happyness presentation

Post on 28-Aug-2014






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The Pursuit of Happyness- by meghna



Happiness unites us

Yet, happiness is as elusive forthe wealthy as it is for the poor

Happiness is a fundamental value found in all cultures.Happiness is a

common interest.Happiness gives

inspiration and enhances quality of life.

Happiness can be described in many ways

There is no right or wrong definitionThe important thing is that people become more conscious of what makes them happyMany cannot define what brings them true happinessMost people believe that happiness is felt most when shared with others…

What is happiness, and why is this incessant running after it?

What does it mean to be happy?

What is the difference between happiness and pleasure?

This feeling emerges when some problem has been solveda burden has been lifteda fear has disappeared or a desire or ambition has been fulfilled.

When do we experience this coveted state?

What happens at these times?

The tension that has been accumulating while we were pursuing, waiting, expecting or desiring is released. There is no more any need to run after the coveted object or evade a fear. Some tension, worry or burden has been lifted. At this moment happiness appears. It is a kind of feeling that erupts from the inside …

What is happiness?

It is a feeling of inner peace and satisfaction. It is usually experienced when there are no worries, fears or obsessing thoughts, and this usually happens, when we do something we love to do or when we get, win, gain or achieve something that we value. It seems to be the outcome of positive events, but it actually comes from the inside, triggered by outer events.

There isn’t any road to happiness. Happiness IS the road

There is no better time to be happy than… NOW! Live and enjoy the moment

Happiness Is Inside Us And Is Attainable

Happiness is inherent in our souls

What do you really want to attain or achieve

Happiness and Security Are the Primary Desires

At the peak of happiness there is a stoppage of the thinking process

It is in this world, but out of this world

1 – Name the 5 richest people in the world.

2 – Name the last 5 Miss Universe winners.

3 – Name the last 10 Nobel Prize winners.

4 – Name the last 10 winners of the Best Actor Oscar


1 – Name 3 teachers who contributed to your education.

Now try these..

2 – Name 3 friends who helped you in your hour of need.

3 – Think of a few people who made you feel special.

4 – Name 5 people that you like to spend time with.

Few tips for increasing happiness in daily life

Endeavor to change the way you look at things Think of solutions, not problems Listen to relaxing, uplifting musicWatch funny comedies that make you laugh. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article Watch your thoughts Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't. Each day do something good for yourself Each day do at least one act to make others happy Always expect happiness. Do not envy people who are happyAssociate with happy peopleDo your best to stay detached Smile more often

Happinessat work

“Fun is the secret of Virgin’s success.”

- Richard Branson

“The only way to do great work is

to love what you


- Steve Jobs

Anyone can be this happy at work

It's actuallypretty simple

Happiness at work iscrucial for us


Biggest problemsAbsenteeism

Employee turnoverDissatisfied customersResistance to changeStress and burnout

High workload

Happinessat work



It's profits AND happiness at work

Think about one of your very best experiences at work.One that made you very happy!

Happiness at work is an invitation

Happiness at work

is contagious

My happiness at work is

my responsibilit



Random actsof workplace


Remember3 good things every day



1. “good morning!”2. Praise 3 people3. Celebrate a success4. 1 random act of kindness

A happy day

Choose to be happy.

Develop the happiness habit.



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