group project proposal on going not final yet

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Kauri DiebackDisease System


 Name : Alan Gabrelle Joville Cal

Net ID : acal628

Student ID : 5481851

Name : Chang-hoon, LeeNet ID : lcha134

Student ID : ?????????

Name : Kitt Huii,Leo

Net ID : lhui972

Student ID : 5909774

Assignment : InfoSys 320 - Group Assignment 2013


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Table of Contents 

PUT NO PAGE (ltr on)

Executive Summary ...............................................................................................................

Background, Problems and Scope ........................................................................................

Components (Hardware and Software)

 Use Case Diagram Overview ................................................................................................

Use Case Descriptions ..........................................................................................................

Entity Relationship Diagram .................................................................................................

Wordpress based Knowledge base to support the Design ....................................................

Assumptions and Design Decisions (Lightswitch) ...............................................................

MAYBE ADD THE BLEND ASSUMPTION(ltr on) Non-functional Requirements ...............................................................................................

Constraints ............................................................................................................................

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Executive Summary

Kauri dieback is a deadly fungus-like disease caused by Phytophthora Taxon

Agathis (PTA) specific to New Zealand which is identified in 2008. This disease isspread through soil and water via spores. Almost thousands of infected kauri in New

Zealand died. That is why we are creating an information system, aimed to fight against

kauri dieback disease and possesses the potential to address similar situations.

The information system created will be available to many different users (public,researcher, scientist and biosecurity officer). Information accessible will be unique based

on the user type. Users’ authentication will be required to ensure information privacy and

maintain the security of the system. The system can be access remotely via a mobiledevice or a local desktop depending on user needs.

Public users can access background information of the kauri dieback disease andeven share information such as how to prevent kauri dieback with their friends and family

 by simply registering as a member of the system. This is a great start to educate the

 public about the existence of the kauri dieback disease, its implication on the kauri tree,

and ways to help prevent it from spreading. They also able to make donation to help fight

against the disease.

Furthermore, public who goes tracking in kauri forest can register themselves in

the system to be able to view a before and after visiting the kauri forests to-do listshowing recommended tasks to compete. Trackers can take or save pictures and

 bookmark GPS coordinates of suspected infected trees that they have come across in the

forest into the system for verification by the biosecurity officers to conduct further investigation.

Researchers and scientists are able to obtain information on kauri trees recorded

in the system that has been infected, along with the disease symptoms to facilitate their 

research and investigation to develop a cure for the disease. They are also able to accessthe treatment information used on kauri tree to either eliminate the use ineffective drugs

or mix around with the drugs to create a better cure. If there are any new findings, thesefindings can be stored in the system.

Biosecurity officers use this system to record the findings of kauri tree during theinspection of the kauri forest. Officers are able to use a portable X-ray to scan the roots of 

the kauri tree to determine whether a tree is infected or not. Officers are also able to use

the moisture reading scanner to determine the moisture of the tree. High moisture tree

may have high risk of having kauri dieback. If an infected tree is detected, the X-rayimage and the moisture reading with image of it will be stored directly in the system

alongside with the GPS coordinates of the tree, tree image, picture of the symptoms(available in the system for look up to double confirm the diagnostic) for future

references. Upon every forest inspection, officers are provided with tracking route (with past recorded location of the kauri tree) on maps and a before and after inspection to-do

list to complete.

In conclusion, this new system is designed to make use of technologies to fight

against kauri dieback or any similar situations in future. The new system will be able to

 provide a better future for kauri trees.

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Background, Problems and Scope

Background of the current system

The current system for kauri dieback is mainly for the biosecurity officer, scientistand researcher. The main purpose of this system is to store data about kauri trees that are

infected as well as findings from lab analysis. Automated code for some data is used in

the system to increase the accuracy of the data.

Problems or Potential Changes on the Current System

In the new system, we have added public as one of the users because the public

forms an important role to combat the kauri dieback. By having public to be a part of the

system, public awareness for the disease will increase and the public can assist in

reducing disease spread. For example, forests tracker can help identify infected treeswhich may be overlooked by the biosecurity officers. This improves early stage disease

detection, which in the long run will be beneficial for kauri trees. Furthermore, public can

make donation to the kauri dieback foundation to help in fighting against the disease.

There is a pressing need to improve the data storage of the current system because

the way that the current system stores data is confusing and hard to understand. Providing

a better data storage method with the new system would be beneficial for the user’s easeof accessing data for future reference. The existing automated code may be fast and

accurate but the users do not actually know how to obtain it. This is not always a good

 practice as users should know where and how does all the data come from instead of having to rely on the automated code.

The new system will allow the biosecurity officers to upload the data directly to

the system during inspection instead of having to enter the data collected once they have

returned from the forest. Old data uploading method poses the risk of losing importantdata during the lag period between data collection and data upload. This improved system

function will be very useful, effective and efficient for data collection.

In the current system, we have noticed that there is no specified way to identify

each tree from one another. This is why we have introduced the use of GPS coordinates

to locate the exact position of the trees and the date of record which can be used touniquely identify each tree in the new system.


Our designed system will mainly focuses on recording the data of infected kauritrees with the help of external mobile devices and technologies. The system also expectsto improve awareness of the kauri dieback disease among the public which in turn

encourages them to play a part in helping to fight against it. These are the scope that we

are working on in creating a new and better system for the kauri dieback disease.

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Components of the New System



   Non-trackers  Basic mobile device or desktop with internet access.

  Trackers  Mobile device with camera and GPS function with internet access.

Scientist and Researcher 

  Desktop with internet access would be sufficient.

Biosecurity Officer 

  Mobile device with camera, GPS, 3g (mobile broadband) and

 portable X-ray and moisture reading scanner (both built into the

device) function. Extra battery will be needed.


The new system will work on an operating system program for more control and

support for the operations needed to be executed by users. The system will use GoogleMap for the GPS coordination for the trees.

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Use Case Diagram Overview


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Use Case Diagram descriptions

We have chosen 2 by ranking most important use case to describe them below. The

normal flow of events is based on the Microsoft Blend.

USE CASE # 1  Maintain Kauri Dieback Tree Priority: High

Goal in Context Allow the biosecurity officer to make new record on kauri dieback tree.

Trigger event


A biosecurity request to make a new record.



Secondary actors

Biosecurity Officer 

Researcher, Scientist

Related use cases Include : Maintain X-ray , Maintain GPS Coordination, Maintain Picture,

Maintain Moisture Reading

Preconditions Biosecurity officer enrolled in the system as a biosecurity officer else this

cannot work because only biosecurity officer can add new record of kauri

tree to the system.

Success post


The new record is recorded in the system.

Failure post


The new record is not recorded in the system.


OF EVENTSStep Action

1 Biosecurity officer request to enter a new record.

2 Biosecurity log into the system.

3 System display several options for biosecurity officer to choose.

4 Biosecurity officer clicks on add new record.

5 System display add new record interface.

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6 Biosecurity officer records the information about the tree into the

specific columns.

7 When biosecurity officer wants to add a new picture into the

specify column, this invoked use case : Maintain Picture

8 Biosecurity officer upload the picture.

9 When biosecurity officer wants to add a new X-ray into the

specify column, this invoked use case : Maintain X-ray

10 Biosecurity officer upload the X-ray.

11 When biosecurity officer wants to add a new moisture reading

into the specify column, this invoked use case : Maintain

Moisture Reading

12 Biosecurity officer upload the Moisture Reading.

13 When biosecurity officer wants to add a new GPS coordination

into the specify column, this invoked use case : Maintain GPS


14 Biosecurity officer entered the GPS coordination.

15Biosecurity officer clicks save.

16  New record is made.

Exceptions 3.1 If the user log in and does not have add new record to kauri

dieback system, then the user (not biosecurity officer) does nothave permission to do so.

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USE CASE # 2 Develope New Cure Priority: High

Goal in Context Scientist develops a new cure for kauri dieback disease and wants to add

it in the system.

Trigger event


Scientist has an idea of a new cure.



Secondary actors



Related use cases -

Preconditions User has to be a scientist.

Success postcondition

 New cure record is made.

Failure post

condition No new cure record is made.




Step Action

1 Scientist request to make a new cure record.

2 Scientist logs into the system.

3 System displays several options for scientist to choose.

4 Scientist clicks on make new cure record.

5 System display the make new cure record interface.

6 Scientist enters the information needed.

7 Scientist clicks save.

8  New cure record has been saved into the system

Exceptions 3.1 If the user log in and does not have make new cure record, then

the user (not scientist) do not have permission to do so.

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Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 

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Wordpress based Knowledge base to support the Design

All research has been done before actually doing this proposal. On the group’s

and individual’s Wordpress, all posts record all our researches. The posts on the blog

show the process of our work done for this proposal.

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Assumptions and Design Decisions (Lightswitch)

Assumption on HTML Client

For all the screens, only authorise user can access to certain screen and buttons.

So, a log in interface will appear first of all to check for authentication. The edit and add buttons are only for user that has permission for them.

Design Decisions for HTML Client and Desktop Client

Authentication user and roles had been added.

Limitation on HTML client

Permission for view of data works very well in HTML client and desktop client

 but adding, deleting, editing task work better in the desktop client than html client for our 

lightswitch prototype.

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Assumptions and Design Decisions (Microsoft Blend)

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 Non-functional Requirements.


The new system is easy to use. Public users just have to register themselves as a

member with a few clicks. After that, they can easily obtain information needed that is all

ready for sharing or for printing. Researcher and scientist can get the information they

need by just clicking on the buttons or icons available on the system. Biosecurity officersare able to take picture, locate GPS coordinates of the tree, get the moisture reading of the

tree and have an X-ray image of tree roots taken simply by going to respective

applications that is installed on the device. All information can be recorded from thedevice itself to the system by clicking on the save button.


The new system will be reliable. Maintenance will be done once a month to

ensure the system works as intended. Frequent backing up of data to an off-site locationwill be carried out to ensure that the data is not lost permanently if anything happens to

the main data storage. If any error occurs, the errors will be sent to the syst em’smanagement to look into it and resolve.


The new system will perform much efficiently compared to the old system.However, biosecurity officers may suffer from low bandwidth when they are connecting

to the system through mobile devices in the forest. This is caused by bad signal

transmission from within the forest areas. This does not mean that system’s performance

is affected; just that data transmission may be slow at times.


In the new system, there will be help available for the users if they encounter any

 problems. This allows the users to be able to continue their task even when they gotstuck. Software updates will be available when needed to keep the software of the system

up to date. This reduces potential bugs in the system.


The new system has a high security feature because information accessible will beunique based on the user type. Users’ authentication will be required to access the data in

the system to ensure information privacy and maintain the security of the system.

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Constraints on the New System Design

One of the constraints we are facing with the new system design is the 3G

(mobile broadband) function needed for biosecurity officers during the inspection of 

kauri tree in the forest to enable direct storing of data into the system. We are concernedthat in the forest there will be limited 3G coverage which may affect the actual

functionality of the system.

Another constraint is battery power supply. We are concerned about the battery

life on the devices used by biosecurity officers. Since the officers will have to operate

functions on the device that is rather power consuming, this is quite a concern as most

mobile batteries can only last up to a few hours. However, this can be solved by using portable power bank to recharge the battery if required.

Implementing the portable X-ray and moisture reading scanner function into the

mobile devices for biosecurity officers are a new challenge. There are portable X-raysand moisture reading scanner available in the market right now, but not portable X-rays

and moisture reading scanner designed to work on mobile devices. So, we are concerned

whether this will ultimately work out as expected or not.

GPS service on mobile device may fail users sometimes if the satellite signal

could not reach the mobile device. Especially within forest areas, where tall growingtrees may disrupt signal transmission. This might happen but not very often, so we are

 just a little concerned about this constraint.

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