getting the construction right

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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JK Cements LtdGetting the construction right

Construction of any building requires expert guidance in every aspect. Right from the beginning, delicate and precise detailing is required. But lack of tech-how

creates obstacles, and the consumer’s satisfaction gets compromised. We at JK Cements believes in giving priority to customers’ requirements.

We help you in every stage right from the choosing of materials to helping you after construction.

We are always there with you!!!

Why you should trust JK CEMENTSJK Cements has always followed the ethical aspect when it comes to dealing with

its esteemed customers. Our CTS department is the oldest in the cement industry and has shown its full commitment towards them.

Right from receiving customers’ suggestions to addressing their grievances, we have provided solutions in a time-bound manner.

JK Cement is a brand name, and has a considerable presence along the length and breadth of the country. Our CTS officials have a good experience in the construction industry and are well aware of the intricacies that come with any type of construction.

CTS has lived up to its name-’’Customer Technical Services.”We are launching a pocket guide that will give you the tips that can be counted on

fingers. We have tried our best that every aspect of construction should be covered.

We hope our customers will appreciate our endeavor.

Stages in Planning

Selection of LandFollowing points must be remembered:• Basic Amenities like water supply, road connectivity, electricity must be in

proximity.• Distance of public buildings like school, bazaars, post office, banks, post

offices, hospitals should be as near as possible.• Present and future requirements of your family.• Ventilation in the rooms,DPC in bathrooms, and minute details must not

be overlooked.• Experienced Contractors must be consulted.• Charted Architect should be consulted.• Pricing and quality of materials of various brands should be compared.

Ways of reducing Expenditure• The construction should fulfill your need in every manner.• Good quality of materials should be selected in first place, because replacing

them costs a lot.• Before the construction begins, estimation in every aspect should be covered.• Planning for interior furniture and furnishing should be in place.• Durability should be given priority over appearance of the building.• Electrical connections should as minimum as possible.• A location should be planned in advance to keep the stock of materials in a safe

place.• A building should be such that it can meet all the weather conditions.

Involvement of Experts Architects/Engineers A charted Architect/Engineer must be taken into consideration. These two

experts can cover all the technicalities and legalities involve with construction. A good Engineer can help you chalk out a plan and can help a great deal in the proper utilization of space your building will occupy.

They can help you choose the right material, registered contractors. A reputed or Architect may charge you a little more, but they help keep discrepancies at bay.

Technical Persons’ Involvement Fitting of electric equipment• Only a registered electrician should be selected for wiring the house.• There should be a provision for switch board.• Only branded electric equipment should be used.• MCB box should be installed to avoid overload.• A thorough inspection of the connection of wires should be done.

Plumbing• Galvanized Iron pipes of branded companies should always be used .• For sewer lines, tube pipes must be adopted.• Hydraulic investigation regarding all aspects should be carried out.

Otherwise, there are chances of leakage.

Financial Back-up!!! Requisite allocation of funds for buying land for purchasing a house is not an

easy. A person looks for a financial institution that can lend him loans at an affordable rates. There are many banks , housing finance companies, and housing finance institutions from where you can take loans.

Estimation of materials


225 450 900 1350 1800 4500

Bricks 7250 13000 26000 38200 55000 145000

Aggregate 20mm

76 151 298 445 596 1650


41 82 165 243 325 910

Steel 250 360 725 1080 1445 4100

Sand 261 530 1055 1590 2105 5840

Cement bags

73 148 296 445 590 1600

3 5







83 2

Expenditure in %

Foundationstoning up to plinthBrick work above plinthRoofingflooringWooden workInternal Plastering workExternal plasterwater supplysanitary workElectric Workdesign life

Selection of MaterialsGood work in construction begins with good quality of materials. Procurement of

right materials is not an easy take. If right quality of materials is chosen, the executed work will be strong and durable.

A little knowledge in this can help save money and time. The selection of materials should be such that it does not burn the hole in your pocket.

The basic materials remain the same, i.e. sand, aggregates,bricks,reinforcement bars (commonly called steel rods).

Here, we are helping you find the right criterion to choose the best quality of materials.

CementCement is a binding material that can bind stone, bricks, sand and reinforcing

bars. The more strong the cement, the more strong will be the construction. So, cement of a branded company should always be used. A branded cement might be a little costly, but use of such cements can make a building much stronger.

Only a fresh cement should be used in construction. More fresh the cement is, more strong will be the paste. To know how fresh the cement is, its week number should also be noted down.

It is a misconception among the people that color of cement influences its color. The color of cement depends upon raw materials and has no influence on strength.

Choosing the right Cement There are basically two types of grey cements are available in the market.OPCs and blended cements. Blended cements offer some advantages over

OPCs. They are:• Less generation of heat.• Gives protection to steel rods from corrosion• Resistance to chemical attacks from environment.• Less water is required to prepare concrete mass. Leads to 10% savings in

water.• The bulk volume of 50kg bag is slightly more than OPC and therefore gives

more volume of mortar than OPC. • Gives better durability and strength to buildings.• Eco-friendly.• JK Super Cements surely meets all the above requirements.

Strength of cement with timeTIME Decrement in strength

After two months 15-20%

After three months 20-25%

After six months 25-30%

After one year 35-40%

After two years 50-55%


• Cement bags should be protected from moisture.• Not more than 10 bags should be kept above each other.• It should be made sure that bags should not be in contact with walls and

on floor it should be paced on wooden or steel panels.

Quality of Sand

Sand also influences the quality of construction.

Method of identifying good sandTake a handful of sand and close your fist and then rub it. Any contamination

like mud, will stick to your palm. Any presence of pebbles, grit and dirt can be harmful to construction. So screening of sand should be done on sieve.

Scientific Method Fill the half glass tumbler with sand, add water into it add stir it properly. If

water turns muddy, it means sand is contaminated, it will turn muddy.It is a thumb rule that if mud or dust is more than 4% of the sand, the sand

should be cleaned with water.

Problem with wet sandWet sand is avoided in construction. If sand contains more than 5% water, it is

advisable to add 25% sand. Adding too much water is dangerous for construction work

AggregatesAggregates play the second most important role after cement in strengthening

concrete.It is advisable to wash aggregates before use if it contains dirt and mud.For making a good concrete mass, aggregates of two sizes should be used. In

normal construction practices, aggregates of size 10mm and 20mm are mostly used by grading them in an optimum amount. By doing so, durable concrete work will become more strong, and will result in reducing cement usage.

Brick work and their SelectionFollowing are the criterion to judge the quality of bricks• Two bricks should give a metallic sound when hit with each other.• It should not leave a trail when scratched by nail.• When it is dropped from a height of 1 meter, it should not break into pieces. Scientific MethodWater absorption Test A brick should be randomly picked up and placed in water for 24 hours. If that

brick exhibits an additional weight of more than 15% by weight, than that brick should be rejected. For example, a brick that weigh 3 kg should not weigh 3.45 after being soaked for 24 hours.

Brick Masonry• Brick Masonry should only be begun only after wetting the bricks

continuously for one hour.• If plaster is applied on dry bricks, the dry bricks will soak the water from the

plaster, and the strength of plaster will get reduced.• Only the amount of plaster that can be used in one hour should be prepared.• Brick masonry should be carried on not more than 1.5m height on any

structure.• Joints in bricks should be filled internally and externally in a proper manner.• After brick masonry is complete, the curing should be carried on brick wall for

7 days.

Proportion of Plaster for Walls

Thickness of wall Proportion

4” thick wall 1:4 (1 part cement;4 parts sand)

9” thick wall 1:5 (1 part cement;6 parts sand)

Selection of Steel Rods Compressive strength of concrete is quite good, but it does not have adequate

tensile strength, so to give it the much needed tensile strength, steel rods are inserted into the concrete, and so comes the Reinforced Concrete Cement.

Points to remember• Steel rods should not have the presence of rust on them.• Only the BIS certified rods should be purchased.• While laying down the roof, a layer of water-cement paste should be placed over steel rods to prevent it from corrosion.

Selection of Steel Rods Compressive strength of concrete is quite good, but it does not have adequate

tensile strength, so to give it the much needed tensile strength, steel rods are inserted into the concrete, and so comes the Reinforced Concrete Cement.

Points to remember• Steel rods should not have the presence of rust on them.• Only the BIS certified rods should be purchased.• While laying down the roof, a layer of water-cement paste should be placed over steel rods to prevent it from corrosion.

Cover BlocksCover blocks are used to ensure proper concrete cover to steel bars. They have

different thickness for different structures

Type of structure Thickness

Footing 2 inches

columns 1.5 inches

slab .5 to .75 inches

Beam .5 to .75 inches

Removal period of ShutteringType of structure Removal of shuttering

Shuttering of walls and pillars 24-48 hours

Slab shuttering(without removing bottom supports)

3 days

Lower surface of beam(wooden supports not removed)

7 days

Supports of slabs up to 4.5m longSupports of slabs more than 4.5m long

7 days14 days

Supports of beams and arches up to 6m long 14 days

Construction of Roof• Laying down of roof is very important is very important. One can say that the

strength of building depends upon it.• Before laying roof, it should be made sure that shuttering is strong and there

must be no spacing between plates.• Steel rods must be at least one inch above shuttering, and conduit

pipes(for electric wires) should be above steel rods.• For roof, concrete Mix 20 (1:1.5:3), should be used.• For concrete to be used on large scale, machine mixer should be used.• If concrete is to be made by hand mixing, it is advisable to add 10%more

cement.• If concrete is to be prepared by hand, it must be prepared on wooden or steel

platform or on clean concrete surface.• Concrete must be used within one hour of preparation.• Placing of concrete on any slab should be a continuous process.

• The maximum height from which concrete should be allowed to place is 1.5 meters. Otherwise, the concrete may disintegrate.

• For increasing the strength of the concrete work, vibrator must be used.

Basics in roof construction A roof is a type of slab. There are two types of slab • One way slab A slab in which the ratio of the length to breadth is more than or equal to two.

It is known as one-way slab. Here, main reinforcement is provided parallel to the smaller side. For example , 8mx18m is a one way slab.

• Two way slab A two way slab is one in which the ratio of the length to breadth is less than

two. Here, main reinforcement is provided in both the directions. For example, 10mx12m slab is a two way slab. A mat like structure of reinforcing bars is called rebars.

Cantilever PartThe cantilever part of the slab must be properly placed. The steel rods in them must

be placed in the tensile zone i.e. in the upper part. This will prevent bending. The figure below will make the things more clear

Simply Supported PartIn simply supported beam or slab, the reinforcement is given mostly in the

compression zone i.e. in the lower part. The illustration is given below.

Precautions in Roof construction The placing of bars should be adequate. In one way slab, primary

reinforcement is done parallel to the smaller side, and secondary reinforcement is done parallel to the larger side. The diameter of primary reinforcement is greater than secondary bars. In this case,primary reinforcement remains below secondary reinforcement.

In two way slab, the case is a little different. The main reinforcement is given both parallel to the shorter and the larger

side. The diameters of both the bars should be the same.

PlasteringThe main objectives of plastering are:• To provide finishing on the walls.• To provide protection to masonry work from outer environmental attack.

What to do during Plastering?The surface that needs to be plastered should be properly cured, because it leads

to proper adhesion of plaster on the surface.The mason must be asked to prepare mortar that can be easily, utilized in one

hour. Otherwise, hardened mortar is not workable.Plastering on different parts of the building requires different proportions

tabulated below:

USE Cement:Sand ratioPlaster on Interior Walls 1:5

Plaster on exterior Walls 1:4

For Roof 1:3

• Plastering should begin 28 days after the completion of brick masonry work.• Sand should be used after sieving.• Concrete surface should be made rough before applying plaster, so that

proper adhesion of plaster can take place.• Before plastering, concrete layer should be wetted with a thin paste of

cement.• First layer of plaster should be about 12mm. If more thickness is needed, then

2 or 3 coats should be applied.• In plastering also, concreting should take place at least for 10 days.

Curing Curing is the method of maintaining a satisfactory moisture content and

favorable temperature in concrete just after placement, so that the desired properties can be attained to a sufficient degree to meet the requirement during life of structure.

The important points to follow are:• Curing should start as soon as the concrete sets.• During summer, curing should start right from the first day of placement.• Curing should be carried out during afternoon in summers.• During rainy seasons and winters, the concrete mass starts gaining strength a

little late.• On roof, curing should be carried out by making small boundaries of sand, and

then making small ponds of it.• For curing of column, wet jute bags should be wrapped around it.• Curing should be carried out at least for 7-10days.

Flooring• Soil should be spread on the floor and be compacted properly.• One layer of aggregates, above soil be placed.• Concrete mix1:2:8 should be used• At least 7 days’ curing should be done.

Painting In construction of any building, painting work is carried out in last. Besides

giving the wall a pleasing look, it also protects them.• In a newly built building, white wash using white cement should be

executed, because moisture remains in the walls for one to two years. JK White Cement is a brand name having a life span of three years.

• If distemper has to be applied, removal of whiteness on the wall ,should be done using sand paper.

• First of all, at least two coats of primer must be applied.• It is advisable to again have two coats of primer.• Finally, two coats of paint should be applied.

Points to remember regarding painting• Light colors should be preferred for keeping the temperature low, and to

have maximum reflection of light.• The paints from the well known companies should only be used. Cement

paint made by using JK White Cement gives snow-white like appearance.• If there is any defect in the walls like dampness and cracks, it must be

rectified first.

Stairs Points to Remember:• Along the west Slab, the main reinforcement should be laid below

distribution bars.• In landing, the main reinforcement should be above distribution steel.• Stair is a delicate structure, so the construction should take place under an

experienced Civil Engineer.• Concrete Mix of at least M20 should be used.• Curing should be carried out for at least 14 days.• Shuttering should be removed only after 14 days.

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Main bars

Distribution Bars

Water Tanks

Following points are worth considering :• At least M20 concrete mix should be used.• For 50kg bag,26 liters of water must be used.• At least 15x15cm size fillet should be used, and extra reinforcement should

be provided.• When the tank is being filled for the first time, fill it to the height of 2-3feet,

in one day, in order to avoid instability in the structure.

Reinforced Brick Slab• Quite similar to Reinforced Concrete Slab, in terms of placement. The

difference is that concrete is either partially or completely replaced by bricks.• Concrete is placed between the joints or above it. Other Points to remember• Steel Shuttering should be used; if any material other than shuttering is to be

used, then the proper compaction of soil should be done. If possible , a plastic sheet should be placed over it.

• In steel shuttering camber of 20-25mm should be provided. Bricks should be soaked in water for four to six hours and must be taken out 15-20 minutes before use.

• Reinforcement should be place under the supervision of an experienced Engineer.

• Concrete Mix 15 can be used in this case. Water should be added according to requirements.

• After 10 hours, a little sprinkling of water should be done.• After 24 hours, small ponds of water made on the roof.• Curing should be done in this manner for 10 days.• Shuttering should be removed after 14 days. Plastering should be carried

out in the proportion of 1:3.

Rainwater HarvestingImportance of Rainwater Harvesting• It helps in reducing excessive exploitation of water resources as

dependence on rivers, lakes and ponds .• It can help in the revival of wells and tube wells.• When there is heavy rainfall, there are chances of inundation of canals

and drains, such problems can be avoided by using rainwater harvesting.• For areas facing accurate shortage of water, this technique is a boon.

Precautions in Rainwater Harvesting• Water that has to be recharged must be free from dirt and contamination.• Only in places where G.W.L(Ground Water level) is more than 3 meters,

rainwater harvesting technique works efficiently.• In places, having hard stratum, this technique usually does not work. So in

such places, it can be avoided• The rainwater pipe that discharges water

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