globalization and accessibility

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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Many websites are accessed by a wide variety of people who often live in different countries and speak a variety of languages.

To effectively reach these people, your site should adapt to their language and culture.



Supporting many different display types and input devices that can be used to access a website.

Making websites usable by people of all abilities and disabilities.

Configuring Globalization and Localization

To display an ASP.NET page in one of several different languages would require the person translating the Web site to know how to write code.

Instead, you can externalize the items requiring translation and look these items up at run time.

This allows a nontechnical translator to work independent of the code.

It also saves you from compiling your application when adding another language.

ASP.NET Resource Files

ASP.NET uses Resource files to support multiple languages.

A Resource file contains a language-specific set of text for a page or the entire site.

Your code accesses a resource file based on the user’s requested language.

If no resource file exists for the given request, ASP.NET uses the default language setting for the site.

There are two types of resources in ASP.NET: Local Resources and Global Resources.

Using Local Resource Files

Local resources must be stored in the special folder App_LocalResources.

Each local resource file is page-specific. Therefore, it is named using the page name as in <PageName>.aspx.resx.

For example, to create a resource file for the Default.aspx page, you would create a file called Default.aspx.resx.

This becomes the default base resource file for the page. ASP.NET uses this file if it cannot find a match for the user’s requested language-culture setting.

You create language-specific versions by copying the resource file and renaming it to include the given language information as in <PageName>.aspx.<languageId>.resx.

For example, a Spanish version of a page would be named A German file would be named

Language-Specific Local Resources

You add a culture designation to your resource by copying the language-specific version and renaming it to include the given culture information as in <PageName>.aspx.<languageId>-<cultureId>.resx

For example, a Spanish (es) resource file designated for Mexico (mx) would be named as

Culture-Specific Local Resources

Generating Local Resources

Visual Studio can automatically generate the default version of your local resource file by extracting the key string-based properties of page and control elements into a resource (.resx) file.

1. Open your page in Visual Studio in Design mode.2. From the Tools menu, select Generate Local Resource.

This causes Visual Studio to perform the following tasks:

Create the App_LocalResources folder (if necessary). Generate an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based

local resource file for the Web page in the App_LocalResources folder.

This file will contain resource settings for page and control properties like Text, ToolTip, Title, Caption, and other string-based properties.

Opening & Editing .resx Files The .resx file can be opened and edited using

Visual Studio’s resource file editor. Notice many of the string values were set already

based on the values that were defined in the markup.

Opening & Editing .resx Files

You can also open the .resx file in an XML editor.

Here you will notice that the file consists mostly of name–value pairs. Each pair is an XML <data> element with a name that matches the named element on the page.

The following shows an example of the elements defined for the Button control inside the XML:

<data name="ButtonSubmitResource1.Text" xml:space="preserve"><value>Save</value></data><data name="ButtonSubmitResource1.ToolTip" xml:space="preserve"><value /></data>

Creating Language-Specific Local Resources

You typically create culture- and language-specific resource files by first creating a default resource file.

You can use this default file as a base.

You copy and paste it to create a new resource file for the target language or culture and name the file accordingly.

You then need to modify the resource values for the new language or culture.

Testing Resource Files for Other Language & Cultures

1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options to launch the Internet Options dialog box.

2. On the General tab, click Languages in the Appearance group. This opens the Language Preference dialog box.

3. In the Language Preference dialog box, click Add.4. In the Add Language dialog box, under Language,

select the language and culture you want to test, and then click OK.

When you are done testing, remember to reset your browser to your actual preferred language and culture.

Global Resources

Global resource are not page-specific resources like a local resource.

Rather, global resources are designed for when you need to access a single resource from multiple Web pages in your site.

Global resources are still .resx files. You still create a default version and one for each language and culture you intend to support. The file naming scheme remains the same as for local resource files.

However, global resource files are stored in the App_GlobalResources folder at the root of an application.

Creating a Global Resource File

In Solution Explorer, right-click the root of your Web site. Select Add ASP.NET Folder, and then select the App_GlobalResources suboption. This will add a folder of the same name to the root of your site.

Next, right-click the App_GlobalResources folder and select Add New Item.

In the Add New Item dialog box, select Resource File. In the Name text box, type any file name with a .resx extension.

Open the new resource file in Visual Studio. Visual Studio displays a table-like format for adding and editing resources. From here you can add strings, images, icons, audio, files, and other resources.

Once you have defined your default resource file, you copy and paste it to create resource files for different languages.

Attaching Control Properties to Global Resources

1. Open your page in Design view in Visual Studio. View the given control’s Property tab. Select the (Expressions) property (in the Data category). Click the ellipsis (…) button next to the property to launch the control’s Expressions dialog box.

2. From the Bindable Properties list, select a property that you want to bind to a resource.

3. From the Expression type list, select Resources.4. In the Expression Properties list, set ClassKey to

the name of your global resource file (without the extension). Under that, set ResourceKey to the name of the resource within the resource file.

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Attaching Control Properties to Global Resources

Once set, Visual Studio displays the default resource value for the given control in Design view. Of course, this will be changed to display the language-specific resource when a user visits the Web page.

Within the page markup, Visual Studio updates the control’s Text property to call the resource.

For example, if binding a Label control’s Text property to a message named Greeting in the LocalizedText.resx global resource, the markup looks as follows:

<asp:Label id="LabelWelcome" runat="server"Text="<%$ Resources:LocalizedText, Greeting %>"></asp:Label>

Accessing Resource Values Programmatically

You can also access resource values programmatically using the syntax Resources.Resource-File.Resource.

Label1.Text = Resources.LocalizedText.Greeting;

After saving global resources, Visual Studio creates a strongly typed class of the Resources.Resource object for each resource file. You access the class through the file name of the global resource file. Each resource in the file is a member of the class.

Accessing Resource Values Programmatically

If, however, your resource files are not available at design time, Visual Studio cannot generate these classes. In this case, you must use the GetLocalResourceObject and GetGlobalResourceObject methods.

To use the GetLocalResourceObject method, simply provide the name of the resource.

To use GetGlobalResourceObject, provide both the file name (without the extension) and the resource name.

Button1.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("Button1.Text").ToString();

Image1.ImageUrl = (String)GetGlobalResourceObject("WebResourcesGlobal", "LogoUrl");

HTML Layout Best Practices

Avoid using absolute positioning and sizes for controls

Use the entire width and height of forms (<table width=100%>)

Size elements relative to the overall size of the form

Use a separate table cell for each control Avoid enabling the NoWrap property in

tables Avoid specifying the Align property in


Setting the Culture In an ASP.NET Web page, you use two different Page

properties to set language and culture:

Culture This object determines the results of culture-dependent functions, such as the date, number, and currency formatting.

UICulture This property determines which global or local resources are loaded for the page. You can define UICulture with either neutral or specific cultures.

You define the Culture and UICulture properties by overriding the page’s InitializeCulture method.

From this method, define the Culture and UICulture properties, and then call the page’s base InitializeCulture method.

Setting the Culture You can also retrieve an array of all

available cultures by calling the System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultures method.

Pass this method a CultureTypes enumeration that specifies which subset of available cultures you want to list.

The most useful CultureTypes values are the following:

• AllCultures• NeutralCultures• Specifi cCultures

Setting the Culture To define the culture for an entire Web site,

add a <globalization> section to the Web.confi gfile, and then set the UICulture and Culture attributes, as the following sample demonstrates:

<globalization uiculture="es" culture="es-MX" />

To declare a culture for a Web page, define the UICulture and Culture attributes of the @Page directive, as shown here:

<%@ Page uiculture="es" culture="es-MX" %>

Configuring Accessibility

You should recognize the need to make your website usable for those that need large text and nontraditional input devices.

For example, many users do not use a conventional mouse.

Others use screen readers to read the text on Web sites rather than displaying it on a monitor.

Public Accessibility guidelines

Through the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), the W3C has created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

The U.S. government has also created accessibility standards in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Depending on the organization for which you are developing a Web application, you might be required to conform your application to these standards.

The Section 508 guidelines are conceptually similar to the WCAG guidelines.

How ASP.NET Controls Support Accessibility

ASP.NET controls are designed to be accessible by default. For example, login controls such as Login, ChangePassword, PasswordRecovery, and CreateUserWizard use text boxes with associated labels to help a user who uses a screen reader or who does not use a mouse.

These controls also use input controls with tab index settings to make data entry without a mouse easier.

Improving Visual Accessibility

Describe every image by providing alt text using the AlternateText property

Use solid colors for background and use contrasting colors for text

Create a flexible page layout that scales correctly when text size is increased

Set the Table.Caption property to a description of the table

Provide a way to identify column headers Avoid defining specific font sizes Avoid requiring client scripts

Improving the Accessibility of Forms Requiring User Input

Set the DefaultFocus property for a form to place the cursor in a logical location where data entry normally begins.

Define the tab order in a logical way so that a user can complete forms without using a mouse

Specify default buttons for forms and Panel controls by setting the DefaultButton property

Provide useful link text

Improving the Accessibility of Forms Requiring User Input

Define access keys for button controls by setting the AccessKey property

Use Label controls to define access keys for text boxes

Use the Panel control to create subdivisions in a form and define the Panel.GroupingText property with a description of the controls in that panel

Specify meaningful error messages in the Text and ErrorMessage properties of validator controls

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