godina xxviii, broj 101, beograd 2021

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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Научно-стручно друштво за заштиту животне средине Србије, Београд; АЛФА БК Универзитет Београд; Универзитет УНИОН – „НИКОЛА ТЕСЛА“; BBA,Београд; Институт за мултидисциплинарна истраживања, Београд; Институт за општу и физичку хемију, Београд; Савез инжењера и техничара, Београд; Bulgarian National Union of Scientists - Ruse, Bulgaria; University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria; Bulgarian National Society of Agricultural Engineers “Engineering and Research for Agriculture”, Bulgaria; Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.)

Под покровитељствомМинистарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије, и

Министарства заштите животне средине Републике Србије




Београд, 22-24. априла 2021. године

ТЕМАТСКЕ ОБЛАСТИ1. Утицај пандемије COVID-19 на циљеве одрживог развоја2. Значај Миленијумских циљева развоја у време пандемија инфективних обољења3. Интензификација дигитализације за време пандемије COVID-194. Технолошке иновације у развоју паметних градова у време пандемија5. Улога роботике у индустријској производњи и медицини за време пандемије6. Развој нових информационих технологија у циљу обавештавања становништва о ширењу епидемија7. Значај циркуларне економије и чувања екоресурса за време пандемије8. Нанотехнологије и нови материјали у заштити животне средине и здравља човека9. Биогеохемија и развој нових метода у превентиви и лечењу вирусних обољења10. Биотехнолошки инжењеринг и заштита животне средине11. Значај IoT зa рано упозоравање становништва о епидемијама и мерама заштите12. Извештавање о плановима и резултатима у области заштите здравља становништва за време пандемије13. Утицај пандемије на економски развој14. Дистрибуција хране дроновима у условима пандемије 15. Примена дронова у мониторингу животне средине и праћењу стања екосистема16. Интернет (Internet of things – IoT) и мониторинг квалитета ваздуха17. Развој екотуризма у условима пандемије18. Финансирање пројеката подршке појединим економским секторима у време пандемије 19. Социоекономски аспекти пандемије COVID-19

Editors / UredniciEmeritus Prof. Dr Larisa Jovanović

Prof. Dr Vadim Ermakov

International Scientific Conference



Međunarodna naučna konferencija



Belgrade / Beograd, 22-24 April 2021

Књига апстраката радова саопштених на on-line Међународној научној конференцији



у Београду, 22-24. априла 2021. године, биће публикована по завршетку конференције и дистрибуирана учесницима

ISSN 0354-3285 UDC:502.7

Godina XXVIII, Broj 101, Beograd 2021.


Osnivač i izdavač

NAUČNO-STRUČNO DRUŠTVO ZA ZAŠTITU ŽIVOTNE SREDINE SRBIJE - ECOLOGICA Adresa: Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a; tel/fax (011) 32 44 248; e-mail: ecologica.drustvo@gmail.com; URL: www.ecologica.org.rs; Tekući račun: 200 – 2718500101033 – 84, Banka Poštanska štedionica; PIB - 101600071; Matični broj - 17057057. Za izdavača: Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović, Predsednik Društva ECOLOGICA Publisher


Suizdavač: Institut opšte i fizičke hemije, Beograd

Co-publisher: Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade Glavni urednik / Editor in chief: Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović Štampa: Akademska izdanja, doo, Zemun

Slike na koricama: Cvetovi iz amazonskih šuma (1,3); Rododendron iz Zabajkalja, Foto V. Ermakov (2) Kompjuterska grafička obrada: mr Vladimir Šašo, sistem inženjer Korektura i lektura: prof. dr Zoran Čajka

CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd


ECOLOGICA / glavni urednik Larisa Jovanović, God. 1, broj 1 (1994) – Beograd

(Kneza Miloša 7a): Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije –

Ecologica, 1994 – (Zemun : Akademska izdanja) - 28 cm


ISSN 0354 – 3285 = Ecologica

COBISS.SR – ID 80263175

Štampanje časopisa pomažu

Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije Inženjerska komora Srbije Posebnu zahvalnost Upravni odbor Naučno-stručnog društva «Ecologica» izražava organima, rukovodstvu i Stručnoj službi Saveza inženjera i tehničara Srbije za podršku u realizaciji Programa rada Društva «Ecologica»


Glavni urednik / Editor in chief Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović, ALFA BK Univerzitet, Beograd

Odgovorni urednici / Associate editors Prof. dr Vidojko Jović, redovni član SANU, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Prof. dr Slavko Mentus, redovni član SANU, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju Univerziteta u Beogradu Prof. dr Dragan Veselinović, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju Univerziteta u Beogradu Prof. dr Vladan Joldžić, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd

Međunarodni uređivački odbor / International Editorial board Prof. dr Vadim Ermakov, GEOHI RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation Prof. dr Sergej Ostroumov, MSU "Lomonosov", RF Prof. dr Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Astrakhan University, RF Dr Vladimir Safonov, GEOHI RAS, Moscow, RF Prof. dr Alexandr Syso, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, RAS, Novosibirsk, RF Prof. dr Elena Ponomarenko, Faculty of Political Economy, Peoples Friendship University, Moscow, RF Prof. dr Jaume Bech Borras, Barcelona, Spain Prof. dr Srdjan Redzepagic, University Sophia Antipolis, France Prof. dr Bekmamat Djenbaev, Institute of Biology and Pedology, Bishkek, Kirgizstan Prof. dr Mihail Panin, Astana, Kazahstan Prof. dr Neven Duić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Prof. dr Igor Stubelj, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia Prof. dr Petar Hristov, Free University Varna, Bulgaria Prof. dr Anna Nedyalkova, Free University Varna, Bulgaria Prof. dr habil Galya Gercheva, Free University Varna, Bulgaria Assoc. prof. dr Anelia Nenova, Free University Varna, Bulgaria Prof. dr Velizara Pencheva, University of Ruse, Bulgaria Prof. dr Hristo Beloev, University of Ruse, Bulgaria Prof. dr Atanas Atanasov, University of Ruse, Bulgaria Assoc. prof. dr Margarita Filipova, University of Ruse, Bulgaria Dr Franz Brandstätter, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria MSc Isabel Airas, Climate-KIC, Germany Dr Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, Biopolitics, Athens, Greece Dr Svetlana Jovanović, Tulsa University, OK, USA Prof. dr Valentin Vladut, Bucharest, Romania Prof. dr Sorin Bungesku, Timişoara, Romania Prof. dr Nataša Markovska, ICEIM-MANU, North Macedonia Prof. dr Nedim Suljić, University of Tuzla, BiH

Uređivački odbor/ Editorial board Emeritus prof. dr Života Radosavljević, Univerzitet UNT Emeritus prof. dr Hasan Hanić, BBA, Beograd Prof. dr Jozefina Beke Trivunac, ALFA BK Univerzitet, Beograd Prof. dr Marijana Joksimović, ALFA BK Univerzitet, Beograd Prof. dr Boško Jovanović, Matematički fakultet BU, Beograd Dr Dragica Stanković, Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Beograd Dr Stevan Blagojević, IOFH, Beograd Prof. dr Vladimir Tomašević, FIM, Univerzitet Union - Nikola Tesla, Beograd Prof. dr Nebojša Denić, ALFA BK Univerzitet, Beograd Prof. dr Olja Munitlak Ivanović, PMF, Novi Sad Dr Jovan Zubović, Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd Prof. dr Violeta Šiljak, Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir UN, Beograd Prof. dr Dejan Filipović, Geografski fakultet, BU, Beograd Prof. dr Antonije Onjia, Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, BU, Beograd Dr Ana Čučulović, Institut za primenu nuklearne energije, Zemun Prof. dr Vesela Radović, Institut za multidisciplinarna istraživanja, Beograd Prof. dr Milan Radosavljević, FPSP, Univerzitet UNT, Beograd Prof. dr Ljubinko Jovanović, Univerzitet EDUKONS, Sremska Kamenica Prof. dr Maja Anđelković, FSOM, Univerzitet Union - Nikola Tesla, Beograd Prof. dr Mario Lukinović, Pravni fakultet, Univerzitet Union, Beograd Prof. dr Đorđe Jovanović, FIM, Univerzitet Union - Nikola Tesla, Beograd Prof. dr Dragan Jovašević, Pravni fakultet, Niš Prof. dr Miloš Pavlović, Ekonomski fakultet, Kosovska Mitrovica Prof. dr Zoran Čajka, FEFA, Univerzitet Metropolitan, Beograd Doc. dr Dragan Živković, ALFA BK Univerzitet, Beograd Prof. dr Višeslav Hadži-Tanović, Akademija SKAIN, Beograd Dr Ivan Pavlović, Naučni institut za veterinarstvo, Beograd Dr Dušan Stojadinović, Institut "Jaroslav Černi", Beograd

Izdavački savet / Publisher board Prof. dr Dejan Erić, Beogradska Bankarska Akademija Milorad Panjević, Alfa BK Univerzitet, Beograd Prof. dr Aleksandar Andrejević, Univerzitet Edukons, Sremska Kamenica Danica B. Karić, docent, Alfa BK Univerzitet, Beograd


Naučna politika časopisa

Časopis „ECOLOGICA“ nalazi se u kategoriji vrhunskih nacionalnih časopisa (M51) Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. Naučno-stručno društvo „ECOLOGICA“ objavilo je prvi broj časopisa 1994. godine, i od tada časopis izlazi u kontinuitetu četiri puta godišnje. Časopis objavljuje radove koji se bave životnom sredinom i njenom zaštitom. Zbog interdisciplinarnog i multidisciplinarnog karaktera tematike u zaštiti životne sredine radovi objavljeni u časopisu pripadaju Društveno-humanističkom, Prirodno-matematičkom i Tehničko-tehnološkom polju i sledećim naučnim oblastima i užim naučnim oblastima: Ekološki menadžment, Geohemijske osnove ekološkog menadžmenta, Biogeohemija životne sredine, Menadžment prirodnih resursa, Održivi razvoj, Indikatori održivog razvoja, Zelena Ekonomija, Ekoturizam, Cirkularna ekonomija, Ekološko inženjerstvo, Tehnologije primene obnovljivih izvora energije,Biotehnologije u zaštiti životne sredine, Socijalna korporativna odgovornost, Socijalni aspekti zaštite životne sredine, Ekološko pravo, Finansiranje zaštite životne sredine, Kvalitet i bezbednost proizvoda, Standardi zaštite životne sredine, Integrisani standardi zaštite kvaliteta i bezbednosti proizvoda. Unapređenje kvaliteta vodnih i zemljišnih resursa, Unapređenje kvaliteta vazduha i mnoge druge. Časopis „ECOLOGICA“ objavljuje radove u kojima se istražuju različiti teorijski i empirijski problemi iz navedenih oblasti. Časopis neguje ravnopravan odnos prema svim radovima na osnovu fundamentalnih, primenjenih i razvojnih istraživanja koja se odvijaju u različitim zemljama sveta i u Srbiji. Naučna saradnja sa predstavnicima Međunarodnog uređivačkog odbora iz 15 zemalja sveta: Ruske Federacije, Španije, Nemačke, Austrije, Francuske, Slovenije, Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Rumunije, Kirgistana, Kazahstana, Severne Makedonije, Grčke i SAD, daje mogućnost razmene iskustava u odabiru i pripremi radova za objavljivanje u časopisu „ECOLOGICA“. Tematske, teorijske i metodološke smernice zbog multidisciplinarnosti tematike časopisa „ECOLOGICA“ povezane su s oblastima iz kojih proističe svaki naučni rad pojedinačno. Metodološke smernice opisane su u Uputstvu, koje se obično nalazi na kraju svakog broja časopisa „ECOLOGICA“. Časopis objavljuje originalne naučne i pregledne radove, koji su prošli proveru na plagijarizam i dobili pozitivna mišljenja recenzenata. Radovi moraju biti napisani na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku, Naši autori crpe inspiraciju za naučne radove na međunarodnim naučnim konferencijam posvećenim svetskom Danu planete Zemlje, koje Naučno Društvo „ECOLOGICA“ redovno održava tokom 20 godina. Teme Međunarodnih Konferencija bile su aktualna svetska zbivanja u oblasti nauka o životnoj sredini: Održivi razvoj, Milenijumski ciljevi razvoja, Klimatske promene, Globalno otopljavanje, Zeleni rast i Zelena ekonomija, Cirkularna ekonomija, Zakonska regulativa u oblasti zaštite životne sredine, Nove tehnologije za zaštitu životne sredine, Finansiranje novih projekata zaštite životne sredine, Značaj 4. industrijske revolucije za zaštitu životne sredine, Uticaj pandemija COVID-19 na životnu sredinu i mnoge druge. Multidisciplinarnost i aktuelnost tematskih oblasti obuhvaćenih našim konferencijama privlače mnoge naučnike iz različitih naučno-obrazovnih institucija (državnih i privatnih univerziteta, naučnih instituta, visokih škola i akademija).

Spisak recenzenata

Emeritus prof. dr Larisa Jovanović, Predsednik Društva ECOLOGICA; Prof. dr Slavko Mentus, redovni član SANU, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju Univerziteta u Beogradu; Prof. dr Dragan Veselinović, Fakultet za fizičku hemiju Univerziteta u Beogradu; Prof. dr Vladan Joldžić, Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd: Emeritus profesor Hasan Hanić, BBA, Beograd; Prof. dr Boško Jovanović, Matematički fakultet BU; Prof. dr Olja Munitlak Ivanović, PMF, Novi Sad; Prof.dr Marijana Joksimović, ALFA BK Univerzitet; Prof.dr Antonio Onija, Tehnološko-metaruški fakultet, BU; Dr Mario Lukinović, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union, Beograd; Dr Ivan Pavlović, Naučni institut za veterinarstvo, Beograd; Dr Dušan Stojadinović, Institut "Jaroslav Černi", Beograd; Dr Ana Čučulović, Institut za primenu nuklearne energije, Zemun; Prof. dr Violeta Šiljak, Evropski centar za mir i razvoj Univerziteta za mir i razvoj UN, Prof. dr Vadim Ermakov, GEOHI RAS, Moscow, RF; Prof. dr Sergei Ostroumov, MSU "Lomonosov", RF; Prof. dr Jaume Bech Borras, University, Barcelona, Spain; Prof.dr Petar Hristov Free University, Varna, Bulgaria; Assoc. prof. dr Anelia Nenova, Free Univ. Varna, Bulgaria; Prof. dr Atanas Atanasov, University of Ruse, Bulgaria. U zavisnosti od teme rada odgovorni urednik za pisanje recenzije može izabrati i druge kompetentne stručnjake. Postupak recenziranja radova

Recenzenti su dužni da kvalifikovano i u zadatim rokovima dostave uredniku ocenu naučne vrednosti rukopisa. Recenzenti vode posebnu brigu o stvarnom doprinosu i originalnosti rukopisa. Recenzija mora biti objektivna i precizna. Sud recenzenata mora biti jasan i argumentovan. Od recenzenata se očekuje da svojim sugestijama unaprede kvalitet rukopisa. Ako ocene da rad zaslužuje objavljivanje uz korekcije, dužni su da preciziraju način na koji to može da se ostvari. Rukopis poslat recenzentu smatra se poverljivim dokumentom. Recenzent ne sme da koriste materijal iz rukopisa za svoja istraživanja bez izričite pisane dozvole autora. Konačnu odluku o prihvatanju rukopisa za objavljivanje donosi isključivo glavni urednik časopisa. Glavni urednik i članovi uredništva dužni su da preduzmu sve razumne mere da recenzenti ostanu anonimni tokom i nakon procesa evaluacije u skladu s procedurom. Recenzije se arhiviraju zbog spornih slučajeva, kad se autori ne slažu s mišljenjem recenzenata.



Gordana Racić, Igor Vukelić, Danka Radić, Mirjana Bojović, Zorana Srećkov, Ljubinko Jovanović, Dejana Panković

Determination of heavy metal content in plants rhizosphere grown under organic agriculture ............................................................................................... 1

Xiang Cai, Sergei Ostroumov

Finding of toxicity of herbal shampoo to plant seedlings: phytotest of mixture product that contains membranotropic chemicals as components .......................................................................................................... 6

Dušan Jokanović, Jovana Petrović, Predrag Inđić, Dragica Stanković, Goran Trivan, Jelena Urošević, Milijana Marić

Farmakodinamska svojstva lekovitih vrsta u okviru osam odeljenja SP „Šuma Košutnjak“ /

Pharmacodynamic properties of medicinal plants within eight departments of NM „Šuma Košutnjak“ ............................................................. 11

Jovana Dinić, Jovan Bukovala, Nikolaj Ivannikov

Ekološka politika Evropske unije /

Ecological policy of the European Union ............................................................................... 16

Siniša Sremac, Dragan Smiljanić

Pakovanje opasnih materija u propisanu ambalažu /

Packaging of hazardous materials in the prescribed ambalage .......................................... 22

Olivera Jovanović, Zorica Baroš, Ana Marković

Monitoring radioaktivnosti u Srbiji /

Monitoring radioactivity in Serbia ........................................................................................... 29

Lazar Cvijić, Ljiljana Stanković, Aleksandra Pavićević

Uticaj proizvodnje i prometa tekstila na životnu sredinu /

Impact of production and trade of textile on the environment ............................................ 36

Kristijan Ristić

Zelene finansije i ekonomski rast /

Green finance and economic growth ...................................................................................... 43

Anđelka Tripković, Ljiljana Arsić, Sanja Dobričanin

Izazov funkcionisanja i razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća u cirkularnoj ekonomiji /

The challenge of functioning and development of small and medium enterprises in the circular economy ................................................................ 50

Srđan Žikić, Milica Nestorović, Mirjana Stevanović

Ekonomski, ekološki i društveni aspekti održivog upravljanja obnovljivom energijom /

Economic, enviromental and social aspects of sustainable renewable energy management .......................................................................... 57

Srđan Bogetić, Dejan Đorđević, Dragan Ćočkalo, Ljiljana Đorđević, Mihalj Bakator

Cirkularna ekonomija i izazovi globalnog tržišta /

The circular economy and global market challenges ........................................................... 65


Violeta Šiljak, Nevenka Zrnzević, Rade Stefanović, Aleksandra Perović, Jovan Veselinović, Dejan Đurović

Uticaj Covid-19 na budućnost sporta: održivost i obnova /

The impact of Covid-19 on the future of sport: sustainability and recovery ......................... 72

Slavka Mitrović, Aleksandra Mitrović, Ljubomir Mitrović

Zadrugarstvo kao nova paradigma održivog razvoja ruralnih područja u Srbiji /

Cooperatives as a new paradigm of sustainable development of rural areas in Serbia ....................................................................................... 82

Nina Mitić, Jovanka Popović, Goran Kvrgić, Jelena Avakumović, Dragan Milošević

Uticaj zadovoljstva potrošača na imidž savremene organizacije /

The consumer’s satisfaction impact on the image of a modern organization ..................... 91

Dragan Živković, Pero Petrović, Mašan Ercegović

Uticaj pandemije na ekonomski razvoj: tercijalne delatnosti /

The impact of the pandemic on economic development: tertiary activities ......................... 99

Vojkan Bižić, Jovan Veselinović, Srećko Bačevac

Značaj sportskog marketinga za razvoj ekološke svesti kod posebnih grupa sportista /

The importance of sports marketing for the development of environmental awareness in sports special groups ....................................................... 105

Milan Janković, Adriana Jović Bogdanović, Aleksandra Gajdobranski

Uticaj pandemije na ekonomski razvoj /

The impact of the pandemic on economic development .................................................... 112

Olja Munitlak Ivanović, Marko Vujić

Posledice delovanja Covid-19 na ekonomski sektor i životnu sredinu /

Consequences of Covid-19 effect on the economic sector and the

environment ............................................................................................................................. 118

Marko Pavićević, Maja Kljajić

Kompleksna uzajamna povezanost sajber prostora i klimatskih promena / Complex interconnection of cyber space and climate change .......................................... 125

Saša Virijević Jovanović, Duško Mlađenović, Jelena Zdravković

The effects of Covid-19 pandemic on ecotourism ............................................................... 134

Uputstvo za pripremu rada /

Instructions for the preparation of the papers ............................................................................. 142


ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 101 (2021), 1-5

https://doi.org/10.18485/ecologica.2021.28.101.1 Research article UDC:631.147

Determination of heavy metal content in plants rhizosphere grown under organic agriculture

Sadržaj metala u rizosferi biljaka gajenih u organskoj proizvodnji

Gordana Racić1, Igor Vukelić2, Danka Radić3, Mirjana Bojović4, Zorana Srećkov5, Ljubinko Jovanović6, Dejana Panković7 1-7Educons University, Faculty of Ecological Agriculture, Vojvode Putnika 85-87, 21208 Sremska Kamenica, Serbia 1-7Univerzitet Edukons, Fakultet ekološke poljoprivrede, Vojvode Putnika 85-87, 21208 Sremska Kamenica, Srbija Rad primljen: 14.09.2020, Rad prihvaćen: 25.02.2021. Abstract: Heavy metals in the environment when present in excess have negative effect on survival of plants causing diminished physiological and molecular activities. As they are hard to degrade, their exchangeable fraction is accumulated in plants and animals, thus entering the food chain. As one of the major concerns among consumers worldwide is food safety, organic agriculture is a promising system for its preservation. In this work we have examined soil samples from the plant rhizosphere grown in organic production system at 5 different locations: Gložani, Svilajnac, Čenej 1, Čenej 2 and Temerin, for metal presence and chemical characteristics (soil acidity, humus content and free CaCO3 content). Determination of the total metal content ((As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn, Mn)) in soil samples was performed according to EPA 6010C method using inductively coupled plasma-optima emission spectrometry (ISP-OES). Results showed that the sampled soil is mainly of alkaline character,moderatly carbonate and rich in humus. The content of metals, at all localities, did not exceed the maximum allowed concentrations for the following metals: arsenic, cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc. In the case of cobalt deviation from the MLC value was observed in four samples. However, in the case of copper only one sample exceeded MDK value. Presented results indicate that maintenance and regular soil quality control is necessary in both organic and conventional agriculture.

Keywords: ecological agriculture, ICP-OES, soil, vegetables.

Sažetak: Teški metali u životnoj sredini, kada su prisutni u većim koncentracijama, imaju negativan uticaj na biljke izazivajući smanjene fiziološke i molekularne aktivnosti. Oni se teško razgrađuju, pa se njihova lako pristupačna forma lako akumulira u biljkama i životinjama, ulazeći tako u prehrambeni lanac. Kako je jedan od glavnih problema potrošača širom sveta sigurnost hrane, organska poljoprivreda je sistem za njeno očuvanje koji se zadnjih godina promoviše.

1orcid.org/ 0000-0003-1404-4015, e-mail: gordana.racic84@gmail.com 2orcid.org/ 0000-0003-2686-0343, e-mail: igorvuk88@gmail.com 3orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0321-5213, e-mail: danka.radic81@gmail.com 4orcid.org/ 0000-0002-5767-8221, e-mail: mimatopic@gmail.com 5orcid.org/ 0000-0002-2278-1077, e-mail: sreckovzorana@yahoo.com 6orcid.org/0000-0002-7293-7885, e-mail: jovainko@gmail.com 7orcid.org/0000-0001-9342-1282, e-mail: dejanapankovic62@gmail.com


ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 101 (2021) 2

U ovom radu rađeno je ispitivanje uzoraka zemljišta uzorkovanog iz rizosfere biljaka gajenih u organskoj proizvodnji na 5 različitih lokaliteta: Gložani, Svilajnac, Čenej 1, Čenej 2 and Temerin, Određen je pH zemljišta, sadržaj humusa i %CaCO3. Sadržaj ukupnih metala (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn, Mn)) u uzorcima zemljišta je urađen prema metodi EPA 6010C koristeći ICP-OES spektrometriju. Rezultati su pokazali da su ispitani uzorci bogati humusom, sa umerenim sadržajem karbonata i pretežno alkalnog karaktera. Sadržaj metala na svim lokalitetima nije prelazio maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije za sledeće metale: arsen, kadmijum, hrom, gvožđe, mangan, nikal, olovo i cink. U slučaju kobalta odstupanje od graničnevrednosti je određeno u četiri uzorka. Međutim, u slučaju bakra samo je jedan uzorak premašio vrednost MDK. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je održavanje i redovan monitoring kvaliteta zemljišta neophodan kako u organskoj tako i u konvencionalnoj poljoprivredi.

Ključne reči: ekološka poljoprivreda, ICP-OES, zemljište, povrće.


Heavy metals are present in the environment in

excess mostly due to anthropogenic factors, such as

intensive industrialization, use of agrochemicals in

agriculture or improper waste management. In soil

they are present in different states: exchangeable,

residual, organic or iron/manganase organic state

(Kumar et al., 2020). Some of them (Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn,

Co, and Fe) are important for plant metabolism and

are defined as essential. Others, As, Pb, Cd, and

Hg, can reduce crop productivity and yield and are

considered as toxic.

However, survival of plants, due to diminished

physiological and molecular activities, becomes

adversely affected when heavy metals are present

in excess. As they are hard to degrade, their exch-

angeable fraction is accumulated in plants and

animals (Seneviratne et al., 2017). Metals become

available to the plants either from soil colloids or

through influence of different abiotic factors. Some

plants have developed mechanisms for metal

accumulation and tolerance in roots, shoots and

fruit. However, when metal concentrations overcome

certain threshold values these mechanisms break

down and survival of plants is at risk (Mishra et al.,

2017). Bioremediation is one of ecologically friendly

methods for metal removal by the use of micro-

organisms. The use of autochthonous microbes, i.e.

the ones that are present in the plant rhizosphere,

was shown to be advantageous (Danilović et al.,

2012; Radić et al., 2017).

With uptake of metals by plants, they are enter-

ing the food chain. One of the major concerns am-

ong consumers worldwide is food safety, and in this

context organic agriculture is a recognized system

promising healthier crops and environment preser-

vation. It is a sustainable system without the use of

synthetic chemicals and therefore the soil fertility is


Successful organic production is possible through

connecting crop biological properties and applied

organic agro-technical measures. This means that

the integrity of organic production is achieved by

increasing soil fertility by appropriate crop rotation,

cultivation, and the application of organic fertilizers.

The system of integrated protection and biological

control of diseases, pests and weeds, with specific

agro-technical measures for the species, contribute

to the efficient plant production and is environmen-

tally friendly (Golijan et al., 2017).

Main aim of this work was to examine soil samp-

les from the plant rhizosphere grown in organic

production system in terms of metal presence and

chemical characteristics (soil acidity, humus content

and free CaCO3 content).


Soil sampling and analysis

Soil samples were collected randomly from the

plant rhizosphere grown in organic production

system at 5 different locations: Gložani, Svilajnac,

Čenej 1, Čenej 2 and Temerin (Table 1)

Table 1 - Locations and plant rhizosphere of


Sample number

Location Plant

1 Gložani Tomato

2 Svilajnac Different


3 Čenej 1 Carrot

4 Gložani Carrot

5 Čenej 1 Paprika

6 Čenej 2 Paprika

7 Čenej 2 Tomato

8 Čenej 1 Tomato

9 Temerin Batat

10 Gložani Paprika

Soil samples were placed in sterile polythylene

bags and transported to laboratory. Thereafter, each

soil sample was spread into a tray and divided into


ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 101 (2021) 3

four equally sized fragments; two of which were

discarded, while the remaining two were thoroughly

mixed and again spread on the same tray for sub-

sequent subsampling. For physico-chemical inves-

tigations, samples were air dried and sieved thro-

ugh a 0.2-mm sieve prior to analysis.

Soil acidity in 1:2.5 soil-water suspensions was

determined using a Standard pH Meter. Humus

content was determined by the permanganate

method according to Iscerikov method modified by

Kocman (Belić et al., 2014). The free CaCO3 cont-

ent was determined by volumetric method accord-

ing to Scheibler (Kacar, 2012).

Metal content in soil samples

Determination of the total metal content (As,

Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn, Mn) in soil samples

was performed according to EPA 6010C method

using inductively coupled plasma-optima emission

spectrometry (ISP-OES) as described previously

(Stajic et al., 2016).


The results from the chemical analyses of the

samples derived from plant rhizosphere are pres-

ented in Table 2. Examined soil types were weakly

alkaline to alkaline. The lowest pH values were

measured in sample 2 (7.30), while the highest one

was determined in sample 3 (9.05). According to

the humus content all samples can be classified as

soils very rich in humus (6.4% to 10.38%). The

total CaCO3 content of the studied soil samples

varied in the range from 0.40 to 2.09%, i.e., from

noncalcareous to weakly calcareous.

Table 2 - Chemical analysis of examined samples

Sample number

рН (H2O) % humus content

CaCO3 (%)

1 8,59 9,6 1,30

2 7,30 8,79 0,23

3 9,05 7,49 0,70

4 8,85 6,77 0,40

5 8,61 10,38 1,20

6 8,057 9,3 1,799

7 7,91 8,3 0,57

8 7,88 7,6 2,09

9 7,97 6,5 0,65

10 8,05 6,4 1,46

Total contents of metals in the examined samples are shown in Table 3. The lowest concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were found in sample number 4, from Gložani, sampled from rhizosphere of carrot. However, the lowest concentrations of Co and Fe were found in sample 8 form Čenej, tomato rhizosphere. The highest concentractions of Cd, Co, Fe, Mn and Pb were found in sample 2 from Svilajnac, while the highest concentration of Cu were found in sample 1 from tomato rizosphere in Glozani, of Ni in sample 9 from batat rizospherer inTemerin, Zn in sample 10 from paprika rhizo-sphere in Glozani and As in sample 3 from carrot rizosphere in Čenej 1.

Table 3 - Total metal content in the examined samples with MDK (maximum allowed concentration), MLC

(maximum limit concentration) and REM (remediation value)

Sample number

Аs (mg/kg)

Cd (mg/kg)

Co (mg/kg)

Cr (mg/kg)

Cu (mg/kg)

Fe (mg/kg)

Mn (mg/kg)

Ni (mg/kg)

Pb (mg/kg)

Zn (mg/kg)

1 6,935 2,227 9,193 27,31 125,2 41,736 504,7 10,48 12,5 74,7

2 8,881 2,497 13,17 47,12 53,36 45,482 855,4 15,17 19,53 79,22

3 13,67 2,239 8,846 28,78 38,5 42,847 617,6 9,895 11,73 57,39

4 4,96 1,799 8,152 24,26 26,64 36,957 497,8 6,938 7,625 48,15

5 13 2,225 8,693 30,7 36,41 41,99 592 7,215 11,24 61,47

6 5,166 1,47 8,22 43,86 35,9 22,23 468 26,65 9,314 53,19

7 5,894 1,736 9,483 65,6 39,01 35,03 538,1 27,45 10,8 57,91

8 11,21 1,489 8,135 35,44 46,39 22,005 555,9 30,42 11,37 68,77

9 5,548 1,48 8,486 35 41,5 22,075 595,5 31,05 11,34 53,93

10 5,536 1,578 9,33 33,02 58,18 23,111 445,1 28,96 10,96 79,34


































* Sl. glasnik RS, No 23/1994 ** Sl. glasnik RS, No 30/2018 and 64/2019


ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No 101 (2021) 4


Soil reaction has a strong influence on the dyn-

amics of all elements in the soil, especially micro-

elements and heavy metals. In an acidic environm-

ent, the solubility of heavy metals increases, they

and as a part of the the soil solution and they bec-

ome available for plants to absorb them. In soils

with an acidic reaction, calcification, i.e. raising the

pH value above 6.5, significantly reduces the metal

solubility, and thus their toxicity to plants and org-

anisms in the soil.

All investigated soil samples in this paper were

weakly to strongly alkaline, which is in agreement

with results of Vasin et al. (2013) on dominant

presence of alkaline soils mainly in conventional

and organic production in Serbia. Also, the same

authors indicate that the humus content is higher in

soils that are in organic production, which is in

accordance with our data. The carbonate content

of the examined samples indicated that the soils

were weakly to moderately carbonate, as observed

also by Vasin et al. (2013).

The presence of micro- and macro-elements in

the soil is favourable in certain concentrations as

they are necessary plant nutrients. However, when

trace elements accumulate in larger quantities they

can be harmful for all living organisms. The risk of

metal negative effect strongly depends on environ-

mental conditions. They can be present at different

levels in the environment (earth, water, atmosph-

ere). Metals can also appear as residues in food

due to their presence in the environment, as a

result of human activities such as agriculture, ind-

ustry or contamination during food processing and

storage. Humans can be exposed to these metals

from the environment by ingesting contaminated

food or water. Our results indicate that among exa-

mined metals concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu and Ni

are close to maximum limit concentrations (MLC).

Ninkov et al. (2012) have determined increased

concentration of copper in the soil sample which

was from viticultural production, and it was related

to the use of Bordeaux broth which is used as a

fungicide in conventional and organic viticultural

production. We have also found increased conc-

entration of copper in soil sample 1 (Gložani, tom-

ato) indicating the use of this fungicide, which is

also used in organic agriculture. It is known that

long-term use of Bordeaux broth has caused an

increase in the concentration of copper in the soil in

many parts of the world (Lin et al., 2018). It is of

high importance to examine Cu concentration in

plant rhizosphere as high concentrations can lead

to the reduction of plant biomass, inhibition of root

growth, chlorosis, bronzing and necrosis which

arise due to oxidative stress and creation of reac-

tive oxygen species. Similarly, Co presence in high

excess is linked to oxidative stress, photosynthesis

inhibition and disruption of iron homeostasis

(Lange et al., 2017). In the examined samples of

plant rhizosphere higher concentration of cobalt

was observed in four samples. According to MLC

(Sl. glasnik RS, No 64/2019) cadmium concent-

ration in all examined samples exceded MLC

values. However, for nickel all measured concent-

rations were below MLC.

The concentrations of all examined metals:

arsenic, cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese,

nickel, lead and zinc, in soils samples were lower

than maximum allowed concentrations (MDK).


Increasing people awareness on environmental

protection and ecologically sustainable agriculture is

a raising trend, especially in the last 50 years. Orga-

nic farming is a sustainable system where produc-

tion is achieved through maintaining the quality of

soil and agricultural products. In order to achieve the

sustainability of organic agriculture, monitoring of

soil quality for the presence of hazardous and harm-

ful substances is needed.

In this paper, the content of 10 metals in the rhi-

zosphere of different vegetable crops (As, Cd, Co,

Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) was examined at five

different localities. At all localities, the measured

concentrations did not exceed the maximum allowed

concentrations for the following metals: arsenic,

cadmium, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, lead

and zinc. In the case of cobalt deviation from the

MLC value was observed in four samples. However,

in the case of copper only one sample exceeded

MDK value. The sampled soil is mainly of alkaline

character,and rich in humus.. Presented results

indicate that maintenance and regular soil quality

control is necessary in both organic and conventi-

onal agriculture.


This work was supported by the Ministry of

Education, Science and Technological Development

of the Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 172058 and

451-03-68 / 2020-14 / 200032.


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Uputstvo za pripremu rada / Instructions for the preparation of the papers

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U ovom delu se navodi opis uzoraka koji su uzeti na analizu sa naznakom lokaliteta. Neophodno je navesti oznake opreme, kao i tehnike i metode kojima su obavljene analize. U slučaju originalnih metoda autora treba priložiti opis metoda i opreme.U oblasti društvenih nauka neophodno je napomenuti, šta je predmet istraživanja.


Tabele, slike, grafikoni i dr. mogu da budu u jednoj ili dve kolone. Iznad tabele treba da stoji naziv, npr.

Tabela 1 - Rezultati eksperimentalnih merenja

Ispod ilustracije treba da stoji objašnjenje, npr.: Slika 1 - Rezultati simulacije procesa Nazive tabela i grafikona takođe dati na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Formule numerisati rednim brojevima u malim zagradama. Pozivanje na formule u tekstu vrši se

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U Zaključku se sažeto navode rezultati istraživanja autora predmetnog rada.

Zahvalnica / Acknowledgements

Navodi se naziv i broj projekta Ministarstva preko kojeg su finansirana istraživanja prikazana u radu.


Literatura (skorijeg datuma: 2010. i novija) se u tekstu navodi prezimenom autora i godinom publikovanja: (Petrović, 2019), (Janković, Marković, 2020). U slučaju kad postoji više autora u tekstu se navodi samo prezime prvog autora: (Jovanović i dr., 2020) ili (Johnson et al., 2021). Reference u spisku literature se navode azbučnim (abecednim) redom:

Petrović, S. (2019). Zaštita vodnih resursa, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 403 str.

Smith, G. (2020). Title of the article, Chem. Phys., 65 (4), pp. 19-35.

Svi radovi podležu recenziji, a za originalnost, kvalitet i verodostojnost rezultata odgovorni su isključivo autori.

Pregledni radovi, kao i radovi iz ekonomije, prava, menadžmenta, turizma i dr. mogu imati osim klasičnih podnaslova takođe podnaslove opisnog karaktera.

U sve radove neophodno je uvoditi elemente istraživanja. U radove iz društvenog polja neophodno je uključivati komparativne metode, a takođe analize Studija slučajeva (Case Study).

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