give it all analysis

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Give it all Analysis

By Will Yeates

Fade into the video we hear a single guitar playing 2 chords and we see someone pulling on a pair of black gloves, this has sinister connotations of a heist or some other illegal activity.

We see a quick flash of images of people filling bags with torches and video tapes, further implies these people are going to do something illegal.

We see these people testing their flashlights in black boiler suits all the while the lone guitar is playing those 2 chords in the background, implies these people are going to be committing some kind of heist and the music adds to this by creating a tense suspense atmosphere.

We see our first shot of the singer and he appears to be on the same train as the people in the boiler suits, implies that the band are involved with whatever it is those people are doing.

People start to fill up the carriage around the band, this suggests this is an impromptu performance, however all these people are wearing typical alternate/ punk clothing suggesting they are true fans of the band. A visual representation of the punk/ alternative rock genre.

The train stops and the heist people run off the train and the band and the group gathered around them remain on the train.

We see one of the girls in the balaclavas looking at a model on a billboard, perhaps comparing herself, this could be the band trying to amplify the point that about the almost impossible standard set by models in modern day magazines and TV.

Video of soldiers on the large screen TV perhaps glorifying war, has been replaced by the people in balaclavas by to a video of riot scenes and police brutality.

Various billboards and the picture of the model have been vandalized by the protestors, the band could be amplifying their message through the protestors that they don’t believe that certain things about the way we live are right and that we should rebel against them.

Protestors start changing out of their hoodies and balaclavas and into suits and ties then head into an office building, implying to us that the band is trying to tell us that even normal people can be protest and make a difference.

Sticker on the door is the same as the one we saw them put on the tiger cage earlier but were as the tiger cage was physical the CEO’s cage is mental.

The message of this video was that even regular working day to day people can do things to change the way we think and the way the world is run and the band are trying to portray this by use of the Televised Bard.

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