general “search” or “find” vs “manage” “edit” has no second level tab. is always...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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General• “Search” or “Find” vs “Manage”• “Edit” has no second level tab. is always under the “Create” tab• “Create” or “Add” – need consistency• Clickable search results vs buttons• Do we want to aim to support clinical staff usage via touchscreen?• Avoid hover over actions – won’t work with a touchscreen interface (no mouse).• Put all page headers in a standard header box.• “Close” / “Cancel” - need to have a consistent usage (especially in pop-ups).• Update drop-down actions with JQuery action buttons. Add in icons for these actions.• Delete consistency – X, trash can, “Delete” button, etc.• Create / Manage button order – make consistent• Create Study, Create Form, but Add Participant – make consistent• Preserve content state between pages (i.e. don’t re-enter participant and study from

Manage Participant to Manage Schedule).• Where else can you find alerts? Show a link to a symptom alert on the Manage

Schedule. Show an icon for an alert on Manage Schedule.• Usage pattern data? How often are people doing rescheduling? Etc.

Find / Search / Manage1. Vertical (rather than

horizontal) tool links2. Replace multiple search

boxes with a single search3. Filtering on columns.4. Allow adding / removing

display columns. • Other columns?: • Status (Off-Study, Active,

On-Hold)?• Date added? • Study start date?• New Alerts?• Missed last survey?• Next Survey?• Mode (Web, IVRS, both)?• My Participants? Perhaps

as a check-box?5. Server side pagination


NOTE: Table structure preserved over nested / tree view display.





General (cont)

• Replace horizontal tool links with vertical.

• Easier to navigate.• Reinforce that these

are tool links and are not tabs for organization.

Create Form

• Don’t make the PI search – show all the studies to which they have access, and then allow filtering if needed.

• Have a single search box that searches on study title or ID.• Don’t need a full page to select the study. Perhaps have the study

be selected in an autocompleter on tab 2. Form Builder.

Manage Form

• Change tool link to “Find Forms”• Have a single search box which searches on Study Title

or ID, and on any part of the Form Name.• Show all the forms to which they have access, and then

allow filtering if needed.

Manage Form (cont)• Show all results by default, but

allow filtering on columns.• Allow data columns to be added

(include Study as an optional column).

• Reconsider Hide Form functionality (“Deactivate” instead?).

• Remove “View hidden forms” button and instead allow these forms to be filtered in/out by status.

• Rename “Forms” to “Surveys”?• Change to Find rather than

Manage?• Provide a view of the survey from

this screen (a pop-up?).• Support a “Print” quick action.

Copy Form

• Allow copying a survey and selecting a different study to which it should be associated.

• Need to have a “Cancel” function for copy - once you’ve copied, the copy is created.

• Second level navigation is not highlighted.

• A library of existing questionaires that could just be grabbed and used for any study. Core questions; Breast cancer, etc.

Edit Form

• Don’t require a PI to know that in order to edit a released survey, they need to first “version” the survey.

• If a PI wants to change the questions on a survey, allow them to click “Edit” (rather than “Version”) and modify the survey – when they save, prompt them to create a new version (or create a copy – “save as”).

• Allow a survey to have a new name with a new version.

Edit Schedule Template• Second level navigation is not highlighted.• Don’t need to show the Study Arms in the

header.• Change the drop down action from “Edit

schedules/notifications” to either “Edit schedules” or just “Edit form”.

• If “Edit form” is displayed for released forms, display the form questions in read-only mode on tab1. Provide a button to Copy or Version the form from within the edit flow. This will make it more obvious how to change the content on an existing form.

• Rework Arm selection process to just select all Arms – selecting one Arm and then applying the schedule to other Arms is confusing.

• Rework Arm selection UI.• For a cycle base schedule, don’t make the

user click “Add” to open up the cycle definition section.

• Make the “Generate schedule” process more intuitive (not clear this is a button you have to click to proceed).

Edit Schedule Template (cont)

• Improve UI for applying a schedule to multiple cycles – not really intuitive to click on the “Apply to” dropdown list.

Finalize / Release Form

• Pick one – “Finalize” or “Release” - Clicking on “Finalize” results in the Release pop-up; The form status is “Final” rather than “Released”.

• Rework the pop-up (layout, need border, no scroll bar needed, etc).

Manage Studies• Make a single search• Show all results• Add filtering for each column• Remove Funding Sponsor & Coordinating Center columns• Add Lead Site column• Make actions JQuery buttons (see caAERS)• Remove row highlighting• Advanced feature: allow columns to be added by the user• NOTE: There will not be that many studies in a system

Manage Participants• Similar feedback as that for

Manage Forms.• Show all results by default, but

allow filtering on columns.• Organize / group all Participants

by Study and Study Site?• Replace multiple search boxes

with a single search and make columns filterable.

• Make Actions Jquery buttons• Change to “Search” or “View”

rather than Manage?• Is there a participant status (i.e.

Off-Study, Active, On-Hold, etc)?• Server side pagination

Edit Participants• Contact information – only under

mode of administration.• Combine “Home” and “In-Clinic”

reporting to just “Mode”.• Don’t show all the forms for the

study (maybe just the forms for the Arm, if any).

• Make “Reset password” “Off study date…” and “Treatment on hold” to be clear actions (perhaps a JQuery Action button).

• Perhaps reorganize flow to select Study, then site, then arm, then add patient.

• Only 1 study can be selected, remove radio button.

• Re-name and Rework “Other Staff” tab

Edit Participants (cont)

• Re-name “Other Staff” tab to “Treating staff”.

• Not clear what “Notify” does.

• Research Staff, Primary Staff, and Other Staff – a little confusing – is all of this needed per participant?

Manage ScheduleMain functions needed by a CRA:1. What surveys are currently being

administered or are upcoming?2. What has recently been completed?3. Who is missing surveys?4. Who is having really bad symptoms

(alerts)?5. Change / adjust a schedule.6. Put a patient on-hold / take off treatment.• Don’t show any cycle schedule definitions –

what value does this provide a CRA?• Just show the calendar.• Allow the calendar to show multiple

participants, multiple forms, from multiple studies, and multiple study sites.

• Allow the calendar to be filtered down to the attribute of interest.

• Make calendar action button more obvious.• Make “Schedules” a Level 1 tab?

Needed Batch Functions?

• Putting survey administration on hold?– All patients on an ARM? – All patient on a Study?

• Removing a hold?

• Removing the administration of a specific survey?

• Batch reschedule? – All patients on an ARM / a Study?

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