by the brutal Russian winter, but

Russians in Leningrad suffered a two-and-a-half-year siege that caused mass starvation.

Section 2: The Axis Advances

Note Taking Transparency 172B

Life Under Japanese and Nazi Occupation

The people who lived in lands occupied by the Nazis and the Japanese were often offered brutal

treatment. Hitler’s forces sent Polish and Soviet Slavs to work as slave laborers and the Jewish

people got the same and worse in Nazi “death camps.” The Japanese killed and tortured Asians

whom they claimed to help free from Western colonial rule.

The “Road of Life”: Siege of Leningrad

Check out Billy Joel’s Leningrad

Japan Attacks the United States

When the U.S. banned the sale of war materials to Japan after its invasion of French Indochina,

Japan and the U.S. participated in fruitless talks. Japanese General Tojo ordered an attack on

the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This led to a declaration of war by the U.S.

Section 2: The Axis Advances

Color Transparency 175:

Pearl Harbor

Progress Monitoring Transparency

Note Taking Transparency 172A

Color Transparency 175: Pearl Harbor

Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2)

7 of 8

Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2)

In-Class ActivitySummarize and Analyze Section 2

1. The Axis Attacks

2. The Blitz

3. Germany Invades the Soviet Union

4. The Holocaust

5. Life Under Nazi/Japanese Occupation6. Japan Attacks US (use Pearl Harbor transparency)

7. Role of US before and after joining Allies

All-Out War

The U.S. and Great Britain directed economic resources into the war effort and limited the rights of

citizens and freedom of the press. Japanese Americans and German refugees in Britain suffered for

their heritage. Women filled many war industry jobs as men joined the military.

World War II and Its AftermathSection 3: The Allies Turn the Tide, pp. 939-947

Witness History Audio: Support the War!

1. What will the Allies need to carry out this great effort?

2. With so many men going to fight in the war, who will fill the need for workers?

Color Transparency 176: World War II Posters

Note Taking Transparency 173

The Allies Forge Ahead

In 1942 and 1943, the Allies won victories in the Pacific, North Africa, Italy, the Soviet Union, and

France. Both Japan and Nazi Germany were put on the defensive as the U.S. pushed across North

Africa and into Italy and also island-hopped across the Pacific and Soviet troops began advancing

into Eastern Europe.

Section 3: The Allies Turn the Tide

Color Transparency 177: Battle of Stalingrad

The Allies Push Toward Germany

The Allies invaded the coast of Normandy on June 6, 1944, and after a costly battle headed toward

Paris. The Germans retreated and France was soon free. An intensive bombing campaign crippled

Germany’s industries and devastated many of its cities. Because Churchill and Roosevelt needed

Stalin’s help to win the war, they agreed to many of his demands regarding the annexation and

determination of lands in Asia and Eastern Europe.

Section 3: The Allies Turn the Tide

Progress Monitoring Transparency


Operation Overlord

Color Transparency 176: World War II Posters-Total War

Note Taking Transparency 177: Battle of Stalingrad

Progress Monitoring Transparency

Assignment 1Assignment 11. Answer captions on pp. 925 and 929

questions. Study PP slides.

2. Complete Map Skills Activity, pp.928 answering questions.

3. Complete Note Taking Activity: Sequence of German Aggression, pp. 927

Assignment 2Assignment 21. Read text, pp. 930-935, identifying 5 new

terms and answering 2 Checkpoint questions.

2. 2 Infographics: Surviving the Blitz and The Holocaust, answering Thinking Critically questions.

All SCA Submissions due by Friday, March 16

Assignment 3Assignment 31.Read text, pp. 935-938 identifying 3 key terms

and answering 2 Checkpoint questions.

2.Answer caption question, pp 938

3.Study section 2 PP slides and take Auto-


Assignment 4Assignment 4

1. Read text, pp. 939-942, identifying 4 new terms and answering 2 Checkpoint questions.

2. Complete Map Skills, pp. 943

Assignments 5 due Mon. 3/12

Assignments 5 due Mon. 3/12

1. Read text, pp. 942, 944-945, identifying all new terms and answering questions.

2. Complete D-Day Activity, pp.946-7. answering questions.

3. Study PP slides and take Section 3 Auto-Test.

All SCA Submissions due by Friday, March 16

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