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GRS Seminar: 20 Academic Writing TipsGraduate Research School27 Nov 2015

The University of Western Australia

20 Academic Writing Tips

1-5 Getting started6-10 Academic writing conventions11-20 Revising, editing and proofreading

The University of Western Australia


Use writing to clarify your thinking

Rethink the way you think Test your thinking on paper Develop your ‘voice’

The University of Western Australia


Turn off your ‘internal critic’ when you draft

Early drafts are just early drafts They will not be read by anyone other than you Get your thoughts down on paper in whatever way is easiest for you Don’t edit too early

The University of Western Australia


Develop good writing habits

Undergraduate training can establish poor writing behaviours

Assess your writing behaviours - schedule, environment, avoidance….

‘If it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it’

The University of Western Australia


Have a framework for writing (or not)

Review textbooks/handbooks & theses If structure is giving you a headache - consider unstructured writing

Paper: Write that Journal Article in 7 days

Information Services Finding a Thesis

Academic Phrasebank

The University of Western Australia


Know your disciplinary conventions

Follow the style of a journal you aspire to publishing in Follow a thesis you like the ‘look’ of Assess writing for style & structure

Read an academic writing style guide

Be aware that academic writing conventions differ across languages, cultures and disciplines

The University of Western Australia


Simple sentences, complex concepts (often but not always)

1 topic per sentence Topic should be close to beginning of sentence Verb should be close to topic Avoid interruption of sentence

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Purdue University Online Writing Laboratory – Academic Writing

The University of Western Australia


Understand what a paragraph is

Focuses on one concept Topic sentence introduces concept Topic sentence usually provides link to previous paragraph ~3-5 sentences

The University of Western Australia


Understand use of tense

What was done/found = past tense Referring to data in figures & tables = present tense What someone else thinks = past or present tense What you think = present tense Future studies = future tense

University of Melbourne – Using Tenses in Scientific Writing

The University of Western Australia


First person, third person, active or passive?

Know your disciplinary norm Be consistent Active simplifies sentences Passive still very common Thesis ‘I’ or ‘We’?

The University of Western Australia


Minor things

Format quotations correctly Choose AUS, US or UK spelling (for whole document) Avoid Latin phrases Know rules for abbreviations & acronyms Remove all pronouns Use commas, colons, semi-colons & apostrophes consistently and correctly Avoid colloquialisms Use transition words & connectives sparingly & appropriately

Punctuation Made Simple

The University of Western Australia


Check your ‘narrative’ using a reverse outline

Identify key point(s) in each paragraph List on separate piece of paper Draw arrow between each point Label each arrow with the link between the keypoints

Shuffle keypoints to improve structure / linking / reduce redundancy Look for description of links in text

Explorations of Style: A Blog about Academic Writing – Reverse Outlines

The University of Western Australia


Take a break from a draft

Keep a notebook / journal / smartphone handy

The University of Western Australia


Know some writing techniques

Writer’s block When the going gets tough Unconscious writing techniques (freewriting, Write or Die App) Conscious writing techniques (Journalists prompts, lists, mind maps)

The University of Western Australia


Keep a style guide

You will make stylistic choices List them Prior to handing in a draft / final thesis check through your list Add your supervisor’s suggestions to the list

The University of Western Australia


Read your work out loud

Read to yourself Better: Read to an inanimate object Better still: Read to another person Best: have your work read to you

The University of Western Australia


Be kind to your reader

Consider font, size, justification, white space Headings and subheadings are important

The University of Western Australia


Tame Word, Endnote & Outlook (or whatever software you are using)

Custom settings

The University of Western Australia

Manage multiple drafts

Develop your own form of version control Don’t delete anything Have multiple backups in remote locations


The University of Western Australia


Be repetitive but avoid repetition

Ground your reader by ensuring your terminology is consistent Do not repeat concepts or large tracts of text – summarise

The University of Western Australia


Enjoy being a writer (it is part of being a researcher)

The University of Western Australia

See StudySmarter workshops / online resources

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