gosouth davao travel magazine

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A travel magazine featuring the sights and activities of the southern Davao region of the Philippines. With directory and map



Davao at your fingertips

php 100may- June 2008

The golden sights of Compostela ValleyDavao City’s vibrant nightlifetouring samal islandWater tubing in Davao del surLike gulliver in mt. HamiguitanDawn Zulueta on her Davao


Includes calendar, transport schedules, dIrectorIes, and maps

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4 gosouth

PublisherAlma L. Uy

Editor in ChiefDebbie A. Uy

Associate EditorJane L. Sardoma

Layout & DesignJose Bagane B. Fiola

Contributors this issueNeela Duallo, Kenth O’Bajo, Bing Peña, Jerome Tambaoan, Erwin Tay, Leo Yap

Davao Region touRism CounCil

ChairmanAlma L. Uy

DirectorsJerome A. Un dalok, Araceli L. Ayuste, Mariano Halog, Jr., Wanda T. Teo

GoSouth is published bimonthly for the Davao Region Tourism Council. All rights reserved. Copyright 2008 by GoSouth Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in this magazine are the writers’ and not necessarily endorsed by Davao Region Tourism Council or Department of Tourism. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject advertising and editorial material. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork will not be returned unless accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material.

Address all correspondence to: GoSouth Magazine, Davao Region Tourism Council, Department of Tourism – Region XI 5/F Landco-PDCP Corporate Centre., JP Laurel Ave., Davao City 8000 Philippines. Tel: (6382) 221-0070, 221-6955. Fax: (6382) 221-0070, 225-1940. E-mail: drtcr11@yahoo.com, go_southmag@yahoo.com.

Printed in Hong Kong.

For inquiries on advertising, please email drtcr11@yahoo.com and go_southmag@yahoo.com or call (6382) 221-0070 and 221-6955.


gosouth vol. 1 issue 2

Why travel?

As our driver negotiated the steep and sometimes rough slopes of Compostela Valley, I wondered what makes people leave the comforts of home to take unfamiliar roads. The rea-sons are plenty: to explore a new place, take on new adventures, experience other cultures, taste different foods, retrace history, to see for oneself wonders of man and nature. This kind of traveling rarely equates to a vacation. There are so many things to see and do that the days mirror those spent in school, but in a bigger, more interesting way.

To the close-minded, prejudiced, and obsessive-compulsive person, traveling can be just the antidote to open minds and hearts, and relax. Because the traveler is the foreigner, he must adapt. The respectful traveler recognizes this, and appreciates when a place and its people welcome her. To the obsessive compulsive, the unpredictability of travel can be un-nerving, yet this same element of surprise is what stands out when we recount our travels.

In exploring a new place, we seek to find the familiar in the new, but for a local in his hometown, the challenge is greater: how can the familiar be new again?

The answer, I find, is to keep that sense of wonder, curiosity, and openness to learning – qualities applicable even when not traveling. A constant appreciation of nature’s beauty might make environmentalists of us all but more importantly, it can heal the soul; faced with so much beauty, why focus on the sad and negative?

As we went further up the mountains of Compostela Valley, the view became grander – thick mountains of trees, waterfalls by the road, the wide Agusan river, a bird’s eye view of an unspoiled land. Why else do we travel? I think, it is also to be amazed.

Editor in Chief

Top: The road at Lamdag Panginabuhi Provincial Farm in Compostela Valley. Photo by Jerome Tambaoan.

Come CeLebrate in tHe paLm Cit y of tHe soutH,tagum Cit y, Davao DeL norteMusikahan Summer Sports Festival Durian Festival Kaimonan Pakaradjan Festival Tagum Fiesta Pamaskong Handog

6 gosouth

gosouthmay - June 2008 vol. 1 issue 2

14 WEAVERS OF DREAMS to the t’bolis, the t’nalak – a fine piece of cloth woven from abaca fiber – is the story of their dreams and their lives

16 BE OUR GUEST take our day tour to samal island: snorkeling and diving in coral-rich waters, visiting the bat cave and waterfalls, and viewing the sunset from the mountain

20 DAVAO CITY LOVES THE NIGHTLIFE nightlife in Davao City has it all – a diverse blend of the hip, cosmopolitan, bohemian, and wholesome

24 BEHOLD COMPOSTELA VALLEY Compostela valley is a province of nature unspoiled, blessed with lush forests, gushing waterfalls, foggy mornings, and rich mineral deposits

33 GULLIVER’S PARADISE Davao oriental’s pygmy forest in mt. Hamiguitan can make even a short man feel like gulliver

35 SHOOTING THE RAPIDS a natural rollercoaster ride in the clear sibulan river awaits the adventurous traveler to Davao del sur

37 DAWN FINDS HER HOME IN DAVAO actress and congressional spouse Dawn Zulueta-Lagdameo talks about why Davao is home sweet home


ON THE COVERA young dancer glitters at Compostela Valley’s first Bulawan Festival, a celebration of the province’s rich gold deposits. Photo by Leo Yap. Full story on page 24.


8 Calendar of Events

10 Travel Notes

12 Proudly Davao

32 Shopping Bag

39 Transport Schedules

41 Directory

48 Maps

54 Postcard from Davao


33 16 20


8 gosouth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3 4 5 6 728 29 30CALENDAR OF EVENTS

May - June 2008maY 1-4

Davao guLf regatta Davao oriental

this region-wide event welcomes the fluvial parade of colorful vintas and bancas of different designs converging along the Davao gulf for competition.

maY 23-27summer sports festivaLtagum City, Davao del norte

tagum’s second major festival is packed with summer sports such as wall-climbing, beach volleyball, lawn tennis, sepak takraw, table tennis, badminton, taekwondo, marathon, chess, adventure race, and basketball.

maY 26-30maLumagpak CHaLLengenew bataan, Compostela valley

a trek to mt. manurigao-malumagpak, one of the newly discovered eco-tourism destinations in the region.

June 4-10pHiLippine eagLe WeekDavao City

flaunting its imposing figure with its sharp stare, strong legs and claws, and crown of lance-shaped feathers,

this “king of birds”—the second largest eagle and the only blue-eyed raptor in the world—is Davao City’s pride.

the philippine eagle nature Center, an eight-hectare encampment run by a private foundation from contributions of big companies mostly from metro manila and from Davao, is now home to 35 philippine eagles, including the 20 captive-bred produced through artificial insemination and natural

pairing techniques. the center has also become the propagation center for other species like white-bellied sea eagles, grey-headed fishing eagles, and philippine hawk eagles. it is also home to 140 other animals.

the 10th philippine eagle Week celebrates these majestic birds through a week-long activity that includes exhibits, animal encounters, and art workshops.

June 14-16puJaDa bay festivaLmati City, Davao oriental

Davao oriental is blessed with natural attractions and underwater treasures that are as boundless as its surrounding seas. With all these wonders, the province, which is the region’s “oriental gem,” rightly holds the fluvial celebration pujada bay festival to showcase their bounty. events include boat tour at the bay, lectures on coastal protection and management, cultural presentation, and grand parade.





























June 14-19 Dorong festivaLkapatagan, Digos City

in this town where the bagobo tribe has engraved their colorful traditions, the month of June heralds a festival that honors these indigenous peoples and their sacred worship grounds—the country’s highest peak, mt apo. immerse in activities that manifest the charm of the tribe’s cultural beliefs and crafts. With different jam-packed activities like mountain bike race, motocross, mountain climbing and tree-planting, Dorong festival is as flamboyant as the bagobos.

June 18paLay festivaLCarmen, Davao del norte

palay festival showcases artistic street dancing that expresses the farmers’ hardship in the planting and harvesting of rice, the municipality’s major agricultural product.

June 22-23 pabuLig festivaLboston, Davao oriental

a vibrant thanksgiving festival for a bountiful harvest, featuring cultural presentations and street dancing.

June 23buganiHan festivaL Compostela, Compostela valley

the festival honors the bugani, the early settlers of the Compostela municipality, and celebrates the humble beginnings and the leap of developments that have marked the years.

3RD WeeK oF JunesaL’Lupongan festivaLnew bataan, Compostela valley

a thanksgiving tribal festival for good harvest and unity of its people.

3RD WeeK oF June

bauLDayaWan festivaLsan isidro, Davao oriental

Coined from mandaya words baul (farm), da (from dagat or sea), and yawan (to keep), bauldayawan is a thanksgiving festival that showcase san isidro’s underwater and highland riches.

June 29san peDro festivaL Davao City

feast in honor of the City’s patron saint.











10 gosouth


A n embarrassment of riches like gold can divide people but it can also unite, as in the making of the country’s biggest

gold ring in Compostela valley. Local officials, miners, and private individuals from the province and Davao del norte donated gold to forge the p1.5-million solidarity ring. the two-toned ring, unveiled at the opening of Compostela valley’s bulawan (gold) festival last march, measures a diameter of five inches and weighs 1.3 kilos of gold. the ring is marked with 1998, the year Comval became a province. Compostela valley is known for its rich gold deposits, a resource it is maximizing to become the jewelry capital of the philippines.

Country’s biggest gold ring in Comval

Beach volleyball in the heart of the city

U rban dwellers in tagum City don’t need to go to the beach to play beach

volleyball; the philippines’ first beach volley Drome is right in the heart of tagum City. fourteen truckloads of 18-feet-thick white sand from masau beach in mati were hauled and poured to create the beach volley Drome. Concrete bleachers that can seat 400 surround the four sides of the court. the bleachers are roofed, but the court is wide open to the sun. Last year, tagum’s volley Drome was the training ground of the philippine beach volley team to the southeast asian games in thailand. this year, the court hosted the mindanao elimination round of the nestea beach volleyball tournament. PH





T he biggest proposed development project in mindanao is getting important support, while tagum City is taking inspiration

from subic in developing a former banana haven. Here’s a look at two projects that promise to boost the region’s business and tourism potentials.

minDanao RailWaY sYstem

the dream of mindanaoans to have an island-wide mass transportation system is closer to reality with two major efforts supporting it. the mindanao railway system is one of the priority projects identified in the Davao region Development plan (DrDp) for 2004-2010.

mindanao congressmen this year endorsed to president arroyo the bill paving the way for the construction of the mindanao railway system as urgent, making it part of the agenda of the philippine Congress.

a memorandum of understanding has also been signed by business groups and the mCC Capital, a consortium of german, french, austrian, indian and thai railway experts, to jointly finance a $10-million feasibility study on the project.

the governments of germany, saudi arabia, spain, and iran have also expressed interest in participating in the p18-billion project. germany

will invest p15.4 billion while saudi arabia will lend $40 million and donate another $10 million or a total of p2.705 billion.

the investments would partly finance the 83-kilometer Cagayan-Cotabato phase of the project that would link the cities of iligan, Cagayan de oro, gingoog, marawi and Cotabato. the railway system will also connect the Cotabato, Davao, and Caraga regions and northern mindanao.

soon, a subiC in tagum

tagum City has converted the former abaca and banana plantation of Hijo into an industrial zone that is seen to be the subic of the south.

renovation on the 760 hectare land started in september 2007 and when completed, will boast of an economic zone that promotes business and tourism. already in operation is the Lanikai-madaum river Cruise, which takes guests on a tour along scenic madaum river and introduces local culture.

Lanikai resort, situated in the industrial zone, is adding to its amenities an 18 hole golf course, clubhouse, wellness farm, lighthouse tower and restaurant. the city government of tagum will also build a land transport terminal, fire and police station, a utility park, training center, and commercial center near the area.

Big dreams for Mindanao

12 gosouth

G oing around Davao region and parts of southern mindanao, the traveler will find more and more retail gas stations bearing

the red-and-golden colors and flying bird logo of phoenix petroleum philippines. it’s a brand that is proudly Davao.

the company’s name is inspired by the mythical phoenix bird, a symbol of immortality, invincibility, and rebirth. it’s an apt metaphor for the newest kid on the block facing the oil giants.

“facing the majors, fear could easily bring us down,” says phoenix petroleum president & Ceo Dennis a. uy. “but we converted our fears to inspiration, knowing that all these companies started from scratch. With the right people moving towards one goal, i believe we can perform, armed with a good brand.”

this focus on people, passion, and performance has made the six-year-old company one of the most successful businesses in Davao and southern mindanao. in 2007, phoenix

say ‘Davao’ and one instantly thinks durian, pomelo, mt. apo, and philippine eagle. these are brands that have long been associated with the region, but there are other brands that are gaining recognition and are proudly Davao.

young oil company soars highpetroleum successfully listed in the philippine stock exchange, the first independent oil company to do so after the oil deregulation law was passed in 1998, and the first Davao-based company to go public.

since its first retail station in June 2005, phoenix has expanded to 60 stations in southern mindanao by april 2008. by year-end, phoenix expects to open 100 stations.

aside from operating retail stations, the company trades lubricants and other chemical products and operates oil depots and storage facilities. phoenix also exclusively services all refueling requirements of Cebu pacific in all its mindanao destinations. phoenix has also formed ties with major international petroleum companies, thailand’s ptt and uae’s emarat.

phoenix petroleum is now working to expand its presence and operation nationwide, finally bringing a Davao brand in the league of the majors.



a walk in the park

S ince December last year, locals and tourists have flocked to Davao City’s newest attraction, the four-hectare people’s park right in the middle of the city.

the sprawling park, which cost p71 million to build, offers myriad attractions: thousands of species of plants and trees from around the world, a fantasy-themed park for children, a visitors’ center built with a durian dome design, the sunken garden, the pine-tree enclosed green theater, and ponds filled with more than a thousand exotic tropical ornamental fishes like Japanese koi, flowerhorn, goldfish, carp, guppies, and swordtail.

all over the park are sculptures by mindanaoan artist kublai millan of young, wide-eyed natives in varied scenes – farming, harvesting, playing, running, swimming, sweeping – providing a slice of ordinary life in a not-so-ordinary setting.

free entrance. opening hours: 5 to 8 am, 1 to 11 pm.







. UY

14 gosouth

A ttired in hand-loomed dresses with red and black accents of

intricate designs, women from the t’boli tribe, one of the indigenous groups in southern philippines, perform the ethnic and sacred rituals of weaving fabrics at the t’boli Weaving Center at Waterfront Hotel in Davao City. Like surrealists, sleep is significant to t’bolis. they say their dreams are their strength – dreams guide their life and their skillful hands.

to the t’bolis, t’nalak – a fine piece of cloth woven from abaca fiber – reflects dreams and stories of their life. intriguingly, the only masters of this art are women who are said to be “pure” and “uncontaminated” by others. the weaver should also be willing to embrace the sacredness of the ritual that she should not mate with her husband for the whole duration of the process lest the purity of the ritual and the design be broken.


Weavers of dreams



for the women, weaving dreams is a grueling but intimate task where the weaver puts her soul on the art to capture the vision and dreams of their ancestors and reveal it on the fabric. men are not allowed to touch the materials. but prior to the weaving, men take part in the boiling, dyeing, and drying of the abaca fibers—a process that usually takes days to weeks. the weaver should be gifted with creativity and sharp memory to remember intricate geometric patterns.

not only of life stories and dreams, the weaving of the t’boli also showcases an artistry that never fades through time. the patterns, which are protectively handed down from one generation to another, have always gained the interest of foreign and national designers who marvel at the crude weaving

process. some weavers fabricate new patterns from new dreams, so the tapestries evolve but the craftsmanship is still evidently and distinctly t’boli.

modernity is seen a threat to their artistic heritage. on the sides of Lake sebu in south Cotabato which is the heartland of the t’boli people, recent developments like the sprouting of resorts around the lake and influx of tourists are slowly encroaching on their life and art. but the government, ngos and other concerned organizations like the Lake sebu Women Weavers association, inc. are uniting to rescue the dying artistic heritage of the t’boli tribe.

today, day and night, the weavers, beneath their huts, in silence, up the mountains near Lake sebu, continue sleeping, dreaming, and weaving. to them, losing their art does not only mean losing a livelihood but losing also old dreams and life stories only they could tell.

today, they still weave and wear their dreams.

Elena, at the T’boli Weaving Center at Waterfront Hotel, has been weaving fine T’nalak for a decade now.

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Be our guestsamal island never runs out of things to offer to keep your cool during the hottest days of the year. spend a day around the island with Jane sarDoma


S ummer is the perfect time for outdoor activities—from hitting the beach or basking under the sun, diving or snorkeling, to island

hopping and touring inland. Davao del norte’s gem, the island garden City of samal, offers it all, with breathtaking island sun, sand, and sea. for this tour, you can rent a boat and equipment from dive shops, then hire a van for the inland attractions.

6:00 amWe depart from sta. ana Wharf via chartered

boat to the angel’s Cove. the cove, located southwest of samal’s talikud island, is roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes away from Davao City. our first stop is at the 700 sq. m. Wishing island located just across the white stretch of pearl farm beach. Don’t forget to make a wish as you throw a coin to the islet.

at the cove, while the sun spreads its tangerine rays over the sky, take a plunge in the island’s irresistible waters.

8:00 amsamal is endowed with rare coral gardens that

contain 32 coral species in just one colony. the most famous spot is the Coral garden. With a generally calm current, it also offers an excellent diving adventure for a close encounter with the island’s underwater jewels. to see bigger fish, certified divers can dive at between 40 to 50 meters depth. Large tunas, mackerels and jack fish swarm the area.

for beginners, most of the city’s dive centers offer 30 to 45 minutes dive package at p900 to p1000. the package includes short course Dive 101 or introduction to scuba Diving, scuba equipment, and a dive master or guide. underwater, you will be welcomed by a breathtaking sight—a throng of rainbow fish and other sea creatures trooping in and around colorful corals. for a second dive, just add p300 for additional oxygen tank, good for another 30 to 45 minutes underwater adventure.

Pristine Babu Santa in Talikud Island beckons to island hoppers. DEBBIE A. UY

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10:30 amLunch stop is usually at babu santa, a pristine

white beach near the Coral garden. snorkel or swim at the refreshing waters; life vest, snorkel, and mask are usually for free and included in the dive package. you can bring your own food or have the dive center boats bring lunch for you. most boats have a mini-kitchen where you can cook your own meals. after lunch, prepare for another adventure—inland tour.

1:00 PmWe dock at kaputian which is approximately

2,500 meters away from the neighboring talikud island. from kaputian, we can get around by taking an inland tour package. punta del sol and paradise island resort offer inland tour packages at p2,000 to p2,800 per trip to the island’s inland attractions: bat Conservation park, Hagimit Waterfalls, and moncado Headquarters. the package includes entrance fees, a tour guide, and a shuttle/ van ride with a sitting capacity of 8 to 10 people. if you want a more adventurous tour, we can get around through a motorcycle ride (good for 2 people) at p200.

our first inland destination, the monfort bat Cave, houses the world’s largest colony of geoffroy’s rousette fruit bats with approximately 1.8 to 2 million bats. not to worry, contrary to common perception, the monfort bats don’t bite people. at dusk, visitors can enjoy the sight of bats dotting the sky in single file against a red sunset.

3:00 Pmafter our ecological tour at the monfort bat

Cave, we proceed to Hagimit falls at brgy. Cawag, less than 2 kilometers from brgy. peñaplata proper. at the site, visitors are welcomed by the chirping of crickets that blend in harmony with the sounds of birds and the gushing of water.

the area has five cataracts and five natural swimming pools that turn bluish lime green at day. you can dip at the pool while enjoying the music of nature. accompanied by the rustling of the trees by the wind, the sounds altogether bring a natural orchestra.


5:00 Pmbefore we leave the island, we can take a

side-trip to the old moncado House perched on one of the highest points of samal. the house was the headquarters of the religious group filipino Crusaders World army founded in the 1940s by self-proclaimed general Hilario moncado.

from the attic window, savor a different summer sunset: With the sight of the city


across the blue gulf and mount apo looming in the distance, you can be standing there in silence, and be lost somewhere in time.

island Hopping/ scuba Diving: arrange for boat rentals and diving/island hopping package with dive centers and

resorts. Coral garden / babu santa

beach / angel Cove island hopping/ scuba diving package starts at p6,500 inclusive of 5 sets of masks and snorkels. point of origin is sta. ana Wharf. transport back to Davao City included.


Davao Carabao Dive Center(082) 300-1092

Punta del Sol(084) 301-4018Davao City Booking Office:(082) 221-2121

Wind and Wave63 082 305-DIVE (3483)63 082 300-DIVE (3483)


Punta del Sol(082) 221-2121 / 305-3838Packages start at P2,000 per group

Paradise Island Beach Resort(082) 223-0251Packages start at P2,800 per group

Clockwise from top left: Among Samal’s many underwater sights, a posse of clown fish and healthy corals; The marine sanctu-ary that is Coral Garden is a favorite of snorkelers and divers; fruit bats in the underground Monfort Bat Cave; cascading waters of Hagimit Falls.


20 gosouth

S ome avenues in downtown Davao might seem unassuming at day. but don’t be fooled. a few years

ago, nightlife in the city meant strolling at magsaysay park at the old sta. ana pier where local artists performed songs by frank sinatra or the beatles. some took walks by the nearby beach, while others played chess on the park’s benches, or just enjoyed watching the moon and the stars.

now, nightlife has become more vibrant with bars clustered in entertainment avenues. Latest records at the Davao City investment and promotion Center show the city now has more than 60 entertainment establishments, including those located in hotels.

Davao Cityloves the

nightlifealive with partygoers who troop to live performance venues, clubs, or videoke bars, nightlife in Davao City is a diverse blend of the hip, cosmopolitan, bohemian, and wholesome. Jane sarDoma reveals the city’s most happening nightspots. photos by kentH o’baJo


a Dash oF aRt anD CultuRe

D ancing and singing, indigenous music and instruments, and elaborate costumes often describe nights at the taboan in

matina town square, one of the city’s frequented nightspots in matina district. this is where you go when you want local music, jazz, and reggae.

at taboan, guests can also be among the performers rather than just spectators. Cultural performers on tuesdays and thursdays usually lure guests to join the throng and learn mindanaoan dance steps.

meanwhile, visitors at the square can enjoy dining al fresco, go to videoke bars, browse through shops, and play billiards. or they can hang out in cafes like blugre, popular for its durian gatchpuccino and Larcepuccino coffee, pastas and cakes.

the square has several bars to choose from. kanto bar, which can be a venue for meetings, offers jazz music, while Whistletop bar and billiards offers billiards and beer. for those who prefer to eat heartily, impit-purok restaurant offers a delicious buffet dinner for p98.

SOUTHERN SOUNDS. The Kalumon Performing Ensemble showcases Mindanawon music and arts through songs and dances at the Taboan, Matina Town Square, using native musical instruments like the kulintang (set of gongs) and higalong (tribal guitar).

22 gosouth

live banDs anD DisCo

W eary of sleepy, quiet conversations at restaurants? Let the night fade away with loud music, live bands or dancing

with party lovers.

at the venue, located along Quirino avenue beside the Central bank complex, the night is dazzling—with colorful lights flashing in time to the booming music.

the venue is a restaurant-cum-bar famous for showcasing popular singers, bands, and comedians from manila. With a floor area of 1,800 square meters and a sitting capacity of 2,900, the venue also hosts corporate parties, fashion shows, national and international billiard competitions, and other special occasions.

outside are more restaurants and bars where one can enjoy a meal with live music, usually the latest pop and r&b songs.

house musiC

I f you feel young at heart and want to chill out, go to urban Club at the Wheels n’ more compound at J.p. Laurel avenue. at day, the

compound looks sedate, hosting a high-end garage and automobile service center and health and wellness shops. but the complex comes to life at night, especially with urban Club as the latest place to be in. this is where college students and yuppies go for fancy drinks and house music.

The young and hip chill out to house music at Urban Club.

Clockwise from top: Davao’s own Jay Durias of South Border fills The Venue with fans at his latest concert; reggae fans, Bob Marley-looka-likes, and popular local artists Popong Landero and Waway Saway of Bukidnon party at Matina Town Square’s Taboan.


sing a tune

F ilipinos are natural singers, and Davao City does not lack for videoke clubs. videoke can be enjoyed in two ways. if you wish to get

praises for your outstanding videoke performance, go to public videoke bars along the city’s streets. be forewarned: you might as well find yourself later granting your spectators’ song requests.

but if you and your friends think you are really out of tune tonight but still wish to sing, take your pick from the wide options of exclusive videoke bars priced at p100-150/hour along torres or rizal streets. recreo and k1 ktv are among the most visited at torres street, and Cats and Dogs and gimik at rizal street. there’s also World palace ktv in ecoland, with themed rooms to suit your taste.

in the videoke room, sing and feel like Justin timberlake, beyonce, bob marley, the beatles, or mariah Carey. after all, with only you and your friends around, you can still glitter and be the star of the night.

Make your own entertainment and be the star of the videoke club.

A growing number of coffee shops promote cafe culture in Davao City

24 gosouth

beHoLDComposteLa vaLLey



inside the rough and

rugged terrain of southeastern mindanao hides

a province of nature

unspoiled: 4,666.93 sq. km. of lush

forests, gushing waterfalls, foggy

mornings, and rich mineral

deposits. Welcome to Compostela


26 gosouth

M ore than two decades since a mandaya stumbled on a big golden

find in mt. Diwalwal and spurred a gold rush, Compostela valley is laying out the welcome mat to a different kind of adventurer, one looking to go off the beaten track and into the new, if sometimes unpaved, path.

Comval, a young province at 10 years old, is a promising eco-adventure tourism destination that already boasts of a famous visitor. mid-last year, Hollywood actor Josh Hartnett filmed scenes of his movie in the mining site of mt. Diwalwal. in march this year, the province celebrated the first bulawan (gold) festival, part of its efforts to promote it as the Jewelry Capital of the philippines.

but there’s more to Comval than just

gold. its 11 municipalities are rich in natural attractions, from the coastal towns of maco, mabini and pantukan to the soaring green mountains of maragusan and new bataan. Driving into the heart of Comval, the view is of thick and sometimes foggy mountains, steep ravines, verdant farmlands, and small waterfalls by the road to the tune of chirping crickets. Cars are a rare sight; the ones benefiting from wide concrete roads are the occasional motorcycles, jeepneys, and buses. Like its people, Comval

For tours and inquiries, contact the Provincial Tourism Office, Office of the Governor, Compostela Valley, tel. no. (084) 376-0140.Getting there: From Davao City, the capital of Nabunturan is 90 kilometers or a two-hour ride by bus or car. All trips to any destination begin in the capital town. From there, different buses, single motorcycles, and passenger jeepneys will take you to any destination in the province at pre-arranged fare rates.

Previous pages: Left page, clockwise from top left: The tiny Mt. Angelo volcano is the source

of hot spring waters in Nabunturan; Comval’s famous product, gold, before

and after processing; the Davao Gulf has many wonders, if you know where

to look; Ms. Talindag Solatorio Duag and her siblings make the famous

sweet delicacies of Bibingka City in Nabunturan; a playful pose under the

hot summer sun in Andap Resort, New Bataan; a group of friends find a new

way to fish in Lake Leonard, Maco.Right page: The bright costumes

of the Mansakas color the scene at Tagbibinta Falls in Maragusan, where

the tribe lives.

may look laidback, but step inside and you’ll find a rough, unpolished quality that seems to dare, “Conquer me if you can.”

“Conquering Compostela valley” is in fact their tourism tagline. the reasons are clear. Comval is not for those seeking five-star travel luxuries; as an eco-adventure destination, emphasis is on adventure, and the journey can occasionally be through rough roads. but at the end of an extensive tour, through steep slopes, winding roads, and deep forests, the traveler knows the opposite to be true. Like climbing mountains, you don’t conquer Compostela valley; you cooperate with it, and only then will it allow you to conquer it, proud and unbowed.

At right: Smoke from hot waters running in discolored ground

create an otherworldly look to the Mt. Angelo area behind the Bukal

Elementary School



Toyozu Inland Resort. Entrance: P40. Picnic cottages: P100-P500 (with private pool). Overnight cottages: P750 (for 4 persons/room), P1,500 (family rooms for 15). Reservations: (082) 221-6771Rebucas Cold Spring. Entrance: P20. Cottages: P75Comval Hotel & Restaurant. Rooms: P650 (for two) to P1,500 (for five). Also has massage and spa services from P150 to P400

Top: Sulfuric falls in Toyozu Inland Resort

Bottom: Toyozu Inland Resort is popular for its

hot pools

of bukal elementary school. the volcano’s peak, less than five feet today, is still growing. to visit the area today is to see an almost otherworldly scene: steaming water running over green or orange ground, discolored by sulfur, and surrounded by vegetation still.

for those who want their water cold, rebucas resort has cold spring water pools for children and adults.

before leaving nabunturan, make sure to eat their famous bibingka, baked glutinous rice with coconut milk. five siblings of the solatorio family own the line of stalls famously called bibingka City. at p10 for two pieces, the hot bibingka is a perfect breakfast, snack, or pasalubong.


C omval’s capital nabunturan is 90 kilometers or a two-hour drive away from Davao

City. the most popular destination here is toyuzo inland resort, with natural sauna inside tunnels and small Japanese-style pools filled with hot spring water. you can control the temperature by putting or removing stones over tiny water passages, or adding cold water to the pool.

the hot spring water in nabunturan comes from the tiny volcano of mt. angelo at the back

28 gosouth

MABINI AND PANTUKANmabini and pantukanmabini anD PantuKan

A long the Davao gulf are the coastal towns of mabini and pantukan,

nearer to tagum City in Davao del norte and mati in Davao oriental. many resorts dot the coast, making mabini and pantukan the beach and resort centers of Comval.

mabini has the white-sand kopiat island. the island is private, but you can go boating around it, snorkeling, or diving. if the water is clear and the wind is mild, you’ll see the corals from your boat. another famous island, Lunod, is almost covered by lush mangrove forests. the 17-hectare island, also called st. anthony’s, can be reached 15 minutes via motorized banca from mabini coast. its coral gardens and rich marine life have made it an eco-tourism park.

Huts of Umandak Beach Resort

dot the Mabini coastline.

For boat tours, book boats from resorts. Boating rate: P20 per person for a minimum of 10, or P500/hour.Kopiat and Lunod Islands. Reservations: 0917-548-5939. Umandak Beach Resort, Mabini. Entrance: P50. Manaklay Beach Park & Resort, Mabini. Entrance: P10. Cottages: P100 to 300. Overnight rooms at from P750 to P1,200. Reservations: (084) 217-3996 / 0917-480-4937Bern Berioso Beach Resort, Mabini. Entrance: P10. Open cottages from P200 to P1,000. Closed cottages: P500 to P1,200. Reservations: 0919-871-1218Magnaga Waters Beach Resort, Pantukan. Entrance: P10. Cottages: P300-P400. Overnight rooms from P250 to P350 per person (non-aircon) to P1,000-P2,300 per room (aircon). Reservations: (084) 218-1216. Welborn’s Beach Resort, Pantukan. Free entrance. Open cottages from P200 to P1,500. Overnight rooms from P650 to P2,000. Reservations: 0926-981-4197Via Veritas Et Vita Seminar House, Lanipao, Pantukan. 12-room furnished farm house for seminars and retreats for 50-100 persons. Overnight with meals: P500-P650 per person. Reservations: Diocese of Tagum Office (084) 218-1402



MABINI AND PANTUKANMainit Sulfuric Hot Spring. Entrance: P5. Cottages: P30. Overnight cottage: P300 for about 10.mabini and pantukan

Natural hot shower everyday at the Mainit Hot Springs. Bottom: Lake Leonard mirrors lush mountains and heavy clouds.MacomaCo

M aco, an hour away from nabunturan, is worth a visit for two reasons: the mainit sulfuric Hot spring and Lake Leonard.

the mainit sulfuric Hot spring is a natural hot spring. from high rocky ledges drip steaming water, about 350C, perfect for soothing aching muscles.

in new Leyte, maco, an hour’s drive away from mainit, sits Lake Leonard. the 203-diameter-wide Lake Leonard is the caldera lake formed from the crater of the active volcano Leonard kniaseff. Despite the presence of a mining village above it, the lake has managed to host healthy tilapia fish.

30 gosouth


Marangig Falls. Entrance: P5. Picnic cottages: P100Tagbibinta Falls. Entrance: P5. Cottages: P100Aguacan Cold Spring Resort. Entrance: P20. Picnic huts: P40-P300. Cottages: P350-P1,500Kanlawig Hot Springs. Entrance: P25. Cottages: P100 to P500. Overnight: P75/headHaven’s Peak. Entrance: P10 Dormitory rooms for P350/person. Tribal huts at P1,400 for 2-3 persons. Tents with beddings for P250 to P750. Reservations: 0918-432-8865. http://www.havenspeak.com

Counterclockwise from right: Early morning view of Maragusan from Haven’s Peak; A tribal hut-inspired cottage at Haven’s Peak; Swim with Japanese koi at Aguacan Cold Spring Resort; Constantino Monical and cousin Avelina Pacio from the Mansaka tribe, one of the major indigenous people groups in ComVal. Other IPs are the the Mandaya, Manguangan, Dibabawon, Kalagan, and Ata/Manobo; Beads and bells of a belt and a hand-woven cloth show the colors of the Mansakas


A t an altitude of 2,099 feet, cool maragusan is considered the “summer Capital of

Davao.” eighty three kilometers from nabunturan, maragusan boasts of lush forests, 30 waterfalls, and exotic flora. Wild orchids are common decorations outside houses. between september and october, locals and tourists await the blooming of the world’s largest flower, the rafflesia.

the two most famous falls in the area are the 13-tier marangig falls and the seven-tier tagbibinta, both part of the maragusan tour package. other swimming areas: the aguacan inland resort for cold springs, and the kanlawig Hot springs.

the best place to view maragusan is from the highland resort of Haven’s peak. you’ll need to climb 198 steps to get to the cottages and the restaurant area. if the skies are clear, you’ll be rewarded with the sight of the mountain ranges of mt. tagub, mt. manurigao, and mt. Candalaga.



White Peak. Climbing registration fee: P75 (inclusive of kits) Porter guide fee: P150-P500. Reservations: 0921-583-0244/ 0920-222-6147Calamocan Brooks. River trekking challenge. Entrance: P10. Guide fee: P100-P150. Reservations: 0920-222-6147 or 0920-216-6110Andap Inland Resort. Entrance: P20. Cottages: P75-P1,000. Reservations: 0910-430-5531Bamboo Garden Resort. Entrance: P20. Cottages: P100 to P300. Overnight cottages: P2,000 to P3,000 for about six persons

Top: Fog envelopes a mountain surrounding the Liboton DeckAbove: Summer is the best reason to get wet in the pools of cold spring water at Bamboo Garden.

new bataanneW bataan

N ew bataan, 40 kilometers from the capital, is home of the White peak of mt. tagub, the highest point of the Comval mountain range. White peak is famous for its

rare flora and fauna, bonsai trees, and mossy virgin forest.

those seeking water adventures can visit malumagpak falls or take the river-trekking challenge at Calamocan brooks.

two of new bataan’s inland resorts, andap and bamboo garden, have swimming pools filled with cold natural spring water. a short walk further leads to the river itself.

A s the haven of gold and ore deposits in the country, it’s but natural for Compostela valley to aim to be the Jewelry Capital

of the philippines and become the country’s major provider of fine jewelry.

that’s why on January 2008, the local government of monkayo established the three-year municipal Jewelry making skills training Center cum enterprise. the goal is to formalize training and upgrading of skills of local craftsmen and encourage fine jewelry enterprising. by 2010, the program would have established a jewelry enterprise growth center in monkayo with 100 trainees and cooperators.

three-month basic and advanced skills training on jewelry making are conducted, along with financial and entrepreneurial management skills. participants are also

taught social skills such as gender sensitivity, work ethics, personal values, and leadership. most importantly, financial assistance is provided to qualified graduates to start their own jewelry enterprise.

the first beneficiaries of the program were differently-abled men. “they can no longer use their legs, but their hands are very much useful,” says jewelry trainor Deves ycot.

the proudly locally-made silver pieces in this page were sold for the first time during Compostela valley’s bulawan festival trade fair last march. all jewelry can be bought at the municipal Jewelry making skills training Center / enterprise at the abC Hall building in monkayo, Comval. Contact Joan C. pintal at mobile number +63906-535-7172 or +63910-642-1576.


all thatglitters

Chain neCKlaCe 103.2g silver P7,746

silveR bRaCelet 33.5g silver P2,512.50

bRaCelet9.8 g silverP735

Chain bRaCelet 18.5g silver P1,387.50

silveR Ring P325

neCKlaCe P1,200

ChaRm bRaCelet 9.5g silver P712.50


32 gosouth


MT. HAMIGUITANGulliver’s Paradise


I f an ordinary man could have a paradise where he can stand tall and proud, it would be in the middle of the pygmy forest of mt.

Hamiguitan. the mountain is home to century-old and sturdy small bonsai plants, which spread to almost a thousand hectares and stand from one foot to five feet tall.

perhaps it’s no coincidence that the bonsai-filled mountain stands over san isidro, the smallest municipality of Davao oriental. the people of san isidro know that mt. Hamiguitan is their biggest lure to tourists, and locals are making moves to protect and preserve the area.

towering at 5,345 feet over brgy. La union, mt. Hamiguitan takes six to seven hours to climb. but the persistent climber will be rewarded with the sight of 16 tree species, exotic birds and animals, and if you’re lucky, the world-famous philippine eagle.

From top: Mt. Hamiguitan

with its myriad flora and fauna

is a nature lover’s dream; the Philippine

trogon;the famous

bonsai or pygmy


From top: Mountain climbers rest by the Tina-gong Dagat (Hidden Lake); the Philippine scops owl, pit viper, a rough-backed forest frog, and a

black crowned blue monarch are some of the little residents of Mt. Hamiguitan

other attractions: along the slope of mt. Hamiguitan sits the mysterious tinagong Dagat (Hidden) lake. above the mountain’s peak, the distant blue waters of pujada bay and the pacific ocean glitter.

in the middle of the jungle that is mt. Hamiguitan, standing tall above a pygmy forest of bonsais that look like a huge vegetable garden, you would feel very much like gulliver.


From top: Mountain climbers rest by the Tinagong Dagat (Hidden Lake); the Philippine scops owl,

pit viper, a rough-backed forest frog, and a black crowned blue monarch are some

of the little residents of Mt. Hamiguitan


T he quaint little town of sta.Cruz has its way of rejuvenating one’s passion for a quest. in its sibulan river awaits an adventure: a wet

exhilarating ride through strong currents and rapids—with only a round rubber tube device.

Compared with the popular white water rafting, water tubing at sibulan is wobblier with only one rider per tube and strong river currents. the shape of the tube device also lets the rapids twist and turn the rider, giving him the sensation of a roller coaster ride – but with natural sounds and green surroundings.

Shootingthrough rapids

Home to one of the clearest rivers in the country, sta. Cruz in Davao del sur comes up with an adventure package of a natural rollercoaster ride. by Jane sarDoma















36 gosouth

the base camp of the whitewater tubing adventure is at the river’s downstream area in brgy. Darong, in the midst of the 700-hectare coconut compound owned by the ayala agri-Development Corporation. from there, start the adventure with a brave heart. there are three tubing levels of adventure. if expert, one can start with the highest elevation of the river down to the first level. Level 1 plus a river guide (service at p200) is advised for beginners.

While shooting through and grueling with the rapids, one gets wet with the river’s relaxing splash that comes from mt. apo. always look ahead and be prepared, for the tube occasionally bumps into rocks. During the rainy season, the sport is more thrilling with the wilder gush of water. but when toppled, don’t worry; the river is not deep. passing by trees of chirping birds, water tubing is also an activity that gives room for the adventurous soul to be one with nature.

Getting there:If you don’t have a car, take the jeepney or bus going to Sta. Cruz or Digos City. The ride to Sibulan Crossing at Brgy. Darong is approximately 1 hour from downtown Davao City. From the Sibulan Crossing, take the motorcycle ride (at P15) on a 100-meter bumpy road to the tubing area. You’ll know you’re in the right place if you see a copra processing area. Gears: To guarantee safety of tourists who want to try river tubing, tubing safety gears like life vest (at P75) and tubing equipment (at P25) are available at the Sta. Cruz Tourism Office.

A wild water adventure not for the weak-kneed


T o the only person in philippine movie history to bag two acting awards in an awards night (best

actress and best supporting actress in the 1991 famas awards), Davao means beauty, family, and home.

at 37, actress Dawn Zulueta still has the face that can launch a thousand ships. but the true Dawn does not have a beauty that is only physical. Her current “beauty inside” campaign for a beauty product shows the real Dawn that is beautiful within. one of her secrets? Her “worthwhile endeavors” in the place she calls home—Davao.

after marrying businessman and now Davao del norte congressman anton Lagdameo, Dawn settled in Davao City in 1999. from a controversial life in show business, Dawn transformed herself into a happy housewife and a proud mother to two-year-old Jacobo.

When her husband entered politics last year, Dawn found worthwhile undertakings other than taking care of her family. today, as a congressional spouse, she is involved in various community programs and supports many advocacies. she also helps raise funds

Dawn finds a home

in Davao


38 gosouth

for i Can serve, a foundation that seeks to inform women about breast cancer, and helps patients in the Davao regional Hospital burn unit. a bookworm, Dawn also donates educational textbooks to needy children through charity programs like tulong aral sa kabataan.

Despite her community and show business activities, Dawn describes her lifestyle as mostly domestic. “believe me, i’m totally not the celebrity i look like,” she was quoted in a recent interview. “i’m really just a housewife. that’s my first and foremost job.”

gosouth: tell us about your first visit to the Davao region.

DaWn Zulueta: my first visit to Davao City was back in either 1991 or 1992. i and several other celebrities were invited to compete in a pistol firing competition. i only stayed for a weekend and didn’t get to see as much of the city – until my next trip the following year when i came to shoot the television series Davao, which was aired in Channel 9. the location was at the Hijo plantation in Davao del norte. We filmed there for a whole month. it was during this time that i was able to see and experience the region and its very warm, hospitable people. it was such a memorable stay that i promised i would return again

gs: When you moved here after marriage, how was it adjusting to a provincial, low-profile life?

DZ: i moved to Davao in the end of 1999. by then, i had made several more trips prior to it and was able to see and do more, as well as make new acquaintances. by the time my husband and i relocated to the city, it was quite easy for me to adjust because i had friends who taught me how to get around and find places to shop, do the grocery, etc. at the neighborhood where we resided, i built a close sisterly unit. i made more connections with relatives of my husband’s family and even went into small businesses, like organizing Christmas bazaars at the downtown area. i found the idyllic life so perfect for me, it

was just the kind of ‘slowing down’ that i was needing and searching for. and Davao, along with its warm people, made that change so effortless.

gs: if you were to shoot a movie or tv series again in the region, where would it be and why?

DZ: i would love to explore and feature the beautiful mati in Davao oriental. i have visited that region several times and the coastal view is breathtaking. another place i find just as enchanting is the province of bukidnon. actually,

the whole drive towards that area alone is such a wonderful visual experience. the road trek allows you a full view of the mountain ranges of mindanao, but more towards the center of the region. the rich vegetation and soil is so inspiring to see. When

one has lived all her life in the busy, polluted cities, being around unspoiled and almost virginal territory is a treat for the senses.

gs: What do you love about Davao?

DZ: its climate, its people, and its effective governance that translates to, amongst other things, peace and order.

gs: What pasalubong do you usually bring from Davao to relatives and friends outside?

DZ: mostly fruits of the season, like pomelos, pineapples, atis, mangosteens and durian. other delicacies like paco (fern) salad and durian pastillas. other favorites are batik fabrics and woven items, also malongs.

gs: What are your favorite places in the region and mindanao?

DZ: the beaches of samal island, mati in Davao oriental, panabo and the municipalities of Davao del norte, Catigan and toril of Davao City and bukidnon... so far. because i have yet to see the rest of the region and i am sure to appreciate so much more as i go in the future.

“i found the idyllic life so perfect for me, it was just the kind of ‘slowing down’

that i was needing and searching for.”


SEAto and from Davao City

Wg&a super ferrysta. ana ave., Davao City, (082) 234-0973-74 / 221-1390www.wgasuperferry.com

Vessel Port of origin Port of Destination DeParture Day /time arriVal Day / time

superferry 12 general santos – makar Davao City – sasa mon 9:00 pm mon 12:45 pm

supeferry 2::9 general santos – makar Davao City – sasa sat 4:15 am sat 1:45 pm

superferry 12 Davao City – sasa general santos – makar tue 12:45 am tue 9 am

supeferry 2::9 Davao City – sasa general santos – makar sat 8:30 pm sun 6 am

supeferry 2::9 iloilo – san Pedro Davao City – sasa thu 9:15 pm sat 1:45 pm

supeferry 2::9 Davao City – sasa iloilo – san Pedro sat 8:30 pm mon 12:30 pm

superferry 2::9 manila – P15 Davao City – sasa tue 10:45 pm fri 1:45 pm

superferry 12 manila – P15 Davao City – sasa sat 11:45 pm mon 11:00 pm

superferry 12 Davao City – sasa manila – P15 tue 2:45 am thu 3:00 am

superferry 2::9 Davao City – sasa manila – P15 fri 8:30 pm mon 11:30 am

suLpiCio LinesLeon garcia st., Davao City(082) 221-5676www.sulpiciolines.com

vessel PoRt oF oRigin

PoRt oF Destination

DePaRtuRe DaY / time

aRRival DaY / time

Princess of the universe(via Cebu/Zamboang/Dadiangas)

Davao City manila sun 2:00 pm Wed 11:00 am

Filipina Princess (via surigao/ Cebu) Davao City manila Wed 7:00 pm sat 9:00 am

Princess of the universe (via Cebu/ Zamboanga) manila Davao City thu 2:00 pm sun 3:00 am

Filipina Princess (via surigao/ Cebu) manila Davao City sun 10:00 am tues 4:00 pm

Princess of the universe Davao City general santos (Dadiangas)

sun 2:00 pm sun 10:00 pm

Filipina Princess Davao City surigao Wed 7:00 pm thu 2:00 pm

Filipina Princess surigao Davao City mon 9:00 pm tues 4:00 pm

Filipina Princess Davao City Zamboanga sun 2:00 pm mony 2:00 pm

Princess of the universe Zamboanga Davao City sat 10:00 pm sun 3:00 am

Princess of the universe (via Zamboanga) Cebu Davao City fri 6:00 pm sun 3:00 aam

Filipina Princess (via surigao) Cebu Davao City mon 12:00 nn tues 4:00 pm

ruraL transit of minDanaoyacapin extension, Cagayan de oro City+63 (882) 272-6154 c/o bei, Davao City+63 (82) 244-0654, 244-0637

Destination FiRst tRiP

time oF inteRval

Class last tRiP

Davao–Cagayan de oro City(via Buda)

24 hrs every hour non-aircon 24 hrs

Davao– Cagayan de oro City(via Buda)

4 am every hour aircon 11 pm

LANDDavao metro sHuttLeecoland Drive, matina, Davao City+63 (82) 299-2961

Destination FiRst tRiP

time oF inteRval


Davao–Digos 5:30 am every 30 min aircon

Dava –Digos 5:00 am every 30 min non-aircon

Digos–Davao 5:30 am every 30 min aircon

Digos–Davao 5:00 am every 30 min non-aircon

Davao–tagum 5:30 am every 30 min non-aircon

Davao–tagum 6:00 am every 30 min aircon

tagum–Davao 5:00 am every 30 min non-aircon

tagum–Davao 5:30 am every 30 min aircon

Davao–Kidapawan 6:00 am every 30 min aircon

Kidapawan–Davao 6:00 am every 30 min aircon

Davao–gen. santos 5:00 am every 30 min non-aircon

gen.santos–Davao 5:00 am every 30 min non-aircon

yeLLoW bus Lineskm 2 mcarthur Highway, Davao City+63 (82) 298-0045

Destination FiRst tRiP

time oF inteRval

Class last tRiP

Davao–gensan 1 stop

9:00 am every 30 min aircon 7:00 pm

Davao–gensan non-stop

9:00 am every 30 min aircon 2:00 pm

Davao–gensan 9:45 am every 30 min non-aircon 7:00 pm

gensan–Davao 9:00 am every 30 min non-aircon 7:00 pm

gensan–Davao 9:00 am every 30 min aircon 7:00 pm

baCHeLor expressma-a, Davao City+63 (82) 244-0654, 244-0637

Destination FiRst tRiP

time oF inteRval

Class last tRiP

Davao–mati 4 am every 30 min aircon 5:00 pm

Davao–mati 4 am every 30 min non-aircon 8:00 pm

mati–Davao 4 am every 30 min aircon 5:00 pm

mati–Davao 4 am every 30 min non-aircon 8:00 pm

Davao–butuan 4 am every hr aircon 9 pm

Davao–butuan 24 hrs every hr non-aircon 24 hrs

CC Linerporras cor villamor st., bo. obrero, Davao City+63 (82) 226-2167

Destination FiRst tRiP

time oF inteRval

Class last tRiP

Davao–sto. tomas 5:00am every 15 min non-aircon 9:00 pm

Davao–Kapalong 5:15am every hr non-aircon 4:30 pm

pHiLtranCoecoland terminal, Davao City+63 (82) 299-3419route: Davao – surigao– Leyte – samar – bicol - manila

Destination FiRst tRiP time oF inteRval

Davao–surigao 3 am(non-aircon) 5 am (aircon)

Davao–leyte 3 am (non-aircon) 5 am (aircon)

Davao–samar 3 am (non-aircon) 5 am (aircon)

Davao–bicol 3 am (non-aircon) 5 am (aircon)

Davao–manila 3 am (non-aircon) 5 am (aircon)


40 gosouth


pHiLippine airLinesDavao international airport +63 (82) 234-0073roxas ave., Davao City+63 (82) 221-5313, 221-5641www.philippineairlines.com

Cebu paCifiC airDavao international airport+63 (82) 233-19212f Victoria Plaza,J.P. laurel ave., Davao City+63 (82) 224-0961 to 62www.cebupacificair.com

air pHiLippinesDavao international airport +63 (82) 234-6390;234-6388; 234-8030loc. 3473/3465level 2 lachmi shopping mallsan Pedro st., Davao City+63 (82) 2211062tktg.davao@airphilippines.com.ph

siLkairPryce tower, J.P. laurel ave. Davao City+63 (82) 221-1039 / 224-5608www.silkair.com

merpati nussantara airLinesPilman travel and toursg/f Doña segunda Bldg.,P. reyes st., Davao City+63 (82) 224-5870 – 71pilman@mozcom.com

AIRDOMESTIC FLIGHTSflights to and from Davao international airport

maniLaphilippine airlines

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

PR810 Davao manila 7:30 am 9:30 am Daily

PR812 Davao manila 1:30 pm 3:30 pm Daily

PR818 Davao manila 3:45 pm 5:45 pm Daily

PR814 Davao manila 7:30 pm 9:30 pm Daily

PR816 Davao manila 9:05 pm 11:05 pm Daily

PR809 manila Davao 04:30 am 06:30 am Daily

PR811 manila Davao 10:30 am 12:30 pm Daily

PR817 manila Davao 1:05 pm 3:05 pm Daily

PR813 manila Davao 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Daily

PR815 manila Davao 6:25 pm 8:25 pm Daily

Cebu pacific

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

5J-962 Davao manila 7:25 am 9:10 am Daily

5J-964 Davao manila 12:30 pm 2:15 pm Daily

5J-970 Davao manila 2:40 pm 4:25 pm Daily

5J-966 Davao manila 6:10 pm 7:55 pm Daily

5J-968 Davao manila 9:40 pm 11:25 pm Daily

5J-961 manila Davao 5:10 am 6:55 am Daily

5J-963 manila Davao 10:15 am 12:00 nn Daily

5J-969 manila Davao 12:25 pm 2:10 pm Daily

5J-965 manila Davao 3:55 pm 5:40 pm Daily

5J-967 manila Davao 7:25 pm 9:10 pm Daily

air philippines

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

2P 926 Davao manila 9:40 am 11:20 am Daily

2P 928 Davao manila 7:15 pm 8:55 pm Daily

2P 925 manila Davao 7:30 9:10 am Daily

2P 927 manila Davao 2:00 pm 3:40 pm Daily

CebuCebu pacific

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

5J-594 Davao Cebu 6:30 am 7:25 am Daily

5J-596 Davao Cebu 11:35 am 12:30 pm Daily

5J-598 Davao Cebu 5:55 pm 6:50 pm m-t-W-f

5J-600 Davao Cebu 8:55 pm 9:50 pm th-su

5J-593 Cebu Davao 5:05 am 6:00 am Daily

5J-595 Cebu Davao 10:10 am 11:05 am Daily

5J-597 Cebu Davao 4:30 pm 5:25 pm m-t-W-f

5J-599 Cebu Davao 7:30 pm 8:25 pm th-su

air philippines

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

2P 025 Davao Cebu 11:40 am 12:35 pm Daily

2P 027 Davao Cebu 4:15 pm 5:10 pm Daily

2P 026 Cebu Davao 9:55 am 10:50 pm Daily

2P 024 Cebu Davao 5:40 pm 6:35 pm Daily

baCoLoD air philippines

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

2P 027 via Cebu

Davao Bacolod 11:40 am 12:30 pm Daily next day connection

2P 011 via Cebu

Bacolod Davao 7:40 am 10:50 am Daily

iLoiLoair philippines

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

2P 027 via Cebu

Davao iloilo 11:40 am 1:50 pm Daily

2P 021 via Cebu

iloilo Davao 8:35 am 10:50 am Daily

Cebu pacific (effective may 8, 2008)

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

5J-348 Davao iloilo 6:15 am 7:20 am tu-th-sa

5J-347 iloilo Davao 7:50 am 8:55 am tu-th-sa

ZamboangaCebu pacific

Flight oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

5J-393 Davao Zamboanga 9:10 am 10:05 am m-W-sa-su

5J-394 Zam-boanga

Davao 7:45 am 8:40 am m-W-sa-su

INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTSDavao flights to and from singapore, Hong kong, manado, and taipei


oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY FRequenCY

Davao singapore 3:15 pm 6:55 pm m-t-th-sa Daily

Davao (via Cebu) singapore 1:35 pm 6:55 pm W-f-su Daily

singapore Davao (via Cebu) 9:05 am 2:35 pm m-t-th-sa Daily

singapore Davao 9:05 am 12:55 pm W-f-su Daily


Directory*Accredited by the Departmentof Tourism

Davao CityHOTELS

First Class* the marco Polo hotelC.M. Recto St.(082) 221-0888, 225-0111www.marcopolohotels.com

* the apo view J. Camus cor. Palma Gil St. (082) 221-6430, 221-0748,www.apoview.com

* grand Regal hotelKm. 7 J.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 235-0888, 234-3910www.grandregalhotel.com

* the Royal mandaya hotel J. Palma Gil cor. P. Reyes Streets(082) 225-8888, 221-3430mandaya@mozcom.com

* Waterfront insular hotelLanang(082) 233-2881 to 87www.waterfronthotels.net

Standardmicrotel inns and suitesDamosa Gateway Complex, Mamay Road(082) 233-2333, 300-3800www.microtelphilippines.com

Casa leticia J. Camus Street(082) 224-0501www.casaleticia.com

Chateau del marC. Lizada Road, Lanang (082) 234-3472, 305-8998

evergreen hotelR. Magsaysay Ave.(082) 221-3860

grand men seng hotelA. Pichon St.(082) 221-9040, 221-2431www.menseng.com.ph

hotel galleriaGov. Duterte St.(082) 221-2480, 221-2657, 221-2693hgadicor@info.com.ph

lispher innJuna Avenue, Juna Subd.(082) 299-1610

Regency innVilla Abrille Street(082) 225-5819, 227-4333regency@philwebinc.com

villa margarita hotelJ.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 221-5674 , 226-2968

Tourist Innalicia mansionL. Guerrero St. (082) 224-2001 to 02

aljems inn iA. Pichon St.(082) 221-3060, 221-3698 aljems inn iiRizal St.(082) 221-6162, 221-6394

aveflor inn C.M. Recto St.(082) 221-0681, 221-8268

bagobo hotel Gov. Duterte Street(082) 222-4444, 222-4440 jht@weblinq.com

Davao Fortune innR. Magsaysay Ave.(082) 221-0819, 222-8332

Davao imperial hotelDoña Segunda Bldg., Claveria St.(082) 222-4930, 222-4931

humberto’s hotel311 Jose Palma Gil Corner Padre Gomez Sts.(082) 222-3831, 222-4105www.humbertoshotel.com

marbella mansionRizal St.(082) 222-0890 to 97

midland innIñigo St.(082) 221-1775

mirage Family hotelQuirino Ave.(082) 221-2707

orange grove hotelPhilippine Japan Friendship Highway(082) 241-0695, 241-0787

Park square inn & RestaurantQuimpo Boulevard(082) 298-0258

Cebu pacific

oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY FRequenCY

5J-715 Davao singapore 8:00 pm 11:15 pm t-th-su

5J-598/547 Davao singapore 5:55 pm 11:25 pm m-t-W-f

5J-716 singapore Davao 11:59 pm 3:15 am + 1 t-th-su

5J-548/593 singapore Davao 12:20 am 6:00 am t-W-th-sa-su

Hong kongCebu pacific

oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY FRequenCY

5J-724 Davao Hong Kong 8:40 pm 11:30 pm m-W-f-sa

5J-598/238 Davao Hong Kong 5:55 pm 11:50 pm m-t-W-f

5J-725 Hong Kong Davao 12:15 am 3:05 am t-th-sa-su

5J-239/593 Hong Kong Davao 12:35 am 06:00 am m-t-W-th-f-sa

manaDo, inDonesiamerpati nussan tara airlines

oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY

Davao manado 4:15 pm 5:30 pm mondays

manado Davao 2:00 pm 3:15 pm mondays

taipeiCebu pacific (starting may 8, 2008)

oRigin Destination etD eta FRequenCY FRequenCY

5J-598 /302 Davao taipei 5:55 pm 10:10 pm m-W-f

5J-303/593 taipei Davao 10:55 pm 6:00 am + 1 m-W-f

CONSULATESConsuLar offiCe of JapanSuite B305, Plaza de Luisa Complex 3F140 R. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City 8000(P.O. Box No. 80637)Phone: +63 (82) 221-3100Fax: +63 (82) 221-2176

ConsuLate generaL of inDonesiaPhase IV, Ecoland Drive, Matina, Davao City 8000Phone: +63 (82) 299-2930 Fax: +63 (82) 297-3462

ConsuLate generaL of maLaysia, Davao City 3rd Floor, Florantine BuildingA. Bonifacio StreetDavao City 8000Phone: +63 (82) 221-4050 / 221-1368Fax: +63 (82) 221-4014Email: maldavao@kln.gov.myOffice Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

uniteD states of ameriCa virtuaL ConsuLatewww.usconsulatedavao.org.ph

42 gosouth

Roadway innJ.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 221-9000 to 04

Royal houseC.M. Recto St.(082) 221-8105 to 06, 227-3630

sampaguita tourist innMt. Mayon St.(082) 227-2958

sequioa innMonteverde St.(082) 300-3636

southern tourist innVilla Abrille St.(082) 221-7431

tower innQuirino Ave.(082) 221-1099

Economy / Pension Housebs innB. Gempesaw St. (082) 221-3980

hotel elenaAvenida Santos Ave.(082) 233-1941, 233-1122

sychar garden hotelJ.P. Laurel Ave. (082) 224-0603

alta Pension houseJ.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 221-1843

elle’s Pension houseMt. Apo St.(082) 221-8499,221-2637

manor hotelA. Pichon St.(082) 221-2511, 221-2514

emerald innJ. Camus Ext.(082) 225-4825,221-1641

Ponce suitesDoña Vicenta Village(082) 227-9070 to 71

legazpi innPelayo St.(082) 226-3842

Apartellelinmarr apartelleLakandula St., Agdao(082) 221-2915, 221-5748

Crown Regency hotelJ.P. Cabaguio Ave.(082) 225-8188, 225-8088www.crownregency.com

Jogues apartelle509 Mangga St. Juna Subd., Matina(082) 297-4683www.joguesapartelle.com

Chateau veronicaAraullo St.(082) 227-0488, 222-4826


Filipinoantonio’s bar & grillGround Floor, SM City(082) 299-3904

buffet PalaceVictoria Plaza Carpark, Bajada(082) 224-5157

Cecil’s snack innAnda St.(082) 227-5305

Chickies & PattiesChina Bank Bldg.227-3413

Cogot seafood RestaurantF. Iñigo St. / The Venue Compound(082) 224-1299

Colasas barbequeA. Pichon St/ Magallanes St.(082) 224-0098

Cynthia’s lechon house & Restaurant Victoria Plaza Carpark / Bo. Pampanga(082) 224-2202/ 221-6238

Dencio’s sa hilltopDiversion Road, Maa(082) 305-8653

Dencio’s KamayanBonifacio St. (082) 224-3101SM City (082) 297-1868NCCC Mall (082) 298-4889

Fiesta Dabaw native RestaurantGaisano South/ SM City(082) 224-0006/ 224-5858

Japanese tunnel RestaurantBalusog – Matina, Diversion Road(082) 221-5690/ 221-2250

gerry’s grillGaisano Mall Davao(082) 221-9992 / 224-3779

goldilocksGaisano Mall / SM City(082) 225-1588/ 298-4179

golden brown Restaurant Duterte St.(082) 224-1640

habagat grillTimes Beach, Matina(082) 298-0697

* harana F. Torres St(082) 227-3937 / 221-5615

Jack’s Ridge Restaurant Shrine Hills, Matina(082) 297-8830

Jaltan Food CentrumA. Pichon St. /C.M. Recto-Bonifacio(082) 227-3477/ 227-7246

Kusina DabawSan Pedro St.(082) 226-4103

Kuya ed’s RestaurantA. Pichon St.(082) 224-2162/ 221-5463

luz Kinilaw PlaceSalmonan, Quezon Blvd.(082) 226-4612/ 221-8377

marina tuna market RestaurantBo. Pampanga, Lanang(082) 233-2666

merco KiosksRizal-Bolton Sts.(082) 221-2579

miggy’s grillTimes Beach, Matina(082) 297-7797

* nanay bebeng RestaurantMarfori Heights/ SM City(082) 222-3201/ 297-5801

Paterno’s Restaurant Roxas Ave.(082) 222-4684

Penong’s barbecue Ilustre St.(082) 227-8363

Probinsya RestaurantVictoria Plaza Carpark(082) 225-1455

Ranchero grillTionko Avenue(082) 225-1199

Roadhouse CaféG/F SM City(082) 297-6280

suka’t sili RestaurantThe Venue Compound, Jacinto Extn.(082) 224-6495

sunburst Fried Chicken Tionko Ave.(082) 222-4844/ 222-4733

ombu Chicken houseSequioa InnMonteverde St.(082) 300-3636

YahongF. Torres St.

Yellow Fin RestaurantSandawa Plaza,Quimpo Blvd.(082) 221-0958/ 227-7778

Oriental* ahfat seafood Plaza i and iiVictoria Plaza Carpark(082) 228- 5787

akiko Japanese RestaurantVictoria Plaza Compound(082) 222-6825

banana leaf asian CuisineChimes Specialty Store, Sales St.(082) 225-8898

budha seafood RestaurantVictoria Plaza Carpark (082) 221-8319/ 224-6587

Dencia’s Restaurant Gen. Luna Street(082) 227-6777, 221-0887

Davao Famous Restaurant Gen. Luna St.(082) 227-1972, 227-2633

Dimsum DinerGaisano Mall/ Guerrero St./ Ilustre St.(082) 221-737, 221-7321

hanoi vietnamese RestaurantJ. Camus St. / Damosa(082) 225-4501

Korean RestaurantLanang

Krua thaiF. Torres St.(082) 228-6181

mandarin tea gardenRizal/ Guerrero/ Ilustre Sts.(082) 221-0425, 224-0679, 227-3912

lotus CourtMarco Polo HotelCM Recto Ave.(082) 221-0888

men seng RestaurantA. Pichon St. (082) 227-4775, 227-8937

* mongolian gardenF. Torres St.221-9026

* new asia Restaurant Villa Abrille St.(082) 226-4988, 305-0754

Rai Rai Ken2F SM City / Prime Square Compound, F. Torres St.(082) 297-2151

Red moon Chinese CuisineK1 Complex, F. Torres St.(082) 221-3988

shanghai Restaurant Magsaysay Avenue(082) 227-5233, 221-3627

sen ton Whan RestaurantVictoria Plaza Carpark, (082) 225-0437, 225-0438

tai huat Claypot RestaurantMagsaysay Ave.(082) 226-4576, 224-0384

tong Yang hot Pot Chimes Specialty Store, Sales St.

tsuru Japanese Restaurant J. Camus St.(082) 221-0901

Zakoya Japanese buffetF. Torres St.(082) 227-7760

Continentalbigby’s Café & RestaurantG/F SM City(082) 298-0168 / 298-0111

* bistro Rosario F. Torres St.(082) 224-0808 / 221-9026

Café ilustrado3rd level, Gaisano South, Ilustre St.(082) 224-0808

Café marcoMarco Polo Davao(082) 221-0888

ChippensPaseo de Roxas Arcade(082) 225-4998, 225-8264


Coco’s south bistroF. Torres St(082) 222-3494 to 96

entréeApo View Hotel(082) 221-6430

garden oases RestaurantPorras St., Sta. Ana (082) 224-1402 to 03

Kamayo Café The Royal Mandaya Hotel, Palma Gil St.(082) 225-8912

montemarte Café Grand Regal Hotel, Lanang(082) 235-0888/ 234-3918

la Parilla Waterfront Insular Hotel, Lanang(082) 233-2821

Pancake houseSM City / Gaisano Mall(082) 299-2668, 227-7385

* sarung banggi steak houseF. Torres St.(082) 227-3937, 221-5615

EuropeanCafé mediterraneanChimes Specialty Store, Sales St.(082) 225-8997

* Claude’s le Café de ville Rizal St.(082) 305-2635, 222-4287

De bonte Koe Dutch Restaurant Habana Compound,Rizal St.(082) 222-7585

* hagar’s Place Blucor Bldg., Lanang(082) 233-1018, 234-3028

hola españaDamosa Gateway, Lanang(082) 234-6877

la toscana italian bar & RestaurantR. Dacudao Bldg,Quirino Ave.(082) 305-6556

o’Flannagan’sIlustre St.(082) 300-1850

* Picobello italian Restaurant5/F Gaisano South,Ilustre St.(082) 221-1696

turquoise Festival turkish RestaurantG/F SM City(082) 282-0168

swiss DeliJ.P. Laurel St.(082) 234-0271


basti’s brewVictoria Plaza(082) 222-6168

blugre Coffee shopLandco Bldg, J.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 221-4667

bo’s Coffee shopMetro Lifestyle Complex,F. Torres St.(082) 228-6180

Coffee DreamG/F SM City / Damosa(082) 282-0204

Coffee monster Café Ilustre St.(082) 224-6699

FagioliJ.P. Laurel Ave.

FigaroChimes Specialty Store, Sales St.

Kopi RotiG/F LZ Dental Center Bldg.,Jacinto Ext. cor. Araullo St.(082) 301-6009, 224-1518


after Dark bar & Restaurant Quimpo Blvd.(082) 298-0299

Club 10 Jazz barApo View Hotel(082) 221-6430

haloThe Venue Compound(082) 227-0579

eagle’s barThe Marco Polo HotelC.M. Recto St.(082) 221-0888

K1 KtvF. Torres St.(082) 227-6081

Kanto barMatina Town Square(082) 297-7010

Rizal street Café & barRizal Promenade183 Rizal St.(082) 225-1852/ 221-4839

summit barThe Royal Mandaya Hotel(082) 225-0588

Pirata barWaterfront Insular Hotel (082) 233-2881

urban ClubWheels N More compound, J.P. Laurel Ave.

visa Restaurant Piano bar & KaraokeVictoria Plaza Carpark(082) 225-1748

World Palace KtvQuimpo Blvd.(082) 297-4189


* asmara spa servicesGrand Regal Hotel(082) 221-8445, 234-4448

bio essence Facial& slimming CenterMarfori Heights(082) 226-2305

bliss salon & Day spaLandco Corporate Center, J.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 225-5677 / 221-8134

holiday gym & spaF. Torres St.(082) 222-3041K1 spaF. Torres St. (082) 227-6082Univ. Avenue, Ecoland (082) 299-2819

metro lifestyle ComplexF. Torres St. cor E. Jacinto St.(082) 226-3711

Philosophy salon & spaFlorentine Bldg.Bonifacio St.(082) 221-0555 / 225-1155


Golfapo golf and Country ClubDumoy, Toril(082) 297-2150. 297-2036

lanang golf and Country ClubLanang(082) 227-5952, 227-5171

Ranchos Palos verdesMandug, Buhangin(082) 227-9440

new Davao City golf ClubMatina(082) 297-0711

andrew’s golf Driving RangeShrine Hills, Matina(082) 297-5086

Water Sports Facilities* Carabao Dive shopSobrecarey St.Obrero cor. Alzate(082) 300-1092

* Davao scuba Dive CenterSta. Ana Pier(082) 226-2588

Fish talesHydrock Bldg.Cabaguio Ave.(082) 222-4347

samal island DiversSo Kim Cheng Bldg.6th Ave. Rosemarie St.Agdao(082) 221-2121www.samalislanddivers.com

* Wind and Wave DavaoSta. Ana Pier(082) 227-0234, 300-7914

BowlingnCCC bowling CenterNCCC MallMacArthur Highwaycorner Ma-a(082) 298-0888


aldevinco arts and Crafts CenterC.M. Recto St.

Chimes specialty storeSales St.(082) 224-1818

nieva’s arts and CraftsFelbest Bldg., Lanang(082) 234-6566 / 235-0392

sm City DavaoQuimpo Blvd, Ecoland(082) 297-6998

gaisano mall of DavaoJ.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 221-6168

victoria PlazaJ.P. Laurel Ave.(082) 224-1410

nCCC mallMacArthur Highwaycorner Ma-a(082) 298-0888

gaisano south CitimallIlustre St.(082) 222-2420


Davao Casino FilipinoGrand Regal Hotel(082) 235-0888


* eden nature ParkEden, Toril(082) 299-1020, 296-0791www.edennaturepark.com

* malagos garden ResortMalagos, Calinan District(082) 221-1545, 226-4341

* high Ponds beach ResortBinugao, Toril(082) 291-1148

* Jack’s Ridge Resortand RestaurantShrine Hills, Ma-a(082) 297-8831

* Jones beach ResortSalakot Drive, Talomo(082) 298-2691

* loleng’s mountainspring ResortEden-Bayabas, Toril(082) 221-6228, 221-1099

* Forest hills ResortBalusog, Matina(082) 221-0318, 221-5693

* Kadayawan Resort ComplexTimes Beach, Matina(082) 298-0321

* lantaw bukid ResortLos Amigos, Tugbok(082) 298-1494, 293-1190

* Water Yahoo & nature ResortGumalang, Baguio District(082) 295-0550

44 gosouth

Davaodel NorteRESORTS

Katarina beach ResortNear the DENR’s mangrove preservation area in Brgy. Busaon, Tagum City

barret beach Resort A few minutes ride from Apocon Estates Corporation, Brgy. Madaum, Tagum City

elena’s inland ResortBrgy. Canocotan, Tagum City

gambrille Resortand RestaurantSto. Tomas

aqua land ResortSan Vicente, Panabo City


magical hidden spring of PanasNew Corella

binancian WaterfallsLiguyon, Binacian, Asuncion.

Dakudao ecotourimDakudao, KapalongAn 18-hectare ecology park that showcases wildlife, forest, waterfalls, and 18 unspoiled caves. The site has a view deck overlooking the park’s natural landscape and Mt. Ampaoid.

suwaon natures ParkSambayon, 29 kilometers from the Municipal Hall of Kapalong. Exploring the area requires a two-hour cave exploration that features in-cave waterfalls, cool spring, and glittering stalactites and stalagmites.

Datu balong hillsCan be reached through 30-minute trek from Datu Balong Barangay Hall, Kapalong.

matol Falls Can be reached by all types of land vehicles to Barangay Gupitan and 30-minute river crossing and trekking. A break-in

mountain waterfalls about 30 feet high.

san miguel CavesLocated 18 kilometers from the poblacion of San Miguel, Kapalong

iganong Cave and springIganong , AsuncionHome to the bat species called kabyaw.

mt. mossyCabadiangan, TalaingodSo called because the area is covered with a moss forest.


Davao Penal ColonyBraulio E. DujaliInmates show their artistry in wood carving and furniture-making. Their products are available at the display center in the penal farm.

taDeCo banana PlantationPanabo CityThe biggest banana plantation in the country exports its products to Japan and other countries.

ace FlowersMagdum, Tagum CityA four-hectare garden of denrobriums, bromeliads, and other ornamental plants.

aPo estates Corp.Madaum, Tagum CityTagged as “Little Subic,” APO Estates is a PEZA-accredited eco-industrial zone lying in a 700-hectare land.

minex and hexat mining Corp.Magdum, Tagum CityWhere gold and silver ores from the mountains of Diwalwal are processed.


molave hotel033 Osmeña St., Tagum(084) 217-3983, 297-3803

Prime hotelRizal St., Tagum City(084) 217-3616

valle lodging houseOsmeña St., Tagum City(084) 218-4487

Captain’s DeckBacaltos Bldg., Mirafuentes Subd., Tagum City(084) 400-3848

marcelino’s Pension houseQuirante St., Tagum City(084) 218-1685

georgia’s Pension houseDalisay Rd., Sto. Niño., Tagum City(084) 218-3128

Raj hotel & Restaurant3609 Mirafuentes St., Tagum City084-2185515rajhotels@hotmail.com

eagle’s view hotel & RestaurantDalisay-Gante Rd., Tagum City084-2187553, 2185405evhotel_tagum@yahoo.com

Katrina beach ResortBusuan, Tagum City(084) 227-3764


big ligid islandFronting Brgy. Balet,Babak DistrictAn island with lush greenery and underwater caves.

mushroom RockFronting Brgy. Pangubatan, Kaputian DistrictA mushroom-shaped islet of more than 10 meters in diameter.

Punta PaetBrgy. San Remegio, Kaputian DistrictThe site offers notable rock formations.

bito DepressionBrgy. Guilon, Samal DistrictA natural depression approximately 273 ft below the surface. Believed to have been formed by fallen meteors.

Coral garden marine ParkTalikud IslandHome to 53 out of 73 genera of corals found in the country, 9 out of 13 species of sea grasses, and 250 species of aquarium fish.

mt. Putting batoSitio Tayapok, Brgy. GuilnThe highest peak in the island at 1346 ft.

hagimit FallsBrgy. Cawag, SamalFeatures five cataracts and natural swimming pools.

baga CaveIn between Brgy Cogon and Linosutan, Talikud Island. About 1800 meters long, this cave has an underground river and various species of bats.

aundanao Fish sanctuaryBrgy. AundanaoIts rich marine environment makes the area one of the best dive spots in the region.


* Pearl Farm beach ResortKaputian(082) 221-9970-75(082) 235-0876

* buenavista island ResortSmall Ligid(082) 296-1442(082) 299-2992

* Costa marina beach ResortLimao (082) 233-1209

* Fernandez beach ResortPeñaplata0915-554-9273

* isla Reta beach ResortTalikud(082) 234-0903

island buenavista ResortLigid Island(082) 299-1020

* Punta del sol Catagman(082) 221-2121, 305-3838

bali-bali beach ResortCatagman(082) 234-3067, 234-3068

mahan garden ResortCaliclic(082) 301-4022

Paradise island beach ResortCaliclic(082) 223-0251, (082) 234-1229

blue Waters beach ResortLimao0919-337-6987

Chemas garden by the seaLimao0917-702-5832

hof goreiKaputian(082) 286-0238,0918-609-6966

ilihan beach ResortIlihan0920-254-4920,(082) 224-5345

monina garden ResortBabak(082) 301-4068

Pacific little secretTalikud(082) 235-1325

RmPCCamudmud, Babak(082) 227-8574


* asianet travel & tours Jose Abad Santos St., Magugpo Central,Tagum City(084) 217-3144, 400-2708asianet_traveltours1@yahoo.com

* Kingstone Freight & travelTagum CityDomestic (084)-217-2140International (084) 218-2570

* okey travel CenterTagum City(084) 400-4436, 400-4491

l’viajera ticketing & tours3 Magsaysay Ave.Sto. Tomas(084) 829-0169

Philippine airlinesticketing officeTagum City(084) 217-3409


annette’s lechon houseQuirante II, Tagum City(084) 217-3593

antonino’s ihaw-ihawLapu-Lapu Cor. Abad Santos St., Tagum City084-2187764julpahsollano@yahoo.com


apruv Dine innTagum City(084) 217- 3457

arman’s eateryTagum City(084) 217-3277

balinsasayawNational HighwayTagum City(084) 218-6492

Chicken ati-atihanLapu-Lapu St ., Tagum City(084) 218-6558

Dencio’s KamayanNational HighwayTagum City(084) 218-5000

Dunkin DonutsTagum City(084) 218-2284

eagle’s view hotel& RestaurantGante Avenue,Magugpo West,Tagum City(084) 218-5405

gaisano Center Food CourtTagum City(084) 217-3319

greenwich NCCC Mall,National Highway,Tagum City(084) 400-3767

hearts entwinedTagum City(084) 400-1845

helen’s Catering servicesTagum City(084) 218-1668

J & K Coffee shopTagum City (084) 217-2531

JollibeeNational Highway,Tagum City(084) 218-8888

Js gaisano Food CourtTagum City(084) 217-3141

KamaligApokon Rd., Tagum City(084) 217-3623

lakan PakalsNational HIghway, Visayan VillageTagum City

(084) 2173607, 2173792, 4001251lakan_pakals@yahoo.com.ph

mC Cel’s Cakes& Catering servicesTagum City(084) 400-1874

magnolia KioskTagum City(084) 217-3209

makulay RestaurantPioneer AvenueTagum City(084) 217-3346

new tagum Peking RestaurantTagum City(084) 217-3826

ning nang Food servicesTagum City(084) 218-1791

nCCC Food CourtNCCC Mall,National Highway,Tagum City(084) 218-4589

Penong’s Lapu-Lapu St ., Tagum City(084) 218-1455

via ameAbad Santos St .(084) 400-4577

uncle Fred’s gardenMagugpo East, Tagum City(084) 218-3368 Randino Tagum City(084) 218-483

taweng’s Abad Santos, Tagum City(084) 400-3588


tagum City tourism office (084) 218-4727

Panabo City tourism office0917-984-1121

igacos tourism office(082) 227-0963

Carmen tourism office0920-719-3357

b.e. Dujali tourism office(084) 822-0496


17th Century Caraga ChurchAt the town proper of Caraga, about 70 meters from the edge of a built-in port made of ancient rocks overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Considered one of the oldest churches in Mindanao that houses the 1802 church bell brought by friars from Spain.

altar Cave of san agustinBrgy. Parola, Governor Generoso. Can be reached through private or hired vehicles. Approximately 60 feet above the shoreline, this cave altar is naturally made of stones. The powdery white sand faces the Pacific Ocean.

saoquegue CaveBrgy. Saoquegue, about 14 kms from downtown Caraga.Rediscover the past with centuries-old artifacts, jars, and potteries in the cave.

mandaya Weaving and beading CenterProvincial Tourism Complex, Mati City.A one-stop-shop of novelty items and native delicacies, the center is a showcase of Mandaya culture to local and foreign visitors.

Pusan Point Caraga Also called the Site of the First Sunlight of the New Millennium


sleeping Dinosaur PeninsulaVisible upon passing the 8-km Badas Zigzag road to downtown Mati.The 57-hectare island resembles a sleeping dinosaur

aliwagwag FallsBrgy. Aliwagwag, Cateel. Can be reached by private or hired vehicles, and hiking. Featuring a series of 84 falls cascading like a stairway in various heights

Calapagan hotspringIn Lupon, 30-minutes ride from Mati. A hot mineral spring surrounded by woodlands

sigaboy island30-minute ride by paddle boat from the town proper of Governor Generoso.If you’re lucky enough, you can spot a school of dolphins and sea cows reported to frequent near this 30-hectare islet of lush tropical foliage lined with white-sand beaches.

mt. hamiguitan and tinagong DagatBrgy. La Union, San IsidroMt. Hamiguitan is home to thousands of centuries-old pygmy trees. Nearby is an upland lake called Tinagong Dagat (Hidden Sea) that serves as a haven for various species of rare and exotic birds and other animals.

Pujada islandCan be reached through 30-minute pump boat ride from Mati City A 156-hectare island surrounded by white-sand beaches. Visible from the island is another sand bar islet called Oak Island.

Waniban island15-minute boat ride from Cinco Masao Resort in Brgy. Masao, Mati CityThis 40-hectare island is surrounded by white sandy beaches and is home to a number of local tribes who make a living through hunting and fishing.

burias isletLocated in the boundary of Maputi and Puntalinao waters in Banaybanay.A one-hectare white sand islet that can be seen only during low tide.

Dahican beaches15-minute ride from Mati

Cawa-Cawa PoolsBrgy. Maputi, San IsidroCan be reached by an hour-long ride on motorcycles from the town proper. Cawa-Cawa natural pool has crystal-clear waters about 15 feet deep, and is surrounded by thick forests and wild rare orchids.


* Roque’s Pension houseMarcos Ave., Mati City(087) 388-3374

Provincial tourism Complex and annexMenzi Hills, Mati City(087) 388-4013 / 388-4015

hotel beatriceBonifacio St., Mati City(087) 388-4655

houdini’s hideaway inn Bonifacion St. , Mati City(087) 388-3913

masao beach ResortSitio Masao, Mati City(081) 811-5608

san isidro homestayPoblacion, San Isidro+63918-7684761

andrada innMati City(087) 388-3227

botona beach ResortDahican, Mati City(087) 811-5609

gsP homestayMati City(087) 388-4025


Kinanatu RestaurantProvincial Tourism ComplexMenzi, Mati City (087) 388-4013

Chika Deli-ihaw-ihaw PlaceBonifacio St., Mati City (087) 388-3479

shan & hazelRizal St., Mati City (087) 811-2257, 388-3653

ian & Fides ihaw-ihaw PlaceBonifacio St., Mati City

Knots grill ihaw-ihawLimatoc St., Mati City(087) 388-4627

Kapetol RestaurantCapitol Hills, Mati(087) 388-4068

honey’s RestaurantMatiao, Mati(087) 811-4038, 811-0213, 388-4052

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tita venus RestaurantDel Pilar St., Mati(087) 388-3276

moding’s RestaurantNazarino St., Mati(087) 811-0127, 388-3225

seaside FastfoodQuezon St., Mati(087) 388-3544

Pujada inn bar & Restro RestaurantBonifacio St., Mati(087) 811-1188, 388-3913

barkada RestaurantMadang St., Mati(087) 388-4459

D Fountain view (bordas) Nazareno St., Mati(087) 811-1504, 388-3615

Panadero CafeRizal St., Mati(087) 388-3620


Provincial tourism officeMenzi Hills, Mati City(087) 388-4041, 388-4015


bauing Japanese tunnelsHagonoyWhere distorted and cannibalized weapons believed to be of Japanese origin were found.

tologan Japanese tunnelsHagonoyThe tunnels served as hiding place and garage for war equipment and weapons of the Japanese during the Second World War.


binaton bagobo villageDigos CityRevel in the ethnic arts and culture of the tribe in this village inhabited by the Bagobos.

Colon sabak b’laan villageMatanaoThe tribal way of life is still being practiced even by the younger generation in this B’laan village.

handloom Weaving CenterTiongko Farms, Astorga, Sta. CruzThe center takes pride in their hand-woven cloths and novelties with intricate designs.


lamidan beach ResortDon Marcelino

leling beachLocated 3 kilometers away from the National Highway in Hagonoy.

Kisulad Puting balas beachLocated 8 kilometers from the poblacion of Sta. Maria.The site has a kilometer-long white, pristine shoreline.

mariscal beach ResortLocated 6 kilometers from Sta. Maria poblacion. Can be reached by private or public transportation.Dubbed as Little Boracay, the site boasts of scenic mountain hills and white-sand shoreline as beautiful as the beaches in the famous island of Boracay.

barayong Kamonsilan Resort MagsaysayNestled in a tropical setting with a stream, lush vegetation and a durian orchard.

bolinao beach ResortBrgy. Dawis, Digos City

encar Resort1 kilometer from the poblacion of Magsaysay.

narvasa Kalapaw swimming ResortLocated 4 kilometers from the poblacion of Magsaysay

villa angelika garden ResortBrgy. Cabligan, 12 km away from Digos City.


sibulan RiverSta. Cruz. Can by reached by

a 20-minute motorcycle ride from the poblacion.One of the clearest rivers in Mindanao, Sibulan river is shaping into backpackers’ favorite destination. It is the site of the Water Tubing, the local version of white water rafting.

tibangao CavesSanghay, MalitaCaves with several entrances feature underground springs, stalactites and stalagmites. It is also home to a growing number of bats.

lumayan springBrgy. Balabag, about 11 kilometers from Digos City proper. Getting to this underground spring requires a 45-minute hike from the jump-off point in Sitio Bandira.

tudaya FallsFrom Sta. Cruz, the falls can be reached through Kapatagan or Sibulan trailThe highest waterfalls in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Tudaya is a 100-meter waterfalls from a rock cliff to a 50-meter diameter pool. It takes 6 hours trek via Sibulan trail or 3 hours via Kapatagan.

Padada marine sanctuaryLocated adjacent to Piape Reef facing Piape hills, about 45 kilometers east of Padada poblacion facing Davao Gulf. Can be reached on a motorized boat in 5-7 minutes.The sanctuary serves as breeding ground of 50-60 species of marine life with an area of 50 hectares surrounded with buoys from BFAR for protection and identification.

Pasig islandSta. Cruz, 15 minutes away from poblacion and can be reached by 5-minute ride by pump boat. The area’s rich marine environment makes it one of the best diving sites in the province.

Kipanan FallsIn Little Baguio, 42 kilometers from Malita poblacion and can be reached by four-wheel drive vehicles to the brgy. proper and 1-km walk downhill and

upstream or horseback for 30 minutes.The multi-tiered falls consists of 10 falls of varying widths and heights. Housing or resting facilities are only available in the barangay proper.

napan FallsBreathtaking 25-foot waterfalls situated in brgy. Goma, 10.9 kilometers away from downtown Digos. Accessible by both public and private transport.

marawer hot and Cold springLocated 5 kilometers from Brgy. Kapatagan. Can be reached by a motorcycle and 400-meter walk downstream toward the spring. With steaming water that gushes out of a hill and surrounded by lush greenery.

Datal lanao lake Situated uphill at sitio Datal Lanao in Brgy. Bacungan, 5 kilometers from the poblacion of Magsaysay. Motorcycles serve only up to the take-off point at Sitio Asbangilok. From the jump-off point, a 5-hour trek via thick bushes and river stream. Neophyte trekkers are advised to horseback to the area. This 2-hectare spring, which also serves the B’laan settlers in the area, has a scenic view of the municipality of Matanao and Colombo, Sultan Kudarat.

shoreline mangrove HagonoyFrom this 120-hectare mangrove area, you can hear the melodious sound of birds at the crack of dawn; thousands also dot the sky during sunsets. The area consists of five coastal barangays.

Piape ReefEstimated 9 kilometers from the poblacion of Padada and 5 kilometers from Piape shoreline. Accessible by motorized boat from the shoreline to the reef. A coral reef with an area of more than 4 hectares, it serves as breeding ground for marine life. The area is only visible

during low tide.


Davao sugar CentralHagonoy, 7 kilometers from Digos City.A sugarcane processing plant that exports brown and refined sugar.

mindanao Rural life CenterBansalanA 19-hectare rural development project of the Philippine Baptist Mission. The center is known for its SALT system and other innovative agricultural technologies.

Franklin baker Coconut Dessicating PlantSta. CruzThe biggest coconut dessicating plant in the province.

Don mariano marcos Foundation schoolKiblawanA fishery school that features fish culture demonstration

lapanday banana PlantationHagonoyOne of the biggest banana plantations in Mindanao

aqua-Culture investor Corp.MalitaA prawn farm known for its modern facilities.

matti Pottery industryMatti, DigosThe site features traditionally-made pots of different shapes and sizes.

Ceramic FactoryMabini, Digos CityLocals patronize the factory’s products for debuts, wedding giveaways, and home décors.

babatalias banig bagsDigosTakes pride in their well-trained craftsmen and high-quality banig products for export.

balasinon oyster shell Producers associationSulopFeatures bottled and processed oyster shells for export and local markets.


san miguel breweryNational Highway,Darong, Sta. CruzIt is the biggest brewery in Asia.


hotel de Crisbelle National HighwayDigos City(082) 553-2332, 553-5473

a & b hotel and CaféRizal Ave., Digos City(082) 553-5218

Carl’s Pension houseMaruya St., Malita(082) 200-500

southwest lodgeQuirino St., Malita(082) 150-250

villa isabel ResortBagumbayan, Malalag(082) 350-450, 0919-782-9381

bahay ni nanayZone 3, Sta. Cruz0919-345-2549


bamiyan Chinese RestaurantCrisbelle HotelDigos City(082) 553-2332, 553-5473

oceanic Food CenterR. Magsaysay St.Digos City(082) 553-2332

big taste Chinese RestaurantDigos City(082) 553-6702

Prangel’s RestaurantDigos City(082) 553-2556

badyner’s RestaurantPoblacion, Sta. Maria0917-4298708villa isabel ResortBagumbayan, Malalag0919-7829381

mutya & matt Food barPoblacion, Malita0917-336-2563beb’s bakery & RestaurantDigos City(082) 553-2667

arnaldo’s RestaurantDigos City(082) 553-3314


Provincial tourism officeCapitol Bldg., MattiDigos City(082) 553-2075, 553-2105, 553-6876

Compostela ValleyRESORTS

aguacan Cold spring ResortMaragusan, about 83 kilometers from Nabunturan. Can be reached by four-wheel-drive vehicles.

andap inland ResortNew Bataan0910-430-5531

bamboo garden ResortNew Bataan

golden valley ResortMagsaysay, Nabunturan

toyuzu inland ResortMainit, Nabunturan(082) 221-6771

Rebucas Cold springNabunturan

Judilla inland ResortSitio Bamboo of Brgy. Andap, 7 kilometers away from the poblacion of New Bataan

Kapatagan in-land ResortLaak, 83 kilometers away from Nabunturan and 13 kilometers from the poblacion of Laak

bern brioso beach ResortMabini0919-871-1218gloria beach ResortPantukan

magnaga Waters beach ResortPantukan(084) 218-1216

* manaklay beach Park and ResortPindasan, Mabini(084) 217-3996, 0917-480-4937

Pajo beach ResortMabini

umandak beach view ResortMabini coastline(084) 217-3996

Welborn’s beach ResortPantukan0926-981-4197


Kumaykay FallsPanansalan

Kopiat islandMabini Has wide sections of shoreline blanketed with fine white sand and unspoiled reef areas with rare beds that serve as sanctuary for exotic fish and other aquatic animals. The island is also home to the endangered hawksbill turtles.

lake leonardMacoColorful butterflies hover around the lake and river that’s also ideal for fishing

mainit sulfuric hot springsMaco

lunod island or st. anthony islandMabini. Can be reached by 15-minute motorized banca ride from any of the major loading and unloading points located along the coast of the municipality.Known as “lunod” (sink) because the island looks sunken in thick mangroves

malumagpak fallsSitio Manurinao, New BataanMalumagpak Falls is the center of the Mt. Manurigao adventure climb. Visiting Mansaka Tribal community is also part of the climbing event.

marangig FallsNew Albay, 7 kilometers away from Maragusan’s poblacionComposed of 13 falls

tagbibinta FallsBrgy. Coronobe, 5 kilometers from the town proper of Maragusan

Kanlawig hot springsMaragusan

Calamocan brooksNew BataanTrekking challenge0920-222-6147


White PeakNew BataanPart of the proposed protected area in Mt. Tagub, the area gets its name from the white glittering stones that cover the peak. Atop the mountain is a bonsai garden and a densely thick forest which is home to wild animals like deer. For climbing reservations: 0921-583-0244, 0920-222-6147

mt. manurigaoNew BataanThe mountain rises to 4,000 ft above sea level and is home to wild animals like deer and the Philippine Eagle

mt. Candalaga7,880 above sea level, the mountain features 30 waterfalls and 100 cold springs. It is also home to the world’s largest flower, rafflesia.


Kumbilan CaveMonkayoFeatures stalactites and stalagmites. The cave also serves as lair to fruit bats, locally known as kabyaw. Register at the Barangay Hall and coordinate with a cave guide before entering the cave.

san vicente CavesSan Vicente, NabunturanComposed of four caves of varied formations. One is a sinking cave which starts with a 60 ft drop at its entrance. Other caves feature popcorn-shaped crystal formations or are made up of limestone.


haven’s PeakMaragusan0918-432-8865www.havenspeak.com

maragusan holiday PlazaGround Level, Municipal Gym, Maragusan

Durian innMahogany St., Maragusan

Cabana Pension houseMahogany St., Maragusan

lanipao Retreat houseLanipao, Araibo, PantukanReservations: Diocese of Tagum (084) 218-1402

magnaga Waters and ResortsMagnaga, Pantukan(084) 217-3144, 400-2708

Comval hotel & RestaurantPoblacion, Nabunturan

toyuzo hot spring ResortMainit, Nabunturan(082) 221-6771

Kapatagan inland ResortPoblacion Laak


Provincial tourism Council(084) 376-0943

nabunturan Cavers Club0917-719-2105 or thru Office of the Mayor

new bataan ecological society for tourism Development and Protection (nestPRoteCt)(084) 376-0943

maragusan tourism office / office of the mayor(084) 376-1036

nabunturan tourism office / office of the mayor(084) 376-115, 376-1072

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Davao C i t Y


50 gosouth

SODACO Farms Aquamines Prawn

and Hatchery Farm

San Miguel Brewery Ayala Agri. Dev’t. Corporation Crash Landing Resort Sibulan River White Water Tubing

Tudaya Falls SIbulan-Mount Apo Peak Trail Tudaya School of Living Tradition Hydro-Electric Development Corp.

Bagobo-Tagabawa Cultural Village

Pryce Gases, Inc. Filinvest, Inc. Tionko Farms

Franklin Baker Co. Maharlika Agri-

Marine Ventures

Talisay Seafoods Houses Tabing Dagat Resto Woodcraft Industry

Municipal Hall Building Municipal Training Center Integrated Transport Terminal El Grande Function House Balay ni Nonoy Pension House Tajos Beach Resort Bernadette Snack Inn

Coco Davao, Inc GSL Foods Enterprises

My Paradise Beach Resort Tropical Fruit Highway

Marine Fish Cages Sea Rock Garden Bird Sanctuary

Pasig Islet Mangrove Forest Marine Sanctuary

Cultural Village Saliducon Cave



September 2004M.P.D.O. (Topo Map), N.S.O., Region XI


SCALE 1 : 150,000 m.

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s ta. C R u Z,Davao D e l s u R




Davao Gulf








Davao Gulf

Province of Davao del Norte

Province of Agusan del Sur

Province of Davao O


PantukanProvince of Davao Oriental


NabunturanNew Bataan


Davaoo R i e n ta l


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tag u m C i t Y


Agusan del Sur Province

Compostela Valley Province


San Isidro


B.E. Dujali




New Corella

Sto. Tomas


Davao City






Davao Gulf


DavaoDel noRte

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Found something fantastic about Davao? Tell us about it and get published! gosouth magazine accepts contributions of original unpublished travel articles and high-resolution photos. Articles must be from 200 to 500 words, and photos at least 300dpi. gosouth reserves the right to edit contributions for brevity and clarity. Send your articles and photos to go_southmag@yahoo.com.

A sky turning golden from the setting sun caught the

eye of JuLie Dyogi on a visit to the sea wall at matina aplaya, Davao City. Dyogi, a bank employee based in manila, makes it a point to visit Davao four times a year “to get away from the hustle and bustle of the metro, enjoy the simplicity of life, and the food.” and of course, to view romantic sunsets with her loved one.

Saffron skies



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