goal setting - am coaching

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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Anthony@AMCoaching.com LinkedIn | | www.amcoaching.com

Making It YOUR Year

Goal Setting

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• Eldest of 7 brothers

• Studied Theatre at University

• Worked with 2 of the Big 4 Australian financial institutes

• Appointed 18th Player by the Canterbury Bulldogs

• Grew up in rural New South Wales

Fun Facts

About Anthony Magro Business Coach and Keynote Speaker

Anthony is an experienced Business Coach and

Speaker with a track record in developing and

delivering professional development and sales

optimization programs.

He is an inspiring, dynamic and humorous coach who

is committed to helping his clients achieve what is

important to them. Whether he is coaching one on one

or in a workshop, he is able to actively engages

participants in the learning process by encouraging

learners to reflect on their current skills, knowledge

and attitudes while supporting and challenging them to

develop new ways of thinking and working.

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Why Have Goals cont.

• Without knowing where you want to end up, how can you expect to get there?

• “If you plan to go nowhere, then you are sure to end up there”

• Properly set short term behavioural goals establish the road map to achieving your

outcome goal.

• Goals give you a measure of success

• Goals give you something to be held accountable to

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Last Years Highlights

Take a moment to reflect on the last twelve months in your life.

What were your highlights?

What did you achieve?

What challenges did you overcome?

What did you learn?

Which people did you connect with?

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Ultimate Success Formula

1. Know Your Outcome

2. Take Action

3. There Is No Such Thing As Failure,

Only Feedback

4. Change Approach If Required

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Future Highlights

Often what we believe is possible is based on limiting beliefs. It is easy to be held back

by past experiences… but what if you’re not able to fail? What could you achieve in

the next twelve months if you broke from the shackles?

Place yourself 12 months into the future and reflect on your new life. What have you

achieved? Complete the following sentence;

“It is December 31st 2012 and I have had the best year of my life. Here is what


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ABCD Model


Where Are You Now? Where Do You Want To Be?


What actions need to be taken?


How can you get there?

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Goals need to be detailed and specific about the outcome pecific


Goals need to be measureable to determine success


The goal should be reasonable and physically possible


For goals to be realistic a goal should represent an objective towards which

you are willing and able

ime Based There has to be a time set to reach a goal to make it obtainable

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Example Of An Ineffective Goal

“I want to save money”

“I want to get faster”

"I want to write a book“

“I want to be fit”

"I want to become a millionaire“

“I want to get married”

“I want to lose weight”

“I want a better job”

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Example Of An Effective Goal

"I want to write a book on time management that is at least 200 pages in length and have

it done by December 16th. I'll commit myself to writing at least 2 pages every

workday until I reach completion.“

"I want to become a millionaire within 10 years by starting my own personal development

company and doing seminars all over the world and by creating a line of passive

income products.”

“I presently run the 40 in 5.0 seconds and by December 1, I want to be able to run the 40

in 4.9”

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PDCA Planning Tool









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Obstacles • Obstacles are a natural part of the change process. When you

anticipate obstacles, you are able to create strategies to overcome them.

• How people view obstacles is going to determine their ultimate outcome.

– Those who view obstacles as reasons to quit are ultimately going to be unsuccessful.

– Those who view obstacles as an opportunity to learn and improve their strategy will ultimately be more successful.

Remember that ‘There Is No Such Thing As Failure, Only Feedback’!

What gives someone the strength to overcome obstacles?

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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivators

Psychologists distinguish between two forms

of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. The

effects of each might feel the same –

excitement, being keen to “get on with it” –

but the two types of motivation arise from

different places.

Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do

something. Extrinsic motivation is when

somebody else tries to make you do


There are positives and negatives to both.

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Intrinsic Motivators

An Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is the kind of motivation that you get when

you’re doing something you enjoy; when the task itself is its own reward.

Think of something you love – perhaps computer games, playing the guitar, cooking… any

activity you enjoy. You never procrastinate over it, do you? It seems almost silly to ask

that – of course you don’t, if anything, you put off other tasks in order to do the ones you

enjoy! Your Intrinsic Motivators is your ‘Why’

When you’re engaged on something which makes you intrinsically motivated, you’ll find


• It’s fairly easy to maintain your concentration

• You’re keen to do well because the task deserves your best effort

• You’d do it whether or not you were paid or rewarded in any way

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Extrinsic Motivators Extrinsic motivation comes from outside. This is the motivation which gets you to

plough on with something you don’t like all that much … because you know there’ll be

a reward at the end. Think of a time in your life when you stuck with something in

order to reach a particular goal: maybe you worked in a job that bored you because

you needed the pay-check. On a day to day level, you probably clean your house

because you want it to be a pleasant place to live – not because you really love


External motivation is easier to manufacture than intrinsic motivation. If you have a string

of tasks which need to be done, but which don’t interest or excite you in any way, can

you find extrinsic motivation? That might mean:

• Promising yourself a reward at the end (e.g. junk food, new clothes)

• Focusing on the goal rather than on the process – the finished result

• Finding a way for the completed task to give you public acknowledgement or acclaim

Workout Partners and Personal Trainers

• A Competition or Program

• A Doctor telling you to change

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Keeping On Track

First, share your goals with the people around you.

Many people are afraid to share what they want to achieve in their life with other people

because they are afraid that their friends will laugh at them if they fail to achieve


The moment you share your goals with your friends, you know it very well that you have

no other way but to achieve them because your reputation is at stake.

This is the public commitment you must make in order to propel you into putting 100%


Who will you share your goals with?

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Creating Your Why So what is my WHY? Simply put, Your WHY is your ultimate motivator. Your WHY is the

root of your goal and without achieving this goal will create immense pain for you or you will miss out on an ultimate pleasure.

So let’s take an example – Your goal maybe to lose weight and you know that you need to make better food choices and exercise. Your job is tiring and you know you shouldn’t eat that candy bar/drink that fizzy drink but it makes you feel good and eases the stress. You also should exercise after work but sometimes you are too tired and you have things waiting for you at home like cooking dinner/cleaning/Facebook comments/favourite television show. At a quick glance does this person seem to have a clearly defined WHY? No… and you can tell because they know what to do but aren’t able to break through their barriers.

Now imagine this person had defined their WHY. If I exercise and/or make better food choices I can be the healthiest i have been in 10 years. I will be able to fit into smaller clothes (which means a new wardrobe), i won’t need to wear baggy clothes and instead i will have complete confidence in my body and can wear more revealing clothing. My friends will not only compliment me but also may ask for my advice.

People often fail because they look to the past rather than into the future. Nobody drives a car using the rear view mirror so why direct your life looking backwards. The past does not equal the future.

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Vision Board

A powerful tool in assisting you to achieve your goals is through a Vision Board.

A Vision Board is simply a powerful visualization of your goals, dreams and/or desires

which you can use to keep you constantly focused. ‘The Secret’, International

coaches such as Brian Tracey as well as many successful people in life harness ‘The

Law of Attraction’ (you attract into your life whatever you think about) and a vision

board simply activates it.

Traditional a vision board will be a collage of images that you want to enter into your life.

It may be you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or

where you want to vacation or any images to match your life changes.

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Vision Board Example

The below vision board is an example of a female’s fitness vision board. Carly has combined images of females with toned

body (specifically abdomen and buttock) with powerful phrases like “stay on top of your game” and “she’s back and better

than ever!”. This vision board is a constant reminder of her desired outcome and why the sacrifices are a must to achieve

her outcome; Carly’s Vision Board courteous of Vision Board Vault

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Creating Your Own Vision Board You can source these images from anywhere including magazines and the internet. Once

you have your images, collate them with powerful quotes, phrases or words and

place your vision board in a location where you are constantly reminded (bedroom

wall, next to your computer, kitchen etc). Whatever you do it has to be personal. This

is your visual manifestation of your desires and a constant reminder that they are

yours for the taking.

If you are comfortable in using Photoshop, Paint or even Windows Paint you may want

to make a digital version and save it as your desktop!

There are many examples of famous people who have used the techniques of

visualization. Some may not have specifically used vision boards to get what they

wanted but the applications that they used were similar in function.

Bruce Lee wrote a letter to himself saying “By 1980, I will be the best known oriental

movie star in the United States and will have secured $10 million dollars… And in

return, I will give the very best acting I could possibly give every single time I am in

front of the camera and I will live in peace and harmony.”

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Jim Carrey

As a struggling young comedian trying to make it in

the make or break city of Hollywood, Jim Carrey was

just about ready to give up his dream of becoming a

professional actor and comedian. He had just

performed at an open mic session at one of the

nightclubs in Los Angeles and had been booed off the

stage by his audience.

He sat by himself at the top of Mulholand Drive and

looked out at the city below him—the city that held his

future success or failure. He then pulled out his check

book and wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars

and made a note on it: “for acting services rendered.”

He then carried that check with him in his wallet everywhere he went from that day forward.

By 1995, after the success of his blockbuster movies: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb

and Dumber, and The Mask, his contract price had risen to the price of $20 million dollars.

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Thank You

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