from the pastor’s desk… · 2018-03-27 · from the pastor’s desk… is this logo familiar to...

Post on 20-May-2020






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From the Pastor’s Desk…

Is this logo familiar to you? It’s taken from the bulletin advertising our Parish Mission. It’s a way to remind us to integrate what we do at Mass with how we live our daily lives. If this doesn’t happen often enough, we’re wasting our time at Mass.

This is Holy Week and on Tuesday we’ll be celebrating a “day of mercy,” devoted to helping us experience the Lord's forgiveness for our lack of integration. Priests will be available from 12pm to 8 pm for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Stop by so Christ can help you, through one of us!

In keeping with our Mission, I thought the following questions might help in celebrating this sacrament. They are based on topics developed by our Mission speakers:

I am made in God’s image and likeness. That’s the inner basis of true self-love. Or, do I think of myself more in terms of how I stack up with others. Do I worry if I’m good enough, talented enough, worthy enough compared to them? Do I beat myself up over my failures?

Do I judge others by the color of their skin; their ethnicity; their sex; their looks; their achievements, or lack thereof; how much they make; what they have?

Do I relate to people more often by what they do for me? Do I ignore their needs, interests, pains, and joys? Do I talk more than listen? Do I try to enter into their point of view? Am I willing to be changed by them to be a better person or do I think my perspective is the superior one?

Am I afraid to embrace the challenge of moral decision making? Do the media’s talking heads or my friends influence my thinking too much? Am I a person of conscience, praying over the issues of the day in the light of the Gospel and acting on that prayer?

Do I try to see the good in those with whom I disagree? Do I “stop and smell the roses,” sensing the beauty in the world and in others? Do I spend time each day thanking God for his creation and for his creation of me? Do I “say prayers” or do I also listen to him in the Scriptures and share my life with the Lord in the eucharist? Do I seek opportunities for silence and God’s peace?

Our confession of sinfulness is like going to a doctor. We need to tell a doctor where the pain is so he/she can diagnose our ailment. Sharing our sins with a priest allows us to experience Christ’s healing of the particular place in our hearts that’s disordered. He’s our best friend. We can say anything to him.

These are just some thoughts to guide a reflection on how we live life. Please remember, though, that the main point of reconciliation is that Christ wants to open our hearts to him more deeply. His aim isn’t to coddle us. It’s to challenge us to love more unconditionally. So, it’s not so much what we say to him. It’s more what he says to us - I absolve you; I forgive you!


Fr. Joe

Worship… Called and formed by the Word of God, we

worship our Lord primarily in the Mass. The Eucharist is the

center of our Christian life. It grounds everything else we do,

from prayer to our daily tasks to our ministries. If you have any

comments, please feel free to contact any of the following

Pastoral Council Representatives: Fr. Colin Kay, Deacon

Rich McGarry and Michael Kohler.

Pray for the recovery of: Angel Gomez, Trevis Muentener, Baby Walker Grey De Coons, Nicole Salzano, William Ball, Mary Trentadue, Eleanor Hollit, Shel Goldstein, Daniel Igue, Angel Gomez, Baby Nicholas Pellegrino, William Stasic, Jose Antonio Orozco, Candy Piemonte-Singer, Alice Giegler, Dennis Cummins, Michael DeCoite, John Young, Angel Gomes, Maria Kohlick, Jennifer Reeves, Vicenta Oyog, Lori Mineo, Ann Riffle, Baby Sophia Behrens, James Giegler, Marie Recchione, Bob Nichols, Maria Iozzia, Joseph Fernandez & his family, Jerry Marcom, Eileen Meyer, Anthony Esposito, Marissa Anderson, Helen Masefield, Timothy Dolan, Marie Kazazian, Rowen Ru, Charles Cummins, Alexa Kazazian, Meghan Curley, Romeo Malungcot, Angelina Perez, Kathy Nahra, Joe Hackett, Baby Joseph Mount, Sean O’Malley, Dave Gondres, Mark Reeves, Dr. Kevin Jeffrey McCarthy, Tommy Maher, Betty Young, Gabrielle Paradiso, Baby Charles Michael Tansey, Marianne Wilde, Lois Dekker, Mary Golabek, Joy Leonard, Mark Reeves, Mercedes Cepeda, Joey Bulger, Tom Pagano, Catherine Kurnath, John Coons, Mary McCarthy, Nellie Salazar, Ann Garripoli Petrie, Jennifer Crespo, Jimmy O’Hanlon, Patricia Sisti, Albert Gravel, Margaret Hoether, David Guerra, Jessica Pavoni, Debbie Carlotti, Jake Rudd, John Bohlig, Michael Reyes, Frank Morano, Sr., Bill Keegan, Richard Kennelley, Veronica Reichert, Robert O’Byrne, Julia Fedorchik, Jillda DiNardo, Marie Brancato, Helen Konarski, Mary Ludlow, Jason & Justin Leider, Dianna Miranda, Brandon Higgens, Ann Millstein, Carol Gravel, Wendy Gratale, Richie Policastro, Jackie Manning, Stanislaw Tecza, Louis Frances, Jarret Adamo, Matthew McGovern, Sarah Valenti, Stan Tomon, Violeta Arva, Ken Macagna, Todd Hodge, Emily Rao, John Rao, Carol Verbovsky, Kenneth Bodzak, Anne Llewellyn, Les Wolf, Diana Lambouras, Thomas Brown, Nicole Schepps and John Falcone.

†Pray for the happy repose of † Thomas Macaluso, Michael Giszack, Carmine Garofalo,

Msgr. Thomas McCarthy, Msgr. Sean Cunneen and Carl Goldschmiedt

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in loving memory of Jack Desmond as requested by his daughter & son-in-law.

Monday, March 26th 7:30 - James Byers – Mary & Dan Maria Vance – Tom & Bridie 8:45 - Adam Buechler – Jeannie Barnett & Evelyn Couture

Tuesday, March 27th 7:30 – Margaret Clark – Family Peter Britz – Mom & Dad 8:45 - Lydia Martignetti – Donald & Mary Ellen Carmen Cardenas – Lou & Elba Trerotoli

Wednesday, March 28th

7:30 – Maria Vance – Tom & Bridie Brian McDaniel - Family 8:45 – Catherine R. Raeber – Betty Ann & Bruce Jerry & Jane Tucci – Mary & Joanne Ludlow

Thursday, March 29th - Holy Thursday 7:30 pm – People of St. Anne Parish

Friday, March 30th - Good Friday 7:30 pm – People of St. Anne Parish

Saturday, March 31st - Holy Saturday 7:30 pm – EASTER VIGIL – People of St. Anne Parish

Sunday, April 1st Easter Sunday

7:30 – People 9:30 – of 11:30 – Saint Anne Parish 6:00 - NO 6:00 PM MASS

ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK - 2017 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash

Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted, and two (2) smaller meals, which, if added together, would not exceed the main meal in quantity. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast.

On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence.

2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation.

3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance.

4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2018 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, May 27, 2018.

*Canon 920, §1. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year.

Let us pray for those in our armed forces especially

for: 2nd

Lt. Frank D. Slawson II, USAF: 1st Lt. Markus

Landers, USMC; Cpl Bobby Cimmino, USMC; PFC

Richard Marchese, US Army; Pvt. John Pagios, US

Army; Pvt. Kristoffer Burger, US Army; SPCE4 Kyle

Milnes, US Army; PO 2nd

Cl Jimmy Guerra, US Navy,

PO 1st Cl Nicholas J. Vanni, US Navy; Major Gregory

Sugalski, US Army; MM2 Nicholas J. Magarelli, USN,

Master Sgt. Michael VanPamel, USAF; Sgt. Michael

Bourke, US Army; PFC Lindsay Newarski, US Army;

Staff Sgt.. Matthew Bauer, USAF; Brandon Motto,

USMC; Lt. Marc Sabatino, USN; LCPL Storm Odom,

USMC; Airman Michael Diffin, USAF; CPL Justin

Scales, USMC; LCPL Dominick Rizzo, USMC; PFC

Jonathan C. Sulinski, Warrant Officer Alan Harty, US

Army; Sgt. Bert J. Frullo, US Army; LCPL. Harrison

James Bruining, USMC; LCPL Steven D’Argenio,

USMC; Capt. Kip Rainey; SP4 Monica Saucier, US

Army; Spec. 4 Brian Tarantino, US Army; PO 1st Cl.

Mike Tarantino, USN; Lt. Col. Marshall Denney; Lance

Corp. Marshall Denney IV; Col. Patrick Frank;

Maj. Daniel Curtin, US Army; Staff Sgt. Joseph Sullivan,

USMC; A1C Richard Baldassari, USAF; Capt. Donald

Pump, USMC; and all those serving in Iraq and



someone who is considering having an abortion, here is a

number they might call that could be of help to them to

consider an alternative to this practice. The number is

1-800-395-HELP (4357).

For the month of March, Pope Francis asks us to pray especially ...that the church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment on both the individual and community levels.

Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Stockbridge, MA on Divine Mercy Sunday on April 8th.

The bus heading for Stockbridge, MA will leave St. Anne Church parking lot promptly at 6:30 am. The cost is $45 per seat. All seats must be paid in full before April 8. Each ticket comes with light breakfast and a drink. Reserve your seat by contacting Lory Patron at 201-410-2257. Proceeds will go to sponsoring a year of education for an ANCOP child in the Philippines. Any questions contact Hermie Vogel at 201-791-4499 or Teresa Dee at 201-658-4943.


When fishes flew and forests walked, And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood, Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry, And ears like errant wings, The devil’s walking parody Of all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient, crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.


Palm Sunday “Pilate again said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with the man whom you call the King of the Jews?’ And they cried out again, ‘Crucify him.’” (Mark 15:12-13) Jesus told us “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day we are presented opportunities to help someone. Every day we have the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others. Pray for the strength and courage to stand up for those in need of our help.

BTOR BTOR will NOT meet Thursday, March 29 because of Holy Week or April 5 because of Easter Week.

There will be a short spring break after Easter Week due to travel and other Thursday commitments.

BTOR will resume on Thursday, April 19. A Happy & Blessed Easter to all!

EVENING OF LENTEN MUSIC Come join the Contemporary Choir for an evening of Lenten music this Monday, March 26th at 7:30 pm in the church. As Holy Week begins, take some time for yourself in prayerful reflection. There will be no formal prayer service, just an hour of Lenten music sung by the Contemporary Choir.

Word… St. Anne’s is a family of faith formed by the Word of God, especially as this is expressed in the person of Christ, in the

Scriptures, and in the Tradition of the Church. As we hear this word and take it more and more deeply into our lives, we become ever

more truly the People of God. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact any of the following Pastoral Council

Representatives: Donna Stickna, Melissa Rovetto-Ruffner & Marianne Cummins .

SAINT ANNE SCHOOL NEWS Open Registration is now being taken for new Pre-K to Grade 8

families any day from 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. New Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students must present birth and baptismal certificates and

record of immunizations. New students registering for Grades 1 through Grade 8 must present a transcript from their previous school and record of immunizations. St. Anne School offers a full-day kindergarten. Extended care in the morning and after school until 6:00 p.m. is available for students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight. For further information regarding tuition and fees, call the school office at 201-796-3353 or visit the school web site.

Visit our website at Follow us …. @StAnneFairLawn


The Faith Formation Office staff & catechists wishes our entire parish a Blessed Palm Sunday!

There will be no SundayFaith classes March 25 & April 1; the last classes are April 8 & 15.

SummerFaith Easter Family session is scheduled for Sunday, April 8 after the 9:30 Family Mass. Registered families will receive a reminder email the week before.

EUCHARIST PREP Completed Eucharist book were due on March 21. If you did not hand in your child’s book, please bring it to the Faith Formation Office at the Rectory.


SAVE THE DATE What kind of man makes a Cornerstone? Husbands, single men, guardians, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers, coaches, investment bankers, carpenters, lawyers, retirees, managers, doctors, police officers....In fact, when it comes right down to it, they are men just like you who want to deepen their faith and reflect on what really matters. The St Anne's Men's Cornerstone will take place on Friday April 27th and Saturday April 28th, 2018 (Friday evening to Saturday evening) in the church hall. For more information contact Guiseppe Barone 551-206-2502, John Hill 201-207-4607 or Ed Grzesiak 201-321-5144. You can also sign up at the St Anne website under Men’s Cornerstone ministry:



FRI., April 27th – SAT., April 28th


Sunday, March 25, 2018 Passion (Palm) Sunday Vigil Saturday 5:15 pm

7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am & 6:00 pm

Monday, March 26, 2018 Evening of Lenten Music

7:30 pm

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 Confessions with Individual Priests

12:00 – 8:00 pm

Thursday, March 29, 2018 Holy Thursday

(No Morning Masses) 8:45 am Morning Prayer Service

7:30 pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Exposition until 11:00 p.m.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday (No Morning Masses)

8:45 am Morning Prayer Service 3:00 pm Outdoor Way of the Cross

7:30 pm Veneration & Holy Communion

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Holy Saturday (No Morning Masses)

8:45 am Morning Prayer Service 11:00 am Blessing of Easter Baskets

7:30 pm Easter Vigil

Sunday, April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday


7:30 a.m., 9:30 am and 11:30 am - (No 6:00 pm Mass)

Triduum Morning prayer

Morning Prayer, part of what is known as our Liturgy of the Hours, goes back to ancient Jewish practice. Generations of Christians have dedicated the various hours of the day by singing the very psalms that Jesus learned from Mary and Joseph as a child, adding a scripture reading and an appropriate prayer.

During the three days of our Solemn Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) we do not celebrate a morning Mass. Instead, we gather for about a half-hour at 8:45 am to pray Morning Prayer

together. We are led by our priests who are accompanied by Dave Landolin and Maria DeGiglio. It is a beautiful way to open ourselves individually and as a parish to the great mysteries we

commemorate during these days. Please join us!

RCIA Our 8 RCIA candidates spent Saturday on a retreat. This retreat is to help our candidates prepare for full

communion with the Catholic Church.

Please continue to pray for Sergio, Alexa, Adrian, Diane, Jessica, Jennifer, Giselle, & Carolina as they

continue on their faith journey.

Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

on “A Mercy and Peacebuilding Approach to Gun Violence”

March 2018

For many years, the USCCB has supported a number of reasonable measures to address the problem of gun violence. These include:

A total ban on assault weapons, which the USCCB supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to renew it in 2004;

Measures that control the sale and use of firearms, such as universal background checks for all gun purchases;

Limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines;

A federal law to criminalize gun trafficking;

Improved access to and increased resources for mental health care and earlier interventions;

Regulations and limitations on the purchasing of handguns;

Measures that make guns safer, such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using the gun without permission and supervision; and

An honest assessment of the toll of violent images and experiences which inundate people, particularly our youth.

A more appropriate minimum age for gun ownership;

A ban on "bump stocks."

In addition, the USCCB supports the promotion of mercy and peacebuilding in our communities through restorative justice policies and practices, ongoing encounters, and discussions at the parish level regarding

violence in communities.

Catholics and all people of good will are urged to contact their Senators and Representatives to support policy and legislative measures that uphold the safety and

wellbeing of all persons in our communities.

Palm Crosses for Sale

St. Anne School Class of 2019 will be selling Palm Crosses

this weekend of The crosses will be available after Masses.

They are beautifully decorated with flowers and a bow.

The cost is $10.00 per cross. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2019!!

the role of the church

in the modern world

Service…Impelled by the Spirit of Jesus, St. Anne’s strives to reach out to others. In works on behalf of justice, charity, and

human development, we seek to imitate Jesus in bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to the oppressed and captives, and healing to

the blind and the sick. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact Fr. Joe or Fr. Colin.



We need cookies, jelly, pancake mix and syrup, spaghetti sauce, toothpaste, toothbrushes, household cleaning

products, feminine hygiene products, all sizes of baggies and saran wrap. With all the sales at the supermarkets,

keep in mind St. Anne’s Pantry.

Food is needed for the Easter Distributions. Anyone wishing to donate Easter hams or turkeys, please drop them

off during Rectory hours and give them to the secretary. Do not leave them in the vestibule. Meats and monetary

donations are greatly appreciated.

We are collecting Easter candy for our Food Pantry children. Please try to donate small bags of candy or treats.

Please do not drop off used clothing or household items at the Rectory.

HARRISON HOUSE COOK NEEDED Cook for 7 adults who have AIDS and live in Paramus. We need a cook for 11/25/18. Every fourth Sunday in

each month is our date to cook. Call Michelle for more info at 201-791-1616 ext. 217. Leave name, telephone

and message.

ST. CAJETAN MINISTRY NETWORK for the Unemployed & Under-employed

We meet every two weeks as follows: St. Catharine’s Ministry Center - next meeting: Thursday, March 29th.

Next meeting at St. Anne’s Rectory is Saturday, March 31st - from 10am - 12 noon. If you think you may be interested

please contact Ed Grzesiak 201-321-5144, John Lederer 201-286-9354, Lou Cuomo 201-657-3838, Eamon Jennings,

917-841-2558, Steve Zmuda 201-819-9026, Jim Trousdale 917-363-9977 or Joe Bonis 201-390-7169.

You can also email us at

St. Anne’s Men and Women’s Cornerstone would like to THANK the St. Anne’s Congregation for their overwhelming support of the Soles4Souls “Shoe Drive”. We are so very pleased to report that we collected 900 pairs of shoes!!

Thank you for your amazing support!!

A Lot’s Been Going On… A lot has been going on around here lately, and we’d like to thank those responsible!

SAAB once again proved to be great hosts, sponsoring its annual Pub Night on March 3rd. Many thanks to Joyce Toledo & Karen Kelley and the committee again for all your hard work (and shenanigans!) Thanks also to Alan Quinn & Friends for the great music!

Our 11th Annual Fish & Chips Dinner was on March 9th, serving over 150 dinners. The delicious fish was provided by Tastefully British, as usual. Exceptional service was provided by members of the SAAB committee and confirmation students.

The 31st Annual St. Patrick’s Parade was held on March 16th with Alan Quinn as Grand Marshall, St. Patrick portrayed by Jonathan Kuczik and the St. Anne School students. Many thanks to all who braved the windy day to join the celebration including Mayor Swain and Deputy Mayor Peluso. Special thanks go out to our Rosary Society for providing a fine spread for all to enjoy after the parade!

Community… Formed by the Word and by the Eucharist, St. Anne’s builds

community in the ways that we live and work and celebrate

together. In these ways, we experience the living presence of

Christ. If you have any comments, please feel free to contact

any of the following Pastoral Council Representatives:

Junie Fuertes, Laurie Hessman, Joe Murray, Joan Piela,

Stephanie Kedersha, Joe Barone and Terence Curley

EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, March 25th – Palm Sunday Monday, March 26th Contemp Choir – 7:30 pm - C AA – 7:30 PM – LCR Tuesday, March 27th Men’s Early Morning Group – 6:00 am–Rectory Confessions – 12:00 – 8:00 pm - C Wednesday, March 28th Play Group – 9:30 – 11:00 am – CH Thursday, March 29th – Holy Thursday Mass of Lord’s Supper – 7:30 pm - C Friday, March 30th – Good Friday Outdoor Way of the Cross – 3:00 pm – C Veneration & Holy Communion – 7:30 pm - C Saturday, March 31st – Holy Saturday Blessing of Easter Baskets – 11:00 am – C Easter Vigil – 7:30 pm - C AA – 7:30 – 8:30 PM – CAF

St Anne School PTG 22nd Annual Tricky Tray & Dinner

is Thursday, May 3rd The Venetian, Garfield, NJ

Dinner ticket $65.00 includes 1 blue sheet &

1 yellow sheet. Pre-Sale Raffle Ticket Bags also available at $55.00. Ticket order forms available at the rectory. Basket Donations are greatly appreciated! As always, thank you for supporting St. Anne School. For ticket information, please contact Catherine Mortell at 201-410-0147.

EASTER EGG HUNT Sunday, April 1st After 9:30 am Mass

Please join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by BOLD, our youth ministry. We will begin with the children lining up on the Lyncrest Avenue side of the Church following Mass. The hunt itself will take place on the lawn of the rectory and in the labyrinth garden. The smallest children will be able to hunt for eggs with their parents on the school lawn. We will be limiting all children to 5 eggs during the hunt to ensure that all participants get to take home some treats. Be sure to bring your Easter baskets to carry the eggs!!

St. Anne Seniors The next meeting of the St. Anne Seniors will be on March 26th at 1 pm at the Church Hall. Our meeting on March 26 will be fun-filled and a chance to enjoy your coffee and cake with your friends. The bus ride to Atlantic City will take place on Thursday, April 12th 2018. Cost is $30. The bus will leave St. Anne Church at 8:30 am sharp. This bus ride is open to all members of the parish and anyone else who would like to go to Atlantic City. Call John Rendzia at 201-509-8490 for your reservation to Atlantic City. Why not give us a chance, attend our meeting as a guest and see what is going on!! If you have any questions about the Seniors please call Joyce Larena- President at 201-791-0172.

MILESTONE ANNIVERSARY MASSES There will be two special Masses celebrating

milestone years for married couples. The

Archbishop will celebrate the Mass for couples

celebrating 50 or more years of marriage on

May 6, 2018. On April 29, 2018 he will celebrate the

Mass for couples who are celebrating 5 and 25

years of marriage. All the liturgies are at the

Cathedral-Basilica and couples need to be

registered in order to receive certificates.

Register by calling Lynn at the Rectory at


Are you a stay-at-home mom or dad of children age 5 and under? Or perhaps you care for your grandchildren during the week? If so, come join us for our weekly Play Group which will meet next on

Wednesday, March 21st from 9:30 – 11:00 am in the

Church Hall. For information, please call Ali Curley at 201-693-3474.

Finance/Administration… A Christian community strives to steward its resources so that they can provide the material by which its various ministries can

reflect the parish’s mission to reflect Christ’s presence in all that we do and say. Finance Committee Members: Ed Hughes,

Bill Ball, Sheila Abate, Loretta Stachiotti, Steve Palermo, Jerry Cunningham and John Weiss.

Buildings/Grounds: Carl Shoemaker, Dave Lee, Kate Humble, Steve Zmuda, Ron Barbarulo, Adrian Menichelli

and Michael La Rocca

We are grateful to the 1,435 people who worshipped with us last weekend and contributed $12,894.00 in the offertory and $2,674.00 through Online Giving offertory, which along with

other fees and donations, totaled $20,093.00. Our weekly expenses average out to $20,947.00.

Heating & Air Conditioning ~ Everyone knows that there are some months in which our electricity bill or heating bill is higher

than others. Well, it’s the same with the Church. As you know, we use an additional way of paying for

our extra energy months. In the back of the church each Sunday you will find separate ENERGY

envelopes. If you should happen to hit the jackpot that week, and wish to throw a dollar or two in that

envelope, we’d greatly appreciate it! You can throw these special envelopes right in the collection with

your regular envelope. The energy envelopes will not be mailed to you. They will simply be in the back

of the church, so if you don’t spot them, be sure to ask the ushers at your Mass. Thanks so much. And

special thanks to those who have already been doing it regularly. It makes a difference!!!

Online Giving…

You have the opportunity to make donations to our Sunday collection online! To sign up, go to the St. Anne website –

There are several ways to access the system: 1. Underneath the scrolling slideshow on the home page, on the bottom right-hand corner, you will see a

light blue icon with a $ sign. Click that icon to go directly to the system.

OR 2. From the homepage, check the left-hand menu options. The second to last menu option says

“envelopes & online giving.” Click that link, and a page with various giving options will appear. Select the

Online Giving option to be taken directly to the system.

Once you are taken to the new site, click on the section that says Create New Account. Next you will see New User Account Registration. Fill out the form and click “submit.” When you are enrolled, you can go into Manage My Account, where you will see My Payment Methods. Here you can choose to have the funds deducted from your checking or bank account (you will need your routing and account numbers on hand). Under Manage My Account, you will also see Give a New Gift. There you will decide when and how much to give. (In the list, Offertory Collection means the Sunday collection.) You can select recurring or one time gifts. You also have the option to access all the other special envelopes you would normally find in your envelope packet and which are generally one-time donations. Each time you go to Mass, get a card that says “I have made my donation online” and put it in the collection when the usher comes around. Thanks so much for giving online!

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