
Post on 05-Dec-2014






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My Greek Project of Hermes





• Years alive: forever because gods don’t die. • Born: Almost 10,000 years ago in a cave on

Mount Cylene in Arcudia.• Strengths: Clever, Bold, Determined, Athletic,

Powerful imagician, and plays music. • Weaknesses: No major weakness besides

seldom. • Real Name: Hermes Diaktoros

Facts About Hermes

• Has no brothers or sister’s.• He is still alive because gods don’t die. • Hermes still sits on Mount Olympus • The fastest of the god’s. • The was the son on Zeus before he married

Hera.• He also guides the souls of the Dead to Hades

Story Time

The baby was born in the morning, in a cave on Mount Cyllene. Tired after the birth, his mother put him into the cradle, then she fell asleep. But the mischievous baby got out of the cradle and went as far as Pieria, where Apollo's herds were grazing. He stole them and drove them home, but he was clever enough to make some of them walk backwards, so as to lose their tracks. On his way home, he also found a tortoise, that he killed and cleaned of its entrails, then took it with him. When he got home, he sacrificed two of the cows to the Olympian gods. The he took the intestines of the sacrificed cows and put them on the hollow shell of the tortoise, inventing the first lyre. It had nine chords, in honour of the nine muses. He surely knew how to gain the favours of the other gods!

Hermes is familiar as the messenger god in Greek mythology. Zeus made his thieving son Hermes god of commerce. Hermes invented various devices, especially musical ones, and possibly fire. Most of the God’s think is a helpful god. He wears winged sandals winged hat and carry’s a magic wand. Hermes, the messenger god on Mount Olympus, had a magic wand called a Caduceus, which was given to him by Apollo. The Caduceus is a rod or staff framed by two intertwined snakes at the top of the staff are two wings.

One of his tasks was to guide the souls of the dead to the underworld, that's why he was called pscychopomp. He was the one who took Eurydice back to Hades, after Orpheus took her out. At the end of the Odyssey, he takes the souls of the dead suitors to the underworld.

The Greek god Hermes received the mission to save Zeus' lover, Io, who has been transformed into a cow. Hera wanted to have that cow and ordered Argus, the hundred-eyed giant, to keep an eye on her. But Hermes played a beautiful music, which made Argus fall asleep, then he

What Makes A Good Story

• A good story has to have a start middle and a end. You need a purpose to because a story without a purpose is a bad story.

What Make Him Famous

• The most famous of his loves were the Nymph Penlopeia (mother of Pan), and the maids Herse of Athens, and Khione of Phokis. The only metamorphosis story in this genre was the obscure tale of his love for Krokos (the crocus flower), echoing that of Apollon and Hyakinthos.

What Do These Story Teach Us?

• They teach us that the Gods ruled and that you don’t wan to bug one of them!


• Google• Robert• (both family trees from theoi)•• Gods, heroes and Monsters By: Ellen Switzer • Ikariam(picture) • By: Liam

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