gnipst bulletin 41.4

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  • 8/9/2019 GNIPST Bulletin 41.4


    23-01-2015GG NN II PP SS TT UU LL LL TT II NN 22 11 55

    23 rd January, 2015 Volume No.: 41 Issue No.: 04





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  • 8/9/2019 GNIPST Bulletin 41.4




    " It can happen. It does happen. But it can't happen if you quit ." Lauren Dane.

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit . Aristotle

    It gives me immense pleasure to pen a few words for our e-bulletin. At the onset I would like to thank thelast years editors and congratulate the newly selected editors for the current year.

    Our first consideration is always in the best interest of the students. Our goal is to promote academicexcellence and continuous improvement.

    I believe that excellence in education is aided by creating a learning environment in which all learners aresupported in maximizing their potential and talents. Education needs to focus on personalized learningand instruction, while promoting an education system that is impartial, universally accessible, and meetingthe needs of all students.

    It is of paramount importance that our learners have sufficient motivation and encouragement in order toachieve their aims. We are all very proud of you, our students, and your accomplishments and lookforward to watching as you put your mark on the profession in the years ahead.

    The call of the time is to progress, not merely to move ahead. Our progressive Management is lookingforward and wants our Institute to flourish as a Post Graduate Institute of Excellence. Steps are taken inthis direction and fruits of these efforts will be received by our students in the near future. Our Teachersare committed and dedicated for the development of the institution by imparting their knowledge and playthe role of facilitator as well as role model to our students.

    The Pharmacy profession is thriving with a multitude of possibilities, opportunities and positivechallenges. At Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, our focus is on holisticneeds of our students.

    I am confident that the students of GNIPST will recognize all the possibilities, take full advantage of theopportunities and meet the challenges with purpose and determination.

    Excellence in Education is not a final destination, it is a continuous walk. I welcome you to join us onthis path.

    My best wishes to all.

    Dr. A. Sengupta

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    Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: Early Life: (1897-1921):Subhas Chandra Bose was born on 23 January 1897 (at 12.10 pm)in Cuttack, Orissa Division, Bengal Province, to Prabhavati Devi

    and Janakinath Bose, an advocate. He was the ninth child of a totalof fourteen siblings. He was admitted to the Protestant EuropeanSchool like his other brothers and sisters in January 1902. Hecontinued his studies at this school which was run by the BaptistMission up to the year 1909 and then shifted to the RavenshawCollegiate School. The day Subhas was admitted to thisschool, Beni Madhav Das, the then Headmaster of the school,understood how brilliant and scintillating was the genius of thislittle boy. After securing the second position in the matriculationexamination in 1913, he got admitted to the PresidencyCollegewhere he studied briefly. His nationalistic temperamentcame to light when he was expelled for assaulting Professor Oatenfor the latter's anti-India comments. He later joined the ScottishChurch Collegeat the University of Calcutta and passed his B.A. in1918 in philosophy. Bose left India in 1919 for England with apromise to his father that he would appear in the Indian CivilServices(ICS) Examination. He went to study in Fitzwilliam

    College, Cambridge, and matriculated on 19 November 1919. Hecame fourth in the ICS examination and was selected but he didnot want to work under an alien government which would meanserving the British. As he stood on the verge of taking the plungeby resigning from the Indian Civil Service in 1921, he wrote to hiselder brother Sarat Chandra Bose: "Only on the soil of sacrifice and

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    suffering can we raise our national edifice". Finally, he resignedfrom his civil service job on 23 April 1921 and returned to India.


    First major analysis of Human Protein Atlas ispublished: (22 nd January, 2015)The first major analysis based on the Human Protein Atlas hasbeen published, including a detailed picture of the proteins thatare linked to cancer, the number of proteins present in thebloodstream, and the targets for all approved drugs on the market. Blame it on your brain: Salt and hypertension:(22 nd January, 2015)Excessive salt intake "reprograms" the brain, interfering with anatural safety mechanism that normally prevents the body'sarterial blood pressure from rising, researchers have discovered. Trust your gut: E. coli may hold one of the keysto treating Parkinson's: (22 nd January, 2015)E. coli usually brings to mind food poisoning and beach closures,but researchers recently discovered a protein in E. coli that inhibitsthe accumulation of potentially toxic amyloidsa hallmark ofdiseases such as Parkinson's, scientists say.

    Viruses may play unexpected role ininflammatory bowel diseases: (22 nd January,2015)Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with a decrease in thediversity of bacteria in the gut, but a new study has linked thesame illnesses to an increase in the diversity of viruses.

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    Enzymes believed to promote cancer actuallysuppress tumors: (22 nd January, 2015)Upending decades-old dogma, a team of scientists say enzymes

    long categorized as promoting cancer are, in fact, tumorsuppressors and that current clinical efforts to develop inhibitor-based drugs should instead focus on restoring the enzymesactivities.

    Head and neck cancers in young adults are morelikely to be a result of inherited factors: (22 nd January, 2015)A new study pools data from 25 case-control studies and conductsseparate analyses to show that head and neck cancers in youngadults are more likely to be as a result of inherited factors, ratherthan lifestyle factors such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

    Patient older age not an issue in revisioncochlear implantation: (22 nd January, 2015)Older age of a patient does not appear to be an issue when revisioncochlear implantation is warranted because of device failure,according to a report. Why protein mutations lead to familial form ofParkinson's disease: (22 nd January, 2015)For the first time, researchers have shown why protein mutationslead to the familial form of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's diseaseis characterized by impairment or deterioration of neurons in an

    area of the brain known as the substantia nigra. In the familialform of the disorder, a set of mutations in ?syn had been identifiedbut what was unknown was the molecular mechanism by whichthese mutations caused disease.

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    Major discovery on spinal injury reveals unknownimmune response: (22 nd January, 2015)In a discovery that could dramatically affect the treatment of brain

    and spinal cord injuries, researchers have identified a previouslyunknown, beneficial immune response that occurs after injury tothe central nervous system. Study detailing axonal death pathway mayprovide drug targets for neurodegenerativediseases: (22 nd January, 2015)Axons connect neurons with each other to form the neural

    networks that underpin the vital functions of perception, motility,cognition, and memory. In many neurodegenerative disorders, fromtraumatic injury or toxic damage to diseases such as Alzheimers orParkinsons disease, axonal degeneration represents an essentialpathological feature. For detail mail to editor


    Savaysa, Anti-clotting drug

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the anti-clotting drug Savaysa (edoxaban tablets) to reduce the risk ofstroke and dangerous blood clots (systemic embolism) in patientswith atrial fibrillation that is not caused by a heart valve problem.Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of abnormal

    heart rhythm. It occurs when the hearts two upper chambers(atria) do not contract properly, allowing blood clots to form,which can break off and travel to the brain or other parts of thebody. Patients with atrial fibrillation experience an abnormal,irregular and rapid heartbeat.

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    Savaysa also has been approved to treat deep vein thrombosis(DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients who havealready been treated with an anti-clotting drug administered byinjection or infusion (parenterally), for five to ten days.DVT is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body, usually inthe lower leg or thigh. A potentially deadly condition called PEresults when a blood clot in a deep vein breaks off and travels to anartery in the lungs and blocks blood flow.The safety and efficacy of Savaysa in treating patients with atrialfibrillation not caused by cardiac valve disease was studied in aclinical trial of 21,105 participants. The trial compared two doselevels of Savaysa with the anti-clotting drug warfarin for their

    effects on rates of stroke and dangerous blood clots (systemicemboli). The trial results showed the higher dose of Savaysa to besimilar to warfarin for the reduction in the risk of stroke. Whilewarfarin is highly effective in reducing the risk of stroke inpatients with atrial fibrillation, it increases the risk of bleeding.Savaysa demonstrated significantly less major bleeding comparedto warfarin.Savaysa for treatment of patients with DVT and PE was studied in8,292 participants. The study compared the safety and efficacy ofSavaysa to warfarin for treating patients with a DVT and/or PE toreduce the rate of recurrence of symptomatic venousthromboembolism (VTE) events (which includes DVT, PE, andVTE- related death). In the trial, 3.2 percent of participants takingSavaysa had a symptomatic recurrent VTE compared to 3.5 percentof those taking warfarin.The most common side effects observed in clinical trialparticipants were bleeding and anemia. As with other FDA-

    approved anti-clotting drugs, bleeding, including life-threateningbleeding, is the most serious risk with Savaysa. There is notreatment that has been proven to reverse the anti-coagulant effectof Savaysa.Savaysa has a Boxed Warning that provides important dosing andsafety information for health care professionals about specific

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    patient groups, including a warning that Savaysa is less effective inatrial fibrillation patients with a creatinine clearance greater than95 milliliters per minute. A patient's level of creatinine clearanceshows how well a patient's kidneys are working by measuring thelevel of the waste product creatinine in the blood or urine. Thisshould be assessed before initiating therapy with Savaysa. Patientswith creatinine clearance greater than 95 milliliters per minutehave an increased risk of stroke compared to similar patients givenwarfarin. Savaysa should not be used in nonvalvular atrialfibrillation patients with a higher creatinine clearance. Anotheranticoagulant should be used instead.As with other anticoagulants, the Boxed Warning counsels that

    premature discontinuation of Savaysa increases the risk of strokeand notes that spinal or epidural hematomas (collection of bloodoutside of a blood vessel) may occur in patients treated withSavaysa who are receiving anesthesia injected around the spine orundergoing spinal puncture.Savaysa will be dispensed with a patient Medication Guide thatprovides instructions on its use and drug safety information.Health care professionals should counsel patients about theincreased risk of bleeding for those taking this product.

    Moumita ChowdhuryAssistant Professor


    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus(MERS-CoV) Saudi Arabia: (20 th January,

    2015)Between 6 and 9 January 2015, the National IHR Focal Point forthe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) notified WHO of 5 additionalcases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection, including 1 death.Read more

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    UPCOMING EVENTS The 66th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress will be organised atHitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad on 23 rd to 25th January, 2015.

    On 28th

    January to 31st

    January, 2015 the Chemtech & PharmaWorld Expo 2015 will be held at Bombay Exhibition Centre,Goregaon (E), Mumbai, India.


    Astellas Announces FDA Anti-Infective DrugsAdvisory Committee Recommends Approval ofCresemba (isavuconazonium): (22 nd January,2015)Astellas announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's(FDA) Anti-infective Drugs Advisory Committee votedunanimously to recommend approval of the investigational once-daily intravenous and oral broad-spectrum Cresemba(isavuconazonium) for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis, and8 to 2 with one abstention to recommend approval for thetreatment of invasive mucormycosis (also known as zygomycosis),life-threatening fungal infections predominantly occurring inimmunocompromised patients.Read more

    CAMPUS NEWS The male faculties and staffs of GNIPST participated in the 4th

    Sardar Jodh Singh Trophy organised by NIT on 15th

    January, 2015. An industrial tour and biodiversity tour was conducted in Sikkimfor B.Pharm, B.Sc. and M.Sc. students under the supervision of Mr.Dipanjan Mandal, Mr. Samrat Bose and Ms. Aparupa Bhattacharyafrom 5th January to 12th January, 2015.

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    GNIPST commemorated the Birth Anniversary of SwamiVivekananda on Monday, 12th January, 2015. On 22nd December 2014 the students of B.Pharm 2nd year and B.Sc2nd year visited the laboratory of Vivekananda Institute ofBiotechnology, Sri Ramkrishna Ashram, Nimpith under thesupervision of Mr. Samrat Bose, Ms Jeentara Begum, Mr. SoumyaBhattacharya and Ms. Aparupa Bhattacharya. Some of the teachers of GNIPST attended the 4th InternationalConference of World Science Congress at Jadavpur University on 16th December to 18th December 2014. Congratulation to Tamalika Chakraborty, Assistant Professor ofGNIPST, who got 3rd prize for the poster presentation in theNational Seminar on Opportunity in Medicinal Plant Research, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 29th -30th November,2014. On 29th November and 30th November many of the facultymembers and students of GNIPST presented their posters in theNational Seminar on Opportunity in Medicinal Plant Research, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 29th -30th November,2014. The teachers and students of GNIPST attended the Nationalworkshop on Redefining the Role of Pharmacist in Health CareSystem which was held in Dr. H. L. Roy Auditorium, JadavpurUniversirty Kolkata-700032 on 16th November 2014, organised byIndian Pharmaceutical Association, Bengal Branch, Kolkata

    Congratulation to Rupam Saha, student of M.Pharm 2 nd year, whogot 1st prize for the poster presentation in the National seminar onControl of Viral Menace using Delivery Design organised by Dr.B.C.Roy College of Pharmacy & AHS in association with IPABengal Branch.

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    On 14th and 15th November 2014 the Industrial visit of B.Pharm 2nd year students was conducted in East India Pharmaceutical WorksLimited, Kolkata under the supervision of Mr. Jaydip Roy, Mr.

    Debabrata Ghoshdastidar, Mr. Samrat Bose, Ms Jeentara Begum,Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya and Ms. Moumita Chowdhury. A Debate on Unity was held on 14th November 2014 and the jointwinner was Sreejit Roy , Bsc 2nd year and Pratik Nandi ,Bsc firstyear (Chairperson of debate: Dr Lopamudra Datta and Ms.Priyanka Ray). On 14th November, 2014 a Quiz competition was held on WorldDiabetes Day and the winner was Pratik Nandi and Sreyosi Dey,Bsc first year.Runner up Anirban Roy and Ankur Mondal B.Pharm third year(Quiz Master: Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya) A Seminar was held on 14th November 2014 World Diabetes Dayon Angiogenesis and Role of Amino Acids by Dr Debatosh Datta,Research scientist. GNIPST commemorated the 126th Birth Anniversary of MaulanaAbul Kalam Azad on Tuesday, 11th November 2014. On 7th November 2014 the students of GNIPST participated in theRun for Unity as a mark of tribute to the efforts of the country'sfirst Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Congratulation to the winner of Cricket Tournament-B.Pharm 3rdyear, 2014Runner up team-B.Sc and BHM, 2014

    Congratulation to the highest run scorer of Cricket Tournament-Tanmoy Das Biswas, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014 Congratulation to the highest wicket taker of CricketTournament-Subhodip Das, B.Pharm 3rd year, 2014 Congratulation to the winner of Carom Tournament (Boys)-Sk. Abdul Salam, B.Pharm 2nd year, 2014

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    The GNIPST Football Tournament (for male students) and TableTennis tournament (for female students) was held on 25th and26th September, 2014.

    On 5th

    September, 2014 the students of GNIPST have arranged awonderful Teachers Day Programme. On behalf of all the teachersof GNIPST I would like to thank our beloved students. The Freshers welcome programme was held on 14th August, 2014.Welcome 1st year students. We congratulate the following M.Pharm. final year students whohave made their positions in different pharmaceutical companies.

    Anirban Banerjee (Emami Ltd.)Mahender Roy (Stadmed private Ltd.) We congratulate the following B.Pharm. final year students fortheir success.Samadrita Mukherjee (Abbott India Ltd.)Suman Sarkar (Tata Medical Centre-Apollo Pharmacy)Shrewashee Mukherjee (Fresenius Kabi-Parenteral Nutrition)

    Avishek Naskar (Glaxo SmithKline-Marketing)Bappaditya Manik (USV Limited)Sarbani Das (Nutri Synapzz-Marketing)Ankita Roy (Nutri Synapzz-Marketing)Rahul Mitra (B M Pharmaceuticals-Production) The following B.Pharm. final year students have qualified, GPAT-2014. We congratulate them all.Utsha SinhaSatarupa BhattacharyaSandipan SarkarPurbali Chakraborty Reminiscence, 2014(GNIPST Reunion) was held in Collegecampus on 2nd February,2014.

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    1st Annual Sports of GNIPST was held on 3rd February,2014 inCollege campus ground. An industrial tour and biodiversity tour was conducted in Sikkim

    for B.Pharm and B.Sc. students under the supervision of Mr. AsisBala, Ms. Jeentara Begum and Ms. Moumita Chowdhury.


    Who is the author of Subhash chandra

    Bose , the springing tiger? Answer of Previous Issues Questions

    A) Mankind

    Identify the place

    Answer of Previous Issues ImageMount rushmaore

    Send your thoughts/

    Quiz/Puzzles/games/write-ups or any othercontr ibutions for Students Section answ ersof this Section at

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    EDITORS NOTEIt is a great pleasure for me to publish the 4 th issue of 41 th Volumeof GNIPST BULLETIN . All the followers of GNIPST BULLETIN

    are able to avail the bulletin through facebook account GNIPSTbulletin I am very much thankful to all the GNIPST members andreaders who are giving their valuable comments, encouragementsand supports. I am also thankful to Dr. Abhijit Sengupta , Directorof GNIPST for his valuable advice and encouragement. Specialthanks to Dr. Prerona Saha, Mr. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidarand Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya for their kind co-operation andtechnical supports. Thank you Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya for thequestionnaires of the student section. An important part of theimprovement of the bulletin is the contribution of the readers. Youare invited to send in your write ups, notes, critiques or any kind ofcontribution for the forthcoming special and regular issue.

    ARCHIVE B.Pharm 3rd year won the GNIPST Football Champions trophy,2013. B.Pharm 3rd year won the final match 1-0 against B.Pharm 2nd year. Deep Chakraborty was the only scorer of the final. GNIPST organized a garment distribution programme on 28th September, 2013 at Dakshineswar Kali Temple and Adyapith,Kolkata. On this remarkable event about hundred people havereceived garments. More than hundred students and most of thefaculties participated on that day with lot of enthusiasm.

    GNIPST celebrated World Heart Day (29 th September) andPharmacists Day (25 th September) on 25th and 26th September,2013 in GNIPST Auditorium. A seminar on Violence againstwoman and female foeticide was held on GNIPST Auditorium on25th September organized by JABALA Action Research

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    d. Approved duration:3 yearse. Title of the project: Screening and identification of potential

    medicinal plant of Purulia & Bankura districts of West Bengal

    with respect to diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, Jaundice,hypertension and developing biotechnological tools for enhancingbioactive molecules in these plants.

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