gorgeous geek xxx i i

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  • 7/30/2019 Gorgeous Geek Xxx i i


    Gorgeous GeekChapter XXXII: A Dreamy Authoress

    Chapter XXXII: A Dreamy Authoress

    Resting her head against the desk, Tiffany closed her eyes for a moment. It wasalready past seven o'clock and she was still in the journalism room, trying to make thedeadline for the Hitching Post. It was her job as Chief in Editor after all. Suddenly, shefelt something on top of her shoulders and glanced up to meet Grim's eyes under theblack hard-rimmed glasses.

    "Grim?" asked Tiffany, blinking away the sleepiness."Jennifer left a few minutes ago," said Grim in a soft voice. "You just missed

    her.""Oh..." said Tiffany, sitting up straight and yawning. "You're still here Grim?""What kind of editor would I be if I don't sit through the evening to work on the

    paper with my chief?" asked Grim, amused.

    Tiffany smiled at him before she lifted his sweater from her shoulders. "I'm notcold but thanks."

    "No problem," said Grim, accepting the sweater. "You shouldn't push yourself sohard. It's the beginning of the school year and the first paper is not due until twoweeks from now on. You should go home and study for your other classes."

    "I'm fine," said Tiffany, waving it off. "It's only math tomorrow.""Oh right," said Grim, nodding. "You are the president of Math Club. How is it

    going?""We've found a prodigy recently.""Do tell."Stretching her arms behind her, Tiffany looked up at Grim with a puzzled

    expression. "Her name is Juliet Heart and she's part Asian.""The first part Asian in Math Club?" asked Grim, astonished."Shut up," said Tiffany, laughing it off. "There are not only Chinese in there.""Right.""Right," said Tiffany, rolling her eyes at him. She held up her cell phone and

    stared at the charm. The charm brought a soft smile to her face. "There's somethingweird about that girl."

    "Juliet Heart?""Yes," said Tiffany, playing with the charm now. "She has zero confidence and

    zero attitude and yet, she has incredible talent. Actually, I'll go far to say she's a mathwhiz."

    "Amazing," said Grim, tapping a pen against his cheek. "It goes to show that youshouldn't judge a book by its cover."

    "Now that I talk about the Math Club, it's your turn Grim.""What is there for me to talk about?" asked Grim, flashing a grin."Why were you brooding earlier?" asked Tiffany, lifting a brow. "You can't hide it

    from me. We've known each other for three years now. You're always serious butplayful at the same time. I haven't seen you brood like that since freshman year whenyou thought you failed history."

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    "Let's not talk about that," said Grim, dismissing the bad memory and sittingdown next to her. "Like I said, it's nothing really."

    "Boys shouldn't bottle up their feelings," said Tiffany plainly, placing down hercell phone and gazing at him directly. "It's not good for the body."

    Grim pushed his eyeglasses higher up the bridge of his nose. "It's Roselle."

    Tiffany nodded in understanding. "She didn't look so well today.""I wonder if I went too far," said Grim, burying his head in his arm on his desknow. "Maybe I shouldn't have pushed our friendship. Even if she does like me, there's achance that she doesn't want to be more than just friends."

    "Roselle Young," said Tiffany, trying to remember from her black notebook. "Isn'tshe the one who got caught with Jordan Greene a couple of times?"

    Grim blinked and thought about it. "They're tennis friends.""Like Jin and Jordan once was?""There's nothing going on between her and Jordan," said Grim, shaking his head

    and remembering that Tiffany was one of the Asian Gossip Girls. He had to be carefulwhat he talked about now. "I'm pretty sure they're friends because they're running

    buddies in tennis for being lazy.""I see," said Tiffany, listening to Grim's words closely. "How did you meet Roselle

    and when did you start liking Roselle anyway?""Let's see," said Grim, taking out a palm pilot and looking through the calendar.

    Tiffany nearly hit her forehead with her hand. "Ah. Here it is. The first day of girls'tennis tryouts is the first time I met her. As for liking her, that information isclassified."

    Tiffany sighed. "You're no fun.""Same with you," said Grim, lifting a brow. "You're too serious Tiffany. Maybe

    that is why Jin doesn't like you.""I don't like Jin!" said Tiffany defensively, glancing away.

    "Newest headline," said Grim, holding up his hand and spreading them out. "OurChief in Editor Tiffany Wu likes the Gorgeous Geek. She has fallen for the Jin SongPhenomenon since last week."

    "Shut up Grim!""Good evening Tiffany," said Grim pleasantly, picking up his backpack. "Let's go

    now. It's getting late. We'll stay overnight tomorrow when there's no test on Saturday.""Fine," said Tiffany in defeat. "I'll lock the room then.""Okay," said Grim in agreement. "I'll be going on ahead. I need to visit Roselle to

    see how she's doing. I want to apologize in person at least.""All right then. Good luck Grim.""Good evening against Tiffany."

    ********************************************************After much convincing, Jin complied to Jordan's request to go talk to Roselle's

    mother. As for Roselle, she sat there and watched them with an amused look on herface and a pen and paper in her hand. She was writing down notes for her fiction. Jindidn't know how he got stuck in this situation but now he and Jordan were looking outthe door to figure out where she was to start their assault.

    "Roselle!"At the sound of Roselle's mother calling her, both boys hid back inside the

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    room. Roselle laughed at them running back to her and hiding behind her chair.Roselle screamed out for her mother loudly before she got an unexpected response.

    "Another boy is here to see you!""It must be Grim," said Roselle, blinking. She got off her chair and dragged both

    Jin and Jordan to the nearest closet. "You two stay in here and be quiet!"

    "Wait a second!" cried Jordan. "I'm not staying in this dark closet alone!""Quiet," said Roselle, glaring. Jordan shut up. "I'll be right back!"Closing the door, Jin and Jordan was left in the darkness inside the closet. Jin

    sat down on the floor and accidentally touched Jordan's leg which made him jump.Quickly, Jordan sat down as well. The two of them didn't say anything which madeJordan uncomfortable so he started laughing.

    "The last time I was in the same closet with someone is with another girl at aparty."

    "I've never been to a party before.""Really? Oh right. You wouldn't be invited to one.""I've been to tournaments though!"

    "What kind of tournament?""Halo tournaments. Brawl tournaments. Guitar Hero tournaments. And-""I don't play video games. I have no idea what people do there.""We battle against each other to see who's the best.""Sounds competitive. How good are you anyways?""I'm pretty good. I almost always make it to the semi-finals at least.""Sweet."Again, silence. Jordan tried to look at Jin in the darkness but he could only

    make out the outline of the Korean boy across from him. Shaking slightly, Jordanwrapped his arms around his legs and tried harder to find Jin. His heart startedbeating rapidly all of a sudden. He felt slightly dizzy.

    "Jin...""What's up Jordan?""Does your heart ever beat really fast and make you feel tense?"Jin didn't say anything for a few seconds. "That's normal, Jordan. We're inside a

    closet. We can get caught any minute. Of course, you should feel tense."Hearing this, Jordan sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I thought I was going to

    get a heart attack or some shit like that.""Wait! Where are you going?"At the sound of Roselle's voice, both boys tensed up and tried to look out of the

    cracks of the closet to no avail. They heard the door open. They heard footsteps.Jordan shook some more, afraid that it was her mother. However, instead, they both

    heard a familiar, male voice."You have an office? What the fuck?""K-Kristian?" asked Jin and Jordan in unison in a whisper to each other."Who said you can come in here? Get out of here Kristian!""That's not how you treat someone who went out of their way to visit you," said

    Kristian in a chiding voice. Roselle glared at Kristian and kicked him, which he blockedin time. "Not that I care about you or anything even after you cried to me during sixthperiod. Cory's worried about you so he asked me to check up on you."

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    "C-Cory?" asked Roselle, flushing bright red. "R-Really?""Calm down, Roselle," said Kristian grumpily. "Don't get excited now. If he really

    cared about you, he would visit you himself.""You shouldn't say such mean things about Cory!""Stop defending that idiot," said Kristian fiercely. "You're always mean to me

    but you're shy and nice to him. Favoritism much?"Jordan tapped Jin on the leg. "Roselle likes Cory?""I think so," said Jin honestly in a low whisper."I didn't know that," said Jordan, lifting both brows in surprise."We shouldn't be eavesdropping though," said Jin with a frown. "It's only

    Kristian. Maybe we should leave the closet and reveal ourselves to-""It's the same with Rin Hamada," said Roselle, wrapping her arms in front of her

    chest. "Does that mean she really hates you? No!""Wait a second," said Kristian, holding his hands up defensively at Roselle. "You

    can't compare yourself to Rin-chan. That's like saying you like me! I'm flattered but-""Shut up Kristian! You meanie!"

    Smacking his forehead at Kristian and Roselle bickering, Jin muttered,"Kristian, you're with Rin-chan now. Why are you flirting with Roselle?"

    "You know what flirting is?" asked Jordan in complete surprise.Jin groaned. "I'm not that ignorant Jordan.""I don't blame him," said Jordan, shrugging. "He can't be happy with that nerd.""Listen here, Jordan," said Jin, a bit bitter. "Rin-chan is my best friend. She

    might not be the nicest or prettiest person around but she works very hard ineverything she does. You shouldn't say those things about her."

    "Chill Jin," said Jordan, amused. "It's because she treats me like crap first. Ihave to stand up for myself okay?"

    "Why can't you and Rin-chan get along?" asked Jin, hurt.

    Jordan tried hard to ignore the rapid heartbeat. "Like she'll get along with me?""You can make an effort," said Jin, turning away. "I don't like to see you two like

    this. The dirty name calling. The animosity. I don't like it."Quietly, Jordan thought about despite the pounding of his heart in his ears. He

    could hear Roselle listing all the bad qualities Kristian had and how she wouldn't havejoined his group if it weren't for Rin Hamada. Sighing, Jordan tapped Jin against withhis leg.

    "If I'm nicer to that girl...""Rin-chan.""Rin Hamada," said Jordan in correction. "Would you get off my case?"Suddenly, Jin beamed at Jordan's words. "Really? I'm really happy!"

    "Lower your voice," said Jordan quickly, worried that Kristian might have heardJin that time. However, inwardly Jordan thought that his heart was beating so loudlythat Kristian must have heard them by now but decided not to rat them out."Anyways, it's really hot in here so..."

    "I don't mind so you can take your shirt off," said Jin, knowing what Jordan wasabout to say. "It really is hot in here. How much longer will Kristian be here?"

    "No clue," said Jordan, taking off his shirt and releasing a sigh of relief. "Muchbetter. And I'm sorry about my insensitive comment before. I didn't mean to fight with

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    you, my bud Jin. We're cool now?""Yeah," said Jin with a pleasant smile. "I shouldn't have said those things out

    loud either. I just don't want to see Rin-chan get hurt.""Understandable I guess," said Jordan with a nod. "But Kristian's a natural flirt.

    It's not his fault he's so good at it."

    "I guess..." said Jin, sighing. "I wonder what Rin-chan is doing now..."**********************************Finishing her homework, Rin threw her head back against her chair and smiled.

    Unlike the other day, she wasn't distracted with thoughts of either Kristian or Jin.Today, she concentrated all the way through. Proud of herself, she patted herself onthe shoulder and went to check her e-mail to see if she had to do any translation workfor this week. Suddenly, she received a message from Vance. Quickly, she typed backto him. This lasted for no more than five minutes before she leaned back in her chairand thought to herself.

    "I have no idea when that test for the science team takes place," thought Rin."Out of the team, who would know for sure the test date?" Rin paused and tilted her

    head to the side. "I don't want to call Arav so Lydia should do. She's sort of theunofficial secretary."

    Getting up, Rin went over to her cell phone and checked to find the time,mentally counting the hours until Kristian called her. However, Rin realized what shewas thinking and shook her head. Then, she searched for Lydia's cell phone numberand pressed the button to call the half-Indian girl.

    "Hello?" asked Rin, uncertain at the sound of the phone being picked up."Oh hey there Rin Hamada! I didn't recognize your caller ID."Rin laughed it off. "How are you?""I'm at a restaurant. You dear?"Hearing this, Rin gasped. "Am I bothering you, Lydia?"

    "No, not at all," said Lydia on the other line in amusement. Rin heard a sweetgiggle from the girl. Lydia always spoke with such a gaily manner for some reason,which made her really likable in Rin's eyes. "What are you up to, you vixen you?"

    Reddening slightly, Rin answered, "I have a quick question in regards to thattest Arav prepared for the science team."

    "Oh that sweet thing?" asked Lydia, giddy. "I checked it and sent it to Sidney.Did you want to take a look at it too?"

    "No, that's not it," said Rin quickly, shaking her head. "I want to know the datefor when the recruits can take it."

    "You're like no fun, Rin Hamada," said Lydia with a sweet giggle. Rin couldimagine her searching her purse right now. "And here I thought you finally called me

    to tell me about your new love life. What disappointment, honey! You're alwaystalking about school work, Rin Hamada."

    "What love life?" asked Rin in disbelief."Maybe it's just me but I believe a certain girl name Odette lashed out on you."At the memory, Rin groaned, "I didn't want her to hate me already.""Oh no, dear," said Lydia apologetically. "It's not your fault. She's always like

    that. You shouldn't mind her too much. She's a good babe to hang out with but get onher bad side and you're asking for a death sentence. She's quite a bitch in that case."

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    "It doesn't help that Kristian leads her on," said Rin through gritted teeth."Oh that sweet boy," said Lydia in amusement. Rin could clearly hear a lot of

    people talking in the background. It sounded like a crowded restaurant. "He's oozingwith pheromones. He can't help it, Rin Hamada. You should give him some slack."

    Rin nearly fell off her chair. "Did you saypheromones, Lydia?"

    "Why are we on the science team for if we don't make use of it hm?"She couldn't counter that logic. "Anyways...""Oh no, love," said Lydia to someone other than Rin. "Kristian doesn't have more

    pheromones than you. You are the loveliest creature in Wilson High."Out of curiosity, Rin whispered fiercely into the phone, "Lydia, who are you

    with?""Who?" asked Lydia, returning her attention to Rin. "My boyfriend Eddie of

    course.""You're still with him?" asked Rin accidentally. Lydia took it lightly and giggled.

    "Eddie Rice? Still? Why?""The test is next week on a Wednesday, honey," said Lydia, dodging Rin's

    question with ease. "Why do you ask by the way? Are you going to get Kristian to tryout? If so, you can make use of that storage room that Sid and Sherry go insometimes..."

    Rin coughed loudly. "No, I'm not asking for Kristian.""Oh," said Lydia in awe. "A scandal?""Are you out of your mind?" asked Rin loudly, irritated. She was more irritated

    at the thought of her and Vance than at Lydia's question. "Why aren't you with theAsian Gossip Girls, Lydia?"

    "Maybe because I'm Indian and that's not Asian enough for them?" asked Lydia inretort. Rin automatically thought of all the jokes about how the science team was the'fake' Asian team in comparison to the 'real' Asian team or Math Club. "In any case, my

    dear, it's best if you get a dude to join because Vishnu knows that with Sid and thetwins around, we'll be getting only gals on the team and that's no fun is it?"

    "I need to have a talk with those three..." said Rin through gritted teeth."They're fun boys but they can be so outrageous.""At least, Arav is okay," said Rin quickly."Of course we can't forget about that bad boy," said Lydia with a pleasant

    laugh. "Oh baby, I love to chat with you but my food's here and Eddie's giving me thelook."

    "The look?""The 'you should stop chitchatting with your girlfriends and only talk to me'

    look," said Lydia fearlessly and this time, Rin could actually hear Eddie grumbled

    something on the other line. "Talk to you later, dear! See you tomorrow and sleepwell!"

    After Lydia hung up, Rin sighed. She could never keep up with the talkativehalf-Indian girl. Sherry was easier to deal with. Actually, now that Rin thought about itfurther, there was definitely a trend she was seeing with the Button Cuties. MaybeOdette wasn't really lying when she listed off the qualifications for joining the group.Now, this thought bugged Rin to no end. If what Odette said was true, then shebasically got into the group by dating Kristian. And nothing annoyed her more than

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    somehow having Kristian influencing her life without knowing it."Rin-chan," said her mother in a sing-sang voice. Rin groaned before her mother

    even entered her room with an apron on and a catalog in her hands. "Rin-chan, areyou still studying? I heard you talking on the phone."

    "I'm done with my homework," said Rin, feigning a smile. "I'll study after

    dinner.""Oh good," said Rin's mother, coming over to her and helping her sit down onthe bed. "I've been patient for a while but is there any way you can ask Kristian tointroduce KT Shiratori to me? I'm such a huge fan of his!"

    Rin dropped her head slightly. "I'll see what I can do...""Also," said Ms. Hamada, holding up the catalog up to Rin's face. All Rin saw

    were clothing and more clothing. She frowned at the sight. "Look Rin-chan! There's asale this weekend! Let's go shopping together!"

    "There's a chance Kristian might stay over though...""Even better! Kristian has good taste in clothing!"Rin sighed. "You know I hate shopping. Besides," Rin bit her lip. "It's not our

    money to spend anyways.""What do you mean Rin-chan?" asked Ms. Hamada, clueless.Rin was feeling even more annoyed at her mother's ignorance. "We both know

    perfectly well that Father is the one who sends us the money monthly! That's the onlyreason why we're not on the streets right now!"

    "Rin-chan...""Don't you have any dignity?" asked Rin, still upset over the idea of Kristian

    helping her into her current group. "Father left us over here and went back to Japan.He thinks he can be a good husband and father by sending us money monthly. Whydon't you prove him wrong? Why don't you find a job and pay for everything yourself?"

    "I," said Rin's mother, shocked. "I..."

    "When are we going to stop relying on him?" asked Rin with fierce eyes. "Whenare you going to show him that you don't need someone like him? Mother?"

    "But Rin-chan," said Rin's mother with a frown. "If I work, who is going to cookfor you? Who is going to do the household chores? Who is going to take care of thelaundry?"

    "I can do all of that myself!" cried Rin, angry. "You shouldn't be stuck doing allthis housewife work in the first place. We're in the twenty-first century Mother!"

    "Rin-chan," said Ms. Hamada, trying to smile and pinching Rin's cheek. "Younever did household chores in your life. How can I possibly leave it with you?"

    Rin shook her head. "How hard can it be?"Ms. Hamada laughed softly. "Oh Rin-chan..."

    "What you're doing now is useless," said Rin, raising her voice. "You should workfor your own money. You shouldn't have to rely on the father that left us all the time!Why don't you get some self-respect for yourself? Why do you like being a housewifeso much?" Ms. Hamada frowned. "Don't you get how much control father has over youeven when we're an ocean away?"

    "I," said Ms. Hamada, bursting into tears much to Rin's surprise. "I don't wantyou to speak of your father that way, Rin-chan!"

    "But Mother!"

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    Ms. Hamada sniffed back tears and ran out of the door. "You're awful Rin-chan!"Blinking, Rin watched as her mother went to her room to sob. Rin thought

    about how it should be the other way around but then again, for most of her life, shehad been the parent and her mother the child. Today was no different. However, Rindidn't feel bad for her mother. She felt like everything she said was right and that she

    had nothing to apologize for. With that in mind, Rin plopped down on her bed andlooked through the catalog that her mother left behind. She stared at the nice skirts.They were pretty.

    ********************************************"Since you're the same as ever," said Kristian, shaking his head and leaving the

    room with a wave behind him. "I guess you're okay now. If it makes you feel anybetter, I'll ask Cory whether he likes anyone or not. You might have a chance with himafter all."

    "You'll do that for me?" asked Roselle happily, reddening.Kristian glanced away. "I guess...""I misjudged you then, Kristian!"

    Holding the door open, Kristian groaned. "That took you a while to figure out.""I really admire you and Rin Hamada from the beginning though," said Roselle

    with a firm nod of her head. "It's like a fairytale story! How come you like Rin Hamadain the first place? What's so great about her? Even if she is my friend and all. "

    Both Jin and Jordan stopped whatever they were doing or saying to listen on toKristian's answer to Roselle's questions. At first, Kristian tried to dismiss it but sheeventually made him spill the beans. Kristian leaned against the door with a frown onhis face, thinking.

    "Rin-chan didn't pay attention to me like the other girls did," said Kristian,shrugging. "She's fun to tease because she's so serious. She has no sense of humor atall. I guess she's different from the other girls." Kristian smirked. "Plus, she's a virgin

    and has a baby face?"When Kristian finished and Roselle went on about something, Jin groaned.

    Jordan patted him on the shoulder in a comforting matter. Soon enough, they heardKristian left the room with Roselle. Jin and Jordan took this opportunity to leave thedark, hot closet. Laying on the cold, hard floor, Jin handed Jordan his shirt whothanked Jin gratefully.

    "Sorry it took so long!" cried Roselle, hopping back in her room."Jin, go," said Jordan, wearing his shirt and urging Jin to make his move. "Just

    make a lame excuse like how you went in the house when Kristian went out orsomething."

    "Right," said Jin, nodding toward Roselle. "I'll give you the signal Jordan."

    "Okay," said Jordan, smiling. Jin smiled back at Jordan and left the room in ahurry. At last, Jordan threw himself in the armchair. "Man! That was horrible!"

    "What was?" asked Roselle, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at Jordan.Jordan pointed at the closet. "I don't know... being stuck in a closet with Jin?""Oh that," said Roselle, smiling sweetly. "You survive didn't you? Be a man!""Easier for you to say."Circling Jordan, Roselle gave him a pleasant, yet curious look. Jordan frowned

    at her and followed her with his eyes. At last, he asked her why she was interrogating

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    him with her eyes like this. Giggling, Roselle went over to the door and closed it,leaving her back against the door.

    "You and Jin didn't do anything funny in there did you?"Jordan shook his head. "We just talked about random shit.""I see," said Roselle with no sign of believing Jordan at all. She would have blurt

    out her thoughts as usual if she wasn't so amused by Jordan's frustration at beingstuck in the closet for so long. "Do you want to look over some of my work while youwait for Jin?"

    "Sure," said Jordan, moving aside for Roselle. "Roselle, I've been wondering fora while about something."

    "What is it?""When did you first start writing fiction?"Roselle smiled softly at the question as she turned on the computer. "Around

    eleven years old or so." Roselle elevated her eyes at the nearby bookcase. "Actually, Inever would have thought in my dreams that I would be so interested in writing."


    "I wanted to be teacher back in elementary school," said Roselle honestly,playing with her crystallized container of yam candy. "I wanted to teach kids how toread and write and solve math problems."

    "What changed your mind?" asked Jordan, gazing intently at her."When I was young at around ten, my family moved into this house," said

    Roselle, wrapping her arms behind her and walking around the area around her desk."It used to belong to my grandmother. My father's mother. She was Native Americanyou see. She left a lot of her belongings behind in the attic. One of the things she leftbehind was a box full of unfinished stories."

    Jordan's eyes widened. "And you found and read them?""Yup," said Roselle, nodding quickly. She stopped in her tracks and placed her

    hands against the desk. "When I read my grandma's stories, I felt like I knew thewoman herself. She was incredible. She was very talented." Jordan didn't say anythingas Roselle stared off at the bookcase still. "It's sad that I don't remember much abouther. My mom said she spent a lot of time putting me to a sleep at night. Apparently, Iwas a bad baby."

    "I can see that," said Jordan, chuckling."Shush you," said Roselle, turning around to face him with her hands still

    balancing behind her against the desk. "Grandma took care of me almost as much asmy parents did. It's sad that I can't even what she looks like even if I wanted to."

    "No photographs?"Roselle shook her head. "It's not the same."

    "I understand," said Jordan quietly."When I discover her box of unfinished works, I spent days to read them all,"

    said Roselle, pushing herself up and sitting on top of the desk. "Her writing wasengaging and her imagery was brilliant. I can't believe I had to live through readingcrap all these years. All these books written by white people... by men too. What didthey know about women? More than that, what did they know about Native Americanwomen?" Roselle clasped her hands on top of her lap. "I loved Grandma's works. I feltlike she was sitting next to me and reading her stories to me out loud. She was always

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    there with me.""I see."Throwing her head back, Roselle laughed. "Isn't it crazy Jordan? How can I

    possibly love someone who I didn't know much about? But I really do love Grandma.The Grandma that passed away when I was only four or so." Roselle lowered her head

    and gave Jordan a questioning look. "Is it strange?""Everyone is strange," said Jordan in a low voice. "Nobody is normal.""Thanks for that," said Roselle with another quick laugh. "Every time I place my

    hands on the keyboard, I feel like my grandma is watching over my shoulder andguiding me step by step. Sometimes, she would tell me to delete a whole chapter andrestart from the beginning because my story was heading the wrong direction."

    "She's a very loving grandmother then," said Jordan with a smile."She is and was," said Roselle, agreeing immediately. "Great writers put a lot of

    personality into their writing, especially Grandma. I felt like I knew her from readingher stories. I felt like I could hear and sense her presence near me every time. Fromthen on, I wanted to write for Grandma. I wanted to do what she couldn't finish. I

    wanted to live her dreams, with her as my personal guide.""That's wonderful," said Jordan, walking up to Roselle and placing a hand on her

    shoulder. "I'm glad you decided to pursue writing. You have your grandmother's gifts.""No, I'm not talented at all," said Roselle, playing with her fingers. "I am simply

    copying her style and writing in place of her. If my writing become a success, then itis Grandma who is talented, not I."

    "Oh Roselle," said Jordan, shaking his head. "You are talented. If something likethis happen to me, I don't think I'll be able to suddenly write and become great at it.It's a skill, Roselle, and you have it. Your grandmother must be proud."

    "I really wish she was still around," said Roselle, tearing up slightly. "It's notfair."

    "Roselle...""Photographs are not enough. Her works are not enough. I've been deceiving

    myself for years that if I stared at her photographs and reread her works enough, I'llbe able to remember Grandma from my childhood. I'll be able to form her in my mindbut it's so hard." Roselle lowered her eyes and sniffed back her tears. "I feel like sucha failure at times. I feel like I should remember something about her but I can't."

    "You can't force yourself to remember things," said Jordan worriedly. "You wereonly four back then."

    "I know," said Roselle softly, wiping away the loose strands of tears. "I'm justgrateful my family has stories to share about her. Like," Roselle laughed. "How she hadto stop me from pressing the power button on the remote over and over."

    "I'm glad that you can both read stories from her and hear stories about her,"said Jordan, rubbing Roselle's shoulder in a friendly manner. "I'm also glad she caninspire you to write so much. It's truly a blessing."

    "That is why my goal is," said Roselle, determined. "To publish books anddedicate them to Grandma. There is no doubt she'll be my biggest fan and mygreatest reader. With Grandma as my guide, I'll make it happen."

    Jordan wrapped his arms around her neck. "And I'll be there as well."Taken aback at first, Roselle held his arms around her neck, accepting Jordan

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    at last as the one she should be with.****************************************

    Along Roselle's mother's side, Jin was helping her wash the lettuce andvegetables. The Filipino woman didn't exactly forgive him and Jordan for walking inon Roselle earlier but Jin managed to convince her to at least let him help her now

    with dinner. Since it didn't hurt her in any way, she watched him intently as he kepthis full attention on the lettuce."Are you a junior like Roselle?" asked Mrs. Roselle, trying hard to sound casual."Yes, I am," said Jin with a smile."What is the point of your visit today?"Jin mentally thought of Roselle's bluntness. "Jordan and I are worried about her

    since she didn't seem very happy in school today so we thought we visit her.""The other boy too," said Mrs. Roselle, nodding. Jin knew she was talking about

    Kristian. "How do you kids know where Roselle lives? Did she give out her address toeveryone in school?"

    Now, Jin had a mental image of the Asian Gossip Girls. "No, it's easy to find out

    anyone's address at our school.""How dangerous.""I guess so," said Jin, smiling sweetly. He lowered his eyes back to his work. "It's

    not Roselle's fault though.""She might have done it accidentally," said Roselle's mother, shaking her head.

    "She's always so honest for someone her age.""She is," said Jin in agreement."I don't like it," said Roselle's mother in a quick remark. "I don't like her telling

    me things I don't want to hear. I hate it when she points out my flaws." Roselle'smother paused for a second and then, worked faster than before. "That was what Iused to believe."

    "Oh," said Jin, surprised at her comment."She opened my eyes and awakened something in me," said Mrs. Young in a

    tired voice. "I realized how her brutal honesty was actually a blessing in disguise. Ilearned to grow out of many of my old habits. I also learned that for a daughter of herage, she rarely kept secrets from me. She's too blunt for that."

    "Yeah," said Jin in agreement. "Roselle rarely lies. It's hard for her.""Unlike most girls her age," said Mrs. Young, continuing on. "She tells me

    everything. I'm not worried about her hooking up with a bad boy without telling me orbefriending gang members in school."

    "If you trust her that much," said Jin softly. "Can't you trust her to make herown decisions in regards to who she wants to date?"

    Mrs. Young was speechless at Jin's bold question. "There are limits toeverything."

    "I don't know Roselle as well as Jordan but," said Jin gently, gazing at thelettuce in his hands. "The Roselle I know is very brave and honest. I don't think anyboy can trick her." Jin shook his head at the thought of Roselle getting angry at them."I don't think you should be overprotective of her. She is very strong. She can handleherself against anyone easily."

    "You're right..." said Mrs. Young, staring at Jin in awe. "Roselle is a terribly good

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    girl. She knows exactly what she does in life and works hard toward it. I'm proud ofher."

    "That's wonderful," said Jin with a smile."You live with your parents, young man? Any siblings?" asked Mrs. Young,

    suddenly interested in Jin.

    "No, I'm an only child," said Jin honestly. "My parents are incredible. They'realways away, working, but I know they work hard for my sake. I appreciate them verymuch."

    "Do you help them with cooking like you're doing now?""I like to cook pasta," said Jin happily. "I also do the grocery shopping and

    everything else. Mom goes to work late at night and comes back in the morning. Sheneeds her sleep. As for Dad, he goes to work in the afternoon and comes home atnight. I don't want them to be more bothered than they are now. I'm thankful for thefew days a week we spend together. That is enough for me."

    "You're very mature for your age," said Mrs. Young incredulously."Thank you, Mrs. Young," said Jin, beaming. "I still have a lot to learn though.

    Actually," Jin thought about Jezebelle at home. "You might not like Roselle dating butI think it might be a positive experience for her." Jin placed down the lettuce andpicked up another one automatically. "When you're in a relationship, you start to feelselfless about everything. You want to do everything in your power to make that otherperson happy. You want to be able to tell the other person that they can depend onyou. Best of all, you two can grow together and learn more about each other. It's likefriendship except to another level. It's a learning experience, whether it lasts or not."

    At those words, Mrs. Young continued to stare at Jin silently. For a few seconds,she completely forgot that he was her daughter's classmate and that she was herecooking dinner with him. To her, Jin looked like an ideal good boy. He was very prettyand he was very gentle in both words and expression. She couldn't help but feel

    attached to him."About the bathroom incident from before," said Jin slowly, afraid she would

    get mad. Instead, she continued to stare at him. "It was all my fault. If it weren't forme crying over a couple of sliced onions, Jordan wouldn't have forced me to thenearest restroom into that accidental incident with Roselle. He was in such a hurrythat he forgot we could have used the kitchen faucet. Please don't get mad atJordan."

    "Everything is fine now," said Roselle's mother, shaking her head. She wasirritated at Jin for bringing Jordan up in every other conversation. "What does yourparents do?"

    "Mom's a registered nurse and Dad's a businessman."

    "Lovely. I am a nurse like your mother.""Cool," said Jin, smiling. "Mom is amazing. She risked her life for my sake.""What did she do?" asked Roselle's mother curiously.Jin frowned and looked at the water sadly. "She almost lost her life giving birth

    to me. She's such an amazing mother. I can't help but wonder why she didn't save herown life over mine. Why did she have to take such a risk?"

    "That's what it means to be a mother," said Mrs. Young softly and slowly.Jin shifted his attention to her. "Then... mothers are wonderful."

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    For the first time, Roselle's mother gave Jin a genuine smile. "That they are."Right when Roselle's mother wanted to ask Jin further about his life, they heard

    the bell rang. Mrs. Young grumbled how her daughter was so popular today for noreason. She left with Jin right behind her. Much to both their surprises, it was actuallyGrim this time. He asked to see Roselle with an anxious look on his face. Jin

    remembered that Jordan was in the same room with Roselle right now."You should take your shoes off first," said Jin in suggestion as Grim made hisway into the house and toward her office. Grim didn't seem to hear Jin. "Actually,Roselle's busy and-"

    Without knocking, Grim went inside the office only to find Roselle sitting on topof the Jordan's lap and showing him her document on the computer. Jordan waslaughing and chatting with her in a friendly matter with his arm around her shoulders.Jin groaned and apologized to Jordan inwardly for being unable to stop either Grim orRoselle's mother.

    "Jordan Greene?" asked Grim with wide eyes.Jordan jumped visibly and turned around to face Grim. "Hey there Grim."

    "Hi Club President!" said Roselle in greeting happily, waving at him. "You'vearrived just in time. I finished this chapter last night and-"

    "Why is Jordan and Jin here?" asked Grim, trying to remain cool."Roselle," said Mrs. Young in warning. "What did I say about you sitting on boys'

    lap?""You said that I'm not allowed to sit on a boy's lap because it's flirtatious," said

    Roselle automatically in her usual honest manner.Behind Grim and Mrs. Roselle, Jin gave Jordan a sorry puppy look in which the

    white boy merely chuckled at. Without saying anything, Jin could tell Jordan hadalready forgiven him for his incompetence. Unlike Jin and Jordan though, the othertwo were not very happy to catch Roselle with Jordan.

    "If you understand that," said Mrs. Young slowly. "Why are you sitting on hislap?"

    Roselle smiled. "Because I like Jordan!""Blast her and her honesty," said Grim with a shake of his head."Same, old Roselle," said Jin, laughing."Jordan wants to prove you, Mom, that he is not just a pretty boy and that he

    deserves to be with me," said Roselle, receiving inward and outward groans from thethree boys. Her mother seemed to be used to it though. "We want to date."

    "That's so her," thought all three of them with no color left in their faces.Mrs. Young didn't say anything but turned around instead. "Let's all eat dinner

    together. Please join us Grim."

    "Okay..." said Grim, not sure what was going on around here."That was easy," said Roselle to the three boys after her mother left. She

    blinked and started laughing. "She gave in so easily and here I was worried fornothing! Good job Jin! I don't know how you did it but you softened her up!"

    "Why does that sound so wrong?" asked Jordan out loud."Your mind is in the gutter, that's why," said Grim, nodding."Like yours isn't," said Jordan in response. Grim didn't disagree. Then, Jordan

    beamed at Jin. "Wow Jin! You're marvelous. I didn't even need to convince her

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    personally! What did you do?""I don't know," said Jin, uncertain. He scratched his head. "I just talked about

    my family and how I like to do housework.""Oh no," said Roselle, hitting her head with her hand. "Bad idea!""What's wrong?" asked Grim anxiously. "Are you still mad?"

    "No, forget that," said Roselle, shaking her head and leaving the room. "Momprobably prefers Jin now.""For what?" asked Jin, clueless.Both Jordan and Grim turned to Jin to stare him down at being able to

    accomplish what both of them set out to do. For Grim, it had been two long years.For Jordan, it had been one hard day. If Jordan knew that using Jin to convinceRoselle's mother had the reverse effect, he would have done so himself. Actually, hewasn't sure anymore. He was scared of Roselle's mother after all.

    "Wait a minute," said Grim, realizing it at last after Roselle left after hermother. "Why are you dating Roselle Jordan? And why are you sweet-talking Roselle'smother, Jin? What is going on here? I demand an answer."

    "It's er..." said Jin, trying hard to smile.Jordan shook his head. "It's a long story.""Jin," said Mrs. Young in a sweet voice. Jin beamed at her at the mention of his

    name. "Would you like to help me set up the table?""Sure!" cried Jin, excited. "I like to make sure that every one has two napkins.

    In my experience, one napkin is not enough for one large meal.""Oh, good idea," said Mrs. Young, walking off with Jin. "Do you also put the rice

    maker on the table?""That's a must! It's better if the whole family sit down to eat together at the

    dinner table without having to leave every few minutes.""My thoughts exactly."

    Both Grim and Jordan looked at each other. "He's.. good.."********************************************

    "Last question- what is it that makes you so hot?""I wouldn't definite it as 'hot' but 'confidence'. If you love yourself and show

    confidence in everything you do, you are hot no matter what you look like on theoutside. People are always attracted to people who show off their hotness."

    Eating her mochi ice cream, Jezebelle listened to the radio and watchedShuijin play games on her laptop. The cousin was located in the open closet on top ofheaps of pillows with her favorite pink one below the laptop. The laptop's chargerextended from the laptop to the nearest wall socket. All around Shuijin were bags ofpotato chips. Since Jezebelle forbid Jin to eat them, Shuijin had been munching them

    down. It was close to ten o'clock."Fi," said Shuijin sweetly, stretching one syllable out as long as possible. "Is that

    why you're so hot?"Jezebelle laughed deviously. "No duh.""You're pretty on the outside too," said Shuijin, blinking. "Is that why boys like

    you?""How do you know boys like me?" asked Jezebelle suspiciously, narrowing her

    eyes at the cousin.

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    "Jin said you had a lot of boyfriends before him," said Shuijin innocently.Jezebelle rolled her eyes. "So?""So..." said Shuijin, beaming. "Can you teach me how to do make-up?"Blinking, Jezebelle said, "Didn't you hear a word Caramel said?""I did but," said Shuijin, shifting around nervously. "I'm not hot enough on the

    outside to show off my confidence on the inside...""That's your own problem," said Jezebelle cruelly. "If you can't be confident anddo whatever you want whenever you want without worries, then make-up is not goingto do shit. Besides," Jezebelle flung her hair backwards. "I'm not wasting my make-upon you."

    "How evil," said Shuijin, pouting."It's not like you're going to school anyways," said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes.

    "Why would you want to know how to put on make-up? Foolish girl.""You're horrible, Fi!""Now you've noticed."Frowning, Shuijin suddenly heard the door. Happily, Shuijin dashed out of the

    room, ran down the stairs, and went straight up to someone that wasn't her cousin. Itwas none other than Jordan who was in awe at the sight around him with Jin comingin right after. Shuijin gawked at the shiny Caucasian boy with his masculine good looksand glowing blonde hair. In her middle school, she had never met any boy this prettybefore.

    "Your house is nice," said Jordan at last to Jin. "Maybe I'll come over sometime.Tell Jezebelle I said good night. And thanks for everything."

    Afterwards, Jordan smiled at Jin and glanced at Jin's cousin from a few feetaway. At the sight of Shuijin with her pillow hiding half of her face, Jordan laughedand waved at her before he left. Jin said his good byes to Jordan and the minuteJordan closed the door behind him, Jin released a heavy sigh and took off his shoes.

    "Jin," said Shuijin, walking up to him shyly. "Who was that?""Jordan from school," said Jin carelessly."How old is he?" asked Shuijin curiously."He's my age," said Jin, stretching. "How's Fi?""She's fine," said Shuijin quickly, not wanting Jin to interrupt her train of

    thought. "Is he your close friend, Jin?""I guess so," said Jin, taking off his socks and stuffing them in his shoes. "Why?""Nothing," said Shuijin, turning around. Even though Jin stared after her

    puzzled, she started walking toward the stairs while counting on her fingers. "He's...three years older than me? That's not true bad..."

    "Hey Shuijin," said Jin, chasing her down. "You didn't fall for Jordan did you?"

    Shuijin started laughing nervously. "No! Of course not!" Shuijin stopped in hertracks, which made Jin collapsed into her. "But really, Jin, why are the boys at yourschool so good-looking?"

    "I don't know," said Jin honestly. "It's been this way since forever I think.""First, that Kristian boy and now, Jordan," said Shuijin, hugging her pillow close

    to her. "I can't wait to go to your school next year Jin! So many hot boys!"Jin dropped his head. "You're not going to go to my school if you don't graduate

    middle school first."

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    "Oh right...""Fi," said Jin happily at the sight of Jezebelle on top of her bed and looking at a

    diamond bracelet in her hands. "Fi, let's talk over video games! Actually, let's talkabout what you're going to do to Sparky and Peppy first."

    Jezebelle went over to Jin, grabbed Shuijin from behind him, and went back

    inside her room. Then, she smirked at him, held up his game consoles, closed thedoor, and locked it in his face. Inside, Jezebelle and Shuijin giggled at his reaction ashe begged Jezebelle to open the door to allow him to touch his DS Lite and PSP forthe last time. Apparently, he forgot about them until now.

    Meanwhile, outside his house, Jordan took a deep breath and went inside hiscar. He felt much better with Jin gone. He thought about all the times he watched Jinsleep in the car at every red light and stop sign. Even though it was hard for Jordan toshow his appreciation for Jin out loud, he kept looking at Jin and hoping Jin would getthe message except the Korean boy was sleeping the whole time. He must have beentired all day from the tennis match but he still did so much for Jordan. In the endthough, Jordan had to say it out loud and in front of the little girl no less. Groaning,

    Jordan hit his head against the wheel and honked his horn once.********************************************

    Still thinking about her mother, Rin was busy translating anime episodes. Shewas the translator from Japanese to English for two different fansub groups. Shechecked the time at the lower right corner of her computer several times. It was ten.He was going to be late again wasn't he? Even though Rin contemplated killing him,she remembered what happened last time. She shouldn't jump to such conclusionsright off the bat.

    Then, the phone rang. Happy, Rin was about to pick up the phone when herinner self told her to wait. She waited for a couple of more rings before she picked itup. This time, she made it in time and she heard Kristian greeting her on the phone.

    His masculine voice sounded even better on the phone, she realized, but she wouldnever admit that in front of him or on the phone.

    "Rin-chan," said Kristian in a low voice. "Are you on speaker?""No..."Kristian smirked on the other line. "I suggest you do so."Curious, Rin put her phone on speaker like Kristian suggested. Much to her

    surprise, she didn't hear him speaking. Instead, she heard a piano playing instead. Rinplaced the phone down on her pillow and laid down on her bed to listen. Even thoughshe hated to admit it, Kristian was terribly talented at the piano. He didn't even takeofficial lessons. According to him, he took a couple unofficial ones from his aunt andhe managed to get here by himself.

    "I love this song," said Rin, mouthing the words softly to herself.Apparently, Kristian could hear her so he said at the end of the performance,

    "Which song is it?""Pachelbel's Canon in D Major," said Rin, feeling sleepy."It's one of my favorites," said Kristian in a relaxing voice."Same," said Rin, closing her eyes. "Especially on the piano.""Since I can't play this song on the guitar," said Kristian on the other line. "Or at

    least right now, I'll do it on the piano instead."

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    "Okay..." said Rin, relaxing on her bed.Soon enough, Kristian began playing again. Rin's eyes popped open at the next

    song. She recognized this song immediately because it was yet another famous song.She didn't say anything though because she didn't want to disturb him. Soon enough,as the song closed to an end, Rin loosened up and laid back down with a smile on her

    face. Kristian sounded so professional on the piano. If only she could watch him playthe piano instead..."Romance D'amour," said Rin at last. "I like the guitar version too.""How about this one?"Another recognizable song. Rin didn't know Kristian knew so many classics. He

    must have practiced for a long time for all of them. She could just imagine him on thepiano without any music sheet and play from memory with his eyes closed and thatcocky smile on his lips. Somehow, at moments like this, she was glad she found outabout his hidden talent by accident.

    "I wish I play the violin to play that song instead," said Kristian at the end of hissong.

    "Serenade by Schubert," said Rin automatically. "Who's your favorite composer,Kristian? Or should I call you Kris instead?"

    "You heard Odette didn't you?"At Kristian's question, Rin shook her head, "How could I not? You were flirting

    with her in front of me.""I wasn't flirting.""You so were."A pause. Kristian didn't say anything for a while until Rin suddenly heard him

    laugh loudly and said something about her being jealous for no reason. Angry, Rinstarted arguing about how she was definitely not jealous and how he was definitelyflirting. At last, Kristian interrupted her to continue.

    "If you're so annoyed, you can call me Kris if you want," said Kristian inoffering.

    Rin blushed bright red as if he were in the room. "No, I will not copy her!""Then what do you want then, Rin-chan?" asked Kristian, amused."To admit that you were flirting.""If I admit to that, you'll just get angrier with me."Fuming, Rin retorted, "That's right. Now admit it!""I'm not stupid and I'm not wrong," said Kristian, chuckling now. "Why would I

    admit to something that you'll get angrier with me for?""Because if you don't," said Rin, tense. "I'll be even more upset.""A lose-lose situation?"

    "Are you going to admit it or not?""If you must hate me," said Kristian with a loud, exasperated sigh. "I'll have you

    know that my favorite composer and performer is actually Franz Liszt. He had a ladyin every town. He was a terribly handsome man that is a beast at the piano."

    "You're so dead when I see you tomorrow Kristian," said Rin, annoyed.To shut Rin up, Kristian began playing the piano before. Rin was so lost with

    this last one that she forgot about their argument. The song was oddly familiar butRin had no idea what the song was called. Where have she heard it before? It wasn't a

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    famous classical piece but she knew the melody."I don't know the name of that song," said Rin honestly out loud."'Something there'," said Kristian automatically in a hushed tone."Who's the composer?"Kristian started laughing loudly. "It's a Disney song."

    "You're making fun of me!" cried Rin, pouting."I wouldn't play that song for someone I didn't care about," said Kristiansuddenly in a serious voice, shutting Rin up. "You shouldn't get upset at everysuspicious thing I do with every girl, Rin-chan, or else you'll be annoyed at me all thetime. It won't be pretty."

    Rin frowned. "It's because you're a flirt...""I would never ever cheat on you."At his deadly cold voice, Rin bit her lip. "I know that.""Good. I'll play anything you want since I got a hold of a piano for now," said

    Kristian in a more cheerful voice now. "What will it be Rin-chan?""Anything is fine," said Rin, settling down on the comforts of her bed once

    more.Rin imagined that Kristian placed his fingers back on the piano once more to

    get ready. "All right then. Here goes."****************************************************

    That night, Roselle's mother decided to go to sleep half an hour after eleven.Before she went to bed, she stopped by Roselle's room. The girl was busy reading atextbook for a test tomorrow. Her mother sat down on her bed and watched her for afew seconds before Roselle said good night automatically.

    "I might approve you and the white pretty boy but-""You approved anyways," said Roselle curtly. "So why bother telling me off now?""I don't want to talk down on you," said Mrs. Young sternly, receiving her

    daughter's attention immediately. "I want to talk to you like an adult.""Okay then," said Roselle, closing her textbook."Why must you choose that boy instead of the other one?" asked Mrs. Young

    curiously."Because the other boy didn't ask me out?" asked Roselle, annoyed.Mrs. Young shook her head. "Is my daughter really that easy? You would go out

    with any boy who ask you out on a date?""No," said Roselle, pouting. She reached for some yam candy. "Your logic makes

    no sense. I like Jordan. He likes me. He likes my writing. I don't see why I should notgo out with him and go out with Jin instead."

    "I wish you have talked to me about this earlier."

    Roselle shook her head. "It just happened.""That Jin boy is so much better though," said Mrs. Young insistently. "He's such a

    good boy. He cares about his parents a lot and he is mature for his age. Plus, he's niceand modest. He'll make a good boyfriend."

    "Jin is special," said Roselle admittedly, thinking. "But he's someone else'sspecial person. Jordan is normal like me and I like it better that way."

    Mrs. Young frowned at Roselle's words. "Well, even though I prefer Jin, theother boy is not bad." Roselle smiled at her mother. "Just make sure you come home

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    on time every night and call me if you're out late.""I know, I know.""If you're going anymore, make sure to bring that Jin boy along or at least

    Grim," said Mrs. Young suddenly, causing Roselle to burst out laughing. "With either ofthem with you, I'll feel more at ease."

    "Okay, I get it Mom.""And make sure to thank Jin," said Mrs. Young in a scolding voice. "If he didn'tconvince me that Jordan is a good person, I would never allow this relationship tohappen. If that other boy is nearly as thoughtful as Jin, I'm not as worried as before."

    "Mom!" laughed Roselle at her reasoning. "I need to study! Good night."Roselle's mother kissed her on the forehead. "Good night, Roselle."Opening her book again, Roselle thought about what her mother said. "What

    can't you do Jin Song?"*****************************************************

    Restless, Jezebelle left her room to throw away her ice cream wrapper whenshe found Jin sitting across her room with his head buried against his arm. She

    narrowed her eyes at him. Had he been sitting out here the entire time? Jezebellerolled her eyes and went over to him. Checking to make sure if he wasn't faking,Jezebelle kicked his side.

    "Fi?" asked Jin automatically, picking up his head."If you wanted your game systems back that badly," said Jezebelle, annoyed.

    "You should have kept banging on the door for another hour and annoy the fuck out ofme."

    "I don't want them back," said Jin defensively, bolting up to his feet. "I justwant to say goodbye to them for the last time. They're like my children after all."

    "What kind of lame father name their children 'Sparky' and 'Peppy'?""Fi!" cried Jin in happiness. "You remember their names! You'll be a great

    mother to them! I have nothing to worry about!" Jezebelle had a murderous look onher face now. Jin jumped and cringed. "I'm sorry! I must have said something wrongagain..."

    "I hate kids," said Jezebelle in a deep growl."Oh," said Jin, frowning. "I shouldn't have said that...""Dumb ass," said Jezebelle, flinging her hair back. "You're so stupid. I don't

    understand why everyone likes you so fucking much. You're just one big dork whocalled his video games 'his children'. This is what Wilson High wants as their popularboy figurehead? Fuck. There's something messed up with this shitty school."

    "Er..." said Jin, a bit speechless. "I don't want to be popular anymore.""A little late for that," said Jezebelle, irritated.

    Jin lowered his eyes. "I need to be the leader of the Populars though."At his words, Jezebelle blinked in surprise. "Good luck with that.""Thanks," said Jin, smiling. He obviously did not hear the sarcasm in Jezebelle's

    tone. "I have no idea how I'm going to do that though. From the car conversation, it'sobviously I don't belong in their world. You are more fitting than I am."

    "Like I said," said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. "I'm practically born to bepopular."

    "I know," said Jin, not disagreeing at all. He moved up to her. "Do you think it's

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    possible to be the leader of the Populars without being popular?"At Jin's question, Jezebelle started laughing Wendy-style. Jin watched her

    wide-eyed as she continued to laugh at his question. Then, at last, she recovered andwiped the tears at the corner of her eyes. The only reason why she stopped wasbecause her stomach started to hurt.

    "Fuck no," said Jezebelle loudly. "Your fucking group's name is 'the Populars'.""So I have to be popular after all...""I don't think you get it," said Jezebelle, returning to her former self. She

    narrowed her eyes at him. "You are alreadypopular, more so after today. Get that intoyour simple-minded head already! Stupid mashed potatoes..."

    "So my next step is to become the leader," said Jin, rubbing his chin now inthought. He was copying Bo. "How am I supposed to accomplish this when I don't livein their world?"

    "Take control," said Jezebelle in a bored voice like it was the easiest answershe had to give to a question. She noticed the blank look on Jin's face like she wasspeaking in a different language. "I'll make it easy for you to understand." Jezebelle

    smirked. "Be. Like. Me." Jezebelle giggled. "Be like Jezebelle Tilly Phoebe and itshould work."

    "But I'm not a girl," said Jin, scratching his head."'If you love yourself and show confidence in everything you do, you are hot no

    matter what you look like on the outside'," said Shuijin, poking her head from insidethe room and smiling. "I learn that from Caramel today!"

    Jin blinked. "Confidence...""Leave the poor fool alone, little one," said Jezebelle, shaking her head and re-

    entering her room. Suddenly, she felt his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "What doyou want now, fruit cake?"

    "You're a Caramel fan aren't you?" asked Jin hurriedly with wide eyes.

    "I'm not a fantard but I do like him," said Jezebelle, reddening."I need to know more about this confidence he talks about," said Jin with

    excited, wide eyes. "Maybe he can help me become the leader of the Populars!"Jezebelle smirked at Jin's willingness. "I need to take a hot bath first,

    vermicelli.""I already made it ten minutes ago.""Geek figurehead," said Jezebelle, remembering the line she said a few minutes

    about how she didn't understand why people supported him. "Did you convince Young?""We nearly didn't because Jordan saw Roselle naked in the bathroom when he

    tried to wash my eyes after the onions made them itch," said Jin, laughing at themoment. "But it worked out in the end."

    "Why am I not surprised that you didn't look at her naked?" asked Jezebellemore to herself than at Jin.

    "My eyes didn't adjust fast enough at the time.""Sure," said Jezebelle, looking at her nails as if uninterested. "You're just not

    into girls. It's understandable. We're not boys with orange hair and brown eyes afterall."

    Jin frowned. "But Ichigo's special..."Ignoring Jin's line, Jezebelle went to the bathroom to find that he indeed made

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    the bath for her already. After a week or so, he had already figured out her entireschedule at home. Shrugging it off, Jezebelle locked the door, took off her clothes,and dipped herself into the semi-hot water. Unlike Roselle, Jezebelle wished forcompany in the bathroom.

    Author's Q & A

    Note: After so long, I have a couple of questions to answer! Yay~ This chapter isfun. :) I can't wait to get to the better parts of this story though. ^^ But that's a longway to go...

    1) Did you plan the Gorgeous Geek headline from the very beginning? Its like whenSuzaku is revealed to be Number Zero in Code Geass. Its awesome.

    Yes and no. I did plan the title 'Gorgeous Geek' to come up within the story itself justlike how 'Sweet Heart' did with Rai/Megumi's album, but I didn't think of the school

    newspaper until later when I introduced the Grim character.

    2) Can Jordan threaten Jezebelle's position as a rival for Jin?

    But then Jordan will come off as a Quinn wannabe! I don't think Quinn will want thatsince he can pull it off 10x better than Jordan (IMO). Besides, Quinn and Jordan areadorable in their own special ways. :P

    3) Where is Bo?

    Bo made Marissa/other girls crazy for him for a couple of chapter so I have to lay back

    on the Bo goodness or else, he might overshadow Jin! Joking. The real reason is thathe is taking a Padma leave for those who get the reference.

    4) How much did Jordan see when Roselle got out of the bathtub?

    The upper half. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

    5) Why is Jin/Jordan so cute?

    Do I have to answer this question? I can take this in a very objective way or thecomplete opposite. Here is the objective answer: Jin wants to save Jordan, not

    knowing for a long time that Jordan is holding onto this position half for his sake.Jordan wants to prevent Jin from popularity, not knowing that Jin is doing it all for hissake. Here is the non-objective answer: Jin is just a cute character in general and likeLocke, he gives off a very friendly feeling to anyone he interacts so it makes anybodywith Jin cute really. Well. Except Fi. XP

    6) Did Victoria get rape/abused or something?

  • 7/30/2019 Gorgeous Geek Xxx i i


    Vic's story is actually coming up soon. I have so many minor characters to cover! >_

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