guilds in ancient india

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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The role of economic organisations is very significant in the economic development of any society. In present global scenario, these organisations emerged as the spine of the economy. In light of its widespread appeal, one is naturally inclined to inquire more about such organisations and how their development over time. Many questions can be pondered over including: what were the preconditions for the development of the corporate form; how did these organisation originate; how old is it; how these organisations were spread; how many types of these organisations and what was the difference between the different forms of such organizations; what was the working pattern of these organisations; and most importantly how did these organisations support the society in overall empowerment. All these questions are important not only for their own intrinsic value, but also because of the insights they may provide into the development of the corporate sector in emerging markets. In this paper, attempt has been made to explore a number of these questions in Ancient Indian scenario by examining the economic history and development of the economic prospect in Ancient India.


Economic Organizations of Gupta Period and its Role in

Social Empowerment

Dr. Ankit Agarwal

Joint Annual Conference of I.A.S., ISPQS, IHCS

In the Beginning of Human Life




Effects Effects

NeedLivelihood & Survival

Human as a Food Gatherer

Protection from wild animals

Roaming in groups

Human unity

Need fulfillPopulation increase

Need increase


Roaming in groups

First Revolution In Human Life




Surplus productionSurplus production

Human as a Food Human as a Food ProducerProducer

Achieve yield Achieve yield for survivalfor survival

Maximum utilization Maximum utilization of labourof labour

Technical Technical developmentdevelopment

Human organized on the Human organized on the basis of economic basis of economic


Fulfillment of basic human needs

Origin Of Economic Organization

Surplus productionSurplus production Development of Trade, Industry & Craft

Arranged and Organized these activities



Development of economic organization


NeedTrade of Indus Civilization

Development Of Economic Organizations :In the Primary Stage

Indus Civilization

Fulfillment of economic need

of society

Increase commercial activities

Need Efforts

Vedic & Later Vedic period

Need Need of Skilled Labour

Professional Education


Reputation increase


Development Of Economic Organizations: In the Secondary Stage

600-300 B.C.

IInd Revolution based on

Utilization of Metal

monetary management

Establishment of commercial activities

Goodwill increase Controlling position of business activities

Need Need



Development Of Economic Organizations


Post Maurya Period

Attach with Administrative work

Attach with Military activities

Attach with Judicial work

Goodwill Increase

Development of these Activities before the Gupta Period

600 B.C. 300 B.C.100 B.C. 300 A.D.Commercialactivities

Development Period

Establish Period

Administrati--ve activities

Establish Period

Military activitiesJudicial activities


Development Period

Development Period

Development Period

Establish Period

Establish Period

Establish Period

Establish Period




Development Period

Establish Period

Types Of Economic Organization In Gupta Period

1. Sreni (Guild)

• Different social background of members

• Created to achieve economic goals

• Related to same trade or production of specific commodity or craft like Guild of Jewelers, Guild of wine growers, Guild of Handcrafters etc.

Types Of Economic Organization In Gupta Period

2. Nigam

• Same level of traders like retailer, wholesaler etc.

• Same region

• Created to solve the business related problems

Types Of Economic Organization In Gupta Period

3. Kulik• Organization of producer of same commodity like sugar Industry, Textile etc.

4. Sarth

• Related to distance trade• Probably organized on the basis of trade area

Economic Organization : Expansion

• Vertically Expansion• Kalidass mentioned guilds of architects• Description of Jambu-Dvip Pragyapti

about 18 types of guilds• Well-known Historian like Altekar & Block accept vertical expansion of such organization

• Horizontal expansion• Description of Mahavastu about many different guilds of Kapilvastu like Pravarik (Seller of sheets), Sidhukarak (Distiller), Maniyar (jewellers)

• Independent and free hold in own field

Economic Organization : Working

• These were working jointly according to need

• Joint seals of Nigam and Kulik from Bhita

• Joint seals of sreni, Kulik and Nigam from Basarh

Economic Organization :Joint Working

















City / Town / village

Aahar / Visay(District)

Pranta (State)


Inner Structure of Economic Organization

Development on Democratic base

Democratic approach

Own Independent Constitution

State would respect that

Specific Flag & Office

Economic source of organizations

DonationInterest of money

Penalty (members)

Benefit received from social work

Inner Structure of Economic Organization

• President• Elected on the basis of merits and demerits between the members of organization

• Karya-chintak• Working as a assistant of President• Working for community welfare were their responsibility• Person who was not child, old, miser, voluptuary were not eligible

Inner Structure of Economic Organization

• Members• Person, who was responsible, honest, competent, religious and knower of the Vedas- as per Brahaspati smrti• Follow the constitution and rules of organization• Individually & collectively responsible for capital investment, social and religious works, profit & losses, donation on the basis of mutual agreement

Relation with Monarchy

• Such organizations received authorization letter from the monarchy.• The set parameters by the monarchy and society can not overruled by such organizations • These organizations should not work against the monarchy and fulfill their responsibility for the same

Relation with Monarchy

• Responsibility of Kings

• Execution of punishment passed by economic organization• In case of fraud and breach of contract against such organization to be punished by monarchy

• Protection of these secrets

Relation with Monarchy

• Rights of King

• If these organizations were not give taxes properly, King had right to collect 8 times penalty

• Power to impose penalty of any irregularities of such organizations

• Inspection and Supervision of such organization

Commercial Activities

• Running Trade & Industry• Manufacturing of daily usage product• Production integration• Price & Quality assessment• Distribution & Marketing of product• Professional Education• Work as a banker• Work as a Trusty• Earning Foreign Wealth

Other Activities• Social Activities

• Construction of Infra-Structure like road, garden, halls, pond, canal etc.• Arrange the marriages of poor peoples• Moral advancement of society

• Religious Activities• Publicity Of religious view• Establish the religious theory in society• Construction of Mythological places

• Administrative Work• Members of such organization were administrator of major cities in Gupta period

Other Activities

• Military Work• Maintain a army• Used their army in the state interest in adverse time

• Judicial Work

• Economic organizations stand second position in four type of courts –Narad Smrti

• Economic organizations were included in gradation of courts – Brihaspati Smrti


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