g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá vtà{ÉÄ|v vÉÅÅâÇ|àç · 2019. 4. 21. · la comunidad...

Post on 10-Mar-2021






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The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community, one

Church of many peoples, exists to praise and honor

God, to embrace the dignity of every person, to grow

together spiritually, and to witness to the Good

News of Jesus Christ in Redlands, California. We chal-

lenge ourselves to deepen our unity as we move

forward toward the vision of a new place of worship.

La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas, existe para darle honor y gloria a Dios, alimentar la dignidad de cada persona, juntos crecer espiritualmente, y a ser testigo de La Buena Noticia de Jesucristo en Redlands, California. Los desafiamos a si mismos para mejorar nuestra unidad mientras tomamos pasos mas allá, hacia nuestra nueva casa de oración.

For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs, please call:

Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias, favor llame: 951.782.7246

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April 21: Easter Sunday - Domingo de Pascua Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection ‐ English  7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am - Olive Ave Church

8:45am, 10:45am - Olive Ave Hall

9:00am - Columbia St Church

Misa de la Resurrección del Señor ‐ Español  7:30am, 11:30am - Iglesia de Columbia St

12:30pm - Iglesia de Olive Ave

Today, in John's gospel, Mary Magdalene is

the first follower of Jesus to experience the

empty tomb. She ran to Peter and the beloved

disciple to tell them about the event. In the on-

going reversal of expecta ons that was part

of the ministry of Jesus, he chose a woman to become the

apostle to the apostles. Peter and the beloved disciple ran

to the empty tomb. The beloved disciple out of respect for

Peter did not go in first, though he had arrived first. A er

Peter entered the tomb, the beloved disciple did also. In this

part of the story, the beloved disciple does not just repre-

sent the apostle John. Rather, he represents all of us, loved

by Jesus, who despite the many years since the resurrec-

on, come to believe in the truth of this mystery.

As Jesus had predicted, his Abba raised him from the dead.

He was the same Jesus; his iden ty was intact. But he was

transformed: he had a glorified body no longer subject to

the laws of me and space. In his appari ons, he was briefly

seen; and then he would disappear. Though risen, he s ll

bore the scars of his suffering.

This Easter Sunday and season, we celebrate the fullness of 

the Paschal mystery  ‐  the  life, death, and Resurrec on of 

Jesus.  During this season we are frequently reminded of

the importance and centrality of bap sm. Paul talks about

this in Colossians today. He says that through bap sm we

were raised with Christ, that we have died; and one day

we will be with him in glory. Through bap sm we were

immersed in the mystery of life, death, and Resurrec on.

We have been living this ministry since we were bap zed.

In different ways, we recurrently have moved through

death experiences to experiences of new life. We are con-

vinced that this Paschal process will continue on to the other

side of death. We then will move from new life in Christ to

eternal life, through God's grace and mercy.

Journeying with you,

Deacon Steve

Hoy, en el Evangelio de Juan, María Magdalena es la primera

seguidora de Jesús en vivenciar la tumba vacía. Hechó a

correr hacia donde estaba Pedro y el otro discípulo amado

para decirles lo sucedido. Jesús, como parte de su con nuo

ministerio de causar el efecto opuesto a las expecta vas,

eligió una mujer como apóstol de los apóstoles. Pedro y el

discípulo amado corrieron hacia la tumba y este úl mo a

pesar de haber llegado primero, por respeto a Pedro no

entró primero. Después de que Pedro entrara a la tumba, el

discípulo amado también entró. En esta parte de la historia,

el discípulo amado no representa sólo al apóstol Juan si no

que representa a todos nosotros, amados por Jesús, quienes

tantos años después de la Resurrección creemos en la

verdad del misterio.

Como había predicho Jesús, su Abba lo resucitó de entre los

muertos. Él era el mismo Jesús; su iden dad estaba intacta,

pero estaba transformado: tenía un cuerpo glorificado que

ya no estaba más sujeto a las leyes del tiempo y del espacio.

En sus apariciones se lo veía muy brevemente y desaparecía.

A pesar de haber resucitado, él aún conserva las cicatrices

de su sufrimiento.

Este domingo y  empo de Pascua celebramos el misterio 

pascual en su plenitud: la vida, muerte y Resurrección de 

Jesús. En este empo recordamos la importancia y centra-

lidad del bau smo. Pablo habla de esto en su carta a los

Colosenses, la lectura de hoy. Él dice que a través del bau-

smo resucitamos con Cristo y que hemos muerto, y que

algún día estaremos con él gloriosos. A través del bau smo

nos hemos sumergido en el misterio de vida, muerte y

Resurrección. Hemos estado viviendo este misterio desde

nuestro bau smo. De dis ntas maneras, hemos experi-

mentado recurrentemente la muerte y la vida nueva.

Estamos convencidos de que este proceso pascual con -

nuará hacia el otro lado de la muerte. Luego, iremos de la

vida nueva en Cristo hacia la vida eterna, a través de la

gracia y misericordia de Dios.

Caminando con ustedes, Diácono Steve

Coordinator’s Corner Esquina del Coordinador

Elect - Elegidos

The Elect were Bap zed, Confirmed, and received First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

Candidates - Candidatos

Candidates were bap zed in another Chris an denomina on. By virtue of their prior bap sm, these Candidates were are already part of the Body of Christ. At the Easter Vigil, they made a Profession of Faith and received Confirma on and First Eucharist.

Alison Barrows Carol El Halabi Leanne Klausner

Jennifer Campbell Holly Eliason Cameron McCauley

Johanna Cuellar Delilah Gutierrez Alyssa Ouillette

Pamela Curtis Elie Halabi Henry Simms

Bechara El Halabi Susan Hunt William Pomfrett

¡Damos la bienvenida a estas personas a la Comunidad Cristiana Católica Romana!

With joyful hearts, we welcome these people into the Roman Catholic Christian Community!

Julian Cuellar

Nathan Cuellar

Candice Halabi

Alexandria Hernandez

Robert Oliveros

Shea McCann

Junior Ramirez

Sara Sparks

Samantha Vessels

You are Invited - Estás Invitado 4

The Filipino Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Parish invites you! Flores de Mayo Rosary Novena: May 3 - 11, 2019

Come and Pray the Rosary in Community. Please bring flowers from your garden to honor our Blessed Mother.

Ven y reza el rosario en comunidad. Favor, traiga flores de su jardín para honrar a nuestra Santísima Madre.

Friday May 3: 7:00 PM Olive Ave

Saturday May 4: after the 4:30 PM Mass Olive Ave

Sunday May 5: after the 5:30 PM Mass Olive Ave

Monday May 6: 7:00 PM Columbia St

Tuesday May 7: 7:00 PM Columbia St

Wednesday May 8: 7:00 PM Columbia St

Thursday May 9: 7:00 PM Columbia St

Friday May 10: 7:00 PM Columbia St

Saturday May 11: 4:30 PM ** Olive Ave

** Mass will conclude with a Rosary procession. Rehearsal at 3:30 PM. La misa concluiré con una procesión del Rosario. Ensayo 3:30 PM.

On May 10 and 11, we will host the statue of Our Lady of Fatima which was blessed by Pope Francis.

For more information, please call: Evelyn Alms (909) 793-3001 Socorro Ramirez (909) 792-5933 Josette Letson (909) 557-4150

Does your Faith life feel like a rou ne? A endees say:

“The talks have reinforced my faith and hope in the Church.”

“This was a transformative weekend that all Catholics need.”

Attend a FREE Renewal Weekend Retreat 

at Holy Name’s Olive Ave loca on. All Adults are Welcome. 

Spend me with our priests and make new parish friends.

Rediscover the early Church. Dive into the Gospels.

Encounter Christ in a more profound way. Be renewed in Him.

Included:  Meals, Materials, and Mass! You will go home each night.

Next weekend in English: May 31, June 1‐2, 2019 

Space is limited. Please register online by visiting:

t heho l ynameo f j e su s . o r g / r enewa l ‐weekend  

OR call: Deacon Antonio & Emma Mejico 909‐856‐4340 

1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 ‐ 8:00pm 

Olive Ave Youth Lounge above the Hall

Small Faith Communi es - Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe Karen Grozak 909.793.2469, ext 135

1st & 3rd Thursdays,  9:30am ‐ 11:00am 

Columbia St Hall     childcare available

Moms are welcome!

RISE Catholic Men’s Group with Fr. Hau 3rd Sat monthly - May 18th

10:30am-12pm Olive Ave Annex

Adult Bible Forma on with Jesse Del Rio Graduate of LMU’s Catholic Bible Ins tute

Studying the Old Testament historical books, I Samuel - II Kings

Tuesdays weekly * 6:30—8:00pm * Academy Rm 7

Class is FREE. Bring your Bible. Jesse Del Rio 908-910-7600

Estudio Bíblico de Adultos con Gregorio Gomez Graduado del Ins tuto Bíblico Católico de Loyola Marymount University

Cada martes * 7:00 - 9:00pm * Salón Oeste de Columbia

GRATIS. Favor, trae su Biblia. Gregorio Gomez gregollo@live.com

Li le Rock Scripture Studies 

Thursdays weekly * 9:30 - 11:00am * Olive Ave Hall

Small fee for DVD/Workbook materials - scholarships available

Georgia Jennings 909-784-6144

6 Prayer and Care - Oración y Cuidado Divine Mercy Novena:  April 19 ‐ 28, 2019  

In collabora on with 9 parishes, we join in prayer and thanksgiving for Christ’s Divine Mercy.

Please see the FLYER for the en re schedule.

April 28 ‐ The Holy Name of Jesus, Olive Ave 

1:30pm ‐ Confessions;     2:00pm ‐ Mass / Misa 

Procession, Flower Offering, and light Recep on a erward 

Procesión con ofrendas de Flores, una Recepción después

En colaboración con 9 parroquias, celebraremos la Novena

de la Divina Misericordia. Mira al FLYER para el HORARIO.

Mass Intentions—Intenciones de Misas C - Columbia O - Olive - Deceased

Saturday, April 20 - EASTER VIGIL 8:00pm (O) Richard Whiteman Sunday, April 21 - EASTER SUNDAY 7:00am (O) Ann Correia 7:30am (C) Feligreses del Santo Nombre de Jesus 8:30am (O) Emma Schloemer 8:45am (O - Hall) Judith Rivera 9:30am (C) Larry and Connie Cabral -

Happy 50th Anniversary! 10:30am (O) Ronaldo A. Camba 10:45am (O - Hall) The Laciste Family 11:30am (C) Margarita Juarez 12:30pm (O) Manuela Villaseñor Loaiza Monday, April 22 7:30am (O) Jean Cejka Tuesday, April 23 7:30am (O) Thomas A. Santacroce Wednesday, April 24 7:30am (O) Brett Perez-Lugenbeel Thursday, April 25 7:30am (O) Greg Barnes 6:30pm (C) Conchita Rosales de Michel Friday, April 26 7:30am (C) Lewis J. Scheer III Saturday, April 27 8:00am (O) James Reardon 4:30pm (O) Richard Whiteman 6:00pm (C) Rufina Aviles Sunday, April 28 7:30am (C) Maria de la Paz Aguayo 8:00am (O) Leone Kelly 9:00am (C) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners 10:00am (O) Joseph Leon Guerrero 10:30am (C) Amelia Meza 12:00pm (O) Rita Maria Perez 4:30pm Filipino Mass (C) Rosita Bombita Luanzon 5:30pm (O) Andrew Barboza

Surviving Divorce is for the newly separated and divorced and for those s ll struggling

with issues many years later.

This is a 6‐week series, star ng April 29 and ending June 3. Mondays, 7:00 ‐ 8:30pm     Olive Ave ‐ Rm 201 (above the hall) 

Cost: $15 per person for materials (PREGISTRATION NEEDED)

ADULTS only; childcare is not offered at this me.  

For more informa on or to register, please contact a leader:  Francesca 909-798-4185 Susan 909-792-3915   OR visit:  theholynameo esus.org/surviving-divorce  

Saturday, May 18 * 6:00pm Olive Ave Annex 

The mission of the Catholic Church is to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people and to

minister to all people in His Holy Name. So… how do we, the Church, share the Good News to people

with same‐sex a rac on and their loved ones?

We gather, we break bread, and we dialogue… together.

If you are a person with same sex a rac on, or, if you are rela ves and friends of persons with same

-sex a rac on we invite you to gather, break bread, and dialogue with us. Come and celebrate Mass

with us. Stay for a Potluck gathering where we will con nue to break bread and dialogue with each

other. ALL are WELCOME in Christ’s Holy Name.

Saturday, May 11th    *  The Holy Name of Jesus – 1205 Columbia St, Redlands  

4:00 PM ‐ Mass in English  *  5:00 PM ‐ Potluck Gathering in the Hall 

Hosted By: The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community in collabora on with

The Diocesan Ministry for Families and Friends of Gay and Lesbian Catholics

For more informa on, please contact: Fr. Hau Vu, The Holy Name of Jesus

909.793.2469, ext 13

Gloria Aus n

909.475.5300 heyglo26@gmail.com

Visit: t heho l ynameo esus .org

Building for 2119 - Construyendo para 2119

En marzo, Deacon Steve compar ó sobre nuestra primera

reunión con la Ciudad de Redlands y los estudios requeridos

antes de reunirse con el Consejo de Planificación de la Ciudad.

Uno de los ar culos que revisamos de nuevo fue el uso de las

instalaciones. ¿Sabes cuántas clases, entrenamientos, ensayos,

reuniones de ministerio o proyectos enen lugar en la parroquia

cada semana?

Cada semana, más de 700 niños asisten a clases para aprender

sobre Jesús y la fe católica. Además de los niños, ADOLESCENTES 

y ADULTOS u lizan un promedio de 11 espacios para reuniones 

cada día / noche semanalmente.

Hoy hay 3,433 familias parroquiales registradas... eso es más de

10,100 personas.

Para cuando los niños nacidos en 2017 se gradúen de la escuela

secundaria, nuestra parroquia incluirá a 5,146 familias... eso es

más de 15,000 personas.

Para satisfacer nuestras crecientes necesidades, hemos planeado:

1 grande salón con 13 salas de reuniones más ampliables;

1 cuarto de ensayo de música;

1 centro juvenil con salón, 4 cuartos y baños;

1 escuela parroquial con 18 aulas y STREAM Laboratorio;

1 salón de la Catequesis del Buen Pastor (doble en tamaño);

512 plazas de aparcamiento.

Nuestra visión es construir un lugar para la Catequesis de Toda

la Familia. Esto significa que los ADULTOS del Santo Nombre de

Jesús podrán asis r a los servicios de oración, a las clases, a los

talleres, a las reuniones del ministerio, a los ensayos de música y

a par cipar en las ac vidades de servicio... en la MISMA NOCHE

mientras nuestros niños y adolescentes asisten a las clases de

Formación de Fe o Confirmación, a los grupos de jóvenes y a los

ac vidades ... con estacionamiento de sobra.

Esperamos poder obtener permisos de construcción en este mo-

mento el próximo año. Es la visión del campus floreciente100

años a par r de hoy ‐ no de la primera pala en el suelo el próxi‐

mo  año  ‐ que nos inspira a compar r nuestros planes con los

donantes que enen la capacidad para hacer un regalo significa-

vo. Construir nos permite crear un espacio para que las almas

encuentren a Cristo, apoyen la vida familiar e impacten vidas

con esperanza, promoviendo la misión de Cristo y su Iglesia.

¡Únete a nosotros! Sharon Callon-Schwartz

-Ma hew Kelly, The Narrow Path

A few weeks ago, Deacon Steve shared

about our preliminary CUP mee ng

with the City of Redlands and the studies

required before mee ng with the City’s

Planning Council. One of the items we

reviewed again is our facility usage. Do

you know how many classes, trainings, rehearsals, ministry

mee ngs or projects take place each week?

Each week, over 700 children a end classes to learn

about Jesus and the Catholic faith. In  addi on  to  the 

kids, TEENS and ADULTS use an average of 11 meeting 

spaces every day/evening weekly.  

Today, we number 3,433 registered parish families…

that’s over 10,100 people.

By the me children born in 2017 graduate from high

school, our parish will include 5,146 families… that’s over

15,000 people.

To meet our growing needs, we have planned:

1 hall with 13 expandable meeting rooms;

1 music rehearsal room;

1 youth center with hall, 4 classrooms, & restrooms;

1 parish school with 18 classrooms and STREAM Lab;

1 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd room (double in size);

512 parking spaces.

Our vision is building a place for Whole Family Catechesis.

This means that Holy Name of Jesus ADULTS will be able

to a end prayer services, adult classes or workshops,

ministry mee ngs, music rehearsals, and par cipate in

service ac vi es… on the SAME EVENING as children and

teenagers attend Faith Formation Classes, Confirmation

classes, Youth groups / activities... with parking to spare.

We hope to put a spade in the ground around this me

next year. It is the vision of the thriving campus 100

years from today — not the spade in the ground next year

— that inspires us to share our plans with donors who

have the capacity to make a significant gi to make this

vision a reality. Join us in building this legacy.

Sharon Callon-Schwartz Director of Mission Advancement

Forming Our Children’s Faith — La Formación de Fe de los Niños 8

Ways to help… Maneras de Ayudar

VISITORS to the SICK ‐Hospital & at Home Catholics who are Confirmed and who are eligible to receive com-

munion are welcome to serve in this ministry. Be not afraid!

We will provide you with in-person training and support.

Please contact:   Ann McMahon  951‐316‐0355

Will you help Christ create a community of love by

extending a warm welcome to Mass‐goers?

helping people find a seat?

Welcoming begins by seeking out the other…  

like the Prodigal Father looking for his son’s return. 

A loving welcome makes a difference!

Questions?  Contact:   

Usher Coordinator, Dominick Rosse 909-389-4558

If you have any questions, OR if you would like to volunteer, please call: Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190 (English) Dee Rehome 909-792-1693 (English or Espanol)

THANK YOU for dona ng these items for the Buses!

Ac vity books – coloring, puzzles / brain teasers * Journals * Teen Magazines *

Comic Books * Playing Cards & UNO cards * S ckers * Board Games - Connect 4

Ba leship, Travel Chess/Checkers * Small Hand Sani zers * Lip Gloss / Balm *

Pens, Colored Pens, Colored Pencils, Markers * Small Kleenex packs * Postage

Stamps * Notecards and Envelopes / Sta onery Sets * Disposable Cameras *

Walmart Gi Cards in small denomina ons

If you wish to donate funds, please give online by visi ng:

t heho l ynameo f j e su s .o r g /ge t ‐on ‐ the ‐bus  



: Mich

ael Maco

r, San Fran

cisco C



Our Parish-sponsored

buses will reunite

kids and incarcerated

moms & dads in May.

All are welcome ‐ Todos son bienvenidos

Social Concerns Ministry Mee ng  

Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales 

Monday - Lunes, May 6 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Columbia St - Hall Library Room

Our parish GIFT to you. FREE

A er registering, sign in and upload Catholic films, audio books, e-books, children’s cartoons, reflec ons

for the Sunday Gospel. Apple TV, tablet, phone.

Download the app or Register at: theholynameofjesus.formed.org

Enter Parish Code: K2 3 N F K

Share Your Time and Talents in Ministry — Compartir Su Tiempo y Talentos en Ministerio 10

Liturgy ‐ Liturgia             Altar Servers / Monaguillos English: Mike Grothem mikegrothem@gmail.com Español: Rafael Or z 909-521-6173

Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) Martha Plumb, ext 136  

Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator   Sally Padilla 909-855-6789

Eucharistic Ministers (Mass) / Ministros de la Eucaristía (misa) English: Web Prather 951-662-9064 Español: Jorge Mares 909-446-9611

Lectors     English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942 Español: Carlo Argo , ext 140 Music and Choirs / Música y Coros Carlo Argo , ext 140

Ushers / Ujieres      English: Dominick Rosse 909-389-4558 Español: José Muñoz 909-557-8436 Wedding Coordinator Ministry / Coordinadoras de Bodas Suzie Reeves 909-792-7523

Prayer & Faith Sharing ‐ Oración y Compar endo Fe   Adora on of the Eucharist ‐ Adoración de la Eucaris a     English: Mary Ann Smith 909-793-6191 Español: Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308

Centering Prayer      Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308 

Cinema for the Soul   Movies can be our Modern Day Parables

Brandie Morrison bmorrison@sbdiocese.org

Consecration to Jesus thru Mary      Josette Letson 909-557-4150 

Cursillos in Chris anity     Jose ‘Pepito’ Banez 909-809-1478

Grupo de Oración Sonia Mejia 909-735-9157 Josefa Colima 909-682-3198

Obras de Teatro Lorena Barcena 909-345-0515

Powerhouse of Prayer       Parish Secretaries, ext 110

Rejuvenate Women’s Group     Kate Troy kate.klorer@gmail.com

Re ros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 909-838-8924 

RISE Catholic Men’s Group      Fr. Hau Vu, ext 113  

Small Faith Communities / Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe                                     Karen Grozak kgrozak@sbdiocese.org

Outreach & Evangeliza on ‐ Servicio y Evangelización   

AJ’s Kitchen  Ken & Alice Jolly 909-709-1233 Nourishing the hungry with lunch and dignity on Mondays

Catholics Returning Home    Tim, Dan & team 909-654-3193

Ci zenship Classes/Clases de Ciudadanía Rogelio Garcia 909-557-6579

Cold Weather Shelter       Rick Ferguson 909-362-2819  

E.S.L. Class/Clase de ingles Carmen Hernandez 909-389-1595

Get On The Bus        Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190

Hospitality Ministry           Bertha Shotwell 909-838-3430 Catholics connec ng over coffee in a comfortable se ng Católicos conectando con el café en un ambiente cómodo

Nueva Evangelización Alex y Marcela Sierra 909-408-0239

Quilters for Life               Charlene Hall 909-553-5929

Refresh & Renew            Rick & Kellie Ferguson 909-362-2819 Refreshing the body to renew the spirit (showers for homeless)

“SHARE”‐ Feed the Hungry  Ashley Bean 951-313-7468 Providing dinner and dignity to the hungry every 1st Saturday

Social Concerns Committee     Esther Gamez 909-435-7063 Mee ng: 1st Monday monthly, 7:00pm, Columbia St Hall Library

Pastoral Care ‐ Cuidado Pastoral       Annulments / Anulaciones   Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128

Funeral Team Ministry           Dcn Jesse Robles, ext 110

Grief Support Ministry - Grupo de Apoyo de Duelo English: Sharon McPeck 909-358-1434 Español: Yolanda Cuevas 909-910-8421

Marriage Prep Couples  Joey & Laura Jacobson 909-770-4071

Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesús y Engracia Sanchez 909-633-8097 Parejas Católicas fortaleciendo matrimonios en las buenas y las malas a través de la unidad en Cristo

Nourish ‐ Support for Caregivers  Fr. Hau Vu, ext 113

Surviving Divorce Group          Francesca Nolan 909-798-4185

Visitors to the Sick / Visitadores a los Enfermos: English: Ann McMahon 951-316-0355 Español: Oficina Parroquial, ext 110

Councils, Cultures, Groups ‐ Consejos, Culturas y Groups                            . 

Arab Community    Dcn Ayed “Eddie” Khader 909-521-4186

Baile Folklórico Cynthia Ventura 909-232-7395

BSA Scout Troop 11, Venture Crew 11        Youth doing good turns daily Ed Bonadiman 909-771-6430

Catholic Moms Connect      Mollie Hibbard 909-798-4167

Catholics of African Descent       Donia Brooks 909-647-7101 We meet twice monthly on Saturday mornings. Join us!

Cub Scouts Pack 8         Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe)

Danzas de Guadalupe Irma Perez 909-801-9320

Fi y + Singles      Wendy Posjena 909-792-1507

Filipino Ministry       Margie Alejandro 909-336-8496

Finance Council        John Nolan 909-798-4185

Girl Scouts           Sarah Bonadiman 909-645-5807

ICF: Italian Catholic Federa on        John Guerin 909-222-3372 Celebra ng Italian heritage through faith, friendship, family, philanthropy and FOOD

Knights of Columbus       A band of brothers humbly serving

A.J. Holmon III 909-633-9967 Dennis McCarty 909-557-5493 Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes) Patricia González 909-528-4846 Patricia Mares 909-446-9627   

Pastoral Council            Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190

Quinceañera Ministry       Parish Office, ext 110

“If Catholic Charities was not here, I would still be living in my car. I’m stronger and more sufficient to where I can get around a little better from what I used to do, to now go out there and seek employment. I don’t know what else I would do… I have hope with Catholic Charities because I know they’re a good organization and they reach out to people that need help. It’s a good thing.” -Bob, grateful client


de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, complete y

envíe por correo el formulario que está disponible en el vestíbulo

de la parroquia o en la oficina parroquial, o llame a la

Línea Directa para reportar Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al



deacon, employee, or volunteer, please complete and mail the

form available in the ves bule of the church or from the parish

office; or call the toll-free Sexual Misconduct Hotline:


Our gi s to the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF)

directly support Catholic Chari es as well as other ministries that

feed, clothe, and assist the poor throughout San Bernardino and Riverside coun es.

Our DDF gi s also make possible: diocesan workshops, adult forma on,

ministry leader training, pro-life and family ministries, and more for 92 parishes;

and funds directly support seminarian educa on and Catholic schools.

If you would like to donate to the DDF online,  

please visit our parish’s Online Giving Program at:    

www . t h e ho l y n ameo f j e s u s . o r g

2019 Weekly DDF Report Noticia Semanal del DDF de 2019 

Parish Goal:                                                  Meta Parroquial: Diocesan Goal: Meta Diocesana:  Pledges Made:                                              Las Promesas Hechas:  Dona ons Received:                                              Donaciones Hechas:  Number of Pledges: Núm de Promesas: Pledges increased by: Promesas Incrementado:

$      170,100.00 

$      120,100.00 

$      143,000.00  

$        64,693.82        502 = 14.6%                      of parish families 


 1 family             $        385.00 

This DDF report includes pledges and gi s

received through the weekend

of April 7th,

502 Families have pledged. Thank you! Gracias!

Become a Deten on Ministry  

Volunteer at CRC, Norco 

California Rehabilita on Center

(CRC) is a men’s facility in Norco

with a popula on of 2,445 men

with only 3 Catholic volunteers.

The chaplaincy needs bilingual

(Spanish/English) volunteers for

Thursday evenings and English

volunteers for Wednesday nights.

Volunteers help with faith sharing

groups, Sacramental Prepara on

and Communion Services.

All volunteers will need to be able

to pass a background check.

Training begins soon.

For more informa on,

please contact:

Chaplain Teddy Harder


Our Lady of Hope Pro‐Life Committee

invites you to

Masses of Life and Repara on 

All Masses begin at 9:00am 

May 25th: near Planned Parenthood 

1873 Commercenter West

San Bernardino  

June 15th: near Family

Planning Associates

855 E Hospitality Ln

San Bernardino

Ques ons? Call:

Fr. Manuel Cardoza


2019 Behavioral Health Conference finding Hope in a changing world Wednesday, May 8 * 8:30am - 4:00pm Diocesan Center: 1201 E. Highland Ave, San Bernardino Keynote Address: Dr. Amanda Alexander

Comparative Study of Understanding of Spirituality and Accepted Norms of Social life in the late 20th Century and Now 2nd Keynote Address: Very Rev. Anthony C. Dao, PhD.

The Psychological impact and Sociological consequences of loneliness (lack of family and community support) as it relates to end of life issues. To register, visit: www.lifedignityandjust.w ixsite.com/ mldj Sponsored and hosted by the Diocesan Office of Life, Dignity and Justice

2 0 1 9 : A P R I L - A B R I L S U N - D O M M O N - L U N T U E - M A R W E D - M I E R T H U - J U E F R I - V I E R S A T - S A B

21 22 23 24 25 26 27


The parish office will be closed on Monday, 

April 22.   La oficina parroquial estará cerrada

el lunes, 22 de abril.

Employment Opportunity: Parish Secretary The Holy Name of Jesus is seeking a full- me parish secretary to provide a welcoming and helpful environment for all inquirers, visitors, and parish-ioners; to schedule appointments, maintain the parish calendar, and perform other administra ve tasks.

Some requirements are:

Effec ve Bilingual Communicator – oral and wri en skills, including wri ng and edi ng proficiency (English/Spanish);

Excellent interpersonal / telephone and organiza onal skills;

Exper se with Microso Office so ware.

The full job descrip on and applica on is on the parish website:

t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g

Please submit the complete applica on with your resume to THNJ Business Manager, Sherry Harder no later than April 27.

Laudato Si’! Easter Monday, April 22, is also Earth Day, and an opportunity to revisit Pope Francis’ encyclical regarding Care for Creation. One way of thanking God for His great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ is to care for His entire creation – our sisters and brothers, our natural world and its creatures. This Easter season, watch this column for more from Laudato Si’, and consider how we can respond as a parish to the global concerns of our day, both ecological and spiritual. “Praised be to You my Lord with all Your creatures!”

* see Laudato Si flyers near the doors *

O  A  L  (O  / O )  115 W. O  A     R , CA 92373 

C  S  L  ( / ) 1205 C  S    R , CA 92374 

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de la Oficina: 8:00am – 4:00pm  Monday‐Friday (lunes‐Viernes) 

Baptisms ‐ Bautizos: 1st Saturday/mo; 1  Sábado de mes Pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class for parents & godparents is required. Pre‐registración, cer ficado de naci‐miento; los padres y padrinos deben asis r a una clase.

Marriage ‐ Matrimonio: Call the Office; Llame la Oficina We require a minimum of 6 months prepara on (we recom-mend 1 year). Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de prepara‐ción (recomendamos 1 año).

For Detailed Informa on and Request Forms, visit:                                                                           

Para Más Información y Formas Requeridos, visite:

www. theho l ynameof j e su s . o r g / sac r amen t s   

Sacrament Classes for Children ‐ Clases de Sacramento para Niños: We offer programs for PreK (age 3) through High School on Sundays and throughout the week; and 1 week of Vaca on Bible School in the Summer. Our High School program offers classes by semester - including Summer classes.

Please visit our website for program details and videos: www. theho l ynameo f j e su s .o r g / f a i t h ‐ f o rmat ion  

Sacred Heart Academy — Academia del Sagrado Corazón  Fully Accredited * Innova ve, Award‐Winning Teaching

K‐8 Arts, Spanish, Music, Physical Educa on

Programs for gi ed students * Jr High Elec ves

Partnering with Parents to Educate the Whole Child

    K ‐ 8th Grades:  909.792.3958                   Preschool:   909.792.1020 

                www.sacredheartredlands.com Principal / Directora:   Angela Williams

Vice Principal / Subdirectora:   Maria Downey (habla español)

School Business Manager:   Ana Moreno (habla español)

School Secretary:   Ruby Barr (habla español)

A Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community

Pastoral Staff / Personel Pastoral:  Pastoral Coordinator  Dcn. Steve Serembe, ext 112

Priest Moderator   Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 (habla español)

Priest Ministers     Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113

Rev. Yovanny Acosta, ext 114 (habla español)  

Deacons Ayed “Eddie” Khader or Antonio Mejico, ext 110

Jesse Robles, ext 122, Steve Serembe, ext 112

Business Manager   Sherry Harder, ext 115

Director of Mission Advancement    

    Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (habla español)

Director of Liturgy and Music  Carlo Argo , ext 140 (habla español)

Parish Secretaries   Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110 (habla español)

Maria Butler, ext 118

Development Data Clerk  Lucya Amezcua, ext 138 (habla español)  

Custodial Staff   José & Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110 

 Faith Forma on ‐ Formación de Fe Director of Faith Formation (Baptism-6th Grade) Karen Grozak, ext 135

Faith Forma on Assistant     Martha Plumb, ext 136 ( habla español)

Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Confirmation    Monica Aguilar, ext 129

Confirma on Assistants   Diana Torres, Carlos Uribe, ext 134 (habla español)

 Youth and Young Adults ‐ Ministerios de Juventud: www.holynameym.org Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries   Mat Troy, ext 131

Youth Ministry Assistants  Teresa Roque & Diana Torres, ext 134

909.793.2469 www.theholynameofjesus.org 





Mass Schedule - Horario de las Misas




(or by appointment / o hace una cita)







The Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass.

Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria.












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