hayes - lanthanides & actinides

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Dr S.J. Heyes - Lanthanides & Actinides. Four Lectures in the 2nd Year Inorganic Chemistry Course, Hilary Term 1998


  • Dr S.J. Heyes

    Lanthanides & Actinides

    Textbook version by Nikolaos A. Parisis

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    Lanthanides & Actinides Dr S.J. Heyes

    Four Lectures in the 2ndYear Inorganic Chemistry Course

    Hilary Term 1998

    If you have any comments please contact stephen.heyes@chem.ox.ac.uk

    Introduction 1 Some Definitions and Viewpoints

    2 Occurrence and History of the Elements

    3 Nature of f-electrons

    4 Electronic Properties

    5 Periodicity in the f-Block

    Lanthanides 1 Abundance & Distribution

    2 Extraction

    3 Separation

    4 The Metals

    5 Examination of the predominance of the 3+ Oxidation State

    6 General Features of Lanthanide Chemistry

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    7 Solution Chemistry

    Hydrated Ions Coordination Compounds Redox Chemistry - Oxidation States other than +3

    8 Magnetism

    Paramagnetism Ferro- and Ferri-Magnetism

    9 Electronic Spectroscopy

    Luminescence Phosphors Bioinorganic Chemistry Lasers


    ~ Includes: Structures, Magnetism, Spectroscopy, Electronic & Optical Properties, Technological Importance

    10 Halides

    LnX3 LnX2 SmI2 ~ a versatile organic reagent Lower Halides

    11 Hydrides

    LnH2 Hydrogen Storage

    12 Oxides

    13 Borides

    14 Carbides

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    15 Organometallic Chemistry

    Cyclopentadienides Cyclooctatetraenides Arenes Mixed Alkyl Cyclopentadienides

    16 Comparisons/Contrasts

    Is Y a rare earth? Should Sc be considered with the Lanthanides, Transition Metals or

    as Main Group 3? Contrasts between Lanthanides & Transition Metals Similarities between Lanthanides & Other Elements

    Actinides 1 Periodicity

    2 Occurrence

    3 Synthesis of Trans-Uranium Elements

    4 Uses of Trans-Uranium Elements

    5 The Metals

    6 General Observations on Actinides Including Comparisons with Lanthanides & Transition Metals

    7 Oxidation States

    8 Aqueous Chemistry

    9 Coordination Stereochemistries

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    10 Uranium Chemistry

    Halides Hydrides Oxides Aqueous Chemistry

    o especially the uranyl ion

    11 Nuclear Technology

    12 Organometallics

    13 Super-Heavy Elements?

    Problems Set


    Standard Textbook Accounts of increasing degree of sophistication:

    J.E. Huheey, E.A. & R.L. Keiter, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th ed., HarperCollins, N.Y., 1993 p. 599-617

    A.G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Longmans, London, 1992 Ch. 1, 26, 27

    N.N. Greenwood & A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinman, London, 1997 Ch. 30, 31

    F.A. Cotton & G. Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Wiley, N.Y., 1988 Ch. 20, 21

    C.S.G. Phillips & R.J.P. Williams, Inorganic Chemistry, OUP, Oxford, 1966 Vol. 2, Ch. 21, 22

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    Books on lanthanides and actinides

    S.A. Cotton, Lanthanides and Actinides, Macmillan, London, 1991 pp. 191

    Open University, The Chemistry of the Lanthanides and the Transactinium Elements, Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1977 S304 (The Nature of Chemistry) Unit 27 pp. 61

    G.T. Seaborg & W.D. Loveland, The Elements beyond Uranium, Wiley, N.Y., 1990 (An enjoyable account of trans-uranium elements by the discoverer of many)

    J.J. Katz, G.T. Seaborg & L.R. Morss, The Chemistry of the Actinides, 2nd ed., Chapman & Hall, London, 1986 (a major reference work, see especially Ch. 14 Summary & Comparative Aspects)

    Books with useful sections

    D.A. Johnson, Some Thermodynamic Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed., CUP, Cambridge, 1982 p. 158-193 (a very good account of the thermodynamic underpinning of lanthanide/actinide chemistry)

    S.F.A. Kettle, Physical Inorganic Chemistry, Freeman, N.Y., 1996, Ch 11. (f-Electron Systems)

    R.D. Cowan, Theory of Atomic Structure & Spectra, UCP, Berkley, 1981 p. 598-613 (Lanthanide/Actinide Configurations)

    J.A. Cowan, Inorganic Biochemistry, VCH, Weinheim, 1993 p. 300-307 (Ln3+ probes in biology)

    C. Elschenbroich & A. Salzer, Organometallics, a Concise Introduction, 2nd ed., VCH, Weinheim, 1992 p. 363-5 (Uranocene) p. 442-445 (organolanthanides)

    T. Imamoto, Lanthanides in Organic Synthesis, Academic Press, London, 1994 parts of Ch. 4, 5, 6

    P.A. Cox, The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids, OUP, 1987, p.137-145 (Lanthanides)

    A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry, Wiley, London, 1984 Ch. 16 (Magnetism), Ch 17. (Optical Properties)

    K. Kosuge, Chemistry of Non-Stoichiometric Compounds, OUP, 1994 p. 219-230 (Hydrogen-absorption)

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    Article of Interest

    W.B. Jensen, The Positions of Lanthanum(Actinium) and Lutetium(Lawrencium) in the Periodic Table, Journal of Chemical Education, 1982, 59, p. 634-636

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    Terminology Definitions?

    Rare Earths

    La-Lu and Y & Sc occur together in minerals ~ hard to separate from each other

    {Th which occurs in many rare earth minerals is sometimes included in the definition}


    Usually taken to indicate the 15 elements from La-Lu or the 14 from Ce-Lu


    The 15 elements from Ac-Lw or the 14 from Th-Lw



    Special Feature - The ICL's 1998 Mnemonic Competition Winner

    by Fergus Baillie, Peter Jelfs & Matthew Powell

    Lanthanide Chemistry Presents No Problems Since Everyone Goes To Doctor Heyes's Excrutiatingly Thorough Yearly Lectures

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    Some Viewpoints

    "Lanthanum has only one important oxidation state in aqueous solution, the +3 state. With few exceptions, this tells the whole boring story about the other 14 Lanthanides"

    G.C. Pimentel & R.D. Sprately,

    "Understanding Chemistry",

    Holden-Day, 1971, p. 862

    "These elements (rare earths) perplex us in our researches, baffle us in our speculations and haunt us in our dreams. They stretch like an unknown sea before us - mocking, mystifying and murmuring strange revelations and possibilities"

    Sir William Crookes

    Address to the British Association, 1887

    Due to the increasing technological importance of the rare earths William Crookes's view seems to be returning to fashion!

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    Where/how do rare earths/actinides fit into the PERIODIC TABLE? 1751

    Swedish Mineralogist A.F. Cronstedt discovers a new heavy mineral


    Klaproth shows pitchblende contains a new element, uranium

    isolated as a metal in 1841 by Peligot


    J. Gadolin isolates "yttria",

    but thought it was the pure oxide of Y


    ca. 100 claims of elements in the rare earth group, due to:-

    problems of separation (very similar properties)

    lack of conclusive tests as to whether a mixture was involved

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    Mendeleevian Periodic table could only accommodate 1 element for this group, La

    at one stage W. Crookes thought that apparently different rare earths were "simply different modifications of the same element."

    Alfred Werner produced a Periodic table in 1905 of essentially current form, (though he did put spaces for 15 elements between La & Hf - there was no viable atomic theory at that time!)


    X-ray spectroscopy

    W. Moseley shows from characteristic X-ray patterns conclusively that there are only 14 elements between La & Hf


    Bohr interprets this as expansion of 4th quantum group from 18 to 32 e-

    Lanthanides are therefore identified as the first f-series


    Lanthanides recognised in fission products of uranium

    Techniques to obtain lanthanide separation greatly improved


    of the actinides only U(1789), Th (1829), Ac(1889), Pa (1913) are known

    post -1940

    The nuclear age ~ uranium and plutonium chemistry

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    Trans-uranium elements synthesized by "bombardment" expts.

    Actinides developed as the 5f series equivalent of the lanthanides (Seaborg's Actinide Concept), & proven not to be a 4th transition series

    post-1955 Lanthanides obtained in increasing amounts ~ increasing technological importance

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    f-orbitals (l=3) 4f Orbitals (General Setting)

    fz3 = fz(2z2 - 3x2 - 3y2) [ml = 0]

    fxz2 = fx(4z2 - x2 - y2) & fyz2 = fy(4z2 - x2 - y2) [ml = 1]


    fxyz & fz(x2-y2) [ml = 2]


    fx(x2-3y2) & fy(3x2-y2) [ml = 3]

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    The different f-orbitals are shown here with their representation as general and xy-plane projections

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    Why are 4f orbitals filled when they are? Thomas-Fermi explanation

    The Effective Electron Potential:

    Large angular momentum for an f-orbital (l = 3) large centrifugal potential

    tends to keep the electron away from the nucleus Aufbau order

    Increased Z increases Coulombic attraction to a larger extent for smaller n

    due to a proportionately greater change in Zeff reasserts Hydrogenic order

    This can be viewed empirically as due to differing penetration effects

    Radial Wavefunctions Pn,l2 for 4f, 5d, 6s in Ce

    4f orbitals (and the atoms in general) steadily contract across the lanthanide series

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    Effective electron potential for the excited states of Ba {[Xe] 6s 4f} & La {[Xe] 6s 5d 4f}

    show a `sudden' change in the broadness & depth of the 4f "inner well"

    for Ba (Z = 56) 4f is an outer orbital with 4f close to its value for the H atom

    for La (Z = 57) 4f is an inner orbital with 4f ca. 0.7ao

    though only for the next atom, Ce (Z = 58) is the 4f electron of sufficiently high binding energy to appear in the ground state configuration

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    Which Elements are d-block or f-block? Most current Periodic tables have:-

    La as first 5d transition element Ac as first 6d transition element


    possibly erroneous (early) interpretation of atomic spectra misleading electronic configurations?

    Some ground state electronic configurations Calcium [Ar]4s2 Scandium [Ar]4s23d1

    Strontium [Kr]5s2 Yttrium [Kr]5s24d1

    Barium [Xe]6s2 Lanthanum [Xe]6s25d1

    Ytterbium [Xe]6s24f14 Lutetium [Xe]6s24f145d1

    Radium [Rn]7s2 Actinium [Rn]7s26d1

    Nobelium [Rn]7s25f14 Lawrencium [Rn]7s25f146d1

    In each case: Differentiation by (n-1)d1 ~ as expected for the start of a transition series

    Lutetium and Lawrencium are just as good candidates to be the first elements of the 3rd and 4th transition series as Lanthanum and Actinium

    Some suggestions why Lu might best regarded as the first 5d transition element. Periodic Trends in Various Properties

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    Structures of Metal, Metal Sesquioxide (M2O3) and Metal Chloride (MCl3)

    Similarities for Sc, Y, Lu

    Differences from La

    Revised Medium-Block Format Periodic Table See the article:- W.B. Jensen, The Positions of Lanthanum(Actinium) and Lutetium(Lawrencium) in the Periodic Table, Journal of Chemical Education, 1982, 59, p. 634-636

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    LANTHANIDES Abundance & Distribution Not especially Rare!

    except Prometheum (147Pm, t1/2 = 2.6 years) which is produced artificially

    e.g. La, Ce & Nd are more common than Pb

    "Rare Earth" label not really justified today

    Most-common minerals:

    monazite & xenotime (mixed La, Th, Ln phosphates) widely-distributed, concentrated in sand & river beds due to relative insolubility

    bastnaesite (a La, Ln fluorocarbonate MIIICO3F) a vast deposit in Sierra Nevada, USA ~ discovered in 1949 ~ supplies much of world's needs

    60-70% of the metal content of these minerals is rare earth oxide

    Elemental Proportions of Rare Earth-Content of Minerals

    % of Ln as: Th Y La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lumonazite ca 6 3 22 45 5 17 4 0.1 2 0.2 1 0.1 0.4 - 0.2 -

    xenotime ca 5 61 0.5 5 0.7 2.2 1.9 0.2 4 1 8.6 2 5.4 0.9 6.2 0.4basnaesite 0.05 0.1 32 49 4.4 13.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 - - - 0.1 - - -

    Abundance of lanthanides in nature

    abundance shows even-odd alternation with atomic number mirrored by several/few alternation of number of stable isotopes with

    even/odd Z

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    Due to nuclear shell structure (see : P.A. Cox, The Elements, OUP, 1989, p. 17, 36-44)

    Extraction The extraction of the Lanthanides from minerals is illustrated here by the:-

    Alkali Digestion of Monazite/Xenotime

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    Monazite and Xenotime can also be opened-out through an Acid Route

    Acid Dissolution of Bastnaesite

    The website of Molycorp explains the mining and processing of Bastnaesite at their Mountain Pass Mine in the Sierra Nevada, USA.

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    Separation 2/3 of world production is actually used mixed in the proportions occuring naturally in the ore

    1. Cerium & Europium may be extracted Chemically:

    Oxidize only Ce to M4+ by HClO or KMnO4, then precipitate as CeO2 or Ce(IO3)4

    On action of Zn/Hg only Eu forms a stable M2+ that doesn't reduce H2O, then isolate by precipitation as EuSO4

    2. Separation by Fractionation: Small Scale methods used originally:

    Fractional Crystallization of e.g. Ln(NO3)3.2NH4NO3.4H2O or Ln(BrO3)3

    Fractional Thermal Decomposition of e.g. Ln(NO3)3

    Current Small Scale Lab. Separation:

    Ion-Exchange Displacement Column

    Ln3+(aq) are strongly adsorbed by a cation-exchange resin add an eluant ligand

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    typically chelating ligands

    e.g. EDTA , or 2-hydroxy-EDTA

    e.g. HIB{[[alpha]]-hydroxyisobutyric acid}

    Ligand binds most strongly to smallest ion

    e.g. the binding constants of the Ln(EDTA) complexes

    Elution order is Lu La The process of separation is indicated graphically

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    greater detail on these columns may be found in:-

    Greenwood & Earnshaw, p. 1427-1428 Open University S304 Unit 27, p. 20-22

    Current Large Scale Industrial Separation:

    Solvent Extraction

    Ln3+(aq) is extracted in a continuous counter-current process into a non-polar organic liquid (e.g. kerosene)

    the kerosene contains ca. 10% of o bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphinic acid (DEHPA)


    o tri-n-butylphosphine oxide (TBPO) (nBu3O)3PO

    1. solubility of Ln3+ in organic solvent increases with its RAM 2. separation factor for adjacent rare earths = 2.5 3. automatic multistep, counter-current conditions 99.9% purity Ln

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    The Metals

    Production of Elemental Metals

    La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd:

    2MCl3 + 3Ca 2M + 3CaCl2 (T > 1000 C)

    Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Y:

    2MF3 + 3Ca 2M + 3CaF2 (MCl3 is too volatile)


    PmF3 + 3 Li Pm + 3LiF

    Eu, Sm,Yb:

    M2O3 + 2La 2M + La2O3 (MCl3 reduced to MCl2 by Ca)

    Mischmetall (mixed light Ln) :

    electrolysis of fused LnCl3/NaCl with graphite anode & graphite or steel cathode

    Structures of Elemental Metals

    Example Structures:- View using CrystalMaker

    Ce, CCP Structure

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    Gd, HCP Structure

    Pr, hc(4H) Structure

    Eu, BCC Structure

    Properties of the Metals

    Silvery white, but tarnish in air Rather soft (later M are harder) High mpt & bpt Very reactive (I1 + I2 + I3) comparatively low

    o (reactivity as atomic radius ) + H2O M2O3 or M(OH)3 & liberates H2 ~ slowly in cold, rapidly

    on heating + H+ (dilute acid) Ln3+ & liberates H2 ~ rapid at room

    temperature burn easily in air ~ slowly in cold , burn at T > 150 C

    o sesquioxides, M2O3

    (but Ce CeO2) & (Y is passivated below 1000 C due to its oxide coating)

    o nitrides, MN exothermic reaction with H2 MHn (n = 2,3, often results in defect

    states) react readily with C, N2, Si, P, halogens & other non-metals

    form binaries on heating with most non-metals (e.g. LnN, Ln2S3, LnB6, LnC2, ...)

    Uses of Metals

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    Chemistry is principally of Ln3+ Why the prevalence of oxidation state III (Ln3+)?

    Examine Thermodynamic Parameters:

    I1/2/3/4 atmH hydH(Ln3+) LH(LnX3) these values are available in a Table(import DHatm from larger table for web!)

    Ionization For any given Lanthanide

    As successive electrons are removed from neutral Ln the stabilizing effect on the orbitals is related to their principal quantum number, 4f > 5d > 6s.

    For Ln2+ {except for La & Gd} the configuration is [Xe]4fn

    For Ln3+ the configuration is always [Xe]4fn

    the 4f binding energy is so great that remaining 4f electrons are regarded as "core-like" (i.e. incapable of modification by chemical means) (except Ce)

    Note that as a rule of thumb: I4 ~ 2 I3 ~ 4 I2 ~ 8 I1

    I4 > (I1 + I2 + I3 )

    Therefore in almost all cases Ln3+ provides the best energetics

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    Observing trends across the Lanthanide Series

    The general trend is for increasing ionization energies with increasing Z (i.e. with increase in Zeff)

    Marked Half-Shell Effects - magnitude as n in In

    Also Quarter/Three-Quarter Shell Effects

    (compare with transition metals - these are not seen clearly with dn configurations)

    Explanation?: interelectronic repulsion is related not just to electron pairing but also to angular momentum of the electrons

    o e.g. in Pr2+ (4f3) Pr3+ (4f2) ionization removes repulsion between e- of like rotation, whereas Pm2+ (4f4) Pm3+ (4f3) removes the stronger repulsion between e- of unlike rotation ( latter Ionization Energy is correspondingly lower - hence the local minimum in the I3 graph at Pm)

    The three-quarter effect is the bigger: interelectronic repulsion is bigger in smaller Lnn+

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    Atomization atmH follows the inverse trend to I3 {and therefore also to (I1 + I2 + I3 ) }

    metallic bonding is correlated with ease of ionization to Ln3+ state

    this trend is modified slightly due to the different structures of the Ln metals

    Some Thermodynamic Observations (Ionic Model style)

    The trends in the formation of LnIII

    Formation of Compounds {fH(LnX3(s))} or Ln3+(aq) {E(Ln3+(aq)/Ln(s))}

    depend on the balance between:

    Energy Supplied to effect Ln(s) Ln(g) Ln3+(g) + 3e- [atmH + I1 + I2 + I3]


    Energy gained from Ln3+(g) + 3X-(g) LnX3(s) [LH(LnX3(s))] or Ln3+(g) Ln3+(aq) [hydH(Ln3+)]

    The energies determining trends in E(Ln3+(aq)/Ln(s)) are graphed below:

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    Production of Ln3+(g) shows

    a smooth trend based on size effects (trend based on Zeff) shell structure effects superimposed with clear maxima at half-shell

    (f7) and full-shell (f14)

    also smaller quarter and three-quarter shell effects

    Hydration Energy of Ln3+ (also Lattice Energies of LnX3(s)) shows

    only a smooth ionic-size-based trend (the trend based on Zeff) and no shell structure effects

    Balance of trends in Ionization + Atomization Energies with Hydration (Lattice) Energy

    removes size effects leaves only the Shell effects - see values of fH(Ln3+(aq))

    Overall: The most important energy correlations are with I3

    "exceptions to +3 rule" can also be rationalized

    Occurrence of +4 oxidation state

    predicted from [atmH + I1 + I2 + I3 + I4] which follows trends in I4

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    Ce, Pr Ce4+ [4f0], Pr4+ [4f1] ~ early in series 4f orbitals still comparatively high in energy

    Tb Tb4+ [4f7 valence shell] ~ half shell effect

    Occurrence of +2 oxidation state

    predicted from [atmH + I1 + I2] which follows trends in atmH, which is reverse of trend in I3

    Eu, Sm, Yb Eu2+ [4f7], Sm2+ [4f6], Yb2+ [4f14]

    ~ clear influences of electronic shell structure & from atmH

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    General Features of Lanthanide Chemistry The general features of lanthanide chemistry are reviewed before they are examined in more detail

    1. similarity in properties, with gradual changes occurring across the lanthanide series

    a size effect from the Lanthanide Contraction

    Causes: o Poor screening of nuclear charge by 4f electrons

    steady increase in Zeff o Relativistic effects influence the shielding

    characteristics of inner electrons

    see: K.S. Pitzer, Accounts of Chemical Research, 1974, 12, p. 271-276

    2. Primarily the 3+ oxidation state adopted for all elements

    Redox chemistry is commonly encountered only for Eu (3+/2+) and Ce (4+/3+)

    Some solids formulated as LnII compounds actually contain Ln3+ & delocalized e-

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    3. Coordination chemistry is not especially extensive Chelating ligands are preferred

    4. Bonding on coordination is primarily ionic in character

    complexes undergo rapid ligand exchange

    Why is the bonding so ionic? 4fn electrons are contracted into the core and unable to participate in bonding

    Other implications from lack of covalent bond-forming orbital-availability

    no -backbonding occurs

    no simple carbonyl species (except in Ar matrix at 10 K)

    cyclopentadienyls are ionic in nature [c.f. Ln(C5H5)3 vs Fe(C5H5)2]

    lanthanide organometallics have different properties from transition metal equivalents

    5. Ln3+ cations display typical a-class (hard) properties

    preference for O-donor ligands Qu. Why not N too? Ans. O-donor ligands are more likely to be

    charged(importance of ionic bonding to lanthanides!)

    6. Binding to water is common such that H2O is often found included in products isolated from (aq)

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    7. Coordination numbers are high >6, typically 8, 9,... (up to 12 found)

    8. Coordination polyhedra are often ill-defined determined by ligand requirements, not by bonding requirements no confirmed examples of isomerism Solid state structures of binaries are often rather different from

    those of other metals

    9. Ligand Field Effects are very small Pale Colours from weak, narrow forbidden f f optical transitions

    M3+ ions are :-

    Colourless (La, Ce, Gd, Yb, Lu) Green (Pr, Tm) Lilac (Nd, Er) Yellow Pink (Pm, Ho) Yellow (Sm, Dy) Pale Pink (Eu, Tb)

    Magnetic properties have spin-orbit coupled contributions

    (spin-orbit coupling >> ligand field splittings)

    Ln3+ magnetic moments: 0 B [1S0] to 10.55 B [5I8]

    Magnetic & Optical properties are largely independent of environment (e.g. similar spectra in gas/solution/solid)

    Renewed Technological interest in Lanthanides is mainly in optical/magnetic materials

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    Solution Chemistry Solubility

    Ln3+ are not especially soluble in water no simple relationship of solubility to cation radius

    o depends on small difference between large solvation and lattice energies

    o depends on entropy effects oxalates/double sulfates/double nitrates lighter Ln more soluble basic nitrates heavier Ln more soluble

    basis of classical separation procedures

    Hydrated Lanthanide Ions

    Primary hydration numbers in (aq) are 8, 9

    from Luminescence & NMR measurements

    Primary hydration number with Lanthanide Contraction Secondary hydration number with Lanthanide Contraction

    o increased polarization of 1ry hydration sphere by a smaller cation enhances hydrogen bonding to water in the secondary hydration sphere

    Aqua ions hydrolyze ~ increasingly so from La to Lu as they become smaller

    o Ln(H2O)n3+ + H2O Ln(H2O)n-12+ + H3O+ Salts with common anions frequently contain Ln(H2O)93+

    with tri-capped trigonal prismatic (ttp)


    Coordination Compounds

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    Strongly complexing, chelating ligands necessary to yield isolable products from (aq)

    Some O-donor chelating ligands that form complexes include:


    o binds in its chelate mode o notable for high Coordination Numbers

    ! Ce(NO3)52- 10-coordinate bicapped dodecahedron

    Ce(NO3)63- 12-coordinate icosahedron




    -diketonates R(CO)(CH-)(CO)R

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    Classic bidentate complexes formed as Ln(L-L)3L' (L' = H2O, py, etc...) or Ln(L-L)4

    o dehydrate Ln(L-L)3(H2O) in vacuo -> Ln(L-L)3 now coordinatively unsaturated!

    o Ln(L-L)3 with bulky R ! thermally stable ! volatile & sublimable ! soluble in non-polar solvents ! Widely used as NMR shift reagents

    polar molecules may coordinate {Ln(L-L)3}, their NMR resonances are perturbed by the paramagnetism of Ln

    e.g. Eu(facam)3

    "Anti-knock" activity as petroleum additives

    Macrocyclic Ligands

    Crown Ethers

    o differing cavity/M sizes allow range of C.N & stoichiometry

    e.g. with 18-crown-6

    La-Gd [Ln(18-C-6)(NO3)2]3[Ln(NO3)6] 10-coordinate

    La-Nd [Ln(18-C-6)(NO3)3] 12-coordinate

    Tb-Lu [Ln(NO3)3(H2O)3](18-C-6) 18-C-6 is not coordinated ~ cavity too large

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    Complexes with o uncharged monodentate ligands o ligands with donor atoms other than O

    MUST be prepared in the absence of H2O

    e.g. Ln(en)43+ (8-coordinate) from polar organic solvents (e.g. acetone)

    (18-crown-6) complexes dissociate instantly in water!

    Coordination by halides is weak

    but LnX63- (unusually octahedral) are isolable from non-aqueous solution

    Solution Chemistry of Other Lanthanide Oxidation States Ln(IV)

    Cerium is the only Ln4+ with significant aqueous or coordination chemistry

    E (Ce4+(aq)/Ce3+(aq)) = 1.72 V (others est. 2.9 V)

    prepared by the action of a strong oxidizing agent, e.g. S2O82-, on Ce3+(aq)

    widely used as an oxidant itself:- e.g. quantitative analysis / organic chemistry

    E (Ce4+/Ce3+) is markedly dependent on complexation and hydrolysis

    o strong oxidizing agent in perchloric acid solution o in other acids coordination occurs

    e.g. Ce(NO3)62- is generally used for oxidations as its NH4+ salt

    o on pH: 1. hydrolysis to Ce(OH)3+ occurs 2. then polymerization 3. ultimately precipitation of yellow gelatinous CeO2.xH2O

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    4+ charge stabilizes halogeno-complexes e.g. CeF84-

    {aside: CeF62- is 8-coord through fluoride-bridging, but CeCl62- is octahedral}


    Significant solution chemistry of Ln2+ is essentially confined to SmII, EuII, YbII


    electrolytic reduction of Ln3+(aq) Eu2+ (the most stable LnII) is prepared by reduction of Ln3+(aq) with



    Ln2+ Aquo-ion colours o Sm2+ blood-red o Eu2+ colourless o Yb2+ yellow

    Ln2+(aq) are readily oxidized by air o BUT Eu2+(aq) is easily handled

    Sm2+(aq) & Yb2+(aq) reduce water Eu2+(aq) is relatively stable in the dark Carbonate and sulfate salts have been isolated Sm2+ and Yb2+ salts are susceptible to oxidation by their water of

    crystallization Eu & Yb dissolve in l-ammonia to give intense blue, highly

    reducing solutions o contain [Ln(NH3)x]2+ and solvated electrons? o Solutions decompose on standing, precipitating the amide

    Ln(NH2)2 Properties of Ln2+ are closely-related to those of the alkaline earths

    In particular Eu2+ is often likened to Ba2+

    1. Similar Salt Solubilities (like Ba, sulfates are insoluble, hydroxides are soluble)

    2. Behaviour in l-NH3 is very similar 3. Similar Coordination Chemistry (Not extensive / Hard

    ligands) 4. But Very different redox chemistry!

  • 42

    Magnetism & Spectra config. Ground No. of Observed

    Ln Ln3+ State unpaired e- Colour eff/B La 4f0 1S0 0 colourless 0 0 Ce 4f1 2F5/2 1 colourless 2.54 2.3 - 2.5 Pr 4f2 3H4 2 green 3.58 3.4 - 3.6 Nd 4f3 4I9/2 3 lilac 3.62 3.5 - 3.6 Pm 4f4 5I4 4 pink 2.68 - Sm 4f5 6H5/2 5 yellow 0.85 1.4 - 1.7 Eu 4f6 7F0 6 pale pink 0 3.3 - 3.5 Gd 4f7 8S7/2 7 colourless 7.94 7.9 - 8.0 Tb 4f8 7F6 6 pale pink 9.72 9.5 - 9.8 Dy 4f9 6H15/2 5 yellow 10.65 10.4 - 10.6 Ho 4f10 5I8 4 yellow 10.6 10.4 - 10.7 Er 4f11 4I15/2 3 rose-pink 9.58 9.4 - 9.6 Tm 4f12 3H6 2 pale green 7.56 7.1 - 7.6 Yb 4f13 2F7/2 1 colourless 4.54 4.3 - 4.9 Lu 4f14 1S0 0 colourless 0 0

    Magnetic Properties

    Paramagnetism see R.L. Carlin, Magnetochemistry, Springer, N.Y., 1986 Chapter 9 for a detailed account

    Magnetic properties have spin & orbit contributions

    (contrast "spin-only" of transition metals)

    Magnetic moments of Ln3+ ions are generally well-described from the coupling of spin and orbital angular momenta ~ Russell-Saunders Coupling Scheme

    spin orbit coupling constants are typically large (ca. 1000 cm-1)

    ligand field effects are very small (ca. 100 cm-1)

  • 43

    only ground J-state is populated

    spin-orbit coupling >> ligand field splittings

    magnetism is essentially independent of environment

    Magnetic moment of a J-state is expressed by the Land formula

    Sample Land Calculation

    e.g Pr3+ [Xe]4f2 Find Ground State from Hund's Rules

    o Maximum Multiplicity S = 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 2S + 1 = 3

    o Maximum Orbital Angular Momentum L = 3 + 2 = 5 H state

    o Total Angular Momentum J = (L + S), (L + S) - 1, L - S = 6 , 5, 4

    ! Less than half-filled sub-shell Minimum J J = 4

    {Greater than half-filled sub-shell Maximum J}

  • 44

    o Experiment? 3.4 - 3.6 B

    Ln3+ Magnetic Moments compared with Theory Experimental _____ Land Formula --- Spin-Only Formula - - -

  • 45

    Land formula fits well with observed magnetic moments for all but SmIII and EuIII

    Moments of SmIII and EuIII are altered from the Land expression by temperature-dependent population of low-lying excited J-state(s)

    Uses of Ln3+ Magnetic Moments?

    NMR Shift Reagents - paramagnetism of lanthanide ions is utilized to spread resonances in 1H NMR of organic molecules that coordinate to lanthanides (see account of Eu(fcam)3)

    Ferromagnetism / Anti-Ferromagnetism / Ferrimagnetism

    see C.N.R. Rao & J. Gopalkrishnan, New Directions in Solid State Chemistry, CUP, 1986 p. 394-398

    West, Solid State Chemistry p. 565-566, 575-578

    Lanthanide metals and alloys have interesting ordered magnetism effects

    SmCo5 permanent magnets - FERROMAGNETIC o light weight o high saturation moments, o high coercivity o high magnetocrystalline anisotropy o Superior performance magnets for magnetic bearings /

    couplings / wavetubes & d.c. synchronous motors

  • 46

    Garnets o Complex oxides A3B2X3O12

    A site distorted cubic environment

    B /X sites octahedral & tetrahedral sites

    [unit cell of Garnet contains 128 atoms!]

    o Rare Earth Garnets e.g. Ln3Fe5O12 and Y3Fe5O12 (yttrium iron garnet, YIG)

    FERRIMAGNETISM shows an unusual temperature-dependence

    as T

    o moment to zero at the Condensation Temperature

    o above Condensation Temperature moment rises in the opposite direction to a maximum

    o moment then to zero at the Curie Temperature.in the normal manner

  • 47


    the magnetic moments of the rare earth and iron ions oppose each other

    the rare earth moments dominate at low temperature

    the rare earth moments randomize at a lower temperature than the iron moments

    "Magnetic Bubble" Memories o magnetic stripe domains which shrink to smaller cylinders in

    an applied field o Called bubbles because they follow the same equations as

    soap bubbles o Magnetic Memory since bubble = 1, and lack of bubble = 0

    (binary) o 'Bubbles' move towards regions of lower field bias and don't

    coalesce ! magnetic medium doesn't need to move (unlike disks

    or tapes!) ! typically the bubbles are moved along Ni-Fe tracks

    o Best bubble memory materials are 20 m films of rare-earth Garnets, Ln3Fe5O12

    ! Smallest bubble sizes (2-3 m) in (Sm0.51Lu0.42Y1.21Ca0.86)(Ge0.70Si0.16Fe4.14)O12

  • 48

    How a Magnetic Bubble Memory Works

  • 49

    Electronic Spectroscopy Transitions which involve only a redistribution of electrons within the

    4f orbitals (f f transitions) are orbitally-forbidden by the Selection Rules

    pale colours of LnIII compounds are usually not very intense

    Crystal/Ligand field effects in lanthanide 4f orbitals are virtually insignificant

    4f electrons are well shielded from external charge by 5s2 & 5p6 shells

    f f absorption bands are very sharp (useful fingerprinting and quantitation of LnIII)

    [dd transitions in transition metal compounds are also orbitally forbidden, but gain intensity from and are broadened by the effects of molecular vibrations in distorting the crystal field]

    optical spectra are virtually independent of environment

    - similar spectra in gas/solution/solid (sharp lines like typical gas atom spectra)

    Insensitivity of f f transitions of limited use in study of lanthanide materials

  • 50

    CeIII and TbIII have high intensity bands in the UV

    due to 4fn 4fn-15d1 transitions i.e. f d and therefore not orbitally forbidden

    why? n-1 =0 (empty sub-shell) for CeIII = 7 (half-filled sub-shell) for TbIII

    Fluorescence / Luminescence of certain lanthanides e.g. Tb, Ho & Eu [see West, Solid State Chemistry Chapter 17]

    Luminescence: emission of light by material as a consequence of its absorbing energy

    Photoluminescence: use of photons for excitation

    Photoluminescent materials generally require a host [H] crystal structure, doped with an activator [A] {sometimes a second dopant is added to act as a sensitizer [S]}

    Fluorescence: short time lapse (~ 10-8 s) between excitation & emission

    Phosphorescence: long decay times luminescence continues long after excitation source is removed

  • 51

    Applications for Fluorescence/Phosphorescence

    e.g. red phosphor in TV tubes from Eu3+ doped into Y2O3 other luminescence colours:-

    o green: Ce3+ in CaS Eu3+ in SrGa2S4 o blue: Eu2+ in (Sr,Mg)2P2O7

    mixed red/green/blue effectively white luminescence

    used in fluorescent lamp coatings to convert blue/UV discharge to white light

    Anti-Stokes Phosphors have the remarkable property of emitting photons of higher energy than the incident exciting radiation!

    e.g. YF3 host doped with Yb3+ as a sensitizer and Er3+ as an activator can convert incident IR radiation into green luminescence

    Luminescence of Eu3+ is used to probe its environment

    ligand charges / binding constants / ligand exchange rates / site symmetry

    Ln3+ as a Probe for Ca2+ Sites in Bioinorganic

  • 52


    Ln3+ may replace Ca2+ in its binding sites in proteins

    o Similar ionic radii o Coordination number of Ln3+ (7-9) close to Ca2+

    (6-8) o Hard metal ions / Prefer oxygen ligation (Ca2+

    bound by O of Glu, Asp, Thr, Ser, H2O...) o Ln3+ binds ligands ca. 105x more strongly than

    Ca2+ o Ligand exchange rates on Ln3+ are ca. 102x

    slower than on Ca2+ o When Ln3+ replaces Ca2+ at a catalytic site

    reaction rates decrease

    (explains mild toxicity of rare earth ions!)

    Use of Luminescence Spectra

    Eu3+ (green) & Tb3+ (red) luminesce strongly at ca. 296 K after laser excitation

    because excitation may occur strongly to excited ligand states which are just above the Ln3+ excited states involved in the luminescence for these ions, which are therefore easily populated

    o Determine Number of H2O molecules bound to the active-site metal ion

    e.g. for the protein thermolysin

    ! Eu3+ luminescence 1H2O for Ca2+ site 1

  • 53

    and 3H2O at sites 3 & 4

    o The different sites may be replaced independently with different Ln3+

    Energy transfer expts. (e.g. Eu3+Tb3+) intersite distances

    Use of Paramagnetism

    o Ln3+ bound in a metallo- site acts as NMR shift/relaxation agent

    active site protein geometry from 1H NMR spectra

    Use of Electron Density

    o Ln3+ Heavy atom derivatives to assist solving X-ray diffraction structures


    One of the most common high power lasers is the Neodymium YAG laser

    o Host material is Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG), Y3Al5O12, doped with Nd3+

    o Examine the garnet structure (also considered for its magnetic properties in e.g. YIG)

    o a '4'-Level Laser System

  • 54

    Change of host material makes small differences in laser radiation frequency

    Change of dopant ion makes large changes in laser radiation frequency

    Halides Halides of the form LnX2, LnX3 & LnX4 {only (Ce,Pr,Tb)F4} exist


    Only (Ce, Tb, Pr)F4 are known o correlation with I4 of Ln o fluorides only - most oxidizing halogen!

    CeF4 is comparatively stable e.g. crystallizes as a monohydrate from (aq)

    TbF4, PrF4 are thermally unstable and oxidize H2O o i.e. prepare dry!

  • 55

    MF4 all white solids with the UF4/ZrF4 structure

    o Dodecahedral coordination of M


    All LnX3 are known (except Pm {not attempted} & possibly EuI3) Typically crystalline / high mpt. / deliquescent Typically obtained as hydrates from (aq) e.g. La - Nd 7H2O

    Nd - Lu 6H2O

    On heating, react with water oxyhalides LnX3 + H2O LnOX + 2HX

    at high temperatures react even with glass 2LnX3 + SiO2 2LnOX + SiX4

    Preparation of anhydrous LnX3


    1. Ln(NO3)3(aq) + 3HF LnF30.5H2O (very insoluble) 2. heat LnF30.5H2O (under an HF atmosphere for heavy Ln)

    anhydrous LnF3


    3. Ln2O3 / Ln2(CO3)3 + HCl(aq) LnCl36-8H2O (rather soluble) 4. heat LnCl36-8H2O (under HCl atmosphere for heavy Ln)

    anhydrous LnCl3


    Heat at 300C, Ln2O3 + 6NH4Cl 2LnCl3 + 3H2O + 6NH3

  • 56

    LnBr3 / LnI3

    5. Best by direct combination (susceptible to hydrolysis to oxyhalides)

    6. purify by sublimation (but avoid contact with hot silica!)

    Structures: Ln coordination varies from 9 for light trifluorides to 6 for heavy iodides

    e.g. LnCl3 La - Gd

    UCl3 structure

    9-coordinate Ln

    tri-capped trigonal prism (ttp)

    Tb, Dy(form I) PuBr3

    structure 8-coordinate

    Ln bi-capped trigonal

    prism (btp)

    Dy-Lu AlCl3 structure 6-coordinate

    Ln octahedron

    Coordination Environments from LnX3 structures

    LnX3 structures (and colours)

    La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

    F LaF3




























    Cl UCl3




























    Br UCl3






























    I PuBr3



    yellow PuBr3
























  • 57

    Preparation o Typically from comproportionation:- Ln + 2LnX3 3LnX2 o {(Sm,Eu,Yb)I2 are obtained from thermal decomposition of

    LnX3 o (Sm,Yb)I2 from Ln + ICH2CH2I LnI2 + CH2=CH2 }

    LnX2 are easily oxidized o liberate H2 from H2O {Except for EuX2 }

    Occurrence of dihalides o parallels high values for I3 o depends upon the oxidizing power of the halogen (iodides

    most numerous!)

    Trends in the Stability of MX2 o Consider 3MX2(s) M(s) + 2MX3(s)

    ! the reverse of the preparation of MX2 ! the most likely decomposition route for MX2

    mH = 3LH(MX2) - 2LH(MX3) + 2I3 - atmH(M) - (I1 + I2)

    ! Irregularities should follow [ 2I3 - - atmH(M) ]

    i.e. effectively follow I3 [since variation in atmH follows closely variation in I3

    More? see D.A. Johnson, Some Thermodynamic Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, p. 160-162, 165]

  • 58

    explains occurrence of MCl2

    ! La, Ce, Pr MCl2 unknown ! (Sm, Eu, Yb)Cl2 are the most stable MCl2

    ~ may be prepared from LnCl3(s) + 1/2H2 LnCl2(s) + HCl

    ! Gd, Tb low I3 MCl2 unstable to disproportionation

    ! Nd, Dy, Tm MCl2 known ! Ho, Er MCl2 unknown

    Occurrence: o all X (Sm,Eu, Yb) o X=Cl,Br,I (Nd,Dy,Tm,) o X=I only (La,Ce,Pr,Gd)

    Structures o Coordination numbers from 9 to 6 (see: Wells) o Fluorides are Fluorite (CaF2) [C.N. = 8] o Nd,Sm,Eu chlorides are PbCl2type [C.N. = 7 + 2] o Nd,Sm,Eu bromides and iodides are SrBr2 type [mixed C.N.

    = 7 & 8] o (Dy,Tm,Yb)I2 have layer structures (CdCl2,CdI2) [C.N. = 6]

    polarization effects

    Two Classes of Dihalide

    1. Most LnX2 are regarded as "salt-like" halides (insulators)

    2. (Ce,Pr,Gd)I2 have metallic lustre, high conductivity

    o formulation as Ln3+(I-)2(e-) with the electron in a delocalized conduction band

    ! see Cox, Electronic Properties of Solids, {p. 142-145 explanation of metallic LnII compounds}

  • 59

    LnII Compounds are finding increasingly more uses

    Lower Halides

    LnX3/Ln melts yield phases of reduced halide formulae e.g. Ln2X3 & LnX

    "Reduced Halides" contain "condensed metal clusters" Black & metallic delocalization of electrons through the metal-

    metal bonded networks

    Gd2X3 single chains of edge-sharing metal octahedra with M6X8-type environment (i.e. face-capped by X)

  • 60

    Lowest Halides are stabilized by H, C or N atoms encapsulated in Ln6 cluster octahedra

    e.g. Gd2Cl2C2 Layers of edge-sharing M6C units

    e.g. Gd3Cl3C Framework of M6C units

  • 61

    Hydrides Preparation: Heat at 300-350C, Ln + H2 LnH2

    Properties of LnH2

    black, reactive, highly conducting

    fluorite structure

  • 62

    most thermodynamically stable of all binary metal hydrides formulated as Ln3+(H-)2(e-) with e- delocalized in a metallic

    conduction band further H can often be accommodated in interstitial sites

    o frequently non-stoichiometric ! e.g. LuHx where x = 1.83-2.23 & 2.78-3.00

    high pressure of H2 LnH3 o reduced conductivity: salt-like Ln3+(H-)3

    except for Eu and Yb (the most stable LnII)

    The Hydrogen Storage Problem see e.g. C.N.R. Rao & J. Gopalkrishnan, New Directions in Solid State Chemistry, CUP, 1986 p. 399-405

    K. Kosuge, Chemistry of Non-Stoichiometric Compounds, OUP, 1994 p. 219-230

    The use of H2 as a fuel is most attractive

    Problem: Difficult to store/transport as a liquid

    low bpt & low density H2 forms explosive mixtures with air explosion risk on storage!

    Solution: Store hydrogen as a solid compound (hydride) from which it can be re-extracted

    Metals show two common types of hydride-forming behaviour:- o Absorb Hydrogen reversibly but in small amounts

    e.g. Pd, V, Nb, Ta

    o Absorb large quantities of hydrogen, but, essentially irreversibly

    e.g. rare earths, alkaline earths, Ti, Zr

    Intermetallic Alloys between the two classes can be useful for hydrogen storage

  • 63

    o e.g. LnNi5 class of alloys

    Possible Applications of Rare Earth Intermetallic Hydrides

    1. Production of ultrapure hydrogen

    2. Isotope Separation of deuterium and hydrogen

    3. Source of fuel for motor vehicles

    4. Electrodes in Protonic Batteries/Fuel Cells

    5. Load Levelling in Power Stations

    6. Chemical heat-pump systems

    7. Useful hydrogenation agents in organic chemistry


    crystallize in the CaCu5 structure provides 9 interstitial sites for H

  • 64

    adsorption-desorption of hydrogen occurs topotactically o without drastic change in structure o however, lattice expands by ca. 25%

    At a certain pressure, uptake of H2 begins A large amount of H2 is adsorbed at nearly constant equilibrium

    pressure ~ the Plateau Pressure When the stoichiometry reaches LaNi5H6 further increase in

    pressure yields very little extra hydrogen-adsorption {at highest pressures LaNi5H8.35 is characterized}

    Plateau Pressure ca. 2.5 atm at 298 K o (ideal case ca. 1 atm!)

    Desorption is endothermic faster at ca. 140C Different LnNi5 changes plateau pressures

  • 65

    ~ log plateau pressure correlates linearly with unit cell volume of the LnNi5 phase

    o mixtures allow tuning of equilibrium pressure `designer' compounds

    Dependence of Hydrogen Plateau Pressure on

    Unit Cell Volume for LaNi5 compounds

    {open circles LnCo5, closed circles LnNi5, open triangles LaCo5-xNix}

    Hydrides Binary Oxides

    Ln2O3 The most common lanthanide oxide (notable exceptions; CeO2,

    Pr6O11, Tb4O7) Sesquioxides, Ln2O3, adopt three structure types Strongly Basic Absorb water / CO2 from air hydroxide / carbonate salts Pale colours Properties strongly resemble alkaline earth oxides


  • 66

    light Ln unusual LnO7 capped-octahedra


    middle Ln LnO7 units of three types:

    o 2 x capped trigonal prisms o 1 x capped octahedron

    B-M2O3 structure is very complex Densest of M2O3 structure types favoured by increased pressure

  • 67


    heavy Ln LnO6 units, but not octahedra (face & body - divacant cubic)

    C-type M2O3 is related to Fluorite (MO2) with 1/4 of anions removed

  • 68


    A (high T)

    B (medium T)

    C (low T)

    See: Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, p. 543-547 for structural details

    Ln(OH)3 obtained by action of conc. NaOH on Ln2O3 under hydrothermal

    conditions 9-coordinate Ln with tricapped trigonal prismatic (ttp) geometry basicity increases with Z - correlates with decrease in r(Ln3+)

    LnO2 CeO2 (most stable) Fluorite (CaF2 ) structure Pr6 O11 , Tb4 O7 (formed at high PO2 and high temperature) Range of non-stoichiometric phases between Fluorite LnO2 and C-

    type LnO1.5

    ~ intermediate phases were the first known examples of shear structures See: Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, p. 226-228 for an introduction to shear structures

    LnO known for some Ln Preparation: Comproportionation Ln + Ln2O3 3LnO NaCl structure NdO, SmO lustrous golden yellow, conducting formulated as

    Ln3+(O2-)(e-) EuO (dark red), YbO (greyish-white) insulating genuine Ln2+O2-

  • 69

    EuO is ferromagnetic and an insulator when pure

    [C.N.R. Rao & J. Gopalkrishnan, New Directions in Solid State Chemistry, 2nd ed, CUP, 1996 p. 302-3]

    Borides A variety of binary borides exist e.g. YB2, YB4, YB6, YB12, YB66 Most important are LnB6

    o contain B6 octahedral clusters o isomorphous with CaB6 o black, metallic conductivity

    (c.f. CaB6 white, insulator)

    o formulated as Ln3+(B62-)(e-)

    except EuB6, YbB6 which are Ln2+(B62-)

    MT4B4 compounds o M = Sc, Y, Ln, Th, U o T = Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ir o of current interest for their superconductivity

    e.g. CeCo4B4 structure

  • 70

    YRh4B4 Tc = 11.3 K

    ErRh4B4 Tc = 8.7 K

    also ferromagnetic (TCurie = 0.93 K)

    Carbides Class III

    Interstitial Carbides Close-Packed M with C in Octahedral Interstices

    e.g. (Tb,Ho,Y)2C anti-CdCl2 structure

    Class II

    Occurrence with La - Ho M3C C randomly distributed in 1/3 of Octahedral holes in ccp M M2C3 Pu2C3 structure ~ C2 groups MC2 CaC2 structure ~ C2 groups Metallic lustre & conductivity not salt-like Hydrolysis of (La,Ce)C2 at ambient temperature ethyne, C2H2

    Organometallic Chemistry Organolanthanide chemistry is not as extensive as organotransition

    metal chemistry, Currently receiving a lot of attention, especially inC-H Bond

    Activation studies Primarily ionic in their bonding contracted nature of the 4f valence


  • 71

    Lanthanides cannot act as -bases Ln-CO compounds are not stable

    Organolanthanides are extremely air & moisture sensitive

    ~ reflects highly carbanionic character of organic ligand & oxophilicity of Ln2+/3+

    Cyclopentadienides (C5H5- ligand)



    Also in+2 Oxidation State

    Alkyls & Aryls

  • 72

    -bonded alkyls & aryls from metathesis in ether/thf

    o R = phenyl probably polymeric o R = CH2CMe3 stable as LnR3(thf)2

    [LnMe6]3- have been isolated for most Ln

    Mixed Alkyl Cyclopentadienides

    C5Me5 (Pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl) is a common organo-Ln ligand

    o large bulk only 2 C5Me5 may be bound to Ln o causes major change in structural & chemical properties o especially novel chemistry in mixed alkyl cyclopentadienides

    e.g. (C5Me5)2LuCH3 catalyzes alkene polymerization (Ziegler-Natta chemistry)

    reacts with C-H bonds of extremely low acidity e.g. CH4 !!

    Mechanism of Methane Activation?

    Cycloctatetraenide M3+(C8H82&endash;)2 Sandwich Compounds


  • 73


    pale green crystals paramagnetic air & moisture sensitive planar COT rings staggered D8d conformation solvated K+ interacts symmetrically with one COT ring


    Lanthanide Bis-Arene 'sandwich' compounds

    prepared by metal vapour synthesis (MVS) techniques stable at ambient temperature

    Ln0 - such compounds could not be expected for LnIII with contracted 4f orbitals

    For more on Lanthanide Organometallics see: R.D. Khn et al, in Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, ed. R.B. King pp. 3618-3666

    Comparisons and Contrasts Yttrium - Why consider it with the Lanthanides?

  • 74

    Occurs with lanthanides in rare earth minerals, e.g. monazite Y occurs effectively exclusively in +3 oxidation state

    combines with non-metals YHal3 Y2O3 , Y3+(H-)2(e-), YH3, etc...

    Y3+ has same radius as Ho3+ and is difficult to separate from it Forms complexes of high coordination number with chelating O-

    donors, e.g. Y(acac)3(H2O) Typical organometallics include: Y(C5H5)3 (polymeric in the solid


    dimeric Y(C5H5)2Cl, monomeric form is a thf adduct

    Scandium too?

    6 Reasons why Scandium could be considered with the Lanthanides

    1. Sc occurs effectively exclusively in +3 oxidation state

    combines with non-metals ScHal3 Sc2O3, etc...

    but coordination octahedral (small size)

    2. Sc forms reduced halides e.g. Sc7Cl12 which is Sc3+(Sc6Cl12)3- with Sc6 clusters (but c.f. Nb)

    3. Scandium Hydride ScH2 is highly conducting Sc3+(H-)2(e-)

    4. Forms complexes of high coordination number with chelating O-donors

    e.g. Na+[Sc(CF3COCHCOCF3)4-] with C.N. = 8

    but forms octahedral complexes with monodentate ligands e.g. mer-ScCl3(thf)3

    5. Nitrate & Sulphate are obtained as hydrated salts Sc(NO3)34H2O & Sc2(SO4)35H2O

    6. Typical organometallics include: Sc(C5H5)3 (polymeric in the solid state)

  • 75

    dimeric Sc(C5H5)2Cl, monomeric form is a thf adduct

    6 Reasons why Scandium could be considered as main group IIIA

    1. Sc3+ (r = 74 pm) is appreciably smaller than any of the rare earths

    behaviour intermediate between the Lanthanides & Aluminium

    2. Sc2O3 is more like Al2O3 than Ln2O3: amphoteric Sc(OH)63- in excess OH-

    3. ScF3 disssolves in excess F- ScF63- (N.B. scarcity of halogeno complexes for Lanthanides)

    4. Anhydrous ScCl3 is easily obtained by P2O5-dehydration of hydrated halide

    but unlike AlCl3, ScCl3 is not a Friedel-Crafts catalyst

    Scandium may with similarly few exceptions be viewed as a 1st Row Transition Metal

    Six-coordinate complexes are typical Aqua-ion is Sc(H2O)63+ and is susceptible to hydrolysis O-H-

    bridged dimers...

    Some CONTRASTS between Lanthanides & Pre-Transition & Transition Metals

    Pre-Transition Metals Lanthanides Transition Metals

    Essentially Monovalent

    - show Group (n+)

    Essentially Monovalent (+3)

    +2/+4 for certain

    Show Variable Valence

    (extensive redox chemistry)

  • 76

    oxidation state configurations control by environment ~ ligands, pH etc

    Periodic trends

    - dominated by (effective nuclear)


    at noble gas config.

    (i.e. on group valence)

    Lanthanide Contraction of Ln3+

    Size changes of Mn+ less marked

    Similar Properties for a given group

    (differentiated by size)

    Similar Properties

    (differentiated by size)

    Substantial Gradation in Properties

    widespread on earth common mineralogy diverse mineralogy

    No Ligand Field Effects

    Insignificant Ligand Field Effects

    Substantial Ligand Field Effects

    Always 'hard' (O, Hal, N donors)

    (preferably negatively charged)

    Always 'hard' (O, Hal, N donors)

    (preferably negatively charged)

    Later (increasingly from Fe&endash;Cu)/heavier metals

    may show a 'soft' side

    'Ionic' 'Covalent' Organometallics

    'Ionic' Organometallics 'Covalent' Organometallics

    No -Ligand Effects Paucity of -Ligand Effects -Acceptor Ligands Extensive Chemistry

    Poor Coordination Properties

    (C.N. determined by size)

    High Coordination Numbers

    (C.N. determined by size)

    Extensive Coordination

    C.N. = 6 is typical maximum

    (but many exceptions) Flexibility in

    Geometry Flexibility in

    Geometry Fixed (by Ligand Field effects)

    Geometries No Magnetism from

    the metal ions

    - noble gas configurations of ions

    Free Ion-like Magnetism

    ground state magnetism

    Orbital Magnetism 'Quenched' by Ligand Fields

    excited J-states populated

    'Ionic' compound formulations

    Weak, Narrow Optical Spectra

    Stronger, Broader Optical Spectra

  • 77

    large HOMO-LUMO gaps

    UV CT spectra

    forbidden, unfacilitated transitions

    forbidden transitions vibronically-assisted

  • 79

    ACTINIDES Periodicity

    Actinides is taken here to mean the 15 Elements from Actinium (Ac) to Lawrencium (Lr)

    q.v. argument as to whether Ac or Lr is the first 4th Transition Series element

    Electronic subshells are filled in a manner analagous to the lanthanide series

    Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Z 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

    M(g) 6d7s2 6d27s2









    5f117s2 5f

    127s2 (5f137s2

    ) (5f147s2)


    M+(g) 7s2 6d7s2 5f27s2 5f37s2 5f57s? 5f67s 5f77s 5f77s2 5f97s 5f107s 5f117s (5f127s

    ) (5f137s) (5f147s) (5f147s2)

    M2+(g) 7s 5f6d 5f

    26d 5f36d? 5f5? 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5f10 5f11 (5f12) (5f13) (5f14) (5f147s)

    M3+(g) 5f 5f

    2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 5f9 5f10 (5f11) (5f12) (5f13) (5f14)

    M4+(g) 5f 5f

    2 5f3 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f7 5f8 (5f9) (5f10) (5f11) (5f12) (5f13)

    i.e. the Actinides are the second row of the f-block (5f series)

    The Actinide Concept of Seaborg - proposed only in 1944

    o prior to the synthesis of trans-uranium elements only the chemistries of Th and U were much studied ~ leading to assignment as a 4th transition series elements

    Naturally Occurring Actinides Only Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium & Uranium occur

    naturally (i.e. Z 92) o Actinium & Protactinium occur only in trace amounts

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    o Neptunium & Plutonium occur in uranium minerals in minute amounts

    ~ not appreciated until after they had been synthesised that the synthesis route might occur naturally!

    All isotopes of all the actinides are radioactive Most of the longer-lived isotopes decay by -emission Half-lives Only quantities of 232Th, 235U, 238U {and possibly 244Pu}

    could have survived since the formation of the solar system Both Thorium and Uranium are far from rare


    o Widely dispersed, accounts for >3 ppm of the earth's crust o Natural Thorium is essentially 100% 232Th o Occurs in monazite [with the rare earths] and in uranothorite

    [a mixed Th,U silicate] o Obtained as ThO2, thoria, from mineral extraction process o Used as 99% ThO2 / 1% CeO2 in thoria gas mantles


    o Widely distributed - found scattered in the faults of old igneous rocks

    o Natural Uranium is 99.27% 238U & 0.72% 235U o Obtained usually as UO2 o Used for nuclear fuel, and on a smaller scale for colouring

    glass/ceramics Basic Features of Nuclear Structure & Chemistry and

    Radiochemistry o excellent, straightforward introduction: Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry,

    Chapter 1 o aspects of nuclear structure and stability: P.A. Cox, The Elements,

    OUP, 1989, Chapter 2 3 Decay series explain features of the occurrence, distribution &

    discovery of actinide elements

    Uranium Decay Series (from 238U)

    Actinium Decay Series (from 235U)

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    Thorium Decay Series (from 232Th)

    All Radon isotopes are short half-life -emitters (but give rise to short-lived -emitters)

    Radon gas is derived from Thorium content in Granite minerals hazard in igneous areas

    Actinium and Protactinium occur in uranium ores in trace amounts, because of their participation in Actinium Decay series (from 235U)

    In fact Protactinium was originally found by Fajans & Ghring (1913) as Brevium, 234Pa (T1/2 = 6.8 h), in the uranium (238U) decay series before Hahn & Meitner and Soddy & Cranston (1916) discovered the much longer-lived 231Pa (T1/2 = 33,000 y) in the actinium (235U) decay series. Named Protactinium because it is the parent of actinium in the decay series from 235U

    Synthesis of Trans-Uranium Elements 1932 Chadwick discovers the neutron

    1930s Fermi realises that neutron capture by heavy elements is often followed by -emission (& -ray production) leading to (Z+1) element.

    However neutron-bombardment of 238U yields mainly fission products

    1940 McMillan & Abelson identify tiny amounts of a short-lived isotope of element 93

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    1940-60 The Golden Age of Element Synthesis through various "bombardment" techniques

    Principal investigators: G.T. Seaborg & A. Ghiorso Bombardment particles include:-

    Neutrons, , Deuterons, ,-particles, ,

    Carbon nuclei,

    Production of elements beyond Pu requires successive neutron capture


    reasonable yields need high neutron fluxes

    where are the highest neutron fluxes? - in a thermonuclear explosion!

    hence the discovery of Es & Fm from debris of such an explosion

    Heaviest elements are (more conveniently!) made by heavy ion bombardment


    Problems with heavy ion bombardments include:- o

    Principal Difficulties associated with Heavy Element Isolation & Characterization

    1. Powerful accelerators needed for appropriate velocities (inertia mass)

    2. Products are produced only an atom at a time!

    3. Individual elements are not produced cleanly in isolation

    separation from other actinides & from lanthanide fission products

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    4. Radioactivity

    remote-handling often necessary (Actinides are also highly toxic)

    damage to solutions

    e.g. generation of radicals, H, OH in H2O leads to reduction of higher Actinide oxidation states

    heating problems (e.g. 242Cm gives out 122 Wg-1)

    problems with crystallography

    o fogging of X-ray film o creates defects in crystals

    5. Instability of most nuclides ~ e.g. No (T1/2 = 1 hr) & Lw (T1/2 = 3 min)

    Heavier elements ( Bk) are produced only in the minutest amounts

    o e.g. typical yields of 258Md (T1/2 = 3 m) are 1 to 3 atoms per expt.!

    o only a few atoms of No and Lr have ever been isolated

    Timespan available for experiments can be very limited

    6. Difficulty in identification of a few atoms

    o Separation by ion-exchange techniques (c.f. lanthanides)

    even after purification cumulative daughter product contamination may be a problem

    o Using nuclear decay statistics to detect and count the atoms

    prediction of behaviour from utilization of decay systematics

    o Chemical Tracer methods

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    need for accurate prediction of properties

    o Pure chemical properties (where accessible) performed on oxide samples confined in quartz capillaries attached to high-vacuum systems

    computer-controlled apparatus for study of transuranic chemistry

    For a fascinating account of heavy actinides, including personal recollections of the experiments

    see: G.T. Seaborg & W.D. Loveland, The Elements beyond Uranium, Wiley, N.Y., 1990

    Are there any uses for trans-Uranium elements? Principal Actinide Isotopes Available in Macroscopic Quantities

    Isotope Half-Life Source Quantities

    232Th 1.39 x 1010 y Natural (100% abundance) k. tonnes

    231Pa 3.28 x 105 y Natural (0.34 ppm in uranium ores) grams

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    235U 7.13 x 105 y Natural (0.7204% abundance) k. tonnes

    238U 4.5 x 109 y Natural (99.2739% abundance) k. tonnes

    237Np 2.2 x 106 y multi kg 238Pu 86.4 y kg

    239Pu 24,360 y k. tonnes

    241Am 433 y kg 243Am 7650 y kg 243Cm 18.12 y kg

    249Bk 325 days mg 252Cf 2.57 y mg

    Other long-lived isotopes are known, but generally only obtained in traces

    Plutonium: 239Pu

    produced from 238U by neutron capture in all nuclear reactors acts as nuclear fuel in fast-breeder reactors processed for nuclear weapon applications


    produced by used as a compact energy source due to the heat from -decay

    N.B. -emission is harmless, unless the emitter is ingested

    deep-sea diving suits are heated by ca. 750g of 238Pu combined with PbTe thermoelectric totally reliable


  • 86

    used in Apollo space missions / Human heart pacemakers

    Americium: 241Am is used as the -emission source in smoke alarms

    Actinide Metals Preparation

    General method for all Actinides:

    Reduction of AnF3 or AnF4 with vapours of Li, Mg, Ca or Ba at 1100 - 1400C

    Highly Electropositive

    Typically react with:

    air tarnishing boiling water or dilute acid releasing Hydrogen most non-metals in direct combination


    Very dense metals (e.g. U 19 gcm-3) with distinctive structures

    e.g. Plutonium has at least 6 allotropes and forms numerous alloys


    Symmetry monoclinic monoclinic orthorhombic fcc bc tetragonal bcc

    Stability < 122C 122-207C 207-315C 315-457C 457-479C


    / gcm-3 19.86 17.70 17.14 15.92 16.00 16.51

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    General Observations (comparisons with Lanthanides)

    Electronic Configurations of Actinides are not always easy to confirm

    o atomic spectra of heavy elements are very difficult to interpret in terms of configuration

    Competition between 5fn7s2 and 5fn-16d7s2 configurations is of interest

    o for early actinides promotion 5f 6d occurs to provide more bonding electrons

    much easier than corresponding 4f 5d promotion in lanthanides

    o second half of actinide series resemble lanthanides more closely

    5f orbitals have greater extension wrt 7s and 7p than do 4f relative to 6s and 6p orbitals

    e.g. ESR evidence for covalent bonding contribution in UF3, but not in NdF3

    5f / 6d / 7s / 7p orbitals are of comparable energies over a range of atomic numbers

    o especially U - Am

    tendency towards variable valency

    greater tendency towards (covalent) complex formation than for lanthanides, including complexation with -bonding ligands

    electronic structure of an element in a given oxidation state may vary between compounds and in solution

    often impossible to say which orbitals are being utilized in bonding

    Ionic Radii of ions show a clear "Actinide Contraction" o Actinide 3+ or 4+ ions with similar radii to their Lanthanide

    counterparts show similarities in properties that depend upon ionic radius

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    Electronic Spectra o narrow bands (compared to transition metal spectra) o relatively uninfluenced by ligand field effects o intensities are ca. 10x those of lanthanide bands o complex to interpret

    Optical Absorption Spectrum of U4+(aq)

    Magnetic Properties o hard to interpret o spin-orbit coupling is large

    & Russell-Saunders (L.S) Coupling scheme doesn't work

    o ligand field effects are expected where 5f orbitals are involved in bonding

  • 89

    Survey of Actinide Oxidation States The known oxidation states of the actinides are indicated and surveyed:

    [importance: > > ]

    7 6 5 4 3 2 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr


    Unusual oxidation state Common only for the heaviest elements No2+ & Md2+ are more stable than Eu2+ Actinide An2+ ions have similar properties to Lanthanide Ln2+ and to

    Ba2+ ions rationalization of stabilities: Open University Course Book p. 54-56


    The most common oxidation state The most stable oxidation state for all trans-Americium elements

    (except No?) Of marginal stability for early actinides Th, Pa, U (But: Group

    oxidation state for Ac) General properties resemble Ln3+ and are size-dependent

    o stability constants of complex formation are similar for same size An3+ & Ln3+

    o isomorphism is common o later An3+ & Ln3+ must be separated by ion-exchange/solvent

    extraction Binary Halides, MX3 easily prepared, & easily hydrolysed to MOX Binary Oxides, M2O3 known for Ac, Th and trans-Am elements


  • 90

    Principal oxidation state for Th

    Th4+ chemistry shows resemblance to Zr4+ / Hf4+ - is it a transition metal?

    Very important, stable state for Pa, U, Pu Am, Cm, Bk & Cf are increasingly easily reduced - only stable in

    certain complexes

    e.g. Bk4+ is more oxidizing than Ce4+

    MO2 known from Th to Cf (fluorite structure) MF4 are isostructural with lanthanide tetrafluorides MCl4 only known for Th, Pa, U & Np Hydrolysis / Complexation / Disproportionation are all important in



    Principal state for Pa

    Pa5+ chemistry resembles that of Nb5+ / Ta5+ - is it a transition metal?

    For U, Np, Pu and Am the AnO2+ ion is known (i.e. quite unlike Nb/Ta)

    Comparatively few other AnV species are known

    e.g. fluorides, PaF5, NbF5, UF5; fluoro-anions, AnF6-, AnF72-, AnF83-

    e.g. oxochlorides, PaOCl3, UOCl3; uranates, NaUO3


    AnO22+ ions are important for U, Np, Pu, Am

    UO22+ is the most stable

    Few other compounds e.g. AnF6 (An = U, Np, Pu), UCl6, UOF4 etc..., U(OR)6


  • 91

    Only the marginally stable oxo-anions of Np and Pu, e.g. AnO53-

    Actinide Aqueous Chemistry Frost Diagrams for Actinides

    Latimer & Frost Diagrams for elements in acid & alkaline (aq) indicate

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    actinides are quite electropositive Pa - Pu show significant redox chemistry

    e.g. all 4 oxidation states of Pu can co-exist in appropriate conditions in (aq)

    stability of high oxidation states peaks at U (Np) An3+ is the maximum oxidation state for (Cf)Es - Lr No2+(aq) is especially stable ~ most stable state for No in (aq) redox potentials show strong dependence on pH (data for Ac - Cm)

    o high oxidation states are more stable in basic conditions o even at low pH hydrolysis occurs formation of polymeric


    when hydrolysis leads to precipitation measurement of potentials is difficult!

    e.g. Pa5+ hydrolyses easily; potentials that indicate it to be the most stable oxidation state are recorded in presence of F- or C2O42-

    o tendency to disproportionation is particularly dependent on pH

    e.g. at high pH 3Pu4+ + 2H2O PuO22+ + 2Pu3+ + 4H+

    early actinides have a tendency to form complexes o ~ complex formation influences reduction potentials

    e.g. Am4+(aq) only exists when complexed by fluoride (15 M NH4F(aq))

    radiation-induced solvent decomposition produces H and OH radicals

    which lead to reduction of higher oxidation states e.g. PuV/VI, AmIV/VI

    Stability of Actinide ions in aqueous solution:

    Ion Colour Stability Preparation

    Md2+ easy to oxidize, but stable to water Zn or Cr2+ on Md3+

    No2+ stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

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    Ac3+ colourless stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    U3+ claret evolves H2 on standing; easily oxidized by air

    Na or Zn/Hg on UO22+

    Np3+ blue-purple stable to water; easily oxidized by air

    Zn/Hg or H2(Pt) reduction

    Pu3+ blue-violet stable to water & air; readily oxidized

    SO2 or NH2OH reduction

    Am3+ pink stable; difficult to oxidize I&endash;, SO2 , etc... on higher states

    Cm3+ pale yellow stable; chemical oxidation not possible

    normal oxdn state in acid

    Bk3+ green stable; can be oxidized to Bk4+ normal oxdn state in acid

    Cf3+ green stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    Es3+ stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    Fm3+ stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    Md3+ stable, but easily reduced to Md2+ normal oxdn state in acid

    No3+ easily reduced to No2+ CeIV or BrO3&endash;

    on No2+

    Lr3+ stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    Th4+ colourless stable normal oxdn state

    in acid

    Pa4+ colourless stable to water; easily oxidized Zn/Hg on PaV(aq)

    U4+ green stable to water; easily oxidized by air to UO22+

    Zn/Hg on UO22+

    Np4+ yellow-green

    stable to water; slowly oxidized by air to NpO2+

    SO2 on NpO2+ in H2SO4

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    Pu4+ tan-brownstable in 6M acid, disproportionates at higher pH

    SO2 or NO2&endash; on PuO22+

    Am4+ pink? only stable as fluoride complex; easily reduced

    Am(OH)4 in 15 M NH4F

    Cm4+ pale yellow

    only as fluoride complex; stable only 1 hr at 25C

    CmF4 in 15 M CsF

    Bk4+ yellow marginally stable; easily reduced

    Pa5+ colourless stable; readily hydrolyzed normal oxdn state in acid

    UO2+ unstable to disproportionation (least at pH 2-4)

    a transient species

    NpO2+ green stable; disproportionates at high acidity

    hot HNO3 on Np4+

    PuO2+ pink-purple

    tends to disproportionate (least at low pH)

    NH2OH on PuO22+

    AmO2+ yellow disproportionates in acid; reduced by its -decay

    ClO&endash; or cold S2O82-on Am3+

    UO22+ yellow stable; difficult to reduce

    oxidation by air in HNO3

    NpO22+ pink-red stable; easy to reduce oxidation by CeIV, MnO4&endash;, BrO3&endash; , etc.

    PuO22+ orange-pink

    stable; easy to reduce; reduced by its -decay

    oxidation by CeIV, MnO4&endash;, BrO3&endash; , etc.

    AmO22+ rum-brown

    easy to reduce; rapidly reduced by its -decay

    oxidation by CeIV, MnO4&endash;, BrO3&endash; , etc.

    NpO53- deep only in alkaline O3 or S2O82- on

  • 95

    green solution NpO22+ + alkali

    PuO53- deep green

    only in alkaline solution; oxidizes water

    O3 or S2O82- on PuO22+ + alkali

    Colour omission concentrated enough solution to tell colour has not been obtained

    Actinide Stereochemistries Actinide Stereochemistries show similarities with the Lanthanides

    o High coordination numbers

    e.g. [Th(NO3)6]2- has distorted icosahedral (C.N. = 12) geometry

    e.g. C.N. = 8, 9 are very common UF82-, Th(S2CNEt2)4, Th(trop)4(H2O)

    o Distortions from idealised stereochemistries

    e.g. PuF62- is not octahedral

    o but widest range of stereochemistries is for An(IV) rather than An(III)

    {possibly because chemistry of early actinides has received most attention!}

    Complexes o a wide range of complexes with monodentate and chelating

    ligands o complexing ability:- [M5+] > M4+ > MO22+ > M3+ > MO2+

    uni-negative: F- > NO3- > Cl- > ClO4-

    bi-negative: CO32- > C2O42- > SO42-

    o geometry may be strongly influenced by covalent bonding effects

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    e.g. MO22+ unit is always linear UO2(2-NO3)2(H2O)2 is hexagonal bipyramidal

    Compounds Actinide Hydrides, Halides, Oxides, Oxyhalides,... o for a given oxidation state show similarly diverse C.N. to

    Lanthanides o different accessible oxidation states even greater diversity of

    structure Wide variety of oxidation states of ligands & number of oxidation


    Extraordinary range of stereochemistry in actinide complexes and compounds

    Stereochemistry of Actinides in Well-Defined Complexes and Crystalline Solids

    C.N. Geometry O.N. e.g. 4 distorted +4 U(NPh2)4

    5 distorted tbp +4 U2(NEt2)8

    6 octahedral +3 An(H2O)63+, An(acac)3 +4 UCl62- +5 UF6&endash, -UF5 +6 AnF6 +7 Li5[AnO6] (An = Np, Pu) distorted octahedral +6 Li4UO5 , UO3 +5/+6 U5O8 +6 UO2(S2CNEt2)2(ONMe3)

    8 cubic +4 (Et4N)4[U(NCS)8], ThO2, UO2 +5 AnF83- square antiprismatic +4 ThI4, U(acac)4, Cs4[U(NCS)8], +5 -UF5 dodecahedral +4 Th(ox)44-, Th(S2CNEt2)4 bicapped trigonal prismatic +3 PuBr3

  • 97

    hexagonal bipyramidal +6 UO2(2-NO3)2(H2O)2 ? +6 UF82-

    9 tricapped trigonal prismatic +3 UCl3 capped square antiprismatic +4 Th(trop)4(H2O)

    10 bicapped square antiprismatic +4 KTh(ox)4.4H2O

    11? fully capped trigonal prismatic? +3 UF3

    12 irregular icosahedral +4 Th(NO3)62- distorted cuboctahedral +4 An(3-BH4)4, (Np, Pu)

    14? complex +4 An(3-BH4)4, (Th, Pa, U)

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    Uranium Chemistry




    The most important fluoride preparation:

    UO2 + 4HF UF4 + 2H2O

    3UF4 + 2ClF3 (from Cl2 + 3F2 2ClF3) 3UF6 + Cl2

    properties: o mpt. 64C, vapour pressure = 115 mmHg at 25C o made on a large scale to separate uranium isotopes

    ! gas diffusion or centrifugation separates 235UF6 from 238UF6

    ! uranium richer in 235U is termed enriched, richer in 238U depleted

    ! U.K. capacity (BNFL) = 6 kilotonne per year

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    o powerful fluorinating agent, e.g. + CS2 SF4

    Other Fluorides

    UF6 + Me3SiCl Me3SiF + 1/2Cl2 + UF5 (melts to an electrically-conducting liquid)

    UF6 + 2Me3SiCl 2Me3SiF + Cl2 + UF4 500-600C UO2 + CFCl2CFCl2

    Mixed-Valence fluorides such as U2F9 also form Reduction of UF4 with 1/2H2 yields UF3

    o LaF3 structure o like LnF3 is insoluble in water



    is the usual starting material for the synthesis of other UIV compounds

    preparation: liquid-phase chlorination of UO3 by refluxing hexachloropropene

    properties: o soluble in polar organic solvents & in water o forms various adducts (2 - 7 molecules) with O and N donors

    e.g. UCl4(CH3CN)4 ~ an ideal dodecahedron

    but UCl4(DMSO)3 is actually [UCl2(DMSO)6]2+UCl62-


    Usually encountered as UCl3(thf)x (a rather intractable material) Unsolvated binary gives its name to the UCl3 structure! Actinide trihalides form a group with strong similarities (excepting

    redox behaviour) to the lanthanides


    From chlorination of U3O8 + C Highly oxidizing Moisture-sensitive : UCl6 + 2H2O UO2Cl2 (Uranyl Chloride) +

    4HCl In CH2Cl2 solution UCl6 decomposes to U2Cl10 (Mo2Cl10 structure)

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    Halogeno Complexes

    All Halides can form halogeno complexes, but F- and Cl- are best-known

    Preparation: from UXx + NaX in melts or solvents (e.g. SOCl2), but in water only for some fluorides

    Occurrence: o UIII: UCl52-, U2Cl72- and UCl4- (a useful UIII reagent) o UIV: UF73- and UF84- are common, UF62- and UCl62- are also


    also pseudohalide complexes, e.g. [U(NCS)8]4-

    o UV: UV is usually unstable in (aq),

    but UF5 in 48% HF M+UF6- (M+ = Rb+, Cs+, H3O+) salts

    also UCl6- and UCl63-

    o UVI: UF7- and UF82- are known, the latter is more thermally-stable

    Hydrides Principal Uranium Hydride is UH3

    ~ important as a source material for UIII and UIV chemistry

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    Oxides Many binary phases UOx have been reported

    o many are not genuine phases o genuine phases show range of O-content

    The most important genuine phases are UO2, U4O9, U3O8, UO3

    UO2 & U4O9 (UO2.25)

    UO2 (black-brown) has the Fluorite structure stoichiometric material is best obtained from:-

    Interstitial Oxide Ions may be incorporated into the structure


    e.g. Octahedral hole at (1/2,1/2,1/2) is an obvious interstitial location

    but Neutron Diffraction studies indicate:

    1. oxide vacancies in the normal fluorite lattice

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    2. two types of interstitial sites, O' and O'' displaced from the nominal (1/2,1/2,1/2) position

    3. 2O', 2O'' and 2 vacancies cluster together to form a defect 2 : 2 : 2 Willis Cluster

    At UO2.25 (U4O9) (black) the interstitials are ordered forming a distinct phase in the phase diagram

    U3O8 (UO2.67) & UO3

    U3O8 (dark green)

    conveniently made by heating uranyl nitrate or ethanoate in air

    > 650C Higher uranium oxides decompose to U3O8

    > 800C U3O8 loses oxygen

  • 103

    Structure: o Mixed oxide - average oxidation state U5.33 o Evidence suggests Class II/III mixed valence o i.e. each Uranium has a time-averaged configuration [Rn]5f0.67 o An orthorhombic, pillared-layer structure o All U atoms have essentially identical environments o Contains pentagonal bipyramidal UO7 units

    UO3 (orange yellow)

    produced by a variety of methods:-

    Structure: o > 6 modifications have been characterised o Most contain O=U=O 'uranyl' groups linked by 4x

    equatorial bridging O

    distorted octahedral


    Uranates Fusion of uranium oxides with alkali or alkaline earth carbonates orange/yellow/brown mixed-oxides, Uranates

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    Aqueous Chemistry Complex aqueous chemistry due to:-

    o extensive possibilities for complexation o hydrolytic reactions, often leading to polymeric ion species

    Reduction Potentials appropriate for 1M HClO4 indicate:


    powerful reducing agent, reduces H2O to H2 (solutions in 1M HCl stable for days)

    obtained by reduction of UO22+ electrolytically or with Zn/Hg UF3H2O & U2(SO4)35H2O can be obtained from appropriate



    only slightly hydrolysed in 1M acid solution U4+ + H2O U(OH)3+ + H+

    but, it can give rise to polymeric species in less acid solutions

    regarded as a 'stable' oxidation state of uranium in (aq)


    extremely unstable to disproportionation evidence for its existence in (aq) from stopped-flow techniques more stable in DMSO (half-life ~ 30 mins)

  • 105


    the Uranyl ion very stable forms many complexes a dominant feature of uranium chemistry reduced to U4+ by e.g. Zinc, Cr2+

    o re-oxidation by H218O2 U18O22+ o re-oxidation by 18O2 U(18O16O)2+

    linear, symmetrical (O=U=O)2+ structure

    Why is UO22+ trans linear, whereas WO22+ is cis, bent?

    o WO22+ (6d0)is cis, bent because it allows -donation from the 2 O to 2 independent d-orbitals, with a single d-orbital shared

    o ThO2 (6d05f0) is bent (122deg.) for similar reasons i.e. no f-orbital participation

    o UO22+ (6d05f0) is trans, linear because of the participation of its 5f orbitals

    U(5f) are of considerably lower energy than Th(5f) - see section 1

    Details of the MO diagram for AnO22+ are controversial,

    but f-orbitals have ungerade symmetry, d-orbitals are gerade

    no d-f mixing in centrosymmetric AnO22+ unit

    UO22+ readily adds 4-6 donors in its equatorial plane distinctive complexes

    e.g. cyclic hexadentates strong complexes

    e.g. Uranyl nitrate hydrates all contain the UO2(NO3)2(H2O)2 unit

  • 106

    extraction of uranyl nitrate from aqueous nitric acid into non-polar solvents is a classic separation method

    UO22+ salts show characteristic (yellow) fluorescence

    Nuclear Reactors, Atomic Energy & Uranium Chemistry Principles of Nuclear Reactors

    Nuclear fission = large nucleus splitting into 2 highly energetic smaller nuclei + neutrons

    Sufficient neutrons of suitable energy can induce fission of further nuclei Chain reaction

    to sustain chain reaction a critical mass of uranium must be achieved (prevents neutron loss)

    Kinetic energy of main fragments is converted to heat (106x energy of same mass of coal)

    Only naturally-occurring fissile nucleus is 235U (0.72 % natural abundance)

    ' Fast' neutrons produced by fission are not very effective in producing further fission

    either increase proportion of 235U in fuel

    or slow down (moderate) the fast neutrons

  • 107

    ~ necessary anyway to balance the chain reaction & prevent explosion

    First self-sustaining nuclear 'reactor' built in 1942 at University of Chicago

    NOT the first nuclear reactor on Earth!

    The Oklo Phenomenon

    in the Oklo Uranium mine in Africa it is observed that 235U levels are lower in those parts where the total uranium content of the rock is highest and fission product elements are found in the deposits

    o when the rocks were formed 2 x 109 years ago 235U was 3% critical mass

    o water in the clay mineral moderated the neutrons

    o criticality was possibly maintained for 106 years

    Modern Nuclear Reactors


    Current nuclear reactors use UO2 fuel ~ less reactive than U metal Enrichment is by fractional gaseous centrifugation of UF6 (easily

    sublimed) Breeder reactors generate new fuel during operation.

    Neutron capture by 238U results in formation of 239Pu, which is fissile. Significant amounts of Pu will only be produced in an unmoderated reactor (fuel reprocessing more dangerous!)


    Fuel container is usually stainless steel or zirconium alloy (resistance to corrosion)

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    Best moderators are light atoms;

    1H in water (so efficient at moderation that enriched fuel must be used)

    2H in heavy water 10,11B in boron-steel control rods, 12C in graphite (must be highly purified)


    Water/Heavy Water ~ to keep it liquid it must be pressurized (PWR) CO2 gas ~ in the Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor (AGR) Liquid-Na needed for the more severe cooling problems in breeder


    Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing

    Fission products 'poison' the fuel (by absorbing neutrons themselves) before it is spent

    'spent' fuel = uranium / plutonium / trans-uraniums (small amounts) / ~30 fission products (inc. 2nd row transition metals / lanthanides as alloys or complex oxide phases)

    reprocessing exploits the different redox/complexation chemistries of

    uranium vs plutonium vs fission + capture products

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    Organometallics Organometallic chemistry of actinides is relatively recent Similar to lanthanides in range of cyclopentadienides /

    cyclooctatetraenides / alkyls Cyclopentadienides are -bonded to actinides.

    Compounds include:-

    C5H5- does not behave ionically but Cl- is labile: formation of a wide variety of

    (C5H5)3UX compounds The most notable Cyclooctatetraenide is Uranocene

    Green crystals Paramagnetic Pyrophoric

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    Stable to hydrolysis Planar 'sandwich' Eclipsed D8h conformation UV-PES studies show that bonding in uranocene has 5f & 6d

    contributions o e2u symmetry interaction shown can only occur via f-orbitals

    See: C. Elschenbroich & A. Salzer, Organometallics, 2nd ed.VCH, Weinheim, 1992 p. 363-5

    Trans-Actinide Elements Some atoms of elements 104 - 112 have probably been made

    ~ some are the subject of dispute:-

    o have they been made? o who made them first? o what should they be called?

    They are assumed to comprise the start of a 4th Transition Series, but chemical data is sketchy!

    Any prospects for heavier elements? o Plots of Half-life of Longest-Lived Isotope vs Z don't hold

    out much hope!

    o Search for a "Magic Island"

    Nuclear structure calculations possibly stable nuclei for Z ~ 114

    but no confirmed reports synthetically or in nature

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    1. Compare and contrast the chemistry of the lanthanides with those of the first row transition metals and pre-transition metals.

    2. Explain how you would prepare pure samples of the lanthanide elements, and indicate how you would assess the purity of your samples.

    3. (a) Explain why YbS and YbI2 are semiconducting solids, but LaS and LaI2 show metallic behaviour.

    (b) Compare and contrast the structures adopted by LaCl3, FeCl3 and AuCl3.

    (c) Comment on the following statement: "Aqueous Eu2+ is thermodynamically less susceptible to oxidation than any other aqueous M2+ lanthanide cations because of the stability of the half-filled 4f7 shell".

    (d) Comment in the variation of the exothermic enthalpies of formation of the lanthanide trichlorides, MCl3, given below (&endash;H in kJmol-1)

    La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb 1075 1058 1061 1045 1030 939.5 1012 1001 991 1009 1002 990 949

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    (e) Predict the magnetic moments you would expect for Pr3+ and Gd3+ salts. Would you expect U4+ salts to have the same magnetic moments as Pr3+ salts?

    4. Comment on points of in

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