gom inspection exchange format · 4.5 slotted hole ... 6.5 edge caliper ... gom inspection exchange...

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

GOM Inspection Exchange Format

Version 1.03a

1 Introduction.........................................................................4

2 General File Structure.........................................................5

3 User Keywords....................................................................7

4 Primitives.............................................................................8

4.1 Point..............................................................................9

4.2 Line..............................................................................10

4.3 Plane...........................................................................11

4.4 Circle...........................................................................13

4.5 Slotted hole.................................................................14

4.6 Rectangular hole.........................................................16

4.7 Sphere.........................................................................18

4.8 Cylinder.......................................................................19

4.9 Cone............................................................................21

4.10 Polygon hole................................................................23

5 Other Probe Primitives.....................................................25

5.1 Probe border segment.................................................25

5.2 Probe center point.......................................................27

6 Dimensions........................................................................28

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

6.1 Angle...........................................................................28

6.2 Distance......................................................................30

6.3 Directed distance.........................................................32

6.4 Disc caliper..................................................................33

6.5 Edge caliper................................................................35

7 CMM inspection.................................................................38

7.1 Inspection point...........................................................41

7.2 Vector point.................................................................43

7.3 Edge point (2V)...........................................................45

7.4 Edge point (1V)...........................................................48

7.5 Circle...........................................................................51

7.6 Slotted hole.................................................................54

7.7 Rectangular hole.........................................................58

7.8 Polygon hole................................................................59

7.9 Dimension (scalar)......................................................62

7.10 Distance......................................................................64

7.11 Angle...........................................................................66

7.12 Touch point (disc)........................................................67

7.13 Touch point (edge)......................................................70

7.14 Referenced distance...................................................73

7.15 Referenced symmetric point........................................75

8 Point clouds and sections................................................78

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8.1 Point cloud...................................................................78

8.2 Section........................................................................80

8.3 Edge............................................................................81

8.4 Border line...................................................................83

8.5 Tape line......................................................................84

9 Changes.............................................................................86

9.1 Changes in v1.01.........................................................86

9.2 Changes in v1.02.........................................................86

9.3 Changes in v1.03.........................................................86

9.4 Changes in v1.03a.......................................................87

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

1 IntroductionThe file format described by this document is intended to be

used as exchange format for third party software. The format supports elements of type primitive, probe primitive, dimension

and CMM inspection. Also supported are point clouds and differ-ent section types (section, edge, border line, tape line).

Please note, that this file format does not support all elements,

which are available in the GOM software.

The data, which is being exported, contains nominal (i.e. toler-ances) and actual measured data, essential 3D drawing inform-

ation (i.e. position of an angle) and user data (i.e. name of an element). Again, not all properties (such as visualization color or

label position) are stored in this file format.

Please note, that big point clouds or sections may create huge file sizes, because this format uses the XML structure to define

its contents. All character strings inside the file format use the XML quoting and a UTF-8 encoding. The documentation for

XML can be found at www.xml.com or www.xml.org.

To export the data from the GOM software, you have to choose the menu “File -> Export -> Tables”. Then use the template

“XML -> GOM_XML_v1.03a”.

This file format was introduced with GOM software version v6.1.1.

There was a XML based format already in v6.0.0 of the GOM

software, but that file format was specialized for measurement plans. So these two file formats have nothing in common except

using XML.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

2 General File StructureThe main structure of this format is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






. . .



. . .



The processing instruction in the first line has to reflect the en-

coding of the file. If the encoding is wrong, some names and string values may be imported incorrectly. Exported files always

have an UTF-8 encoding.

The root tag is <gom>. There is nothing outside this section ex-

cept the processing instruction in the first line. The section in-

cludes three sub tags:● <header> includes the version of the file.

● <user_keywords> includes all keywords.

● <elements> includes all data of the exported elements.

Each element has its own sub tag (such as <primitive_point>) and keeps its data inside that sub


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Some general information:● All lengths are given in millimeters and all angles are giv-

en in degrees.

● Some tags have an attribute „use“ or „valid“. If those at-

tributes are set to „no“ or „false“, then the tag may con-

tain no data (i.e. <radius valid=“false“></radius>).

This may happen even for elements, which seem to need that data. For example a CMM inspection circle seems to

need a nominal radius. But elements, which were impor-ted into the GOM software sometimes do not have that in-

formation. (For the CMM inspection circle it is possible to be only interested in the in plane deviation, so no nominal

radius is needed.)

● All normals and directions, which occur in the element

data, are normalized, because otherwise these vectors may become numerically unstable for very short vectors.

● There are some XML comments inside the file, which give a hint if the XML tag's name needs additional explana-


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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

3 User KeywordsUser keywords are arbitrary keywords, which consist of an iden-

tifier, a description and a content. Each of these values can be changed by the user in GOM software. These keywords store

information, which the user wants to add to his project or ses-sion (such as who is working on the project and what is the

number of the measured part).

These keywords are defined as follows:






● <identifier>: This is a unique name (i.e. „insp“). It is

used to reference the keyword within the GOM soft-ware, i.e. in snapshots.

● <description>: A string, that describes the content

(i.e. „Inspector“).

● <content>: A string, that holds an information about

this project or session (i.e. „J. Doe“).

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

4 PrimitivesThe tag name of each type of primitive starts with ''primitive_“.

All types of primitives share the following data:


<origin>primitive or probe</origin>


<is_nominal>true or false</is_nominal>


. . .



<maximum valid="true or false">

floating point number


<minimum valid="true or false">

floating point number


<residual valid="true or false">

floating point number


<sigma valid="true or false">

floating point number





These tags contain the following data:● <origin>: This tag contains a string value: 'primitive' or

'probe'. It informs about the origin of this element (in the

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GOM software there are primitives and probe primitives).For example the primitive point and the probe surface point are both exported as <primitive_point>. So if

you are interested in the original type of such a <primit-ive_point>, you can check the <origin> tag.

● <name>: This tag contains the name of the exported ele-


● <is_nominal>: This tag contains a string value: 'true' or

'false'. This string can be used to determine nominal and actual elements. In the GOM software, you can change

this flag by using the context menus “set as reference” and “unset reference” in the explorer.

● <comment>: This tag contains the comment of the expor-

ted element. This is a string, which the user can edit in

the GOM software.

● <results>: This tag contains the adjustment tag with

floating point numbers for maximum, minimum, residual and sigma values. Each of these values can be valid or

invalid depending on the valid-attribute.

Remark: Adjustment value availableness depends on

the way the element was created.

4.1 Point

A primitive point is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

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<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive point:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the exported 3D point.

4.2 Line

A primitive line is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<direction valid="true or false">

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<length>floating point number</length>



please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive line:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center of the exported line.

● <data_3d> - <direction>: This tag contains the

normalized vector of the direction of this line if the valid

attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of the visualization of the line.

4.3 Plane

A primitive plane is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags


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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number




please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive plane:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the visualization

of the exported plane.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this plane if the valid at-

tribute is „true“

● <data_3d> - <edge_length>: This tag contains the

edge length of the visualization of this plane.

4.4 Circle

A primitive circle is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<radius>floating point number</radius>



please have a look at page 8 for details

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All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive circle:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the exported


● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this circle if the valid at-tribute is „true“

● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of this circle.

4.5 Slotted hole

A primitive slotted hole is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

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<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<direction valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<length valid="true or false">

floating point number


<width valid="true or false">

floating point number


<radius valid="true or false">

floating point number




please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

Other tags for the primitive slotted hole:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the exported slot-ted hole.

● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this slotted hole if the

valid attribute is „true“

● <data_3d> - <direction>: This tag contains the

normalized vector of the direction of this slotted hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of this slotted hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <width>: This tag contains the width of

this slotted hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of circle at each end of this slotted hole if the valid at-

tribute is „true“.

4.6 Rectangular hole

A primitive rectangular hole is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<direction valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<length valid="true or false">

floating point number


<width valid="true or false">

floating point number


<radius valid="true or false">

floating point number




please have a look at page 8 for details



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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive rectangular hole:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the exported rect-

angular hole.

● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this rectangular hole if the valid attribute is „true“

● <data_3d> - <direction>: This tag contains the

normalized vector of the direction of this rectangular

hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of this rectangular hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <width>: This tag contains the width of

this rectangular hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of circle at each corner of this rectangular hole if the valid attribute is „true“.

4.7 Sphere

A primitive sphere is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

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<z>floating point number</z>


<radius>floating point number</radius>



please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive sphere:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the exported


● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of this sphere.

4.8 Cylinder

A primitive cylinder is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

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<direction valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<radius>floating point number</radius>


floating point number




please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive cylinder:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the visualized cyl-


● <data_3d> - <direction>: This tag contains the

normalized vector of the direction of this cylinder if the valid attribute is „true“.

● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of this cylinder.

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● <data_3d> - <visualization_length>: This tag

contains the length of the visualization of this cylinder.

4.9 Cone

A primitive cone is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number


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floating point number




please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive cone:● <data_3d> - <first_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the first x, y, z coordinates of exported cone.

● <data_3d> - <first_radius>: This tag contains the

first radius of this cone.

Please note, that the cone is not a frustrum. The radius describes the element but it does not limit it for compu-


● <data_3d> - <second_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the second x, y, z coordinates of this cone.

● <data_3d> - <visualization_length>: This tag

contains the length of the visualization of this cone.

● <data_3d> - <second_radius>: This tag contains

the second radius of this cone.Please note, that the cone is not a frustrum. The radius

describes the element but it does not limit it for compu-tations.

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4.10 Polygon hole

A primitive polygon hole is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



integer number



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number


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please have a look at page 8 for details



All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the primitive polygon hole:● <data_3d> - <number_of_points>: Number of edge

points of this polygon hole. All edges have the same


● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center point of the exported hole.

● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this hole.

● <data_3d> - <orientation>: This tag contains the

normalized vector of the direction of the starting point

of this hole.

● <data_3d> - <outer_radius>: This tag contains the

outer radius of this hole.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

5 Other Probe PrimitivesMost of the probe primitives are exported as normal primitives and can only be distinguished from them by the <origin> tag.

This was done because of the similarities of both kinds of ele-


But there are some probe elements, which do not have a similar element. These probe primitives are the probe border segment

and the probe center point.

The probe border segment is a limited line and the probe center point is a point of a touch ball.

5.1 Probe border segment

A probe border segment is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





<residual valid="true or false">

floating point number





All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of the previous chapter.

Other tags for the probe border segment:● <data_3d> – <first_coordinate>

<data_3d> – <second_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the x, y, z coordinates of the first respectively second point of the exported border segment. These

are the end points of the limited line.

● <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

malized vector of the normal of this border segment if the valid attribute is „true“.

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● <results> - <adjustment> - <residual>: This

tag contains the residual value. This value can be valid

or invalid depending on the valid-attribute.

5.2 Probe center point

A probe center point is written in the form:


please have a look at page 8 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number




All shared tags of primitives are described at the beginning of the previous chapter.

Other tags for the probe center point:● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the center of the exported point.

● <data_3d> - <touch_ball_radius>: This tag con-

tains the radius of the touch ball.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

6 DimensionsThe tag name of each type of dimension starts with


All types of dimensions share the following data:



<is_nominal>true or false</is_nominal>


. . .


Shared tags:● <name>: This tag contains the name of the exported


● <is_nominal>: This tag contains a string value: 'true'

or 'false'. This string can be used to determine nominal and actual elements.

● <comment>: This tag contains the comment of the ex-

ported element. This is a string, which the user can edit

in the GOM software.

6.1 Angle

A dimension angle is written in the form:


please have a look at page 28 for shared tags


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<angle>floating point number</angle>


"XYZ, XY, XZ, or YZ"



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




All shared tags of dimensions are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the dimension angle:

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● <data_3d> - <angle>: This tag contains the angle of

the exported dimension angle.

● <data_3d> - <angle_restriction>: This tag con-

tains the restriction of the exported dimension angle. If

the restriction is not “XYZ”, then the directions used for this angle are projected onto the “XY”, “XZ” or “YZ”


● <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates for the visualization of the dimension angle.

● <data_3d> – <first_arm_of_angle>

<data_3d> – <second_arm_of_angle>: These tags

contain the direction of the angle's arms.

6.2 Distance

A dimension distance is written in the form:


please have a look at page 28 for shared tags


"XYZ, XY, XZ, YZ, X, Y or Z"




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

<total>floating point number</total>

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




All shared tags of dimensions are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the dimension distance:● <distance_direction>: This tag contains the direc-

tion of the exported distance. For example the distance

can be restricted to X distance (“X”) or YZ distance (“YZ”). “XYZ” is the Euclidean distance.

● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of the exported distance.

● <data_3d> - <first_coordinate>

<data_3d> - <second_coordinate>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates for visualization of the di-mension distance.

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6.3 Directed distance

A dimension directed distance is written in the form:


please have a look at page 28 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

<total>floating point number</total>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

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<z>floating point number</z>




All shared tags of dimension are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the dimension directed distance:● <data_3d> - <distance>: This tag contains the dis-

tance of the exported element.

● <data_3d> - <first_coordinate>

<data_3d> - <second_coordinate>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates for visualization of the di-mension directed distance.

● <direction>: Starting at <first_coordinate>, this

is the direction of the distance.

6.4 Disc caliper

A dimension disc caliper is written in the form:


please have a look at page 28 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

<total>floating point number</total>

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<radius>floating point number</radius>


floating point number



"inner or outer"




All shared tags of dimension are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the dimension disc caliper:● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of the disc caliper.Rev. No.: 36 Created by: GOM Support Page 34 of 87

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● <data_3d> - <first_coordinate>

<data_3d> - <second_coordinate>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates of the visualization of the disc caliper.

● <data_3d> - <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of the disc caliper.

● <data_3d> - <visualization_radius>: This tag

contains the radius of the visualization of the disc cal-


● <data_3d> - <caliper_type>: This tag contains a

value 'inner' or 'outer'. This distinguishes the type of a disc caliper between inner and outer.

6.5 Edge caliper

A dimension edge caliper is written in the form:


please have a look at page 28 for shared tags



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

<total>floating point number</total>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

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<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number



floating point number



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



"inner or outer"




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All shared tags of dimension are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the dimension edge caliper:● <data_3d> - <length>: This tag contains the length

of the edge caliper.

● <data_3d> - <first_coordinate>

<data_3d> - <second_coordinate>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates of the visualization of the edge caliper.

● <data_3d> - <edge_length>: This tag contains the

edge length of the edge caliper.

● <data_3d> - <visualization_edge_length>: This

tag contains the edge length for visualization of the

edge caliper.

● <data_3d> - <edge_direction>: This tag contains

the normalized vector of the direction of this edge cal-iper.

● <data_3d> - <caliper_type>: This tag contains a

value 'inner' or 'outer'. This distinguishes the type of a

segment caliper between inner and outer.

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7 CMM inspectionCMM inspection elements allow a deviation analysis, which is

similar to the deviation analysis known from coordinate measur-ing machines. These elements have certain nominal values.

The actual values from the measured data can only be used, if the CMM element was linked to a measured element inside the

GOM software (for example a measured element can be a non reference primitive or a non reference mesh).

The tag name for each CMM element starts with ''cmm_inspec-tion_“, so the structure is:


. . .


Tags shared by all

All types of CMM elements share the following data:



● <name>: This tag contains the name of the exported ele-


● <comment>: This tag contains the comment of the expor-

ted element. This is a string, which the user can edit in the GOM software.

Tags shared by many.

Most of the CMM elements share the following data. Please have a look at the different element types to find out, which tags

are supported by which element.

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floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">


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<xyz use="yes or no">





● <search_radius>: This tag contains the radius for the

search of measured data, which can be used to make a comparison with this element.

● <rps>: This tag contains the directions, which are used

for registration by reference point system (RPS). Possible

values are: XYZ, XY, XZ, YZ, X, Y and Z. Please note, that there is a valid attribute, which determ-

ines, if this element is used for RPS at all.● <measure_opposite_side>: This can be used for ex-

ample in sheet metal applications. This tag contains the offset, if the measured data was created on the opposite

side of the nominal data. The offset is then the thickness of the material, which the sheet metal consists of.

Please note, that there is a use attribute for this tag.

● <nominal> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the

nominal x, y, z coordinates of this CMM element.

● <actual> - <coordinate>: This tag contains the ac-

tual x, y, z coordinates, which are only valid, if an actu-al element was linked to this CMM element.

● <tolerances> – <x>

<tolerances> – <y>

<tolerances> – <z>

<tolerances> – <xyz>: This tag contains the upper and

lower limits for the tolerances in x, y, z and xyz direction. The

xyz tolerance is a tolerance for the Euclidean distance. These

tags have a use attribute, which determines, if a tolerance is

used or ignored.

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7.1 Inspection point

For the position control using inspection points, nominal points are compared to the measuring data by means of point projec-

tion, and the respective deviations are determined. For this pur-pose, some inspection point menus provide a selection list for

the projection mode.

An inspection point contains information only about the X, Y and Z coordinates without vectors and without any special computa-

tion requirements.

CMM nominal element inspection point.

The image shows a CMM inspection point after CMM inspection together with its

partner element, the polygonized measuring data. In the 3D view, for this element

always only the nominal point is visible.

The actual point is not shown during CMM inspection and results as intersection

point between the polygonized measuring data and the nominal point projected

onto the measuring data.

An CMM inspection point is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>



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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter. Other tags do not exist for this element type.

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7.2 Vector point

For the position control using vector points, nominal points are compared to the measuring data by means of projection of so-

called approach vectors (normal vectors), and the respective deviations are determined.

CMM nominal element vector point

The image shows a CMM vector point after CMM inspection and the polygonized

measuring data. In the 3D view, for this element always the nominal point and the

approach vector are visible.

The actual point is not shown during CMM inspection and results as intersection

point between the polygonized measuring data and the approach vector (normal

vector). For a better understanding, it was inserted into this example image as a

gray point.

An CMM inspection vector point is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number




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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




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<spring use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection vector point:● <nominal> – <normal>: This tag contains the normal-

ized vector of the normal of this vector point.

● <actual> – <normal>: This tag contains the normal-

ized vector of the actual normal, which was found at the actual coordinate. It is only valid, if an actual element

was linked to this vector point.

● <tolerances> – <spring>: This tag contains the up-

per and lower limits for the tolerances in spring direc-tion (here the spring direction is the same as the direc-

tion of the normal). This tag has a use attribute, which determines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

7.3 Edge point (2V)

For the position control using edge points (2V), nominal edge

points are compared to the actual border line (green) by means of projecting the so-called trimming and spring vectors (S, T),

and the respective deviations are determined.

The intersection point of the spring and trimming vectors with the border line is the actual element.

CMM nominal element edge point (2V)

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The image shows a CMM edge point (2V) with 2 vectors (trimming T, spring S) to-

gether with the corresponding CAD data and the measured border line (green line).

The actual point is not shown during CMM inspection and results as intersection

point between the border line (green line) and the plane (red) on which lie the vec-

tors T and S. For a better understanding, it was inserted into this example image as

a gray point.

An CMM inspection edge point (2V) is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">



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<spring use="yes or no">




<trimming use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection edge point (2V):● <nominal> – <spring>

<nominal> – <trimming>: These tags contain the

normalized vectors for the spring and trimming direc-tions.

● <tolerances> – <spring>

<tolerances> – <trimming>: These tags contain

the upper and lower tolerances for spring and trimming directions. These tags have a use attribute, which de-

termines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

● <actual> - <normal>: This tag contains the normal

of the actual point. The attribute valid determines, if the normal is available or not.

7.4 Edge point (1V)

For the position control using edge points (1V), nominal edge

points are compared to the actual border line (green) by means of projecting the so-called trimming vector (T), and the respect-

ive deviations are determined.

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The intersection point of the trimming vector with the border line is the actual element. The actual point is not shown during CMM


CMM nominal element edge point (1V)

The image shows a CMM edge point (1V) with one vector (trimming T) together

with the corresponding CAD data and the measured border line (green line). The

actual point is not shown during CMM inspection and results as intersection point

between the border line (green line) and the vector T (shortest orthogonal

distance). For a better understanding, it was inserted into this example image as a

gray point.

An CMM inspection edge point (1V) is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

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<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">




<trimming use="yes or no">






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All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection edge point (1V):● <nominal> – <trimming>: This tag contains the nor-

malized direction for trimming.

● <tolerances> – <trimming>: This tag contains the

upper and lower tolerances for the trimming. This tag

has a use attribute, which determines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

7.5 Circle

For the position control using CMM element circle, the nominal

and actual circles are compared and the respective deviation values are determined.

CMM element circle (shown with nominal and actual elements)

The image shows a CMM circle together with the measured actual element (green).

When comparing circles, the center coordinates and the circle radii are compared.

An CMM inspection circle is written in the form:





floating point number


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<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<radius valid="true or false">

floating point number



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<radius>floating point number</radius>



<x use="yes or no">


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<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">




<spring use="yes or no">




<in_plane use="yes or no">




<diameter use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection circle:● <nominal> – <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

mals of the nominal circle.

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● <nominal> – <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of the nominal circle.

Please note, that there is a valid attribute for this tag. (For example, this is useful, if only an in plane toler-

ance has to be checked.)

● <actual> – <normal>: This tag contains the normal

of the measured element. It is only valid, if an actual ele-

ment was linked to this element.

● <actual> – <radius>: This tag contains the radius of

the measured element. It is only valid, if an actual ele-

ment was linked to this element.

● <tolerances> – <spring>

<tolerances> – <in_plane>

<tolerances> – <diameter>: These tags contain

the upper and lower tolerances for spring, in plane and diameter. This tag has a use attribute, which determ-

ines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

7.6 Slotted hole

For the position control using CMM element slotted hole, the nominal and actual slotted holes are compared and the respect-

ive deviation values are determined.

CMM element slotted hole (shown with nominal and actual elements)

The image shows a CMM slotted hole together with the measured actual element


When comparing slotted holes, the center coordinates are compared, as well as

the length and width of the hole.

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An CMM inspection slotted hole is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<direction valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<length valid="true or false">

floating point number


<width valid="true or false">

floating point number



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<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<direction valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<length valid="true or false">

floating point number


<width valid="true or false">

floating point number




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">



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<xyz use="yes or no">




<spring use="yes or no">




<in_plane use="yes or no">




<length use="yes or no">




<width use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection slotted hole:● <nominal> – <normal>

<nominal> – <direction>

<nominal> – <length>

<nominal> – <width>: These tags contain the nor-

mals of the center point, the direction of the center line and the length and width of the slotted hole.

Please note, that there is a valid attribute for most of

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these tags. If a valid attribute is set to false, then the according nominal value is not available.

● <actual> – <normal>

<actual> – <direction>

<actual> – <length>

<actual> – <width>: These tags contain the normals

of the center point, the direction of the center line and the length and width of the measured slotted hole. It is

only valid, if an actual element was linked to this element.

● <tolerances> – <spring>

<tolerances> – <in_plane>

<tolerances> – <length>

<tolerances> – <width>: These tags contain the

upper and lower tolerances for spring, in plane, lenght

and width. This tag has a use attribute, which determ-ines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

7.7 Rectangular hole

For the position control using CMM element rectangular hole,

the nominal and actual rectangular holes are compared and the respective deviation values are determined.

CMM element rectangular hole (shown with nominal and actual elements)

The image shows a CMM rectangular hole together with the measured actual ele-

ment (green).

When comparing rectangular holes, the center coordinates are compared, as well

as the length and width of the hole.

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An CMM inspection rectangular hole is written in the form like an CMM inspection slotted hole.


please have a look at the form of inspection

slotted hole


7.8 Polygon hole

For the position control using CMM element polygon hole, the

nominal and actual holes are compared and the respective devi-ation values are determined.

An CMM inspection polygon hole is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number



integer number




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal>Rev. No.: 36 Created by: GOM Support Page 59 of 87

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<orientation valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<outer_radius valid="true or false">

floating point number



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number




<x use="yes or no">

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<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">




<spring use="yes or no">




<in_plane use="yes or no">




<incircle_diameter use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection polygon hole:● <number_of_points>: Number of edge points of this

polygon hole. All edges have the same length.

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GOM Inspection Exchange Format

● <nominal> – <normal>: This tag contains the nor-

mals of the nominal hole.

● <nominal> – <orientation>: This tag contains the

orientation of the starting point of the nominal hole.

Please note, that there is a valid attribute for this tag. (For example, this is useful, if only a xyz tolerance has

to be checked.)

● <nominal> – <outer_radius>: This tag contains the

outer radius of the nominal hole. Please note, that there is a valid attribute for this tag. (For example, this

is useful, if only a xyz tolerance has to be checked.)

● <actual> – <normal>: This tag contains the normal

of the measured element.

● <actual> – <orientation>: This tag contains the ori-

entation of the starting point of the actual hole.

● <actual> – <outer_radius>: This tag contains the

radius of the measured element. It is only valid, if an ac-

tual element was linked to this element.

● <tolerances> – <spring>

<tolerances> – <in_plane>

<tolerances> – <incircle_diameter>: These tags

contain the upper and lower tolerances for spring, in plane

and inner diameter. Each tag has a use attribute, which de-

termines, if the tolerance is used or ignored.

7.9 Dimension (scalar)

Dimension inspection compares mere distance values, i.e. it is

checked to what extent a nominal value corresponds to the measured value (actual). The actual elements may be of the

type distance, circle, slotted hole, sphere, cylinder or rectangu-lar hole.

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An CMM inspection distance (scalar) is written in the form:





<length>floating point number</length>


<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<xyz use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection distance (scalar):● <nominal> - <length>: This tag contains the nomin-

al length.

● <actual> - <first_coordinate>

<actual> - <second_coordinate>: These tags con-

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tain the x, y, z coordinates of first and second point of this distance.

7.10 Distance

Distance inspection compares distance dependent distance val-

ues, i.e. it is checked to what extent a nominal value corres-ponds to the measured value (actual). The actual elements can

be of the type distance.

An CMM inspection distance is written in the form:






<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</u>

<total>floating point number</total>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


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<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection distance:● <nominal> - <length>: This tag contains the nomin-

al length. The length is splitted into x, y, z and total. So the check of the distance can be restricted to a certain

direction (for example x).

● <actual> - <first_coordinate>

<actual> - <second_coordinate>: These tags con-

tain the x, y, z coordinates of the first and second point

of this distance.

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7.11 Angle

Angle inspection compares angles, i.e. it is checked to what ex-tent a nominal angle corresponds to the measured angle (actu-

al). The actual elements must be of the type angle

An CMM inspection angle is written in the form:





<angle>floating point number</angle>


<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<angle use="yes or no">



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All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection angle:● <nominal> - <angle>: This tag contains the nominal


● <actual> – <coordinate>

<actual> – <first_arm_of_angle>

<actual> – <second_arm_of_angle>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates of the angle point and

both directions of the arms of the angle.

● <tolerances> - <angle>: This tag contains the up-

per and lower tolerances for the angle. This tag has a use attribute, which determines, if the tolerance is used

or ignored.

7.12 Touch point (disc)

Touch point (disc) projects a circular plane onto primitives, point clouds, sections, 3D meshes, ... and creates a point at the loca-

tion of the initial touch. The function is similar to the disc caliper with the difference that here the result is a point instead of a dis-


An CMM inspection touch point (disc) is written in the form:





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floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number



"true or false"




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number


<radius>floating point number</radius>


<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">


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<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<touch use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection touch point (disc):● <project_on_center_line>: This tag determines, if

the resulting point should be projected on the center line of this element, which is defined by the coordinate

and the touch direction.

● <nominal> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x, y,

z coordinates of the starting point.

● <nominal> – <touch_direction>: This tag contains

the normalized direction, in which the disc will be moved.

● <nominal> – <clearance>: This tag contains a dis-

tance, which will be used to move the disc into the opposite

direction, before touching a measured element will be


● <nominal> – <radius>: This tag contains the radius

of the disc.

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● <actual> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates where a collision with the linked meas-

ured element was detected.

● <tolerances> - <touch>: This tag contains the up-

per and lower tolerances for touch. This tag has a use attribute, which determines, if the tolerance is used or


7.13 Touch point (edge)

Touch point (edge) projects an edge onto 3D meshes, primit-ives, point clouds, sections, ... and creates a point at the loca-

tion of the initial touch. The function is similar to the edge caliper with the difference that here the result is a point instead of a dis-


An CMM inspection touch point (edge) is written in the form:





floating point number


<rps valid="true or false">string</rps>

<measure_opposite_side use="yes or no">

floating point number



"true or false"




<x>floating point number</x>

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<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



floating point number



floating point number



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">



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<z use="yes or no">




<touch use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection touch point (edge):● <project_on_center_line>: This tag determines, if

the resulting point should be projected on the center

line of this element, which is defined by the coordinate and the touch direction.

● <nominal> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the starting point.

● <nominal> – <touch_direction>: This tag contains

the normalized direction, in which the edge will be moved.

● <nominal> – <edge_direction>: This tag contains

the normalized direction of the edge.

● <nominal> – <clearance>: This tag contains a dis-

tance, which will be used to move the edge into the oppos-

ite direction, before touching a measured element will be


● <nominal> – <edge_height>: This tag contains the

height of the edge.

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● <actual> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates where a collision with the linked meas-

ured element was detected.

● <tolerances> - <touch>: This tag contains the up-

per and lower tolerances for touch. This tag has a use attribute, which determines, if the tolerance is used or


7.14 Referenced distance

With referenced distances you may perform a distance control with assigned CMM elements, e.g. vector point or circle.

A CMM inspection referenced distance is written in the form:





"XYZ, XY, XZ, YZ, X, Y or Z"




<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">




<xyz use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning

of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection referenced distance:

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● <direction>: This tag contains the direction (xyz, xy,

xz, yz, x, y, or z), which is relevant for comparison. The

xyz direction means the Euclidean distance.

● <nominal> – <first_coordinate>

<nominal> – <second_coordinate>: These tags

contain the x, y, z coordinates of the nominal elements

of the referenced CMM elements.

● <actual> – <first_coordinate>

<actual> – <second_coordinate>: These tags con-

tain the x, y, z coordinates of the actual elements of the

referenced CMM elements.

7.15 Referenced symmetric point

With Referenced symmetric point you may create a symmetric point between two assigned CMM elements, e.g. vector point or


A CMM inspection referenced symmetric point is written in the form:






<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

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<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<actual valid="true or false">


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>




<x use="yes or no">




<y use="yes or no">




<z use="yes or no">

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<xyz use="yes or no">






All shared tags of CMM elements are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the CMM inspection symmetric point:● <nominal> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the symmetric point, which was cre-

ated from the nominal elements of the referenced CMM elements.

● <nominal> – <first_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the nominal x, y, z coordinates of the first refer-

enced CMM element.

● <nominal> – <second_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the nominal x, y, z coordinates of the second ref-erenced CMM element.

● <actual> – <coordinate>: This tag contains the x,

y, z coordinates of the symmetric point, which was cre-

ated from the actual elements of the referenced CMM elements.

● <actual> – <first_coordinate>: This tag contains

the actual x, y, z coordinates of the first referenced

CMM element.

● <actual> – <second_coordinate>: This tag con-

tains the actual x, y, z coordinates of the second refer-enced CMM element.

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8 Point clouds and sectionsThe tag name for point clouds is “point_cloud“ and the tag name

of each type of section element starts with ''section_“.

All these elements share the following data:

<element_type number_of_points="integer">


<is_nominal>true or false</is_nominal>


. . .


● <element_type number_of_points=”integer”>:

The attribute number_of_points says how many points be-

long to this element.

● <name>: This tag contains the name of the exported


● <is_nominal>: This tag contains a string value: 'true'

or 'false'. This string can be used to determine nominal

and actual elements.

● <comment>: This tag contains the comment of the ex-

ported element. This is a string, which the user can edit in the GOM software.

8.1 Point cloud

A point cloud is written in the form:

<point_cloud number_of_points="integer">

please have a look at page 78 for shared tags

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





All shared tags of point clouds are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the point cloud:● <point>: This tag contains all data, that belongs to

one point of the point cloud.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag

contains the x, y, z coordinates of each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the normal of each point.

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8.2 Section

A section is written in the form:

<section_section number_of_points="integer">

please have a look at page 78 for shared tags

<point id="integer">



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





All shared tags of sections are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the section:● <point>: This tag contains all data, that belongs to one

point of the section. The attribute id contains an integer

value, which is the number of that point.

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All points are exported in ascending order of the id attrib-


● <point> - <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag

contains the x, y, z coordinates of each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the normal of each point.

8.3 Edge

A section edge is written in the form:

<section_edge_section number_of_points="integer">

please have a look at page 78 for shared tags

<point id="integer">



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<trimming valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

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<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<edge_normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<edge_trimming valid="true or


<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





All shared tags of section are described at the beginning of this


Other tags for the section edge:● <point>: This tag contains all data, that belongs to one

point of the section. The attribute id contains an integer

value, which is the number of that point.

All points are exported in ascending order of the id attrib-


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● <point> - <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag

contains the x, y, z coordinates of each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the normal of each point.

Note:The normal values are the same as the spring values.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <trimming>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the trimming direction of

each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <edge_normal>: This tag

contains the normalized vector of the normal of the edge, which is following the point.

Note:The normal values are the same as the spring values.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <edge_trimming>: This

tag contains the normalized vector of the trimming dir-

ection of the edge, which is following the point.

8.4 Border line

A border line is written in the form:

<section_border_line number_of_points="integer">

please have a look at page 78 for shared tags

<point id="integer">



<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>

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<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





All shared tags of section are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the border line:● <point>: This tag contains all data, that belongs to one

point of the section. The attribute id contains an integer

value, which is the number of that point.

All points are exported in ascending order of the id attrib-


● <point> - <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag

contains the x, y, z coordinates of each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the normal of each point.

8.5 Tape line

A tape line is written in the form:

<section_tape_line number_of_points="integer">

please have a look at page 78 for shared tags

<point id="integer">

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<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>


<normal valid="true or false">

<x>floating point number</x>

<y>floating point number</y>

<z>floating point number</z>





All shared tags of sections are described at the beginning of this chapter.

Other tags for the tape line:● <point>: This tag contains all data, that belongs to one

point of the section. The attribute id contains an integer

value, which is the number of that point.

All points are exported in ascending order of the id attrib-


● <point> - <data_3d> - <coordinate>: This tag

contains the x, y, z coordinates of each point.

● <point> - <data_3d> - <normal>: This tag con-

tains the normalized vector of the normal of each point.

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9 Changes

9.1 Changes in v1.01● The disc caliper and segment caliper don't have the

tags <is_inner> and <is_outer> anymore. They were replaced with the tag <caliper_type>.

● The point clouds and sections now have a valid attrib-

ute for the normal vector.

9.2 Changes in v1.02● Now the cylinder exports the center point of the axis

and the direction is normalized (error in the exported file).

● The slotted hole and rectangular hole (probe primitives) export the center coordinate as <coordinate> and not as <center_coordinate> (error in the exported file).

● The slotted hole and rectangular hole (primitives and

probe primitives) now export the normalized direction of their center line (error in the exported file).

● The tolerances for the CMM inspection circle now all contain the tags <upper_limit> and <lower_limit>

(error in the exported file).

● The value for <measure_opposite_side> (used in

most of the CMM inspection elements) will now always use exactly 6 post decimal positions.

9.3 Changes in v1.03● <probe_border_segment> and <probe_center_point>

now export the <origin> tag (error in the exported file).

● The <normal> tag in the <probe_border_segment> now

has an attribute valid.

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● The documentation of the <angle_restriction> tag for

the <dimension_angle> is now corrected and com-


● The <dimension_directed_distance> was missing the data for the direction. New tag <direction> added.

● The <cmm_inspection_edge_point_2v> now has a <normal> tag in the <actual> section.

● The <cmm_inspection_referenced_symmetric_point>

now contains the tags <first_coordinate> and <second_coordinate> in the <nominal> and the <ac-

tual> sections.

● The <cmm_inspection_touch_point_disc> and the

<cmm_inspection_touch_point_edge> now contain the tag <project_on_center_line>.

● The <section_edge_section> contains now the tags <edge_trimming> and <edge_normal>. These tags con-

tain the trimming and normal vectors of the edges

between the points.

● There are two new element types <primitive_polygon_hole> and


9.4 Changes in v1.03a● In this documentation the elements <point_cloud>,

<section_section>, <section_edge_section>,

<section_border_line> and <section_tape_line>

were missing the number_of_points attribute.

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