geeklist #hack4good 0.3 challenges - web summit in dublin 2013

Post on 08-May-2015






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Here are the challenges submitted by charities, NGOs and non-profits for the Geeklist #hack4good 0.3 at The Summit in Dublin, on Tuesday 29th October 2013. There are challenges from Concern Worldwide, GOAL, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Inspire Ireland, Centrepoint, Oxfam, Jungle Bird and Young Enterprise, who are all lined up and dedicated to working with us on Tuesday. Covering issues as diverse as Humanitarian Aid, Health, Education, Agriculture, Mental Health, Homelessness, Activism, Fundraising Innovation, Impact Measurement, we've got an incredible set of 20 different challenges ready for you to work on. We’ve gathered some of the brightest minds in technology, along with the organisations who have the infrastructure and teams to put what we build into action! The NGOs are looking to us to find innovative solutions, to connect the dots, to make these projects happen. Find out more at or search #hack4good on Twitter.



Web-based Content in



The Activist's Toolkit


Digital Hub During a

Humanitarian Crisis


Donut Visualisation


Helios Anywhere


A Collection Tin for the

21st Century


A Digital Rummage

through the Oxfam

Online Shop


Mobile Engagement


Flexible Donation App


Mapping Oxfam's Global


Inspire Ireland

Tracking the mental

health support journey

Concern Worldwide

Connectivity and

Support for Rural

Health Workers

Concern Worldwide

Measuring Early Reading

and Math Skills in World’s

Poorest Countries

Concern Worldwide


Impact Tracking – who

are we helping?


NutVal Calculator

Mobile App


Strengthen Links to

Increase Farmer



Online Help and Advice

for Homeless Young


The Global Fund to fight

AIDS, TB and Malaria

Adherence to

HIV/AIDS Treatment

Jungle Bird

No tag, no tree:

stopping deforestation

Young Enterprise

Impact Tracker for

graduates of Young

People’s Programme



Tracking the mental health support journey

Inspire Ireland’s mission is to help young people lead happier lives. We run, an online service to help young people aged 12-25 years-old get through tough times.

A critical issue for is understanding what happens to users of the site when they leave it. We know that young people come to us to seek help for themselves or for friends. On occasions just getting information on the site is enough for them and they don't need to take any other action.

The Challenge: We need to understand what part plays in the overall mental health support that a young person might need, i.e. one who might visit another site to get more information or one who goes on to seek support from another type of service (e.g a mental health professional).

This type of information would help us to clearly position RO on the spectrum of mental health support for young people and better help us understand what role we play for young people. Being able to track longitudinal information or even 'what happened next' would be really valuable.



Connectivity, Social Support and Career

Motivation for Rural Health Workers Retaining health workers, particularly in rural areas, is an ongoing challenge in countries

ranking low on Maternal and Newborn Child Health indicators.

Health workers are deployed to locations far from family and are offered few if any opportunities for professional development. Job satisfaction and motivation to remain in their posts are low, as they can feel isolated, unappreciated, and without connection to a larger support network.

Technology could address constraints and limitations in ensuring connectedness and career development. Using innovative technology and communication platforms (e.g., subsidized data-enabled phones or tablet PCs with closed user group facility) to rural health workers might be a means of: a) fostering peer-to-peer support; b) maintaining connections to family and support networks back home; and c) providing distance education (e.g., short courses, continuing medical education, or professional certifications) to further their professional development.

The Challenge: Creatively use technology to improve social support and career development addressing the constraints and limitations in ensuring connectedness for health workers stationed in rural situations.



Measuring Early Grade Reading and Math

Skills in the World’s Poorest Countries Concern Worldwide is an international humanitarian organisation working in

26 of the world’s poorest countries. One of Concern Worldwide’s main programme areas is education, where we are committed to increasing the literacy and numeracy rates among children in our target communities.

In order to monitor and track our progress we need to conduct Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematics Assessments on each child.

The Challenge: To create electronic data collection software designed for use on 7 inch Android tablet computers. Its primary use is to enable recording and timing of students’ responses in oral early grade reading and mathematics skills assessments, specifically Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), which are defined standards to test literacy and numeracy skills.



Cross-Programme Impact Tracking –

who are we helping? Assistance with beneficiary management would be very helpful – i.e. how to digitally track each

interaction with individuals across all of Concern’s (or any NGO’s) programmes. This would be particularly interesting to look at in the context of an emergency e.g. the current Syria crisis – which would involve tracking a number of different programmes for an NGO such as camp management, nutrition, shelter, hygiene etc.

Each year Concern carries out millions (c. 15-20 million) of unique interactions with individuals across our programmes, but we aren’t necessarily capturing the data on whether an individual is part of e.g. our nutrition programme and health programme, or just benefitting from one programme.

The mobility and off-line capability of solutions – it should be highlighted – are of key importance!

The Challenge: Build a system to conduct rapid registration of beneficiaries. Capture key information on the person as well and a photo and GPS co-ordinates. All data to be synchronised with an online database with an ‘easy to use’ front end. The web database must integrate with an online (or offline) open source mapping solution to provide graphical representation of beneficiary locations. Please note beneficiaries may be located in a multi-tiered buildings and the map must cater for this.



Gain insight on nutritional deficiencies by geo

area with NutVal Calculator Mobile App The NutVal calculator exists in excel form which utilises hundreds of household

questionnaires (gathered on paper, over a few days of fieldwork) to provide a general

idea of macro/micro-nutrient deficiencies within a certain geographical area.

This information can be used to guide our intervention response, for example on the

content of food baskets to be distributed through general distributions, or information

to farmers on what types of crop they might include in kitchen gardens for household

consumption , or what types of foods should be promoted in cooking demonstrations

for households to try and encourage more replete diets to be consumed .

The Challenge: Build a Mobile App that will allow us to provide a more tailored response

based on a household micro-nutrient deficiency. At the same time, valuable information

is being gathered which can be cumulatively calculated at regular intervals to indicate

what is happening at a larger level, geographically. This will mitigate the need for large

scale surveying also.



Strengthen Links between Farmers, Suppliers,

Agencies to increase Farming Income The market linkages app for mobile-based agriculture brings will bring together:

Farmers and farmer groups

Buyers (posting their needs, prices, quality demands, but also maybe hints and tips…)

Service providers (Finance, Insurance, Training)

Seeds, fertilizer and other hardware providers

Government agencies (agriculture training, weather warnings, …)

Universities and research organizations


The Challenge: The basic idea is to allow access to all of these stakeholders, create

linkages, and most of all ensure that farmers increase their income from farming. You

can find a graphic representation of the concept in the attached slide.



Online Help and Advice for Homeless Young

People Centrepoint is the UK’s leading charity for homeless young people. It supports over 6,000 16-

25 year olds into housing and employment every year.

Our young people tend not to be rough sleepers, but sofa surfers. When they get to us, they want to be as far away from the label of homelessness as possible. Everything we do is about moving them forward - getting them a home and a job. To do this, we run various learning workshops, getting them into education, training or employment. This includes anything from CV writing workshops to accredited courses in vocational skills, like construction. We also provide things like mentors to inspire and encourage young people

Centrepoint currently doesn't have any digital platform for young people. We want something which will increase engagement from young people - so something practical so they can pay their rent online (all our young people must pay rent, even in homeless hostels), sign up to courses, find out about jobs or training opportunities, access good resources and guidance, connect with Centrepoint staff and other young people.

The Challenge: Build an app or mobile site that provides simple, tailored support to help young people move into independent living. It would need to be informative, but also fun. Most of all, it needs to encourage them to engage with all the things Centrepoint provides.



Adherence to HIV/AIDS Treatment

The Global Fund is a unique global public/private partnership dedicated to attracting and disbursing additional resources to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The Global Fund helps provide access to life-saving AIDS treatment for more than 5 million people worldwide. However, one of the biggest challenges is making sure people adhere to treatment from picking up the medication, to remembering to take their pills.

If we can keep getting more and more treatment to people living with HIV and those people adhere to their treatment, we can virtually defeat AIDS and nearly end new infections.

The Challenge: Finding technological solutions could be a game changer. We need to create a system that allows health workers to:

1. Collect data on patients into a centralized database on the national level

2. Have an automated system to remind patients in the same database to adhere to treatment


No video for this one – ask questions to @JungleBird

No tag, no tree: stopping deforestation

Fueled by corrupt officials, organized crime and inadequate traceability, illegal logging is a global problem that is wreaking havoc throughout South America, Eastern Russia and Indonesia.

The imminent launch of Google’s near real-time satellite monitoring system Global Forest Watch 2.0will provide us with the photographic evidence required to establish a robust supply chain certification program that is capable of eliminating illegal deforestation.

Since a tree originates from a fixed point, we would simply require that the logging company take a GPS reading of a trees location, list its species, along with the date and time of its logging.

Once felled, the logger would fix a digital tag to the base of the tree, in place of the typical spray painted and easily tampered with marking.

The Challenge: As the tree travels along the supply chain it will eventually be picked up by our system which will seek to confirm its origin and date of felling, by comparing the before and after images collected by Google’s satellite system. Once confirmed the tree will be given a clean ‘bill of origin.‘

Not only is the current paper based certification system out of date, its a waste of paper. By adopting digital traceability, we will bring the certification of wood supply into the 21st century... and through your help use technology to help put the brakes on what is one of the most pressing and largely preventable challenges facing our planet today!


No video for this one – ask questions to @youngenterprise

Impact Tracker for graduates of Young People’s


Many charities, like Young Enterprise, work with young people to develop

their employability skills.

There is an increasing need to demonstrated long-term impact, years

after the young people have left programmes.

The Challenge: How can we use technology to track young people once

they leave our programmes, keep in touch with our alumni, re-engage

them, and utilise this incredible network to demonstrate impact?



Web-based Content in Emergencies

The challenge is concerned with improving web-based access to information about health and justice services for people in urban areas in Democratic Republic Of Congo and other countries.

The Challenge: What is the best way of delivering pictorial content to internally displaced people in urban areas like Goma, where internet connectivity exists, but is unreliable and bandwidth is low; and where access to mobile phones, computers, and internet cafe’s is difficult or dangerous for women?



The Activist’s Toolkit

In most developed nations the web is a broad and accessible tool for campaigning and communicating. From lobbying the leaders of the G8 to playing a role in the Arab Spring the internet has become a must for organising, resourcing and powering campaigns.

In order to help empower campaigners at a local or national level a toolkit that allows campaigners to quickly organise, access and track activities across multiple platforms may help campaigners to further their goals and begin campaigns at an individual level. (This type of tool would be fine for developed nations, in areas like the Arab world activists may prefer tools that come with encryption.)

The Challenge: Using public APIs, could you hack together a bundle of web services into one open source tool or dashboard which would allow an individual or small organisation to create and run a new campaign in minutes? This could take the form of standalone software or (perhaps better) a browser add-on.

This would ideally include: Donation / crowd fundraising e.g. Just Giving or Kick Starter become “Fund an activist” Mass mobilisation / crowdspeaking (e.g. Thunderclap) Petition sign-up as an alternative to funding Supporter database / email mailing list – capture details of all supporters and mail successes Upload and storage of graphics or text that could work across campaign platforms so they are quickly accessible



Digital Hub During A Humanitarian Crisis

The concept here is a digital knowledge hub in the midst of a crisis that scours all information sources for the most complete set of data possible in the event of either a sudden or slow onset.

The Challenge: Beyond the limitations of anything currently in existence, this would establish one centralised unit to which everyone can tap into in real time - the definitive data source - that also provides various predictive models incorporating weather reports, aerial photography, seismic readings, food prices, water supplies, power supply, work force skills, land prices, gender equality index, and all our proposed actions -the most complete picture of Resilience in the form of thematic (but mutually informed as opposed to isolated) layers of information.

Critical to this would be the issue of triangulation of data (data validation). This latter point could be a stand alone challenge too as it’s a burning issue for all



Donut Visualisation

The concept here is a digital knowledge hub in the midst of a crisis that scours all information sources for the most complete set of data possible in the event of either a sudden or slow onset.

The Challenge: Beyond the limitations of anything currently in existence, this would establish one centralised unit to which everyone can tap into in real time - the definitive data source - that also provides various predictive models incorporating weather reports, aerial photography, seismic readings, food prices, water supplies, power supply, work force skills, land prices, gender equality index, and all our proposed actions -the most complete picture of Resilience in the form of thematic (but mutually informed as opposed to isolated) layers of information.

Critical to this would be the issue of triangulation of data (data validation). This latter point could be a stand alone challenge too as it’s a burning issue for all


No video for this one – ask questions to @OxfamIreland

Helios Anywhere

Helios is Oxfam GB’s supply chain management system. It’s used to get supplies out to disaster-hit areas during emergencies, as well as to track and manage logistics for Oxfam’s longer-term development projects.

The Challenge: Connectivity. In some of the situations where HELIOS is needed most, internet connectivity is not available or sufficient enough to use the system.

Currently for an Oxfam employee to access HELIOS, they need access to a network cable, a wireless modem (with SIM for the current location) & a satphone, as well as information detailing which is the best option to use for their current location. Without this, access to HELIOS will either not be possible or unacceptably slow; and parts or all of the supply chain is managed outside of the system.

We think this is a fairly unique logistics challenge, and are not aware of any existing solutions in industry or other sectors



Flexible Donation App

Developing and maintaining an application for mobile and/or tablet devices is expensive. Furthermore, there are restrictive revenue share rules concerning mobile apps which allow the user to make a donation to charity: Google say non-profit organisations must use their In-App Payment solution for donations (which means Oxfam lose 30% of donations), whilst Apple insist donations must be handled outside the app - in a browser or via SMS (which results a jarring user experience).

These factors combined mean there have been very few examples of charities launching successful mobile apps for fundraising and supporter engagement.

The Challenge: Can you help Oxfam develop a mobile application which... offers a brilliant, engaging user experience that supporters want to revisit on their

device provides a seamless way to make regular donations quickly and simply, giving

supporters flexibility and control complies with Apple and Google policies regarding donations from apps


No video for this one – ask questions to @OxfamIreland

A Collection Tin for the 21st Century

Collection tins are old fashioned. They crowd around the till at shops, jostling for position against tins from a host of other worthy charities, gathering dust. When you do drop in some loose change, they offer you no reward. They don’t even say thanks. How rude.

And who carries around change these days, anyway? ‘The cashless society is just around the corner’, scream tech firms and trend analysts. There are 125 contactless payments every minute, claim Visa, and then there’s mobile wallets and NFC, where the jury’s still out.

The Challenge: Can you help Oxfam build a collection tin for the digital age? A contraption which lets supporters make a microdonation to Oxfam in a mere moment, whilst stood at a checkout or just passing by.

A device which rewards the swipe of a phone or slap of a debit card with some positive feedback to say “Thanks! You rock! Here’s something fun to brighten your day.”


No video for this one – ask questions to @OxfamIreland

A Digital Rummage through the Oxfam Online Shop

One of the reasons Oxfam is a household name is its charity shops. Less well known is Oxfam’s online store, where supporters can buy second hand goods which have been donated in shops and drop-off points. It sells everything from vintage dresses to postage stamps, and new items are added to the listings every day:

But browsing the online charity shop isn’t the same as visiting a shop and rummaging through items to find a hidden gem. The serendipity of the high street charity shop experience is unique and exciting; we know that some supporters love to ‘pop in’ just in case there’s a bargain to be had.

We also know that the proportion of users browsing the Oxfam Online Shop from mobile devices – particularly tablets - is growing rapidly (representing over 25% of traffic), yet its pages currently aren’t optimised for these screens.

The Challenge: Can you hack together a prototype new user interface for the Oxfam Online Shop which puts the fun and serendipity back into browsing items?

How could you exploit the technology built into tablets and mobile phones – GPS, gyroscope/accelerometer, multipoint touch – to build an experience that’s more engaging, more interactive and will keep shoppers coming back?


No video for this one – ask questions to @OxfamIreland

Mobile Engagement

Oxfam faces a gradual decline in the number of supporters who choose to support the charity financially with a regular donation (e.g. direct debit). This unrestricted income (funds which can be directed towards any cause or operating cost) is crucial to the continued success of Oxfam’s work.

The last disruptive innovations were a long time ago (i.e. direct response television advertising and the Direct Debit model in the 90’s, Oxfam Unwrapped gifts in the 00’s).

Direct Debit as a payment mechanism is starting to feel antiquated in a space where new (digital) forms of payment are appearing all the time (e.g. online banking, virtual currencies, mobile payments) and social norms are changing. Supporters expect to be able to engage with brands and organisations more directly.

The Challenge: How can we build more flexible methods of supporting Oxfam’s work into people's daily activity and encourage regular, reliable unrestricted gifts?

How might mobile technology be used in street and door to door fundraising?

How would mobile help us connect UK supporters with the beneficiaries they are helping in the developing world?


No video for this one – ask questions to @OxfamIreland

Mapping Oxfam’s Global Impact

Oxfam is a global confederation of partner organisations working together to fight poverty and suffering around the world.

To UK supporters, that isn’t always obvious. To the man on the street, Oxfam means charity shops and starving kids in Africa.

The Challenge: What technology could you use to help Oxfam better show the aggregate scale and prove the impact of its work around the globe?

The goal of this challenge is to come up with a new way for supporters to engage with Oxfam and be convinced by the efficacy and scale of the organisation’s work.


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