may 2020...2020/05/07  · may 2020 page 3 the pastor’s corner dear church family, it’s that...

May 2020 The Voice Of Crestwood United Methodist Church Crestwood UMC, we need your help! To honor our graduates and moms this year, we need you to send us a short video honoring your high school and college grads and also your mom. We will compile the videos for our online services in May. Please have videos to us by May 10th. Send graduate videos to Abby Keller: [email protected] Send mom videos to Pastor Kim: [email protected]

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Page 1: May 2020...2020/05/07  · May 2020 Page 3 The Pastor’s Corner Dear Church Family, It’s that time again, covid-19 or not, I am sitting at my desk preparing another article for

May 2020

The Voice

Of Crestwood United Methodist Church

Crestwood UMC, we need your help! To honor our graduates and moms this year, we need you

to send us a short video honoring your high school and college grads and also your mom. We

will compile the videos for our online services in May. Please have videos to us by May 10th.

Send graduate videos to Abby Keller: [email protected]

Send mom videos to Pastor Kim: [email protected]

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May 2020 Page 2

From the Church Office

2020 Giving Through April 30

Giving for 2020: $243,136 Budget Needed: $236,980

During the quarantine time, as recommended by the government, our office will be staffed in the

mornings with one person from 9:00AM—12:00PM on Monday through Friday. One staff member

will be present to take your calls and handle business needs. The doors on campus are locked.

You will need to call the office when you arrive. (502) 241-8984.

Your church leadership is meeting remotely via Zoom.

If you need assistance, prayer or anything else, please contact the church office at (502) 241-

8984 or email us at [email protected].

May Meetings & Events

At the time of publication, all events are cancelled. This includes all Mother’s Day events.

Sunday Services online only at 11:00AM online.

Contact your Ministry Team or Sunday School leader for online meeting options.

MAY GAFFA - Cancelled until further notice.

Services are now online every Sunday at 11:00AM at:

Dear Friends,

We are helping feed our local families. We are collecting canned and boxed goods, peanut butter,

as well as soap, shampoo and toothpaste for 100 students. Crestwood, Camden Station, South

Oldham Middle School and South Oldham High School are participating in Blessings in a Backpack

on the south campus.

A Blessings in a Backpack box is on the front porch of the Kilgus House for donations. Bill and I

pick up food every evening and deliver it to schools weekly. Boxes of food are delivered to these

families on Fridays. We can use Walmart cards to help purchase these items. Checks can be written

to church for Blessings in a Backpack.

Thank you for caring and sharing.

Bobbie Stoess and Bill Potts (502) 314-1088

Blessings in a Backpack Drive

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May 2020 Page 3

The Pastor’s Corner

Dear Church Family,

It’s that time again, covid-19 or not, I am sitting at my desk preparing another article for our

monthly newsletter. We all are in the middle of thirty days of voluntary isolation to curb the spread

of this new virus into a level that will allow our health system to take care of those who are struck

most severely with that sickness. Remember: “We are going to get through this together”.

It is hard to believe we have “had church” for the last few weeks on the internet but I am grateful

to have so many watching the services. It feels strange leading worship and preaching in the old

chapel to seven attendees who were practicing social distancing. While our routing has been

disturbed, we were once again successful in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and inviting

people to respond to His marvelous love.

Those of us gathering to lead or record our worship service have been blessed by so many of your

responses. We have seen your comments, prayer request and post for these last four Sundays and

we thank you. It has been such a joy to see others watching throughout Kentucky, Tennessee,

North Carolina and Florida. We can now claim to be a regional church.

During this unprecedented time, I have two Scriptures passages that are strengthening me that I

want to share with you. The first is Matthew 18: 20 reminding us, “For where two or three gather

together as my followers, I am there among them.” As appealing as big crowds and big

churches are, we must not forget they are not necessary to experience our personal relationship

with Jesus Christ. Services over the internet can connect you to like-minded people, worshipping

the living God, while at the same time helping the effort to keep our communities safe.

The second verse is John 12:24 where Jesus says, “

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain

of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much

grain.” While we are apart, please pray for the harvest of souls that our services are touching. I

believe God is involved in this world and we have a chance to be a part of what God’s Spirit is

doing. So, keep praying!

A special thanks to all those are making our online services so special: Valerie Keller, Brian Keller,

Abby Keller, Kim Tribolet, Jim Powell, Eric Grubb, Delores Eilrich and from Mt. Tabor– Pastor

Rodney Stewart-Wilcox and Robin Moser.

We will be publishing our plan upon returning to church services in our building and we will

continue to broadcast online. Please take good care of yourself and call me if you have a spiritual

or other need.

Grace and Peace


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May 2020 Page 4

Worship Corner

Well, here we are---another month later and still in this strange and surreal holding pattern

we call Covid-19, or some of the social media hashtags, such as #healthy@home, or

#FlattentheCurve, or even #INoLongerRemember.

We’re finding new ways to reach out and be together in community. There have been pastor

encouragement and birthday parades, Zoom meetings for Bible studies and Sunday School, staff

meetings and more. The internet has been flooded with “new norm” activities, parents encourag-

ing each other in homeschooling endeavors and NTI (non-traditional instruction).

Our first Sundays of bringing worship services to our screens were new, novel, exciting and

yes, stressful. There were limitations on many levels…. equipment, bandwidth, Facebook, just to

name a few. My husband, Brian, now knows way more about Facebook live and it’s terrible

compression than he ever wanted to! But I don’t know what I would’ve done without his behind the

camera work in addition to maintaining sanity! We moved services to the Chapel, which proved to

be a sweet blessing. (I’m reminded of the song, “There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place”) Yes,

the Holy Spirit is evident and ever-present, but what is missing? Recalls that popular marquis,

“C-H____C-H What’s missing? U-R!” Digital vs. communal is the big factor here. Yes, “Where

2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:20) But it’s not the

same as having the body of Christ gathered and singing His praises under one roof; whether it’s

during the 9:01 in a beautiful crescendo, singing… “no shadow You won’t light up, mountain You

won’t climb up, coming after me… wall You won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming

after me” OR in the 11:00 with congregation, choir, organ and piano in a chorus of “Holy, Holy,

Holy, Lord God almighty; early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee”. I am missing you. I

am missing the communal gathering of God’s people in the flesh, the hugs, smiles, conversations,

prayers and tears. I miss the unison of saying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the Doxology in 4


The early community of believers in Acts were united in this way: Acts 2: 43-47 “A deep

sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and

wonders. 44

And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45


sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46

They worshiped

together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with

great joy and generosity— 47

all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people.

And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.”

Last night we watched the last episode of The Chosen, season 1 where Jesus speaks to the

Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. He speaks about breaking down those barriers of Jerusalem be-

ing the only place to worship. And from John chapter 4, Jesus says, “The time is coming when nei-

ther on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.” The Samaritan woman asks,

“Where am I supposed to go when I need God?” Jesus replies, “The time is coming that it won’t

matter where you worship; but only that you do it in spirit and in truth. Heart and mind. That is

the kind of worshiper He’s looking for.”

...continued on page 4

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May 2020 Page 5

Worship Corner, continued

As we continue improving our capabilities to record and stream services, there is a wonder-

ful opportunity to share and invite others to our fellowship and worship. We already have folks

watching from out of state, even out of country. Many thanks to those who have brought to frui-

tion our new Vimeo platform, especially the efforts of Eric, Bethany and Robbie Grubb and Delores


Thank you for your patience in this learning curve of technology. We’ll get through this;

we’ll get through this together. And as my 96 year old mother-in-law always adds…..with God’s


Here are some social distancing photos from behind the scenes.

Prayerfully yours,

Valerie Keller

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May 2020 Page 6

Servant Keeper—We need you!

By now, you’ve most likely received an email from [email protected] with the subject line of CUMC

Member Portal Access. This email is actually an invitation to update your family's entry in our online

directory. I sent the emails out on Saturday, April 25th to each family that has a current email address in our

membership database. Please check your spam or junk folders for an email, before thinking you didn’t get it.

If you did not receive an email, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. Please

don’t call the church office, as there isn't full coverage right now. Email is the best way to communicate at

this time.

I’ve heard from some people that the link expired before they got a chance to go in and do the update. We

are looking into getting a longer time period for the link to stay active. I will be resending emails to those

who request them. Once a month I’ll check to see if there are accounts that have not been updated, and I will

resend those automatically.

On Wednesday, May 6th, I will host a video walk-through of updating an online profile, at 6:30 pm. This

will be accessible through links posted on Facebook, at our church online account, in the same way we

access our church service each Sunday morning. We will have live chat available at that time so that I can

answer questions that you may have, and then the video will be made available in our video library so that it

can be accessed at any time.

One of the features of our database is that there is an online directory that is easily accessible. My original

plans were to help, in person (through Sunday School classes, small groups, and a table in the Narthex) to

have people fill out their profiles and get pictures uploaded, so that there wouldn’t be a lot of confusion

surrounding this project.

As we are all well aware, God has His own plans, and His own timing. And, we know that His plans are

for our good. Jer. 29:11

Right now, while we are “taking a break” from our normal daily lives, with many of us working from home, or

at least working in a different manner than usual, I’m hoping that we can each take the time to thoroughly

fill out our profiles, not just update our address, phone number and email.

In addition to these very important facts, there are several other places to update information about yourself.

You will be able to add a picture of your family, and of each individual in your family. There are places in

your individual profiles to add your Sunday School class, Small Groups that you are in, Skills that you have,

Spiritual Gifts you feel you were given, Mailing lists that you would like to be on, places you would be Willing

to Serve, and Allergies that you may have. Most of the aforementioned topics will not be visible in the church

directory, but will be available to help church staff and other leaders to communicate with committees,

teams and small groups efficiently. Eventually, we will be able to check in for Sunday school and Children's

Church, for church services and meetings, through our database. That is why it is so important for us to fill

out each topic for each family member, including our children.

Thank you so much for your help in creating and maintaining this technology. Even if you personally never

use it for more than to look up someone to get an address to mail a card or a note, please know that the few

minutes it takes you to fill out your details will help our church to be better equipped to serve you.

Stay safe and stay healthy,

Bethany Grubb

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May 2020 Page 7

Discipleship—Know, Show, Grow

Bishop Robert Spain tells a story of his early days in ministry. His first preaching assignment was a

rural circuit where he was pastor to five small churches in backwoods Tennessee. It was in the ear-

ly 1950’s. Bob Spain was 19 years old. One small white framed church (Berry Creek Methodist) sat

down in the gorge alongside the water. I think he said they sometimes had to ford the little creek,

when the water was up, to get into the building. There was no indoor plumbing of course. There

was a well with an arbor over it; had a well bucket and a dipper hanging beside it for all to use.

Same thing at the community schoolhouse.

Uncle Billy pretty much ran things at that church. He was in his late seventies, known and loved by

everybody in the church and the community around. Uncle Billy had one arm – was born without

one – and he, due to an accident early in his life, had only one eye. He was crippled with arthritis,

yet he was a worker and definitely an over-seer. There was no need for committees or board chair-

men; Uncle Billy made the decisions. If the roof had a leak, Uncle Billy would take care of it. If a

fella had a need in the church, he’d go to Uncle Billy. Brother Spain said that Uncle Billy had even

been known to help preach when needed. For example, if Brother Spain was trying to make a point

in the sermon and looked upon blank faces (he knew they weren’t getting it), Uncle Billy would

stand up, kinda elbow the preacher aside and interpret for the congregation: “he means we oughta

so-in-so” he’d explain!

One spring some sort of fever (or virus) swept across the whole valley. Many children and older

folks especially came down with the flu bug. The county nurse looked up Brother Spain and told

him the folks in the valley had to stop drinking from the same dipper. The kids at school and the

folks at church were passing that virus with no stopping until they learned better habits. It was the

task of Brother Spain to impress upon the people to stop drinking from the same dipper.

It was communion Sunday. And though he dreaded it, Brother Spain mentioned three or four times

in his sermon the necessity to use separate cups when drinking from the well. And, for health

reasons, the communion juice had been prepared that morning using small separate cups for


Uncle Billy rose up out of his pew. He hobbled right past the preacher up to the communion table.

He clumsily reached into the tray and picked up a small cup of communion juice. He faced the

congregation, holding the little cup with his one hand. His hand was shaky and the juice kinda

splashed out on his gnarled hands. He quietly spoke: “Would that we” (his way of saying I wish we)

“Would that we could drink from this cup and catch what Jesus had. Would that we could drink

from this cup and catch what Jesus had.”

This article comes from my memory of Bishop Robert Spain, his great sermons and stories. He and

his wife Sybol, were dinner guests of Andy and mine, about thirty years ago. Bishop Spain was the

guest speaker to CUMC, inspiring us to “enlarge our tent” and build the new sanctuary, circa

1990. The following story of Uncle Billy is from my memory, but rings pertinent to our covid19

safe distancing circumstances in 2020.

Be safe and be blessed!

Rose Sears, discipleship team

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May 2020 Page 8

Preschool News

Although we had an abrupt end to our preschool year, we are still excited to celebrate 65 of our

sweet friends who are moving on to kindergarten in the fall. On Friday, May 8, these big kids will

have a car parade with their families through the church parking lot. Preschool teachers will be

socially distanced along the route cheering and congratulating them! We are excited we get to do

this even though it will be very different from our usual celebration.

We recognize and celebrate the following graduates and their connection to

CUMC families: Benjamin Calvert (parents: Nathan and Emily), Juliette Stoess

(parents: Patrick & Mary Jane, grandparents: Bobbie Stoess & Bill Potts), and Mad-

ison Tiller (parents: CJ & Abigail Tiller, grandparents: David and Joan Bryant).

Kindergarten here they come!

This summer we hope to offer a couple weeks of 2 day a week summer camp for

our recent graduates and children registered for the fall. Campers will enjoy

Bible stories, art projects, music, and playing with friends. Camps are tentatively scheduled for the

following dates:

June 8 & 10 (Monday & Wednesday)

June 23 & 25 (Tuesday & Thursday)

July 28 & 30 (Tuesday & Thursday)

If restrictions are loosened and we are permitted to open, we will begin to take registrations for

camps. I will send an email to both our 2019-2020 families as well as those registered for 2020-

2021. You can also watch our Instagram and Facebook pages for updates.

At this time, we have some openings left for the 2020-2021 school year. Currently, we have 1

opening in 4 day JK (must be 5 by 8/1/20), 1 opening in 3 day Pre-K on Monday, Tuesday, and

Wednesday (must be 4 by 8/1/20), spots in Monday/Wednesday 3s (must be potty trained and 3

by 8/1/2020), one in the T/Th 3s (must be potty trained and 3 by 8/1/2020) and several in

Trained Twos (must be potty trained and 2 by 8/1/20).

We are grateful for the home CUMC continues to provide for this wonderful outreach ministry.

Thank you all for your love and support.


Ms. Tina

Triple L—Senior Ministry

I would invite our members to participate in a Zoom Meeting so we can see each other and talk

about goals for the coming months. Joy will email the date and sign on instructions for this meet-

ing. In the mean time, let's call each other, send cards and look for ways to help others. Pray for

those who are isolated from their loved ones. Let's give some thought to the question, "What's


Faithfully serving,

Joy Tabler, 502-417-6725

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May 2020 Page 9

Missions and Ministries

Our 2020 Goal is simple. To educate and engage CUMC members to “...therefore go and make disciples of

all nations.” Matthew 28:19

Greetings from the Missions and Ministries team. Wow! What a difference a month makes. We want to start

off letting you know that mission work continues at home and around the world. However, the COVID-19

pandemic has had a hard impact on our missionaries in Costa Rica, Africa and Peru as well as Portland,

Highpoint and Lighthouse. It has dramatically altered how they operate and has impacted their funding

levels. Please keep them in your prayers during this difficult time.

Methodist Rural Center Costa Rica ( During this Pandemic many of the

mission teams have stopped traveling to Costa Rica. Since Methodist Rural Center is 100% funded by dona-

tions from teams and churches they are struggling to keep operations running. Several churches in the US

led by Ashland UMC are combining efforts to raise necessary funding to keep things going. CUMC is part of

that effort. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in supporting this cause.

Kavanaugh Family Projects :Since groups are not allowed to visit Kavanaugh, they do not have the

resources necessary to do many of the small maintenance jobs that need to be done around the cam-

pus. Also, large “teams” are not allowed to congregate to do these projects. CUMC missions team is

partnering with Kavanaugh to organize “Family Projects”. Here is how it will work:

1. Email - A email will be sent out with a link to sign up for families to sign up for a specific project

(with pictures) at separate times.

2. Families will be greeted by Nathan Calvert (director) to show them the project.

3. Families will complete the project (suggest to bring your own tools, however, tools are available)

Keep looking for the sign up email. This will be a great opportunity for families to get out of the house while

maintaining the CDC guidelines of social distancing.

Blessings in a Backpack: We are helping feed our local families. We are collecting canned and boxed goods,

peanut butter, as well as soap, shampoo and toothpaste for 100 students. Crestwood, Camden Station,

South Oldham Middle School and South Oldham High School are participating in Blessings in a Backpack on

the south campus. A Blessings in a Backpack box is on the front porch of the Kilgus House for donations.

Bobbie Stoess will pick up food every evening and deliver it to schools weekly. Boxes of food are delivered to

these families on Fridays. We can use Walmart cards to help purchase these items. Checks can be written to

church for Blessings in a Backpack.

Peru (Goshorns) Good News! The Goshorns have been starting up and running a coffee bean farm to help

support their missions in Peru. While COVID-19 has slowed down their progress their coffee is now in the

states and is at the roasting company in Alabama. Keep an eye on their website (below) or email Tim directly

at [email protected] if you want some of this excellent coffee. They will have two different coffees.

One is very high-altitude coffee (5900 feet) and will be sold for $14.00 a bag. The other is a lower altitude

coffee (2000 feet) and will be sold for $12.50 a bag. You’ll be able to order light, medium or dark roast. We

can sell it as a whole bean or ground to the coarseness you desire. They are going to need your help sup-

porting their mission by buying some excellent coffee!

The Goshorn’s Website:

To close this month's newsletter we would like to reemphasize the continued need to support the mission

teams. In many cases their funding streams have been dramatically reduced, however, God’s work has not.

If you would like to help, please reach out to the mission team at [email protected].

Make it a great month!

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May 2020 Page 10

Children’s Ministry

Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School 2020

Knights of the North Castle: Quest for the King’s Armor!

Our noble castle adventures will take place from 9am to 12 noon, July 13 through 17. VBS is

open for children age 4 through current 5th

graders and includes daily snacks, crafts, science,

games, songs, Bible stories, and more! Please register online through the VBS link on the

church’s website

Team Members Needed for a Quest to Knights of North Castle

We’re going on a quest this year and we need you to join us on our way to Knights of North

Castle. Check out the volunteer online registration at to sign

up for opportunities to serve, lead, and most of all, HAVE FUN at the VBS adventures at Knights of

North Castle.

Join us as we explore the quest for the King’s Armor!

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May Birthdays & Anniversaries

May 1

Janice Adams

Cindy Hardin

Henry Rash

May 3

Andrew Vaughn

May 4

Susan Deibel

Molly Logsdon

May 5

Don Jones

May 6

Jenna Jemtrud

Vanessa Rawson

May 7

Caroline Bowman

Zach Davis

May 9

Baylee Stoess

May 10

Nathan Calvert

Elizabeth Stoess

May 11

Harper Hack

May 12

Dan Lavrich

Bobbie Stoess-Potts

May 13

Laura Stoess

May 14

Emily Spinks

Rebecca Wallace

May 19

Grace Temple

May 20

Carol Blair

May 23

Courtney Benson

Johnathan Kindig

May 24

Stephen Crady

Sydney Powell

Gordon Stanley

May 25

Julia Bowman

May 1– Mr. & Mrs. Glen Yost May 11- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kimmel

May 3– Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Moore May 21—Mr. & Mrs. Steve Trummer

May 3—Dr. & Dr. Torsten Hopp May 26—Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Jones

May 6– Mr. & Mrs. Bill Davis May 28—Mr. & Mrs. Brian McBurney

- Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Yeagle — Mr. & Mrs. Tom Temple

May 26

Brian McBurney

May 27

Joni Wiegand

May 28

Alison Benson

Ben Logsdon

Betsy Spinks

May 29

Madelyn Kidwell

Josh Kittle

May 31

Janice Yocom

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May 2020 Page 12

Please remember in prayer

By Request:

Connie Armstrong, Sandy Ball, Carol Blair, Melva Blair, Madie Bohnlein, Paula Burke, Bob Bynum,

Karen Carter and Family, Sydney Chapman, Bonnie Cruz, Betty Deibel, Renee, Tim & Jared Dens-

ler, Logan Dewitt (brain tumor,) Stephanie Doring, Lindsey Doyen, Susanne Doyle, Sam Doyle,

John Eaves, Drew Esposito (4 yr. old with cancer), The Family of Dave Evans, Billy Fisher, Walter

Forbey, Dee Foster, Rose Frazar, Alan & Kathy Fryrear, Henry Gagnon (11 yr. old with cancer),

Sharon Ganslen, Jennifer Goodin, Bob and Lindy Graham, Atleah Grubb, Robbie Grubb, Roberta

Hafele, Cathy Henney, Kim Hamilton, Cobbie Harrison, Addison Hasten, George and Barbara

Hemphill, John Hendrickson, Michelle Hendrickson, Anna Hennings, Gordon Hettinger, Blanche

Jernigan, Pat Johnson, John and Mona Jones, Lewis Jones, Lisa Jones, Mona Jones, Wayne Jones,

Lydia Kiesewetter, Valerie Keller and Family, Jackie and the family of Jim Little, Joyce Lochner,

Ruth Lockyer, George Manning, Linda Martin, Bill Martin, Laura Mason, Hugh McBurney, Katy

McDaniel, Heather Graham McLaughlin, Joyce Moberly, Patrick Moore, Tommy Moore, Tom

Morgan, Bob Ogburn, Melanie Parrish, Tom & Carol Payne, Joanne & Larry Pitchford, Billy Potts

and Family, Doug Rose and Family, Dolores Rawson, Heidi Rawson, Hope Ray, Margaretta Roy,

Lizzie Sheridan, Eleanor Shuster, Joe Slone, Connor Stewart, Brenda Thompson, The family of

Hazel Trummer, Rita Vaught, Eddie Ward, Ryan Warner, Steve Weber, Sara Westerman, Dawson

Whitaker, The Family of Kelly Williams, Jon & Gloria Wisdom.

Our Missionaries:

Christian & Angelica Dickson, Stephen & Beth Dupree, Tim & Jennifer Goshorn, Debbie Kitchel,

Jim & Mary Newman, Mark & Rebecca Smallwood, and all the people with whom they serve.

Our Military:

Adam Bullard, Alex Bullard, Dale Carter, Patrick Davis, Nicolas Ferrera, Will Hanna, Dylan Hinson,

Alex Hodges, Lisa Kiesewetter, Mike Hieb, William Scritchfield, Tyler Stewart.

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Addresses for our Nursing Home/Rehab friends

Juanita Blevins

7832 Aiken Road

Louisville, KY 40245


Marilyn Davis

Rm 204, Forest Springs Health Campus

4120 Wooded Acre Lane

Louisville, KY 40245

Bob Graham

Masonic Home

711 Frankfort Road #208

Shelbyville, KY 40065


Pat Johnson

Rm 112, Forest Springs Health Campus

4120 Wooded Acre Lane

Louisville, KY 40245

Laverne McMahan

13600 LaGrange Road, #136

Louisville, KY 40245

Mickey McMahan

13600 LaGrange Road, #138

Louisville, KY 40245

Billy Potts

13600 LaGrange Road, #114

Louisville, KY 40245

Eleanor Shuster

98 Adams Street, Apt 15

New Castle, KY 40050-3091

Milt Stoess

Signature Healthcare

50 Shepard Lane, Rm #115

Bedford, KY 40006