history of greek education and their prominent philosphers

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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History of Greek education and their prominent philosophers


Presented By

Aroosha Hussain (10)

Ayesha Latif (15)

Amina Hussain (05)

Ayesha Bashir (14),

Presented To

Miss Nazia Waheed

The branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past events related to educational perspectives known as history of education.



To analyze background

of human culture,

civilization and

education in accordance

with modern approaches.

To study evolution in

human approaches

and practices.

To introduce innovation in

the field of education

To help individuals to

secure religious and prime moral values. etc.

History of education basically tells, indicates and suggests the ways and means to

cover previous educational flaws.


Two forms of education in

ancient Greece

Formal education: hiredtutor & in school.

Informal education:

unpaid teacher & non-public setting.

The Greek city states are the clues that Greeks

were much more developed and wise then

their contemporary generations.

Two of the city states which got fame and power then others were Sparta and


Introduction to Sparta and Athens

What’s the big idea?

The two most powerful city-states in Greece, Sparta and Athens,

had very different cultures and became bitter enemies.


Peloponnesian War

Spartans and the Military

Spartan society was dominated by the military.

The Spartans believed that military power provided security and protection.

Whole education based

on Militarytraining!

Along with men's

women's are also allowed

to get education but they did not


Education mainly based on physical

training and fitness

Sparta has autocratic approach

towards the education.

Government held the

entire control of education


Almost entirely gymnastic training (running, leaping, jumping, throwing, boxing,

military Drill, wrestling, hunting) and discipline in itself.

Spartan education

Educational scheme of Spartans

Ages 7-12 : Values Training

Boys left home and got a

basic education.

Ages 12-18 : Physical Training

Boys built physical skills through


Ages 18-20 : Military Training

Men learned how to fight as a part of an


Ages 20-30 : Military Service

Soldiers formed the body of the Spartan


Age 30 : Full citizenship

Soldiers could participate in the

assembly and move back home.

Educational scheme of Spartans

Athens and the Athenians

Athens was Sparta’s main


In addition to physical

training, the Athenians valued

philosophy, clear thinking,

and the arts.

Valued education

Along with military training

Athens has democratic approach towards the


Primary purpose was to produce


Peoples well trained in arts and sciences

Peoples prepared for peace and war

Women's are not allowed to get



Includes education of physical training, philosophical education and education of the

fields of arts and science.

Athenian education

Educational scheme of Athenians

Ages 7-15 : Elementary education

Boys left home and go to school and learned

physical training, athletics, and music, writing,

reading, dancing and ethical poems

Ages 15-18 : Secondary Education

Physical Training (harsh exercise)

Ages 18-21 : Military Training and Service

Trained were sent to state borders for fighting

Higher Education

This was informal education.

For this Plato’s academia and Aristotle’s lyceum was famous

Educational scheme of Athenians


Name: Socrates Philosopher

Birth date: c. 470 BCDeath date: c. 399 BC

Socrates (AKA SUKRAT) was born approximately 470 BC, in Athens, Greece.

Plato's Symposium provides the best details of Socrates's physical appearance. Short and stocky, with a snub nose and bulging eyes.

• When the political climate of Greece turned, Socrates was sentenced

to death by hemlock poisoning in 399 BC.


Socrates always emphasized the

importance of the mind over other

body parts

Socrates possessed a different

kind of attractiveness, due to

brilliant debates and penetrating


Perhaps his most important contribution to Western thought is

his dialectic method of inquiry, known as the Socratic method or

method of "elenchus",

This contribution provides him mantle of father of political

philosophy, ethics or moral philosophy and a figurehead of all the

central themes in Western philosophy.

Major contribution: Socratic method

Use of the Socratic method

It was designed to force one to

examine one's own beliefs and the

validity of such beliefs.

The Socratic method is a negative method of

hypothesis elimination, in that better

hypothesis are found by steadily identifying

and eliminating those that lead to



Plato born approximately 428 B.C.,

ancient Greek philosopher. Plato was a student

of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle.

Both of his parents came from the Greek

aristocracy (upper classes).

Plato's father, Ariston, descended from the kings of Athens and

Messenia. His mother, Perictione, is said to be related to the 6th century B.C. Greek statesman Solon (Advisor).

Name: Plato Philosopher, Writer

AKA: Aristocles, Platon,son of Ariston

As a young man, Plato experienced two major events that set his course in


One was meetingthe great Greek

philosopher Socrates.

The other significant event was the

PeloponnesianWar between

Athens and Sparta, in which Plato

served for a brief time between 409

and 404 B.C.


• After Socrates's death, Plato traveled for 12 years throughout the

Mediterranean region, studying mathematics with the Pythagoreans in Italy,

and geometry, geology, astronomy and religion in Egypt.

• During this time, or soon after, he began his extensive writing.

• In the middle, period, of his life Plato writes in his own voice on the central

ideals of justice, courage, wisdom and moderation of the individual and society.

• The Republic was written during this time


• The Academy's curriculum

included astronomy, biology,

mathematics, political theory

and philosophy.

Founding the platonic Academy in Athens

• Sometime around 385 B.C., Plato founded a school of learning, known

as the Academy, which he presided over until his death.

According to Plato there are different stages of education

Stages of Education

child stay with mothers for moral education

1st stage: (0-6)

2nd stage (7-17)

physical and military training

3rd stage (18-20)

Music and gymnastic

4th stage (20-30)

5th stage (30-35)

mathematical training

Dialectic ultimate principles of reality

Interaction with people

Social office

The 6th stage (35-50)


Name: Aristotle Philosopher

Birth date: 322 BCDeath date:384 BC

Aristotle was born on the Chalcidice

peninsula of Macedonia, in northern Greece.

• His father, Nicomachus, was the physician of king

of Macedonia.

• At the age of 18 Aristotle migrated to Athens,

where he joined the Academy of Plato. He

remained there for 20 years as Plato’s pupil and


At the age of 50 Aristotle move back

in Athens and he established his

own academy for general public

known as the Lyceum.


He then traveled to the court of his friend Hermias of Atarneus in Asia

Minor. Aristotle married Hermias's adoptive daughter (or niece) Pythias. Aristotle

was appointed as the head of the royal academy of Macedon. During that

time he gave lessons to Alexander.

• He built a substantial library and gathered around him a group of

brilliant research students, called “peripatetics” from the name

of the walkway (peripatos) in which they walked and held their


He used inductive and

deductive methods for

finding out knowledge

• Gymnastic (to develop the spirit of sportsman ship and to develop

good habits for the control of passion and appetite).

• Music and Literature (for moral and intellectual development).

• Mathematics (to develop the power of deductive reasoning).

• Physics and Astronomy was also given much importance with

practical training in citizenship.

Curriculum of lyceum:


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