french rules and guidelines2014

Post on 21-Nov-2015






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French Rules and Guidelines2014


Your Success in French Class


1. Be on time. Be in the room when the bell rings.

2. Be prepared. Come to class with all of your materials.

3. Do your own work. Put your own best effort into completing your assignments. Take pride in your work.

4. Meet deadlines. Dont procrastinate or fall behind.

5. Use your time wisely. Use all time available in class to maximize your language skills. Stay on task when doing partner/pair work or group activities.

6. Show respect for yourself and others. NO PUT-DOWNS! Treat your classmates the way you would like to be treated. It is imperative that we are encouraging and supportive of one another as we learn to communicate together. Help others who struggle. 7. Respect your surroundings. Take care of your textbook and workbook. Respect supplies and school equipment. Enjoy our classroom and please report any damage to furniture, walls, or equipment as you discover it.

8. Participate Get involved. Be an active participant in class and pay attention to what is going on around you. Dont be afraid to make mistakes. Relax! Its natural to make mistakes in this class. Remember when you were learning English; the words didnt always come out right the first time. It takes patience, practice, and perseverance.

Food/DrinkSmall portions of snack foods or drinks during class are acceptable, as long as it does not interfere with your ability to speak French and participate in class. All packaging must end up in the appropriate receptacle or you will be no longer permitted to eat/drink during class.


Mme Potter


Please contact me if you are unable to obtain the following:


3 ring binder/ 5 tabs


Writing utensils


Student planner

French/English Dictionary


Grading Scale:

100 - 92.5 = A

92.4 - 89.5 = A-

89.4 86.5 = B+

86.4 82.5 = B

82.4 79.5 = B-

79.4 - 76.5 = C+

76.4 72.5 = C

72.4 69.5 = C-

69.4 66.5 = D+

66.4 62.5 = D

62.4 59.5 = D-

59.4 0 = E

Grading Rationale:

80% of grade:

See attached explanation

20% of grade:

Final Exam


I am very excited to have you join me in class this year! Im looking forward to getting to know each of you and having a great year. We will be doing a lot of fun activities throughout your course. Please dont hesitate to see me at any time if you are having difficulties. Dont become discouraged! I am available to help you before or after school. The two most important things you can do this year are to:

Come to class with a positive attitude

Be prepared to speak in French as much as possible

Within this rules and guidelines packet, you will find classroom expectations and policies set for the year, as well as helpful tips and pointers to have a successful year. If there are any questions, concerns or comments, feel free to contact me at the e-mail address below. Amusez-vous bien!

Merci beaucoup,

Mme Potter

RM. A338#248. 623. 3793

Faux pas!

Academic dishonesty. Cheating on any assignment, test or quiz will result in an automatic zero. Parents and the office will be notified. The second offense will result in an administrative intervention. DO NOT use online translators. They are faulty and inaccurate. It is an automatic E for the assignment.

Electronics Policy:

Electronics devices are not to be used during the class hour without my permission. They must be all turned off or silent and out of sight (including headphones).


Participation is a crucial element of a language class and is essential to your success.

La sonnette (bell activities): At the start of everyday, you will do a short assignment on a provided handout to become focused on the days lesson.

Various other participation opportunities will be given throughout the trimester.


Meeting dates will be posted on the board and in the room. Join us! Contact Mme Potter for more information.


Practice will be assigned almost every day. Though you will not receive points for it, your practice activities may be checked for completion AND/OR correctness as a way to track your progress and success in my class. You will receive feedback on the work that is corrected. Practice is to be viewed as a learning tool for progress, growth, and achievement!


It is your responsibility to get make-up work after an absence.

Consult myself or a classmate for any make-up work.

If you were absent for a test/quiz . . .

You are expected to make up any tests/quizzes within 1 week of the absence. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the work involved.

If absent the day before the test/quiz, you will be expected to take it as scheduled.

The use of class time to make up tests/quizzes will not be permitted

You are expected to see me to schedule a time to make up your test/quiz.


I am available before and after school for tutoring. If you need help, please dont wait until the last minute. See me to schedule a day and time and commit to the time you signed up for.

How to access Mme Potters classroom website:

Go to the CHS website: HYPERLINK ""

Click on Academics

Then click on World Languages

Finally, click on Mme Potter

You will find all you need to know about upcoming tests/quizzes/ projects, practice assignments!!!

TIP: Acquire a French/English Dictionary to use for in and out of the classroom!

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