global connect

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Global Connect

A talk by Andrew Jones for Global Connect Conference[Christian Associates International]

in a small town somewhere in the middle of Germany

Aug 2010

A talk so profound that it does not even have a title.

but probably would have a title if only Andrew was more

organized and less scatter-brained.

This is my latest t-shirt idea . . . .

This is the truck our family travels in.


Why is the

like a box of chocolates?

Because . . .

Sooo many changes going on in our world . . .

Sometimes the way forward seemsimpossible.

It’s so easy to get lost.

Knowing what to do can bereally really really RIDICULOUSLY


Sometimes you forget that you are on a mission from God.

Sometimes you run up against evil.

Sometimes your friends think you are weird.


Sometimes you feel like

burying your talents.

Sometimes you are tempted to retrieve what worked in the past.

It’s OK to try something new.

. . . or even a few new things.

Cast your bread upon the watersfor after many days you will find it again

give portions to or even to7 8for youdo not know what disaster may come upon the land.

Sow your seed in the morningand do not stop working until evening

for ou do not nowY Kwhich activity will succeed whether this one or that one, or whether both will prosper equally.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

Go to the ant, you sluggardobserve its ways and be wise.

It has no overseer, commander or ruler,yet it prepares its food in the summer;

it gathers at the harvest what it will eat.Proverbs 6:6-8

God has placed in you a spring of living water.

Stream your life.

Sometimes you just have to leap out.

“Leaping Out” would have been a good title.

Thanks for listening. God bless the works of your hands.

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