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Post on 01-Mar-2019






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Hello and welcome. I would like to introduce you to Lee Milteer. Lee is an internationally known and respected performance coach, author and professional speaker. Lee is also the founder of the Millionaire Smarts® coaching program. Lee Milteer is a recognized best-selling audio CD and DVD author, whose educational products have been endorsed by Nightingale Conant and other educational catalogues for personal and business development. Lee is the author of several books such as Success is an Inside Job, Spiritual Power Tools for Successful Selling, and she is the co-author of Walking with the Wise for Entrepreneurs and Reach Your Career Dreams, plus hundreds of articles published in magazines, trade journals and newspapers around the world. Lee professionally speaks and consults all over North America and Europe in conventions, for Fortune 500 companies, franchise organizations and entrepreneur and niche market events. Her speaking presentations are so effective that such organizations as Walt Disney, AT&T, Xerox, IBM, Ford Motor Company, NASA, Federal Express, 3M, plus hundreds of government agencies and scores of association meetings and entrepreneurial boot camps repeatedly retain Lee to educate, inspire and motivate their audiences Lee in her career has shared the platform with many well-known and famous personalities such as the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peel, one of the founders of Positive Thought, best-selling authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen from the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, internationally famous speakers such as Tony Robbins, Zig Zigler, Brian Tracey, Jim Rohm, Harv Ecker, Les Brown, Mike Ditka and Famous Amos. Lee has worked with and spoken on stage with business gurus such as Steven Covey, Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, and Ron LeGrand. Lee worked with TV personalities such as Dr. Phil, Ted Koppel, Connie Chung, Marlo Thomas, Ivanna Trump, just to mention a few. Lee Milteer has created and hosted educational programs airing on PBS and other cable networks throughout the US and Canada. She has hosted and produced her own cable television talk show called Lifestyles. She developed training films for Bell Telephone, the US Navy, Dun & Bradstreet, the US Air Force and many private companies as well as produced and hosted infomercials both on TV and radio. Lee has been featured and interviewed in newspapers, magazines, and trade journals all over the world including USA Today. She is also seen all over North America as a regular expert human potential guest on TV and radio shows. For more information about Lee, you can go to her website, www.LeeMilteer.com. Lee Milteer is now going to explain to us how the Millionaire Smarts® coaching program can assist existing franchise owners, niche market coaches, business mastermind groups and/or groups comprised of entrepreneurs. After that, you are going to hear from Dan Kennedy and some of Lee’s coaching sponsors who are now using her program as well as a few samples of the coaching program itself.

Lee: Hello, this is Lee Milteer. I think one of the basic rules of success in life is finding a need and supplying a solution. That is exactly what I wish to share with you today.

I am a human potential business coach for business owners, franchise

owners and entrepreneurs. I’m the founder and host of the Millionaire Smarts® coaching program.

My coaching business is very unique, and I would like to take just a

few minutes to explain how it can assist you if you have an existing coaching program or would like to start one, if you have an existing franchise business and you have to support franchisees each month, if you’re part of an association who has members who are entrepreneurs, business owners or any kind of professionals, or you have a mastermind group.

I have a coaching program that is called the Millionaire Smarts®

Coaching Program, and it will assist you to new levels of success, profit and most importantly, take work off you monthly by supplying you with materials that you in turn will supply to your own members or franchisees.

I’ve created a kind of do it for you kind of support program. As a

human potential coach, I have created a company that is a vendor to anyone who has to supply information to clients, coaching members, franchisees and people who have newsletter businesses.

Now, if you’re responsible for creating and supplying information

monthly to people, you’re going to find that my program will assist you to enhance and improve the way that you do business with less stress and less work on your part. The most important thing is to help you attract and retain more customers and members longer.

I’d like to tell you a little story that changed my entire life. Early in

2003, I get a phone call one day from Dan Kennedy. Now, Dan Kennedy is an extremely famous business author. He is a guru of the entrepreneurial world. I believe he will be known as the Napoleon Hill of our generation in the future.

He called to tell me that he had a couple of professional niche market

coaches that were part of his mastermind group that had a challenge, and they needed a solution. He explained to me that they needed another professional coach to assist them with their existing coaching

programs to reduce arbitration, increase sales, and the most important thing is to take work off of them monthly.

He told me it was easy selling the coaching programs, but it was not so

easy to manage and to produce new material monthly and that these folks weren’t experts on the other side of success, the right thinking part of success. They were experts in the field. They could deliver great marketing. They could deliver great technical advice for their members, but they could not deliver the “get your mind working right” thinking stuff. Most important, these guys needed someone to help them take work off them each month.

What Dan wanted was a turnkey, do it for them kind of program. Dan

has personally known and worked with me over twenty years. I work with him on his Renegade Millionaire System. He felt that my background as a professional speaker, author and productivity coach would benefit his coaching members.

So, he posed this problem to me. Lee, what can you do for these guys?

As I said when I first started, one of the basic rules of success in life is finding a need and supplying a solution.

Well, after that conversation with Dan Kennedy, I created a solution. I

created a new business called the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program.

In 2003, we called it Co-op Coaching meaning a group of business

coaches contracted my services to produce coaching materials for them each month so they could distribute to their own members my materials that would deal with the right thinking part of success.

Now, so you fully understand the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching

Program, it’s basically an add-on coaching program for existing niche market coaching programs, anybody who has a franchise business, who has franchisees that you need to help each month become successful and stay on track, and to large groups or clubs, mastermind groups or associations who have members that need monthly material to be delivered to them.

What I specialize in, of course, is the right thinking type materials. I

offer newsletter articles, teleseminar calls, master CDs of those calls that can be distributed to all the members. I offer a membership site for additional free educational and motivation materials.

Now, this is all geared for entrepreneurial mindsets, professionals and

business owners. I call my clients “sponsors.” I use this term sponsors because my clients literally do become the sponsors and suppliers of educational materials that support the success of their clients.

Now, you as a sponsor can deliver the already done for you, the total

coaching package on right thinking that is designed, tailored and customized specifically for entrepreneurial type personalities how are creating their own success with their own minds and actions.

Let me explain to you what a productivity coach does for you. What I

do is influence business behavior, attitudes, and I assist people to move past fears, doubts, insecurities. I assist business owners to take more intelligent risks, control their stress, capitalize on change, create prosperity regardless of the economy, help them balance out there business and personal lives.

I help them become better leaders. I improve their self image. I help

them organize their work and life more effectively. I assist them with information that will help them improve time management skills in the real world.

I offer information to help business people adapt and capitalize on

change to their advantage, help them see new opportunities, help them focus their life energies on what their priorities are.

I assist people to tap into their intuition, to utilize their talents, and

most important, to utilize their past experience and to be a possibility thinker. I help them recover from chaos to make better choices, basically to get out of their own way.

One of the great things that I do for folks is I help them develop their

own capabilities. I help them bring closure and completion to existing projects, and the most important thing is I help them implement new projects and create new action plans because one of the most important things people could do is help someone else implement existing plans and goals.

As a productivity coach, I help people develop problem solving and

decision making abilities, and of course, the bottom line here is I am helping people create habits that improve their own productivity.

So, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts and benefits of the Millionaire Smarts® Program. I really want you to go to www.milteer.com/aboutsmarts, or go to LeeMilteer.com, and just click on the link for the Millionaire Smarts® Program.

In a nutshell, I supply all the content for a teleseminar call, articles, a

private membership website, transcription of that call, a CD master of that call which will be delivered to you that is edited and tracked and ready for you to use. All you have to do is have it duplicated and sent to your own clients.

I am basically supplying a monthly teleseminar call for each sponsor

that is one hour in length. There’s a different topic each month. Each sponsor will be assigned a day and time that is best for your own members. Now, you’re going to own this time slot, so you can advertise it every single month.

Ten days before each month starts, you will receive by email phone

numbers to be able to get onto the call and passcodes from my office. You’re also going to be sent, after the call is done, a CD master of that call that month.

Now, that master has already been edited and tracked for you. All you

have to do is duplicate it and send it out to your own clients. You will also receive before the beginning of each month, your articles

that will support the topic of that call that month. These articles are very important to you and one of the greatest benefits to the entire program because they can be used on your website for content. You can put them in your own newsletters or your ezine letters.

These articles can also be faxed or emailed out to your folks, and some

people even actually like to duplicate them and send them by email to create bulk with their CD masters to their clients.

Now, another great important benefit for sponsors is I have created a

private membership site for the Millionaire Smarts® clients. Each month, your members can go to the Millionaire Smarts® member site, and they can receive additional free articles.

This is a great new membership site for you. There’s a famous quote I

really love, and it’s by Woodrow Wilson. He once said, “I not only use all the brains I have, but all the brains I can borrow from others.”

By the way folks, I have taken this seriously. As an added benefit to

my program, I have access to very famous authors, and I have added them to my program and interviewed people such as Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen from the Chicken Soup for the Soul fame, other famous authors such as Brian Tracey, Dr. Jean Landrome, Dan Kennedy, Barbara Hemphill from the Paper Tiger book series, Les Brown – you might have seen him on PBS, Matt Furey who is a world champion athlete.

We have an expert on money, Laurel Langemeier who has a best

selling book, Dr. Ernesto Fernandez an expert on health issues, and many, many other people.

If you want to know all about all the topics that I cover, all the

different famous authors I have, and all the financial information, a copy of the agreement, everything – you can find that at www.milteer.com/aboutsmarts You can also call my office, which is in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at 757-363-5800.

We will be happy to assist you and help you customize your program.

We can give you all the detailed explanation of how the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program can be added to your business.

Up next, you’re going to be able to hear just a few of the many

sponsors of the Millionaire Smarts® Program. Each of these sponsors is using my program differently, and they’re going to give you ideas on how you can leverage your existing business from a totally different new perspective.

At the end of this CD, you will hear a couple of small live teleseminar

calls. Because of time, we don’t have the ability to give you an entire call, but if you would go to www.milteer.com/aboutsmarts, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of topics that you can then hear the entire call and read all the articles that go with that call plus the transcript.

I hope to be of service to you in the future. This is Lee Milteer thanking

you for time. So, stay tuned to a lot of great new information coming up.

Thank you, Lee. Our first guest is Mr. Dan Kennedy.

Dan: Hi, this is Dan Kennedy. Lee’s Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program was actually developed at my urging to fill a gap my information marketing clients had, knew they had, and couldn’t or weren’t willing to fill themselves, simply put, the attitude and motivation component.

Most information marketers provide the mechanics – how to advertise,

how to market, how to sell, how to manage, and the tools to do those things with, but all the tools are useless to people insufficiently motivated to use them.

The results of integrating Lee and her program into the niche info

marketers own coaching programs have been far greater and more significant than we originally imagined.

There’s positive impact on compliance, retention and dissention,

translating measurable to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in profits that would otherwise be lost.

From the information marketers standpoint, he gets terrific added

value to support his selling of his coaching program or franchise or other service, and the improved compliance, retention and ascension of his members, all at a very modest, actually nearly insignificant cost amortized over the number of participants.

There’s no work on his part, saving expense of time, and the security

of working with a consummate, trust-worthy and diligent professional who delivers on every promise on time. What more could you ask? So, I urge my clients to add Lee’s program to theirs.

Further, many clients are finding Lee to be a valuable asset in selling

their coaching programs, franchises, association memberships or other programs as well by speaking at their events, speaking on their teleseminars, being part of their audio brochures, or even producing them.

If you are engaged in any kind of coaching business, franchising, or

association management, you should work with Lee. Thank you, and you can find out more about Dan at www.DanKennedy.com. Up next is a sample of a live teleseminar coaching call. This is Lee Milteer interviewing Jack Canfield.

Lee: Hi, this Lee Milteer, and welcome to the Millionaire Smarts® program. I wanted to remind all of our members today to please go to my website which is Milteer.com, and get this month’s materials.

We’re extremely lucky this month to get Jack Canfield, who I know

most of you know. He’s very famous for his peak performance materials. I’ve know Jack for many years, and I can honestly say this is a man who actually walks his talk.

He has a fabulous new book out that I just finished reading called The

Success Principles, How to Get From Where you are Now to Where you Want to Be.

I finished reading this last week, and I have to tell you I was wowed.

This is very close to the energy of Think and Grow Rich, and I think most of you are aware of Mr. Canfield’s massive success, but allow me to give you a small background. If I talked about all of his credentials, we’d be talking for the rest of the hour.

Just as a short version, he’s most famous for the Chicken Soup for the

Soul, which currently has over 70 titles in 85 million copies in print in over 37 languages. He holds the Guinness Book of World Records by having seven books on the New York Times Best Seller list. He earns a multi-million dollar net income every single year.

He’s been on every major talk show in America from Oprah to Good

Morning America. He demands and gets speaking fees of over $25,000. I know because I’m on the stage with him. He speaks to Fortune 500 companies around the world, and today, we’re extremely lucky that he’s going to be sharing with us some information in our Millionaire Smarts® Thinking. Welcome to our call, Jack.

Jack: It’s my pleasure to be with you. Thank you, Lee. Lee: My pleasure that you’re on our call. Listen, I was telling you before our

call got started, I am just blown away with your new book, The Success Principles, How to get from Where you are to Where you Want to Be. That subtitle line I think is so fabulous because as I had told you before we started, we are a group of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and all of us are always trying to move to the next level.

I noticed in your book that you divided the book into six sections. The

first section was called, “The Fundamentals of Success.” One of the

things that really struck me was how important it was for us is that you focused on the absolute necessity of taking a hundred percent responsible for your life and your result.

So, as entrepreneurs, give us some thoughts about how we can do that

on a daily basis to move us to the next level. Jack: I’ll tae you back to when I first learned that concept. It was back in

1969 when I went to work for a person who was worth $600 million. His name was W. Clement Stone.

He was a good friend of Napoleon Hill’s who you mentioned his book,

Think and Grow Rich, and they actually wrote a book together called, The Success System, It Never Fails. Here I was young. I think I was about 23 years old, and I went to work for his foundation.

When he interviewed me, I had already gotten the job, but he had an

intake interview process. He asked me three questions. The first one was, do you take a hundred percent responsibility for your life? I said, “I think so.” He said, “Well, that’s not an answer. You either do or you don’t.” I said, “Well, I don’t even know what that means then.” He said, “Well have you ever blamed anybody for anything.” I said, “Yeah.” He said, “Have you every complained about anything?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Then, you don’t take a hundred percent responsibility for your life. You’re acting like a victim as like the power over your life is outside of you.”

He really got me thinking about that, that I did blame the economy

and I blamed the weather, and I blamed my mother and I blamed my dad for drinking and being alcoholics, all that kind of stuff.

I really started to realize that if I was going to be successful, I was

going to be the one that would have to make it happen. About two years later, I met a psychotherapist who taught me an incredible formula that’s literally the root of all my work. I would encourage listeners to this if you’re out there, take notes because this formula literally can change your life.

It’s E+R=O. What that stands for is Events plus Response equals

Outcomes. What we do in America is we blame the events for our outcomes. It was this person who made that happen. That driver cut me off. The traffic made me late. My boss made me lie, etc.

No wonder I’m heavy, I just had to go to all those Christmas parties. What was I supposed to do?

Lee: That’s funny. Jack: So, basically, if you take this E+R=O, and think of it mathematically,

two plus two equals four, and if you don’t like four, if you don’t like your weight, if you don’t like the income you have, if you don’t like the number of customers coming into your store or the cash left at the bottom line at the end of the month, whatever it is, you have to do something different.

What you’re currently doing is only enough to get you what you’re

currently getting. If it was enough to get you more, more would’ve already showed up.

The bugaboo of this is that doing the more usually is where we get into

things that are uncomfortable, things that stretch us where we have to take a risk whether it’s an emotional risk like asking for what we want, risking rejection, or whether it’s a risk of investing more capital into marketing and sales, or whether it’s any kind of risk at all where we might end up not getting what we want.

So, for a lot of us, we tend to rather want to be comfortable than want

to be successful. Up next, some clients of Lee Milteer, and people who are sponsors of the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching Program. They will introduce themselves and tell you about their business and how they use Lee’s coaching program to add and keep clients in their business. After that, you will hear another sample call of Lee Milteer’s coaching program when she interviews Brian Tracey, and then a sample call with Lee Milteer discussing on one of her coaching calls the topic of overcoming negative behaviors for business owners. Scott: Hi, my name is Scott Tucker. I have a coaching program for other – I’m

a subprime mortgage broker from Chicago, and I have a coaching program for other subprime mortgage brokers and loan officers all through the US and in Canada.

I started with Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® Program before I even

started my program, that is before I even had my first seminar to sell folks coaching. I knew that I needed to have Lee’s program as a part of my program.

The reason being is because what Lee does is she gets people’s heads

straight about success, and helps them deal with all the mental obstacles that they might put in their own way or maybe had put in their own way when they were a child or what have you.

A big part of the coaching program that I do is not only the marketing

that brings in the leads for the mortgage brokers to help them make a whole bunch more money while working less time, but also as Dan Kennedy will tell you time and again, it’s not so much just about getting the marketing right. It’s about getting your head right.

I like to focus a lot on the marketing. I do help my members with some

psycho-cybernetics, and things like that, but it’s always helpful to have Lee take some of the burden off of my shoulders and give them the rest of that.

So, every month, she does a coaching call for all of my members, and

really fixes. One guy calls it a check-up from the neck-up. I have one member who listened to an interview that she did with Matt

Furey, and the next day he was all motivated with the psycho-cybernetics and all that. He made $85,000 the next day. That’s $85,000 in one day. He gave Lee all the credit for it.

Lee also interviews people every so often on the Millionaire Smarts®

program. Sometimes it’s just her. Sometimes she has a special guest. She’s had Dan Kennedy, Matt Furey, who I already named, Dr. Gene Landrum is one of my favorites and countless others.

I added Lee to my program just as I started it. I had my first seminar,

put 23 people in the coaching, and I knew that even though I could be cheap and say, “Well, I don’t know if I can afford this. I’m just starting out and I don’t know if my program’s big enough to justify this.” I choose to look at it a different way, an intelligent way, and I said that this belongs in my program. If I don’t have it in my program, something will be lacking. If I’m serious about this coaching business, I need to start with Lee now.

I can’t tell you how helpful this has been. A number of people tell me

that are in my coaching program how valuable it is to have this extra support from Lee in addition to what I give them.

I’ve been able to take my program – the first seminar, I promised Lee’s thing in my pitch to sell the coaching, and I sold 23 people into the coaching program. At that time they were paying $997 a month, and that’s until forbid. It goes on forever.

I have now a year and a half later got my program up to 152 coaching

members. The current rate is $1,497 a month, and for those of you in Rio Linda, that is $225,000 a month of continuity income that comes in the first of the month through my merchant account right off the credit card thing raising the bank account.

Over twelve months time, that is a $2.7 million a year business, and I

owe a chunk of that to Lee Milteer and her Millionaire Smarts® Program.

Steven: This is Steven Oliver. I run the Mile High Karate School’s franchise.

We’re now expanding throughout the US and Canada, and we’ve been using the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program with Lee Milteer for at least 18 months, maybe coming up on two years now. It’s just phenomenal.

One of the main things as a franchisor is you are always looking for

new and effective ways to support the franchisees. One of the wonderful things about the Millionaire Smarts® is it helps people get out of their own way and expand their horizons. It gives them an opportunity to really see the potential that we’re always training them.

Of course, as you know people can see the clouds more than the sun in

operating their own business. It gives them a marvelous opportunity to really refocus on setting priorities, on thinking more expansively about their operations and their systems, and at the same time, it’s very supportive them following our pre-defined system and not experimenting with success.

Lee really does drill in to make sure that you follow the plan and

follow the system that your sponsor and your coach has put into place for you.

I would highly recommend it for anybody that’s part of a franchise. It’s

got a marvelous weekly lesson for all the franchisees, a monthly teleconference, a lot of support tools that help them out in a lot of ways, and I hear nothing but just glowing feedback from all the franchisees.

The best part is I really don’t have to do anything to give them a

tremendous asset and a huge amount of support. Yanik: Hi, this is Yanik Silver from SureFiremarketing.com, and I’ve been

working with Lee since 2003 when she first offered it to Kennedy Platinum members, her coaching program.

What I find to be the best out of Lee’s program is that I know that the

mindset stuff works because I’ve worked on that myself for my own progressive success over the years, and it’s something that I always work on with my members and coaching clients.

That’s why it’s always great to have Lee there every month giving

people a dose of the “in your head” stuff which I find sometimes is the biggest stumbling block for people to achieving what they want to achieve either online or offline.

We have different clients that use this and it works just as well for all

of them. We have doctors that get this monthly as well as my internet marketing group that it works just as well.

Lee is wonderful because I don’t have to worry about every single

month if the content’s going to be there or not. It shows up right on time, right on schedule. It makes it easy for me. It also makes the added bulk factor of my highest level coaching students get the extra bulk. They love it.

It helps retention. It helps them think that I am really looking out for

them, which I am, by making sure that this stuff is in there. Lee does always a great job, professional job interviewing some of the top people in self-development, in personal development, in relationship information and time management. A lot of different categories, that like I said, I don’t always get a chance to get to it.

I would highly recommend using Lee’s Millionaire Smarts® Program

if you have a group of people that you’re coaching with, consulting with, or even for franchisees. It definitely has one of my highest recommendations.

Charles: Hello, my name is Dr. Charles Barton, and I have a dental coaching

program for advanced dentists, but let’s don’t talk about me. Let’s talk about Lee, Lee Milteer.

Lee has a program called the Millionaire Smarts®. The Millionaire

Smarts® program is designed to help anyone who’s coaching others to give better results. We all know the people that we coach will only go as far as their own personal development.

No matter how hard we worked, if they’re not engaged in improving

themselves, any improvement we help them have will be short-lived. Lee’s program addresses all these issues and frankly a lot more. She

helps our clients establish their goals, both personally and professionally.

She teaches our clients how to build on their strengths, use their talents

and to gain experiences through her teachings and the people that she interviews that frankly, our clients generally wouldn’t hear from.

These people they’re hearing from, by the way, when she does her

interviews, are people who are, well, famous, and famous enough that probably you as a coach would not have access to.

She’s had Jack Canfield, Brian Tracey, Dr. Jean Landrum – a whole

slew of folks that have a lot of important information that do two things. One is inspire your clients, and two gives them vital information they can use right away.

So, there’s another advantage to Lee’s program, and that is it takes

works off of you. We all know that coaching programs can be a challenge, but this program has the advantage of not only providing us first of all the tools that your clients need, but also helping them to make more intelligent decisions.

There’s yet another advantage and it’s since it’s done for you, you

don’t have to worry about, “Well, what else have I got on my plate?” I’ve been doing this for a couple of years, and it’s something I would recommend to you as a coach.

It’s a very important tool, a tool that I can not recommend enough. Rob: Hi, this is Rob Mittin, and I have been participating with Lee Milteer in

her Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program now for about a year. I have a business where we coach real estate investors on how to invest in nice homes, and how to profit from those nice homes.

We added Lee’s program as a special benefit to our members, and it’s

been an incredible addition for us mainly because I am so focused on teaching our clients, I guess you would want to call them my coaching members, the nuts and bolts of real estate investing how to make the phone ring and how to strike cash from properties.

The one thing that I am not very good at doing is teaching them how

to overcome living with beliefs, overcoming fear, and that’s what Lee’s program does. It adds that component to the training that we provide.

It’s been an enormous benefit for us and for our members. Some of the

other things that I really like about the program is that each month we have an incredible amount of content that we need to provide to our members including newsletters and audio recordings. Lee provides us with I think it’s at least four different articles each month plus a transcription of her call that she has, her mastermind call or her group call.

We’ve used those in different formats. We obviously can add them into

our newsletter which frees up content from me having to put out. We also put it in a special members only area of the website, and we can tease people about getting behind the curtain to have access to some of these articles that she supplies to us.

One of the neat things we did is she had interviewed Laurel

Langemeier in the Millionaire Smarts® Program, and she sent out a transcription of that. We actually created a whole marketing campaign around that transcription. We had an advertisement that offered this free report which was just simply her transcription. We were able to increase lead flow just from some of the things that she’s provided for us.

Another thing that I think about a lot, but I’m not sure many people do

is that it actually helps potentially eliminate competition because we’re able to add this whole Millionaire Smarts® Program into ours without having to do the work for it.

If someone were to try to compete with me, they would have an awful

lot to do in order to add that component in on top of everything else. So, it’s a barrier to entry for competitors which is something I would say that we’re all looking for.

So, I would highly recommend Lee Milteer and the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program if you are involved in training or coaching of clients. I think you’ll find it to be an incredible addition to the services you offer your clients.

Bill: Hi, this is Bill Hammond. I’m an elder law attorney, and I’ve got a

couple different coaching programs. Elder law and estate planning attorneys participate in my programs. I’ve got a platinum level program, and I’ve got a gold plus program.

I use Lee’s Millionaire Smarts® for both programs, and it’s because

anyone who coaches others knows that you can have the greatest advice and marketing materials in the world, but often times it’s other factors – things like self-image or issues with self-confidence or from the negative side, self-sabotage. Those types of things that my coaching clients run into that really kind of hold them back and hinder them.

What Lee’s program does is it helps my coaching members get past all

those types of issues so that the marketing message that I’m delivering to them can kind of seep in and make a difference.

I get a lot of feedback from the members in my coaching groups.

Basically, they tell me they love it. They talk about how it’s allowed them to establish goal setting, how to identify their personal blind spots and obstacles, and then figure out ways to overcome them.

It helps them to develop problem solving and decision making

abilities, and how to overcome anxiety and fear about the future, and all those types of things. It’s just a terrific program.

One of the things that I like about it as a sponsor is that there’s just

such a wide range of topics. Sometimes it’s Lee herself. Other time it might be famous authors, speakers, folks that we all know like Dan Kennedy or Brian Tracey, Matt Furey. The list goes on and on.

We get all kinds of topics, and I frequently someone will say, “Boy, this

is a topic that I’ve really been trying to figure out where to go with it, and then Lee had this particular call, and I really have some real insight.” It’s a great way to get past some of the hang-ups that so many of us have.

The program, really, I think fills the need for me as a provider, not only for content, but also beyond that. Frankly, Lee gives good actionable advice, and in fact to the point where when appropriate – when it’s an appropriate topic – I even have my wife and kids listen.

Lee, she delivers month after month, and the money that I invest in my

members by using the Millionaire Smarts® is one of the most important investments I could ever make.

Quite frankly, I wouldn’t even consider having a coaching program

without offering this type of service. The Millionaire Smarts® really provides the critical link between knowing and doing, and anybody who’s got a group of entrepreneurs, coaching members, franchise owners – anybody like that – really needs to enroll in this program.

It’s just terrific, and Lee, I’m very thankful for everything you do. Mike: Hi, my name is Mike Kroeg. I run a niche market in the information

marketing business for home inspectors. We call it the Millionaire Inspector community, and I also actually work with the Dan Kennedy IDA program in the Dallas/Fort Worth market.

Now, I’ve been working with Lee Milteer and the Millionaire Smarts®

program for somewhere between three and four years, and I have to tell you, it has been one of the most incredible things that I ever added.

The first year, when I had my coaching program, one of the things I

found was we had people that would like to drop out. I couldn’t figure out exactly one of the pieces that was missing.

I always thought I was giving them some of the things that they

needed to help keep themselves motivated, but what I found was when I brought in an outside source like Lee Milteer, what she was able to do is she was able to touch them at a much deeper level than I actually was doing because they thought me as more of the technician side or the marketing person. She was able to touch them on the emotional side.

It was amazing because as soon as I put it into place, first off, we had

Lee come out and talk at our event, but after she talked and then they started getting her CDs each month, I continually get an email from somebody going, “Oh, I can tell you how much I appreciated what Lee

said last month about responsibility or the month before about making sure that I stick to it.”

These sort of things just really helped keep all of our guys in tune with

what I’m teaching them and with what I’m trying to get them to do as well.

It’s amazing because also she supplies us with articles. She supplies me

with a master CD. I make copies of it. I send it out to all of my members. Everytime I have my high end coaching group, which those people are paying me over $10,000 a year before, this just makes them sit there at the table, and they all even share about what they learned from Lee sometimes. That, in and of itself, can be pretty energizing for the whole group.

If you’re even thinking about having someone help keep your

members inline and help make sure that the retention of your members stays strong because my retention probably went up at last 20% when I put Lee Milteer in to make sure that we were taking care of them.

One of the things I would mention also real quick, because in the home

construction industry, there are several franchises, and one of the things I see the franchises have a lot of times is that after the members have reached a certain point, they think they can do it all on their own.

The franchises don’t bring as much to the table as their members like. I

would tell you that I believe that if they do something like bring Lee Milteer in and help them keep the motivation going, making sure that she keeps them up and motivated and ontrack, and actually making sure that she’s holding them feet to a little bit of fire by figuring out what their responsibilities are and staying on track with things, that that would work tremendously.

In fact, I’m speaking at a franchise seminar here pretty soon, and it’s

one of the things that I’m going to recommend highly that they consider bringing in.

Well, that’s all I’ve really got. There’s a lot of things that stop us from

doing things that we know we need to do, but having the right mental attitude and having a coach that can deliver that to your people for you, it’s all completely just a no-brainer situation as I heard one coach say.

You need to try to consider doing this. Well, this is Mike Kroeg, and if

you have any questions about Lee Milteer’s program, call me. You can go to www.MikeKroeg.com. I’ll tell you in person how good she is. Have a good day.

Tracy: Hello, my name is Tracy Tolleson, and I have the Pinnacle Club

Business System Coaching program for mortgage brokers and originators nationwide.

I’ve been working with Lee Milteer and the Millionaire Smarts®

Program for two years now, and first off, let me just say that Lee’s program, The Millionaire Smarts® program, provides me with added tools and coaching that I myself do not have to concentrate on.

It’s done for me in such a professional manner, and the interviews, the

articles are extra tools that I can implement in my coaching business and take to my clients to the next level.

Lee’s personal development, right thinking coaching gives me the

ability to concentrate on my coaching business which is implementing my systems I’ve created working with realtors across the nation through the Pinnacle Club.

So, for example, let me give you a brief how it works. My coaching

group is mortgage originators, mortgage brokers, and loan officers. Each one of those individuals has somewhere between 50 and 100 realtors in their special unique club. We provide them with marketing strategies and systems to implement in their real estate business.

The thing I love about the Millionaire Smarts® Program is I do not

have to concentrate on personal development. I believe both go hand and hand. You’ve got to have the right mental mindset to effectively implement business strategies and marketing strategies.

She helps me with assisting establishing goals for my clients, building

on their strengths and talents and experiences, developing effective time management skills, and I can’t say enough about the articles.

I publish two newsletters a month, and with each month’s Millionaire

Smarts® program, I get done for me articles that I can then craft into my newsletters that go out to thousands of people right now.

So, the time that it saves me in writing and creating things that I’m not astute in training is just incredible, and I can’t say enough about the articles. They’re just absolutely great to use in your newsletters if you’re doing a newsletter.

So, I recommend Lee’s program as a top priority in your coaching

business, and if you’d like to find out or ask me any more questions about it, you can visit me at www.TracyTolleson.com, and I’ll be glad to give you more information about it.

Barry: This is Barry Lyka phoning in from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I run

mastermind clubs for cosmetic surgeons so that they can help their practices develop further.

I became aware of Lee Milteer because of my involvement with Dan

Kennedy. I’ve been a member of his mastermind club for a number of years, and he put me on to Lee Milteer who runs the Millionaire Mastermind coaching program.

What I find this does is it helps my doctors implement and develop

their practices further. My doctors constantly quote Lee, and constantly say how much they’ve helped them day in and day out.

I recommend Lee highly because she helps my doctors develop

themselves, but more importantly, she helps me because it takes work off me.

Tom: Hi, my name is Dr. Tom Orin. I like to call myself a recovering dentist.

I stopped practicing dentistry about three years ago. I sold my practice when I started to make enough money to just blow all the rest of that away, and I’ve been working with Lee Milteer and her Millionaire Smarts® for Entrepreneurs program for several years now.

Interesting thing, as I look back on it was when I first heard about

Lee’s program through Dan Kennedy, he said, “Well, you’ve got to have this.” My comment to Dan was that I had a small herd at that time several years ago, and wasn’t quite frankly sure that I could or should afford a program like hers. He said, “Do it. It’s going to work.”

Not only has it worked, but now we’re at a couple thousand members.

We’re making an absolute fortune out of my coaching program, and I look at Lee’s stuff and I say, “Well, you can’t do without this type of a program.”

I have so much that I offer my guys, but there’s places where Lee plugs

into what I do for my guys that just would blow you away. For example, I’ll give them the how-to. How do you get your practice

to do this? How do you get your practice to do that? Here’s seven steps of this. Here’s seven steps of that.

Well, that’s all fine and good, but not if they’re not willing to

implement, not if they don’t have the mindset, not if they don’t understand wealth accumulation, wealth building and how to be an entrepreneur. This is where Lee fits into my program.

My guys absolutely love this stuff. I get emails all the time when I’m at

a seminar. In fact, we had Lee at the most recent seminar, and she absolutely blew away podiums. People came up to her. They herded around her probably more than they did me.

So, again, as I look at this, I say to myself as always Dan’s right on the

mark. I started it several years ago at his suggestion and I’m continuing it for the foreseeable future ever to come just because it works really well, and she gives a big part of that energy – I want to say energization if there were such a word – that we just can do ourselves for our guys.

Again, I started when I was smaller, and I looked at the numbers and

said, “Can I afford to do this?” As I look back, I’m not only absolutely convinced that it’s something that I couldn’t afford not to do, but today it’s been a big part of what we’re doing.

Just to wrap this up with a quick ending, when I started working with

Lee, our numbers were probably in the six figure range for what we were taking in from the continuity program. They’re probably in the vicinity of $1.5, and Dan’s probably looking at $2.5 as a tap out over the next year or two.

So, can you afford not to have Lee as a part of that? I don’t think so.

Good luck and I wish you all well. Rory: Hello, my name is Rory Fatt. I’m president of Restaurant Marketing

Systems, and I have been in Lee Milteer’s Millionaire Smarts® program ever since it started, and actually there’s a bit of a story there

because I got a couple hundred people in our coaching program. I have a couple different levels.

After being in the coaching program for a while and having delivering

all the content, I realized that there was an area of our program that my members really needed that I was not prepared to provide them or didn’t have access to the material that I would like to provide them.

So, I approached Lee actually through Dan Kennedy, and said, “I

really need someone to help us provide the content of personal development type skills that are out of the realm of the restaurant industry, and put that together for us in a way that was no work for me whatsoever because we were really, really busy.”

Dan immediately suggested Lee Milteer, and Lee put together a

phenomenal program, The Millionaire Smarts® program. As I said, I’ve been a very staunch supporter of this program since it started over three years ago.

It really addresses a number of different issues. The whole issue of

getting our members into the right thinking, and I find that when people are in our program some point in time in their careers or in their businesses, they reach what I call an income ceiling that they either reach their own comfort zone or they can’t seem to break through this.

Sometimes it requires skills and knowledge outside our industry, and

I’m in the restaurant industry, to break through that income ceiling, their stress management skills or time management skills, or just leadership skills.

What Lee’s Millionaire Smarts® program does is provide that level of

motivation and skill to my members to help them break through that. We’ve received so many emails and faxes about how much our members appreciate this program, how much they like it.

It really, really helps the members. Lee always has the CDs ready, and

the times and the material that goes with it. There’s the emails, and follow up materials so that people who want to delve into it in more detail, they can. It’s always ready well in advance.

We never have to ask her for it. It’s always just arrives, and all we have

to do is duplicate it or send the information out to members. It’s no

work whatsoever. It’s one of the checks that I’m happy to write every month.

I also like the celebrities, the business experts that she’s able to bring to

the party that would be a lot of work for us to try to do on our own - Kurt Morrison on persuasion, Mark Victor Hansen, the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Dan Kennedy, of course, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracey, a great piece that she did running your business and making money your own way with Brian Tracey, Barbara Hemphill, whose the author of the Paper Tiger series, who we use in our own business. We use that system in our own business, and it really helps people get organized.

I think that Lee’s program, anyone that has a coaching program or a

business that has lots of other business owners that want to have or need to have personal development skills that are outside their realm of expertise, Lee is the person in providing that. I highly recommend her for anyone that is in the coaching business as well.

Lee has spoken at a number of my boot camps. She’s very, very well

received. She can speak on a number of different topics. She fits well into the agenda.

She’s got a bunch of her own products that she brings to the table, too.

The people at the boot camp love her. I’ll also say about Lee, of all the people that I work with, she does a

phenomenal job in preparation and gearing up for what our particular needs are and studying our audience, so that she focuses what she’s doing on exactly what people are asking for, and it really, really shows through with your presentations. It resonates well with the people.

So, for anyone in the information marketing business or have a lot of

other groups of business owners, I highly recommend Lee and her Millionaire Smarts® Program. I can’t say enough about it. It’s worked well for us. Our people love it, and it really has filled a gap in our coaching programs so that we provide a one-stop shop for not just technical and marketing expertise, but personal development as well as part of our coaching program.

I want to take a few minutes to thank Lee on what a phenomenal job

she’s done with the new project that came up with an idea. I’ve got lots of them, and sometimes people just look at me strange when I do it,

but Lee went right behind it and said, “Rory, I’d love to work with you on it.”

We came up with the idea of putting together a teleseminar to help

promote our coaching program, and Lee did the set-up. She’s done this in person at our boot camps before where she sets-up the audience so that it’s ready to be what we call pitched or sold into our coaching program. Then, I, the host, just comes in and explains how the programs works, but she explains the benefits of being in a coaching program, the mastermind, being decisive, the value of specialized knowledge.

Lee’s a phenomenal person in terms of getting prepared and doing all

the research in advance so when she comes to do anything that she does, she really does a very, very good job in her presentation, and it’s totally customized.

We’ve done this a number of times, as I said, at boot camps, and most

recently she’s had a very big success at our last boot camp selling people, helping selling people into our coaching program, or telecoaching program.

So, what we decided to do is to test it for to sell it through a

teleseminar. I’ve never done it before. It actually has usually involves a very comprehensive marketing program series of letters and faxes, and applications and then me personally having to talk to people, and sell them one on one on the phone.

It was a very tedious, expensive process, and what we did is we

created a teleseminar, Lee and I, record it. Then, with that teleseminar, we just posted it and drove people to the teleseminar with some postcards and emails to our list.

Now, that is worked very well, and now what we do is we have a

system that we can play back periodically throughout the year to new leads, new customers that we get to drive them into our coaching program, but now means that we don’t have to do all the marketing that we’ve done before. We can automate this. I think it’s a very great innovation to this whole selling of the coaching program so that you don’t have to necessarily be in front of your group. You can do it remotely, and set it on autopilot.

Thank you, Lee, for helping us do that. I think it’s a great service, and I highly recommend it for other people that want to have another way of selling their coaching programs.

Up next is a small sample of a live coaching teleseminar with Lee interviewing Brian Tracey, one of the most respected and famous authors in the business world. Lee: Talk to us about in your book, there’s a whole chapter called, “Think

and Grow Rich,” and you are a potential genius. Let’s talk about the aspect of how important it is for entrepreneurs to really guard their thinking and how they get influenced by other people. That’s where your stuff – in all of your materials, you really always cover this one base about getting into the understanding of how you think creates your reality.

Brian: It was the greatest discover. It’s called the Law of Correspondence. It’s

that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So, what I have found, successful entrepreneurs have three core qualities. I call this the Golden Triangle of Core Qualities.

Number one is they accept complete responsibility for themselves.

They refuse to make excuses. They say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” Sometimes I use the analogy of a farmer with a brand new homestead. The first thing he has to do is clear the land.

The first thing you have to do psychologically is clear your mental

land. The way you clear your mental land is you realize that everything that is going to happen to you for the rest of your life is up to you.

Instead of spending time becoming angry about things that happened

in the past or blaming others or making excuses, you just accept total responsibility.

The second key that successful entrepreneurs have is they’re very goal

oriented. They have written goals and plans, and they work on them everyday. As you know from everything that we’ve read and heard, only about three percent of adults have written goals, and those are the ones that achieve at a very high level.

I encourage people in my seminars to do a very simple exercise, and

this exercise has taken people from rags to riches.

I was on a panel not long ago in Anaheim. We had about 850

entrepreneurs in the audience and about eight entrepreneurs including myself on the panel, and we were being asked questions from the audience.

One of the women on the panel, Donna, very successful, she was

asked, “What was the turning point in your life?” She had started way behind as most people do. She said something like twelve years ago, she was broke. She was divorced. She had two young children. She was overweight. She was unemployed, and she was about to go on welfare.

Somebody dragged her to one of my seminars. She didn’t want to go.

She wanted to sit at home and feel sorry for herself. She said, “It was Brian’s goal-setting exercise at that seminar that changed me life.” She said, “Today, I have 14 health studios. I have 150 staff. I’m worth several million dollars. I happily remarried. We have a big beautiful home in the hills. Our kids are in private schools. We have new cars.”

She said, “Transforming was that day.” I didn’t even know this. It was

a complete surprise to me. So, they said, “Well, what was that exercise?”

Well, the exercise is very simple, and I give this to our friends who are

listening. Take a sheet of paper and write the word, “Goals” at the top of the page, plus today’s date.

Then, write ten goals that you’d like to accomplish in the next year or

so, and write them like a Christmas list. In other words, don’t worry about whether or not you can achieve them or afford them or how are you going to get them, just write them down – new house, new car, double your income, get out of debt, pay off your bills, open a new office, find the right person to handle the key responsibility, spend more time with your family, take a vacation. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just write it down.

Then, once you have written at least ten, it must be ten or more, it can

not be less than ten, then you ask yourself, “Imagine that I could wave a magic wand, and I could have any one goal on this list within 24 hours. Which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on my life if I could have it within 24 hours?” Whatever it is, put a circle around that goal and make that goal your major definite purpose.

Now, almost invariably for entrepreneurs, it will be a financial or a

business goal because if you achieve that, it will have the greatest impact on everything else. It will enable you to buy a new house and a car and take a trip and so on.

Then, take a new clean sheet of paper. Write that goal at the top of

page. Set a deadline for the goal – one year from today perhaps, and then make a list of everything you can think of to do to achieve the goal. Organize that list into a plan. Which one do you do first? What do you do second? and, so on.

Then, take action on that plan, and every single day do something on

that one goal. Don’t worry about anything else. Just keep absolutely single focused like a laser beam on that one goal. Every morning when you get up, think about the goal. All day long, work on the goal. At night when you go to bed, review the goal.

My promise to you is this. If you will do this in a week, a month, a year

from now, you will look back and your entire life will be transformed. Many people’s lives are transformed in a day or two, but a week, a month, a year from now, my promise is that your life will be different in ways that you can not imagine.

You will have accomplished more in the next few months or years than

you may have accomplished in five or ten years before with this simple exercise.

Next, we have a small section of a coaching program Lee presented called, “Overcoming Unproductive Behaviors.” Lee: Let’s just get right into it because the truth is as I said before we have

life giving habits that support us, and we have life draining habits. Those are the things that cost us money, give us stress, and actually keep us from going to the next level.

If you haven’t done your inventory from your articles that you got

from your sponsor about what are the habits that you enact on that cost you money, time, energy and basically piece of mind?

Remember, you can not fix things that you are refusing to take a look

at. You can not stay into denial, and you have to have a clear decision or an intention to do things differently.

What I’m asking you to do is just to invest in some productive thinking

that you can start to be aware of when you enact on an unproductive behavior. Instead of beating yourself up, I want you to do something that I call a pattern interrupt.

A patter interrupt is simply say to yourself – if you catch yourself

being late, and you know that’s a very unproductive behavior, just say yourself, “Cancel. That’s not like me. Next time, I will leave early and I will be on time.”

Now, your brain is probably going, “Ha-ha, what a liar. We know

you’re always late.” Keep in mind that we’re self-fulfilling prophecies and that whatever you say to yourself about yourself is forming, with four volts of electricity in your body, a reference picture in your brain.

So, whatever you say to yourself, and you know this to be true, your

subconscious can never take a joke. It takes you literally. So, if you say to yourself, “Everything I eat goes to my hips.” Then, you’re actually programming your body to get fat.

The same thing about, “I’m always late,” or “I’m not good with

dealing with employees,” or “I’m not good with directions,” or “I’m not good with math,” or “I’m not good with public speaking”, or anything that you say that’s detrimental to your success. You have to figure out really quickly that’s not benefiting you.

The whole pattern interrupt thing is simply about pattern interrupt

that thought because you want to stop your – your brain is a computer – you want to stop thinking in any kind of way that programs you to fail or create stress for yourself.

So, when you actually say, “Cancel,” it’s an awareness to your brain,

and when you say, “That’s not like me.” Then, you’re saying to yourself, “Okay, this is behavior I used to do.”

Sometimes, I actually say to myself, “Oh, I used to do that, but now…”

and then I tell myself the behavior that I want to be so I actually program myself that for the future.

You can hear the entire interviews with Brian Tracey and Jack Canfield and Lee Milteer speaking about unproductive behaviors by going to www.milteer.com/aboutsmarts. You will also find samples of different coaching

programs that Lee has taught. There will also be samples of articles for newsletters, and copies of transcripts of past monthly coaching calls, and application to become a sponsor for the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program. To contact Lee Milteer, you can call her office in Virginia Beach, Virginia at 757-460-1818, again the number is 757-460-1818, or you can go to Lee’s website, www.LeeMilteer.com. As a special bonus, you can also read the transcript of this CD at the www.milteer.com/aboutsmarts website.

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