hand of destiny

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Hand of Destiny


    Hand of DestinyCampaign Setting

    By Michael De MockoAKA: Arryn Raven

  • 7/31/2019 Hand of Destiny


    Hand of Destiny


    INTRODUCTION .. 2 The Empire to the East. 17RACES 2 LANGUAGES . 18

    Humans... 2 Aridian. 18Dwarves.. 2 Draconic... 18Elves 2 Dwarvish.. 18Gnomes... 3 Elvish... 18

    Half-Elves... 3 Goblinoid. 18Half-Hobgoblins.. 3 Themulian 18Halflings.. 3 Sylvan.. 18

    CLASSES 3 RELIGION .. 18Barbarian. 3 TANELORN 18Bard. 3 AREK... 19Cleric... 4 ARILYN... 19Druid... 4 CORAN 19Fighter. 4 GAI... 19Monk... 4 BASTION 20Paladin. 5 ATROPOS... 20Psion and Psychic Warrior.. 5 NECROS.. 20Ranger. 5 KARSH 20Rogue.. 5 ORGANIZATIONS 21Sorcerer... 5 The Order of Magi... 21Wizard. 6 Children of The One.... 22

    HISTORY ... 6 Kingsmen. 22NATIONS ... 8 The Brotherhood of The Way... 22

    Aridan.. 8 WEAPONS .. 23Calaran 10 Elvish Longbow... 23Free Isles. 11 Elvish Longdagger... 23Glenfaddich. 12 Repeating Crossbow 23Gontal.. 13 Quarterstaff.. 23Sheridar... 14 CONCLUSION 23Themul 16

    OTHER LOCATIONS .. 17Dragonholt.. 17The Great Waste. 17The Wall. 17

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    Hand of Destiny


    IONWelcome Traveler, Here at the

    Academy of Arlan we possess the

    finest collection of Knowledge in

    the Known World. Anything and

    everything you could possibly

    want to learn, we have

    information on. Be wary though,

    Knowledge is power, and in the

    wrong hands Knowledge can be

    very dangerous. How you use

    what you learn here could affect

    all of the Known World. Use

    caution, but above all, use

    wisdom, enjoy your stay. Langdurin Wyvrrnspear: Headmaster of the Academy of

    Arlan, Magi of the 3 rd Order

    Symbol of CORAN, The Magi and Seal of the Order

    of Magi.

    Welcome to the Known World. A place of high

    adventure and intrigue. A place where magical

    forces shape the world and a powerful Oracle

    controls destinies. These pages contain a basic

    background of the Known World, including

    history, theology, and geography. It is a primer

    of what is considered common knowledge to

    the inhabitants of the Known World keep in

    mind, there are many things still unknown. Only

    by exploring the Known World can all the truths

    be revealed. Good Luck in your journeys you

    may need it.

    RACESThis is a list of the Races allowed to Player

    Characters in the Known World, including any

    restrictions placed on the Races


    The Human Race is by far the largest of the

    Races in the Known World. Humans rule all of

    the Countries, save one, and their cities can be

    found across the entire Known World. They

    remain unchanged from the Players Handbook.


    No one has seen a Dwarf for centuries; theyretreated from the world of Man shortly after the

    Dark War. Their influence is still evident across

    the Known World, though. Dwarven hands built

    many of the great Human cities and the cunning

    adventurer can still find magical artifacts built by

    their Artificers. It is unknown what happened to

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    the Dwarves. Rumors abound of a great Dwarven

    civilization built underground where they remain

    to this day. No proof of this can be found though.

    Dwarves remain unchanged from the PlayersHandbook.


    What was once the most powerful Race in the

    Known World is now a small remnant of a once

    proud culture. Most Elves remain hidden in the

    forests of Glenfaddich, content to let the Humans

    do to themselves as they wish. They are creatures

    of magic, able to wield the flows of The Gift

    without aid of books or scrolls. They are at one

    with nature and have a strong bond with GAI,

    The Earthmother. Elves in the Known World

    are no longer automatically proficient in the

    Longsword and Rapier, instead they are

    proficient in the Elvish Longdagger. See

    WEAPONS to learn more about the Elvish

    Longdagger. Their favored class becomes



    Gnomes do not exist in the Known World.


    Half-Elves are extremely rare in the Known

    World, still they exist. Many Humans admire the

    alien beauty of Elves and some Elves find

    Human passion very attractive. Occasionally

    members of the two Races consort and produce

    offspring. Unfortunately Half-Elves are morecommonly the result of violence. In the ongoing

    war between Calaran and Glenfaddich, atrocities

    have been known to happen, this is where most

    Half-Elves come from. Because of this, life can

    be very hard for Half-Elves, they often find

    themselves on the outskirts of civilization,

    accepted by neither race. Half-Elves remain

    unchanged from the Players Handbook.

    HALF-HOBGOBLINS The Goblinoid tribes in the North are abundant

    with Hobgoblins being the most prolific of the

    Goblinoid races. Half-Hobgoblins are always

    the result of violence. Racial hatred on both sides

    often result in Half-Hobgoblins being killed at

    birth. Still, the rare Half-Hobgoblin does exist.

    Half-Hobgoblins are identical to Half-Orcs in the

    Players Handbook.


    Halflings do not exist in the Known World.


    ASSESAdventurers are uncommon in the Known

    World. They represent a very small sub-class of

    the population. Most people are happy goingabout their daily routine. Still there are those

    who seek something better in life. They often

    become Adventurers.


    The Clansmen of Sheridar produce many

    Barbarians. It is a harsh country where strength

    is everything. Sheridian Barbarians, prefer to use

    Bastard Swords and Spears. They usually use a

    small buckler called a Targ. The rare Elf might

    also become a Barbarian, often living on the

    outskirts of the forests of Glenfaddich. They

    would almost certainly be considered outcasts,

    extremists on the fringe. There are no other

    Barbarians in the Known World.

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    Performing minstrels are common throughout the

    Known World. Bards, on the other hand, are

    more rare. What separates a minstrel from a Bardis the ability to create seemingly magical effects

    with their music. Spellsinging, as Bards call it,

    is a rare and precious talent it is also a talent

    with a price. Because of its similarity to The

    Gift, The Order of Magi is wary of

    Spellsinging. It rumored that The Magi often

    keep tabs on Bards who develop the ability. See

    ORGANIZATIONS to learn more about The

    Order of Magi.


    The GODS were once a powerful force in the

    Known World. For reasons unknown to anyone,

    their power began to wane after the Dark War.

    While people still worship the GODS, it is rare

    for any of their followers to gain Divine powers.

    True Clerics are priests who can perform

    miracles. They represent a very small portion

    of their churches and are sometimes resented by

    the priests who cannot perform miracles.

    Adventuring priests are almost always True

    Clerics. See RELIGION for a list of Deities and

    the powers they bestow.


    Druids are followers of GAI, The

    Earthmother. They protect nature and all her

    creatures. Slightly more common than Clerics,they can often be found living in the wilderness

    between villages. They try to remain detached

    from civilization, only interfering if it encroaches

    on their protected lands. Druids are also common

    amongst the Elves because of their strong

    attachment with The Earthmother. The

    Longbow and Elvish Longdagger are considered

    class weapons for the Druid. See WEAPONS for

    more information on the Elvish Longdagger.FIGHTERS

    Fighters are the most common of the adventuring

    classes. They can be ex-soldiers or restless

    youths who take up the sword in search of

    adventure. Fighters practice their trade in a

    number of ways: guarding caravans, being

    members of standing armies, or doing mercenary

    work. Fighters can be found in every Race, Clan

    or Tribe.


    Monks are new to the Known World. They first

    appeared about thirty years ago when a ship from

    the Empire to the East arrived off the coast of the

    Free Isles. The ships brought with them teachers

    of a philosophy merely called The Way. They

    also brought with them a form of Unarmed

    Combat never before seen in the Known World.

    The exotic looking Brothers of The Way

    occasionally take in students from the Known

    World. They are very picky, though, and no one

    knows the criteria to make one acceptable to the

    Brothers. There are a small handful of Monks,

    both Eastern and from the Known World who

    travel the lands, searching for the perfection that

    all Brothers of the Way seek. PC Monks belong

    to this small group. See ORGANIZATIONS tolearn more about the Brotherhood of The Way.

    The Quarterstaff is now considered a Monkish

    weapon and can be used in a Flurry of Blows.

    See WEAPONS to learn more about the

    expanded use of the Quarterstaff in the Known


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    The church of TANELORN, The Just has an

    elite group of dedicated warriors who protect the

    faith and all things Good. TANELORNhimself always calls upon Paladins, usually in a

    life altering vision. It is considered a great honor

    to receive the vision and few reject the calling. It

    is not easy to be a Paladin, though most

    successfully live up to the lofty ideals set forth

    by TANELORN. There are a few that are

    rumored to have fallen from the faith. It is not

    wise to speak of such things to a Paladin.

    PSIONS /PSYCHIC WARRIORSPsions and Psychic Warriors are not available as

    PC Classes. Despite this, it is generally believed

    that Psionics existed before the Dark War and

    may return in the time of The Oracle. The

    Brothers of The Way also speak of an

    enlightened state of mind that sounds

    suspiciously like Psionics. See

    ORGANIZATIONS to learn more about the

    Brotherhood of The Way.


    Rangers are a fairly common adventuring class.

    They are represented amongst the Elves, the

    Clansmen of Sheridar, and indeed amongst

    Humans throughout the Known World. They

    protect the wilds, often working closely with

    Druids. Rangers who have gained enough

    experience to cast spells receive them from GAI,The Earthmother. Rangers receive some

    modifications in the Known World: They now

    receive new Favored Enemies every 4 th level and

    their bonuses for those enemies start out at +2

    and go up accordingly. In addition, they receive

    bonus feats at 2 nd level and every 4 th level beyond

    that, Nature Sense at 3 rd level and Woodland

    Stride at 7 th level. Rangers can also use the

    Quarterstaff with their free Two WeaponFighting and Ambidexterity Feats. See

    WEAPONS to learn more about the expanded

    use of the Quarterstaff in the Known World.


    Wherever there are people, there are Rogues.

    Some choose to live off of others, taking what

    they can, others use their skills to find treasure,

    and adventure. No matter what their motives,

    Rogues use stealth and cunning to achieve their

    goals, often finding themselves on the wrong

    side of the City Watch. There are no official

    Thieves Guilds in the Known World, although it

    is not unheard of for small groups of Rogues to

    band together.


    Sorcerers are found only amongst the Elves.

    Elves have an intuitive grasp of magic and do not

    need books to prepare their spells. The

    occasional Half-Elf learns to use The Gift this

    way, but Sorcerers are unheard of amongst

    Humans. The Magi consider Sorcerers to be

    DraCoran, or The Uneducated in the old

    tongue. See ORGANIZATIONS to learn more

    about The Order of Magi.


    Sometimes a rare Human is born with TheGift. For whatever reason he of she can

    understand the weaves of magic. Whenever this

    happens, The Order of Magi invariable comes

    calling. Most Wizards are trained by The Magi in

    the use of The Gift. There are some, though,

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    that escape The Magis attention. These Wizards

    are considered DraCoran or The Uneducated.

    Perhaps they get a hold of a spellbook and teach

    themselves, or another DraCoran trained them.Whatever the case, they are considered a threat

    to The Magi and are often persecuted by the

    Order. See ORGANIZATIONS to learn more

    about The Order of Magi.


    TORY The Known World was once a place of magic.

    Elves and Dwarves ruled the land, and the power

    of the GODS could be seen everywhere. AREK,

    The Bright God of the Sun, was discontented

    though. He wanted something special, something

    to call his own, hence he created Humans at

    least thats what any Cleric of AREK will tell


    Human civilization grew quickly, mostly due

    to Humans being a much more prolific race than

    the Dwarves and Elves. Soon Human settlements

    were found everywhere. The Great Empire of

    Themul was founded and the Humans began to

    spread out. At first the Humans were on good

    terms with their neighbors, indeed trade

    flourished between Man, Dwarf, and Elf. Only

    the Goblinoid tribes far to the North remained

    aloof, holding their allegiances to KARSH, TheStormlord and ATROPOS, The Tyrant.

    ATROPOS especially resented AREKS

    creations and the great power they were swiftly

    amassing. The Tyrant convinced KARSH that

    the Humans were a threat that must be


    Thus began the Race Wars. Goblinoid tribes

    surged into the Southlands, killing everyone in

    their way. Even Elves and Dwarves fell under

    the blades of KARSH'S children. This greatlyangered GAI, The Earthmother and

    BASTION, The Battlelord, the patrons of the

    Elves and Dwarves. The fighting was harsh and

    bloody, the Goblinoids outnumbered even the

    Humans three to one. Conquest seemed


    CORAN, The Magi God of Knowledge,

    saw that without his aid the minions of Evil

    would wipe out the other Races. He steppedforward and gave the struggling Humans The

    Gift. Until then only the Elder Races could use

    magic. Giving Humans The Gift was a

    controversial decision; most of the GODS

    believed Humans were not ready for The Gift.

    Ultimately, though, it turned the tide of the War.

    The Humans, now armed with magic, led the

    Elder races into battle and drove the Goblinoids

    back into the North. The hoards were defeated,

    but not destroyed.

    All of the races suffered heavy losses in the

    Race Wars. This was more significant for the

    less numerous Dwarves and Elves. The Elder

    races became more aloof, retreating somewhat to

    try and rebuild their civilizations. They seemed

    content to let the Humans shape the Known


    The centuries passed, Human civilization

    grew and the other Races declined. The Elves,

    who once were spread over the entire Known

    World, now kept mostly to themselves in their

    forest nation, Glenfaddich. The Dwarves

    likewise remained in their cities to the North

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    East, in the region now known as Gontal.

    Everything to the South belonged to the Humans.

    AREKS children created a great civilization

    using The Gift. It was an era of enlightenmentand prosperity. Peace reigned.

    To the North, beaten but not forgotten, the

    Goblinoid tribes waited for their chance to get

    revenge on the other Races. Their chance came

    with the appearance of the Dark King . No one

    knows who the Dark King is, or where he came

    from. It is commonly believed that ATROPOS

    raped a Human female and the Dark King was

    born of this union. What is known for sure is thatthe Dark King is a powerful Warrior and

    Wizard. He was able to whip the Goblinoid

    tribes into a frenzy. He gifted some of the

    Goblinoids with magic, and lured members of

    the other races to his side with promises of

    immortality and untold power. The Dark King

    raised a fearsome army.

    Once again, Humans, Elves and Dwarves

    joined forces to repel the invaders, but even the

    combined might of the Races was not enough to

    defeat the Dark King . Perhaps because of his

    Unholy Conception, the Dark King proved to be

    an unbeatable foe. Fighting at the head of his

    armies, he could shrug off wounds that would

    kill any living creature and his magic cut a swath

    through the Armies of his enemies. It appeared

    this time that Evil would triumph and eclipse the

    Known World.

    Out of the chaos a group of Adventurers

    appeared. Known now only as The Heroes,

    they possessed abilities never before seen in the

    Known World. Some believed them to be

    blessed by the GODS. In any case they fought a

    mighty battle with the Dark King himself and

    somehow defeated him. It is unclear how they

    did this though, the method of their triumph is a

    fact lost to time. Soon after the Dark War, as theconflict was called, The Heroes disappeared,

    leaving the Races to rebuild from the ashes.

    CORAN, The Magi stepped forward again and

    informed his followers that the Dark King was

    not killed in the final battle. Even The Heroes

    were not powerful enough to do that. Instead

    they trapped him in a magical prison where he

    could do no more harm. CORAN then gave his

    followers a series of prophesies called TheOracle. It stated that the Dark King would one

    day escape his prison and again threaten the

    Known World. It also stated that a new group of

    heroes would arise to combat him and finally

    destroy him. This group, The Hand of Destiny

    would reshape the Known World into a place of

    everlasting peace. He created the Order of Magi

    to help make The Oracle come about.

    If the Race Wars hit the Known World hard,

    it was nothing compared to the damage caused

    by the Dark War. It is believed that the very

    fabric of magic was damaged in the climatic final

    battle. The Gift diminished and children born

    with the ability to wield magic became a rarity.

    The GODS influence on the Known World also

    began to decrease; fewer and fewer priests

    received Divine powers.

    The decline of magic greatly affected the

    Races. The Dwarves, their numbers diminished,

    and their power waning, left the Known World

    entirely. Where they went is a question no one

    can accurately answer. Some believe they

    retreated underground and have rebuilt their

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    civilization beneath the region now known as


    The Elves also retreated. They closed the

    borders of Glenfaddich and the number of Elveswho traveled the Known World fell to a mere


    Only the AREKS children seemed to thrive

    after the Dark War. Humans quickly filled the

    lands left by the Elder Races. The Nation of

    Sheridar was created in the North to keep the

    Goblinoids contained and Aridan and Calaran

    were formed. Even the former Dwarven lands

    were settled and renamed Gontal. See NATIONSto learn more about the different countries and

    how they fit into the Known World.

    It has been 500 years since the Dark

    War. The Empire of Themul has fallen into

    decadence and Calaran has fallen under the rule

    of the Church of The One True God. Magic is

    rare and Elves and Dwarves are considered fairy

    tales to most commoners. The Order of Magi has

    become a powerful political group, and they wait

    patiently for the time of The Oracle . It is a time

    for new legends, a time for new heroes, a time

    for new magic. Now is the time



    ARIDANCAPITOL: Aridan City.

    GOVERNMENT: Monarchy and Parliament

    RULER: High King Edward Aristeed.

    ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good.

    CLIMATE: Temperate with a longer that

    average rainy season in the North, ranging toTropical in the South East.

    RESOURCES: Gold, Silver, Livestock, and


    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Calaran (Fair), Free

    Isles (Poor), Glenfaddich (Fair), Gontal (Good),

    Sheridar (Good), Themul (Fair).

    GEOGRAPHY: Aridian geography consists

    mostly of plains with some forested areas. Crater

    Lake is a large body of freshwater located near the East coast. Aridan is dotted with small

    mountains full of precious metals. Mining is a

    major source of income for Aridan.

    PEOPLE: Aridians tend to be of medium height

    and build. Most have dark eyes and dark hair

    though there is some variation. Subjects of the

    High King are a hearty, happy lot, they like their

    lives and their drink. Pubs are often the focal

    point of towns and villages, serving as a place to

    meet with friends and relax. They tend to be

    open, friendly and fiercely patriotic. They treat

    travelers with respect unless an unkind word is

    spoken about Aridan.

    LANGUAGES: Aridian.

    HISTORY: Created from the ashes shortly after

    the Dark War, Aridan quickly grew in power.

    Aridans first King, Yorik Aristeed was a great

    general and tactician. Perhaps his greatest

    political act was acquiring Sheridar and Gontal

    as commonwealths. The wealth brought in from

    these countries, as well as Aridans numerous

    Gold and Silver mines helped the Nations quick

    rise in power.

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    POLITICS: The King of Aridan is called the

    High King. The Aristeed family has always

    ruled Aridan and they have governed her fairly

    and wisely. The creation of a democraticallyelected Parliament 80 years ago has done

    wonders for the morale of her people. Though it

    is little more than an advisory body to the King,

    the Parliament makes the commoners feel like

    they have a say in the running of their country.

    King Edward has sat on the throne for the last

    25 years. He is considered one of the most

    popular in a long line of beloved Kings. His son

    and heir, Phillipe is a bit of a handful for theKing though. Phillipe is very charismatic and

    enjoys carousing with the common people. Many

    of the Nobility in Aridan are concerned about

    Phillipes capability as a ruler. The King

    constantly has to defend his son, whom the

    Nobility considers to be a drunk and a fop. Only

    time will tell how well the young man sits the

    throne, but he has already won the hearts of the

    common people.

    Aridan has a strong standing Army and a

    decent Navy. There is trade with all the Nations

    of the Known World. King Edward tries to

    remain neutral in the conflicts of other Nations,

    though it is rumored that he has been secretly

    supplying the Elves of Glenfaddich with arms

    and supplies to aid them in their never-ending

    war with Calaran. These rumors do not put

    Edward too high in the Bishop of Calarans


    While trade with Themul continues, Edward

    is obviously concerned with the social climate of

    the Empire. If civil war should break out in

    Themul, it is unclear which side, if any, that

    Edward will take.

    RELIGION: Religion, like in all the Human

    nations, no longer has the influence it once had.There are still temples to most of the GODS to

    be found in the cities, AREK and TANELORN

    in particular, very few priests of any of the

    GODS hold a high-ranking seat in the

    government. One notable exception is the

    Paladin known only as Blake, who is in charge

    of the High Kings protection. Edward also has a

    Magi advisor.


    GOVERNMENT: Theocracy.

    RULER: Bishop Harek Teel.

    ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good.

    CLIMATE: Varies from temperate in the East

    too colder in the West.

    RESOURCES: Fishing, Livestock, Farming,

    and Lumber.

    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Fair), Free

    Isles (Poor), Glenfaddich (Poor), Gontal (Fair),

    Sheridar (Fair), Themul (Poor).

    GEOGRAPHY: Calaran consists mostly of

    plains and forests. To the West the mountain

    range known as The Wall cuts off Calaran and

    the rest of the Known World from whatever may

    lie beyond.

    PEOPLE: The people of Calaran tend to have

    blond hair and blue eyes, with a larger than

    average build. Calarians are a quiet conservative

    people; they distrust strangers and are often

    hostile to foreigners.

    LANGUAGES: Aridian.

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    HISTORY: Calaran was founded not long after

    the Dark War when plague and famine wracked

    the land. From somewhere in Themul appeared a

    man who called himself Calar the Prophet. Calar was plainly insane, but the words he spoke rang

    true to some people.

    Typical Redman.

    Calar claimed that the Dark War was caused

    because the GODS had betrayed them: The Evil

    Gift of magic was what created the Dark

    King . He claimed to have received a vision from

    a new God, one who despised magic and all who

    used it. Calar believed that The One True God

    reigned over the Lesser GODS, so his followersshould reign over all the Known World. Though

    he was immediately banished from Themul,

    there were those that found truth in Calars mad

    ravings. They followed him across the Strait of

    Tears, to lands that were once inhabited by

    Elves. There they built a city dedicated to the

    One True God. Calar died when a fire broke out

    in the Temple of The One, taking the entire city

    of Calar with it. No one knows what started thefire, but most Calarians think the Demonic

    Elves started it.

    Even after his death, Calars legacy lived on.

    New Calar was built on the ashes of old Calar

    and Calaran grew into a powerful Nation, one

    where the Bishop of The One rules with an iron


    POLITICS: The current Bishop, Herek Teel is a

    man of cunning ambition. He uses his Childrenof The One to keep a tight hold on the

    population. The Children of The One, a group of

    fanatical warriors who act as judge, jury and

    executioner in matters of faith, are more

    commonly known as Redmen because of the red

    tunics they wear as uniforms. When a group of

    Redmen enters a village, normal hard working

    people become raving zealots. The common

    people of Calaran fear the Redmens questioning

    so they are quick to point out the indiscretions of

    their neighbors. Children of The One usually

    dont enter a village without someone being put

    to the question and burned. Thats how Bishop

    Teel wants it. See ORGANIZATIONS to learn

    more about the Children of The One.

    Calaran is in a constant war with the Elves of

    Glenfaddich. Since Elves are creatures of magic,

    Calarians view them as soulless Demons,

    creatures that must be wiped off the face of the

    Known World. Small skirmishes along the

    border are an almost daily occurrence. Every

    thirty years or so, whoever is Bishop at the time,

    mounts a major invasion into Glenfaddich. Every

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    time, the Elves push back the invaders, but each

    offensive has a greater toll on the Elves. Eighty

    years ago a well-orchestrated invasion pushed

    the Elves so far back that the ancient city of Tagaran was lost to them. Something horrible

    happened to the invading army though and it has

    become a ghost city. Whatever happened that

    day is a well-kept secret and the Calarians give it

    a wide berth.

    Rumor has it that Bishop Teel is preparing his

    Army for another major invasion of Glenfaddich.

    The Elves, and the rest of the Known World

    watch Calaran and Bishop Teel closely, fearingthat this may be the last invasion needed.

    RELIGION: Calaran is a Theocracy dedicated

    to The One True God. Unfortunately for the

    Calarians, The One True God doesnt seem to

    exist; at least he doesnt reward his followers

    with Divine magic like the other GODS of the

    Known World do. Because of this, all magic is

    considered Evil. Any Spellcasters found within

    the borders of Calaran are branded as witches

    and burned at the stake.


    CAPITOL: None, though Skullport is often

    where the current Pirate Lord sets up shop.


    RULER: Varies. Whichever Pirate Lord has the

    most power could be considered the Ruler of

    the Isles, but no one stays on top very long in the

    Free Isles.

    ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral.

    CLIMATE: Tropical.

    RESOURCES: Smuggling and Piracy.

    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Poor),

    Calaran (Poor), Glenfaddich (Poor), Gontal

    (Fair), Sheridar (Poor), Themul (Fair).

    GEOGRAPHY: The Free Isles are a collectionislands, one very large one and hundreds of

    smaller ones. None of the islands, the main one

    included, have been very well explored. The

    main island, and the smaller ones are all covered

    with dense rainforests. The only real city in the

    Free Isles is Skullport.

    PEOPLE: The people of the Free Isles are an

    odd mixture of every Race and Nation in the

    Known World. There is no way to easily identifythe people who live there, other than they are a

    proud and passionate lot who cherish freedom

    and live life to the fullest.

    LANGUAGES: Aridian, Themulian, Goblinoid.

    HISTORY: Soon after the Race Wars, Humans

    learned to tame the sea, not long after that the

    Free Isles we discovered. The Isles can hardly be

    called a Nation. They are a place where anarchy

    and lawlessness reign supreme. The Isles are a

    haven for Pirates, thieves and anyone else who

    does not mesh well with normal society.

    POLITICS: The closest thing to a political

    center on the Free Isles is the city of Skullport.

    Anything and everything happens in Skullport.

    Slavery, Prostitution, and Gambling are all

    common and available. A popular saying in

    Skullport is: If it would make a Calarian roll his

    eyes weve got it! The smaller islands are full

    of Pirate dens, full of booty taken from the

    shores of Aridan.

    Several times in the past the High King has

    sent the Royal Navy to wipe out the Pirate Scum.

    The Pirates of the Free Isles are a cunning lot

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    though; the Royal Navy would always arrive to

    find Skullport an empty shell. The sailors would

    burn the city to the ground but six months later it

    would always be rebuilt. King Edward seems tounderstand the futility of taking the fight to the

    Isles, instead he has come upon the idea of hiring

    Pirates as Privateers. He figures that by putting

    some of the Pirates in his employ, theyll be too

    busy fighting each other to raid his coast.

    Whether his plan works or not remains to be


    RELIGION: Other than the odd temple to The

    Stormlord or gambling houses dedicated toARILYN, religion is not a major force in the

    Free Isles. Though not a church, the Temple of

    The Way bears noting. About thirty years ago

    an odd looking ship from the fabled Empire of

    the East docked off the South Coast of the main

    island. For reasons unknown to anyone, the

    exotic looking men and women from the East

    built a Temple there. They occasionally take in

    students from the Known World and teach them

    their unique style of Unarmed Combat. What

    they are really doing there is anyones guess. The

    Pirates have chosen to leave them alone for the

    time being. See ORGANIZATIONS to learn

    more about the Brotherhood of The Way.


    CAPITOL: TirNaNorag.

    GOVERNMENT: Matriarchal Monarchy.

    RULER: Queen Ellerisa Quiensentia.

    ALIGNMENT: Neutral.

    CLIMATE: Magically controlled, usually


    RESOURCES: Furs, Herbs, Gems, and Magical


    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Fair),

    Calaran (Poor), Free Isles (Poor), Gontal (Fair),

    Sheridar (Fair), Themul (Fair).

    GEOGRAPHY: The Nation of Glenfaddichconsists almost entirely of one great forest.

    PEOPLE: Other than Surrash, a small mixed

    settlement far to the North near the Sheridian

    border, the only known residents of Glenfaddich

    are the Elves. Rumors do exist that other

    intelligent species such as Centaurs and Dryads

    live within Glanfaddichs magical borders. These

    rumors are not easily proven, and the Elves

    arent talking.LANGUAGES: Elvish, Draconic, Sylvan,


    HISTORY: Glenfaddich has existed as long as

    the Known World. The Homeland of the Elves

    once spread across most of the Known World.

    Human expansion, and devastating wars have

    reduced the Elven nation to a fraction of its size.

    POLITICS: The only city remaining in

    Glenfaddich is TirNaNorag, a vast city in the

    trees. Here is where Queen Ellerisa holds her

    court; here is where she waits for the inevitable.

    The Elves are a dying race, very few children are

    born and continued losses at the hands of

    Calarian soldiers spell the Elves almost certain

    doom. The Elves have retreated far into their

    forests where they prepare for Bishop Teels

    rumored attack.

    Not all Elves agree with Queen Ellerisa,

    though, indeed there are small factions of Elves

    who arent content to wait. Some of these groups

    have banded together and they live wild like the

    Elves did before the Race Wars. More militant

    than their cousins in TirNaNorag, they practice

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    their fighting skills and hone their weapons.

    Their intention is to fight the inevitable with

    their dying breath.

    The only other fixed settlement within the borders of Glenfaddich is Surrash. It is little

    more than a trading outpost where Humans and

    Elves do business. While some Elves venture out

    into the Known World, Surrash is the only place

    in Glenfaddich where a Human wont be killed

    on sight. Even Humans from Nations friendly to

    the Elves are not allowed past Surrash.

    RELIGION: All Elves pay homage to GAI,

    The Earthmother. In these dark times the Elder Race looks to her even more. The Elves pray to

    GAI for a miracle, it would seem though that

    only The Earthmother knows if there is an

    answer to those prayers.


    CAPITOL: Dereval.

    GOVERNMENT: Duchy (Commonwealth of


    RULER: Duke Jorrel Emerson.

    ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good.

    CLIMATE: Wet and rainy through most of the


    RESOURCES: Lumber, Fur, Semi-Precious

    Metals, and Fishing.

    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Good),

    Calaran (Fair), Free Isles (Fair), Glenfaddich

    (Fair), Sheridar (Good), Themul (Good).

    GEOGRAPHY: Large forests and numerous

    mountain ranges cover Gontal. The Cauldron, a

    large body of water in the very center of the

    Nation, has a reputation for ships mysteriously

    disappearing in it. Gontal is also full of ruins.

    The Dwarves left many cities standing in their

    flight, and the resourceful adventurer can often

    find artifacts within the husk of the former cities.

    The Academy of Arlan usually has at least one

    archeological expedition in the area at any giventime.

    PEOPLE: Gonts are simple, hard-working

    people who mind their own business and hope

    that others do the same. The Nation is considered

    the melting pot of the Known World. People

    from all Nations can be found living and working

    in Gontal. There are no physical features

    common to her citizens.

    LANGUAGES: Aridian.HISTORY: Gontal is another of the Nations

    formed after the Dark War. When the Dwarves

    left the Known World, they left behind good

    farmland and the husks of their once great cities.

    Many Humans found themselves homeless after

    the Dark War and Gontal seemed like a good

    place to start again.

    POLITICS: Gontal is best known for how

    unremarkable it is. Gontal is a commonwealth of

    Aridan, which means that the Gonts pay taxes to

    King Edward. Most Gonts are fine with this; it

    saves them the trouble of having to run the

    country when there is real work to do. Gontal is

    basically a collection of small villages and

    towns. These tight-knit communities often

    govern themselves, usually forming a council of

    Elders. Aridian nobles run only the two major

    cities, Dereval and Hectal, although it should be

    noted that calling Hectal a major city might be an


    Duke Emerson is the closest thing to a ruler

    that Gontal has. Living in the capitol city of

    Dereval, he handles the day-to-day affairs of the

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    Nation. This basically consists of keeping the

    merchant class happy and ensuring that the

    lumber and other natural resources are

    distributed where they are needed.RELIGION: The GODS dont have a great deal

    of influence on Gontal. Perhaps because the

    Gonts are too pragmatic to spend time

    worshiping when there is work to do. There are a

    few churches dedicated to AREK, and a few

    more Druids wandering the wilderness, but most

    Gonts are agnostics.


    CAPITOL: Ri Rioch.

    GOVERNMENT: Clan Rule. (Commonwealth

    of Aridan).

    RULER: Varies, currently Cromac of Clan


    ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.

    CLIMATE: Cold and wet, with major snowfalls

    in the winter.

    RESOURCES: None per say. The Clans are

    provided whatever they need by King Edward of


    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Good),

    Calaran (Fair), Free Isles, (Poor), Glenfaddich

    (Fair), Gontal (Good), Themul (Fair).

    GEOGRAPHY: Sheridar has lots of hills and

    cliffs, making it a difficult region to navigate.

    Loch Innis is the only notable body of water in

    the region. To the North, great snowy mountains

    rise out of the ground. The Goblinoid tribes live

    in caves carved out of these mountains.

    PEOPLE: The Clansmen are a strong, hearty

    bunch. They are largely built and most have red

    hair and blue eyes. Beards are a status symbol

    amongst the Clansmen as are kilts; the Clansmen

    wear their family tartans with pride. Sheridians

    tend to be loud and boisterous. They live and

    drink hard. Still, the other Nations view them

    with a large amount of respect. They do a hard job and they do it well. That doesnt stop

    innkeepers from hoping that the Clansmen stay

    in some other establishment when they visit

    foreign lands, though.

    LANGUAGES: Dwarvish, Aridian.

    HISTORY: The Nation of Sheridar serves a very

    specific purpose; it was created after the Dark

    War to contain the Goblinoid tribes in the North.

    After the Dark King had been imprisoned, theraces were faced with the still very real threat of

    the Goblinoids. Although they were beaten, none

    suspected them to stay beaten long. To remedy

    the situation, a group of stout warriors, veterans

    of the Dark War, agreed to protect the Known

    World from further invasions.

    These men admired the ways of the Dwarves;

    they began talking like them, fighting like them,

    and even began to worship BASTION, The

    Battlelord patron of the Dwarves. Sheridar was

    a harsh land and the Sheridians learned that the

    best way to survive and to combat the

    Goblinoids was to stay mobile. They formed

    themselves into nomadic Clans and began

    patrolling the border. They have been the

    guardians of the Known World for 500 years.

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    Typical Clansman.

    POLITICS: The Sheridians choose their leader

    every five years when the Clans get together at

    Ri Rioch, the only stone settlement in the Nation.

    There they compete in numerous trials to see

    which Clan is the mightiest. That Clans chief

    becomes the ruler of Sheridar for the next five

    years. It is a brutal competition and it is not

    unheard of for Clansmen to be killed in the trials.

    RELIGION: Because of the Sheridians

    admiration of Dwarves, they have adopted

    BASTION, The Battlelord as their patron.

    BASTIONS priests have a great deal of power

    in the Clans; every Chief has a member of the

    clergy as an advisor. Usually the will of the

    church becomes the will of the Clan.


    CAPITOL: Arlan.

    GOVERNMENT: Monarchy.

    RULER: Emperor Exeter Valerious.

    ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.CLIMATE: Hot and humid with a brief rainy


    RESOURCES: Precious Metals, Gemstones,

    Livestock, and Farming.

    FOREIGN RELATIONS: Aridan (Fair),

    Calaran (Poor), Free Isles (Fair), Glenfaddich

    (Fair), Gontal (Good), Sheridar (Fair).

    GEOGRAPHY: Dry, dusty plains make up most

    of the region. Fertile land is scarce so farms oftenlie in close proximity to the rivers. PEOPLE:

    Themulians tend to be short and dark-skinned.

    Themul is a hot place so her citizens tend to wear

    little clothing, a fact that makes some of the

    more conservative citizens of the Known World

    write off Themulians as frivolous. Wise people

    keep such opinions to themselves; Themulians

    are a proud, fiery people who dont take kindly

    to insults.

    LANGUAGES: Themulian, Aridian.

    HISTORY: Themul was the first of the Human

    Nations and at one point was also the greatest.

    There was a time when every Human in the

    Known World owed allegiance to the Great

    Empire of Themul. Before the Dark War,

    Themul was at the height of her power and the

    Themulian legions were the most powerful

    armed forces in the Known World. Strong as

    they were, they could not stop the Goblinoid

    hoards from decimating most of the Empire.

    After the Dark King was defeated, many

    Humans found themselves displaced. Instead of

    returning home, some warriors just stayed where

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    they were and formed new Nations. This was a

    blow to the Empire.

    Even more disastrous for Themul was the loss

    of her Emperor. Julian Darmon was perhaps thegreatest ruler the Empire had ever seen and his

    family had led wisely for generations. He was

    killed when he bravely challenged the Dark

    King to single combat he never stood a

    chance. Julian had never married and the lack of

    a clear heir allowed the Valerious family to

    connive their way onto the throne.

    The Valerious family proved to be the worst

    sort of political manipulators; their only interestswere increasing their wealth and catering to the

    interests of family friends that and living the

    good life.

    The once Great Empire has fallen into decay,

    her Nobles are a group of lazy hedonists and her

    people are on the verge of civil war.

    POLITICS: Exeter Valerious, unfortunately, is

    no exception to his family. Often rumored to be

    insane, Exeter has little interest in the welfare of

    his people, as long as there is wine in his cup and

    a woman in his bed, he is happy. He has allowed

    Themul to fall to an all time low; her coffers are

    empty and the already exorbitant taxes are not

    sufficient to pay off the Nations debts. Poverty

    and corruption rule the streets. The Nobility is no

    help having no concern for the plight of the

    common man.

    The only voice the people have belongs to

    Duke Rochagnon DTrael. Though the Emperor

    holds court in the capitol city of Arlan, it is the

    Duke and his wife, Marie, who run the city. They

    are very popular amongst the common people of

    Themul too popular for the Valerious familys

    taste. It is rumored that Rochagnon is a direct

    descendant of Julian Darmon and that Marie is a

    powerful Wizard who defies the Order of Magi

    by not joining their ranks. Whether or not theserumors are true, if civil war does break out in

    Themul, the DTrael family might end up on the

    throne. That is if they dont end up dead.

    Arlen is the largest city in the Known World.

    One of its most notable features is the Academy

    of Arlan. The Academy is considered to have the

    largest and finest collection of Knowledge in the

    Known World. It was founded by the Magi in the

    name of CORAN and run in conjunction withThemulian government. Knowledge is not one of

    the Emperors major concerns so the Magi have

    taken over the Academy fully, a fact that many

    critics of the Order of Magi arent happy about.



    Dragonholt is a large island off the coast of

    Gontal. Near its south coast rests the Tower of

    Magi, home of the Order of Magi. It is a highly

    secretive place and no foreign ships are allowed

    to dock there, not that they could if they tried.

    The entire island is surrounded by large cliffs

    and a dangerous reef, raising the question of how

    the Magi get on and off the island. The answer tothat question, like many other things, is a closely

    guarded Magi secret. See ORGANIZATIONS to

    learn more about the Order of Magi.


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    The Great Waste is an impossibly large desert

    that lies to the South of the Known World. No

    one knows what lies beyond the Waste for no

    one who has ever entered the Great Waste hasreturned.


    The Wall is the name of the mountain range that

    lies to the East of Calaran and Glenfaddich.

    Since there are no known passes through The

    Wall, what lays to the west of the Known World

    remains a mystery.


    There have always been rumors about a great

    civilization to the East of the Known World.

    Most people considered these tales to be false,

    that is until thirty years ago, when a ship from

    the East appeared off the coast of the Free Isles.

    The ship was unlike anything the Pirates of the

    Isles had ever seen. It was twice the size of any

    Known World ship and its square shaped sails

    were rigged in a way that had never been seen

    before. The ship docked off the South coast of

    the main island, deposited nearly a hundred

    people, and then sailed away. The people who

    remained were exotic looking, short with

    coppery skin and almond shaped eyes. They built

    a Temple there. Some stayed while others spread

    out through the Known World. The Easterners

    proved to be a quiet bunch, the only thing they

    will say about their homeland is that it is anEmpire far to the East and it is indescribably

    beautiful. Where they come from, and what

    they are doing in the Known World is anyones

    guess. See ORGANIZATIONS to learn more

    about the Brotherhood of The Way.


    AGESThe Languages listed under each nation are the

    main languages spoken there. All PCs start out

    with Aridian/Common, and the main language of

    their Nation.


    Also known as Common, Aridian is the trade

    language so most people have at least a

    rudimentary knowledge of the language.

    DRACONIC Draconic is the language of The Gift, and only

    magic users speak it in its true form, be they

    Magi, DraCoran , or Elvish Sorcerers.


    Dwarvish is still being spoken by the Clansmen

    of Sheridar and it gives them a pronounced,

    Dwarvish-sounding accent.


    One of the oldest languages in the Known

    World, Elvish is spoken primarily by Elves, but

    many Human Rangers and Druids speak it as



    The tribes evil Humaniods to the North speak

    Goblinoid, interestingly enough it has become a

    fairly common language in the Free Isles.

    SYLVAN Sylvan is the language of nature, it is also the

    special language spoken by Druids, only Druid

    or Elf PCs can take this language.


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    Themulian is an ancient language, believed to be

    an offspring of Draconic. It is only spoken with

    any regularity in Themul.


    GIONThough the GODS no longer have the influence

    they once had, they are still a part of many

    peoples lives. The GODS are organized into

    three branches Good, Neutral and Evil. The

    Good and Evil GODS are always at war with

    each other, with the Neutral GODS in the middle

    trying to keep the peace. Twice in the past, the

    Neutral GODS aligned with the Good, to keep

    ATROPOS and his Evil GODS from upsetting

    the balance and destroying all.



    TANELORN, God of Law, Honor and Nobility,

    is Lawful Good. He is the patron of Knights and

    Paladins. Worshipers do their best to uphold the

    Law and remain Good. They try to be sterling

    examples to the rest of the community. The

    Domains associated with him are Good , Lawand War . His favored weapon is the Longsword.



    AREK, God of the Sun, Humans and Renewal, is

    Neutral Good. He is the most popular of the

    Known World Deities with at least a minor

    shrine in most Human settlements. He is the

    sworn enemy of ATROPOS. AREKS priests

    hold the most political power of any of the

    churches. The Domains associated with him are

    Good , Healing , and Sun . His favored weapon isthe Heavy Mace.



    ARILYN, Goddess of Luck, Adventure, andBeginnings, is Chaotic Good. She is the patron

    of Gamblers and Adventures. While there are

    few Temples in her name, her symbol rests

    above most gambling halls. She is often invoked

    before the start of a journey and roadside shrines

    dedicated to her dot the Known World. Domains

    associated with her are Luck , Protection and

    Trickery . Her favored weapon is the Rapier.


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    CORAN, God of Knowledge, Magic and

    Prophesy, is Lawful Neutral. CORAN remains

    one of the most active of the GODS since the

    Dark War. He is the Patron of the Order of Magi,

    and the creator of The Oracle . All Clerics of

    CORAN are Multiclassed Magi. The Domains

    normally associated to him are Knowledge , Law

    and Magic . His favored weapon is theQuarterstaff.



    GAI, Goddess of Nature, the Elements, andElves, is Neutral. She is the patron of Rangers

    and Woodsman. The Earthmother is the

    protector of the wilds. The Elves are her

    creations so they hold a special place in her

    heart, though she accepts Human worship

    readily. All of her priests are Druids and have all

    the abilities granted that class. Her favored

    weapon is the Longbow and it becomes a Class

    weapon for Druids.



    BASTION, God of War, Courage, and Dwarves

    is Chaotic Neutral. With the disappearance of the

    Dwarves, BASTION has moved into the position

    of Patron of the Clansmen. Since the Clansmen

    try to emulate the Dwarves in every way, this

    seems to suit The Battlelord fine. The

    Domains normally associated to him are

    Protection , Strength and War. His favored

    weapon is the Warhammer.ATROPOS


    ATROPOS, God of Strife, Tyranny and

    Oppression, is Lawful Evil. He is the most powerful and ambitious of the Evil GODS. He

    seeks to destroy the Known World and re-shape

    it to his own liking. He is believed to be the

    father of the Dark King . Despite his hatred of

    the children of AREK, he does have a handful of

    Human Clerics. These followers do their best to

    cause havoc amongst the Nations of the Known

    World. The Domains normally associated with

    him are Evil, Law and Trickery . His favored

    weapon is the Heavy Flail.



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    NECROS, God/Goddess of Death, Disease and

    the Underworld, is Neutral Evil. It is interesting

    to note that no one knows for certain whether

    NECROS has a male or female aspect, although

    most refer to her as female. She is the Patron of

    Necromancers and the Undead. The Domains

    normally associated to her are Death ,

    Destruction , and Evil . Her favored weapon isthe Scythe.



    KARSH, God of Storms, Destruction andGoblinoids, is Chaotic Evil. Along with being

    the Patron of the Goblinoid tribes, he is also

    given homage by sailors who want to avoid bad

    weather. The Stormlord rarely answers their

    prayers though. All of his priests are Adepts and

    they posses all abilities of that class. His favored

    weapon is the Morningstar. See the Dungeon

    Masters Guide for more information on Adepts.



    Isolated on the island of Dragonholt lies the

    Tower of Magi. Within the walls of this

    magically protected fortress the Order of the

    Magi shape the Known World.CORAN himself founded the Magi, shortly

    after the Dark War. Their original purpose was to

    study The Oracle and to prepare the world for the

    time of the Dark Kings return. Since then they

    have grown into a powerful political group as

    well. The Order of Magis members are ranked

    in order of power, 1 st being the highest. They are

    governed by the Council of Five. The Council

    consists of four Magi of the 2 nd Order, and theMagi of the 1 st. There can only be one Magi of

    the 1 st Order at any given time. The current

    council leader is Andren Talsien, a man of

    unquestionable power. Magi tend to wear robes

    of gray and blue and are most easily recognized

    by the blue crescent moon tattoo on their

    foreheads. After many years of apprenticeship,

    they receive this tattoo upon gaining full

    membership in the Order.

    The Magis primary influence over the

    Known World is through The Gift. Whenever

    a child is born with The Gift, they are almost

    always visited by The Magi. Talented youngsters

    are given the privilege of joining the Order so

    they can receive training in the use of The

    Gift. It is a privilege few people refuse. Those

    who do, or those who escape the Magis

    attention are forevermore branded as DraCoran

    or The Uneducated. The Order of Magi firmly

    believes that DraCoran are a threat to the

    Known World. They harass DraCoran to the

    point of persecution. This is why most agree to

    the training.

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    The Order of Magi knows a power beyond

    Nations, even a king listens when a Magi talks.

    There are stories of a young queen who was

    disrespectful to her Magi advisor in front of thecourt. The Magi merely threw the queen over her

    knee and spanked the willful monarch in front of

    her whole court. That is the power of a Magi.

    The only place a Magi fears to go is Calaran.

    Any Magi caught within Calaran faces a painful

    death at the hand of the Redmen.

    Typical Magi.

    Another major citadel for the Order of Magi

    is the Academy of Arlan. The finest center of

    Knowledge in the Known World has been under

    at least partial Magi control since its creation.

    With the steady decline of Themulian Nobility,

    The Magi have taken full control of The

    Academy. Its current headmaster, Langdurin

    Wyvrrnspear is a compassionate man with

    sometimes-controversial views. There are some

    who think Langdurin should already be a Magiof the 2 nd Order and that he was sent to Arlan to

    keep him out of Andren Talsiens hair.

    Whatever their motives, the Order of Magi

    are the most powerful political group in the

    Known World. Some fear their influence and

    some fear their power. It can only be hoped that

    the Order is governed wisely.


    Children of The One, or Redmen as they are

    more commonly known are an elite band of holy

    warriors who answer only to the Bishop of

    Calaran. Religious zealots all, they are hand

    picked by the Bishop to enforce the holy word of

    The One throughout Calaran, and eventually the

    Known World. Redmen act as Holy Warriors and

    Witch Hunters. They go into a village and root

    out evil, wherever it may lie. The Children are

    specially trained by the Bishop himself to

    uncover witches. The masked Inquisitors who

    often lead groups of Redmen are feared the most,

    as they can put anyone to the question. These

    very painful interrogations almost always lead to

    a confession. The people they put to the

    question are largely innocents, but because they

    always confess, that seems to matter little. The

    witches are unfortunate people who are singled

    out by their community to placate the Redmens

    fanatical zeal.

    The Children of The One have started to

    travel to other lands in the Known World to

    combat Evil. The Redmen know they cant

    officially question citizens of the Known

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    World, but that doesnt stop them from isolating

    suspected witches and questioning them

    privately. Because of this, foreign officials keep

    Redmen under close surveillance.KINGSMEN

    Some believe that although the Dark King has

    been defeated, his will is still being carried out in

    the Known World by his faithful servants. These

    servants, known as Kingsmen are considered to

    be the lowest form of life, traitors to their Race,

    whatever Race that may be. It is uncertain

    whether they actually exist or not, but in some

    places, Calaran especially, an accusation of being

    a Kingsman is a serious offense. If they do

    indeed exist, secrecy is their ally. They could be

    anyone from the highest noble, to the lowest

    thief, to a member of the Order of Magi.



    The Brotherhood is a monastic order of Monks

    who follow a philosophy known only as TheWay. The Brotherhood is a fairly new

    organization to the Known World; it arrived on

    the South coast of the Free Isles 30 years ago

    when the Eastern ship dropped off its passengers.

    Brothers of The Way seek a physical and

    spiritual perfection they call Enjuku. It is

    rumored that a Monk who has reached Enjuku

    is no longer really a part of this world. The

    Brothers also speak about men who can use their minds to perform incredible feats. Its possible

    that the powers they hint at are Psionics. The

    Brothers seem content to let it remain a mystery

    for the moment, though.

    The almost elitist actions of the Brotherhood

    have caused concern to some. They have started

    to take in members of non-Eastern origin though,

    and have opened a Temple in the city of Arlen.Whatever their motives, the Unarmed Combat

    they teach is tantalizing enough to make people

    come from all over in hopes of being accepted.

    What the Brothers ultimately plan for these

    students is unknown.



    The Elvish Longbow is a weapon of ingenious

    craftsmanship and design. When strung, it is a

    fully functioning Longbow. When unstrung, it

    acts as a Quarterstaff. These prized items are

    almost always Masterwork weapons and are

    often enchanted as well. Note that Quarterstaffs

    are treated differently in the Known World. Seethe entry for Quarterstaffs on the next page to

    learn more.


    Elvish Longdagger

    These slightly curved blades are favored by the

    Elves. Like their creators, they are short, fast,

    and deadly. Elvish Rangers are often found

    wielding matched sets. Elvish Longdaggers are

    identical to Short Swords in the Players



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  • 7/31/2019 Hand of Destiny


    Hand of Destiny

    These deadly weapons have recently been

    introduced in Calaran. They have become a

    standard weapon for Redmen. Repeating

    Crossbows are considered Martial Weapons andthey do damage as a Heavy Crossbow.

    Otherwise they are unchanged from the Players



    The Quarterstaff is a fast, versatile weapon. To

    illustrate this, the Weapon Finesse Feat can be

    taken for the Quarterstaff. In addition, it is

    considered a Monkish weapon and receives the

    Monks more favorable number of attacks per

    round. Rangers can use the Quarterstaff with

    their free Ambidexterity and Two Weapon

    Fighting Feats.



    Thus ends your brief tour of theKnown World. If what you have

    learned here helps you in your

    travels, then I am grateful.

    Perhaps you could use this

    Knowledge to benefit the Known

    World. Again... Good Luck.

    Langdurin Wyvrrnspear.

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