getting more subscribers

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Growing your members and subscribers is one of the core goals that a daily deal company should always continually be working on. Well, all web-based businesses for that matter. Email database size and promotional campaigns are extremely important in the daily deal industry. One of the ways that a deal site is valued is directly correlated with the size and responsiveness of the website’s email database. Remember to put focus no quality over quantity.


Proven Things You Can Do Right

Now to Grow a List of Raving

Fans and Increase Revenue

Your Presenter:

Marc Horne

Optimize Your Website

• What are you optimizing for? The Optin? Search

Engines? The Sale?

• Landing pages – You can grab some landing page

templates at

• Highest converting squeeze page.

• Test Variations – Website Optimizer, Crazy

Egg or Google Analytics


• Call your visitors to act. People are lazy. Instruct your visitors on exactly what your

desired action is.

• Keep your opt in box above the fold and always visible to those who have not yet

subscribed. More than 80% of visitors never scroll down

• Make opting, connecting, and joining your site easy by allowing Facebook Connect

or Open ID as an alternative option to register.

• Provide a solid and real reason that a user should subscribe and make it a no

brainer. Talk Benefits – Not Features.

Traffic• Grow your social media presence. Seek new strategic relationships and

affiliate partners.

• Optimize your website for the search engines by having relevant key

words, titles, and meta descriptions on your website. On-page text and

copy plays a vital role in ranking of websites. Without a vast knowledge of

SEO, the wise thing would be for you to outsource this aspect to


• Release remarkable content. Videos, articles, press releases, podcasts,

and social bookmarking are a few types of content that you can submit to

various websites.


• Gamification is the use of game design techniques,

game thinking and game mechanics to enhance non-

game contexts

• Encourage users to engage in desired behaviors.

• Las Vegas Casinos, Mobile Apps. (Words

w/Friends), Farmville, etc.

Gamification• achievement "badges”

• achievement levels

• "leader boards"

• a progress bar or other visual meter to indicate how close people are to completing a task a company is

trying to encourage, such as completing a social networking profile or earning a frequent shopper loyalty


• virtual currency

• systems for awarding, redeeming, trading, gifting, and otherwise exchanging points

• challenges between users

• embedding small casual games within other activities


• Challenge: How can you “Gamify” your website?


• Giving Commissions, Rewards, or Credits for

Sharing and Referring Friends. Incentives can make

employees work harder, affiliates push harder, and

clients more eager to share.


• Challenge: How can you add incentives to your

affiliates, customers, prospects, and employees?


• This is a situation where your company benefits

another company or organization while at the same

time marketing your own product or service.

• Using the "Social Media World" and other highly

trafficked sites to piggy back off of there.

• Guest blog posts.


• In order to be in a position to piggy back:

• - There must be no element of competition

• - You need to be going after the same target


• - You must be able to provide some benefit to the

other company or organization


• Challenge: Find 3-5 companies who you can

piggyback off of.


• One of the oldest tricks in the book is to give away

something of value for free. Gain trust, impress,

show that you have value to offer, and folks are

much more likely to want to buy something from you.

Popups (oh dear)

• Everyone hates them – the do work, however.

• If you do use one, it better make sense.

• Order form exit popups.

Paid Traffic

• Google Adsense

• Bing Advertising

• Yahoo Advertising Solutions

• Facebook Ads

• Plenty of Fish

Paid Traffic

• Stumble Upon -


• ShareASale

• adBrite

• InfoLinks

• Clicksor

Nurturing Your List

• You can create stories and options and benefits that naturally spread from this

group to their friends, and your core group can multiply, with 5,000 growing to

10,000 and then 100,000.

• Or you can put the group through a sales funnel, weed out the free riders and

monetize the rest. A 5% conversion rate means you just turned 5,000 interested

people into 250 paying customers.

• Multiplying scales. Dividing helps you make this quarter's numbers.

Segmenting, Tracking and Split


• Google Website Optimizer

• Start by split testing headlines.

Have Remarkable Content and Deals

• Nothing trumps remarkable content.

• Syndicate content across the web.

• Drive traffic to your blog posts / content.

Thank you for attending

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